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Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


β€œMmm, good.” Amelia smiled when she heard the weather news from Chase. She briefly looked at the other woman, wondering what she was about to say more, but it seemed she had decided to not continue. Well Amelia figured that it was probably fine. She didn’t mind chatting with Chase, though they hadn’t really spoken much so far. A few words here and a few words there weren’t much of a discussion really. Well if nothing else they got well enough along in the quiet. Still as roomies, Amelia figured that eventually they will hopefully be able to have proper conversations, even if it was simply about topics that Chase enjoys.

β€œWell, I’m… brainstorming a D&D character...” Amelia stated with a bit of a shy voice.” Figured I might as well get an enjoyable pastime and I used to play D&D back in highschool.” She sighed, looking at Chase, raising the unfinished character sheet.” The rest’s just notes on different game rules and lore that I’m planning to use.” She didn’t go into much further details. Not everybody enjoyed talking shop about D&D, so she figured just giving the basics of what she was doing should be enough. If the girl wanted to know more, she’d ask.

She nodded, a bright smile appearing on her face.” Yes, Riley, that’s her name. As for where she went, well after breakfast she said she’d go to Quarantine for a bit and probably spend some time there meeting with people. Asked if I wanted to join, but honestly in the rain not really. Preferred to spend the time here, in peace and quiet to work on my character.” Amelia explained. She enjoyed the peace and was pretty certain that likely quarantine at this weather wasn’t anything even remotely similar to the concept of peace and quiet.

β€œWhat about you, got any plans for the rest of the day?” Amelia asked, trying to make some small conversation. They had time to kill and she could scribble down D&D while they talked. It was one of those rare times that both of them were at home and in somewhat of a talking mood after all. Amelia wasn't sure if another similar chance would present itself soon.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/a


β€œIndeed, let me grab some for you to put on. AC in here will get you if you continue to stay like that.” Lisa nodded and in a hurry made her way to the closest supply closet where Scrubs and the like were kept at. What a lucky thing there were more than enough to give the hospital a steady supply like this. After grabbing some, she walked back over to Nikki and handed them to her.” Here. Change into those quickly, before I got to also start searching for a blanket. Wonder if people will be asking why you were in scrubs later though.” She chuckled.

β€œWell there’s not exactly much to be done. I’ve got my task, but it’s nothing overly complicated, just to run the files and ensure people get their medications, I would love the company though. As for how it’s going...” She started and looked around and then back at the younger woman.” It’s been fine so far. Rain is nice to listen to, love it actually and that aside, it’s been pretty calm.” Lisa added with a shrug. Because pretty much all visits to medical were rescheduled because of the court martial, it’s been pretty empty and devoid of visitors after all.

Lisa’s face turned a bit sad as Nikki mentioned the young resident patient.” She’s… holding for the moment as far as I’m aware.” She stated, but her voice was grim.” Was just thinking that she’s probably been getting bored alone in the room. Planned to visit and spend some time with her later afternoon.” Lisa smiled and looked at the younger woman.” Was planning to reach out for some of the more artsy people in camp and get them to sketch up some pieces for her to color up, think you can help me with talking to people today so it can happen sooner? Maybe we can surprise Lucy with a new coloring book in a few days or so. Would likely lift up her mood.”
β€žAnd just a moment later you’ve arrived, didn’t you?” Medaira replied to Adrianne with a cheeky grin and voice underneath the breather, but her eyes carried her smile quite clearly as she made her way inside proper, making sure to not wave her mechadendrites around… too much.

Now attention back to the task at hand a the mission briefing, important information was to be had! Yes Medaira did recall the personal office which she left in permanent temperature offset. That was a great prank in motion. The type that you knew will be uncomfortable, but not that annoying for anybody to do anything about. The victim might not even realize they are pranked! Most likely the poor sap would be just regulating manually his AC for a long while yet! Still half pleasure planet half urbanized one was a weird mix! How glorious must the juggling between nature and industry be. Certainly many would would benefit even without a pleasure world status. If for nothing else, but to keep the populace more content. Living with less respiratory complications would likely improve the average morale! This is why she had the breather unit! Suddenly she snapped her attention back on track, she was getting off… track...road… rails?’ Focus~!’ She looked back at the celestian.

Listening the rest of the briefing she frowned. A display of chaos on such a public location? Must be pretty brave… maybe stupid or both! Maybe the corruption is far deeper seeded and this display was just caused by stupidity of new overconfident members! Will she get the chance to say that the wife or the butler did it?” I’ve got a question. There MUST be cameras at a location such as that no? Have those been disabled? As for those who were there, are all of them present in the city at latest reports or have some vanished mysteriously in the interim?” Medaira asked, making mental notes.

She gazed upon Prank Vict… Stukov and Psyker friend Adrianne for a moment.” I would endeavor to establish contact with the local Mechanicus presence to judge potential for corruption and reinforcements from them. Should they be cleared for our needs, we could expect relevant Skitarii squads to be capable of deployment in limited numbers as this is not a Forgeworld.” Medaira quipped.” As for another question, aside this safe house, are there other discreet hideout locations we can use in the events of emergencies~?”


Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


It took Amelia a little while to get back into the mood for creativity after everything that had happened, but over a week later and interaction with people in non constant survival situation, plus there was the whole having an actual home more or less, made her calmer and allowed her to feel more inline with her inner writer that hadn’t appeared in a very long time. She still felt odd about it though, finding herself double checking certain terms and words in her mind.

Now though, she was happily writing down a backstory and character sheet details. It was a nice bit of creative fiction to write, numbers to check and probabilities to calculate! She was somebody who rather enjoyed her math and the game presented a very curious case. It was a game of dice, dice affected by modifiers. As such it allowed for a great deal of customization if you knew what rules to use. She was NOT minmaxing… maybe she was picking a specific theme in mind and just going with it, but she intentionally kept some viable weaknesses!

Eventually Chase returned and gave a greeting.” Hey, Chase. No hurricane I hope?” She greeted the other woman in return, noting that she had a book and was reading and ask for just a quick confirmation on the results of the weather check. She was sure they'd announce it if anything serious was on the horizon, but didn't hurt to confirm. Weather aside, Chase had a curious choice of reading, Amelia wasn’t certain it would be her own choice for this time, but to everybody their own thing. She wasn’t going to judge, in fact she actually respected and like Chase well enough. Even the current silence that the two of them could be found in was much to Amelia’s like. She herself was a shy book loving girl, so just having a company in silence while each was doing their own thing was perfectly fine for her. It was a perfectly fine way to spend a morning while waiting for the bloody trial to begin.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital (B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa’s initial guess had turned true, much to her amusement. The place was certainly less busy than usual. Not that she was against it after all. A less busy hospital was a good thing as everybody could attest to. Still the rain outside gave a rather nice ambiance, seen out the windows. Made the task for paperwork rather relaxing, though said relaxation didn’t last long as she started reading the names and the medicines. The relaxation and enjoyment was quickly replaced by fatigue and sadness. Much so especially when she reached the mention of their youngest long term guest.

β€œI should bring her some coloring implements later. Must be boring to be in that room so much.” Lisa mumbled, turning her head to look out the window again. Poor Lucy, it was such a bad… sick joke of the world. It seemed that even with the dead walking the streets, some cosmic powers that be didn’t forget to throw even this to children. After a moment of such thinking, Lisa berated herself silently. There was no point in blaming anyone or anything. She wasn’t really pious, so she just would do her job now and try to visit that room with a smile on her face. Lisa knew that she could at least try to make the girl’s stay more pleasant after all. Maybe she could rope in some of the better artists in the camp to draw in some new sketches for the kid to color later. After all today for the most part it’s a no work day. She’d have to talk with people at lunch.

Eventually in the midst of her planning and silent evaluating of the files as a whole, some mild commotion from the entrance pulled her attention. Somebody had arrived in the rain by the looks of it. After a quick check, it turned out it was Nikki.” Hey, what are you doing running around in the rain, not that I’m complaining. Can use the company in a nice rainy day like this one.” She asked in amused manner, studying the girl.” Wana see if I can get you a labcoat or something to wear while you dry up? Don’t want you getting the sniffles because of the rain and the AC.”

Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


Amelia quietly sighed as she looked out the window at the rain. It’s been a sort of unpleasant start of the day. Normally to the north rain was a good thing, but here it was just a nightmare. So much humidity. She frowned, today there wasn’t any work to be done for her because of the trial. Court Martial trial that is. So until that began, Amelia was quietly spending the time until then at home. Riley had left to do something or other so she was alone.

Thinking about the trial, she wondered why her presence of all was mandatory. It’s not like she had much interaction with the guy and his dog. She kept as far away from him as possible throughout the entire stay in quarantine! It was weird, but on the plus side at least no work, though she didn’t mind the work honestly. It was refreshing so far! She got mostly used to the places around town and also start working on a character sheet for D&D on the side. Wasn’t sure when she’d join in a game though. She hoped sooner rather than later. Amelia planned to finalize it soon!

β€œBut pushing carts in the rain would be a pain...” She mumbled to herself with a chuckle, looking at the rain again. Yeah, it was a marvelous 9 days so far. Sure she wasn’t quite sure on the therapy, but she went for it. Amelia didn’t want to cause problems for Riley and the others around her and she knew that sooner or later it would happen. She could deny it all she wanted, but she still caught herself jumping at shadows at times. Or maybe fighting the desire to run for cover at the slightest weird noise made in the fear the ground itself would rupture open and swallow her. Still the initial sessions were interesting, she wasn’t sure what to think of the guy running them. Name was supposedly Freeman, but she wasn’t quite so sure.

Pushing thoughts of suspicious doctors aside, she pondered the incoming event for the day. Weather was unpleasant and she hoped the trial itself wouldn’t be quite as bad… or worse. Her optimism was rather a thing to respect until her more realistic side showed it’s calm head and reminded her that chances for it to pass without issues were slim. Nothing ever seemed to be simple or happen simple. And her pessimistic side made her wonder what would go wrong.” Whatever… at least the rain is pretty. Even if it makes the place humid as hell.” She sighed and grumbled. Rocking back and forth a few times, before finally pulling away from the window and heading over to where she kept the character sheet and notes to deal with that. She had the free time until the trial came so might as well make use of it. Dog boy wasn’t really somebody she was close with or cared about beside possible simple loss of unrelated life.” Now what were the throwing weapon rules again...” She mumbled, rummaging about the notes she wrote down about the rules she needed.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B) ->Hospital (B)
Skills: N/a


Last nine days were a nice change of pace after a while of routine for Lisa. New job came with new tasks and challenges. She enjoyed learning the new things she was required to and give her best effort in her tasks and her only complain was this whole Court Marital business, but nothing she could really do about that one. She understood the need for it, just wasn’t sure if they weren’t blowing it out of proportions on the grandure side of things. Honestly she was quite surprised how they just didn’t do it the next morning with a bare minimal number of jury or something like that and be ready and over with.

Still overall the nine days passed fine, going to work, relaxing afterwards, meeting the folks and of course meeting the new folks from time to time as well. She saw Amelia and Riley a few times, then Manny at work and so on. Life continued as normal in the camp, just with the new additions she supposed.

Now of course today was the day of the first Court Marital session and to her decent luck, Medical was one of the things that was working today and she was one of the ones working. It wasn’t actually a bad thing, she could use the work time and all that. She didn’t mind working, she in fact liked it. There was also the fact that Medical was in her opinion likely the best place to be considering the humidity outside. She looked at the stack of files in her hands. S.B. had given her a new task to do, check patient files, ensure right medicine gets to those that needed it. Previously she’d never be allowed to it, but not anymore!

She only somewhat regretted not being there for the trial today . She was honestly curious about how it was going to go, but sadly was going to have to get the second hand rendition of the events after the fact. Shame really, it was going to be educational. Ohh well, she had her duties to attend to, so dismissing thoughts of amusement that would have been the equivalent of a tv show about court rooms, she focused on the files again.” Let’s see… who get’s what today.” She mused. There was probably a bad drugs jokes in there somewhere, but she couldn’t recall it off the top of her head. Still she suspected it would be a slow day at medical since most would be occupied elsewhere. Well at least as slow as it could be in the world of an zombie apocalypse.
β€œNonSENSE!” Medaira objected, looking with a horrified expression at the taller psycker woman.” That’s impossible! β€œ She objected with mock horror. Medaira was amused and while she looked horrified, her servo head took similar mock horror expression and sounds as it hovered next to her head.” Very well… You are unlucky… I fear we will not have enough time to perform proper repair and upgrades for tactical gear, including the research needed for such a deed.” Her tone did a complete 180 from her previous mock horror as she now sounded serious and calm.

β€œRegular maintenance and repair it will be. I will make this weapon perform to the best of it’s previous ability and maybe just a tad better.” She stated in confirmation and got to work. She still wanted to get rainbow plasma colors in here somewhere. She was going to get those working later. Maybe she’d make it cycle the colors instead of all at once. That seemed easier to manage and less likely to cause problem with her poor Psycker Companion! Eventually though they needed proper rainbow weaponry! Right after they finish the gold colored plasma project and send it to Terra.


β€œAnd like this the MACHINE SPIRIT shall prevail!” Medaira proclaimed as she walked down a corridor. She actually didn’t quite remember how she reached the topic of machine spirits, but they were called for the mission briefing and she had just finished the maintenance on the plasma weapon.” Ohh… remind me to do more work on the fine weapon later. There are UPGRADES to be made… also need to later replace some questionable parts that won’t be issue for now. I will put in new ones. New and improved! Also blessed! I will have every little separate part blessed separately! So no evil can ever take hold of this treasure!” She stated with a voice sounding just a touch too innocent to be quite alright given the subject matter.

β€œOhh, arrived at last!” She chirped happily as she reached and entered the main living room.” Greetings to you all again, Our Glorious Leader, Her right hand, Victims of suspicious coincidental looking mishaps of minor harmless nature and of course our Psycker friend who got removed from the Prank Victim List temporary and should likely be arriving ANY MOMENT NOW!” She greeted them in turn all as she walked into the room, starting from their Head Celestian, her most rusted Aviza, the other … retinue members. With that she also tossed her hood back on to fix the proper look for the mechanicus and put on the rebreather device, assuming her usual look with most of her face hidden, leaving only her gleaming eyes to almost appear sparkling with mischief.

Amelia Payne
Location:Streets (L9)->General Housing(X)(Condo 14B)
Skills: N/A


Amelia walked mostly quietly with her partner down the street towards the beach in the rather enjoyably calm night. Shadows might have been jumping at the corners of her vision, but nothing dangerous appeared, just kept her on edge. Time was progressing fast though, despite the resemblance of the old world in this place, at the end of the day it was not. They couldn’t wander the night freely.

With the pair reaching the end of the street and the view of the dark waters of the beach, Amelia actually felt content enough. With every moment more and more people were vanishing from the streets, returning to their homes. It was honestly just enough to spend a few minutes with Riley holding hands in the night’s ocean breeze. After a while they agreed it was time to return for the night. They could spend a bit more time talking back home and so they locked hands and fingers and walked back.

By the time they returned to the Condo, Chase was already at her room. Amelia made sure to check if the door was locked behind them and when the place was secured as she could wish for, they took turns getting some quick showers to get rid of the sweat and grime before going to bed, with Amelia dragging the most convenient makeshift weapon she could find next to the bed – The Chair! The long distant cousin to the lion taming stools. Only with something for self defense at arm’s reach did she relax completely and drifted of to the land of dreams with her loved one by her side.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Brainstorming was hard work, especially after hard day’s work too. She grinned to her musings, writing random words trying to decide on rewards. The only real solution Lisa could indeed think of that would satisfy everybody was credits of sorts. Yeah she’d need to run this by administration. Impossible to organize a competition like this without their approval anyways.

She was interrupted by her regularly scheduled musings by a wild Nikki anthat returned suddenly. She gave a raised eyebrow at the blades of grass.” Hey Nikki, taking tumbles in the grass? Well can’t call you out on it, I took tumbles in the dirt today too.” She chuckled, looking around with raised questioning eyebrow.” Where’s the doggo? Got another home or something?” She asked, curious and somewhat concerned.

β€œAs for a reply to your question, I’ve been brainstorming. Got talking with others at dinner today and figured I might as well start the ball rolling on the trap competition soon. Got talked down from doing a walker trap competition though, will be going for the good old Mouse Trap deal. Thinking of setting it up as educational and recreational competition. Get people to submit ideas in different age and or profession groups. Then manage to get a small jury going and choose the best ones to actually build for real to test.” She explained.” If this goes well, I hope I can pitch the walker trap idea for real eventually. Still baby steps. Got any ideas for how to handle prizes aside from credits?” Lisa asked her younger roomie.
postin tonite

Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B) β†’ Streets (L9)
Skills: N/A


Going outside for a quick before bed walk, felt like a good idea. Amelia just needed more time to spend with Riley before calling it a day. They noted Chase arriving and get a shower while they were preparing for go out.” Hi, Chase.” Amelia greeted with a smile, followed by a greeting from Riley.” We will be out for a lil while.” She explained as they bid her goodbyes and left their shared Condo.

Just a tad shyly Amelia took Riley’s hand as they headed towards the beach. In a way Amelia thought this place reminded her of a holiday resort tonight. Like they were just a few minutes walk away from the beach, they practically lived on the beachline and after the hectic day people were everywhere enjoying quiet time and relaxation in games, sports or anything they might fancy. Actually the β€˜Camp’ part of the place’s name was pretty fitting. Granted it was partly because of what it was before the whole zombie apocalypse thing, she supposed. Well it was good like this!

Walking towards the shore, Amelia paid attention around them as only somebody who never thought they are completely save would. She was somewhat better with her ptsd, but it never left her completely. Even in the safe confines of the camp, she still felt completely vulnerable without a weapon and every shadow felt like possible walker waiting to jump out and bite her jugular or something. Her lover’s presence helped, god it helped so much! So did staying busy during the day and having people around. Strength in the numbers and all that. She leaned into Riley as they walked, it made her feel safer and calmer. It also allowed her to more easily push the other out of the harm’s way if any of those shadows she constantly kept vigil on truly proved to be a danger of some kind. You never bloody knew. Her first priority was to earn a weapon of some kind! Amelia was determined to check what would be required to do so.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)(Apartment 6B)
Skills: N/a


Lisa was currently chilling at home, swinging a leg back and forth over the edge of the sofa, pondering at the things she was writing down on the paper in her hands. She had a lot of things to figure out with this. She sighed loudly and lowered the writing implements, looking out a window. It was such a hassle to arrange things at times. She now really wanted to organize this competition thing as a step up point for the bigger desire to setup traps for walkers.

β€œMmhhhh….” She made a thinking sound, eyes returning to the paper. First thing’s first, there were rules to think of. Administration, engineering and education would probably do a arm wrestle over any rules she put in place and set them however they saw fit if any of those even remotely felt something could be potentially dangerous even if it was mouse hunting.

β€œSchematics?” Lisa mumbled and wrote the word down with a question mark in the end.’ Yeah… that seems most probable.’ She concluded, drawing a circle around the word. Best way for anything of the sort of such competition to happen was for it to be either a design on paper one or at best something done in controlled enviroment, under the observation and control of the engineers. Yeah that might work, she concluded. A filtering round of sorts, they get as big a idea pile as possible and then get a jury to shift through and select the maybe top 10 best for each age group. Then they can get the mechanics and engineers to work together with the contestants to make those traps to the most faithful to the design way possible and they test those in live scenarios with test mice or rats. This way everybody would have fun! She was writing down the ideas, making flow charts, and notes.

β€œWhat would be a good reward for such a competition though? They would never go overboard with rewards for this if at all… maybe some small amount of credit and a certificate?” She thought aloud, tapping the paper with the pen.
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