Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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This sounds really interesting! I'd love to take a spot here! I even have some character ideas brewing already!


As Harry arrived in the campus square, he found a low wall and sat on top of it for a few moments as he watched the throng of students rush out from the school doors and down the massive staircase that led to the school. A few students even brought out their Cyclizars to make the descent quicker. Harry debated whether or not to ask if there was a method to make the dragon Pokémon more manageable, but his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden warmth on his legs. Looking down, the young trainer was greeted by the sight of Moony sleeping in his lap.

"Breaking out again, buddy?" Harry just stroked the soft fur of the little Teddiursa. There was no rush for him to get into things right now. As far as he was aware, no other students had access to Ms. Raifort's notes like he had so it stood to reason that no one else would be anywhere close to finding the Ruinous Pokémon even if they wanted to. The only other students would be... Adam and Renata. As he thought of the ghost girl, he felt Stiker suddenly shift on top of his head, but no one was around when he looked up. Shrugging it off, Harry grabbed his backpack and checked his physical map one last time. "Logically we're going to have to start in the South Province. It seems like the first tomb is somewhere in Area Five if I did my math right..."

In a matter of moments, Harry's words devolved into a bunch of techno-babble that most students would go cross-eyed just from thinking about. It wasn't until he heard a soft 'boo' that he finally glanced up and saw Renata standing next to him; a shy Gastly peeking out from behind her shoulders. Harry shivered for a moment upon seeing the Gastly AND the Greavard, but forced himself to stay calm.

The Ruinous Quartet. I take it you do have some idea how to find them? If it helps, I know a few things about myths and history." The girl stood there as she waited for Harry to consider her offer.

"I... well..." Harry tried to begin. "I'm not really one for the whole te- OW!" He was cut short as Striker jumped up suddenly pecked him in the head. "Ok! I get it!" Harry shooed the bird away from his head before continuing. "I guess what I meant to say is... Would you consider teaming up with me? Admittedly, I've got a rough history with teams, but if you promise you want to help and you WON'T backstab me, then I will need help with battling the Quartet if they're still violent." Harry rubbed his head in pain and embarrassment as Striker cooed proudly in the air behind him. Harry was making new friends!
Bumping to say this is still a thing I'm working on. Life picked up on my end and a lot is happening atm.

One hour later...

Harry leaned against the far wall only half paying attention as Director Clavell's voice echoed from the loudreds onstage. "Go wherever you want, travel across Paldea, and find something to treasure!". Mentally, Harry was already plotting out the path to the first vault on his Xtranceiver. He could probably make it in a day and a half if Rotor decided he was willing to cooperate today. Thinking about getting back on that Cyclizar was enough to make Harry shudder. He'd read that Cyclizar was the main method of transport around the Paldea reagion and had counted himself extremely lucky when he found one on its own shortly after arriving. However, Rotor proved he didn't like the idea of being a trainer's Pokémon and would often rebel unless Harry made a peace offering with food. From on top of his trainer's head, Striker cooed protectively. He could sense Harry's cautiousness and saw him fiddling with Rotor's Pokeball. "Rrrr..." Even the small bird wasn't Rotor's biggest fan.

As Clavell's speech was drawing to a close, Harry looked up to see the assembled students break out into cheers and applause. Large groups began to break off and push to get to the exits while other students let out their flying Pokémon and airlifted themselves out of the school. "Welp. Looks like it's time to go, buddy. We'll see how Rotor is feeling once we get to Mezagoza Square" Turning his attention to the crowd in front of him, Harry began making the trek back through the school. Already, he was imagining the praise he'd receive upon finding these four lost Pokémon. Harry was so lost in thought, he didn't notice a pair of eyes following him the whole way down.

@lotusthevoid@Tangy@Skill@Yasha@Crimson Flame@LuckyBlackCat@InnerFlame@Rin@Agunimon
I will attempt to write up a sheet soon. Just giving a heads up that I'm not abandoning this or anything right now. Was waiting for the OOC and to see what anyone else went with, but it seems to be slow going? So I'll start work on a CS tomorrow.

Sorry, this has been slipping onto my backburner because I have to pick up a second job and that’s been a slow going process.
I’m a bit busy today, but can I claim three fruits for my character/crew? Listed below.

So I’m gonna start cooking up the OOC and hopefully more players will join as we get the ball rolling. Start working on your characters folks!
I’m very interested in this! I actually have my own crew that I designed for the One Piece world so I’d be stoked to bring them to life! Obviously, I’d mainly play the Captain character, but I can keep the other major members to the background.
@Neianna86 Crap. I messed up. I haven’t had time to formally update the board yet. You have Wrath. That’s on me.

@PerfectThought Sorry, but you will need to change.
@PerfectThought yeah that’s still on the table
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