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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara nodded to Kathryn to indicate she heard the explanation with a smile. This was a positive goldmine! Well… metaphorical goldmine and one for her traveling journal at that! Still she got explanation on how this whole titled nobility thing worked at least in one part of the world. She made a mental note to write it in her book tonight before go getting to sleep. She had a lot of things to write about and not anywhere near enough time probably, so she was going to have to prioritize and make notes to add later.

“You actually pronounced those remarkably well as far as foreigners I’ve heard speak the language and names.” Kosara smiled in reassurance to V’s accent on the familiar names.” Yeah, these will do marvelously! I’m looking forward to a chance for us to cooperate! I’m certain that we will entrance the crowds with our joint performance!” Kosara was now a very happy dancer. There was a bard who knew music from her homeland and hopefully they get a chance to join up and make a team to perform. Any of the possible dances would do great and if she really needed to spice it, she’d turn it into a blade dance too. The future looked bright and the quest hadn’t even started yet.” Though I’m very surprised you know an Almeh. Pleasantly surprised that is.”

Kosara’s attention then went to the kitchen. Well now she really wanted to go check what was going on there. It seemed like fun! Still listening to their potential employer was of greater importance so she did. 20 gold pieces plus supplies to travel to any destination reasonably close sounded like quite the bargain. She didn’t react to the mention of V being in jail. It was just bards being bards. One always seemed to end up in unexpected places. Part of the trade or so other bards claimed.

Marita took to business topic and questions right away, while Kosara pondered. Hugh also seemed to be asking questions and giving conditions. She chuckled at the question about goblins.” Shouldn’t one always expect goblins? Grandpa said that no matter what, sometime, somewhere during an adventure goblins happen. We should be prepared just in case!” She smiled and looked at the sheriff.” Well I personally am pleased enough with the reward in coin and supplies. Though maybe it would be possible to get a blank journal if possible? My old one is steadily getting filled out and I’d prefer it to not happen on the middle of the roads where the truly interesting things happen. Aside that, I don’t have any other requests myself. I will help anyways. We must always help people in need and this case is both mysterious and concerning. If people vanish or even if they return, something happened and what about the ones who didn’t return? Maybe they are still out there. Grandpa will tan my hide if I walk away from this!” Kosara directly agreet to join too similarly to Marita.
cool. We may yet get explosions.
so got any specific plans for hte hole or we can make it as fun as we want as we just make stuff as we go?
"Thank you." She replied as she carefully pulled a gasmask and put it on. It was her last cartrige of the thing so she kept it as an emergency supply. In any case, with the ropes secure, a glowstick in her hand and a weapon in hand, she looked at him again." Not sure if it's gas... I mean it could be in theory, however it should have gotten clear a long time ago. It's been years and not sure the old gas systems of hte city are in working enough state to still hold or transport the stuff." She pointed out.

"In any case, be on the look out, if I start trembling the rope too hard start pulling, same if a lot of noise or my screams echo from down there. I will climb up while you pull me for maximum escape speed hopefully." She stated and carefully moved ot the edge of the bgi hole. Well, looking at it from here, it looked like the floor caving in, had unearthed some part of hte underground, possibly into another part of the subterrainian sewers. Though it didn't quite mesh with the fact they were under a building, so maybe it was a hollowed out area that was eroded out of waters and winds and the storms and hten caved in. Possibly could explain a gas pocket, but she was still not quite believing it was that.

"See you in a bit." She smiled at him under hte mask, and carefully went to the edge and began descending. At The glowstick was thucked in her cleavage for hte time being since hse wanted both her hands while going down at least at first. After a bit she'd be more relying on him slowly lowering the rest of the rope. After she got down enough for light to be a pain, she reached with one hand to the secured glowstick and then in a trained and careful maneuver, to light the stick and look the surroundings.

Alright... this was a big hole actually. It went further down than she expected. It was certainly warmer here, in fact she was now certain it wasn't a simple gas pocket even if it was that. Honestly they could have easily checked it if they chuckled a lit cigarette down here, but she supposed it would be a waste of resources. IN any case, after a bit more, she spotted the vague shadows on the ground that displayed a slight curveture of the hole, heading to the side.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Kat it is then!” Kosara grinned at Kathryn. She was happy to be making friends and the giant woman certainly was in the friendship zone already as far as the tiefling was concerned. She liked Kathryn, her possible giant heritage aside, the warrior woman seemed like a good person and she was all up for that! Her sisters in the oasis would have liked her too, probably Grandpa Horny too. He seemed to like good righteous people.” Yeah, Grandpa’s great. He saved me when I was little. Took me from the middle of the desert to the cave where he lived. Nursed me to health, taught me knowledge, told me stories and looked after me. He was the one to name me too, I didn’t have a name prior at all. Neither did I even know how to speak, so he taught me that too. Later he showed me how to use magic! He’s great and he would probably enjoy meeting you! You are nice, though he might startle you, cause he’s even bigger than you.” She giggled.

“Wait, you are an actual titled Lady?!” The white tiefling asked in marvel, her eyes opened wide with surprise and admiration. Well that she didn’t expect. Again there wasn’t as much titled nobility on the desert oasis. Occasionally a traveling noble or two, maybe some knights, so she was aware that it was a thing at least. Had absolutely no idea how the whole concept actually worked though, especially in the way of what it meant for a kingdom.” Will you tell me about it later? I’m very curious how one gets a title like Ser or Lady.”

At this point a new voice reached out to them and a short man had arrived, introducing himself like a master of the Wizarding Arts! Well he had the shiny aura she supposed, but surely he wasn’t a ‘Master’… of ‘Wizarding’ arts of all things. He didn’t look like a wizard!” Hey, Jorlton! I’m Kosara!” She introduced herself back to him, studying his appearance even more.” If you are master of the Wizarding arts, where’s your robe? What about staff? Maybe a wand or an amulet focus? Surely a tome? Component pouch?! Ohh, ohh or the fancy pointy hat!? Surely, you’ve got a pointy fancy hat! Do you have a tower? Are you really a sneaky wizard going undercover!?” She started asking rapid-fire questions at him. He didn’t look like a wizard really, what with that armor or even rest of his wardrobe. Unless… he was a wizard in disguise! Thus she was gonna ask him questions and judge on his answers. Yes this possible wizard in disguise had earned her attention and curiosity!

When the May lady arrived with the food for the others who had ordered it and asked what they wanted, Kosara immediately looked at her with a smile.” Hello, May! I also will take a steak and anything potato-y you’ve got as a side dish!” She smiled at the woman. It wasn’t much later afterwards that the doors of the inn opened and a man with a rather impressive beard showed up. He looked… well? Well, he looked strong enough as he made his way over to the table along with Mr Laurel who brought more drinks. This in turn made her study the aged man more. This caused her attention towards the quick supposedly quick handed sneaky undercover wizard to drop as she began paying attention to the aged man who turned out to be their employer! She supposed the questions will have to be left for later now. But they WILL need to be answered!

Hugh of too hard to deal with surname introduced himself first. To Mr Arbalest. So he was a bounty hunter! This is new and surprising information! Kosara had little dealings with bounty hunters in the desert. There were a few, but it was rare and far between. Some were rather mean, others were just people who caught people for a living. They at least were very competent though if they were surviving their job. This made her see the sneaky monk in a new light. Now she wanted to start asking him about his own adventures. Some of the Bounty Hunters she had spoken at the oasis in their travels left her with rather interesting anecdotes and general stories. Many of them usually boiled down to: always be prepared and have contingencies for your contingencies though.

Hello, Sir Arbalest! I’m Kosara.” She introduced herself next and reached into her bag, pulling her leather bound traveling journal. Which she opened and from between it’s pages she pulled the invitation. It was in the same state as she had found it back then on the ground. In other words pretty much pristine. She had opened it very carefully and kept it in the pages of her journal for safety.” Here it is, Sir. I have to say, you’ve got a very neat handwriting.” Kosara mentioned with a smile, looking at the aged man with her usual friendly smile. His beard reminded her of her Grandpa.


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Alright, Kosara wasn’t liking this cleric person quite as much anymore… She sounded mean. Or maybe she was just cranky for other reasons and this gathering of people and the usual noise levels that gathering of people caused was getting to her. She was going to have to keep an eye on this! She did have a bit of a point though, supposedly this was an adventuring quest where you teamed up with strangers! It was probably a good thing to known what each other can do more or less so they can coordinate a bit even from the start. At least now there was a definite confirmation about her clerical status though!

Now on the topic of the new arrival in the face of Hugh( of name to be avoided) , she grinned at him in agreement.” Indeed, baldness is conspicious!” Kosara chuckled, making a mental note of this funny man. The white tiefling had decided that she liked him well enough and they were going to be friends! She wanted to be friends with everybody in the party anyways, but he had moved in a few steps up on the wanting to be buddy ladder. He then began to go on a bit of explanation of what he could do, prompted by Marita’s stern requests. She was listening in childish awe and interest as he spoke until he was done. Then her grin grew wider.” Sou you ARE a fancy sneaky monk… or cultivator…” She spoke, as if tasting the word and making a weird thinking face.” Nah Monk sounds better!” She finally concluded.

Her attention turned to the next person who was introducing themselves in this case it was V! YES!!! She was a bard! Kosara was glad and now was wondering if she knows music from the south and the deserts or if she should try to teach her some or at least get close to it so she can have somebody play for her to perform when it was required. After all, dances were better when there was music involved. She did have to agree on people being intolerant, not always, but she supposed often enough. In the oasis things were nice, people were kind even to her, but outside after she ventured out to explore? She had met her fair share of such intolerant people. That said, her saying it in relation with the College of Grey Requiem, made it sound like it was the reason for that. Hmm… She was going to have to try to see and recall if she knew anything about that or the names mentioned. History and religion weren’t her fortes. Maybe she should recheck her journal later.” Hey it’s fine with me, V! As long as you aren’t out to murder innocents, burn cities, summon evils beyond our comprehension or any other such evils, you are a fine person and I wana be friends!” She reassured the bard. If she was any of those things… well there was smiting to be done.” And I do agree with you. Sometimes peaceful solutions are the best solutions. On that note, you know any music from the south or the deserts?”

The other tiefling in the group made their introductions next. He was a warrior by the looks and sounds of it. It was a fair trade actually. Warriors were the backbone of every military force! Without them who was going to stand on the front row and trade whacks with the enemy with sharp pointy objects? He did look competent enough if a bit hard on controlling his surprises. That earlier near spittake was very impressive indeed.

Then to her surprise another person showed up! A dark haired woman with fair skin and very good clothing for day to day and rough living. She looked like seasoned traveler in a way and as she spoke on, revealed that she was a Druid! Well the earlier mention of the Moon, was a good indication too actually. She did raise a fair point of how the letter could have reached her, but then again Kosara supposed it wasn’t that weird. After all she found her letter just innocently laying on the road near the place she was having a picnic.” You aren’t late, as Marita said… our host is not here yet, so who’s late and not is yet to be decided! Anyways, hello Naivara! Pleasure meeting you, I’m Kosara. Hope we can be friends in the future!” The white tiefling cheerfully greeted the newcomer before turning back to Marita who started speaking again.

“Alright, I will introduce myself and my skills next then.” She stated and softly placed the mug of beer, licking off the latest beer mustache.” I’m Kosara, I hail from the southern deserts and I’m a trained dancer by trade. I’m a fair shot with this little beauty here.” She pulled out her crossbow.” Also decent with a dagger and scimitars. In fact when it comes to performances, blade dancing with scimitars is my passion.” She smiled.” I know magic in what my Grandpa taught me and it includes a random variety of small things such as what’s usually referred to Thaumaturgy and Prestidigitation, but I can also use healing magic if it’s needed. So I can fight at range or up close if the situation calls for it. I can help with healing and then I can also dance for the enjoyment of the group or the crowds. Plus I do know how to do very good massages to relax the muscles after hard day of work or travel!” While giving her exposition, she made a small transparent figure of herself down to her dancing veil clothes and scimitar in hand. It was in a dancing pose slowly rotating above her left palm in a fashion not dissimilar to how a music box figure would complete with faint musical sounds being played of her favorite dancing song from the desert. She had to dismiss the coolness of her drink, but did kept the one on Kathryn's.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Hehe, I grew up in a tavern in the desert. Chilled drinks were kind of the prerequisite!” She grinned and reached a hand, tapping a finger on the mug of beer and channeling the magical energies into a ‘Prestidigitation’, bringing about the desired effects of chilling the beer down.” Nothing beats a cool cup of cactus water or cold beer at the end of a hot day.”

Finally at the acceptance of her request, Kosara quickly brought her arms up to Kathryn’s upper arms and after a few moments of twitching of her fingers she patted the chain mail clad arm.” Ohhhhh!” A sound of marvel and wonder escaped the white tiefling’s lips as she looked up at the warrior woman’s face for a moment, before she gave the arm a squeeze with both hands and gradually checked her way down up to the forearm.”OHH!” Kosara’s impression had proved correct and she was quite pleased and impressed, very much so! She gave a few more squeezes in childish wonder, giving the others in the company a few looks as if asking - ‘Are you all seeing this?!’. “ Kathryn, you’ve got most impressive arms! Amazing...” She gave another squeeze.” Auntie had similar arms, but yours are even better! I can imagine what good massages you’d give!” She grinned happily and gave another squeeze. At the claim that Kathryn was half-giant, Kosara’s grin bloomed even more wide, seemingly ignoring the almost spit take that the other tiefling did, well she gave him a very quick eyebrow raise.” Language! Grandpa would have given you a whooping if he heard you!”

“So, in a few years you are going to be big enough to carry me on ONE of your shoulders? Nice! I’m looking forward to that time!” She nodded and finally pulled away with some reluctance.” Kat, can I call you that? Or how should I call you for short? Anyways, you know any massages? With arms like yours, so strong and firm, you will be great at it! I can teach you, we used to do it every night back home because performing dances for many hours a day did leave a lot of sore muscles. It was a great way to relax after working the day at the tavern!” She stated with dreaming voice, filled with longing and a bit of nostalgia. She was brimming with wanderlust, but it didn’t mean she forgot her home or the people there.

Kosara noted a new arrival, another woman by the looks of it. Maybe a holy woman, but she wasn’t sure.” Pleasure meeting you, Mona! I’m Kosara! Let’s be friends!” She quickly introduced herself and offered the gift of friendship. The woman was most impressive in her demeanor and had a rather unique appearance for the human race. What drew her attention away from the woman’s eyes however was the small thing sitting on her shoulder!” A SPRITE! It’s so cool, never met one before! Grandpa only spoke of them, lived too far out the desert, he used to say! Hey there, name’s Kosara! What’s yours?” She asked the sprite that was on the woman’s shoulder.

The tiefling woman then took note of Mona’s other words and blinked at her.” Are we really that are on adventures? I mean… I didn’t know! Never been with a proper adventuring party before, it was usually just Grandpa and me off on merry adventures! Or fighting in the tavern with my sisters whenever somebody gets rowdy. Well I’m sure that we can do a fine job!” She admitted happily. It was true, Kosara was never quite on an Adventure in what most considered the conventional way. It was going to be her first one that was just her stumbling over something interesting on the road, helping people in need or tagging along with Grandpa Horny Golden Horse on his evil smiting tasks.

At the sudden new voice, her head snapped to the side, narrowing her eyes at a male that had joined up to them and was now introducing himself as one ‘Hugh’ of surname too hard to meddle with! Well he was dressed like one of those fancy monks! Well.. less fancy given his clothes had faded in color some. She scrutinized his appearance from head to toe, evaluating everything. Finally she had her reached her judgment.”Hey! Pleasure meeting you, Hugh, of surname name to be avoided! I’m Kosara!” She greeted him back with cheery smile.” You dress like a monk! Why aren’t you bald? Last Monk I saw was bald wait… no he had shaved his head. Said everybody in the temple was shaving their heads! Does your temple not do it?” She honestly asked in curiosity, eyes jumping between him and the sprite on Mona’s shoulder.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby - The Infamous Pear, Meeting Table
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Hmm?” Kosara made a sound of curiosity as she heard a female voice behind her and turned to look at the newly arrived person. She was left a bit speechless in wonder and amazement at the sight before her. That was one huge woman! But not in a bad way, not this one looked just the right amount of bulky and tall to be distinctly feminine, but appearing every part a warrior!’ Look at those arms!’ She exclaimed in her head in wonder. She had seen body like that only a few times in her travels, especially on a woman. The white tiefling was quite the admirer of beautiful shiny things and even beautiful people and attractive people. She had no real base thoughts, just admiration really… and maybe the desire to be carried about, but who didn’t like being carried?

“HI! No, don’t think you are. I just arrived myself too!” She greeted the newcomer with a smile.” That’s a nice name! Guess you heard mine, huh? Well, pleasure meeting you Kathryn.” The white tiefling said and looked at the woman’s beer.” Want me to chill that for you? Beer is way better after it’s brought to a proper chilly temperature after all.” She offered to her, still studying her armor clad body. She now really wanted to see the musculature underneath that layer of metal.

Seemed like this was the moment for more people to arrive as another one did. This one was a very beautiful half-elf woman. Those were some very nice clothes she was wearing! Mostly purple in color and that hat! The hat was incredible. She really liked the feather on it. She had the look of a bard!!! Kosara had seen many bards back at the tavern and quite a few dressed in similar manner, though she had to admit this one was in a class of her own.

“Hello, V! I’m Kosara, got no last name, yet to earn one or a title to be called by!” She greeted the bard back, before nodding.” I think we should be. Funny letter with a proposition, right? It seemed rather interesting so I followed it here.” She asked vaguely to confirm, but it was a bit of a rhetorical question. Of course they were here because of the letter, otherwise how would they know to look for the party of Arbalests! Wait no, Arbalest party! She did wonder if she was the only one who had randomly gotten her letter thought. The white tiefling then proceeded to grin widely at the snark about Kathryn’s size.

Kosara moved her chair over a bit towards Kathryn and looked at her.” Hey, Kathryn, can I touch your arms please?” She asked, unleashing the ultimate move, begging eyes technique, her upper lips covered in a brand new foam mustache from the last sip of beer she had taken.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12 Conditions: N/A
Location: Darenby
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


As a set of horse pulled wagons were slowly making their way into Darenby, the people riding on them, were chatting enthusiastically about the near future. More specifically about their deals to be made and the gold coin they were to collect once all the coins were earned. Suddenly the back tarp on the canvas covered wagon opened as an exotic beauty with bronze tanned skin and 4 curved marble white horns showed.” I’VE ARRIVED! “ The woman’s voice filled the street where the wagons were, her foreign exotic accent from distant lands was quite clear.

She was dressed in a loose pale blue shirt that was mostly opened and revealing a lot of skin, a pair of loose blue pants and had a thick cloak to warm up in this colder climate. Her grin was wide, joyous and made her attractive face brighten up even more.” Kosara, careful, don’t jump out of a moving wagon!” A mature female voice echoed behind her as she turned around and grinned. The woman called to the man controlling the horses to pull to a halt.” Thank you for all you did on the road, Kosara. Your help was invaluable.”

“It was my pleasure! Grandpa always taught me to help people! Glad I met your family, Mrs Silverdam, hope we see each other in the future again!” The white tiefling with her bronze tan replied as she hopped out of the wagon. As far as tieflings went, she’d be a curiosity. Unusual coloration all around and of course the missing tail. She grinned at the merchants in the wagon and waved at them.” Good luck on the roads, friends!”

With that she skipped away merrily across the somewhat busy place. Darenby was certainly different from the other places she had visited on her journey so far. Sure there were similarities, but it had nothing on the bustling port cities or oasis reststops. Still it had it’s own charm and she supposed the nature helped. So much different trees in such curious colors! Kosara had learned this was what they apparently called Autumn . Such a mysterious thing! In any case, first thing was first, she pulled an envelope from her bag, looked at it and with happy grin continued skipping down the busy road, looking at everything new with unbridled curiosity and waving and greeting people as she went. Her original plans didn’t include arriving in these parts anytime soon, maybe never, but the world worked in mysterious ways it seemed and it all started with that letter.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~

Kosara was enjoying her time, laying on a nice grassy field by the roadside, writing her her journal. A wagon with farm produce, a horse rider and a few others generally passed by while she did so.After a good long while, she pulled herself up and decided to continue on her journey and as she reached the road, she actually noticed a letter laying peacefully on the ground. Raising an eyebrow at it, the white tiefling, picked it up and gave it a quick look over. Then she read it.

“Huh… seems interesting. Wonder what's it really about.” She mused, rereading the letter and looking around. She didn’t exactly know where Darenby was, but she knew the general direction, so instead of her original plan that led to the opposite direction, she changed course and headed to the location indicated on the letter with a merry tune on her lips and a slight jump or skip to her gait. A few hours later, she stumbled upon a pair of wagons that were stopped by the road, one of which had it’s wheel broken and the people were trying to replace it with a spare.” Hey, you guys need help?” She called out…
~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~

“Ohhh...” Kosara was currently standing in what was apparently a farmer that bred rabbits that were bringing them to the market to be sold.” So these are rabbits?” She said, crouching to be on eye level with the small animals in the cages. The middle aged human man with a rather impressive beard, just chuckled and nodded, before reaching into one of the cages and pulling a fluffy bunny by the ears and handing it to her to hold.” Wow… So soft.” She marveled, running her fingers across the bunny’s fur.” We got nothing like this back home. Camels are somewhat soft… but not really the same.”

“Can only imagine.” The man replied, amused at the reaction of pure marvel she was displaying.” So what brings ya to Darenby, lass? I’m pretty sure there ain’t no desert anywhere near after all, must be a long way form home.”

“Wanderlust mostly.” She replied, still stroking the fur of the animal.” Wanted to go out and see the world. I grew up listening to travelers from distant lands talk about places like this. For a young girl that grew up in the middle of endless expanses of sand, it was like some distant fairy tale. I can honestly say that it did not disappoint. The views here are majestic!” She exclaimed.” Though I got some serious issues with the temperatures…” The white tiefling replied and carefully handed the bunny back with a bit of reluctance.” Say, sir, do you know where I can find this ‘ The Infamous Pear’ place? I was told to meed somebody there, but I’m new to this place.”

“Ye, I know the place. You go down this street and follow the road then on the second crossroads you go right. You will see it.” The man replied, putting his merchandise back into the cage.” Think you will enjoy the place better than the others. Too crowded those ones, much travelers there.”

“Thank you, sir! Hope you have luck in the marketplace!” She told him and skipped away, humming and practically dancing her way down the road he indicated, but not before browsing the wares on display or just sightseeing as she went along. By the time she finally, after a bit of searching, came face to face with the fabled Infamous Pear it was growing darker outside. The sign was adorable, she pulled her journal and quickly sketched it down on the page so she can write around it later.

Opening the front door with eagerness and energy, her smiling face was met by an equally cheerful halfling that beckoned her to come in.” GREETINGS!” She greeted pretty much everybody and waved to the halfling. There were others here, she suspected most might be locals, given what the bunny farmer from earlier had mentioned. With a grin and elegant dance like movements, she weaved her way through the place until she found herself face to face with the barman.

“Hi! I’m looking for a supposed Party of Arbalests!” She cheerfully exclaimed and made a face.” Wait no, it’s the Arbalest party, not party of Arbalests.” Kosara grinned at the man. She listened to the man going on tangents, but didn’t stop him, just smiled and nodded in understanding.” Nice to meet you, Mr. Hardy, name’s Kosara. No last name, grandpa didn’t give me one. Said I need to earn one or a title on my travels.” She stated and introduced herself in turn, before looking at the halfling.” Nice to meet you too, Mr Laurel!” She waved the halfling again.” Ohh, she sounds amazing, can I meet her later?” She asked, with expectation.” Well, we will meet if it’s fated. Alright! For me it will be… uuuhhh… don’t suppose you got any Cactus Water? Well, I will go with beer then!”

With her beer in hand nicely chilled with Prestidigitation, skipped along over to the party table where she came face to face with two people who were already there. A more typical tiefling with blue skin and bluish hair. He was actually rather huge. Very impressive and looked adventure-y! The other was a light haired nicely tanned woman that was roughly tall as her. Judging by the holy symbol proudly displayed, Kosara marked her as a cleric or priestess of Pholtus. She blinked at them, before quickly hopping at a seat on the opposite side of the table so she is face to face with them instead of to the side.

“Hello there! I’m Kosara, nice to meet you!” She smiled and offered a greeting. Her white eyes filled with joy as she took a sip from her nicely foamy chilled beer that after she pulled the mug away from her lips, left a nice amusing beer foam mustache with absolutely no worry in the world.

Cat was mildly impressed by the discovery of all the tabacco things avaible here. Well this place alone was enough for her old settlement to probably declare themselves twice the kings they already did. The bastards suffered from a grandeur complex and megalomania, smoking fine tabacco was their thing. So while he was pocketing the seeds, she pulled a few of the tabacco packs and baggies and stashed them away on her person. Good trading value, or just recreational if she really wanted to. A bit of luxury goods now and then never hurt anybody... that didn't know about them of course.

"Yeah, plastic's important nowdays. It's a shame the way they treated it in the past. Would have made our lives a lot easier if there was more of it avaible more widely." She shrugged and looked at the source of the warm draft she was feeling." Hey Donny... there's something underneath us. It's too warm here... those drinks aren't frozen for crying out loud." She warned him and pointed at the back where the office room was. Having stashed a few packs of the tabacco on herself, she carefully approached the ruined office and felt the warm breeze even more strongly. She looked down at the broken floor, there was something down there alright. Now question was what could provide continuous heat like this and honestly she wasn't certain, but it was worth some investigating.

"Hey, you still got that rope, right? Find a good place to tie it and secure it good, I will go down to investigate. We need to know what's down there, just be ready to start pulling me up if it's dangerous." She stated to him and carefully made her way around the ruined floor, to get a bettle angle of view down the hole and try to see if she could see anything of what's down there. She had redied her gun for this actually. It was better at things that jump out at her than the crowbar.
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