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Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)->L6
Skills: N/A

"Ehh..." Lisa started when she was asked what she did before the whole nightmare of a world happened." I was a professional housekeeper... or a maid... Depends on whom you asked really, personally I think it was more or less the same thing. We even had a uniform dress to wear. Did like the uniform, it was nice." She admitted without much worries about it, she wasn't ashamed of what she did for living before the walkers. It was a regular job to have, many had it, some were ashamed, some weren't. She was among the unashamed portion of people." Well I did live at the location I worked too... so I think maid is the proper classical term." She grinned.

"I didn't say to go to the beach area itself, I said to wait out of it for the preparations to finish. In any case, I will be heading there to begin with, maybe I can help out." Lisa stated as she finished stuffing the rest of her food, drank a bit of water and sighed in satisfied manner. The food was tasty to begin with, then it had to counted the fact that she was hungry as a wolf when she started eating, so the food tasted about twice as better as regularly." I'm going to be heading out now. See you two later at the beach." She added, before picking up her tray and storming off to leave it to the drop point, before heading heading out of the mess hall.

Honestly while willing to help out, she just wanted to go hang at the beach, maybe see any dumb situations that might arise there first hand. Maybe someone would drop something heavy on the foot of someone else. With a smile she crossed the street from the Mess Hall, heading to the Education Center on the other side. From there she planned to follow the street down before taking a turn before electrical to get to the pier.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was a little bit surprised to hear Lisa's vocation prior to the apocalypse, not because she had anything against it, but mostly because she had never actually met or get to know anyone who worked in that field. It was one of those thing that she had only ever seen on a tv show or a movie or a book. The fact they can continue to learn indeed, was a great thing for her to confirm. Amelia was looking to reading book, the advise for her future career in the camp had to do with education as well. She didn't have anything against it! She enjoyed learning and while she had never taught anyone, she wouldn't mind attempting... After she thought of it, she realized she was a bit shy. Just a bit. Pushing the thoughts away for the moment, nothing would change, she'd deal with it when it comes to it. For now she was fine just doing misc and general chores she may be assigned.

"Hmmm... see you later." She said to Lisa as the woman excused herself and said she's heading off now. She indeed stormed away in great speed and in a blink of the eye she was gone so to speak. Amelia watched after her for a moment, looking about the other people in the mess hall, down to her own about finishing meal and then to Riley." Let's just walk about a little. We will be spending a lot of time from now on in our room in the future. We should get to know the area first." She suggested as she ate the rest of her food as well. There wasn't much left in her plate anyways.

In Amelia's mind, she was considering the things that happened today, the people they met and the locations they were shown. Nikki was a good person that they knew from Quarantine when she was around. Lisa seemed decent, but Amelia would be wary around her for a while. Better be safe than sorry. So far, the place looked indeed like a small paradise compared to the rest of the world out there. She could find some similar traits to Newnan as well. Admittedly, the rules that could be the worst dealbreaker were also for the better after a good deliberation she had on them. Better rules, meant more security. Though... how would they deal with something going wrong that wouldn't be controlled by human hands like natural disasters? This was a hard question to ponder." I'm ready to go, what about you?" She asked Riley as she finished the last bites of her food, waiting only on the singer so they can get going.
Vala was really carefully observing everythign as they got close to the headquarters of this place. Supposed headquarters anyway. She was sure that they had probably a secret hideout where they were gathering or doing all their evil schemes at. How certain she was? As certain as the fact that the Emperor of Mankind was on Holy Terra.

As they landed and saw the greeting they were given, she kept a poker face as the mand arbites with him to greem them and invite them into the building. She looked at both of them, then at the man. He didn't look like that much a danger, a single good shot from her pistol seemed like it would be enough to off him good, under the presumption he wasn't a deamon in disguise or had something else like personal shielding device of some kind. In that case a pistol shot might not be enough to off with his head, a shot from the sniper cannon would be neeed instead. Her eyes were narrowing as she looked at the heavy metal doors they were required to pass through. Should they enter, leaving might be really had to do should the base gets into a lock down. Not that they wouldn't be able to breach through such a bulkhead or gate, they could, would just be noisy, take time and attract a lot of attention to their location.

After making a double count on the possible enemies present, she rested her hands by her sides in what would be a casual relaxed manner, but on the right tight she had her pistol strapped and her left hand was still holding the pretty spiffy breifcase like case she carried her tools in. It was metal and actually armored enough. She could use it to block regular shots and also to bash someone's skull in case she had to. That and she had her grenades at easy access on the belt. She was ready, her weapons were actually all set up to be ready to fire at a moment's notice.

If the retinue was shot while htey were arriving, it would arouse suspcions and probably directly earn an exterminatus as far as Vala was concerned. No, in her mind, getting them to land and then finish them off within the headquarters while making it seem like they vanished somewhere later would be better. That or attept to kill them after they leave here which would be another good choice. Yeah, she walked at the back of the group right now, keeping an eye out behind them as she did so.
if that's teh case I will get a post up tomorrow in my day off. I'm quite tired today... The fact ti's friday doesn't help sadly.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia wasn't sure if she was ready to believe this woman liked books or if it was being said just to get along. If it was true, then it put them at least somewhat to a closer grounds on the topic of interactions, after all Amelia was not very confident in talking about topics that didn't have to do with books. That was her most favorite subject and the thing she enjoyed doing the most. The mention of crappy romantic novels, brought an unexpected chuckle to her lips!

β€œSeems cheap romance flicks never fade.” She said with a smile. It was a thing she had read a few times, honestly not what she enjoyed most, but it was still book and could pass the time. Never her favorite, but her home had quite a few of these back in the days. Her mother used to read them... or collect them or something. Maybe they were just getting gifted with some service even? She actually had no idea how those books had appeared in her family. Never asked, knew her mother liked them and that was enough.

Still she looked down at her plate. She was basically done with the meal. She sort of ate it fast after all. Maybe should have paced it slower? She was wondering the issue when she spotted Ash heading towards the exit with Thana. This made her thinking that maybe they shouldn't spend too much time here in the mess hall.” What should we do after we finish up the meal?” Amelia asked, both Lisa and Riley, but mainly Riley.” Go back to the room and rest down a little?”

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Seeing Amelia speak out on her own accord, made Lisa grin. So books were the way to go with this one after all! A bookworm through and through! Good, they needed more people who were interested in reading and literature. A sad side effect of apocalypses seemed to be the decimation of the creators' populations! The rare and endangered breed of musicians and writers, and let's not even get into the topic of actors! Granted survival was just as important and that required certain sets of skills, but she suspected finding quality comics would be hard after all. Who knew if someone will ever start producing comics again in the future. Books as well, if this place survived a while, maybe in the distant future there would be a story writer born!

Suddenly she snapped away from her thoughts and looked at Riley who asked what she did. Lisa stuffed a mouthful of food and ate it quickly before speaking.” Well I work in Parmaceutical.” She said with a shrug and a smile.” Helping out with everything there, restocking medicine, keep track of it, create new ones when we can do so or have to do so and so on. It's a nice gig, learned quite a bit since I joined and when I was preparing to join.” She didn't hide her job in the camp. It was a little bit of pride she had in herself. She considered it her own personal milestone in her life. Medicine sure beat being a maid. Though to be the old maid job had better working hours, the uniform was better and the pay was better... well not that any of those mattered nowdays. The work in Parmaceutical still beat cleaning duty though.

β€œWell I'd advice you to try to see what you will enjoy doing in the camp for an occupation past the initial basic duties. There are quite a few bits of different jobs about the camp. I'm sure you will eventually end up at a place you will at least be content with.” She reassured them and started stuffing the rest of her food, also spotting Ash and Thana leaving apparently. Lisa was happy for the woman, though the appearance of the boyfriend sadly didn't change the expectations of chance to proceed with forming a friendship with Thana. Before it was searching for the boyfriend, now it's making up for lost time with the boyfriend.' Alas, guess I will have to be patient.' She thought.

β€œWell you could try heading for the beach and wait some distance away while they are finishing the preparations, a nice stroll to there and then the night's air and sky.” She smiled.” Personally, I will be heading directly there after I finish my meal, wasn't called in to help exactly, so I will just enjoy the nice evening's ocean sounds from a distance while we wait.”

Priscilla Harker

Location: Soulless Fade Between
Skills: N/a

Mosi attention moved to the man who sounded like a Russian and sure enough he introduced himself and made it clear he was indeed from Russia. Though she rose an eyebrow, Imperial Circus was it? Well that part she didn't expect, but hey it was welcome change of pace. She liked Circuses and their many tricks. Knife throwing was indeed a fine art she could respect, but also found it a little bit sad in the way those fine implements of cutting and stabbing could be damaged should the thrower miss his target. Just damaged her heart of a smith.

β€œNice to meet you, Great Bazhooli. I'm Mosi, Priscilla Harker, but I prefer to be called Mosi. Pleasure meeting you too, mister.” Mosi directly skipped addressing the man by his name and used what title he used for himself. It was more suiting since he did introduce himself as such and remembering aliases, nicknames and titles was generally way easier and more fitting than their simple names. She also greeted the Machete-man while she was at it. It didn't hurt to introduce themselves to at least know how to address each other. The detective guy then went ahead and started explaining about what was happening from their point of view. Lauren also joined in the explanation.

Then the Machete-man started speaking about some information he was apparently given.” Chthonic Groves and Proserpine...?” She repeated what the man asked as she thought about it. Trying to recall if she knew anything about those within her memory about those. Then suddenly she heard of shadow creatures and sulfur.” Wait... are you serious? Did you people fight one of the guardians of the City of Dionysus?” She asked in amazement. Shadows and Sulfur.” We saw a lost city in the shifting sands, the area was filled with stench of brimstone and there were many moving shadows seemingly guarding it before we were moved to another world for the first time!” Mosi exclaimed. Then she shook her head again. Recalling that she was first trying to figure out the Chthonic Groves and Proserpine thing, so she tried to focus on it again.

β€œMight as well try to reach solid land first.” She just vaguely tossed in her opinion about next course of action while she was trying to focus on recalling the information.

Constantin Kolev

Location: PE Fade Between
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

β€žI see.” He said when Kyra gave an answer and frowned. So... they were in the world of the dead? Did she mean that they all had died? He was certain he hadn't died back then, at least in battle. Unless his appearance here meant his death or was the cause of his death. As Mahendra introduced himself, Constantin realized that he hadn't, despite speaking with the woman. Though to be fair he was in the middle of introducing himself when that shift happened and he appeared here. He was honestly uncertain if it happened prior or in the middle of his introduction and it was weird feeling. He took a breath.” Not sure if you heard my introduction earlier cause I started it prior to appearing here... better repeat I guess just to be certain?” He said as he was calming down.” Name's Constantin Kolev, a firewalker and a member of the Russian Imperial Circus.” He introduced himself proper, but this time without the theatrical flair. It didn't seem like the right time for it.

Then he heard another person speak and focused his eyes on the man who called himself Giosue Zino. That was a weird name for Constantin, as well was the unusual way of calling himself. What did he mean by 'The watch'? Maybe he should ask, but then he heard the explanation about collapsing timelines and fading worlds? What?! The firewalker felt a massive headache coming his way as he rubbed his temples for a moment. So different worlds... collapsing worlds... They appearing here? Kyra informed them she was here because she and the wolf were apparently dead.

β€œI'm not dead... at least I don't think I died before I appeared here.” He informed Gio, trying to sort out his feelings.” Ve vere in England... A small tovn in a church. The vhole vorld vas hazy and veird. Then a creatures of shadov and fire appeared, with brimstone smell filling the air. Ve defeated it, using our abilities. After that my leaders and a friend of theirs attempted something, but at the end of it ve appeared at what appeared to be a ruins in a very shallow vater basin of some kind, just a few inches. Then soon later I appeared here instead.” He informed Giosue and looked at him.” Does that haze in my world and the shadow creature mean the world vanished or collapsed?” He asked, really concerned now. What about his family? What about the circus!?

He then looked at Kyra again, but this time at other man who was with them that introduced himself as Bart. Apparently they were speaking about someone they knew or met prior to them appearing at this specific location? Just how many were the people shifting about locations right now?

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was quietly eating, minding her own business, when the woman started chatting with Riley about the singer. Sure enough, Amelia herself wasn't trying to butt in the conversation, choosing to instead calmly and cautiously listen by the side, trying to judge if the woman may have had ulterior motives, but before she could get into that, somehow or other the chatter turned back to her as she nearly choked on her mouthful of food when she was called a little mermaid.

β€œ... Smart joke.” She mumbled a reply, if she didn't get the joke, she might as well proclaim to never read a book again. With even her ears turning red, she looked up from the meal.” I like books and music.” Amelia replied, throwing a loving look at Riley, before returning to her food for another few mouthfuls of the meal. After those she spoke again.” I can't play music though, so no point in asking.” It was going to take a little bit of time to get used to people around the camp. She had mostly gotten used to the ones from the Quarantine and mainly Atticus. She liked the priest, he was a nice person. The others varied, but overall with a few exception she was at least used to interacting with them.

β€œWhat about you?” She suddenly had an idea how to divert the topic from themselves and turn it onto the woman. Riley had already introduced her hobbies and past. The woman so far seemed rather talkative and Amelia didn't really have a reason to hold it against her. Amelia actually did enjoy being around people, despite her getting shy easily around new people that is. In any case, they were going to be staying here for the long run, or at least she hoped it would be the long run. Better get to know the people. Nikki was nice and since this woman seemed like her friend, she shouldn't be bad either.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

'Wow, you've really got to pull the words out of her mouth with a hook.' Lisa thought as she heard Amelia reply to her question. Still it was more than she suspected she'd get, at least by some margin. She also didn't flip out at her way of calling her. So she seemed like a nice enough girl alright. Lisa nodded as she did get her answers though.” A fellow bookworm then! Not a bad thing!” She exclaimed, clearly pleased by what she had heard.” I myself do enjoy good books a lot. Always nice to have a great story to experience! Or a cheap romantic one!”

β€œGetting the feeling we will get along famously!” She added. Honestly she wasn't getting that feeling, but might as well hope and pray for the best! The more people who red books the better it was! They could chat about books and stories! Maybe even exchange knowledge about books.

Her attention shifted back to Riley as she nodded.” Honestly good to have more people of the arts present around here. While I myself haven't been too much into music, I do enjoy listening to it now and then. Looking forward to seeing your abilities.” She smiled to the musician.” As for partying, well hard to pull off on regular scheduled intervals nowdays. Worry not, even if we lack hard parties, there will always be ways to have fun. Especially when you don't have to run for your lives every single day and be alert at night.” Lisa reassured them calmly. They've probably been on the roads for a while, she herself knew what the life on the road was. Being in this camp was a blessing. Admittedly blessing with some rules attached, but a blessing never the less.

β€œAs for the rest of your question, as mentioned I like books, and watching action movies! Also the beach area, I assure you, that you will enjoy the open parts of it.” She explained casually before returning to the food. She needed that food a lot right about now. Even if there was a sea boil later. She'd just eat less then at the worst case.

Priscilla Harker

Location: Soulless Fade Between
Skills: N/a

Thinking on the optimistic side of things, Mosi noticed that Mahendra seemed to be picking up his courage and standing up to the horrors of the snake! She was inwardly cheering for him to overcome that fear of the Naga as he called it. That was it people had to strive to overcome their fears! Granted fear was a horrifying thing and overcoming it was near impossible , but it was beautiful goal non the less. She was willing to buy him a beer once they found the first habitable pub of some kind! If there wasn't beer there was surely going to be something else! She was feeling adventurous to try new things!

As the Baron started to speak to her, Mosi's focused her attention on his skull painted face. She was smiling casually, but as she heard what he had to say, her eyebrows narrowed a little in confusion.” What do you ...”

***** Snapping *****

She was about to ask, but as she blinked it all changed. Gone was the underworld-scape location and hello was a grand watery location within a ruin.” Well... I see.” She mumbled, having realized what the Baron had in mind. She nodded to herself.” Hope to meet again indeed.”

β€œAnyways I'm starting to get used to this.” She mused as she looked about to see the people who were with her this time around. Having went through some weird stuff today, she was getting a little numb to it more so than usual. All that mattered was that she was god damn alive and this was a chance to see and experience new things. On the topic of new things she found out that Richard and Luaren were actually with her. So were a very fancy looking guy in red with knives and a guy that held what may have been a gun of some kind. He also started to pull out a machete, asking for answers.” Sorry, but I would love some answers myself.” She replied calmly.” This is the second time I get moved to an unknown location without nary a warning, let alone an answer.” She replied to the machete man. He wore weird clothing and the guy in the red also had weird but olden looking clothing.” Nice blades.” She suddenly commented, having looked at the knives man and the machete man.” And since you are asking, I'm guessing you have no answers either, huh?” She sighed. Then suddenly had a thought and pulled up her shirt to check on the condition on the brand.

Constantin Kolev

Location: PE Fade Between
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

β€žVe all vill survive.” Constantin nodded to Veta who took his hand into hers. He was just glad she was alright. It was a small brief moment of reassurance that relieved a lot of his inner worries about her and the Bazhooli and all of them really. He was worried about their well-being here. As the brief moment ended and the search for Dieter, the ferret not the brother began, they separated. Sadly the ferret was nowhere to be seen. Constantin felt sad, he was hoping the little thing ended up with the other group at least and wasn't alone somewhere.

He looked at Virginia who spoke of the location and why she needed to come here and some other relevant information she was aware of. Supposedly her father wanted her to seek the life elsewhere. Well this sure was elsewhere compared to before. He couldn't argue with that. On the side note, apparently the woman had more information or at least clues about their location. Seemed like even she wasn't aware of everything though. Sadly he supposed they'd have to hope to find more information now that they were here. What he was most interested about was WHY they were here.

Then Vlad went full Great Bazhooli on them. Constantin was in agreement about the force to be reckoned with part. Between all of them, they should be ready to fight most things within reason. Some may be too dangerous, but still it wasn't too bad a compliment of people. They had skills to be used after all.” Bazhooli, not sure ve can make proper fire in this wet place!” The firewalker commented, partly joking partly serious about it.” Besides maybe I should be the one to try it. If it's poses some danger, it should be me vho test it first! Same vith the fire! ” He proclaimed with pride. Because Bazhooli getting injured would be shame on him for letting it happen. Constantin took great pride in his service to the circus.

He looked out to the man who introduced himself. Yeah that was a basic rule of courtesy was it not?” Nice to meet you. I'm Constantin Kolev.” He introduced himself in a flashy courtesy half bow as befitting of an entertainer.

***** Snapping *****

As he looked up from his bow, he saw he was... elsewhere!?” ΠšΠΠšΠ’Πž ПО Π”Π―Π’ΠžΠ›Π˜Π’Π•?!β€œ He was startled and cursed loudly. He was somewhere different alright, with four other unknown people. Three men and a woman with white hair. His surprise lasted only a few brief moments before he regained some calm and looked about, confirming that he was indeed elsewhere again.

The woman spoke out and he turned her attention to her. She said something about shiftings. Was this what happened? They...shifted? Well it did seem fitting if she was referring to them reappearing suddenly at completely different locations.” Great... it happened again...” He sighed, this was the second reappearance at an unknown location within a very short span. He then eyed the wolf. It looked like a majestic animal... if not too big... Way too big! It was the size of a horse. He used to think the ones in Russia were the biggest. Then he returned his attention to the woman who said they wore strange clothing.” Hmm... I suppose so.” He agreed with her as he studied her clothing. With the circus he had traveled a fair bit and some of those clothing were very strange indeed.” I guess ve all are from different places... though I've not seen those despite traveling fairly much...” He was really confused now. This seemed to be a little too different for it to be simply different locations." Ve are from more than simple different places?" He asked, hoping someone would have an answer. That wolf was clearly not something not regular among the animals he knew unless it was a kind of soulless, but it wasn't killing people. So with the astral world being a thing he was certain of, with a wolf this unnatural for where he came from, he wondered if it was from another world...

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Amelia was just a tad bit surprised when a new person appeared and called out to Checkbook in such a friendly familiar manner. Turned out to be another woman. Frankly Amelia wasn't sure quite what to think of her from the get go. She was dressed in what would amount to a casual regular style for the world they live in and had a few different accessories on her. The way she spoke, meant that she and Nikki were probably on rather good terms though.” I see. I won't venture into the forbidden parts.” She replied. This was going to take a little while to get used to the new numbers of people constantly around. If most of them were nice as Nikki, it might be easier to do so.

β€œHello... Nice to meet you too. I'm Amelia.” Amelia replied quietly as the woman greeted them, so she did so in return. Riley went as far as to offer a hand to shake, a hand which was taken. Amelia quickly followed suit to do so as well, though a little careful. She was finding being among so many unknown people a little bit nerve straining. Still the friendliness they were shown so far from Nikki and at least the tone of this new woman made things appear slightly better. She also looked at Riley who offered to play something on a guitar if they had any. That... was actually a good idea, one that Amelia approved off. She hadn't had the chance of hearing Riley play in an eternity.

β€œSee you later, Nikki.” Amelia said as she watched the girl bolt away, leaving her and Riley in the care of the new woman, Lisa. Amelia didn't take the sarcrastic comment to heart. She was partly at fault for it after all, being too quiet and all when the girl went out of her way to invite them to sit with her and chat.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: L5 (Mess Hall)
Skills: N/A

Lisa smiled at Riley as she took her offered for a handshake hand. She also took the other girls. It was obvious the two of them were among the ones who had to shave their heads upon arrival at the Quarantine. They were alive and well, that was all that mattered though.

β€œOhh? You play the guitar? Professionally or...?” Lisa asked of Riley when she heard the woman propose to display her skills later. She wasn't too into music, she didn't really follow any bands or specific styles of music back in the day, still the skill to effectively play a music instrument wasn't something just anyone had. It was probably a skill worthy of preserving honestly just as everything else. Survival skills were of great importance, but the simple act of making music was as well. She wasn't really interested in learning it though.

β€œRighto. Pay attention, I'm sure someone will screw up royaly and do something dumb at some point or another.” Lisa grinned to Checkbook as the girl bolted away. She then calmly took her seat, setting down her tray and taking a few bites from the food.” So you two are quite chatty?” She asked clearly joking here.” No worries, I'm a good listener!” Lisa proudly proclaimed, looking at the two hairless women.

β€œSo, the two of you are new here. I assume you got your tour about the place. How do you like it so far?” She asked, chatting them up with a friendly smile, but then decided to not ask that.” Actually scratch that, answer that question after a few weeks here. Why not tell me about yourselves? I got that you play music, got any other hobbies enjoy even now?” She asked Riley and looked at Amelia who was still quietly eating, trying to not stand out presumably? Was she shy or just bad with people? Maybe both or maybe she just didn't like talking?” What about you, Little Mermaid? I know the evil witch didn't take your voice.” She added since she had clearly heard Amelia speak up earlier even if it was brief and queit.

Priscilla Harker

Location: DttS Fade Between
Skills: Lore(Occult),History (General)

'Sure enough.' Mosi thought when the man started giving out names to Nancy. The American had suspected he should be tied to those names, but hearing him say it was quite a whole different kind of feeling she had to be honest. Admittedly they only had his own words to it, but with the thing she had witnessed in the last little while, she was actually believing him. So that guy was Baron Samedi... or Papa Legba. He didn't appear to be in a rush to explain himself, she was leaning towards Baron Samedi though. At least one mystery solved sort of, powerful and dangerous loa tied to death. Dangerous combination he was.

The worst thing was that no matter how much she tried to think of anything, she couldn't come up with a solution to what to propose to him aside her soul that could be useful for negotiation with this entity. As far as she could figure it out, the only thing he'd be really interested of hers would be the soul.

Somehow tables turned with Lauren of all people suggested brewing moonshine. Mosi looked at the woman with surprise and realization especially as the man agreed to it should she actually manage to do it. Well... more likes to the Baron it was. She glanced at the cigar he had and that brought her attention that she herself could really go for a puff herself. She reached into ther pocket and pulled her smoking pipe along with the small bag where she kept the tabacco. Her gaze locked on the tabacco for a good long moment. Pondering an idea... if Lauren could deal with moonshine, could tabacco do the same? Somehow she was doubting if the quality of the tabacco would be to the standard of his cigar. Still it was a possibility and she had personally selected this tabacco for it's quality.

β€œExcuse me, Baron.” Mosi started with calm voice.” I noticed you appear to have a fine taste for tabacco. While unsure of how mine would compare to yours, was wondering if you'd be interested in it? It's some of the best I've collected in my travels.”

Constantin Kolev

Location: Soulless Fade Between
Skills: Tretiy Glaz(passive), Fal'shbort(passive)

It all went to hell. God damned it went to hell. One moment Constantin was preparing mentally to do whatever was needed and stand vigil to the end no matter what Veta's actions accomplished. The next moment there something strange happening, with a vision of another place almost like. As the world around them started to vanish away, the church where they fought the creature was gone. Then it was replaced with what appeared to be ruins!

It was sudden, weird, unnatural, dangerous and weirdly dangerous! He looked about in haste, alerted. People were missing! What had happened to those who weren't with them!? One of the men, the guy who had handed Veta water earlier was present though and appeared just as alarmed as Constantin was.

Virginia seemed rather fond of the area they were in. Constantin himself wasn't as keen on the surrounding waters though. As someone who had a certain great distaste of deep waters and the dangers lurking in those, seeing the surroundings with so much water, much of which he couldn't judge the depth of from the current position, wasn't a welcoming sight. To each his own, he supposed. It was pretty in a way yes, be he'd personally prefer it with a lot more fire, ash and embers rather than cold chilling water." It's indeed pretty.." He agreed as well in the end, didn't mean he liked the water any better.

β€œDon't knov.” Constantin replied to Veta who asked about the fate of the rest.” Ve appeared here, they aren't. They could have been left behind or maybe they appeared at another place?” He proposed. He was honestly out of his depths here. Weird world traveling was not his thing. It was Ludwig's. On the topic of Ludwig, Constantin realized that Dieter, the ferret not the brother, was with him when this happened.

β€œDeiter, you here?” He asked and started looking about. He was still a little bit rattled by what transpired so he looked at the location the ferret last stood on him.

Myako Arashi

Myako casually handed out cups of sake to the interested and also started to drink of her own cup. All was good with the world. Some weren't taking the drinks, but that was their own right. In the end it was still fine. She enjoyed it and that was all that mattered. As the head captain walked in, Myako looked at her for a moment when the topic of putting away the alcohol was brought." Alright." She shrugged and downed the rest of the cup in a single motion, putting it away, taking in the expression of someone who was decently focused on the task of listening. After all the alcohol didn't really affect her negatively in any way with the degree of her power and constitution at this point.

The news that were given were rather concerning with the gravity of the situation. Myako raised an eyebrow as she listened. A Vasto Lorde was here? That... how the hell did that happen? She was a captain after all, while some of the lower ranked Shinigami might not have seen even a Gillian since they joined she had and Adjuchas as well. Vasto Lorde was a whole different breed. There were 5 of those? Was the entire population of Vasto Lordes of Hueco Mundo trying to leave? She frowned, each one of those was repotedly stronger than a captain this might be a problem. What was even more problem was the fact that it was keeping a low profile, with it's goal unknown, but that might not need be a bad thing per say. They were intelligent, so there should be reason for it to be here and they could get information if they find it. It might be willing to speak out it's reasons who knew.

"I'm going to start the hunt the one within Soul Society right away. However if a Vasto Lorde is here, we should probably assume that at least Gillians or regular hollows in greater numbers might show up as well at it's beck and call." Myako eventually said when the breifing was more or less over. They needed a hunter to do this and she was the closest thing they had to a hunter. She enjoyed such a chase and the game of it. The only possible negaive was that if a fight broke out, her own power and attack would cause an absurd amount of collateral damage, but it was innevitable.

"It's going to take a while, especially if it really wants to stay hidden, but I will track it down." She added and stretched her arms before fixing her belt that was starting to get a bit loose." Anyone wants to join me for the hunting process?" She asked and looked at those around the room. Her eyes that were usually lazy now had burning flames of anticipation dancing in them. Her inner huntress was roused from it's sleep. Her Zampakuto was anticipating this as well. This was going to be a worthy adversary and prey!
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