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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“We don’t need a staffed kitchen when we can cook ourselves!” Kosara mentioned happily at V’s comment.” We can probably get pillows from around town and a tub too!” The happy tiefling added as she locked her eyes on the barrels that V pointed out.” Thank you, V!” She quipped and quickly pulled a satchel from her bad and a bundle from within that. It was a cloth wrapped around a rectangular object. Finally with that she moved over to the barrels.” If anyone wants something to eat, in my bag there are the foodstuffs I picked from the market earlier for you all! We can keep them for breakfast too if you so prefer!” Kosara informed them all as she opened the barrel and nodded at the water inside.

With that done she quickly took of her sparkling new coat and the shirt, leaving herself in only her chest wraps and the pants, before unwrapping the piece of cloth, getting it wet with the water in the barrel and then proceeding to begin wiping herself carefully. It was not a bath, but it will do the job for the time being. What was left afterwards would be done with her magic as much as she could. Nothing beat proper cleaning though. It felt real good to get rid of the sweat though. It was a bit cold since the brazier wasn’t quite enough to warm up the place completely, but once done, she was going to get dressed again and curl into her bedroll and blanket.

“Ohh yeah… I was saying about my adventures and discoveries.” Kosara released as she was cleaning her neck and shoulders with the cool wet piece of fabric.” The municipal building is suspicious.” She said in carefully weaker tone, looking about in the darkness, but it was darkness and they were inside, not seeing outside. Still she felt the urge to be theatrical about it.” The locals say nobody’s allowed in anymore out of sudden. So Mr. Grumpy Constable is hiding something there.” She added, shivering a little at the freezing chill in the night’s air. She hurried to finish cleaning her upper torso, before starting to warp herself back up in the layers of clothing she wore and headed to her bedroll deciding that it was too cold to continue with full body wash using a towel in this cold. It was nice to get rid of some of the sweat though. Still she hurried to get wrapped into the bedroll for warmth." Hey, where's Mr Fancy Sneaky monk? I last saw him heading after you, V."

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House - > Hayloft
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“!!!” Kosara let out a gasp of surprise and horror, staring wide eyed at her tall friend before her eyes turning to glare at the elf with extreme intensity! So it was THAT far already!? Ohh, he was so getting buried to his neck in the sands for a day or two to teach him responsibility and loyalty! She glared at Rickard a bit more, pondering the many possible ways she could apply the punishments she learned back home. Or maybe she should just tie him behind their mule and drag him about the place? She heard it was a punishment used sometimes…

“Bye, V, see ya in a bit.” Kosara called, waving to the bard, turning to her with a smile as the woman excused herself. Sadly she did not partake in the foodstuff munchies. There was something to be said about heading to rest tonight though. A long day of traveling didn’t really leave you with much energy to spare. She could go to the Honey Barn, but she wasn’t really at her best right now and it was kinda late what with spending time at the market. Kosara also noted she had to tell what she heard of the municipal building to the group. Or at least to V who was likely to relay it to the others.

Her eyes turned to the elf again. Scowling at him in innocent kitten fury.” I will confirm or deny with Kathryn later when she’s sober!” She finally stated, looking at him.” I know the meaning of the word mate. Animals have mates…. But I suppose meaning around these lands might be different…” She drawled slowly, staring at Kathryn and Rickard who too seemed to want to escape this situation.” I will apologize properly if Kathryn confirms your story.” She finally firmly stated.

By the way of things they were being politely in tavern and inn speak to go home since the place was closing for the evening!” Alright, sir! Thank you for looking after my friends!” Kosara chirped as she waved at the man and quicklly hoped up from the chair she was sitting on.” Come on Kathryn, let’s go!” The tiefling called and quickly jogged outside and heading to the hayloft, where to her surprise she was being very calmly and somewhat kindly admonished for her acts. Kosara blinked at Marita, sort of nodding, but still somewhat confused about the whole thing.” Alright… I will try not to if they are blackout drunk...” She carefully replied, planning to ask her grandpa about it later whenever she saw him the next time…. Also ask V… and maybe Kathryn on how they would have approached the problem.

Back into the hayloft, Kosara quickly smiled and ran about the place to where she left her sleeping things like the blanket earlier. She then proceeded to seek out if there was a source of water present in the hayloft.” Hey, anybody knows if one of those barrels over there has water?” She asked the others as she put her stuff on top of her bedroll before darting over to Marita.” Yeah, let’s make theories and deductions! I too discovered some things tonight while I was at the marketplace I think it might be of some importance and... ohh did you know they have somebody here that can make music with water?” She lack of attention struck once again as she recalled the rather impressive display with the water containers and music made through the use of them.
@Sigil made the edits
@Sigil heya Sig, can I do a few minor edits in kosara's post I just noted. Namely the lost color tags and the part at the end where she currently says: can retire instead of can't retire?

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Kosara looked at Marita with a confused expression at first, one that later turned into a willful one.” No!” She rejected the cleric’s suggestion and request with a shake of her head.” Back home he’d been beaten up proper and buried to the neck in the sands until the morning when he sobers up! Accosting is bad! I know, I’ve lived it and so have my sisters!” She replied stubbornly, giving the cleric a kitten glare.” This was the RIGHT thing to do and to quote grandpa who was quoting some color confused wizard’ - ‘We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy’. This WAS the right thing to do!” With her piece valiantly and stubbornly said, she turned her attention back to the rest of the group.” Besides… didn’t kick him THAT hard… probably.” She added with a vague afterthought.

Her attention was brought back to their new elven companion when he introduced herself properly. He shook her hand and (obviously to her at least) agreed to be friends! Kosara liked him already. People were meant to form friendships and groups!” Wow…. You got kids? You must be quite old!” Unexpected, but she knew of the elven long lifespans to a degree at least. He was gonna enjoy a long and slow aging life.

The tiefling looked at Kathryn intently and listened to every word as she made herself a comfortable seat on the chair nearby and was nodding at the statements.” Ohhh, don’t discount the sprinkles! They are very tasty and rare in the desert!” She chimed when she heard of the sprinkles incident. That said Kosara’s expression suddenly froze as she stared at Kathryn and then looked at Rickard with a mixture of something between awe and horror.” M.m….m...mate?” The tanned white tiefling asked, before looking between the elf and the (supposed) half giant again.” Congratulations…? When can we expect the kiddies? I will be the fun aunt!” She asked slowly and with some reluctance, before dead staring at Rickard.” You hurt her, I will make you hurt at places you didn’t even know existed! You got any idea how hard raising children alone is?” Her just earlier friendship vibes and expression melting away into a vicious almost devil worthy snarl. Kosara was very serious about this. She knew for absolute certainty she wasn't misunderstanding anything!

“Awww…” Kosara’s expression did a complete 180 as it returned to the friendly innocent lil tiefling as her attention turned to V who spoke of her own evening.” Understandable though.” She nodded as she leaned in close to V and looking about whispered in careful voice.” I got clues while exploring will tell later when we back at the hideout.” She had planned to see if she can go check out the municipal building tonight, but it might wait till tomorrow… Then again tomorrow was Honey Barn night. Hmm she had to check what everybody wanted to do later.

With Marita who returned and also expressed the virtue of retiring for the night Kosara just raised her bag.” But… I got all these munchies back at the market place to share with you all! We cannot retire just yet!”


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Oh hey, Marita!” Kosara greeted the cleric just in time to hear the man waking up and moving about.” HE LIVES!” The tiefling jumped up standing what could probably come as being startled. She started at him for a few moments and then at the woman who answered his question and pouted a bit. “Well… He and his friends…? Yeah friends were very very drunk and accosting V! She gave them the scare and he went out cold like a candle in the draft!” She explained, eyes looking at the man before Kosara spun into action, one step back, two steps forward and as Grandpa taught her, leg backwards, bringing it forward with great momentum and right between the still dazed guy’s legs.” HAYEEEA!” She knew where and what she was targeting and she did it so with proper intent! One kick well delivered and Kosara looked very bright and chipper.

“That’s for being bad! Being a mean accosting bully when drunk’s not good!” She berated the man that probably currently had nothing of his attention on her, considering how kicks at the family jewels hurt. Having said her piece, she turned to Marita.” I woke him up cause leaving him to catch a cold or freeze in the night’s chill isn’t nice, BUT I will not stand for his act. So let this be a lesson! If we were home, we’d bury him in the sand or toss him in with the animals until he sobers up to make the point stick!” With that she turned around and more or less with bouncing gait and happy expression skipped deeper into the tavern.

“V, Kathryn!” She excitedly called as she dashed in their direction once she locked eyes on their location within the tavern.” How are you doing? Had any adventures tonight? I had a looooooooot of fun! Got so many interesting things to tell you all! Like, I went to the market and saw the talent show they were displaying there! I saw incredibly useful talents! Also made a friend and had mulled wine!” She told them with a huge grin on her face as she moved over, before seemingly spotting that they were not alone just now.” Ohh Who’s this fancy looking swordsman? Kathryn, you making friends!” She explained happily, reaching out at the man to shake hands.

“Hello Sir, I’m Kosara, dancer by trade and explorer by heart! Nice to meet you mister fancy swordsman!” She greeted him and introduced herself.” Let’s be friends!”


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location:Hayloft -> Neil & Bob's Public House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara’s merry skipping back to The Hayloft, with capital T and H cause it was their temporary hideout now, was interrupted just near the place. In fact it was right outside where she spotted the purple clad member of her party! V, the bard of purple fame and thunderous skill, was outside the tavern nearby, seemingly chatting with some drunk people. Now it had to mentioned Kosara grew in a desert oasis caravan rest stop. Naturally it was an inn and tavern, coupled with a brothel and everything else needed. She grew up around people getting drunk. So she surmised it was drunken shenanigans being done here, but before she could get closer and join the fun in whatever it turned out to be, there were spooky things being done!

The tiefling didn’t quite hear everything being told, but she saw V’s spooky getup suddenly appear and the dancer had her eyes go open wide. How!? Magic?!’ Ohh… I gotta learn!’ She exclaimed in her head! The ability to magic her makeover as needed would be grand and invaluable. All manner if useful ways you could apply suck as skill. Kosara quickly did a turn away from the hayloft and towards the Neil&Bob’s place after V. She knew that Kathryn and Marita may still be there too! It was a good chance to divulge what info she had and inform them she was heading out to check the Municipal building… or the Honey Barn. Whichever struck her fancy at the moment, but as she reached the door, her gaze lingered on the man unconscious on the ground. It was cold outside! He could get sick!

“Excuse me, anybody got any water or something to wake him up with!? Please?” She called out to the folk around, but all in all NOBODY seemed interested in helping! How sad! She gave them all a pouting expression staring like an angry kitten around before looking down at the man again… She could use her own waterskin, but it was drinking water.” Hmmm….” She mumbled, crouching by the man, looking at him. She could shout at him… Then recalled her home and how they usually woke up drunks and people after a bar brawl. It was either bucket of dishwater or… “Wake up! It’s cold, you gonna get sick!” She shouted as she delivered two rapid slaps on the man’s cheeks with her right hand. First one going right to left, hitting him on one side of the face and the second with the return motion left to right! If that didn't help... she was gonna have to get more forceful!


Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Farmer’s Market!
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Ohh, but I have perfect uses for a good tearful performance!” Kosare quickly defended with a smile.” I’m going to use it to get all the foodstuffs and drinks I could whenever I’m at a new place!” She added grinning.” And maybe finally get that way too well armored warrior to take off those pieces of metal so I can see those strong muscles!” The tiefling quipped, meaning fully innocent things since she was really just overly curious to see Kathryn’s well trained body with the eye of the appreciator for fine trained bodies…. And to get piggy back or shoulder rides.

“Ohh yeah, it’s great! I mean… I’ve tasted more refined ones on occasion when I was growing up back home in the tavern, but this one’s very very nice! It would be even better if we get some cheese! Cheese and bacon!” She proclaimed with utmost certainty. A good wine required decent cheese! And that in turned called in her mind for a fine piece of meat to go along with it. Though on that train of logic, she wondered what would happen if she combined it everything with a flatbread or maybe if she cooks the meat with the wine!’ Ohh… questions, questions!’ The list of things she had to try at a later date was only increasing! She really had to start testing some of those things and see the result.

“Ohhh sounds like they are indeed protecting something very important indeed!” She mused and was already filing said information for later. If it wasn’t always the case in the past, it meant something weird had happened and that Cavedish person was involved in schemes of some sort! Also it would be a good place to keep people who don’t you don’t want to be found… Kosara was now very curious of what Calfenfish was up to in those high walls of his. He didn’t seem too pleased with the group’s arrival earlier. Maybe… somehow he was involved with the goblins? Could be? They did have too good weapons the party had noted in general? Curious…’ … Alright Callendish, I will find out what your ploy is! And if it's evil, I will have grand public reveal! With drums! And nooses... whatever those are!’ She thought merrily, already having immense subconscious fun by calling him the wrong names without even realizing it much.

As the market gradually turned towards a more relaxed casual dinner situation, Kosara still had fun. Especially when the singing began from somewhere on the sides. She had immensely gleeful expression and the unusual and fun lyrics of a rather funny song. It was just the type of song people sang and played when drinks were freely flowing! Grandpa had told her to not listen when she was younger, but living and growing up where she did, it was inevitable to encounter them. It was all jolly fun really. Eventually however, Kosara figured it was time to get going.” Hey, Beppo, thank you for the lessons and the nice time! I think I will get going though, it’s getting late and I should go find my friends for the night and see how they passed their time!” She told him and stood up, granting him a quick lightning fast friendly hug before dashing away, heading back to the hayloft. She planned to see if anybody was there and report she was going to go check out the Municipal Building! Maybe the sneaky monk or V would have returned so they could go on sneaky adventures. Admittedly they could go on merry adventures at the bars and the Honey Barn too! So with a jolly tune and humming the song about the Fanny lady, she skipped along towards her destination. She was so writing this song down.
@Lucius Cypher and posted! took a while between getting sick and generally losing track of time.
Cat waited for Donny to move over the chasm, spending the time mostly sitting on one side, not moving much and breathing very slowly, holding a hand just under her chest or rather just at her lower ribs that took the brunt of the impact earlier. She grimaced when she touched one, realizing it was moving... sort of. It wasn't free movement to endanger her lungs, but she was fairly certain that one had a breakage in there somewhere where the others behaved more or less as just cracked. She would have to avoid other impacts for a while, least she really snaps how the ribs in her chest or something.

"Haev had worse, but you are right on both... it was the ground and my ribs." She grimaced as she slowly picked herself up and stood up. She grimaced again, realizing that firing from shoulder might not be a the best right now and lowered her gun." Right... hopefully won't have to fire for a few days, but I doubt it, going to have to try to lessen the impacts I suffer though. Rib's not freely moving about in pieces, but it's snapped on one side about... here." She pointed at a point on the midpoint of the lowest rib on the right side of her torso.

She cursed under her breath at the distant howling and nodded." Yeah, let's go. Better find shelter for the night. Darkness's about to arrive before long and with it all critters that lurk away during the day hours." She smiled and readied herself before begining to walk." Those 7-11 were a type of store for supplies back in the day, weren't they?" Cat asked, trying to recall.
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