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Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (G9->F8)
Action: Celestial(Eldrich) Blast on Cavendish( Att total of: 18 - dmg: 8 Force)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


There was something to be said of firepower and big strong muscles that can toss monsters about. Though THAT said, Berry’s lightning schenanigans left a lot to be desired in THIS specific situation. In a rather unfortunate twist of fate, the rat monster things didn’t seem too phased about the whole thing, though it didn’t seem to be the same situation for Cavendish if Kosara was to judge… Possibly. She was still struggling with a good view of the bastard, especially with the second rat monster being tossed into the barrels, scattering burning pitch about the place. That certainly lit the place up… punt totally intended and Kosara was not apologetic at all for even thinking it!

Her amusement lasted for about as long as the first rat monster abomination thing that was hitting at it’s boss, finally falling down. Cavendish’s orders and their rather evil and mean nature gave way to Kosara’s realization… ‘He left himself open!’ She thought in a jolt as now he was no longer hidden partially behind a big rat monster’s body. Granted the bad visibility still gave him some degree of separation, but Kosara had enough to go ahead and fire at him directly!” Ohh yeah!?” She shouted at to him about the order he had given. Granted burnt Kathryn would require healing, but the tiefling wasn’t that kind of evil hearted to will injury to somebody just so she could feel their muscles. Mind you, she’d make use of such case if it presented it, but she wouldn’t orchestrate it willingly!” Finish this, you...” Kosara momentary stalled, trying to figure out what her next grand verbal attack would be, it lasted but a moment before she continued with the first thing that came to mind.” worse than a Coffin Goblin Evil Bastard Wanabe!”

“CELESTIAL BLAST!” She roared, golden energy arching and gathering at her horns before firing the golden beam of crackling energy at Cavendish. At first the energy seemed to crackle off the target, but remembering V’s praise that made her feel oddly encouraged.”AAAAaaaaaaaaA...AH!” She screamed, head snapping to the side to track right onto Cavendish, since it was beam originating from her horns, the thing moved slightly to the side just enough for the golden energy to snap into him after all." Not so fun to be the one receiving injuries, is it!?"

@Sigil There we go!

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (H8->G9->F9->G9)
Action: Attack with (now) Flaming pact Weapon Scimitar:17( DMG: 1d6+2 +1d4 = 7+4=11 fire damage)
Bonus Action: interraction with object – flaming barrel (free)
Reaction: N/a


Combat is a fast thing, an event where a single moment was oftentimes enough to decide life and death. That said, the battle at the Avonshire’s Square naturally followed suit. Within a few brief moments they had went from fighting 2 monsters to 1 of said monsters attacking it’s master by the looks of it. Spells and attacks and apparently curses were flying abound with little care for holding back. This was a matter of life and death and it felt like it at least Kosara could take some pride and amusement in big monster rat number 1 going berserk and attacking Cavendish. This was good and it bought them some much needed time. That said, Marita’s rather surprisingly move of pulling the second rat into their faces left the tiefling a bit stumped and surprised as she had to halt all movement and backpeddle a few inches when the thing stormed right up to their little group.

Up close like this she had noted earlier the monsters did look quite a big bigger, but they had little time to spare on pondering the mysteries of life. All she had in this were a few brief moments to act and it was up to her to figure out her next course to take given the rather uneven hand she had been dealt because of their Cleric. Now she didn’t hold it against Marita, she just didn’t expect to get one up close again after Kathryn tossed the other one into the fire. Well, there was Cavendish’s orders which were VERY rude. Who was he to call her Devilspawn!? Well… she was a tiefling, but still! It was an incredibly rude way to go about it!

Thinking fast and making a snap decision, Kosara dove into activity. She weaved in between the rat monster and V, then a few steps forward to stand by Kathryn near the barrels. Kosara’s idea was quite simple. If giant rat was in melee range she was going to melee it with her fancy golden magic sword, BUT she was going to go one step further. Now that she was in reach of the flaming barrels, she just poked the blade into the flaming pitch covering some of the blade with it, turned around, with a gracious light spin, moved a step over, flanking the beast with Marita and then delivered a powerful stab with the flaming golden blade right into it’s open unprotected back, since the thing was facing Marita because of her spell.” HAYYYYYYAH!” Her attack struck true, piercing through hide and between bones and as an added bonus let out a small burst of flames as something briefly caught fire for even more harm caused.

@Sigil There we go time to roll out!
Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (G8->H8)
Action: Sacred Flame (1d8 Radiant damage = 7 Radiant Damage)
Bonus Action: Healing Light!(2d6 healing = 8(2,6) hp recovered)
Reaction: N/a

“I got it!” Kosara exclaimed in turn to V.

Their ever so blue Berry Pie guy went in to fight the other giant rat creature, whacking at it with sword and fists of fury, but Kosara was able to note in his call out while she too was trying to hinder and pull the attention of a giant rat thing, that they were apparently immune to regular swords… probably. Well if Kosara ever swung her golden hilted scimitar at it, it was likely to do damage since this was not a simple scimitar. It was grandpa’s scimitar! It was magic!” NOTED!” Kosara called in return.

Next burst of activity came from somewhere in behind with Martia’s call of a miracle of Shield and then an attempt to turn the foes in case they turned to be undead. Shield was to have some effect Kosara knew vaguely how the spell worked, but she could only note that the creatures weren’t turning away and hearing the cleric’s conclusion that they weren’t undead. Well they didn’t look undead-y. More like monsters so the dancer was thinking they were some kind of aberration instead.

What followed next was a flurry of activity as Kathryn stormed over, grappled and wrestled the rat thing and tossed it into the fire barrels, opening a spot of view on the other side. She could spot the illusion from V appearing by her and could easily hear Cavendish trying to order the things into control as the one on fire began to rampage about. There was also the impact from the side where she spotted the other one whack Berry something good. Kosara could practically hear the effect it had on the bones underneath!

Snapping back to attention, Kosara found that V, made her feel somehow especially invigorated by the bard’s cheer, it was strangely encouraging!” Your praise feels me with joy! HERE I AM! ROCKING YOU WITH MY SACRED FLAME!” She roared aiming her free hand at Cavendish, focusing the celestial energies coursing through very body, eyes locked into evil constable through the hindrances in the way. It was the one spell that would directly as she felt the energy snap up and away from her before descending rapidly into flame-esque radiance from above at Cavendish’s spot.

And with that she did a backward hop, making a bit of space between herself and Kathryn and striking a heroic pose, her long white braid dancing from the activity. And if somebody expected her to not be needlessly theatrical they obviously haven't met her before, because this is Kosara and of course she does such. She also didn't forget her most favorite fruit themed dragonborn friend she had now. Seeing him hurt that badly she quickly focused the healing energies and unleashed them on him to help him heal some and hopefully keep him alive!

@Sigil There we go!
Edited: Made the Edit to mention the healing at the end of the post

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (L12 → G8)
Action: Celestial(Eldrich) Blast ( 12 force dmg )
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/a


There were quite a few different things that ran through Kosara’s mind when the big rat monster things came out of the fountain and began rushing the cages on Cloverdash’s orders. For one she wondered at how ugly and horrifying they looked and the constable’s words of recognizing parts of them, didn’t make her like em any more. In fact she wanted to burn them down to ashes as soon as possible. That said another thing she had wondered was that the fountain must be quite deep for them to hide completely inside of it. Quite deep indeed! Following that man’s cowardly tactics and his apparent assumption that they will die her and he will be victorious, despite the fact that he in fact ran away like a completely and utter coward, everybody went into action, monsters included. Hits were exchanged and big rat monsters didn’t even mind much the fact they were attacked beyond counter attacking to free the way.

She watched in horror how one of the two made it’s way to the cage where Cecily and the jolly fisherman were at! No can do!” CELESTIAL BLAST!” She roared, her voice still booming from her Thaumatury cantrip from earlier. The golden rays of light and energy gathered at her horns and fired a blast of golden bright energy at the rat, hitting it cleanly and doing some damage, but otherwise she didn’t spot anything happening much. Seeing that it was in fact NOT enough to take it down, Kosara did what Kosara does – acted. In a display of speed, the pale tiefling dashed across around the fountain, jumping on one of it’s bricks for easier movement and continuing around, making a direct line for the giant rat bastard that was currently possibly planning to attack the hostages and she WASN’T going to have any of that if she could. The dancer was very wanting to jump on it’s back and try to redirect it that way, but she felt there wasn’t enough time.

“Hey, ugly! Leave them alone! I’m right here and STOPPING you!” She shouted at it, when she was right next to it, obviously trying to be as close and as annoying as she could. IF she could have done it, she would have even squeezed between the monster and the people, alas she wasn’t able to… for now anyways. That said, she hoped poor intelligence would redirect it to her once she called out to it that she was hindering it since she's so close. Cloverwish did say to attack anything that’s stopping them. Maybe if it was dumb enough it would prioritize her instead after all she did scream and attack it. It clearly understood speech after all and looked quite dumb.

@Sigil There you go! Also mind games.

Eleonora Estelle

Location: Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: N/a

One exceedingly long and not especially exciting journey later and they had found their destination. She even made a point of marking it better on the map she had snatched from ol' dear Harry. That way it would be hard for it to be missed should they require visiting another time down the line. Place was... well a provincial smaller town more than anything. With the day drawing to a close with the fall of night before long in a few hours, it was about 4 pm. Not exactly the best time to arrive at a new place at, but it could be worse.

She took a note of the weird priest's ideas and made a gruff sound of somewhat agreement if such a thing was possible." We can always visit the client in the morning should worst come to shove, but we've arrived at a new locale... A locale that hardly is a cosmopolitan place whose's hotels run day and night." She pointed out with a huff, really... REALLY wanting a smoke. Couldn't wait to get out of the car." Point is unless we want to sleep under the stars or in the car, something I absolutely reject doing, especially given how many of us are here, we need to secure lodging before the day progresses any further. With Gamwell being so out of the way, who knows what types of working schedules they have here."

"So, Maggie be a dear and drive us first to the local hotel or whatever passes for one we can see. That over there must be the place if I'm not mistaken." She pointed the guesthouse looking place out." Given the end of the day timeline we might need to split to cover more ground effectively, so drop me off to secure our loding while the rest of you visit the client and the sheriff. Local sherifs might get pissy about big city people snooping around. That said, there are enough of us to move in pairs, so best course would be to nobody go alone. Go talk to different people while we can and then convene at our lodgings before darkness sets?"

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square
Action: Thaumaturgy(booming voice)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/a


Arrival at their destination, through the dark wet streets and the occasional onlookers from behind barred and closed windows and doors took a little bit of time as expected, but Kosara joyfully led the journey ever on! Dancing step after dancing step, practically gliding and bouncing. It was a full dancer really, but a step here and a step there, light bounce every now and then to keep the pace and energy going!

When they finally arrived, Kosara noted the drab surroundings. Gone were the entertaining and mood lifting props of the festival. All that remained at this place were a bunch of pitch barrels and two cages with people. Some of whom she recognized like Cecilly and of course the jolly fisherman that appeared to only know one sentence and Kosara didn’t mind at all! She gave them a wave and a smile, before her eyes glided over, focusing and the target of ire, Cloverdash! He was hiding behind the fiery barrels… you know… like a coward! Or maybe he was one of those moth things she was hearing about every now and then?

Sure enough Kathryn proceed to give a knightly heroic speech about giving them an option to run away. She blinked at the warrior woman and pouted at her, before looking at the beings across the fire barrels. She could only recognize ol Cloverwish and some other sets of eyes. She had the feeling it was monsters… or monsterfied thugs. Or maybe it was ratmen again. The pale white haired tiefling aimed her sword at Cavendish’s direction with a flourish.” Big words coming from a person hiding behind a wall of fire! What’s more… are you standing on one of the barrels to appear bigger?” She asked, using thaumaturgy to make her voice boom 3 times as loud as she did!” Shame on you, Cloverdash! You should be protecting these people! Not use them for whatever nefarious purposes you are thinking of or being ordered to! Come here to take your punishment like a man and maybe then we can talk afterward!” She proclaimed with her loud booming voice that probably reached a good bit further than normal given it’s magical boost. She was eyeing the shapes behind the barrels and was trying to figure out if they were close enough to said barrels that if she blasts one of them, they will get caught in the explosion of burning pitch. Though she also spared the cage a few more glances, wondering if a good Celestial Blast can burst it open. She might be forced to give that plan a go very soon. Cause she doubted Cloverdash would surrender. No she was certain that in true heroic tale fashion, he will fight because he is the bad guy in the current events.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Bed and Breakfast - Outside(street middle) -> Onwards!
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/a


There was a distinct lack of paying attention to any possible statements about her mental well-being or rather lack of there off, but Kosara was generally listening to what all the others were saying. Well mostly anyways. She was listening and nodding as her companions in adventure spoke their takes on the situation at hand. A lot of valid concerns and ideas were raised, though there weren’t really solutions to be found by the looks of it. There simply wasn’t time or information present enough to form a complex plan. That said…

“I’m with Marita on this one, we should go with V’s grand show idea!” She stated with zeal and conviction.” As Martia suggests, we should bust the ambush. Break off their momentum, and the best part is, from the town’s center we can easily afterwards pivot towards our other destination, so we won’t even be slowing much really.” The tiefling woman tossed in her opinion and looked at the scimitar that was being held in her arms now. The seemingly golden handled weapon with a horse motif on the pummel. Her path was known, she knew it from the get go.” We should help people and in this case… helping people means defeating and probably killing bad people.” She stated quietly, eyes locked into the sword for a bit longer as she moved over and redid the light spell on Marita’s shield.” Praise the sun!” She quipped with a silly grin.

“So, what type of performance should we give them? V, know anything suitably grand and fast paced? It will be a most needed part of a grand show.” The dancer asked, eyes wandering over to the most fabulous of bards, before looking at Kathryn and Berry, contemplating something, but not saying anything before turning back to V.” I say we travel with music! Let people know and see, which is the point really, in fact...” With a quick spell being cast or rather a quick use of Prestidigitation Cantrip, a harmless shower of colorful sparks began falling around.” It’s time to perform and we cannot allow for us to not be in the limelight! Onward and we are off to meet the warlock! For Justice~!” She pointed out down the road and began to skip onwards with merry dancing step, a shower of colorful sparks along the way because naturally.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Bed and Breakfast - Outside(street middle)
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: Dodge


“Then I will be the most pretty white rat there ever was… and my tail might regrow I guess.” Kosara had a bit distractedly replied to Kathryn given the nature of her current interraction companion being a very curious rat.” Well and then I guess I will use my newfound teeth to bite some evil doers.”

“Now… let’s see, thank you very much. Have a nice evening, Mr Rat. But remember, be kind and good.” She stated to the tiny critter as it bolted away from her. How curious, it indeed looked rather more adorable than the pesky ones that she had noted before. Well it certainly looked more adorable than the evil were-rats. And than the scuttering ones in the fog. Well she hadn’t had perfect view of those, just a glimpse, but they looked rather… NOT adorable. In any case, she opened the note without wasting time or paying note to Kathryn’s paranoia, that Kosara was more than willing to call good adventuring common sense. Problem with that was that Kosara wasn’t quite a regular person when it came to common sense.

She read through the note. Blinked and then read it again. “Them fighting words...” She hissed out and then let out a giggle… that descended into a laugh, it was just a tad twisted though. Ohh Kosara was mad.” We got the invitation!” She practically sang as she hopped over, handing the note over to Marita.” Ol Cloverwish send us a proper invite with a location for the ambush. Right in the middle of the town. Think we are meant to be a bit of a scene or maybe example.” She stated her giggling and laughing fit returning to normal breathing as her eyes were burning with some very angry flames. It wasn’t her usual ‘I’m so angry at you like a cat’ anger. No, she was really darn angry this time around.

“Alright, what’s the plan, right down to bust the ambush or… we go with my first idea with their hideout?” She asked, looking at the others. They didn’t have much choices really, it was either bust the ambush and start the slaughtering spree from there on or they skip the ambush and instead hit the Municipal building cause she was pretty sure it was their base of operations.” I don’t think he will bring Cecily to the obvious ambush though… so we gotta decide fast.” The dancer added. These were their options as far as she could figure it out.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Bed and Breakfast(Inside)- > Outside(street middle)
Action: N/a
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: Dodge


Opening the door with a zeal, Kosara eyed the seeming emptiness outside. Then her eyes glided over to the axe that was stuck into the doorframe. Well that explained the heavy thud. She recalled the thing vaguely as the one that Kathryn had earlier. Well that didn’t bode well about Cecily’s situation as the tiefling hissed in righteous fury when the voice filled the misty night’s air, origin unknown and unseen. It sounded arrogant and condescending in it’s attempts to threaten them and weasel their way out of confrontation. Now there were many a ways one could take this, as a polite gesture, a request to not escalate things further and cause more deaths, but what Kosara heard and understood was a desire to escape confrontation cause whomever and whatever this was, was likely afraid they would mess their plans! These things...people… group? Whatever it was, were clearly targeting helpless people no problem, but as soon as somebody to fight back appeared they desire to solve it peacefully? Sure it was about as genuine as Kosara was a pretty dark skinned elf with purple hair or something.

“Big words coming from a voice without actual presence to show.” Kosara huffed as the voice seemingly left. Ohh she was mad now. She was storming down the municipal building before they could evacuate and escape with the people and whatever else was going on tonight. Thoughts of deaths and undead servitude glided over her pretty little head with no apparent recognition.” Hmm?” She made a sound of surprise and confusion as she saw a lil rat carrying apparently a message to them. Well that was new and unusual and straight out of a fairy tale." What do we have here?" Of all things that she might have excepted this was not one of them, but she didn’t mind. Interesting things were important on adventures!

With the attitude of an angry cat, Kosara stomped out of the doorway and headed for the rat where she proceeded to crouch and reach to get the letter.” Well, Hello there! It would be rude to not at least pick the message... You know, You are cuter than those pesky ones I saw earlier, but you better go before I figure out how you make the best foodstuff cause I’m quite angry right now because of all this and don’t want to take it out on you.” She lightly pulled onto the letter to get it from the rat.

Eleonora Estelle

Location: TIME Agency office(Outside) - Downtown Arkham ->Outside
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: N/a

“Hello love, you didn’t miss too much today. Just Harry giving us a job and his stress getting to him, the poor dear.” Ellie stated with a smile to the woman that arrived last. It was their resident medical specialist. The lovely woman that would be stitching them up should anything uncouth happens… or if they encounter the dogs. Yes, the dogs were a possibility, but so were so many other things. Arkham was a weird place. If whatever attacked her back in the day counted as dogs, she wondered what would count as bats… or maybe lizards or fish? She hoped they didn’t encounter any, but she really wanted to find the thing that attacked her one day and put a few between it’s eyes… or whatever it had for eyes anyways.

“Tres bien!” Ellie exclaimed to Maggie’s agreement to provide transport in return to covering traveling expenses and coffee.” That would serve perfectly, love. In that case, I will meet you at your place once I pass by home to prepare. We shouldn’t bring too much indeed as the Professor suggests. With so many of us, any vehicle would be a tight fit, so packing lightly would be good.” She nodded with a smile. With that she gave out a tip of her hat and walked away into the chilly morning air heading home. Well she would be heading home after she passes by her boyfriend’s hangout. The old bar he liked to use.

It didn’t take too much time to get there since it was on route, she greeted the guy standing on the back door, got inside, met the man. Wiled him up with pretty words and suggested gestures. Promises of wild and intimate reunion once she completes her job, wearing his favorite clothing of course and finally reminded him that he should be careful with his ventures and that making sure his targets had enough left to live in relative comfort to recover eventually and grow their businesses meant he would eventually be able to collect once more and thus in the long run making more money. Finally with a passionate and wild kiss that caused a number of wolf whistles from his underlings, they split up, Ellie leaving with a brand new pack of bills in her possession to add to the one at home to pay for her near future expenses.

Eventually she made it home and began putting everything she needed in a small suitcase. It wasn’t big, but it held the stuff she needed it to, in this case mostly clothing and toiletries. Got to maintain hygiene even when on the travel. So she put a spare set of clothing, one more in tune with a casual outing than work related. A small cosmetics case, a hair brush, a bit more spare ammo and of course a book. Then once her small case was filled to the brim but closed and secured, she walked to the kitchen and prepared some sandwiches. She might have been a gangster and a detective now, but she did use to be a housewife once upon a time. She also made a whole thermos of fresh coffee for Maggie. So once she had made a sandwich for everybody, she put them in a bag with the thermos of coffee, picked her case, her purse and then headed out, after leaving a note for the house keeper to clean up later and that she’d return in a few days, maybe a week top or two tops.

After that she made her way to Maggie’s place, got her case stashed away in the trunk first cause she arrived first and then most securely without thinking much jumped into the front passenger seat to ride shotgun because no way was she riding with all the others in the back seats, pushed that close like sardines in a can. She handed their driver the money to pay for gas when they head to the fuel station along with the thermos of home made coffee. With a bit of flirting, but nothing aggressive.

Now one hour after their departure( and a few hours since they began gathering up), they found themselves on the provincial roads, Ellie had her window lowered slightly as she chewed on the unlit cigarette in her mouth. She hadn’t lit it so far, but Ellie was getting to the end of her patience. So she opened the window by her side more and leaned more to it, making sure that most of the smoke was getting sucked out of the window. With that done, she felt the loving jolt of nicotine down her throat.” Anyone want something to eat? Have some sandwiches with me.” She ask offered, without turning, noting a somewhat peculiar looking tree that they passed by. Looked like a tree one might use to hang people with back in the day. Long far reaching and sturdy horizontal branches. All it was missing was the corpse hanging from it… man was she morbid today. Must be the hangover.
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