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Medaira surprisingly kept her outward silence as they were 'escorted' around under 'protection'. Yeah let's call it that if it makes the people involve sleep better at night, she whistled amused. Ahh a governator palace, a rather technicolor amusement of a location, so filled with umbribled corruption and backroom dealings! And ohh don't even talk about the favors! She was happy, this place was fun, if only you could spend the odd afternoon just tapping into all of the surveilance that was scattered throughout the whole place and even the individual rooms! The lovely pieces of info and gossip you'd get. She could just imagine the countless pranks she could pull off with the right data. An odd scandal here, an angry wife finding you with the mistress there, fun for everybody everywhere!

Medaira was grinning underneaht the breather like device as her servo... head was flying around her happily and grinning as well. It was a full copy of her own head after all, she made sure to keep technological additions to the outward appearance to a minimum for maximum effect.

As soon as they had settled in the room, Medaira began to do techie things and get her metaphorical hands all over everything, in other words she was accesing any data feeds and databanks she could reach without making it obvious. For example the surveilance around, it wasn't tapped. Sure somebody was likely watching from somewhere but there wasn't an external break in for the looks of it. SO at least htey weren't under... DOUBLE SURVEILANCE! She tilted her head and looked at Adriana who asked her a question. She made a quiet beep sound followed by a tiny barely perceptable whistle." 1010..." She let out a series of synth noises." 10~ " She repeated in common gothic.

Finally she turned her attention proper to the Governor Nickolai and looked at him with the mild gaze." I'd like to ask how has the local assigned planetary members of the Cult Mechanicus been performing their duties~" She chirped a question." Any major delays, malfunctions, sudden defficiency in supplies and of course lack of servitors~?" She asked with her almost childish voice. While in the meantime she was making SURE to hack the air conditioning units of the man's office. He was going to find it fluctuating up and down, keeping it uncomfortable withotu actually being too obvious. It would be glorious whenever somebody realizes it after a good while.

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia looked at Nigel when he expressed his preference that a minotaur should be honestly more of a Greek aestetic. Well she was thinking along those lines too for the most part, but there was a small fact.” Well… most characters in D&D are best when they are unique in some way.” She mumbled out, recalling her own experiences with the game and the fun she hand her friends had back in the day.” Viking pirate minotaur with a bell is pretty unique.” She nodded.

With this she turned to Rosie.” I will have to ask to confirm if she’s got spots in any of the campaigns… though I’ve been out of the game for a long, long while.” She said quietly, before looking at Rosie once more.” And will he also get an eyepatch or a parrot? Though when you mention it… it would be a pretty harrowing pirate tale… with the mist comes the dread and then you hear the bell ring out within the white veils, signaling the crews that the time for pillaging is here.” She mused, imagining the setting. She was a nerd at heart after all.

β€œWell I can’t say I’ve played many unique standing out by sheer idea characters. I tend to prefer mine more muted and grounded.” She stated quietly, taking a few bites from her food.” Though I did like my human rogue assassin from the deserts. Story made her a blade dancer, you know, go in to entertain guests and then slit their throats in the middle of the performance. Though it was for the last campaign before the… well world ended with my friends back then. Never got to use her in a game. Prior to that used just a simple humble cleric…”

Her attention was suddenly pulled to the side where Manny was standing, listening and seemingly waiting. She smiled at him when he asked how she was.” Hey, Manny.” She greeted him.” I’m good, thank you. Better when there’s no dog around… Sorry can't help it... I know it's probably illogical, but... they are just too scary.” Though saying that, she tossed careful looks around as if to confirm the dreaded hellbeast hadn’t materialized just by calling it’s name!” And how was your first day?” She asked and gestured an invitation for him to sit down and not stand up there.”Everything fine?”


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œWell, not sure I’d listen to random chatter, if you are that interested better refrain from opinions until the other side of the story is known. Not that it matters any. I personally like her. I’m still thinking of ways to convince her to join up in a venture to write a walker killing manual.” Lisa stated flatly, but holding a chuckle.” I will cover overly elaborate traps and have her write the stabbing section. We’d make a killing. We can give it a funny title and everything.” It was actually one of her ideas, not the most original one, but it was an entertaining thought to have and think about. A guide how to make overly complicated walker traps that end with a piano or a safe dropping on a walker. It would be a blast!

β€œMm if I had a case of erratic hostile Nikkilear lifeform, I’ll pull of my ultimate secret move… I will run in the other direction. But we get along just mighty fine.” She couldn’t contain her laugh this time around. Her laughter did halt when DoLittle pointed out she wasn’t getting close to Amelia cause of Rosie.” Why though…? She ain’t bad or anything.” She inquired with a raised eyebrow. She had nothing against her personally and found this curious.

Then her eyes wandered over to the side where Manny, ever the brave old man stood up and proclaimed he will undertake the mighty quest.” Go get β€˜em, Manny!” Lisa stated, giving him a cheeky grin and a thumbs up. Of course she would have done it herself, but since he wanted, why not. Besides the joke aside, she was certain Nikki’s fine, she was a big girl and could look after herself and if she got into relationship troubles, well it wouldn’t be anything a bunch of alcohol and another Fuck hunt wouldn’t solve. Then again… they had a doggo now, so that worked too. Doggos were pretty good relationship remedies. By habit she moved to put a lock of hair behind her ear when some dirt fell from it.” Ohh right… ehh better eat fast and go back home to grab a quick shower or something… Probably got enough dirt in my hair to use it to plan stuff in.β€œ She chuckled.
Medaira let out a happy sound of some kind, weirdly distorted at the greeting from the Celestian, her eyes narrowing in a happy smiling expression as her lower face was hidden beneath a breather looking device that she rarely took off. Ohh she could take it off at will, she didn’t really need it, but it was useful for all manner of things!

She made a happy amused chirping almost sound as her head tilted at Stukov with innocent expression underneath the crimson mechanicus cowl.”I WILL hold you to these words, Prank Victim 2~ I will reserve the best replacements as to complete your glorious potential to the Omnisiah~!” She added in a singing almost voice and then just to make it disturbing she added a childlike giggle.

Her head slowly turned around as a new voice entered the scene. Her eyes locked on the man… no a kid. Well in this world of theirs you either grew up sooner or died, but still compared to them he was so young~ A kiddo~ She made happy chirpy sounds at him with narrowed predatory eyes for a moment as endless possibilities raced through her brain for a moment before she switched to innocent expression once more.” Nice to meet your mortal flesh, Prank Victim 3! May the Statistical probabilities ever be in your favor~” She added with a whistle in a really round about way of giving the kid her wishes of good luck upon him.

With that said she followed their glorious leader into the vessel and sat down in her seat, strapping herself in with happy chirpy sounds, noting the marvelous ship! Yes this was a ship! And yes she liked it~! And the mechanicus conservatives knew nothing about how it should be for all she cared. She was a magos of her own right, there were people above her on the ladder, but for all intensive purposes she was part of the progressive faction~ Also… she was withing the INQUISITION. Ahh, all the loopholes and roundabout ways she got to accomplish her duties now. It was great~ Near zero accountability ruled.

Listening to the briefing she was nodding, making happy approval sounds and doing calculations in her head for a various honestly not important for the moment things such as how much feathers would be needed to cover a human who was soaked in tar or any kind of viscous liquid. She looked at Stukov again.” Discreet~ is not the word to use for a Celestian,Psyker, Magos and an… accountant? I withdraw my point, his ordinarity would offset our quirky nature in the eyes of outsiders~” She whistled jokingly, making up a new word because why not if it got the meaning across!

β€œAs for the planet, with two seeming cults present, chances are the others will pop up before long if they haven't in secret already.” Medaira stated her additional mechanical limbs moving around her in some weird attempt to prove her point by gesturing.” And the Governor should be the first person we run a check on. I bet his wife is the leader of the Cult of Pleasure on this world~ I’ve always wanted to say β€˜the wife did it!’, I’m sure this will by my chance.” She added, seemingly really convinced of her opinion on the matter and as joking as she was, she was in agreement with Stukov that their β€˜contact’ should be the first person they ensure is not on the chaos shenanigans, otherwise the whole op would go to the Eye of Terror before they even start to do anything serious!

Amelia Payne
Location:Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Amelia was not really surprised she wasn’t allowed to grab Nikki’s food in advance, but she smiled when it was revealed they would set aside some for her instead.” Thank you, Ma’am.” She added with a nod as she took her tray of food and fruit. She wasn’t actually sure when Nikki will arrive and if it will be before she leaves the Mess Hall, so the revelation food would be set aside was a really good one.

β€œOhh, okey. I want to. It’s been a long while since, I last even talked about D&D.” Amelia quietly nodded to Rosie, who invited her to a D&D chat! Indeed, last time it was before the walkers showed up, so it’s been a while… felt like eternity actually. Yet another weird feeling of normalcy that this camp gave and Amelia both liked it and a bit feared it. Normalcy dulled the senses, but calmed the hurting mind. She followed suit after, listening to the descriptions being given and also noting that Nigel was being invited too. She wouldn’t judge, D&D was for everybody!

β€œIt’s a rather specific idea, fun one.” Amelia nodded after imagining a minotaur bard with bells and staff. She was nodding at the image being build, that is what D&D thrived in, imagination, concepts that you wouldn’t always find logical, but those were usually the best ones. Though she did run more tame ones back then, she was shy to stand out too much. ” Well, I do like it, curious why specifically viking sailor though? Any specific reason or just the aestetics?” She let her inner nerd out just a bit.

β€œSo you have a running campaign here?” She asked, she was pretty sure she heard something about it at some point, maybe mentioned in passing prior, but since she was out of quarantine only yesterday afternoon more or less, she didn’t really spend too much time exploring all the possibilities. Though she recalled she was invited to play a game with the ladies from Supply. Ohh she had to go check out that later after dinner.


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


Lisa’s eyebrow rose up when DoLittle mentioned the relation between age and pet patience. She chuckled.” Was that a jab for being a roomie with the Bundle of Energy?” She asked amused.” Cause if so, well I’m glad to be the exception to the rule to be patient with pets and kids even at my age, thank you very much,” She whistled, tossing a look at Manny.” Sorry buddy, but not sure if you will survive exposure to the Nikkiliear energy. Things might get ugly, better keep her contained with me for the time being.” She reached to pat him on the shoulder.

β€œDunno, must be your luck. Poor you.” She smiled to the other woman who went on complaining about missing the fun. It had to be said, it was a fun night yesterday even if she didn’t participate in the β€˜Fuck Hunt’. With the topic movie back to the temporary Romeo for Nikki last night, Lisa shrugged her shoulder in dismissing manner.” Stupidity dies last… or maybe it’s hope, not sure. In any case, maybe it’s a case of blind love? If it turns into a soap opera worthy story, I’m finding the best writer in the camp to write it all down as the next masterpiece for the new era.” She suddenly burst out laughing at Manny’s comment, she nearly choked on her food from her laughing with her mouth full. She had to force herself to swallow the mouthful before resuming laughing.” Alright, I admit it... truer words were never said. I bow down before the wisdom of the wise!” She continued laughing for a while before her attention was grabbed back by DoLittle.

β€œ Hmmm…?” She followed DoLittle’s gaze to find Thana and Ash.” Not sure, Bass will have to do a whole lot more to deserve THAT and pretty sure he ain’t anywhere close to earning that level of boyfriend points. Especially considering Nikki’s not looking at him as a boyfriend at all.”

β€œHuh… now that you mentioned it, we do indeed have a wild Amelia here, but no Nikki.” Lisa agreed, actually quite curious herself.” Maybe she’s gone back home to check the dog… or something else… Fastest way would be to directly ask Amelia.” Lisa grinned and looked at her table conversation partners.” So… any of you want to have the honors of asking the shy one over there or should I?” She asked, noticing with amusement Amelia now moving with someone she hadn't till now. Awee she was making friends! Good on her!

*Stabs with a sharp pointy metal stick*

A very heavy handed BUMP to wake me from my stupor

Amelia Payne
Location:Jail(AA)->Mechanics (K) -> Mess Hall (C)
Skills: N/A


Journey via golf car from the jail to Mechanics was actually kinda serene. If she was captain obvious, legendary superhero of great renown, she might have commented how calm the streets were, but honestly it was a given at that point and she didn’t want Captn Obvious jokes. Still she couldn’t help, but think about the fact. For all the horrors of this current world they lived in, for all the changes, the dangers, the death and the pain, some things weren’t horrible when the danger and death were taken out of the picture. Such was the case with this camp, as she watched the car move on and the kids playing in the background. So calm this was, relaxing, maybe ALMOST enough to forget the walkers that could be clawing at their ankles at one single wrong move.

Still if she had to comment about camp life after a single day, she’d say it nice. In a way she just recalled a rather curious and scary thought as they were arriving at their driving destination. Amelia tried to recall life before the apocalypse and for a good long moment drew blank. This single fact shocked her in both positive and scary ways. Sure she could vaguely recall, but memories were growing fainter, replaced with the new reality and experiences. For a brief moment, while watching kids play in the street, she caught a glimpse of her doing something similar as a child, but it was blurry. And then there was the most scary thing of all… she was starting to forget faces from before the end. Friends and family… she recalled them, but now that her mind wandered to that topic, she could no longer picture them completely in her head. This caused her to shudder as the golf cart came to a halt.

The generally good mood of today frosted over for a bit as she initially lost track of what was being said before finally snapping out of her thoughts.” Ohh… yeah fish. Well fish is abundant.” Amelia replied to Ash, making a logical leap he was talking about fish for dinner. She shook her head silently to shake off the depressing thoughts. It was probably better this way after all. Memories caused pain, there was no need for that to linger on. Better find a new life in this new scary world, though she certainly wished for a loving hug right about now.

Inside the Mess Hall it was about as hectic as it was at noon if not more. Honestly it was a bit overwhelming for a moment as she couldn’t spot out people out from the crowd from the get go, but as she lined up on the line for getting food and started looking around she started to locate some familiar faces across the hall. She immediately refocused on searching for her lover in the crowds around. If not she needed to decide where to set her table and while she was on the table thought, she looked at what was for deserts, to confirm there was enough to safe a portion for Nikki. By the looks of it it was oranges, well fruit was good! She wondered if they would allow her to grab two, one for herself and one for Nikki. She was going to ask when it was her turn to grab her food!

Then suddenly she heard something that caught her attention as her head snapped in the direction of minotaur bards being mentioned! Her little Nerd heart jumped in joy of something familar she enjoyed after all those years - D&D!


Lisa Mason
Location: Mess Hall
Skills: N/a


β€œFigured you’d like that one. Had it stuck in my head for a lil while now. Not sure by getting a planter on my head might have helped to come up with it.” She grinned, seeing the expression that DoLittle had at her pun. Yes Lisa wasn’t a what was the word again… ehh punster? Works. She wasn’t a punster really, but even she could appreciate a good pun now and then, and she herself felt this one. Maybe an inspiration fairy had visited her while she had a planter on her head, tricksy bastards those were.

She had to stifle a laugh when Manny himself made a nuclear comparison about Nikki’s energy level and she was forced to suffer in her attempts to not correct him in the proper use of her pun that was so obviously in need of using in his statement just now. Her sides kinda hurt from holding it in, but after a bit she calmed down and resumed consuming her food with extreme prejudice, as one really should!” I agree, Thana’s been a very good influence on her. At this rate she’d be mini Thana in a manner of month or two, which I completely approve of. Good role models and all that.”

β€œThe fuck hunt?” Lisa asked in a completely straight serious manner, eyeing her conversation partner as if she had asked about what color the sky was.” Nothing special, we were just discussing the potential prey… and possibilities and stuff. Very serious business, fucks are serious danger!” She shrugged.” I ended up withdrawing from it though, decided to just rest properly last night. Turned out after what happened today, I made a good choice.”

β€œWell she got him in the β€˜hunt’, but I’m not going to say they hooked up unless Nikki declares it or something. I think she was looking for an enjoyable night, not the heavy commitment stuff.” Lisa replied, thinking about it and looked at Manny who mentioned Doggo boy.” Sorry, Manny, but β€˜it didn’t work out’ is an understatement after last night. Her pretty much shot himself in the foot a bunch of times in his attempts to do the whole β€˜social’ thing and talk to Nikki. Him being drunk didn’t help I suppose. Not sure if they will make up after that, but given we’ve got his dog, they will probably have to talk if he survives tomorrow.” Lisa sighed and as she looked at the line she spotted someone very easy to distinguish in the crowds. It was Amelia! Lisa started waving at her, to grab her attention. Since Amelia was here, they could expect Nikki to appear eventually.
Naisha Alexandros

All things considered, Naisha was targeting the other woman way much more than the SOLDIER guy. Soldier guy was giving her some really foolish vibes and all things considered she wouldn’t really stand a chance with him, this β€˜Naomi’ however, now that was another story. She was pretty darn certain she might be able to drag her down with her with some luck… and suicide tactics. Not that she wanted to die quite yet, she had yet to kill a major target which was basically everybody on top of Shinra. One day… one day… she just had to stand it until then, just a single opportunity would be all it takes.

She snapped out of her thoughts and music blasting in her ears as she spotted the woman vaguely move her hand, Naisha’s naturally caught it with the drone that was pointed at the target. The way her hand moved away, made Naisheyeroll before continuing her way. Just like this! If she ignored them now, they will leave her alone and all would be good with the world! But nope, blasted Shinra Agent Woman that Naisha would probably be able to call a few more adjectives on top of all else, started being loud to get her attention with questions.

Naisha gave her the evil eye, the one that screamed β€˜why are you still bothering me?!’. Didn’t seem to help, talk about dedication to duty. If this woman was an agent, now she’d be a nightmare to get rid of given what just transpired. Why did this had to happen to her? The poor frail woman was sad, she just wanted some free parts to fix some stuff, get some money to buy other stuff and repeat, but no, she had to get involved in a stupid event caused by fucking Shinra.

With a heavy sigh, she reached with her hands, slowly putting down her headphones, to hear the woman as she was already making eye contact on her eyelevel. Please somebody was clearly trying to force this conversation into being and it was so obvious.” Alright, if I answer that question of yours, would you leave me alone? Actually why am I asking… if you would have, you would have done so already. Unless you are the most socially unaware person out there.” She grumbled as she rubbed her temples. Usually just putting on headphones killed conversations! Naisha wanted to cry or rather punch the woman. Sadly she very well knew that punching would likely hurt her wrist, maybe even fracture or crack her bones. She was just that frail, and she wasn’t in the best condition lately anyways. β€œ Nai… that is my name.” She replied annoyed. It wasn’t her full name, she just gave her nickname, no way in hell was she giving her full name here, especially to a Shinra Evil Perverted(not really) Agent!

Suddenly an exclamation and curses from the soldier guy, pulled her attention as she looked at him. Welp somebody delivered bad news to him. At least by the sound of it, he was leaving now, goodie, one less hindrance to worry about, though admittedly he wasn’t the worst shinra person she had met… alright! At least he helped deal with evil mech, granted it was his company’s evil mech, but ehh, better than nothing. She eyerolled at his comment and made sure to be visible eyeroll. She wasn’t the one bringing a sword to a giant mech fight.” I wonder what the chance for another rampaging shinra prototype to be the reason for his anger just now...” Naisha grumbled, surely even Shinra wouldn’t be as stupid to actually lose a number of mechs.” Nah… can’t be.” She reassured herself, pulling her hotdog and taking a bit of it, before returning her eyes to the other woman with her and her mood soured even more.

β€œAlright, so you got my name now what do you want?” She asked without picking her words. Naisha was not one to play with words, she could lie, yes, but she didn’t like to. Getting in her good graces was very hard to do and this woman certainly was not on her holiday gift card list. She then looked at Naomi and decided to ask a fun question.” What’s a consultant doing in Shinra anyways? You doing the same thing as the mayor, sitting in an office looking busy?” She asked, wondering what lie would be returned. As far as she was aware the mayor was just a figure to be there. Didn’t matter to her any, but the more this woman lied to her now, the more she could rub those lies in her face later. Ohh yes, that would be good. Still she bit another bite from the hotdog. She had to eat, even as little as she usually did.
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