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"We should go." Cat stated firmly, pondering the chances of once more going underground, but they had to do so sooner or later again. It was simply safer underground." We've attracted a fuck load of attention right now, can't stay. Things will start approaching soon and that shambler's just the first of many in my experience." She explained to him, helping him out to start heading towards teh tunnels once more.

"Monsters and feral mutants will arrive fast because that's how they react to commotions and lound noises in difference to natural creatures and animals. People will also gather up to scout and see what this all was about and if they could profit from it... Back in the colony we had to protect ourselves more than once because sometime going wrong and attracting attention from loud noises from an accident or the like. Besides we've got our loot." Once at the tunel of the metro, she readies her weapon and making sure there was nobody directly at the entrance started to proceed downwards with great care. She kept her ears open for the light cracking of snow and ice under feet. Anything to announce they weren't alone. For the time being though at least there weren't things, so they had the time to get going and if she recalled the map correctly, following the direction to the left around the old derailed traincar, they would be heading in the direction of another of the marked out locations on the treasure map they were following. It was far far away, they weren't going to get there today unless the tunnel led directly there without any hindrences along the way, but at this point it was well known to everybody that the underground networks were a maze because many places had collapsed and new ways were opened by nature, men and monsters.

"We should also be considering where we will camp out once we get deeper into the tunnels. If we are lucky maybe we can find a nice alcove somewhere along the ways that we can trap or barriace to make creatures have hard time noticing it."

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Wagon
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Well of all things curious, this is NOT one she expected to experience today. The mule was stubbornly refusing to move from it’s spot, despite her varying words of encouragement and general friendly persona! She waited for a bit to see if it will respond, but it seemed more interested in the ground and grass than her! No can do! She needed it fed and ready to move now! The party had to continue onwards and if she kept spending time here, somebody would come and it will be awkward. So Kosara merrily hopped off her seat and pulled her bag, rummaging through what she had brought.

“Ink… no… book… no… chalk? What’s the chalk doing with the soap? It shouldn’t be here...” She mumbled, relocating the weirdly arranged stuff in her travel bag back to their rightly places! For example the Caltrops had somehow ended up neatly hidden inside and under the coils of the rope she kept in her bag. Weird… It surely had NOTHING to do with her moving erratically to climb a boulder, making her bag rock at odd angles and thus messing up the neat order inside it. Surely… no way at all.

Finally after a bit of searching she reached into the ration packs.” AHA!” She proudly proclaimed and pulled some of the dried fruits from her available rations. It was varied tree fruits that went with her rations. Kosara also pulled one of the mostly fresh apples. They were surprisingly lasting and she had one from her travels and resupplying in the past. She made sure to select the bigger ones and walked over to the mule.” So, seeing how you are so hungry that refuse to move, how about we make a deal? I will give you these sweets and with the brief burst of sweet energy, we will move towards the others? What do you say? Deal?” The mule predictably didn’t reply to her as she showed the fruits she held in her palm to the animal that started eating them. She used her other hand to pet and rub it’s head. Mule it may be, but it was soft in it’s own way. After that she gave it the apple and once everything was eaten, which took surprisingly little time, she grinned and quickly hopped back into the driving seat of the wagon, taking the reigns.

“Trot on!” She called and pulled the reigns in the manner V taught her earlier. It didn’t work right away, but after a few moments of patience the wagon slowly began moving onwards! The white teifling’s face was filled with absolute glee at it. Seems like food was the way into the mule’s good graces. She was down most of the sweets from her rations, but it didn't matter too much. She will find a way to get more at a later date.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Location of the Wagon
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“No worries, I like healing people!” Kosara reassured the bard with a smile. It was true, healing people was nice. That and it allowed her to practice both her magic skills and her hugging skill. It was an overall win-win in all manner of ways. In fact it was the first thing her grandpa taught her.

“Hmmm… I see?” She answered, not really seeing it.” I mean… I suppose ears are easier to carry, but heads of the enemy is not the true way to show you defeated them?” She mumbled, trying to warp her own head around the idea. All of her childhood perception and understanding were being contradicted here and she was trying to make sense of it. But she KNEW people wanted heads at times… something about hunting bounties and proof… Were the ears enough for goblins?’ Well… it’s not like they need the specific goblin…?’ Maybe that was the situation. They didn’t need the heads since having the ears was a proof of it enough since they weren’t hunting down specific one. But wasn’t this leaving it open for abuse if you could regrow parts...” Hmmmmmmm...”

The tiefling’s ponders on the topic of breaking the goblin ears market and the possible long term effects on the economy were brought to an end by V’s lovely voice that called out to her in a very friendly and pleasant way and Kosara right away pay attention like a child being called out.” Yes?” She blinked and began nodding enthusiastically” I will! Thank you~!” She nodded and then skipped away, jumping over goblin bodies before making a skipping dash through the area and around trees to the point where they dropped off their wagon.

Wagon and the mule where where they left them. Kosara threw a glance around… carefully. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary by the looks of it. Thus she gleefully hopped back onto her seat and took in the reigns to prepare to gloriously lead the mule forward.” Yah!” She tried and after what might to others appear an embarrassingly long moment of nothing happened and silence, the tiefling was not affected, nor irritated. She just looked at the reigns in her hand and back at the mule.” Ooookey… maybe I got the word wrong? Hmmm…. Or do you really want ot finish eating whatever it is you are eating right now, Mule?” She asked the animal in complete seriousness.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Location of the Combat
Action: Healing Light 2d6 healing on V resulting in 7 hp healed
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Alright, getting off the rock was a bit more trickier than getting on top of it. Well not really, as soon as Kosara was comfortably high she hopped off, testing the marvelous soles of her new boots! The conclusion of the said field practical testing was that they were good shoes, she didn’t feel any pebbles or branches underneath her feet. Which was not something her usual slipper styled shoes would have accomplished! V deserved even more healing!

The white tiefling studied the group that was now doing their thing between examining the scene and looting bodies for goodies. She might join up with them later, but for now she had other stuff to do. Important stuff though she did halt mid stride for a moment when she saw Kathryn take off part of the armor, not enough to even enough skin! Still THAT was some impressive display of physical prowess. Turning over a wagon by one’s self wasn’t something just anybody could do. With that impressive display over with, Kosara happily dashed over to V, haling a step away, watching the woman with a knife in her hand cutting off ears from goblins. The pale tiefling was a good girl and her adoptive family back home taught her to never disturb a person who had a knife and was cutting things. It was a recipe for disasters and wounds.

“Hey, V, can you halt for just a bit, I need to heal you.” Kosara asked when she saw the woman done with the ear she was currently cutting. Once she was sure she had the bard’s attention and it wasn’t going to be a surprise she moved closer and then gave the bard a careful hug, closing her eyes and focusing her energy, channeling it through herself and into the musician. As the golden light flowed into V, the wounds would begin healing rapidly. It was one of Kosara’s more favorite abilities she had learned/gained. Using the regular spells was all fine and dandy, but the healing hugs were the best! After the celestial energy finally stopped, Kosara pulled away, studying V’s wound, before looking at the knife and the ears.” Why are you taking the ears anyways? Wouldn’t the heads be a better thing to show? Could mount them on spikes and everything.” She asked with innocent curiosity.” Not like we lack the space to carry them with the wagons. I can help! Just need to find an axe!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Combat Map(I8)
Action: Celestial(Eldrich) BLAST!
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Goblins were dying left and right, some in places she hadn’t seen, one was in a tree? Well… victory was gained! Kosara proudly grinned widely, taking a heroic posture at the sight of victory. All was good in the world. At least until a whack was heard from within the coffin and Kosara jolted, looking at it with a curious and careful expression. Was this some kind of evil undead? Was it the mummies again? Surely not, mummies this far from the desert shouldn’t be a thing! Ohh it was a coffin so maybe it was one of those vampires she heard stories about, but… it was day? She readied herself to attach as Marita decided to help the thing out and open the coffin with her spiritual dagger.

It was a… “COFFIN GOBLIN!” Kosara exclaimed in surprise as the thing hopped out of the coffin and bolted past the group. It wasn’t very fast, but it was loud and Kosara really wasn’t liking it’s tone! It sounded rude! Then again it was probably drunk. Many drunkards didn’t have nice mouths. Wait she shouldn’t be searching for excuses for the goblins! No, no, no! Then in a shocking surprise more Goblins revealed their presence by shooting at the bard!” V!” Kosara shouted in surprise as the arrows hurt the woman.” I’m going to heal you in a bit!” She called, but before she could actually do anything V whacked the bastards with a spell that did something nasty to them. Actually hearing what the woman said it was understandable! That coat was indeed looking very costly! The replacement cost would be a lot! Kosara would be similarly pissed if her dancing clothes were damaged. Where can she find cloths that thin and soft this far north!?

In any case, the ambushers were executed with shattering efficiency! Good, Kosara then spotted the Coffin Goblin that was running away.” OI! I said not to run!” She shouted after it and focused again. Performing the gestures and chanting the spell.” CELESTIAL BLAST!” The golden energy focused through her horns and then formed a crackling beam of golden energy that zapped through the air from her horns in an instant and struck the fleeing goblin dead center. Kosara made a sign of victory as the coffin goblin fell down not to move again. Maybe he should have stayed in the coffin…? In ANY case, the tiefling smiled, happy with herself. Her first proper fight without grandpa! Her grandpa was going to be so proud and she even struck them down with spells like he does! Horns power for the win! Granted in her mind she was kinda forgetting all the times Grandpa Horny Golden Horse tried to get her to fire spells with her hands instead of horns for versitility. Selective memory and all… weird that.

Still with the goblin down, she immediately turned to the most important thing right now.” Hold on, V! I’m going to heal you now!” She called, looking at which way was the better for descending the rock. She had to heal her new bardic friend!

@Sigil TAG!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Combat Map(I8)
Action: Celestial(Eldrich) BLAST!
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Having taken a second to study the effects of her attack had brought, Kosara realized that it wasn’t much after all. It had made them angrier!” Ahhaaaa! You still survive, villains!” She proclaimed, pointing her hand at them in loud voice, as the ambush had already ended and they were all well aware they were under attack. Thus without really meaning it, Kosara had turned into the rather vocal point of the attacking force. Taking on a heroic pointing stance at the goblin she had just showered with burning light of justice, she narrowed her eyes.

Her entire form lightly crouched, eyes locked onto the goblin her entire form hunched into almost a leaping stance. Light gestures were made with her free hand as golden sparkles gathered at her center point between her upper horns. Crackling noise of energy filled the air around her.” FACE THE FURY OF THE SANDS! CELESTIAL BLAST!” She chanted as all the golden crackling energy hovering between her horns was unleashed in a golden beam, streaking through the air between her and the goblin she was aiming. It was one of the first spells her Grandpa Horny Golden Horse taught her. To channel the fury of the divine! He later taught her how to make it even stronger and thus they were here. It was the thing he told her to use whenever she REALLY needed to help the people by obliterating forces of evil!

The golden crackling energy impacted the goblin and when it was over, the creature was down! Kosara raised her hand up towards the sun in sign of victory.” One has been smitten off the face of this world! YOU ARE NEXT, VILLAIN! NO NEED TO SURRENDER FOR I HAVE THE HIGH GROUND AND YOU CANNOT ESCAPE MY WRATH!” She added, pointing at the other goblin next to the one she just very bravely whacked with a beam of celestial energy… from over 30 feet away, from a huge tall rock… Like a real darn hero! Just like in the stories she was told(not) as a child.

TAG NOTE: @Lewascan2

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Combat Map(I6)->(I8)
Action: Sacred Flame
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara waited with held breath for the combat to start and then it did with a mighty sound of something hitting something fleshy and then Kathryn’s shout. All in all very adventure type beginning though it made her think if the woman was secretly a barbarian princess instead of a knight one. Both were types of warrior princesses so it wasn’t that far off and Kathryn the self proclaimed half giant certainly had the impressive musculature for a barbarian! Nowhere near enough leathers, furs and scars though… So mayyyyyyyybe not.

Suddenly tearing her mind away from academic and philosophical mental debates about the warrior woman’s very impressive body, Kosara took to action as she was hearing more and more sound of fleshy things being hit by stuff indicating goblins were being attacked! Nowhere near enough human groans of main for her party to be the victims. In a display of hurry and haste, the white tiefling threw herself at the rocks she was at and began climbing. Pulling herself up and jumping up along as her feet and tips of her brand new boots found good spots in the rock. Finally with a reasonably impressive flourish she hopped on top of the rock.’ Wow, it’s tall here! Hey I can see all the goblins!’ She thought. Most were read and there were 2 hiding in behind the overturned cart!

The white tiefling proceeded to strike a heroic pose while doing a bit of a turn in an overly dramatic fashion, crossing her arms with a flourish, braid swinging in the motion as she moved, one hand still holding the light crossbow, the other now now making a finger crossbow gesture at the two goblins behind the cart.” Your evil schemes and tomfoolery, shall end now, evil villains!!! In the name of all that is holy and pure and cheese! Especially cheese and maybe bacon, I shall smite you!” She proclaimed proudly.” By Sun that shines across the endless sands so I pray! SACRED FLAME!” Kosara proclaimed, doing her chant, doing the gestures and then making the fire finger crossbow gesture, calling forth a shining bright radiance to descend onto the goblin from on high. Very flashy and flashy was good as she struck a heroic pose despite the fact it didn’t really do all that much to the goblin except maybe annoy him. She had the high ground and if adventures that told her stories as a child have taught her anything, it's that the high ground was the best spot to be and the most heroic! They may also have mentioned the fact that it was the most dangerous spot to be, but that lesson had kinda slipped off her mind given she was a child with more than a few attention issues at the time and paying attention to the heroics of the story not the real lessons really.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: On the Path-Combat Map(I6)
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With everything set and people buffing up, Kosara sneakily moved like a spy or infiltrator, making it to the set meeting point nearby to the camp of goblins. It was some rather big rock… or two big rocks forming a rock formation. There wasn’t much to be said about it, except the fact that she REALLY wanted to climb up on said rocks in the outset of the battle. It was both a good spot to fire at people from and also a good spot to do a very heroic pose!

The white tiefling carefully took stock of where everybody was situated on the combat field so far. She and Hugh weirdly enough were flanking the rocks on both side, waiting for the thing to start. From what she recalled before moving about the rock, Marita and Kathryn were taking the front with brave Morty and V right behind them to provide them with bardic support! Music was important people! Especially in battle! As such Kosara recognized the value of combat bards. One needed proper heroic background to do heroic things, and music was one part of it! It was why armies marched on drums or other musical orders! Probably not, but she didn’t know that, to her drums plus armies equals very epic scene that must go down in history because heroic tales and stuff. So for the moment, Kosara was in her blissful land of fairy tales and delusions.

Suddenly she heard a sound! Kosara was in attention mode right away! Looking over the rock, sneaking a glance and saw the aftermath of the goblin just sneezing. She stared for a moment at the sneezing green bandit and had the sudden urge to give him good wishes then remembered – green cannibal bandit! No well wishes for them! Everybody seemed to be moving into position or had already moved to position. Now Kosara had the hard thing to figure out, were she and Hugh to initiate or were the melee gals to do so first. Hard to think hard to think. In the end she readied her light crossbow, ready to hop over to the side to have view as soon as the combat starts so she can shoot goblins with sharp pointy objects just as one does in stories!
@Lucius Cypher There we go!
"Need not ask me twice." She barked a reply before legging it away, counting the seconds in her head. Cat was fast and nible and she booked it out of the building in no time, having more than enough seconds to spare to dash across the street and toss herself into a snow gliding move and even further away and then rolled herself flat on the ground, looking at the building, eyes narrowed, keeping track of where Donny ends up. She kept one arm on her weapon, another was placed over the back of her neck for protection, one ear covered with her upper forearms and her mouth was slightly open in preparation of the bomb going off. She didn't really want her eardrums punctured because of the blast wave and sounds creates too great a difference, so she made sure her mouth was opened to equalize the pressure somewhat. Once the time neared, she let go of her weapon and moved the now freed hand to proect her neck and block her ear also.

Moment's later at the count of 23 there was a flash for a moment, a roar of fire then an explosion as all the collected methane down below was ignited. The entire street rumbled, snow was displaced from the tops of the ruined buildings and a huge ball of fire went up from the building's collapsed roof. Smaller explosions of snow lined the street down the street, indicating the explosion ahd spread into the sewers that way, so they were likely at least somewhat connected to the insect hive. When everything settled, the woman quickly jumped up, shaking her head, her ears were ringing and it wasn't pleasant. Even though she protected her ears, they were still ringing and hurting. Luckily it was just a methane explosion with a focused outlet otherwise this could have been way way worse. She really hoped everything down there was torched including all the bugs, but couldn't ever be sure.

"DONNY!" She shouted, shacking her head one last time, before rushing towards where she saw him just before the explosion went off." We need to go! This would have attracted everybody and their mutt from all across town, better be away before people start gathering!" She told him.
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