Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Now my question: do all PCs come from the same era? Are we all modern-day humans? Are we all humans from the same world?

I’d prefer if they were all modern day tbh. My idea is that both worlds run on a parallel timeline so there would have already been humans from the past that have crossed over. And yes, you would all be from the same Earth as it were.
@ERode@Xaltwind Apologies for weird updates. Schedule has been out of whack recently and I’m trying to get back to posting regularly.
Since I've had several questions about the RNG nature of the reincarnation mechanic, I'm going to make a GM move and offer an "opt-out" for players that really want to do something specific. If you'd rather pick what you want to be, you can message me in DMs or put it in OOC when the RP goes live. We can work something out as GM and players. The random reincarnation element was more an idea for people who wanted to try something different as a writing challenge. That being said, if any players still want to go that route, the option is MORE than open. I think it could be fun :)
As for the suggestion, sort of tying it into the first question about non-standard racial choices: Maybe it would help people who want more "choice" in what they reincarnate into if they had a general idea of creatures' traits in your world? You could list something like, maybe the five most common "families" of monsters (for example, "Beastkin," "Undead," "Goblinoids," etc) and some short snippets about how they behave or their cultures? That way, maybe a Player has a little bit more to work with even if they don't know exactly what creature in that category they'll end up becoming?

I was actually planning to something similar to this once I posted the first OOC. When it comes to doing the interest check, I just wanted to get the base information and concept out before I started fine tuning the details. There will be a list of “light” and “dark” affiliated races that each god would preside over.

As for the “evolution” system you mentioned, this is another thing I want to implement as growing and building a new life is a major part of the story I’m adapting this from. “That time…” actually has a really cool concept in the first episode, but we only ever see it with the MC. This rp is more about utilizing the concept on a bigger scale.

@Xaltwind It is negotiable if you know how to word your opening post. The whole point of the reincarnation aspect is your character’s respective god will grant you a new life based on your last wishes, desires, and regrets. These together will combine into who or what you’ll eventually be turned into.
The Beginning

Ok so... This is easily going to be the most 'unique' idea I've ever submitted on this site and it's the one that's going to take the most exposition to actually explain. This concept takes heavy inspiration from the anime "That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime", but it's not going to make overpowered and unbeatable protags. As the title says, this is an isekai story, but in order to get to this incredible new fantasy world... you all have to die first.

The Setup

Imagine a world parallel to our own. It's like ours except this world - Vecta - is built on magic in place of science. Various races of monsters coexist with the 'Morai' (More-I), Vecta's equivalent of humanity. This world is overseen by the Twin Gods: Drasil and Morganna. A brother and sister pair who rule over darkness and light respectively. While their relationship is amicable at best, both seek to outdo their sibling in creating the 'ideal' Vecta. One day, Morganna took notice of how certain people in our world were having their lives cut tragically short. Feeling pity, she decided to reincarnate these people in her domain, giving them new bodies so they may continue their lives anew. When these "Children of the Otherworld" were discovered to have great potential for magic, creation, and destruction Drasil took notice and sought out Otherworlders of his own to challenge his sister's creations.

While the arrival of an Otherworlder is an uncommon occurrence, it causes a stir in Vecta when one is discovered. Naturally, the humans brought into Vecta aren't all created equal. A human from our world could be reincarnated as a Morai, an Orc, a Vampire, or even an Elf! The respective god chooses the form based on the last wishes and desires of the human's soul before it is taken. This way, the soul is allowed to live out their most 'ideal' life upon arrival in Vecta. In addition to appearance, the human can gain skills and abilities with their last desires, not unlike building a character for a video game!

How it All Works

If this sounds like a confusing concept to you, here's how it would work in the RP context. Your characters are all humans living on Earth. Your opening posts will start with a "day in the life" of your character BUT they will die in some random and unexpected way. As they breathe their last, your characters will be visited by one of the two gods (which one will be a part of your CS). Then, you'll have a chance to tell them your last desires, regrets, and wishes upon being offered a new chance at life. Based on what you write, your new race and abilities will be created by ME your lovely GM! The "challenge" of the RP will be seeing how you fare at writing your character in the new world with the skills and abilities you've been assigned. There may be an overarching story thread here and there, but the world of Vecta is a fun sandbox to sort of mess around in and see what chaos you get up to.

NOTE: Just because they're the gods of "Light" and "Darkness" that does not mean either god is wholly good or evil. There can be good creatures of darkness just like their can be evil beings of light. It's genuinely all in the way that you look at things.

The Gods

Some Quick Blurbs about the rulers of Vecta

That's about the long and the short of it. If this sort of writing challenge RP would appeal to you, leave a reply and let me know. I can start working on character sheets and fleshing out the larger world of Vecta so you guys and gals can have a better idea of the sandbox you're being (randomly) dropped into! Have fun dying!

Alighting on the desk, the fairy took a deep breath. "My name's Lux, and I'm looking for people who can fight back against the Shroud! It's this entity of pure despair and malice, it got sealed away a long time ago, but it wakes up every once in a while. It kidnaps people into these dimensions, Cocoons, and brings out the literal worst in them in the form of monsters! Wraiths! I can't do much against them on my own, but you can, if you become magical girls!"

Aya had been fairly quiet while her co-workers hounded the little fairy with questions. In her mind, she was running down a list of every student in the school she could think of. Had she noticed anything 'off' about them as they walked into school that morning? It was only the first day so it was unlikely that many kids would be struggling with anything. It would have to be someone in a different situation than the average student. A new class representative perhaps? She recalled that Watanabe kid had just been appointed class rep. If stories from parent teachers conferences were to be believed he had some pretty uptight parents too. If there was one thing Aya knew all too well, it was the weight of dealing with the expectations of family.

"Would any of you mind if I went first? Yui?" Aya looked up to see Hata stepping forward. Her instincts kicking in, Aya stepped up and placed a hand on Hata's shoulder.

"Actually I would, Hata. As teachers, it is our job to protect these kids, but it's my job to make sure they're doing well the moment they set foot in this school. If it's really one of our students that's in danger, then I failed in my duty." Aya turned to face Lux and put her hand out. "If what you're saying is true... Lux right? Then I'd like to offer myself up. These kids are mine to protect as their teacher and I'll do ANYTHING to keep them safe" In that moment, every teacher in the room could see the fire burning in Aya's eyes. They knew this side of her personality all too well. The She-Devil was coming out and Heaven help who crossed her...

Aya was late to the gathering in the teacher's lounge. The Ayame High School gym teacher had been preoccupied working at the front gate that morning. Naturally though, she'd managed to be up early enough to get a full workout in at her apartment AND jog to the school. A side effect of her grandfather's brutal training regimen when she was younger. Despite no longer being the heir to her family's dojo and legacy, Aya could never totally give up the practices she'd had drilled into her head at a very young age.

Upon arriving at Ayame High it was Aya's job to greet all the students at the school gate. The rules required all students to be in class before 8:30 and then the gate would be shut. Given Ayame High's prestigious reputation, it was very rare for any student to be late. The few stragglers who showed up even picked up their pace once they caught sight of Aya. Her cheerful smile and shouts of "Pick up your feet! You won't succeed if you're slow!" perked up even the slowest of children. Despite not being a mother herself, Aya found a certain degree of satisfaction being tasked with the well-being of the kids at Ayame. Being entrusted with the next generation of Japan felt like a natural extension of her old life and she relished the idea that she was contributing to the future of her country.

Eventually, the last of the students worked their way through the gate and Aya - seeing she still had some time before classes started - decided to check in with her colleagues in the teacher's lounge. No doubt some of them would be in a sour mood this Monday morning, but that just meant Aya could pester them with a martial arts session after school to help their mood. Nothing was better than getting your adrenaline fix to turn your day around after all! Stretching her arms as she walked, Aya made her way into the building and opened the door to the teacher's lounge.

You could imagine her shock upon opening the door just in time to see a strange little bug-girl-thing crash into the window and begin shouting at the gathering of women. "Heyyyy, you've gotta help! Someone's in trouble!" Almost immediately, there occurred a shift in Aya's body language. Stiffening up, she locked eyes with the little creature and her grip on the lounge door tightened, "Someone's in trouble?! Who? It's not one of the children is it??"
@Eviledd1984 That’s up to you. I’m usually a pretty hands off DM unless there’s a major storyline I’m following.
@Eviledd1984Approved, but you need to get rid of any references of leaving the city. Since your character isn’t an Heir (or at least I can’t tell) then she doesn’t have the means (or reason) to leave. Only Heirs have the funds for it and it’s mainly to go to other cities.
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