Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Harry shielded his eyes as Adam's Torkoal summoned the sunlight. Of course Adam wanted to battle; it would be just another chance to mock him for choosing a 'weak' type of Pokémon. The youth was about to command Striker when he suddenly realized a weight was gone from his back. Looking down, his jaw dropped when he saw Moony standing his ground in front of the lava tortoise.

"Moony!" The little Teddiursa had almost no battle experience, and Harry had been dedicated to keeping him safe. After all, he still had no idea where this Pokémon had even come from. Nevertheless, Moony had made up his mind and refused to have his nap interrupted because some rude Pokémon turned on the sunlight. Without listening to his trainer, Moony ran towards his target and prepared a fury swipes.

As if on cue, the Torkoal retreated into its shell and all Moony's small claws could do was bounce off the hard exterior. Harry shouted for Moony to change tactics and use yawn, but his partner continued his fruitless barrage. It was only when Adam shouted a command of his own that Harry could see the light of a flame burning in Torkoal's shell. This was going to get ugly.
@Eviledd1984 So this one may need a little work. For one thing, this is the pretty far future so most current year countries don't exist anymore. Also, unless your character is an Heir or somehow has a lot of money just stored away, it's going to be hard for her to leave. The Megacities are essentially built to keep people inside so the Heirs have people they can 'rule over.'
<Snipped quote by Senhara>

Being the cyberpunk genre, the megacities being run by gangs and/or rich trust fund psychopaths, I think that's a fairly safe inference to make.

@Senhara Pretty much this. I’d go into detail, but I’m finishing up at work.
@Senhara Read the factions tab in front. You can make a decent inference I think.

I would be interested in joining if you have room, I want to use my old Cyberpunk character from when i used to play the old TRPG.

If you’ve got a character, give it a submission. I’ll take a look and you’ll be good to go. 👍
@Wayward Up to you. I left it open-ended so people can start as needed. Bear in mind, I’m going for a Pulp Fiction vibe with the start where the murder here is the start of something bigger.
Interested if you’re still looking
Bumping because we finally got started and new members are welcome to apply!
Finally posted! Being stuck with family during a home renovation should be considered cruel and unusual punishment...

The sun had barely begun to rise over the skyline of Megacity-01 when the alarm clock went off inside a tiny studio apartment on Metro Street. Almost instantly, a hand shot out to slam down the snooze button with more force than intended. Johnny groaned as he groggily pulled himself up from his bedsheets. One could tell by the bleary look in his eyes that he was recovering from a hangover and the lack of proper sleep the last few nights wasn't helping anything either. Despite the semi-inebriated state, Johnny pulled himself out of bed and began doing warm-up stretches in his apartment. Even though the cybernetics in his body were keeping his form in a physically fit state, the ex-enforcer had never quite forgotten the routines he developed during his time in Black Maria.

After finishing his morning workout, Johnny searched around the apartment until he found a pair of pants that didn't smell like last week's beef bowl at Shimazu's and threw them on alongside a shirt and his jacket. After last night's bender he didn't want to think about doing anything else but go downstairs and have and easy day looking after The Bodega. However, that all was about to change when his GEO-ID activated upon sensing its user was awake.

"Good morning, Johnny! Would you care to hear the morning news?" The device chirped as Johnny descended the stairs to open the shop for the day. Rubbing his face in his hand, Johnny found himself wishing - once again - that he could just mute this thing. Nevertheless, the news cycle just happened to be where he got the most tips for work. There was usually something he could look into.

"Fuck it... What do you have for me today, Geo?" He didn't ever bother to look at his GEO-ID while the device began to spout off the usual listings of bland sales, the new products from the Corporations, and other pointless news. However there was one story that caught his attention as he unlocked the door.

"Finally, there was a body discovered on Mobius Street near The Spire. No GEO-ID was found on the body so it was likely a member of Sk8te. According to reports from MCPD, the cause of death was a sniper shot to the head. Witnesses cla-," The voice didn't get to finish before Johnny gave it his full attention.

"Stop! Run that back, Geo," Sk8te members randomly turning up dead was far from an unusual occurrence. Usually some cocky newbie would get a big head and try a route that was far too dangerous for their skill level. A murder case on the other hand... that was something worth questioning. Most of the major factions viewed Sk8te as a tool at best and a nuisance at worst. Going for a kill meant something was wrong.

Briefly forgetting the store, Johnny placed his GEO-ID on the counter and pulled up his AR map of the city. Tapping his temple, he activated the Skynet overlay and watched as various Sk8ter routes and territory maps overtook his vision. Looking over to the photos being shown on his GEO-ID's news feed, he saw right away the blue hair and body tattoos on the corpse were indicative of the New Wave cell.

"A New Wave? Near the Spire?" Looking over the map, Johnny knew something was up. New Wave's territory was practically on the opposite side of the map! "What's some kid doing running on the rooftops near the most policed section of the city?" Looking over the news story, it seemed as though no items were recovered from the scene or on the Sk8ter's body. If the kid was carrying something, the assassin clearly took it. Johnny was about to close the shop early to go investigate when he heard the electric buzzer signaling the arrival of a new customer. Quickly closing his AR map, he put on his best fake smile. "Mornin'! Welcome to The Bodega!"
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