Avatar of RisingRobin


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2 mos ago
Current Does anyone remember Zathura? Low key wanna do an RP in the style of the new Jumanji movies. Space adventure?
3 mos ago
Back after a brief Sabbatical. Testing a new idea here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 mos ago
Any interest in a tournament style Pokémon RP? Just curious.
8 mos ago
8 mos ago
And their collective time in costume comprises less than one minute of the whole movie. Not to mention Madame Web was already played to perfection by Stan Lee’s WIFE in the 90’s.


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First post is up. Sorry for delaying this... Again I pulled four 12 hour shifts in a row and my mental health tanked...

Hotshot took a deep breath as the first rays of morning sun began to peek over the walls of Megacity-01. After spending the majority of last night disciplining some young upstarts in Afterburn, he was grateful to have a quiet moment before long day began. This particular morning, Hotshot was in his usual hiding place: a secluded rooftop on top of a Matsuda Cybernetics clinic. There was an old communication tower on top of the building which Hotshot would climb in order to get a full view of the cityscape around him. Sadly his moment of peace was about to be shattered.

In the corner of his eye, Hotshot saw a blur moving across the rooftops. Once the figure reached the Matsuda building, he recognized the shock of blonde hair and cybernetic arm of Phoenix, another Afterburn Sk8ter and his old friend. Dropping down from his perch, Hotshot immediately recognized the worried look in her eyes.

"What's the beat, Phoenix?" Hotshot turned on his runner specs as he addressed her. If anything was wrong, the first place to check would be SkyNet.

"Nothing good. We've got a dead Burner on our hands. Rotor. He didn't come back to the safehouse last night. When we woke up this morning, news reports in the Hub had his body all over the feed. Dead in the Spire." Hotshot perked up at that last part.

"The Spire? Why would a beginner like him go there? Especially after I told the whole damn cell to avoid the Spire like the plague?" Even though it had been several months since the incident with Firebird, his death at the hands of MCPD still had lasting scars for Afterburn.

"No clue. I checked with some of his buddies, but all they heard was Rotor had gotten hit up for a courier job. He wouldn't tell them anything, only that he was gonna "rule the fucking city" when it was done. What's odd though is the news reports all said he wasn't carrying anything..."

"Well that's certainly cryptic..." Hotshot observed the SkyNet map as several markers began popping up in The Spire. "Rotor said he HAD a job, but no item on him. Meaning someone probably got to him first and took whatever he was carrying." Picking himself off the ground, Hotshot began stretching. It seemed as though he was going to be running A LOT today. "I'm going to hit up a few contacts. Wake up the Cell. Send them throughout the city. Someone murdered one of our own. He's about to learn you don't fuck with Afterburn..."
@Wayward Apologies for the stagnation. My mental health has low key cratered this last week after having to pull several 12 hour shifts at work. I currently HAVE the first post saved, it’s just a matter of finishing it.

Gonna agree with @Wayward here. Cool concept, but it runs the risk of being VERY broken in this universe. If you wanna go the robot/AI model, I recommend checking out Honey Badger in the Characters tab for a solid example.

Also, if you can, please try to keep your character aligned to one of the major factions. This was an issue the first time around where too many characters playing “Solo” resulted in too many disparate plotlines and a cohesive story never developed.

And to you, @Wayward, Baba is approved! The CS as a whole is really good and I can’t wait to see what happens with the Noodle Rivalry 😂.
@BigPapaBelial Like I said, I’m not OPPOSED to the idea of an Undercity. Just that I don’t think Sk8te members would frequent it. The whole point of them being on the rooftops is because it’s the closest they can get to getting out of the Megacity.

They’re like a more extreme version of the Runners from Mirror’s Edge. Being on the ground is something they’d rather avoid unless it’s necessary.
I’m open to the idea, but Sk8te is supposed to take heavy inspiration from Mirror’s Edge. In short, the rooftops are their place. Plus, not having their Geo-IDs means they can’t really live on the ground except for coming down in short moments.
@Wayward Looks good! My only critique would be the Undercity part. I’m open to Sk8ters going to the ground level as needed, but their place is in the rooftops mainly.
Accepted. I think we’re gonna get started finally. I’ll have the first post up soon and if we get any last minute submissions after the starting line we’ll review on a case by case basis
@Pigeonpal@DrDistasteful@silvermist1116 Checking to see if you guys were still interested in this?
Doing one more bump for interest before we start
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