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*whacks the thread with a hammer*

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)β†’ Mess Hall(C)(M2)
Skills: N/A


Once more Amelia made her way over to where she had to be to testify. They brought up the point at the medical examinations. Alright, she was honestly aware now that she might not have been at the best of moods and states of mind at the time between all the stress, fatigue and hunger. That and the news that they were either going to keep her very separate from the others for the slow clean up of the lice or shaved completely didn’t really help it at the time.” Not… it was about the same as what Panama recounted.” She confirmed, but decided to be a bit more detailed.

β€œHe tried making small talk, asking what I had and what my name was. I think he was making a joke that it was fine if I had a number instead of a name, but I wasn’t up for speaking much at the time, so I just told him my name and kept quiet otherwise.” She recounted her tale of their brief exchange in the medical examination. Afterwards she went back to her seat to listen to the rest of the events from the different people’s point of views. All in all he sounded awkward around others, though she wasn’t one to talk really. She herself was extremely awkward around most people that she didn’t know.

Finally after what had seemed like an eternity they were allowed to leave for dinner. She took Riley’s hand and figured that finding Chase would be the first thing to do. She had arrived to the center with Chase, the woman had accompanied her after all. Because of that Amelia wouldn’t just leave without. Finding the woman at the exit shoudn’t be too hard since everybody had to leave from there.” Hey, Chase, want to walk together to Mess Hall?” She asked as soon as the woman appeared in view. Waiting for a reply, she and Riley headed off afterwards.

Luckily the rain had stopped during the eternity at the trial so the trek to the Mess Hall was pretty comfortable… if one didn’t count the humidity in the air anyways. At the foodplace, Amelia took the spicy veggie soup. She wanted something different from the usual.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


β€œThe prince naturally arrived safely to the king’s palace where the guests were already arriving! Guests from far and wide, from the kingdom and beyond were all arriving on elegant carriages and dressed in fine bright and colorful silken clothes. The prince made his way to the grand table where the rest of his family sat, his brothers began throwing veiled insults and mockeries at him right away, asking where his frog was and why he didn’t bring her with him. The king spoke nothing, but looked with thoughtful eyes. He was not a full, he had long since understood that the frog was not ordinary. After all even if talking frogs were not something unheard of, what talking frog could make those fine bread and carpet?” Lisa spoke eagerly with happy voice.

β€œThe prince was not deterred, he knew what the frog had told him and had decided to trust her on this. Finally as all the guests had assembled and the festivities began, thunderous sound echoed across the skies, the ground trembled and rumbled. As the guests panicked that it could be an earthquake and the palace could come crashing down, the prince stood up and spoke.’ Worry not, honored guests, this is just my frog, arriving in her matchbox.’ With that everything froze and moments later everybody rushed to the windows and the gates to see the spoken about frog. And once they saw it, they were left marveled! In the distance, grand escort could be seen! Thousands of thousands of knights in bright elegant uniforms, riding massive steeds. Their hooves sending the tremors for miles. And in the midst of it all, a grand golden and white chariot. As it stopped by the palace and the doors opened up, from it left Vasilisa the Wise. Fairest and most beautiful of all, so much so that you can neither describe her in spoken words or in text. Dressed in equally as unearthly dress, Prince Ivan hurried to go and accept her and lead her inside where she too her place by his side.” She tried to make her voice sound as marveled as possible to add to the tale.

β€œAs such the feast began in real, everybody was completely taken by the unearthly beauty of Prince Ivan’s wife. The wives of his older brothers and the older brothers were filled with envy for her beauty and the beauty of her dress. Yet Vasilisa took no heed to them. She ate and drank with a happy smile on her face. What she didn’t drink completely in her left sleeve she poured and what she didn’t eat completely in her right sleeve she put. Confused her sisters in law decided to copy her, after all she was the most beautiful of them all and she had to know her manners right?” The pharmacist asked with a smirk.” When it finally came time for the dance to start, first to dance were Ivan and Vasilisa. To the center of the hall they went and she waved her left hand and a beautiful lake formed. She waved her right and marvelous swans began swimming in it. With that they began to dance. So beautiful the sight of them was that the writer recounting the tale couldn’t put it into words and when it was over, the lake and the swans vanished as they had appeared! Then went the older brothers and their wives. They did the same, swinging their left arms and poured their unfinished wines onto the guests! Swinging their right arms and covering them in their nibbled bones from the feast. Needless to say the king was furious and threw his older sons and their wives out the palace!”

β€œNow that the feast could continue in peace, Ivan made an excuse and rushed back to his own palace. Ran like the wind he did, arrived home and began searching. Finally finding his wife’s frog skin and tossing it into the fireplace. It burst in flames that nearly singed him and he sat down and waited for Vasilisa to return home. When she did, she began furiously searching for her frog skin yet found it nowhere!” Lisa spoke with β€˜horrified voice’.” In mixture of fury and pain by the seeming betrayal from her husband, she looked at him.’ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, IVAN!? Why couldn’t you trust me! Had you waited for just 3 more nights, I would have been forever yours! NOW ALL IS RUINED!’ She shouted at him at the betrayal of trust and in pain.’ Know that I loved you and if you ever want to find me, 3 sets of iron shoes you will have to wear out and 3 iron breads you will have to eat through before you find me. Farewell...’ And with that she turned into a majestic swan and flew into the night’s sky, vanishing from the palace and leaving Ivan with the full gravity of the mistake he made.”
Dunno why though. It's not like she's secretly plotting the next horus heresy mkII electric boogaloo (avaiblenowinstoresforonly9.99preodernowandgetonefreethesupplierisnotresponsibleforanypossessionsdestructionsandlossoflimbs.) or something like that. SHe's just an INNOCENT slightly unhindged techpriestess. Not like a certain psycker that's seeing demons all the time -3-

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


With that part of the witness duty done, she was freed to her seat, only to realize that no, she was not done quite yet. Apparently they were going to be calling them pert segment of time period. That meant she would have to go up and talk at least once more… maybe twice. Amelia was a bit saddened by that, she had hoped it would be done with one time calling, but she supposed it wasn’t meant to be. She quietly sat in her seat next to Riley and listened to the next part of the trial. Which apparently turned out to be the bus ride. A part of their journey that admittedly she didn’t have as much direct memories, mainly because she was busy overthinking and worrying about what was to happen to keep too much attention to the antics around at that time.

Then came the talk about quarantine and showers in specific and she wished to just crawl somewhere and hide when Wayne fucking started rambling a bunch of stuff. Those were not things Amelia wanted to hear, like at all. She’d must have preferred a lot of those words to have never been uttered in her presence ever. She wasn’t sure exactly the degree of offended she wanted to feel, but for the moment she just rubbed her temples, half hiding her face.

It was the greatest of moments when he was replaced with somebody else to give testimonies.’ For crying out loud… why...’ She silently groaned. At least that was over with, until she realized they’d likely call Wayne to testify a few more times also and her mood plummeted once more. Sure the guy was that crazy weird uncle type character. Very amusing and fun in moderation, but in greater doses he was plain uncomfortable for her. At least Ash’s turn was brief and to the point and then afterwards Hank was another weird one.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


β€œWell that was the time when the fantastical and magical walked among people. I don’t see why it would be such an issue.” Lisa shrugged and continued telling the story.” So once more did the prince return destitute and saddened to his palaces, his little frog welcoming him home. Wonder she did about why he was in such a state once more and so the prince retold his fathers’ new orders to his frog wife. She made a few sounds and ushered him to go to bed.’ Rabbit, rabbit, Prince Ivan, go to bed and rest. The morning is better than the evening, everything will be fine, you will see.’ She told him as he complied and went to bed early for the night. Once he was asleep, the frog shed off her skin and resumed her real form once more! Right away did Vasilisa the Wise began to work. Waved her hand once and bags of flour flew over, waved it twice and fine sieves appeared to sieve though the flour and leave only the finest. Waved a third time and the cleanest of mountain spring water appeared. With those ingredients she mixed the finest of doughs and began decorating the bread.”

β€œOn the sides she made palaces and forests, so real as if they’d jump out of the bread. On the bottom fierce beasts and on the top clouds and birds. Then she wrapped the bread in fine cloth and let it sit while she put on her frog skin once more. In the morning the frog handed the prince the bundle of cloth and again he went to his father the king. The king was in a fine mood from the previous day and looked forward to seeing what his new daughters in law could do. First he called the eldest to present his bread. The bread was hard and charred. The king grimaced.’ This bread is not fit even for the dog to eat!’ He proclaimed calling for the servants to toss it out. Then he called the middle brother. His bread was undercooked, uneven and sticky. The king was even more furious.’ This bread could only be dared to be eaten by the most destitute and even they would struggle!’ He roared and tossed that bread out too. Finally he called for Ivan to present his bread. Once he saw it, the king’s eyes grew wide and sparkled.’ Now this is a bread to only be served on grand celebrations!’ The king proclaimed and called the royal chefs to observe and learn from the craft on it so they can try to imitate it in the future for it’s fine craftsmanship.” She pretend held something in the air and fake marveled at it.

β€œβ€™So I saw how your wives can weave and cook...’ The king began, causing the older brothers to flinch.’ Now I want to see how they dance. Bring them tomorrow night for a grand feast and celebrations!’ The king ordered and the three brothers once more began to leave. As much as shamed the older brothers were for their wives’ innability to fulfill the king’s request, they realized that this time Ivan’s frog wouldn’t be able to fulfill it. After all how can a frog dance and perform courtly manners?’ How are you going to bring your wife tomorrow, younger brother? In a matchbox, to rabbit at the guests for entertainment?’ They laughed cruelly at him. Ivan being the better man, withheld his tongue and once more sullen returned home for the third time.’ Rabbit, Rabbit, Prince Ivan, what happened this time?’ The frog asked and Ivan retold her what happened and the king’s newest request.’ How can I bring you to the feast? You can neither dance. I will truly become the cause for laughter for the entire kingdom!’ The prince said with sadness and yet once more did the frog calmed him and reassured him that he shouldn’t worry. Gently she ushered him to bed once more as she took to do preparations for the grand feast on the next day.” Lisa actually liked retelling the story so far, it made her realize that maybe she should go down and also write it down afterwards. If for nothing else but so it’s not lost to time, who knows if and how many of the books she had read as a child still existed out there.

β€œOn the next day, come evening when it was time for the guests to gather, the frog send Ivan ahead and told him.’ After a while you will hear great rumble thundering through the sky. Once you do, you have to say to the guests – Worry not, it’s just my little frog, arriving in a matchbox.’ And with that the frog sent off her husband ahead to the king’s feast.” Lisa stopped for a moment to get a moment to breathe and rest her voice. Trying to intone the different voices of characters was tiring!
*sets a mouse trap*~!

Amelia Payne
Location:Education Center(M)(L6)
Skills: N/A


The trial continued with the witnesses being called on. Maddoc gave a rather detailed recount of the events of their meeting from what Amelia could recall. Still thinking back about it, it was rather curious how the groups met up at that area. Almost too convenient, now that she considered it, but it seemed to have indeed been coincidental as much as evidence would support otherwise. How curiously the world worked indeed, she thought.

Following Maddoc’s time in the stand, Nigel and Alexander were called forth. Two people she vaguely knew now because of the shared time in quarantine. They answered the questions posed to them and finally it was Amelia’s turn. A fact that caught her a little bit by surprise as she took a moment to breath in and out before making her way over to testify, feeling probably more stressed than she should be, but considering she didn’t like being at the center of attention and right now pretty much everybody in the hall had their eyes on her, it made sense she was nervous! She swallowed silently as she heard the questions asked of her.

β€œWell as it probably was clear by the earlier statements, I wasn’t present for the initial parts of the meeting between the camp crew and Hunter. By the sound of it, we arrived just after the part about having enough bullets, but I honestly was mostly confused and amazed by seeing the heli after everything that transpired. Afterwards, he seemed worried about the possibility of it being a trick and once we disarmed for transport for bad things to happen and a bit hostile about the safety of his cr… dog.” She shuddered at uttering the word. She nearly called Hunter’s dog a creature of hell. It was! Sadly that was not a widely accepted fact so she caught herself and said it as she should so everybody understands.” Afterwards he seemingly kept to himself in the bus and so did I, so no interactions further as far as I could remember about it and I was happy to keep it that way.” She finished her explanation.


Lisa Mason
Location: Hospital(B)(J4)
Skills: N/a


β€œWell, well aren’t you just the most curious of little things?” Lisa asked, amused at the girl’s antics.” Well, if you let me continue, you will hear the rest of the story. Now where was I at?” She asked, making a fake hard thinking face.” Ohhh yea, Ivan the king’s son found the frog in the swamp! So… Ivan was very very distraught. How could he take a frog for a wife? He would be the joke of the entire kingdom, but in the end he couldn’t cross his father’s word, so he picked up his frog, wrapped it in a silk handkerchief and went back to his father’s castle. Much he asked with hope, his father to allow him to leave the frog back in the wilds, but his father was adamant.’ It’s your luck, how can you run from your luck. You will marry to the frog.’ His father proclaimed and with sadness the prince agreed. So within the week a grand wedding was held for all three princes. The oldest to his noblewoman, the middle to the merchant’s daughter and Ivan the youngest to his frog. And grand was the wedding indeed, for a whole week the festivities continued.” Lisa spoke out, arms animated as she moved to add additional flare to her storytelling and making minor voice changes to match different characters’ speech.

β€œAfter the festivities ended, the king called back his sons on the very next day. Stern he looked, serious as his sons had ever seen him.’ My sons...’ he began with voice, brokering no objections.’ … now that you are married, it’s time to see what your wives can do. Take silks, cottons, gold and silver threads and have them craft a rug to present me tomorrow.’ Sullen did the youngest prince return to his palaces. Once home, his frog saw him so depressed and sad and greeted him.’ Rabbit, Rabbit, Prince Ivan, why are you so sullen? Did your father spoke bad words at your expanse?’ The frog asked, making the prince even more depressed.’ How can I not be sad? My father asked for you to craft him a rug with gold, silver and silks for tomorrow? My brothers’ wives have all their families and servants to help and you are a frog? What will I do tomorrow?’ He replied, crumbling onto the bed as his frog jumped over to him.’ Rabbit, rabbit, worry not, Prince Ivan. Go to sleep, the morning is wiser than the evening. You will see everything will be alright.’ And like that the frog quickly set the prince to sleep. Once Ivan was asleep, the frog jumped from the bed, tossing away it’s frog’s skin and turning back into her true form – Vasilisa the Wise, so beautiful that neither can you paint her nor can you explain it in words. ” Lisa smiled and mimicked a tossing away motion.

β€œVasilisa waved her hand once and gold, silver and silk threads magicked themselves alive, starting to weave into a rug. She took a needle and started sewing too. Where she poked once, flowers bloomed. Where she poked twice, forests grew. And once the rug was complete she put back on her frog skin and waited until the morning when she handed the prince the gift for his father. Ivan’s brothers were already there with their wives presenting their rugs. They mocked him still for marrying a frog while their father evaluated the different rugs. First he looked at the oldest’s. It was ugly, uneven and rough.’ This rug can only be used to cover the horses!’ Their father stated, causing the oldest’s wife to flinch in shame. When he saw the middle one’s he was even more stern.’ This one’s only good to be used in front of the front gate to wipe your shoes!’ Finally he looked at rug Ivan’s wife made and his eyes grew wide.’ This is a rug for special occasions that I will use in my room for great holidays and celebrations! Now, that I’ve seen how your wives sew and weave, I need to see if they can cook. Have them all prepare a bread for me for tomorrow...’ And thus once more the prince sullenly returned to his palaces to be greeted by his frog.” She smiled and made frog sounds.
Medaira innocently tilted her head at the demoness that completely ignored her. Her eyes impassively stared at the hologram that vanished into nothingness as holograms did and her eyes narrowed for just a moment.” Eventually...” She chirped innocently and happily yet her eyes were passionate about something and maybe a few hundreds of ideas ran through her mind." I will make her 'smile'~ from ear to ear. And relieve her from that weight on her chest... Need scalpels for when we meet her again... and a surgery manual... yes...yes! " She whistled.

Her head turned slowly towards the door and cocked to the side with a gleeful look as they burst open. Medaira’s hand right away snapped forward as she started unloading shot after shoot at the smaller chaos critters, while her eyes were locked at the bigger one. Her servo head that was in the air was already making a line across the ceiling and as the psyker forced the things into place, halting their advance, the flying head just dropped the frag right at the head of the most center one.” Gifts for one and all~” She sang as one of her mechadendrites pulled another frag from somewhere on her robes and with a snap movement she tossed it at the chaos entities too, her power axe held in place by her other mechadendrites. She kept the servo head in strategic distance above the Chaos Spawn’s head, it had a sonic weapon she planned to unleash at the right moment from right beside it’s head.

Between the frags and the firepower of the entire team, she was running calculations on possible outcomes of the situation. Her next course of action was to confirm the state of the entrance they used to get here. Initially she wanted to bring the dome down, but sadly a dome like this was among the more sturdy possible constructions so to bring it down it would take more than a few frags. It might even survive a proper bombardment after all. Still her head turned back to the danger at hand, leaving the servo head to observe the flanks from it’s altitude as she swung her power axe in her other hand and focusing on firing her boltgun.
*throws a hammer at the wall to make noise*
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