Avatar of rivaan


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xD goodie!!
@Sigil Here we go, resized picture, full picture in a header in case anybody wants to see it, a few additions made for the clothing since you do make a fine point. Anyhow, I hope it's good.

Currently at work so can't do edits until I get back in couple of hours. Nut once home will do so as soon as able.
@Sigil There we go... it only took..*looks at time* 5 hours. Now time to eat...

Ohh goodie, I'm game, @Sigil!
"Can't be sure... they were loaded, that much I can say. Anything else is up for guessing. This far from the city center, it's either traders or scavengers from somewhere. Could be hostile, couldn't be friendly." She shrugged as they left the sled tracks. She would have liked to track them down and confirm, if they were traders, then there was a good chance there was a sort of stop off point for traders. A sort of safehosue that those who make a living wandering the ruined world outside of settlements keep.

Walking down across the WET ground of hte tunnel, Cat's eyes narrowed." This is... unusual. For water to melt it means temperatures were above melting point... and it rarely gets that high this close to the surface." This was weird, could mean a whole slew of things and it could also be just a very curious phenomenon that happens around here. For example maybe there could be a natural hot spring that had formed after the cataclysm that brings hot water somewhere nearby, even through the stone and concrete walls and floors, it could explain the temperatures raising... or it could be some kind of weather phenomenon. She wasn't a native to the area, so she didn't know, but it warranted later investigation.

Eventually after moving down the tunnel and going out another station staircase, with a bit more walking through the snow they found themselves in front of the coveted location- 'Cassies's '. It was... curious and looekd rather well protected. The metal door would have kept most people out after the cataclysm. It was damaged and frosted over too." Yeah, let's give this bad boy a workout." She grinend and pulled the crowbar from where she she had attached it to the rest of her gear setup. Cat looked at Donny first though." Going to need to make a good leverage spot and maybe get rid of some of the frost first. You keep an eye out for the time being. This is going to cause some noise and noise attracts attention."

Taking the crowbar firmly in hands, she began whacking and chipping away at the ice covering the frame, enough to expose the corner of the door so she gets a place to leverage at the door. It took a good few whacks and afterwards she began hitting away some of the bigger pieces of ice also. The whole process took about a minute and adozen good hits, but with that done she secured the edge of the tool in the nook she opened and after applying some force without it popping out, she decided it's good to go." Alright, let's do this." She stated and beggan pulling the end of the crowbar, applying the force on the other end. She was also using the doorframe for support as she had one of her boots against it.

Honestly despite the fact she was aplying a lot of force since she was a trained soldier and all that, she was in pretty good physical shape, it wasn't moving an inch. THe forst across the entire thing was holding firm, despite her chipping away some. After Donny joined up, it was still not making any progress over the next few pushes and pulls until after a few times, there was a low crunching of ice and the next attempt caused the door to creak open with the frost shattering across the door. The inside didn't appear like it had snow and ice, so it meant the building had maintained decent condition at least and helped with the door opening, since it didn't have to push against snow on the inside. Right away she was ready to fight, holding the crowbar as a weapon, peering into the dark insides. There wasn't likely to be anything in a secured room after all these years, at least anything alive, but it didn't hurt to be careful.
"Even if we can crack that ice it'd be a long process, look at it, the doors practically halfway buried, that's going to be a lot of work." She shook her head in resignation. Such places were a hell of a gamble really. There could be something good or it could be nothing of value. She knew her old settlement threw away slaves at such missions like candy, partly for the possible rewards and partly to maintain a certain degree of numbers among the 'rabble'. That and there was the little case of keeping the population in check. These were practically suicide missions even with soldiers escorting them and the soldiers always had orders to prioritize their own safety over the slaves." If we ever come back here, we'd have better luck just spending the time and efforts to break through the wall instead."

"Alright, there should be an entrance ahead in that direction... we might be able to follow the rest of the tunnel to our target in a few stops." She stated, aiming her gun down the street away from the noise and began walking down. The weather was stable enough and it didn't make it overly difficult. It would have been hell if it was a blizzard, but the light snow that was starting to rain wasn't an issue... yet. In fact it was better to be snowing since it masked their own traces more than anything.

About a block away from the ruined store, Cat slowed her pace and gestured for Donny to be quiet and to follow her to the shadow of the nearby building to the left. She crept up to the edge of the building, sure enough on the other side she could see the entrance to the metro, however what bothered her were the meriad of traces in the snow. She couldn't hear anything from behind hte corner, but she wasn't going to just walk out and neither was she going to risk trying a mirror or anything reflective and giving her position easily. In the end she very carefully peaked around the corner before she finally walked around after confirming nobody was there. She crossed the street halfway and looked at the trails in teh snow that were being slowly covered by the freshly fallen snow.

"What do we have here... Look at this... sleds..." She stated and showed him the rather well parallel lines in the snow." At least 3 3, about the size a person can pull and 5 sets of footprints." She added, eyes following the trail to the side and away from their destination. It went roughly in the direction of Underhaven, but who really knew what the destination was given it was on the surface." Well they are leading away from our destination so we should be good to go." She said and carefully made a few fake trails of steps that join the ones going along the surface and backtracked back to the tunnel. Just in case to confuse any other trackers some.

The entrance of the Metro this time around was rather decrepit. Some of the stairs had completely collapsed and the ancient escalators were gone also, leaving just a single staircase to move up and down to the tunnels. As with most stations, there wasn't really anything of note left to salvage, except maybe the old husk of a metro wagon that was mostly stripped for it's metal panels, leaving the harder to disassemble steel frame.
"They do say that quantity is it's own quality~" Medaire chirped in reply to Adrianne's statement. The guard was useful in the way it was, granted it could be times better, but the progressives and conservatives in the Mechanicus could never really decide what should be improved and what should be left alone as it is. So much accusations of heresy were thrown about at any gathering to try to figure that out!

" It's not as rare as people like to think." She replied courtly." Pranks... traps... pranks... traps... same thing." She giggled." And banana peels. They never expect the banana peels." Medaira's grin was something to behold. Questionable, but something to behold. Hey in the absence of complete freedom in her pranks, she had to make do with plotting very satisfying and reidiculous ways to put those pranking skills into use at the wider game. Apparently, setting an obvious wire trap and tossing an inconspiculous banana peel in there, usually meant one or the other was ignored in favore of the other one. She was still waiting for a good chance to drop a gargoyle on the head of a Chaos agent that opens a door. There were plenty gothic buildings with stone dark decorations, but it never seemed to be the proper time. Maybe it would be this time. She then turned to the farseer." You are positively welcome! Prank friends are always a welcome addition to the jolly crew."

" I will go for a beef steak - well-done, a serving of cheeses, red wine and green salad." The tech priestess said to the waitress with a smile.

The tech priestess was looking at Stukov now and had a funny grin on her face." You are POSITIVELY ADORABLE!" She stated with very confident voice, staring at him right in the eyes. Her servohead, making a bit of fanfare music at the moment." I like you, Prank Friend victim Stukov. You are the very model of what the rank and file of our GLORIOUS Imperium should be. Now I think you will love this! I suggest you to try the nice selection of beer they've got avaible! A nice dark, would surely fix your mood, Friend Stukov~" Meanwhile she too was having her own security perimeter and observations being constantly performed. She didn't have that flying servo head for nothing.
"I know, I know." She sighed at him. She knew what Prickle Pears were! She wasn't a child or something. She was a soldier, a scout and a former slave. She knew more than enough of survival in the wild. She picked a few of the pears herself while he talked, but since he was focusing mainly on those, she instead found herself pulling her knife and carefully digging some of the needles out of the cacti.

She had a few different uses for the needles actually. Curiously enough they actually did make great sewing needles, if you managed to get a notch at the dull end and carefully drill a hole or at least a nook or hook to attach the thread at. They were useful as puncture tools, take a piece of wood and some duct tape or anything other and you can make a mighty fine improvised shank out of those. She had seen wounds of such a thing, sure they weren't as grand as a proper blade, but a single knife stab or 4 shiv ones in the guts and you still died the same really. They could also be used as nice tips for arrows or darts. She knew of some people out and about that used them with a blowpipe and in conjunction with poisons and the like. So yes, a meriad of ways to use simple needles.

She had just finished pulling out her 5th one when she stopped and turned around, narrowing her eyes." We should continue. There's movement around, it's not close right now, but we shouldn't just stay here and make ourselves an easy pray, got all the pears you need?" She asked, putting away her knife and the needles.

One of her hands gravitated towards her crowbar as she moved away from the cacti. There weren't many animals out here honestly, there was the occasional mutant, but still. After a bit, she pointed out a thing to Donny." Look at that." She pointed out what once was a grocery store of some kind, but one that had long since been broken into both by people, wildlife and by nature itself as ice and snow had cracked the glass panes of the windows and gotten inside. She carefully made her way to it and peered into the former store through the door. It was empty really, well it wasn't one of the marked locations and she was all, but ready to continue, when she noted something.

"Hey the storage room's sadly blocked, there might have been something left in there, but with all the ice and snow blockign the door we cannot really access it." She sighed, a bit disappointed that there wasn't anything visible to use. There was a chance that there might be cans or other preserved foods laying under the snow, but they didn't have time right now to test that theory. As they could return to the road to reach their first destination, she heard the sound again and this time she knew what it was." I'm hearing the sound of footstep, human footsteps." She whispered to him, pointing in a direction." Wana check it out? It's nearby enough."
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