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Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Away from the crowd Amelia certainly felt a lot more confident. What's more with the relative darkness, it was was just a bit better for someone as shy as her. It's not like she could simply stop feeling that emotion out of nowhere. She was better nowdays, but it wasn't gone. She observed the sand, listened to the waves, admired the fireworks and enjoyed the presence of her love. Maybe she too would have been laughing at the chaos of the bar, but she didn't hear it, so she missed it. Maybe she'd get the rerun or in other words someone recounting it tomorrow?

With Riley's arm around her shoulder they got good distance away and then Riley spoke out.” Hmmm?” She wanted to ask what was nearly perfect, because Amelia's own opinion was about the same. Were they thinking of the same thing? Well Riley got her into a dance out here, in the edge of the light, clear of the others.” Well yeah... β€œ Amelia said quietly with a blush as they danced.” Very few things can make this 'perf...” She was about to get around to saying a kiss, when a kiss basically landed on her lips, stopping her midway. She blinked and closed her eyes. Yeah now it was perfect, like in a nice fairy tale. That was it the night was PERFECT.

β€œYou... read my mind.” Amelia finally said in a whisper when the kiss ended and she was really glad they weren't close to the others in the beach. She locked fingers with Riley, smiling.” This was way better than finding a seashell...” The night was now perfect, everything that she wanted to happen happened! What was left was to return home, together! What's more Amelia had another thought, was it possible to get photos in the camp? She was going to have to ask about that too. Still with hands interlocked with Riley, she smiled and looked down with a blush, looking at the sand. There were bound to be a few seashells around. She wanted one as a memory of tonight. She'd put it on a string and all.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place) ->(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

Lisa was rather curious as she observed the partner of Thana who arrived at the bar. She vaguely thought his name might be Ash if she recalled correctly. What was even more curious the way he greeted them. She started laughing at them all being called sirs or ma'ams. It was honestly hilarious, especially after the bit of alcohol she had to get a more merry mood without getting dead drunk.” Well not called Ma'am often, sounds weird.” She laughed, leaning on the bar.

Then Thalia joined up with them again and just in time to be present for Ada's little episode about wild fucks. Admittedly Lisa probably found it just as amusing as Ada was right at this moment as she was laughing aloud, leaning on the bar.” Don't look at me, I'm not the one who spiked it if that's the case.” She replied to Nikki with a grin.” Maybe it was the wild fucks who did it, to make things more interesting.!” Lisa laughed even more as the woman vanished under the bar. This was the stuff she wanted to see out of life. She leaned forward a bit as Ada was sitting up.” Ya okey there? Need any help?”

Weirdly enough though Lisa herself had initially been on the look out for a partner for the night, having this kind of fun happen, kinda made her mostly not care about it as much.” You haven't been sampling the good stuff in secret without inviting me, have you?” She asked, chuckling and looking Ada in detail.” Did you get injured?” Lisa was a bit concerned. She was well ready to help the barkeep at a moment's notice.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

There were few things that were as reassuring as Riley's words to Amelia. She smiled at it, thought the thought of having to continue to venture out in the wildness was a lil bit scary, considering the dangers that they could face and Riley's well-being. In any case she nodded to her love, ignoring ALL of the nonsense happening at and around Hunter. She was right now a woman with her priorities in order! Said priorities were: Riley first and everything else depending on the situation.

She smiled at the additional fireworks on display. It was a magical scene to her eyes right now. Carefully she dropped the burnt out sparkler in the bucket and looked at the fancy lights for a bit. She wondered if those were homemade or they had scavenged them. Didn't matter really, Amelia quickly looked at Riley again with a smile. This was a magical night for her, but there was still more of it to enjoy. A few more things that could make it even better memory.

Making a really pondering face, looking down the both ways of the beach she finally pointed in roughly west direction.” That way!” Proclaiming with a smile, still holding hands with Riley.” We can get all the way down this direction and then sweep back towards here... and it's quieter there with less people...” She added with a shy voice and really bright cheeks. Maybe having something in mind... something like a kiss? She couldn't quite bring herself to say it aloud here with others around, but further away she was going to go for it dammit! The night was magical and she was just a bit of a romantic... like in the books. They had fireworks, now there was a need for a kiss.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place) ->(Beach, bar)
Skills: N/A

β€žNothing that can be done about it.” Lisa grinned as Cook was preparing her the food.” She's just my cup of personality to get along with. Besides, if she's hungry enough to snatch food from people at the bar, it's obvious she's in the need of some munchies. As a good buddy Imma happy to accommodate.” The chuckled as she took the two plates.” No one's going to let Nikki forget this one now, isn't it? You know Ada reminded her of it just earlier, the reaction was fun as expected.”

β€œKids will be kids, nothing about it. Let her have this small thing, not like she's caused any major problems. She's going to probably settle down somewhat in a year or two. Might end up resembling a mini Thana by that point though.” She shrugged and followed Cook's line of sight to Hunter who started rambling again. Boy sure liked to talk it seemed, probably because he looked dead drunk. She sneaked a glance at Ada at the bar, wondering if they should just give him one or two more drinks and make him fall asleep before he could embarrass himself any further. He ended up angering Nikki who seemed to get along with him so far. Well that was a lesson learned about drinking wisely~ She very briefly considered the possibilities in making a funny public service announcement poster about it.” Well maybe the aftereffects will keep him from fucking up with drinking quite as much in the future. Anyways, thanks for the food, better bring it back to Ada now.”

With that sorted out she started skipping over to the bar again. She burst out in laughter as she neared and heard the last part of what Nikki said.” What's this about fucks I hear? You joining the hunt? What did I miss anyways? Who's Scarecrow? Dog Boy?” She asked, tossing a look at the still very drunk hunter, who was likely to stay drunk for a while and then the FUN part would start in the morning.” Annnnnnnd here's the food.” Lisa stated as she handed over the plate of food to the bartender.” As promised a plate of munchables."

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Somehow Amelia found herself not caring anymore where they were tonight. As she was close to Riley, enjoying the tiny freedom and safety she felt tonight, the sense of normality they were experiencing, the surroundings were melting away, leaving just the two of them, a set of sparklers in their hands, a nice softy beach and the sound of the water. The rest was just background setting for a brief moment.” Yeah.” Amelia briefly replied as she was pulled closer by the musician by her side.

The thoughts of Newnan briefly entered her thoughts, in a melancholy way as she just stood there, close to Riley, playing with the sparkler.” Who would have thought, we'd end up in a place like this.” She added, half musing, half in disbelief, but never the less still emotional. Doing circles with the sparklers again she had a small smile.” It will be fine... probably.” She corrected herself halfway, darkening her expression for a moment.” Nah it will be fine. If they've been around so long, then it must mean things are stable enough.” She reassured both herself and Riley.' Might need to learn how we can get a emergency life raft or something just in case though.'. She also thought, but didn't quite voice it, not wanting to allow negative thoughts to linger too much.

She watched as the sparkler was eventually starting to run out.” Hmm... I suppose we should of to drop those and start shell hunting.” She smiled, a bit shyly. They were some distance away from the fire pits so she couldn't quite get what was happening there and more importantly, she was enjoying the sparkler show looking in the direction of the waterline with her love! Like this she sadly missed the Drunken Confessions of Dog Boy. The much anticipated sequel to Awkward Socializing of a Dog Boy. Well he was the last thing in her mind right now anyways.

She stood up, taking hold of Riley's hand that was holding her close while they were sitting earlier, to help her up and well... walk hand in hand! It was important to her!

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Food place)
Skills: N/A

Lisa was already grinning and chuckling at the Drunken Confessions of a Dog Boy! This was priceless, it's been ages since she had such good material to enjoy!” Not that I blame ya, it's quite amusing.” She nodded, looking mischieviously at Ada.” Quality show right there, I call good skill on giving him the right amount. Any more and he might have been out cold instead by the looks of it.” Lisa grinned, she was always up f or amusement of people making the fool out of themselves. It was the human nature after all.” Well I'm sure they will be fine after sobering it up some by tomorrow.” She smiled.

β€œAlright, food's incoming, ohh beware a storm's arriving.” She nodded with a grin and walked away, passing by the Hurricane Nikki that was on collision course with the bar. The girl seemed quite furious right now, so Lisa only smiled at her in her usual friendly way in passing as she headed for the foodstuffs! Well maybe she didn't end up finding herself a prey for tonight, but ohh well. She had fun, she had booze and she was not hungry. It was perfectly decent night so far with the possibilities of even more improvement in what time remained till they would start heading back to their homes.

Walking onwards, she noted that the Rome guy was trying to settle Hunter down before he did even more of a fool of himself. She casually made a slightly detour as to not collide into them and arrived at the place where Cook was giving out the munchies.” Hey, Cook.” Lisa greeted with a smile.” Get me two portions, please. Promised Ada I will drop some munchies to her at the bar since she's busy there tonight and stuff.” She grinned and tossed a look at Nigel and Hunter, wondering how doggo boy would react to people trying to get him to stop drinking after already being drunk. This usually ended up in comedic gold.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Amelia gave a nod of greeting as Roy passed by as well, following Riley's and looked a him as he walked away from them. With a very slight thinking expression, she tossed a glance at the woman by her and nodded.” Yeah, good thing.” She confirmed, feeling somewhat reassured. After all they better be! She for sure didn't want to wake up someday to a barnicle or seaweed covered zombie dragging itself from the water to shore. That would be a very bad thing to happen, admittedly, she wasn't even sure if walkers could properly operate underwater. Maybe she should ask the people here if they've confirmed that. Though she did try to push those thoughts aside for the moment. Quite the mood killer those were.

β€œMmm, okey.” Amelia replied as she skipped to where Riley was sitting and carefully sat down, after confirming there wouldn't be anything hard that would be uncomfortable to sit on like a rock or the like. Still as trend of not quite believing this is happening continued as once more she never expected she'd chill on the beach at night with someone. After the apocalypse, she had the feeling that beaches wouldn't be a safe location. You were easy to spot and all that. Though admittedly, with recalling that running on sand was hard, she wondered if zombies had hard time moving about on it as well.' No, no, no, no, no! No walker thoughts for tonight anymore! I'm going to forget everything and enjoy it with Riley!' Amelia repeated to herself, steeling her mind and will for this and just in time as she looked with surprise at Tesla who delivered some sparkles for them to have fun with.

β€œThank... you!” Amelia said with a bit of excitement in her voice as she looked at the things and took one from Riley. Her eyes were probably big and round at the sight of the sparklers like that of a child. She held on the thing for a moment, watching the sparks and then started moving it in a circle, smiling at the sight. With a chuckle, she looked at Riley who mentioned sand dollars. Amelia spun the sparkler in circles in the air for a bit.” Let's see if we can find something after this thingies burn out. We might be lucky even though it's dark.” She proposed with a slight blush and just leaned softly on Riley's shoulder, still playing with the sparkler.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Bar)
Skills: N/A

She listened to Ada grumble displeased and nodded.” Well, can't fault you there.” She grinned, rocking her empty beer bottle for a moment. Apparently her moonshine request wasn't registered, ohh well maybe later. She noted as the music switched to Paint it Black. Well decent cover there, nice song. They made it sound good, though admittedly with the state of the world they weren't free to choose their performers. Still the current group were doing good job.

People were now moving about, her eyes trailed across the adorable couple that was playing like children with sparklers that Tesla handed over to them, then at Shears and the kids, the crew at the waterline with the flashlights, checking for unexpected visitors, to the people at the food and the ones at the stage. This was living! This wasn't survival, survival and living weren't always the same thing. Survival was what could be taken on the road, live day by day with the bare minimum if you had to. No luxuries, no safety, always vigilent to scrape by. No this here was a proper living, they had food, they had enough freedom, they had entertainment and the right to relax. With this her eyes spotted a certain kiddo that was with her new kiddo friend. Hunter seemed like he was talking with Nikki, this was nice.

β€œHmmm...” She made a sound as she rocked her empty beer bottle a bit more with the tip of her finger.” Well I will come back for more drinks after getting something to eat. Hey Ada, want me to bring some for you as well? Or you planning to take a break from the bar at some point?” Lisa asked as she stopped leaning on the bar and tossed a look over to the bartender.
Them bumps! Mostly thinking of Claymore right now though.

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Bar)
Skills: N/A

Lisa grinned widely at Ada's reaction, very pleased with herself. It was amusing.” Hey not my fault you guys are acting confusing.” She whistled innocently to the side and dark the rest of her beer.” Don't know about him, but I could use something stronger this time around. Get me some moonshine. Might as well go all out tonight.” She smiled, she probably wouldn't be drinking more after this one. A beer and a moonshine should be enough to ensure good sleep tonight. Even if she wasn't going to end with company tonight. Ohh well... A good night's rest!

Her attention was brought over to Thalia who explained how she lost her arm. Well that was not what she was expecting to hear tonight, but never the less it was a rather impressive story there. Sounded like something straight out of a movie or a gritty comic book. Then again, their everyday life now was akin to a book or a movie. Ones with very fickle writers who cause mayhem among the characters as they see fit.

As Ada started speaking in foreign languages, Lisa threw a look at her with a chuckle. Someone seemed proud tonight. Not a bad thing, considering she had done a good job with the booze indeed. Her eyes then briefly followed the two lovebirds that were moving towards the water. They were adorable and it made Lisa just lean on the Bar, waiting her drink. She wasn't one for fluff usually, but it was a nice change of pace. Also made her sad...” Made the moonshine double.”

Suddenly she perked up when she heard Thana's voice over the mic. This was now something she was looking forward to. Lisa's never really had the chance to hear her sing before at least not life. They met while the woman was in recovery after her injuries after all. They would talk about all other manners of fancy stuff like stabbing things and the like. Still Lisa did indeed want to hear her sing even once. She was curious.

'Okey that's indeed quite nice.' She concluded as the song started and she heard Thana's voice singing the lyrics. All in all the quartet was performing quite nicely. It was a mood fitting song. She turned her eyes over to the bar to confirm the status of her drink.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Amelia found the water splashing on her feet very refreshing and like a dream. It seemed like that was the trend right now, a lot of things seemed like a dream to her. Probably because she never thought she'd ever get to experience any of it again. A normality like this... As Riley's hand wrapped around her waist, Amelia looked at her lovingly. Yes, she never thought they'd have the chance to do anything like this. Not after Newnan.

That catastrophe left a deep impact on her, hard to believe anything could ever be normal after witnessing something like that. Even within the apocalypse. Still they were here now! This was happening!” Mm... I don't know if it will be allowed. At least not freely?” Amelia eventually said.” Didn't they say something about how access to the water itself was? Can't quite remember.” She wasn't quite sure honestly. They had went through a lot of information in the time leading to tonight, especially today during the day. It would take a bit to remember all of it by heart.” Anyways, if it's allowed it might be nice. Nothing too deep... better not risk it.”

Another reason why Amelia was a bit of adverse to going to swim too much was because well she wasn't sure how safe it would be. Anyways chances were that there would be ways to swim around here. It was a good way to keep fit after all and swimming could be useful thing to know, especially around water. Then there was the matter of swimsuits... hell where would they even find those? Would the camp have swimsuits to distribute? This made her ponder the issue almost to a comically serious degree, before she heard Thana's voice as the woman was preparing to sing.

Hearing the song, Amelia also wrapped an arm around Riley. She felt emotional, alright. Now that they were slightly away from all the people in the beach, she naturally felt more confident.” Let's go ask about it tomorrow after we deal with whatever tasks we will be given not sure where we will get swimsuits, but ehh... also we should collect a seashell or two... they make for nice decoration.” She changed the topic right after she brought up swimsuits. Honestly this issue was still bugging her unreasonably so.
Bump~! No gif cause I'm feeling lazy tonight.
The Return of the Bump: With a Vengeance!

Lisa Mason

Location:Camp Mexico Beach:L11 (Beach, Bar)
Skills: N/A

β€žPff please, as if she's in the need of any encouragement.” Lisa was the one to do a heavy eyeroll this time as she looked at Ada again, watching the exchange between her and Dusty.” Lovebirds, go get a room first. We single dogs want to drink in peace.” She decided to play along with their antics.

Lisa smiled as she was just taking a sip from her beer when she heard Thalia speaking. Throwing a happy look at the cyborg woman, she nodded and grinned again.” No worries, 'people thing' is optional, the important thing is to have fun! The rest is the icing on the cake.” She chuckled and raised her beer to the woman in a toast like fashion.” Hope you have fun here. It can get boring at times, but it's not too bad.”

Then Thalia and big roman dude started to arrange a duel. Good, duels were nice, maybe they could sell popcorn and make a spectacle out of it. A veritable modern post apocalyptic gladiatorial arena minus evil beasts and killing. They haven't fallen that far down after the apocalypse. Give it a few generations first. Hunter boy made his presence known once again by asking for stronger stuff later.” Ada, don't keep him too dry. Give him some liquid bravery! He's going to need it!” Lisa stated to the bartender and pointed out Hunter who was looking out in Nikki's direction.” Help the poor guy out, look at him!”

Finally a pleasant surprise in the face of Amelia and Riley arrived. They too have been summoned by the sweet intoxication of booze.” Hey.” She greeted them.” Having fun?” The two women seemed like good folk, Amelia looked a bit too shy, but otherwise she seemed good. The looks she was giving Hunter were amusing though.

Amelia Payne

Location:Camp Mexico Beach: I11(Beach)
Skills: N/A

Amelia smiled as she received the beer. She took it carefully, noting the fact that Riley was keeping herself between her and the Hunter dude. She was very glad that the blasted dog creature was not present. Otherwise this very pleasant night would have been a nightmare. As far as she was concerned all dogs were very dangerous things that deserved to be enchained and possibly barred and preferrably behind a sturdy wall from her. Keeping the corner of the eye on him, she felt safer.

As as the woman introduced herself and Riley returned the gesture, Amelia realized that she too hadn't done so.” Nice to meet you, Adelaide. I'm Amelia.” She said with a small smile, holding her beer securely. She then looked at Lisa who was chilling at the bar.” Hi, Lisa.” She greeted.” Yes, very much so.” She smiled and nodded in reply as she hooked hands with Riley and headed towards the waterline.” Let's go!” She smiled, starting to walk towards the water.

Amelia stopped right before they reached the water and after a brief pondering, she decided to take off her shoes and took a step so her feet get splashed by the water. It was cool, maybe even cold, but she couldn't help but smile. This was a very simple thing, yet brought her joy. It was proof of the possible stability this place could offer. Still she pulled away form the water, better not earn herself a sickness by getting her feet in the cold water for a long time. Walking barefeet for a bit on the sand would do as well.
The totally expected unexpected bump! With:

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