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"Ahhh THAT place." Cat made a grunting sound when she heard where Donny was from. She grumbled some impossible to understand sounds and hisses, rolling her eyes." Had more than a few run ins with the folk from your former home then while still a soldier. Fierce fighters that lot, in the end they died just the same anyways. Hope you never lost any friends while fighting 'the settlement', because I refuse to call it by the name they gave it, but they knew what they were getting into when raiding." She added, throwing him a look. It was obvious that she had killed before, she was a soldier in a post apocalyptic world, she had killed mutant creatures, crazed mutated humans who in some cases barely resembled humans anymore and had killed her fair share of humans too. Hell her first kill was just a year into training. They made them all kill somebnody.

Then they found something rather grimm, if it wasn't for the fact they lived in a hellhole of a world and everything was grimm. There was a rather old body half burried under rubble with a lot of goodies. She let Donny be the one to loot the thing, since she was keepign guard, ready to shoot anything that shows up. Sure enough what they got was rather good." MREs? Pre-cata MREs?!" She asked in disbelieve, seeing the food. She has had normal food only a few times in her life and MREs were about as normal food as you can get in this world. Sure you could be on occasion eating proper meat or veggies if a settlemetn produced those, but those were rare and in general it was just nutrient blocks for all the 'lesser people'. What's more there was also spare underwear, not for women, but clean sets of underwear and socks in the wild were hard to find." We can probably fix that flashlight into proper workign order if we are lucky." She mused and looked at the illuminated map.

"The fool seems to have been here for a good while, the chill in the air would have slowed down decay and it's not really touched by bugs since there aren't any... Must have been here for months, if not longer. Hmm, probably a scavenger, given we are at the edge of the known territories with only the Underhaven nearby, probably from there, hoping to score some good haul to trade." Cat mused, studying the map.

"... What's with the pentagon?" She asked, tossing a look at him, now she was curious." I now want to know, afterwards we can probably hit some of the others at a later date if anything, it would be a good thing to have places to loot after we reach the Underhaven. We will need to establish ourselves there and for that we will need things to trade, that is if you want to team up even after we arrive of course." She told him and decided to head off to very carefully check out the marked area of the maintenance hall. SHe also looked at the walls and narrowed her eyes." We should strip some of hte cabling for those dead lights that line the walls." She pointed out to him.
aaaand now I post after a bit of a delay, sorry about that. Friday was kinda a pain and tired and most of today was spend doing RL stuff.
Here's a D&D prop underconstruction to hopefully calm the fury xD

*tired bump*
Well since the failed rescue is what you wanted to happen, You can get the reigns on it and I will give it some of my own ideas as we go along if I feel I can contribute decently to it. Then I've got an idea for later afterwards, I did mention a cold wave with a reason after all xD
me likeys! We should do that indeed!
@Lucius Cypher so a question you have any specific events that you want to happen before we arrive at the underhaven?

Amelia Payne
Location: Education Center (M)
Skills: N/A


β€œ...” Alright, whatever Amelia was expecting when Hunter was asked if he denied any of the accusations, the answer wasn’t that! She looked at awed, a bit confused and a bit shocked. Granted it was kind of hard to deny given the proof given so far, but still. Amelia supposed that she was too used to the TV shows and movies back in the day and expected him to deny to the very end like a villain. In the end she concluded that she shouldn’t be that much narrowminded and use by now old TV tropes as basis for reality, besides he was antisocial, not completely stupid. Instead she briefly wondered if the way he said that could be considered sarcastic or not and honestly couldn’t reach an answer to that question. In the end she realized that she was maybe more surprised to the fact he didn’t put his foot into his mouth with his reply on this.

She was now honestly not sure how this will go. He was either aware of the problems that had happened so far given the trial they were at, or he was playing it. Amelia was aware she didn’t really know him well enough to conclude anything on that. She never did try to get to know him after all, though that was partly the dog’s fault. Alright it was a huge part the dog’s fault and then the fact she also wasn’t overly comfortable with his personality. She wasn’t completely objective when it came to him and she wasn’t going to apologize for it.

Amelia squeezed Riley’s hand for comfort and threw side glances around the room, studying expressions and reactions for a moment, returning her eyes on Hunter a few moment’s later and silently prayed that he doesn’t fuck this up. Despite everything, he still was here and was alive and sending him away would be very unpleasant. Maybe they will just punish him in some lighter fashion and allow him to stay with an additional restriction or two. Better that than dead after all.


Lisa Mason
Location: General Housing(X)
Skills: N/a


Lisa wrote and wrote, the words coming to her since she had just spoken them not too long ago. She wrote like woman possessed and paid all attention to it until about the halfway point when she stopped and looked up from the paper, eyes unfocused as she felt tears well up in her eyes. Who was she fooling? Not herself, not really. She was going to write this story, write every other one she remembers, but she for the moment allowed herself a brief stop, letting the pen down and walking over to the bathroom, letting the sink run a bit as she washed her face, doing away with the tears.

After that she didn’t return to writing, she just went and found a seat on a chair in the living room, looking at the window as she rested her back completely. She didn’t think it would be so soon, she knew this was the best way it could have gone, but it did make it better, even if it didn’t help with the emotional pain. She reassured herself that Lucy wasn’t hurting anymore, there was no more torment for her and she went peacefully with company, listening to a fairy tale about magic and fantasy.

Her mind wandered a bit, eyes unfocused as she wasn’t looking at the room she was in right now, but at her memories instead. Lisa was recalling the first time she met Lucy when she was doing her cleaning duties, the time she was spending with the girl later and topics they chatted about. The girl certainly was a bit of a high point in her memories of her early days at the hospital. It was always nice to spend some time after her tasks were complete to chat with the girl and keep her company. She closed her eyes and finally let out a tired sad smile. She felt like tearing up, but held it in, instead letting herself just submit to the emotional fatigue and memories. She needed to rest for a bit, grab a quick nap and then return to writing. After all the story did say it in a way -’ The morning is wiser than the evening.’
Bump. *and continues on with building the minefield*
"There in lies the problem the cold wave can follow you underground for a long distance if there isn't anything blocking the way. It's literally freezing cold air that's spreading through tunnels." She sighed and shook her head." If we camp in the metro, it should be a a storage or maintenance room of some vareity or even a control one, though for those we usually have to go even higher since that's where the control rooms are. In any case we should be careful." She finished her statement.

"Well to the east we go then. Hopefully we come across a access door before long that leds into the maintenance tunnels." She pointed out and started walking. Sure enough as it was always with the old world metro construciton, there was a door leading into the maintenance tunnels. It would provide security from things wandering the metro tunnels themselves and also from the elements. Hell if they were lucky, they might even stumble upon something they could use to get a real fire going, because the remains of the torch wouldn't really be enough to have a fire burning for very long, she doubted that he'd be able to even cook a small part of the meat as he wanted with just the remains of a single broom handle." As long as we avoid the worst of the exposure we should be mostly alright."

"... Fourth Kingdom..." She replied eventually after a few moments of silence." Used to be Fourth Shelter at first I think. I refer to it by 'the settlement' just to not mentio nit. It wasn't a nice place, it's a military dictatorship ran on slavery and indoctrination of slaves. They don't really raid other settlements for slaves, they just demand them for protection from possible raids." Cat sighed and stopped in front of the access door, tensing her senses and then reading her weapon as she preapred to open the door." It was underneath the old military complex on the other side of the city, so it ended up with a lot of actual soldiers there after the cataclysm." She explained and opened the door, which luckily wasn't frozen because it was far enough from the surface and there wasn't that much humindity for everything to be frozen anyways. She pulled the door open and readied her shotgun axe to shoot at anything on the other side. Another properly filled maintenance closet would be too much to hope for, but she at least hoped for somethign secure they could camp at for the night and hopefully with something to burn.
"You remember?" She asked him in surprise." You were born before the cataclysm then? Huh... I guess I took you as somebody more my age, but I guess you are at least a few years older than me then." Cat sighed and looked at him." Well I will take your word for it, I was born and raised already underground hell, by the time I was old enough to remember, the new 'societies' had already began to form." She lightly growled, but calmed down moments later. Yeah born and raised in slavery wasn't especially pleasant especially after knowing who your mother was and her doesn't even caring about you anymore because she was so brainwashed and broken that she only cared to be a tool for somebody else to satisfy their desires with and to slave away, hell for all Cat knew, she might have siblings out there, but honestly she didn't care by this point.

"Sure too bad we cannot use it to make a few.." She added and proceeded to find space for the boots in her bag while he made the torche." By the way, tying the light sticks to ourselves is a bad plan, it's like signaling our location precisely in the underground. A very bad decision all things considered, better hold them or have them set in such a way they could be discarded at a moment's notice. Light doesn't really hinder quite everything, I mean some underground mutants and beasties might not like it and keep at bay, but others might just rush right at it. Torches are superior in that, not only does it provide light, it also does fire and fire is good repellent."

"I will take lead, you hold the torch." She told him with a grin and secured the light sticks in her backpack. Then she checked to confirm her shogun axe was loaded, before heading forwards, leading the way. They had a lot of ground to cover, they were currently running through some access corridors and halls underground, so if what he mentioned earlier was correct, then they should eventually find their way to the old metro tunnels. The tunnels this far out were separated from the ones closer in city because of caveins and other disasters that were results from the cataclysm. She wasn't sure exactly where the exile town was, but it was even further on, so it might not even be in the old metro tunnels, but instead in the natural caverns formed during the quakes and so on. They will have to see. As for a good spot for a camp, she wasn't sure.

"Hey, ever been a witness to a cold waves?" She asked without turning, her axe ever ready to strike and her senses generally focused on the darkness ahead." Some time back when I was still a soldier trainee in the Settlement, we a team that got caught in one on the surface. When we went to search for survivors or at least retrieve their gear, in just 24 hours they had frozen to death and nearly solid. We should be weary of that, especially with the storm up top, sometimes after a snowstorm like that a rapid cold wave follows. We should take that into acount when we camp" She mentioned.
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