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Amelia Payne
Location:The Bus
Skills: N/A


With the bus well moving to the outer perimeter of the walled camp, a talk about the outing. A fair point was brought about the fact that for some reason walkers always seemed to show up in inconvenient situations and times. To her rather pleasant surprise, they were told that while on the outside, they would be given some weapons for protection at the very least. A smile appeared on her face as she approved of that idea very much. Without a weapon she felt very naked and defenseless. Before they arrived at the camp, she had slept fully armed for what now seemed like eternity. The lack of a bat in her possession make her so damn restless at times. For example a bat would have helped when she saw that infernal beast hound earlier at Supply.

As the bus got to the gates, Amelia was pondering what they would be given. Somehow she didn’t think they would be given fully loaded firearms. So she was almost certain, they will be likely given melee weapons. She was fine with that. Hopefully they had a bat. Her mind busy with pondering the weaponry situation, she looked at Riley who was with her and stopped thinking of weapons for a moment. Then she relaxed in her seat, realizing that she should calm down more. They were still safe inside the walls and inside a bus. Focusing on Riley’s presence, she pulled herself from the possible dangers and looked outside, watching the surroundings around the gate.

Seeing the way the sun was brightly shining outside and how it was delivering heat even through the windows, made her ponder the fact it was in fact summer now. A summer so far south at that. At least the bus was enjoyable enough with the fact it was nice and air cooled, but she was actually glad she had the dress now. She had to thank Nikki again for it! Amelia halted that train of thought though, she had already said her thanks to the girl for so many reasons, so words seemed so cheap. Was there something she can do for her? Now that was the real question.


Lisa Mason
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


Lisa’s attention was focused to the utmost, but at the end of the day, this was still the first time she was doing this. Between having to check regularly the guide in the folder and the fact that she simply wasn’t used to it yet, making a mistake with one of the steps was bound to happen eventually. She tried to lessen the chance to fuck up, read the guide carefully, paid attention, but it still happened, right after the first 3 initial ones.” Fuck.” She cussed as she realized the step was botched. So the initial luck of the rookie ended at step three. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself to do it again, pulling the folder first, rereading the step and making note of everything.

β€œAlright… this time… like this… here...” She mumbled quietly to herself as she was mostly repeating the same process like last time, but correcting her mistakes from that time.” Mmm… β€œ She mumbled a quiet tune of some undetermined kind as she finally pulled her arms away from the batch with content smile.” Alright… step four done. One left… It will work out.” She reassured herself and got to work with the final step. However the final step proved to be the next stumbling block as it failed.” Fucking hell, what did I screw up this time?” She asked herself and pulled the folder yet again, going through everything for another time. Yeah as she suspected she wasn’t quite ready for practical work with reliable results all the time. This was going to be a metaphorical being thrown in the deep end to learn to swim moment.

Lisa focused her mind on the task once more. She had to succeed next time, even if it wasn’t perfect. Good job here, meant good life and good situation for the camp as a whole. The medicines were of key importance and with the earned credits, she could get something else for herself. One step at a time though.” Once more...” She turned to the tools and samples again.

Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Now loaded and seated into the bus, it wasn’t much later when everybody had gotten onto it with padre being the last and closing the doors. She noted the guy on guard by the back door. She wasn’t certain if it was for their protection in case something or someone tries to charge through the back door of it was to make sure they wouldn’t attempt anything. After a brief thought, she concluded it was just paying attention on them rather than possible outside dangers. Deciding that it was enough of looking around the bus for the moment, she put the clothing she was still holding onto her lap and rested her head on Riley’s shoulder.

β€˜It’s going to be fine.’ Amelia thought, repeating reassuring words to herself as her hand found Riley’s and gently squeezed it. They wouldn’t bring them just to die there, there were armed people to be on guard in case it was needed. Granted two or three people wouldn’t be enough if a horde appears, but a horde would be noticed from a good distance away, or so she hoped. As much as she wanted to pay her long respects to James, she wasn’t sure if staying outside the bus longer than the absolute minimum required was a good idea.

She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying Riley’s presence so close. Somehow it felt a like a field trip if she cut off the armed guards from the image. An organized vacation field try somewhere to visit a historical monument or the like. It wasn’t of course, but it was a nice thing to imagine even for a moment. It was short lived though as her eyes quickly darted back open moments later, looking around for anything out of order, before closing down again. Maybe it was the fact she sprinted like that earlier, or the mixture of stress and Riley's calming presence, but she felt a bit sleepy, so she forced herself to open her eyes. She didn't dare sleep right now, it wasn't safe. Still she didn't remove her head from her lover's shoulder.


Lisa Mason
Skills: Science (Chemistry)


β€žI see. I hope I will live up to that view.” Lisa replied as she followed Mary into the lab. It kind of made sense, they had gotten quite the number of new residents at the same time, so they had to make sure supply will meet the eventual demand. Granted the demand for medicine was the worst demand of all, so it made the task even more important. She was honestly nervous and hopeful now. She wanted to do a good job and prove her worth and also do a good thing for the camp. It would be nice to be of help and the credit wouldn’t be too bad to have.

Now within reach of all the tools and supplies that made the chemical magic work, Lisa switched to serious state and very intently listened to the other woman. As every single thing was being explained she made mental notes and supposed them with everything she had learned. Granted now when she was about to do it for real, it seemed a lot more complex and harder, but she had to do it. Finally finishing the explanation part, she took the folder and gave it a quick, but focused look over. The steps of the walk through were cleanly enough defined.” Well… the worst that can go wrong is my death. No point in worrying to the point of panic!” She smiled and said to herself with optimistic upbeat voice, then got to work after stretching her arms.

With utmost care she began the first step after checking the folder. She had to go through the first batch. Carefully she started the different procedures. There were quite a few steps ahead of her and she was only starting up. Since this was the first time doing this, she was somewhat worried and very careful. Luckily the first step passed without an incident. As such she proceeded onwards with the second step on the list, following the walk through to the letter and making notes of it all while working, she smiled. It was actually nice to be entrusted this task, even if it was because of circumstance. Suddenly realizing her mind was wandering off, her eyebrows creased as she returned her attention properly to the task. There was time for her head to be in the clouds later! Second step proceeded without issue and she entered the third one. Reading through the folder contents, paying attention to not miss anything, she started the third step on it. With deep breath, followed by a sigh of relief the third step was eventually completed as well. Her hands pulled away for a moment, as she took another deep breath. So far so good, but it was another question if her luck and skills will hold up to the end. Her eyes moved onto the folder to check the next step.

Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Confirmation to her suspicion that the graveyard wasn’t a safe location came right away when Padre started speaking and replied to the Manny guy. So they were heading outside the walls and they weren’t going to be armed?’ Great…’ She was starting to having second thoughts and debate in her mind if going there was worth the risk, however Riley did seem interested in visiting to pay respect to James and Amelia was feeling the same, it was just the issue with safety. However they did have armed escorts and a bus to hide in. Push comes to shove, hide in the bus.’ Okay… it’s probably going to be okey. If it isn’t… there’s bound to be something avaible to whack a walker to death with.’ She concluded in her mind. Makeshift blunt force weapons were everywhere, you just needed to pick them up!

Listening to the Padre speak she got a rough idea of what was the way to proceed. As far as mourning rituals went, it was probably the most complete one she’d thought she'd be part of post apocalypse. Amelia planned to just use the time to silently say her last farewells with James and pay attention to the surroundings. She didn’t need more, not in the world they were living in. As the word to get onto the bus was given, she with Riley in hand headed for the bus to take their own seats somewhere on it, but she halted momentary when Padre addressed her.

Having halted mid step, she put her leg back to the ground and looked at him, thinking for a moment she nodded.” Alright. Thank you.” She replied with a grateful, but still somewhat concerned nod. So coupling together everything she had heard until now, it was likely they had put some effort into arranging this. She was grateful, but honestly was still wondering what they needed the bags for… Pushing the thoughts of suspicious bags out of her mind, she led Riley towards the back of the bus where they took their seats so they can get the journey on the road and seriously pondered what it would take to pry something off the bus to use as a weapon in the case of emergency.


Lisa Mason
Skills: N/a


β€žOhh?” Lisa made a sound that expressed her clear curiosity as the additional cleaning work was denied from her schedule in a rather surprising manner. She looked at Mary with serious expression, knowing that the woman wouldn’t have pulled her out of it, unless she had another task for it. The comment that followed, put her suspicions to rest, by them being confirmed.” Really? That’s… great!” She was actually very happy to hear that. She was being given the chance to participate in the more serious tasks, involving what she’s been studying about until now! How could she not be happy about it?

Listening to Mary’s explanations she followed close behind the other woman as she was led to the lab she never entered before. This was an area off limit to her until now, so she was honestly very uncertain what she’d find here, but she knew what was to happen and with the continued explanation given, there wasn’t any room to doubt.” Penicillin huh.” She mumbled, thinking about everything she’s heard and read. The most basic one yet maybe the most important one in a situation like this. This was a very big thing they tossed at her suddenly without warning. The things behind this door were technically priceless for the camp!

Lisa didn’t speak right away, waiting to hear everything the woman had to say, including the warnings. It wasn’t surprising, medicine was priceless. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, before nodding.” Roger that, I’m going to give it my all. ” She reassured, but to a degree it was also confirming it to herself.’If I have the abysmal luck to fuck this up, do make it quick… though I might enjoy it otherwise... Better hope not. I like it here.’ She didn’t actually say this part. Her eyes went to the suits and masks as they entered through the door. Carefully she started putting those on, making sure to be attentive while putting them, so nothing goes wrong. She didn’t want a stray hair or something fucking everything up.” I’m actually feeling nervous, it’s been a while since I’ve felt this.” She mused as she was putting the finishing touches or in other words the mask. With that in place she stood ready by Mary." Ready. Though to be honest I didn't expect to be doing this so suddenly today."
*Throws a hammer at the wall to make a bump*
Hello there, I'm Rivaan, can call me Riv if you'd wish. Usually I make my 1x1 ICs a lot more detailed when it's about a very specific RP I want to do that I've done a lot of brainstorming on. Decided to change my way of doing things for the moment. Here I will be tossing my less developed, but still desired RP ideas. Now I'm looking for a RP partner or two as I found some spare time on my hands. Before we proceed some rules to be tossed into the mix!

-Must be 18+, I'm an adult and prefer to RP with adults. Expect gore, hard language, cursing and all that.
-Smut will NOT be the focus of this RP and I will even run it with fade to black if I have to, so we can keep the pace going.
-If I see something I do not like I will call you on it.
-I expect at least 2 paragraphs for a post. Could be more could be sometimes less, but most of the time 2 is the minimum. No one liners here.
-I would prefer it to NOT be a one post per week kind of RP. At least every other day if it's possible. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes you will be busy, it happens, but 2-3 post a week should be the norm. Sometimes with many posting back to back during lucky days of course.
-If you do not like something within the RP, talk to me, we shall see if we can figure something out.
-If you need to leave the RP or lose interest, just say it. I will not hold it against you. Let's separate on friendly terms, don't just drop off the face of the Earth.
-I will try to keep on time for posting, but if I haven't replied within 2-3 days after your post feel free to poke me. I will be doing the same. Sometimes RP get burried within other things to do, it's understandable.
-Do not post in this Thread, PM me.
-Do not ask me if I'm interested in other RPs ideas here.
-I'm searching for one or maybe 2 people to do this RP with, so if you come late and I already have people, I will tell you and change the name of the IC to -name-[closed]. Please be understanding, I'm just one person.
-I mostly play Female characters, but do can play Male as well. Still I prefer to play Female characters better. I can do FxF or FxM.
-Also no RPing from first person, I find it slightly weird and would prefer for my partner to not use it either.





Amelia Payne
Location:Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A


Amelia was still breathing somewhat heavily as she noted some people arriving. It was one of the guys with the other groups. She thought for a moment and recalled a name.’ Manny, that’s what they called him, right?’ She thought as he asked her if she was alright.” ...” Amelia really wasn’t sure if she should talk about it. However it wasn’t really a bad thing to know, least he brings a stupid beast of death one day without knowing." Just… had a bad day… There was this dog…. The … scary one.” She replied to him as she spotted movement from the rough direction of the church. Amelia didn't plan to elaborate any further right now, didn't think it was needed to. There wasn't much to understand anyways, big scary dog spooked her.

Having looked in that direction only to spot Padre, Riley and Tati, she felt relieved.” Hello.” She greeted padre and also nodded at Tati who appeared to hold her cold demeanor. At this point she had decided to not attempt to connect by persistence with the woman. A greeting would do, so with that she moved over to Riley. They had agreed to visit the graves to pay their respects to James for certain.

She smiled as she hugged Riley, reassured by having her around herself. She needed this, especially after the encounter with the beast of hell. She was really annoyed about that, she had no idea why they brought that scary beast there… Couldn’t they have kept it somewhere in a cage and preferably tossed the key away? She just quietly complained to Riley about having met the stupid dog for a bit before more or less everybody had gathered.

Amelia returned a smile to Ash. Then there was the bus that arrived with people and suspicious bags. In her little mind she already started to ponder possible theories about what was in the bags. What they were talking about though, clearing yards and locking places down, made her think that the place they were heading to, might not actually be as safe as they weer making it out to be most of the time. If they were talking about the graveyard location where they were going to go now. She was without a weapon and didn’t like it one bit. So she took Riley’s hand into hers, not wanting to let go, she was going to protect her no matter what. If she thought there was danger present, she’d make sure Riley was inside the bus on the moment!


Lisa Mason
Skills: N/a


Lisa stretched her arms as she was walking around Medical to find Mary so she could report to her and get any tasks she might have yet to do for the day. She was reasonably certain there was still some cleaning to be done, but better confirm it all with SB first. On that note, she briefly pondered the benefit of having Manny with her now that he wasn’t around anymore. It certainly made time pass a lot faster and more enjoyable with his presence. Of course the time saved on having two people do the job was great as well. She did ponder however how long the older man would stick around on this specific job posting however.

After running a mental check on the most likely places Mary to be at, Lisa eventually did find her at the back of the reception area. Not that there were many places around medical that the woman could be at, it was a limited space inside a building after all, however she thought it lucky that SB hadn’t left to do a chore of something off site. On the way there she spotted a very brief glimpse of people leaving, not the most familiar profiles. She was sure the woman was the one she had met yesterday at the beach, with the artificial arm. Wondered what they were doing in Medical.

Turning her attention away from the already vanished people, she focused on her own task at hand which was SB and the others around the place. Medic was nearby doing his thing, she waved him a greeting. Doc also appeared handing stuff over to Mary. She waved him a greeting as well as she walked up to Mary.” Hey, so I’m done with the boat and the cleaning of the main lab… There anything else that I can help with or need prioritize first? Or am I to just resume my normal tasks instead?” Lisa asked of Mary.
Amelia Payne
Location:Supply (R)-> Assembly (P)
Skills: N/A

β€žOhhhhhh.” Amelia made a sound of realization as Nikki started to explain the mouse’s origins. It was a dark and terrifying story of a little mouse who just happened to appear and wasn’t getting caught in the traps! How ghastly! Well she nodded as she heard why it was named that way.” Hmm.. ohh… THAT one. I recall now. Sorry it's just that I don't recall movie trivia as fast as before.” She nodded even more vigorously as she recalled the movie. Honestly she would never had thought of it if the girl hadn’t mentioned where the name had come from. After having been away from watching any form of movie for so long, she mostly had phased many of the memories of them away to some degree.

β€œMmm, that’d be interesting, I want to see those traps as well.” She was honestly curious and looking forward to the future when she gets to see such a trap in action. Of course after Nikki’s earlier explanation on the traps type, she recalled those weirdly elaborate contraptions on tv now and then, but she honestly wanted to see such a thing on grander scale to kill walkers.” Okey, tomorrow we will see how we can trap this thing. Maybe with two of us, one can guide it towards the other who will catch it.” She suggested as they were returning to the good old working thing. How weird to be working once more, but it was a nice weird. A very calming one.

Soon enough as it was about time to prepare for leaving the doorbell rang. Amelia followed Nikki with her eyes as the girl went to the front to check what was going on and she herself instead hurried to get into the dress. It was about time for her to head off to the meeting point so she used the opportunity while she was alone in the room. Luckily getting into the dress didn’t take quite much time, so she quickly found herself ready to leave and headed to the front as well.

There were 2 things of note she spotted as she entered the front of Supply. First were Nikki and DoLittle. The second was the dog… THE GOD DAMNED BIG DOG!” ...!” Amelia’s heart rate sped up with the potential to go off the charts as she watched the hell beast of horror and destruction that was brought to Supply! They had told her there wouldn’t be dogs near her damn it! Still holding her previous clothing that was now folded into her embrace, she pushed herself against the wall and walked basically glued to it, obviously keeping as far away in her shaken state from the dog.” Nikki… I’m… going… now...” She mumbled out, not even attempting to hide her distress and general disposition towards dogs until she made it to the door, not taking her eyes off the dog, before she finally bailed outside and RAN, not minding she was in a dress now. She ran like her life depended on it, not minding anything on the way there until she made it to the Meeting up point. She was still clutching her regular clothing tightly in embrace, having forgotten to drop it off or put in a bag or anything, affected by the sight of the doggo from hell and her rapid escape from Supply. She was panting, trying to catch her breath, but at least she escaped hte dog... probably. She needed her bat stat for future protection!

Lisa Mason
Location:Water Repair Shop (G)β†’J4:Medical(B)
Skills: N/a

β€žOkey, let’s get going.” She stated, after all the things were put into the buckets and they were ready to leave. She started to walk to leave the boat however fate had another idea for her still. As she was just thinking that it’d be nice to maybe be done with the whole job on time today, she slipped. As if on a metaphorical banana peel on the wet boat, she had a very brief moment to react as she found her footing slipping. Time seemed to slow for a moment, as her brain went to weird places, however the most important of all, her reflexes took point and she managed to catch herself and secure her footing and some more support by grabbing the nearest secure object.

β€œ...” She didn’t speak for a moment, before she chuckled.” Well, I lucked out today. Good for me. That was close.” She smiled, having avoided a possible disaster. Who knew if she had slipped how it could have ended, luckily she didn’t this time around. Making sure to be careful as she walked off the boat now, as to not slip again and not slip she did indeed. Once on solid ground, she gave a silent prayer of thanks to no one in specific and headed back to Medical.

With a smile on her face and a song in her heart from having a good thing happen, the already short journey to Medical felt even shorter. Getting back into the building, going through the procedures and then returning to the basement was basically a second nature to her by this point.” So pretty sure you should be leaving any time now.” She reminded Manny as she was putting away all the things.

When the tools and so on were all put away, she smiled and headed to go find Mary. She hurried on to find the woman, she needed to see if there were other random task appearing in need of doing or she should focus on cleaning the rest of the lesser places in the basement that were left since they didn’t finish the entire basement earlier, just the main lab room because of all the plaster. Still it was good they had managed to do that in time before leaving for the Water Repair.

Eleonora Estelle

Location: Corbis Wood, New Hampshire
Hit Points:10 - Sanity Points:80 - Luck:40
Mental State: Normal
Skill: N/a

Eleanora walked down the roads of Corbis Wood with a mostly negative to at best neutral scowl, heading towards the Coach Station. This… gathering had all the markings of an elaborate hoax, but with the absence of better leads, it was going to have to do. It’s been a long while since she had anything good to go by, it seemed that the supernatural was a hard thing to track, unless you moved in it’s circles. She knew weird stuff were going on all around, but even as a detective, unless she was hired for such a job, by the time it reached her ears, it would already be all over and little to no traces would be left. Information wasn’t as fast traveling as she’d like it to be.

Walking ever onwards the dusty road, she spotted the station in the not so far distance.” This better pay out...” She grumbled under her breath, speed increasing in tune with the scowl on her face, clearly showing she wasn’t in the best of moods right now. On this job, she hadn’t touched alcohol for a good some time now, ever since she left home to come to Corbis Wood. She kept focused, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t being affected by irritation, especially since this blasted place was so quiet and calm in general. She hated quiet places… in these places were the most dangerous of thing hiding. She ran a finger through her hair, twirling a raven lock as she walked the last bit of the road to the station.

The station was already rather filled with people she supposed, at least when considered the location and the people who lived around these parts. She scanned the people around and quickly spotted what she suspected were the people organizing this event. Once more she had to remind herself that if it didn’t pan out with clues, she’d just consider it a vacation from her job… A getaway from the city. Still clearly irritated to some degree, she pulled a cigarette, brought it to her lips and after it was secured there, she pulled her lighter and it up. She inhaled deeply with half closed eyes, her tense and irritated features calming just a tad as she turned to the stocky man and the younger one.

Walking with confident gait and directly to the pair of men, she stopped a few steps distance from them, reaching to her cigarette, holding it gently between her middle and index fingers she inhaled one last time, before pulling it away from her lips. She exhaled the smoke to the side, not to do so in their faces.” You Paul LeMond and Herb Whitefield?” Eleanora asked them, bringing the cigarette to her lips again for a quick pull from it.” Name's Eleanora Estelle, pleasure meeting you.” She added with her slight french accent, but her voice despite that didn’t carry as much pleasantries as what was being said. She was clearly not in a great mood, but she wasn’t outright hostile at the very least.
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