Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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Hey, All. It’s been awhile since I was last here and I’m working to get back into writing both as a hobby and in my professional life. Thought I’d dip my toes in on the 1x1 and build up to doing group RPs again. I’ve got a few ideas for stories I’d like to try from a broad range of interests. I prefer to stick to more original stories, but I have a few fandoms I’m willing to do as well. Stories and concepts are as follows:

The Royal Con (Medieval Fantasy): A down on his luck traveling mage spies an opportunity to earn some money when the crown offers a considerable reward for the return of the crown princess who mysteriously disappeared. Rather than find the princess, the wizard uses magic to turn a peasant girl into a duplicate of the lost royal and ropes her into his scheme.

Rider’s Song (Medieval Fantasy): Who do you turn to when those who defend the kingdom are the ones who’ve taken over? A solitary noble seeks the aid of the kingdom’s most wanted criminal and his band of thieves in the hope they may save the very people who want to see them all hang.

Reconstructed (Cyberpunk/Neo-Noir): In the heart of a massive city, a a private detective’s life is falling apart. He’s got no money, his mods are slowly killing him, and he’s got nothing left to live for. That is… until the relative of an old colleague arrives with word of a new case that evolves into a conspiracy to control the streets the duo calls home.

I get how Many?! (Modern Fantasy/Comedy): A minimum wage employee’s life is turned upside down when a strange gift from a family member turns out to be a literal genie in a bottle. The only catch? He’s a genie in training so he’s… limited on what magic he can actually do.

Will add more RPs and prompts over time. Ideally I’d like to hit at least 2-3 paragraphs per reply. Potential fandom RPs are listed below.

Fandom RPs:
Fire Emblem
Kamen America
@Kiena chan You’re welcome to apply since we just had someone drop. I’ll let you know if anything needs to be modified
Player decided to leave the RP but not before posting some… NSFW content on the forum. Can I get said post and his character stricken from the RP?

@ERode I’m sorry to see you go. Double sorry for not getting back to this sooner. I got burnt out and my real life overtook things.
Please do…
@anothered Look if that’s how you’re going to act. I feel as though it’s for the best if you leave the RP.

I ask that you please remove the post in question, and your sheet from the characters tab.

As the students began pouring in, Jason leaned against the wall on the far side of the classroom. He only kept half his attention on the first years as he looked over notes on his Rotom Phone. He could already FEEL the morning beginning to drag on as he longed for the first chance to jump out of class and catch some new Pokémon in the school's terrarium. Being locked in the middle of Sinnoh's largest city, the terrarium wasn't anything compared to other schools out in the world, but the Pokémon in there would still provide useful data. He also took a moment to check that a 'package' he'd ordered from Professor Cedric Juniper in Unova would be arriving today. His eyes lit up when he saw the delivery was on time!

The sound of labored breathing finally caused the fourth year to look away from his phone only to see a student walking in covered in glue and a variety of confetti. He could only sigh. The same group of students had been setting up that prank every single year. Some naive first year always wound up falling for it. "Use hot water! That'll weaken the adhesive faster." He called out as he saw the student standing at the sink. He was taking a spare shirt from one his classmates. Weird to pack an extra shirt on first day, but Jason didn't judge. He was the guy carrying poison resistant gear in his satchel. He was about to return to running through his notes when a notification came through on his phone. A voice memo from Professor Birch.

"Hey there, Jay!" Came the professor's voice as Jason held the phone to his ear. "Unfortunately I got a tip about some new developments in the Hoenn region following the Hoopa Incident. So... I'm in Littleroot Town right now. Do me a favor and stream me in for the class?" Jason smirked and placed his head in his palm. It was JUST like Birch to miss the first day of the class he was being paid to teach. At least if it was remote, Birch would spend most of the class not needing his TA services.

"Ok! Take your seats everyone," said Jason and he began firing up the computer. "Seems we'll be having an unconventional first day." Soon, Professor Birch's face was displayed on the projector screen. He waved to the class while a few students whispered in the back.

"Hello class! I'm Michael Birch and I'll be teaching Pokemon Ecology this year. Before any of you ask, yes I'm that professor who went viral last year for being attacked by a Poochyena. It was VERY funny, now let's not discuss it..." While the class snickered, Jason could just make out the sound of someone cackling in the hallway. Excusing himself from the room, he stepped outside only to be greeted by the Pokeball wizard and her menagerie crouched just outside the door. Cocking his head, Jason shut the door to the classroom; leaning against it to block the girl from the inside.

"You know I respect your business more than anyone, Kaori, but do you think you can wait till these kids have been here a few days before you start getting them roped into your pokeball racket?" Jason waited to see if his mild tease enticed the proper reaction from his former student.
Heads up all. If we don’t hear from Evee in the next few days, I’m gonna make a GM call and keep the story moving forward. Just write around her character for now. We can add her in later if she comes back.

Also Merry Christmas!
@Remram I'd imagine Jason would be on neutral to good terms with him. He [Jason] likely did some TA work in his third year as part of his curriculum. He pretty much did as much as he could early on so that he's got the majority of his final year to travel and finalize his thesis.
@Eveekitten Checking in. All good?
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