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Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

After all of them admitted the paperwork, the results were given out. When the news about who stays and leaves came, Amelia was honestly just a tad surprised when it came to Victor. She had tried to get close to him a few times over the span of their time in quarantine, but to no avail. Whenever she made the attempt, he would pull away despite the initial joy of having seen him again passed. Then it shifted to concern about the situation and what his way of acting meant. Now he was rejected. Things had probably gone bad for him... Amelia silently swallowed the last of her attachment to him in the days of Newnan. Sadly friendships sometimes died and especially in this world now... Watching him vanish, she just wished him the best of luck as a final farewell in her mind. She had other things to think about, people to worry, old attachments had to eventually end.

The next was Bea who had apparently decided to leave on her own accord. The camp for some reason seemed to hold her in a rather good regard though. Well it was of Little Importance for Amelia. She had never gotten along with the woman even back in the day. If she wanted to be out there, she'd just wish Bea a good luck in her head. Even if she didn't have any friendship to the woman, she could at least hope that she wouldn't die a horrible death somewhere.

Afterwards the situation just unfolded as regularly as possible. They were given more paperwork. This one had some notes on her. She frowned just a little as she read she had some issues... Amelia preferred calling those being prepared rather than issues. No one knew when things might go south after all. Still she nodded at the overall meaning of the written down information. They were indeed going to tell her how to avoid those pesky beasts... and keep them away from her in a way too. So this was good, the fact she was recommended for Education made her blink for a moment. Was this because of her being decently well in mathematics?” This...” She mumbled, still gazing at the paper.” Isn't bad... actually quite good... possibly.” She allowed herself the freedom of optimism on this small occasion. Finally the rest of them were told they could leave Quarantine and go to a beach party! She almost couldn't believe this was real. She was looking forward mostly for the beach and well... the BBQ. Less so the seafood boil. She smiled at Riley and as the guards lowered their weapons, they all were finally free to get going.

β€œHaven't seen a beach in years... even before...this.” She smiled and muttered out. If no walkers walked out of the water or some other nightmare like this, that would actually be quite the decent time to relax. Seeing a beach again after all this time without danger, well without apparent danger, was indeed like a dream come true. Maybe she and Riley can actually have a proper 'data' walk about the beach, not straying too far from the party of course. Still she decided to not ask Riley about that quite yet.” You thinking of Singing if you can?” She chose to ask Riley instead as she started following towards the exit.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: Dexterity
Hit Points: 4

Prima Rave took a really deep breath as people were moving about the room, heading to leave. They seemed to have a lot better luck than hers earlier. She was queit as she was testing how much her leg could hold her right about now. At first she assumed that it would be good enough to take a few steps, but as soon as she attempted to put any weight onto it, she felt a stab of pain travel through her calf, her hand moved to it like lightning, as she leaned to the other side to put all the weight onto her good leg in an attempt to stay standing and not fall to the ground yet again. Her shoulder slammed into the wall because of hte speed, but she did keep herself from falling.

"Damn..." She mumbled, holding onto her injured leg. Maybe she should have never attended to that dinner after all. It would have been better ot just keep away from the food and keep her own hands at her lap, pretending she wasn't hungry. Maybe at least that way she should have avoided stabbing herself with a knife by an absolute mistake. Still there was absolutely no way to revert back time and do things differently except for some divine intervention and she wasn't sure if even the gods could do something quite like that.

Still now that the pain subsided and she could once more resume a less dependent on having her shoulder on the wall posture, she took a breath and listened. People were probably already leaving the room more and more. If she wasn't the only one left by now, she would soon be. The leg was going to be screwing her hard, she wondered if by the time the others have left the floor, she might be still trying to leave this damned room.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

Well Vlad was back in black... well not in black, but he seemed on FIRE! Well not really on fire either, he was on fire metaphorically, but he was apparently in the process of playing with fire as he was throwing stuff with fire at the soulless. Constantin was very pleased at the fact that the Bazhooli tanked that hit and stood up like a complete boss. There was nothing better than seeing a person you trusted and respected not get squashed by the power of evil creatures!

Everyone seemed to be doing something grand and attacking. Things were flying about and at the monster, runes were appearing on the ground inside the church. Constantin briefly wondered what the opinion of the local priests would be if they saw that last one, but ehh wasn't really a problem for him. Also he did get his wish, the window got blasted as birds entered and started to help wrap the flaming tapestry thing across the creature to make sure the fire doesn't fall off. He himself was doing mighty fine job of protecting the Duchess from anything, everything and all in between.

Suddenly just as he was pondering his next step, at the sight of the creature growing bigger, a fact that really surprised him, his vision blurred for a moment. He knew what was happening and damn it was both the best and the worst moment for it to happen. Depended on the thing he'd see and what he saw confused him. He wasn't the best with Riddles... why couldn't it have been more straight forward at this crucial moment? Just as fast as the vision arrived it left and the firewalker steeled himself, still holding his protective vigil for Veta, nothing was getting past him!" Had a vision!" He said, taking a deep breath, keeping himself in the direct direction between the Grand Duchess and the monster." It vas Foggy and through some kind of Crystal. The fires shouldn't be black, but vhite." He said loudly, so everyone could have the same degree of knowledge on this thing. No point in keeping secrets here thus he continued." The second part of the vision was about Prayers, purity and that vhen the flames are vhite, the beast is over the alter." He was getting concerned with the fact that the best had indeed grown in size." Ve need to remove or weaken the black fire!" This was the most direct idea he had right away direclty drawn from the vision without digging into symbolism. But the creature did grow and had black flames so it was probably a good idea to attempt any way to weaken it.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Occult(Mostly researched European and North American Occultism)

Mosi's was frankly amazed at the sights of the time rewinding itself before her very eyes. It was unnatural, going against the very order of things. Rather it was going against their order of perception? In any case, the scenes before them shouldn't have been possible, at least not for mere mortals that was for sure. The memories of that ritual that brought the dead back to the living came to mind. Sure enough... but she didn't actually recall it also rewinding the past into the present. The haze she was mostly certain was the veil if her memories served right. Where did time come into it though?

Suddenly she turned to the side as the starlet woman started to explain in a rather rapid way what had transpired to them until now. She also threw a glance at the soldier guy." Yeah... experienced that myself. Got attacked by a swarm of bees in the gardens... looked like a monster, but as this happened it all healed before the eyes of the good doctor..." Mosi explained and pointed at the doctor and then at the brand glowing on her stomach." Basically he saw that and he went out cold." She nodded and narrowed her eyes at the mentioning of the stolen things plus torn pages out of a diary." Lady Mun, could I ask if you can tell us about what was in those torn pa...g...es..." Suddenly her attention was brought off the ship at the moving sands as a city of light started to appear in the sands. Then there were also the shadows.

" Can't be, the City of Dionysus?" She said, but heard that Vera spoke out a name unfamiliar to her instead. Her eyes darted off to the woman." Lady Mun, what did you call it? Zerzura? I'm sorry, but that's a term unfamiliar to me. However this harbors rather distinct similarities with the myth of the City of Dionysus and the Eleusinian Cult. Does that sound familiar to the thing you referenced just now?" She asked, looking at the woman for another few moments before she returned her attention to the swirling sands outside the ship. Suddenly a thought occured to her, as she recalled the doctor that was out cold.

"Hey, any of you met any of the ship's crew while coming here?" She suddenly asked as she couldn't tear her eyes away from the sands, the light and the shadows. She steeled all her focus to it.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

Amelia turned her focus and attention fully to Thana as the woman started speaking about what was happening right now. First of all there was a lot of information given and in need of thinking. Stuff like how they'd proceed from now, what happening with the resources that were spend on them this week and how it should have been repaid, but apparently it was taken care of this time around. Of course there was also a lot of information given about the rules they'd have to follow if they were all to sign up with the camp. Amelia couldn't help but twitch at the notion that none of them would be allowed weapons unless they passed even more reviews or the like. It wasn't quite a bad idea, especially given what had transpired in the last days of Newnan, but she still couldn't quite get over it outright.

She looked around and a hand reached for her head for a moment, or rather reached for her currently non existent long hair. She quickly realized it and the hand slowly went down again. She was quiet as she thought. Even if they assured of safety of the camp, there was NO insurance that something might not go wrong. What if a walker suddenly got inside somehow? It wasn't impossible! What if someone else snapped, someone who had a weapon? That was also in her mind not impossible. This was just a fragment of the whole thing, but important one. Then there was the way they would be housed and 'property'. The fact none of them would really own anything in this camp was another thing that she wasn't sure what to think of. It was so foreign to her as a concept. Sure Newnan had such cases to a degree, but this went to a full control of everything. They didn't own anything, except maybe what they brought as normal non important items. With weapons and the like being taken, Amelia sure as hell thought of her baseball bat... She was going to miss the thing.

Thinking it through very much, she started to figure out a few things to her answer about the situation. For the weapons, she concluded that EVERYTHING could be a weapon. Sure she wouldn't have a proper weapon at hand most of the times, but should the need arises, Amelia was certain she'd find something to use to protect herself or Riley. About the join housing, well it wasn't that much different from back in Newnan. Sure she wasn't sure if they meant here many people in the same room or every couple/person having a room. She'd have to deal with that as it comes if she's accepted, but decided it was probably NOT going to be a critical issue. On the topic of owning a house or even simple items, she was less concerned on actually. Owning a house might be nice, but she wasn't really willing to invest too much into this place without it being proven it would last. Newnan could have lasted... It didn't. Items were less important really. A few luxuries might be nice to have, but honestly she just wanted books and occasionally watch some movie or something. They probably had that and libraries were a thing even before the apocalypse, so she was used to not owning the books she read. Additionally she could perfectly well live with the rule of limited access to certain areas. Though she did consider that curiosity about what's happening in those or what's located there would pop up. If that does happen, she promised to herself to first try asking what's inside there or why they aren't allowed into those. Curiosity killed the cat after all and she sure as the sun rising, didn't want to die.

After that and other deliberations on the subject, she looked at teh contracts that were distributed. She really slowly and carefully signed it. Some of the others had already gave over their papers. As she gave the thing a final look over, her eyes lingered on the topic of Therapy.' Hmm...' She thought briefly, then just continued down with the rest of the document. Having read it at least 3 times, she finally walked over and handed hers. She wanted to stay and if Riley was staying too, then it was even better. If Riley was leaving, well Amelia would leave as well. That was her decision. She was even going to accept going to therapy. Maybe she'd get to take her baseball bat home again at the end of it too.
Vala had just finished cleaning focusing lenses on the heavy las sniper when she spotted the psyker appear. Vala looked indifferent, but was frowning on the inside for a moment, before the frankly abnormal woman gave her a nod. The former mercenary returned a nod moments later as she could at least return the same courtesy." Psyker..." She added in the same way the other woman spoke to her. She was really wondering exactly what the genetic makeup of that woman was, she exceeded average height by a lot. Like stupid lot, it was an abnormality honestly. It was either a genetic random quirk or it was artificially induced and with the woman being a psyker it was hard to say which was the case. Never the less as long as she didn't suffer a case of psyker schenanigans and kill half their team for random reason of losing control of herself, she was fine enough. Albeit a lil annoying at times.

Finally after that came the Kreigsman. Now that was someone Vala understood even less that the psyker. It wasn't the way he looked or acted that she didn't understand. What she had trouble figuring was why he was here. Like what manner of situation led him from dying in teh trenches with a gasmask on, to entering the service of the inquisition. There was surely a story there and she really wanted to know it, but it was clear he wasn't fancying being firnds with her. Since that was the case, she was keeping all the best stuff to herself... in other words all the good booze she bought/requisitioned/other activities to gain alcohol. She also knew how to quick make a moonshine stills.

As their leader led them into the ship, Vala studied it's exterior and interior in quite the detail." Why even call it thunderhawk anymore..." She mumbled with a sigh at the Imperium's continued desire to stagnate. The ship might have started as a Thunderhawk once way upon the past, but now with all the modification it had underwent, it no longer was such. Even it's basic frame was altered and made bigger. HGonestly this ship should be given a classification, class designation and be put into larger use by more teams in the galaxy. The way things were kept as 'traditional' as possible was a huge hurdle, it was also one of hte reason she disliekd the Mechanicus. Heck, she was amazed they even made this thing, by their own classification, just creating this ship and it's modifications would be akin to Tech heresy. Actually she decided to ask that." Celestian Aviza, a question if you will... how did you get the cult mechanicus to actually make this thing? It usually takes centuries for them to agree to alter a minor detail such as changing a window for a new type of glass."

"Yeah, got everything." She replied and tapped the instruments case she was carrying. With it, she could more or less fix anything she ever came across barring stuff that required heavy machinery to actually move like some components for Titans. Like giant bolts and nuts that require cranes to lift. Basically this little case of hers was the equivalent of all those needless cybernetics a priest of the mechanicus cult uses to work on stuff.
Prima Rave
Location: Shadowell Manor: Confinement (Attic)
Skills: N/a
Hit Points: 4

"No, not really. Didn't say or mean that." Prima Rave replied to Penance's question, wondering where the woman was in the darkness. Why were people misunderstanding her so? She didn't say that, guess her words could have been taken that way? She wasn't sure about it though. She believed she expressed herself properly. In the end Rave reached the conclusion it might have been the difference of way of living before here? Whatever it was, she wasn't going to be leave the misunderstanding on this continue." What I meant that while the work to open the doors was happening, it could have at the same time have been decided on what to do. No time was going to be wasted really. Doesn't matter anymore since the door was already opened." She explained.

Sadly her condition turned out worse than she suspected. As soon as she had attempted to take a single step forward, even using the wall as guide to lean on, the once trusted limb gave out on her. With nary a warning for preparation, aside the pain she felt, her body lurched over as she fell to the ground from the suddenly lack of support that the leg had to provide." Ahh!" She groaned as she impacted the floor. It hurt, from the hit. She groaned and rolled over to lay on her back. Right now she sort of started to regret attempting to move after all...

Still, gritting her teeth, she slowly moved to a sitting position, and eventually with the help of the wall for support once more started to stand up. It was rather slow, but after a little while she was once more standing and mostly certain that her leg wouldn't give out on her right away once more, bringing her to the ground. She was now even more certain that her running around with this leg was a bad idea though. How the hell was she going to walk down the stairs in teh darkness? Maybe what Moss suggested? Having someone to help her with moving? She really didn't want to cause issues or hinder the others though.

Constantin Kolev

Location: Gretna Green
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

"Or so I'm always told." Constantin replied with a half smile half grin at Veta's joking remark. It was nice to hear she had the freedom to crack jokes at this point. Sadly the creature was certainly not in the mood for jokes. Just as Vlad had realized the creature had a soul and vocalized that fact in his typical loud manner, the creature apparently decided that it was only fair it does something to him in return. The following scream of the Grand Duchess very well mirrored, Constantin's inner shout as the very loud Russian man was flung or rather slammed across the church. The thing apparently had a mighty physical attack. The firewalker was wondering of some wisps of darkness can cause that, or something else was being hidden by those.

Never the less he kept his vigil around Veta like his life depended on it. Vlad was a big man who can take care of himself. A mighty mighty Russian like him wouldn't fall from a single strike. It took more than a strike! He had utmost confidence in the Bazhooli's sturdiness. The creature then decided to move, causing quite the devastation as it did." VETA!" Constantin shouted as he lunged in front of her yet again, using himself and his weapon to block the sharpness of splinters that were thrown from the creature's landing on top of the wooden furniture of the church. He managed to deflect them from hitting her, his face was stern, observing it." Alright it's got lots of veight ..." He commented, having witnessed the devastation in it's wake." If it got veight, it's corporeal, if it's got a body, the body can be hacked apart." Many soulless didn't quite die from being hacked apart, but it would give them a cause for pause at least.... probably. He saw one of the men in the church toss a dagger and then make it curve in flight, hitting the creature in return, cutting off an appendage. The thing did not seem happy. He was willing to bed it was going to attack now. He firmed his stance in front of Veta.

"Got anything to toss at the big vindovs?" He said to Veta behind himself." Vonder hov it reacts to real sunlight in that form... or fire." He mentioned. It got dark wisps surrounding it, making it look like shadow. When you need to see in the dark, you use light. He was ready to block for Veta still though. She was going to need the protection for a little while yet.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Boat(Sun deck)
Skills: Great Observation

"..." Mosi was at a loss for words. She couldn't really see any reason for the doctor to be knocked out cold. That fact taken under account, there was but two distinct possibilities left. One was that a magic or something struck him which was extremely unlikely. Priscilla sighed, it didn't matter how much she wanted to avoid the reality. The truth was hitting her in the face right now, the man passed out because of shock. Specifically the shock caused by her healing so rapidly in front of him. Probably was too much for him to handle, given his attitude towards the occult. Mosi could only feel sorry for the man right now. He seemed to be missing on the fun right now, it wasn't every day that one got to see a magical recovery speed like this." Ohhh well." She mumbled as she started to stand up.

"Huh...!?" Mosi suddenly made a sound of surprise as something BIG was happening outside the boat. Sand was... falling? Flying?Shifting? It was hard to precisely describe in words, but underneath it was appearing reeds and grass. She almost couldn't believe what she was seeing right about now. She recalled the thing she remembered about a spell to bring back the dead. Was this part of it too? Grass and Reeds weren't supposed to appear just like that! This wasn't the Nile they had seen!

"Is this... time of the past?" She asked herself in confusion as she walked closer to the railing." What the hell is actually happening here!?" She exclaimed in surprise and maybe a little bit of a worry now. This was way beyond anything she could think off the top of her head. What she recalled earlier was possibly about the haze, the world of the dead overlapping with their own because of someone trying to move people from it to the world of the living, but she didn't recall it affecting the worldscape. She tried to remember more, see if anything she had heard or read of might fit even remotely towards this huge occult puzzle that was happening before her very eyes.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: Quarantine (W: Conference Room)
Skills: N/A

As time passed, it was clear that today was different from the ones until now. The atmosphere was not the same, the guards were constantly doing something, moving in and away, but all were armed non the less. As much as she was calm about her interviews, the situation did affect her to a degree as they proceeded all to do their daily tasks, be it cleaning or else. As such time passed sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but soon enough it had already passed noon and was nearing 1 pm.

Until now, whenever they weren't doing chores, Amelia took care to be near Riley, but she was starting to get a little concerned now. They were told that they would be told if they are staying or leaving today, but if the 'ceremony' happened too late in the day, it was already going to be dark outside by the time they start showing them where they would be living from now on? Well at least under the presumption that they would be staying of course. There was no way of knowing who was chosen and who wasn't, unless Ash was told something about it, but he hadn't mentioned anything as far as she was aware.

Never the less something was happening since Gunny showed up yet again, handing a file to Thana. Nothing much was being said, so she didn't really know what it was. So she was spending the time with Riley still. Earlier her partner had said that they will be staying together no matter what. This made her feel both good and bad because she was wondering if Riley will follow her should she get tossed away. It wasn't the nicest train of thoughts she had, but she was concerned about it. The more time passed today, the harder it seemed to be to be staying completely calm about it. If she got tossed away, but Riley was accepted, Amelia was trying to make up her mind on what to do exactly. She was repeatedly telling herself that she'd convince Riley to stay, but at the same time she realized that she also wanted to be with the woman, so she was fighting her own emotions on this." How long will it be until they say the results, you think?" Amelia asked quietly. It's already been half a day.
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