Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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@Pigeonpal So, I have a sheet pre-written (pending a few changes) work has been hectic this week because I’m doing three peoples’ work and not getting home until super late. Hopefully will have a proper thing up soon.
No no no. Just saying I’m trying to keep people aligned with the major groups rather than just being solo characters. Like last time we had bounty hunters, a doctor, and a robot, but none of them knew what to do in the narrative. Keeping it to the main factions helps keep the story concise
@Wayward Imma be honest, I don’t think I’m carrying over my old character. He may show up in the background if people need a place for info, but he’s not gonna be as front and center. Especially since I’m trying to keep players aligned to the factions this go around. Having too many people be solo made for a lot of narrative problems in the story I wanted to tell.
@Wayward@BigPapaBelial Considering you two actually followed the rules for making your characters the first time around, I’d be happy to have you involved again. It was mostly the influx of people clearly not reading the OOC that killed my interest in pursuing this.
Another bump

In the latter half of the 21st century, the world was consumed by corporate greed, political unrest, and the constant threat of nuclear war. Eventually, many of the world's upper class were able to channel their wealth and power into political influence; often turning whole armies into their personal fighting forces. Eventually, clashing interests and desires consumed those in power and the Corporate Wars began. Over the next several decades, the rich and powerful lived in comfort and abundance while the world around them was consumed by the flames of a thousand atomic fireballs. Knowing their influence over the world would only last as long as there were people to lord over, cooler heads prevailed and the Megacity Plan was born.

The survivors of the Corporate Wars soon found themselves being ushered out of the wastelands that were once their homes and sent to live within the confines of the Megacities: vast Metropolises built by the amassed wealth of the corporate elite. Constructed upon the skeletal remains of the old world, the Megacities spanned hundreds of miles in size. To ensure the survivors would be coaxed into the Megacities, incentives were offered such as the promise of a safe place to live, and luxuries that would be impossible to obtain living in the wastes outside the walls of the Megacities. Survivors of the Corporate Wars flocked to the cities in droves, many of them unaware they were simply being dragged into massive cages in which they would be ruled over.

The year is currently 3085, and the promise of the Megacities has long since grown stale. Every day, it feels like something is falling apart and the cities are in a constant state of disrepair. Most consider it a blessing if they can get through a week without having to put out a call for maintenance. Crime is a common occurrence and the cities are more often controlled by local gangs rather than any unifying police force. While there is some level of law enforcement it's really just there to protect the interests of the Heirs, the last living descendants of the elites who started the Corporate Wars.

Despite the poor conditions of the cities, there is one luxury that makes life there tolerable: Geonet. An upgraded internet with lightning fast connection speeds and overseen by a powerful AI; all citizens are connected to Geonet and their GEO-IDs serve as a means of identification as well as keeping track of their personal information. Using their GEO-ID, citizens can readily keep track of their money, health records, and even access public transit. A GEO-ID is typically a small green disk that’s linked to a specialized armband, but it can be attached to different articles of clothing (i.e. glasses, earrings, rings, etc.) or it can be directly installed into a citizen’s cybernetics. Due to being DNA locked to an individual, stealing or masquerading another person’s GEO-ID is NEARLY impossible. Despite GEONET being one of - if not the only - useful thing in the Megacities, there are some who elect not to use it, preferring a life of freedom without the watchful eye of MCPD on your back.

One of the most common sights to see in the Megacities - and the most profitable business - are Modified-Humans, or Mods for short. Simply put, these are humans who’ve elected to visit the ModDocs and had cybernetics installed. The type of modifications one can receive are vast as new cybernetics are developed on what feels like a daily basis. However, laws have been put into place as to what types of cybernetics can be legally installed. This hasn’t stopped Back-Alley ModDocs from setting up shop and acquiring upgrades on the black market.

While some may find it tempting to acquire as many modifications as possible, there is a drawback to this. For every cybernetic enhancement, the brain has to be re-wired to account for the new nerve inputs. The more modifications on a single body, the more the brain itself becomes taxed. Too much stress on the brain can lead to a condition known as “Program Stasis” in which human traits such as emotion, ethics, and basic morality are overwritten by logic and computer code. In short, losing your humanity is a very real possibility.

Due to the fear of Program Stasis, many ModDocs take a hippocratic oath of sorts to steer clients away from over-modification, but for just about every legitimate ModDoc in Megacity-01, there are two who will take the credits and ask questions never.

Given the impossibly vast size of the Megacities, it’s no surprise that what little police force they have is unable to cover all of the various districts and areas. This has resulted in street gangs, cartels, and other organized crime taking up residence in the areas. Some of the major groups that operate within Megacity-01 are as follows:

]NOTICE FOR PICKING FACTIONS: If you want to create a Sk8te cell of your own, please DM me your pitch prior to submitting your character sheet. If you think you want to be the leader of any of the listed factions, you are welcome to write it into your character sheet. Bear in mind, if two or more people want to run the same faction, the final decision will come down to the overall quality of the character sheet. Ideally, each character will have ties to some faction in order to keep the story cohesive. I’m happy to find a role for you!

Hello, RoleplayerGuild! So this was an RP I tried to do a while back, but various factors kept it from really going anywhere. It bummed me out a lot because I put a lot of work into building this world so I want to give it one last shot. The check is mostly the same as last time with a few touch ups here and there. If you want/need anything explained in more detail, please feel free to reach out! Hopefully we can all have some fun here!
Who’s ready for a comeback??
Bump before I lose Fresh Status 🤪
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