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sorry but I personally prefer to hold no expectations to anything carrying the disney logo in the franchise. If it's good great, if not well not disappointed. Not much on their movie track records. Hopefully the future will be better but for now, I'm not trusting them. Disney are technically the same as Palps.
and posted, off to ADVENTURE!!! I mean Jedha, but that is adventure in itself!
Kosara Sal Valas

Deep Space

The starfighter was drifting aimlessly across the sea of stars. Kosara just stared out the cockpit, the sounds of her former companion’s druid was ringing through the communications, but she made no noise. This was madness, this was absolute madness! She ran a hand through her hair, green eyes filled with mixture of horror and manic amusement. She burst out into loud mad laughter… and kept on laughing as she watched the broadcast.

Everything they fought for!!!! Everything they killed for! EVERYTHING THEY DIED FOR! For the very thing they protected to turn against them like this!!! She laughed and dammit couldn’t do anything else as tears ran down her face. There was nothing she could do. NOTHING. She lost Vala… The jedi had actually sacrificed herself to push her out of danger and that made Kosara feel like dying inside. The manic laughter slowly was being replaced by the cries of pain. Sure she wasn’t a devout Republican if anything, but she did consider the Jedi a good thing for the galaxy. Heck she spend almost two years now fighting for and with a jedi. Kosara wasn’t ashamed to admit that she probably harbored feelings for Vala, but she would have never told the jedi in question. Now that chance was forever gone and scenarios of ‘what ifs’ raced through her head.

She gulped, hearing some of the beeping of the droid finally.” What? I can’t do anything… the jedi order is gone!” She snapped back at the lil droid and ran her hand through her hair.” Sorry… I’m so sorry… I know you lost your master.” She stated quietly and bit her lower lip. She wanted to mourn Vala, but now was not the time. She wanted to also survive and possibly enact revenge on the … Emperor. A tall impossible order given the fact he’d be as protected as he could and something was seriously messed up, she had no idea how he had managed this, but given he managed to install himself as an Emperor, supposedly survived a jedi ambush, had control over the vast clone armies and everything else, her getting to him was unlikely. The only thing she had going for her was that she wasn’t a jedi, nor a padwan. She was a merc and her partnership with Vala began when the war was already ongoing, so maybe she had better chance to get lost in the paperwork. That said, her flying a ship reserved mainly for Jedi, was a rather huge give away.

“I should ditch the ship… and you, sorry little guy.” She stated, looking at the droid.” Maybe I can get you a decent place, but where can I go hide and ditch this without getting chased to the end of the … Empire?” She asked to herself. Thinking about it, maybe she could go to Nar Shaddaa… as a merc she knows a few people there, but then again, the Smuggler’s Moon wasn’t save at the best of times and this wasn’t the best of times. Tatooine maybe? That was sadly out the option as well, a bit too far and while backwater and good place to hide, it doesn’t exactly house a lot of resources of opportunities. If she ditches the fighter there, she wouldn’t be able to get another ship to leave easily and likely nobody would buy this thing for decent cash. Many planets ran through her mind and all of them she shot down as options. Kosara even considered doing a mad run to Corusant to attempt a suicide mission to kill the bastard Emperor, but her instinct for preservation kept her from it, no matter how tempting it was.

She had considered so much and everything went back to the futility of it. There wasn’t a clear path for her to take now. She was lost in the middle of space with no idea where to head to after all. Maybe… she should return back to being a wandering merc and move to the Outer Rim? Granted her going with this ship wasn’t as likely, she wasn’t a Jedi and didn’t have the ability to spend absurd amounts of time in static posture meditating on the force. She’d need to get on a proper transport in the end and abandon the fighter. As much as it hurt to leave, she had to survive, but maybe just staying here a bit longer wouldn’t be too bad. She was tired… Needed a bit of rest.

As she decided and had allowed herself to begin slipping out of consciousness, a beeping noise tried to pull her attention. She vaguely opened her closed eyes to check what it was as the droid had apparently picked up an emergency message… on the frequencies usually used by Jedi. She stalled, eyes flung wide as she tried to decide if she should listen to it. In the end she did, she had a saving people thing and she wanted to help after all. Just like how she and Vala did until now. Help people and save them from bad guys. After listening to the message, she knew a possible destination. Maybe she could go to Jedha? It wasn’t too far, she’d get there fast enogh. One ship wasn’t much, but with smart flying, she could provide support to the Jedi there.

She barely took a moment to decide. In a flurry of motion, the previously dark and silent starfighter came to life as all the screens, light indicators and everything else was now working, the kockpit filling with warm light.” Alright, D2-Z1, we are head to Jedha. Gonna try to help the Jedi there… Oi Don’t sass me, who's the pilot here? I know it’s dangerous. But I WILL HELP.” She repeated as she set the course and engaged the hyperdrive.
will post in a little while.
anybody need air support xD?
will be post tomorrow likely. Need to read again through the posts to this point. Also @Sep the way I wrote my backstory to this point, it ended up in hyperspace. So Do you want me in specific location or do I get to choose where to begin in my post?
Quarantine (W): “Here you go. He’s been the picture of best adorable behavior while you were gone.” Riley replied with a smile to Wayne as she very carefully handed the kid over. It was nice experience, even as brief as it was, but she wouldn’t want to push it. For better or worse Tatiana had the right to decide who interacts with Jamie and Riley was glad for this little chance. Who knows if she’d get another.” Sadly you are not the only one.” She sighed in reply.” Not gonna be my preferred way to spend the afternoon, but what can we do.” Riley added, she too didn’t feel too comfortable being there for it. She didn’t know Dog Bo… wait Hunter. Yes… she got too used to calling him Dog Boy because in any conversation with Amelia about the trial, she’d almost always avoid his name and call him that.

“Actually yeah, we should probably get going. I will be heading directly on to the Education Center. She grimaced, it was kind of a decent distance away of a run in the rain. Not that she regretted spending time to watch over Jamie.


Amelia Payne
Location:General Housing(X)(Condo 14B) - > Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


“Weird how that now relates to real life experiences… I guess it was always so, we’ve just never had the reason to experience it in this capacity back then.” Amelia sighed. She’d call it irony, if it wasn’t that much of a tragedy really. The whole world was fucked up in so many ways and sadly while fall of society as it was fixed some, new ones cropped up. She supposed that they’ve at least don’t have to do taxes anymore. She knew her parents hated to do their yearly taxes.

Amelia turned her gaze to Chase who came up with a surprisingly philosophical approach to the topic. She couldn’t help, but stare at her for a good long moment before letting out a chuckle, one that surprised even herself.” Thank you. I think, I really needed somebody to tell that to me in some form or another.” She continued her chuckle. “ Guess I was a bit too edgy and moody about the topic. Yeah, you are right, as long as we live and don’t give in to the bad things, we can continue onwards and hopefully find a better life. Fall of the old doesn’t mean an end.”

Still taken by a mild surprise over Chase’s proposal to accompany her to the Court Martial, Amelia nodded.” Thanks. Yeah, just, gotta grab my stuff too.” She picked up her character sheets and neatly arranged them, before hurrying to the room she used with Riley and put them away before taking her own shoes and hurrying to the front door, putting them on. Now here in came one of the few nice things about the hair situation, she didn’t need to have it tied or dry it much. With it being so short now after mere few weeks after being shaved off. She didn’t know how to feel about finding a good thing in that, but in the end concluded that might as well take the small victory in it and be glad.” Alright, ready to go.” She smiled and stepped out the Condo, she waited for Chase to join her, making sure the door was locked and all that before they could head off. It was going to have to be a quick dash to the Education Center.

Running through the rain was a thing she did actually enjoy. She liked rain and after the quick spring when she stepped to the entrance of Education, she found herself running a hand through her VERY short hair, to wipe the water from her head.” At least we won’t be late.” She stated quietly.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital (B)- > Mess Hall (M5)
Skills: N/a


Lisa snorted at the lil whipper snappers speech, she couldn’t help it. It was so cliché and musing that it might have just happened, knowing Nikki’s habits. It’d have made for a nice sitcom if nothing else.” Hey the old argument still holds. You never know~” She whistled.” I know I for one would probably never have ended up doing what I’m doing now if things weren’t the way they are. I was rather content with my life prior to the… Grand Zombie Uprising.”

As they were about to leave the Hospital, Lisa threw Nikki a huge grin.” You’d get Auntie to ‘ass’ umbrellas? I’m going to be paying to see that. Will likely be the talk of the camp for ages.” She laughed jokingly.” But sure, I will ask her next time I see her, but first will have to talk with SB and Doc about it. They are obviously my seniors in here and I can’t take those decisions by myself even if they are good ideas. Don’t see them being against it though, having a few umbrellas around like we do spare scrubs would be rather useful in the long run.”

With that she nodded.” Very well, I wish you luck and hopefully you get off quickly.” Lisa wished to Nikki as the girl was heading off towards where Court Martial was going to be held. She waved her a goodbye and stepped out the door also, making a quick dash to the Mess Hall through the rain. Luckily it wasn’t too far from Medical, but she still got wet. Rain was pretty heavy after all. She stepped inside and after putting some wet hair behind her ear, she grinned around, skipping over to the line to grab some quick grub and hurry back to Medical.

So @Sep, with the risk of getting possibly annoying, but something in my cs that requires changing?
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