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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: The public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With Kathryn explaining out the situation they had experienced, Kosara hummed in approval to the retelling of the story.” Mr Cloverwish.” She nodded when the warrior woman mentioned the man’s name. Alright she was doing it on purpose right now, but she was a bit angry at the grumpy man right now. Not that it mattered much as far as she was concerned really. The constable was a mean man by the looks of it and there were certainly more happening here if what was being told by Marita about one of the people who vanished and returned, turning into a monster was true. She wasn’t sure what could turn people into monsters though.

Also their new friend that had appeared had a most delicious of names, a name that made her want to have some pastries with blueberries… Yes his name made her think of sweets and with a name like that, she wasn’t even in the need to think him a nickname. He was already using a good fitting nice and fun name! Her attention was pulled away by Lea and her sweet siren call of foodstuffs.

“Yes, I would love some fresh bread and anything that’s for lunch proper. Fruit’s good, but I want real meal!” She nodded with great enthusiasm on the topic of tasty food. She wasn’t planning on eating much right now, but she really did need some lunch, her stomach felt so empty from the energetic events in the day so far.” We can probably do that task, Mr Robert! Though gotta confirm with the rest of the group first, can’t promise for them! Who is this Mr Mallard though? Are there like many people with that name in town? Or is it Mr Silversmith?” She asked, wondering whom the man had meant. There was a Mallard that was the Silversmith that was so rude and had them do unreasonable demands and then tossed them out on the street like they were nothing! They had to know, it would be a very weird thing if they showed up at a wrong Mallard fellow. Maybe it was a common name in these parts!

“ I wanted adventure!” Kosara replied to Kathryn with a smile.” I grew up around adventurers and travelers who would stop at our caravan rest at the oasis in the desert. They would retell me great stories of wonders and adventure and I wanted to see such things too! Besides it is good to be out there to help people, Grandpa would bring me around every now and then to help people on his travels around the desert, so I figured I could continue helping people while I travel.” She explained and pulled her leather bound big journal from her bags.” I write everything of my adventures here, once it’s filled I will send it back home, so my sisters could see and read about everything I’ve done! I want to make Grandpa and them proud one day!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Streets of Avonshire --> The public house
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was listening, but if she was taking in whatever was being said about adventurers and mercenaries was anybody’s guess at this point. She just looked impassively at Kathryn when she was being spoken about on that topic, but wasn’t replying, just giving her an neutral stare… Or maybe she wasn’t looking at her at all, for the moment the talk stopped she looked energetically to the side without nary a care in the world.” Adventurers are better than mercenaries indeed.” She finally quipped, indicating that yes, there indeed might have been some listening being done and she wasn’t just tuning out the warrior woman’s voice at that point of the talks.

“Alright… I suppose we COULD wait a bit for them to show up.” Kosara agreed reluctantly with the statement. If it was up to her, she’d be already rushing off to find the rest of the group, but she also had to admit that Kathryn was completely right on this and they had agreed on a plan. She had to follow the plan, well at least until a better one presented itself. Or this one was proving to not work out in any case. So she was going to wait and see, maybe they’d show up.

Sadly the weather was not nice. Rain was present nearly as soon as they left THE barn, but it was getting worse, she felt. Her hair was soaking in the water, making her feel cold! Maybe she should have stayed behind in the Honey Barn. It was warm there and she could make friends!’ No ,no ,no , have to meet with the others along with Kathryn. Quest to be done, adventure to be had!’ She reminded herself.

In the end when they neared the hayloft and the public house, the also spotted their jolly friends! Along wit ha new friend! Kosara thought hard on it and concluded the man was a dragonborn. It was a very astute deduction that certainly had nothing to do with the fact he looked like a dragon! Alright, it was cause he looked like a dragon and she had seen others at the caravan stop back home.” Hey! We found each others!” Kosara exclaimed when they spotted the party members by the Hayloft and Kathryn had rushed to grab them.” I was about to go search for you if you didn’t appear, but Kathryn convinced me to wait a bit before doing so first!” The tiefling quipped, eyeing her friends that were getting soaked in the rain and the newly appeared dragonborn whom she was certain was not with the group before.

“Hello there, I’m Kosara! Nice to meet you!” She greeted him, before looking at the public house.” Yeah, Kathryn’s right, let’s go out of the rain and grab some grub at the Public House!” She smiled and dashed away, content in the knowledge that they had met the party, so she was not going to need to search for them. Instead she rushed her way inside the Public House. It was dry and warm inside!” Hey, Bob, Lea!” Kosara greeted them laudly as soon as she entered, waving at them and taking seat by one of the tables where Kathryn was also in the process of getting a seat.

“Yeah it was really weird. I mean why silver and why rings? And why the tongue?” She added to Kathryn’s statement.” As for the constable, he was really grumpy still.”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: HONEY BARN FABULOUS ADVENTURE! --> Streets of Avonshire
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kosara was not a happy girl. Not really between having to rush and abandon her task at the honey barn, the grumpy constable, the fact that Kathryn was the one making her half her tasks and all manner of other annoying niggles, the tiefling dancer was rapidly growling to a grumpiness levels to probably equal ol’ Cavendish. The fact she was hearing that the constable sounded like he was running a protection racket made her even more annoyed.” But I’m not poking fun at him? How am I making fun of him?” She asked in confusion. Why was everybody thinking she was making fun of that grumpy ol man?

“Grandpa always says that kobolds and goblins are a symptom not a cause!” She quipped, mild irritation seeping into the otherwise energetic and happy tiefling woman. She had not forgotten the goblins were way too well equipped nor that the fact that Cloverdish wasn’t too appreciative of them killing them… Nor did he seem to be doing anything about a supposed goblin band in the vicinity of his town! She was going to get to the bottom of this mystery and if he was evil, she’d expose his evil ways for the good of all! Maybe even kick him like Grandpa taught her to.” WE AREN’T! Mercenaries are grumpy serious men with severe faces and many scars, traveling in big bands and taking questionable tasks for coin! They get hired in wars and to do otherwise subjectively legal tasks! When they come to the taverns and inns, they grope us who work there and try to get away without paying! Meanwhile we are adventurers! We do good work with or without coin, we help people, explore strange new places. We seek out new life and new civilizations and boldly go where no man has gone before!” She hissed like a very angry cat. Kosara had a rather… romanticized view of adventurers. Partly because she never really grew up properly and was brought up with tall stories of epic adventures, fighting evil, rescuing damsels and other such.

Then everything suddenly halted when one of Madam Marci’s girls returned with news that somebody of the missing people returned, had altercation of some sort with Marita and V, before turning into a monster…?” Monster?” She blinked, mind doing a quick restart as she looked at Kathryn, the white tiefling doing a complete flip in focuses.” RIGHT! Let’s goooo! Monsters to find! Maybe silver does something to that monster!” She bolted after the warrior woman.” Ehh… can’t we just run around to find them? They can’t be that hard to find, neither V or Marita are hard to miss after all!”

Also… WE AREN’T MERCENARIES!” She repeated again to Kathryn, apparently not completely forgetting her ire form earlier.” WE ARE NOT!”

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“That’s great! A good pay is always a good thing! Allows us dancers to prepare better outfits and adornments to use in our next performances!” Kosara replied to the grumpy constable with a great smile on her face, despite his mean tone of voice! When he moved to leave, she waved her hands at him innocently.” Bye, bye, Mr Cloverwish!” She wished him as they moved apart and it wasn’t lost on the teifling that Kathryn had used the name she did. Though if it was because of she was mocking him or if she just forgot and went with the flow, it was a mystery that nobody was ever going to solve… unless she asked the warrior woman and she was not going to.

“ Madam Marci, hello again!” Kosara greeted the woman cheerfully when they were inside the Honey Barn and the proprietor had arrived.” You mean the mean grumpy Mr Cloverfish?” She asked innocently, batting her eyes at the woman.” Yes, he did mention he was going to be seeing us around. It is a very bad plan on his part seeing as it’s likely going to rain before long and he will get all soaked down to the bones like a dog on the streets.” She nodded.

“Well, I said I will come to see if we can arrange for a job for me and here I am! In my understanding organizing agreements takes time, though I never figured out why. Though I did want to ask when you’d possibly want me to be here and if you wish to see me performing in advance.” She chirped happily as she moved a bit left and right, looking at the fabled Honey Barn from the inside. It was a very very different place from what she was used to. Her sisters were going to be very jealous they didn’t see this place or got to perform here( if she did get the chance to anyways). Though maybe she should send word back home and see if any of them wanted to come over after the troubles here were over. She left Kathryn speak in the meantime. Until the warrior woman brought up leaving early that is.

“But, but… we just got here! I haven’t even discussed performing with Madam Marci!” She objected and pouted. Kosara was NOT a happy little tielfing right now! Nothing was turning out right today! She stuck her tongue to Kathryn and looked the other side.” Hmmp!” At least for a moment, before she looked at the door, debating waltzing right out to see if Mr Cravingfish was willing to talk instead. A moment to think and think and her shoulder slummed.” He said he wanted to talk with V and Marita… fine...” She mumbled in a very disgruntled manner, clearly not liking how this was happening.” Madam Marci, would it be possible to then set the matter of performing here for after we figure out what this issue with Mr Cravenfish and the goblins is all about? Our friends are in danger it seems and we should go to them… When everything is over, we can properly talk an arrangement out?” She apologized and pouted.” Why he keeps calling us mercenaries anyways? We aren’t mercenaries! I’m a dancer!”
@Sigil The timeline shifted a bit and we will be heading home tonight. Though this leaves me arriving late into the night after hours of travel, so I will still be posting tomorrow. ^_^ ty for the patience.
*digs a hole and fills it with spikes* Bump
@Sigil so yeah as I mentioned earlier on disco, Im on a vacation and while I managed to get my laptop and net to work, Im getting some issues with my disco acc as in... I cannot enter disco for some reason. I could try reseting my password, but I did so recently and its alright on my PC and I don't want to mess with it atm. I could post though if I require rolls, would it be possible to ask for them here? Im getting home saturday night probably, so I will be back on disco then.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Works for me!” She hush replied to Kathryn as the woman decided to do as Kosara would have very much done and went straight to the man and chat him up! Good idea, it was always best to do things directly as far as Kosara was concerned. Why worry about it when you could do something after all. Or was that about broken furniture… The thought was as fleeting from her mind as it had arrived. Why worry about it after all. Instead the white tiefling merrily skipped after the tall warrior lady in their approach of Grumpy McGrumpypants. She was in the process of figuring better villain name for Cravingfish, but it was slow going.

“Hello! We met yesterday, I’m Kosara!” She greeted from beside the warrior woman as she had greeted the constable and his grumpy men. She noted that Kathryn had a very silly grin on. She hadn’t seen her with such a grin so far. It made her wonder why that was. It was a silly grin and Kathryn seemed to be really serious most of the time. Though why would she show it now? She’d have to ask later.” Why of course not! We are together! Wait… is this one of those meaning miscommunications?” She blinked after having spoken, looking at the man.” Well even then we aren’t alone! You are here!”

“Hey, I agree it’s a nice town! Not that quiet though, did you visit the market yesterday? It was very very noisy place with lots of singing and dancing… and music! Also food! That and the talent show was marvelous, are you going to participate later, Mr?” Kosara asked innocently and seemingly completely and utterly oblivious to the sarcasm that he had going on. She too had her own brand of smile on, the innocent and happy one, the one that showed no worry for the world.” Hey if you are speaking of that one guy he started it! He was accosting my friend! Back home we used to bury such people to the neck in the sand for a day to learn their lesson! I was merciful I just kicked him ONCE and at a place that doesn’t do long term harm too!”

“Also, no! We’ve got task to do! I gotta ask Madam Marci about work! We talked yesterday and I did tell her that I will come today, I’m a dancer.! I ain’t gonna be a liar and not show up!” The tiefling flat out rejected the not so subtle demand.” Besides, why do we need to talk in the park? We can talk here, can we not?” She asked as she felt a solitary drop of water and looked up. Was it going to rain?” Hey I think there be raindrops, we better get inside before we all get very very wet, Mr... ahmm... Cloverwish...?” She stated and looked at their destination behind the trio of men that were doing their best wall impression. She also tried to recall his name and this was the closest she could remember. So she made sure to ask with questioning intonation.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Alright, to adventure!” Kosara proclaimed as she began walking, basking in the attention they had garnered, letting it not bother her in the slightest honestly. She liked the attention, what could she do? A performer by trade and heart, she lived in the spotlight despite not being a bard. They made their way back over, passing by the public house and she watched and waited while Kathryn checked if their friends were present. They were not, so onward with the adventure it seemed.” Yay! Let’s go! I’m sure there’s lots of adventure to be had and the ladies there are bound to know how to maintain your beauty this far north. The cold is so unpleasant and rough on the skin. I really need to check if there's a temple of Sune in this town. They have the best stuff.” She complained a bit, but was energetically walking towards their destination, having noted Kathryn’s quiet voice.

“Hmm?” She tilted her head in reaction to Kathryn calling out to her as they walked, they weren’t far from the Honey Barn now, so she was curious what the warrior woman had to tell her. The confusion on her face grew bigger as she listened.” But… we are searching for the missing people and the constable is fishy?” She asked hopefully, but listening to the full speech, she was confused again.” But… but… I got to ask? It’s the truth and… I ammm… confused.” She finished her statement, wracking her brains out, looking like somebody who had a world affecting question cast upon them.” I… hey what’s going on there?” She asked, doing a complete switch in topics as a rather curious scene was unfolding before them. A scene involving a certain Cloverdish. Point one he had a coinpurse, point two he looked grumpy, point tree he was talking like a bad man. Was he trying to extort money!? Ohh why that puffed up good for nothing sack of camel crap, she was about to go and give him a piece of her mind, when she halted, recalling the talk she just had with Kathryn and making the mental logical conclusion that this was mean grumpy evil man being mean and grumpy.

Well they were at a bit of a predicament, grumpy man and friends might see them and they knew that he was weirdly interested in them.” Kathryn, what do we do? Do we hide, do we confront them or do we just walk forward pretending we ain’t seeing him?” She asked the warrior woman in hushed hiss as they were kind of short on time to decide. She was already looking at possible hiding spots, to allow the constable evil man and company to pass by so they could get to the Honey Barn to hopefully get answers or just to follow him. Confronting him was the RIGHT course of action as Grandpa would tell her. Possibilities possibilities… Kosara really wanted to just walk forward and see what happens and she looked at Kathryn with big expecting eyes.
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