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@Sigil Actually figured I'd also tag you here since I messed up the tag in the IC. So yeah I posted, but forgot to tag you in the post.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 13/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (G15->F16)
Action: Slash at Cage(19) for 5 dmg
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Kosara’s sudden appearance apparently spooked out Daisy since she scampered back a step or so. She wasn’t going to trample her or something, but the tiefling wouldn’t mind.” Hmmm?” She made a sound as her arm swung at the cage’s damage bars, her trusty scimitar biting into it and she swore she’d almost get it open, but it seemed she was just a sliver shy of it.” So what were you sayin again?” She blinked having completely blanked out the girl’s initial request to leave it to her. As the words worked their way through Kosara’s mind trying to catch up with the rest of the tiefling’s racing mental thoughts, she finally registered. Mostly because she was also busy thinking about using the cage to climb up on top of it to see if she can maybe get a better look from there and jump on top of one of the rats or something if they made the bad decision to get close.

“Ohh sure! Will do that well... will try to do that.” Kosara exclaimed and squeezed past Daisy to the side of the cage readying her scimitar.” Rats in the trees that a way somewhere. Fired a crossbow at me earlier!” She pointed north behind the cage towards the trees from where she got stabbed by a flying bolt. She hadn’t forgotten that. In the chaos and noise of everything going on, Kosara heard Cavendish’s scream about people firing at will. Which meant the rats hiding in the trees were the ones to be firing. Well that was bad, but there was also something else that she couldn’t stop herself from doing, mainly because it was Cavendish.

“CAVEDISH GUY! YOU SUCK ANDYOUR NAME’S DUMB! THE COFFIN GOBLIN WAS BETTER AND MORE INTERESTING THAN YOU!” Kosara’s shouted back at the sound of Cavendish’s shouts. Hey, fancy trash talk was not her forte.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 13/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (D14->G13->G15)
Action: Celestial Blast at ole Cavendish(15)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


Whatever Kosara’s state of mind was following her near brush with death and recovery, the adrenaline and the hectic attempt at getting back to speed of the fight, it was suddenly brought to a momentary grinding halt when from somewhere on her left...ish direction a bolt came sailing over and puncturing into her.” AH!” She grunted as the thing bypassed easily her non existent armor and only briefly reacting to the mage armor as a flickering light had indicated the bolt had punctured through the magical barrier. This naturally caused Kosara to conclude that NO, this was NOT a good direction to go if the rats had good angle at her from between the damn trees and she couldn’t see it. So she did the opposite and jumped out of the treeline, making a dash around the cage, blood flowing down her left side, mixing with the blood from her earlier wounds, but showing the bolt sticking out of her.” Rats in the trees!” She exclaimed as she passed by V.

Not halting her movement much despite being injured, Kosara did a spin on her heel just after passing the bard, catching brief sight of Cavendish on the distance where he was boasting about something or other again. He did like the sound of his voice. Reminded her of the more prideful and self centered bards she had seen back home at times.” Celestial Blast!” She fired without even registering she had done so, a sort of instinct almost, she had barely noted the blast going wide before she jumped to the right and right in front of Daisy.” Heya. Lemme help here!” She quipped, looked around and readied her sword to deliver her next blow after she catches a bit of a moment to breath. Her front was bloody and now she was bleeding again on the side, bolt sticking out of her, so her expression was just a bit strained. It would have been so easy if she could explode things like V.

All things considered… she wondered when it would be over. Fighting was tiring it seemed. Kosara now just wanted to help the townfolk and have this be over with. Get some rest… maybe a bath. Yes a good long BATH…. But not a shower. No she wanted to soak into warm if not hot water…. She blinked, scattering thoughts away as she realized that maybe… blood loss was a thing and it was making it even harder to focus than usual.

@Sigil There we go
And another bump
Ehh time for a bump.

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (G12->D13->D14)
Action: Attack with magical Pact Scimitar (18 att – 4 magical slashing dmg)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


All things considered, tonight it turned to be a night of new experiences and excitement. Only issue seemed to be that all the experiences and excitement weren’t of the good sort really. Of course it was all very grand and adventurous and heroic in the grand scheme of things. Nights like this one and what was happening, was what grand stories of adventure, fables and legends were made out of, but it really wasn’t as nice as Kosara expected. Of course, she concluded that feeling of ‘wrongness’ was probably the after effects of NEARLY DYING, to 2 huge blasted holes in her chest that luckily had closed now, but the mortal injuries had left the energetic and bubbly tiefling a bit affected. Whatever had snapped inside her mind at the prospect of nearly dying, the maniacal glee and abyssal energies inherent to tieflings that caused her retaliatory conflagration at Cavendish, had left Kosara quite shocked, quiet and almost out of it as people acted around and the combat proceeded as normal, to her eyes everything briefly moving in a haze, almost as if her perception had become twisted, the noises were distant and partially obscured as if her ears were filled with water.

Deep breaths, one, two, three, repeat. She was breathing heavily as the world around continued, there were noises of things being hit, spells flying, orders being called out and the very hatable voice of a certain faux constable that caused the haze and the dullness around her to finally snap and break off.” AH!” She gasped loudly, all the hazy images and muted sounds returning to normal in an instant, mind kicking back into full speed action, She turned on her heel, trying to assess the situation and in typical Kosara fashion a snap decision was made, a plan was forged and she dashed fearlessly into activity. In trained dexterous and dance-esque movements she wove her way around V and Kathryin, actually finding herself into the treeline on the other side of the fire pits, closer to Constable douche than ideal, but big tree did big block… probably.

She turned around and with a spin, looked at the spot Kathryn had attacked and damaged on the cage, so she aimed for it too with nary a word( very unusual for her). The scimitar cut into the damaged wood, chopping off a bit of the thing, but her angle must have been wrong or bad because it didn’t quite chop through it entirely, leaving the cage bit holding on for dear existence by a sliver of it’s material. A very heroic and dedicated cage this was. In any case with her attack done, Kosara dove deeper around the cage and into the treeline, to hinder line of sight with the pesky constable and gain protection from the glorious tree trunks and the foliage.


Eleonora Estelle

Location: Streets of Gamwell, Massachuttets - Gamwell Boarding House
Hit Points:13 - Sanity Points:65 - Luck:50
Mental State: Sane
Skill: N/a

It didn’t take much for Eleonora to get Maggie to drop her off in front of the boarding house instead of bringing her along for the ride. She took her humble luggage with her. Taking the few steps towards the boarding house, she pulled her cigarettes and brought one to her lips, reaching for her lighter just in time to see the sign on the front door of their nightly abode for tonight. ‘No smoking’, now here was a rule that put a bit of a dent in her mood, coupled with all the other things that were a no go on that sign, and if she wasn’t here for work, it’d be a rather dour and annoying experience. For a few days while on the job she could make due.

Grumbling briefly underneath her breath, she put the cigarettes away as she entered the boarding house with well measured gait and sway of her hips. She took off her fedora as she got inside. It was a bit hectic it seemed, she sensed… opportunities if nothing else.” Bonjour, Mademe Haggarty. Pleasure to meet you! My name’s Eleonora Estelle.” She greeted back in her very slight french accent, friendly voice and light smile on her red lips.” Yes indeed and I must say it’s a very nice place.” She stated and nodded.

“Ohh, simply marvelous, Mademe.” She nodded, pleased that there were free rooms.” A few of my colleagues and myself are visiting Gamwell briefly on business related issues and we require accommodations for the evening. Hopefully I will be over by tomorrow, but if it isn’t we will deal with that as it comes to pass.” She chuckled, really wanting to smoke, but had to hold it in for now.” we are a group of 5 so I would like to rent 3 rooms for the evening if possible, I will take one for myself, 1 for my 2 female coworkers that are present and another for the men in our group.” She explained casually, looking briefly around to inspect the place.

“This looks like quite the big wedding to be taking place here, Madame. These must be quite the busy days for you husband and yourself.” She began chatting up some casual topic of obviousness. Like polite people do, also try to get gossips because why not. Better know who else’s present in the boarding house tonight.
Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (F8->G12)
Action: Cure Wounds lvl2 (19 hp)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: Hellish Rebuke on Cavendish : 15 Fire dmg

Actions were still happening in a rush. People were moving about, attacks were had, help was being helped, she saw Berry helping the people in the cages, Kathryn and V changing places, Marita summoning magical weapons to do magical weaponry things with. Presumably stabbing Cavendish or other abominations. All in all, things were going rather well! Kosara’s little joyful voice that lurked in her mind told her that they were being heroic and she should definitely write about all this in her letters home. Same little voice that also refused to acknowledge that getting in the line of danger was NOT what her family told her to do.

Now on the not so great turn of events, it appears that all that taunting of Cavendish and calling him silly names finally reached a boiling point for the rat wanabe villain Constable because in his counter taunts while not aimed at her, seemed to have used her as the target. She barely had time to react when she saw the streaking black energies not too different from her own Celestial attacks. One moment energies were in his hand the next she saw TWIN bolts of streaking blackness snap over at her…

“GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Kosara roared in absolute agony as the twin attacks tore through her flesh and body, tearing through her flesh, blasting open wide wounds that were almost see through to the other side of her body, blood blasting outward and dripping as the bolts faded. She nearly fell right then and there, everything was hot… cold… dark… and then it was RED. Something inside her snapped and she saw red as her white eyes flashed red for a moment her hand snapped at Cavendish, lithe white finger aimed at him, face turned into an uncharacteristic vicious snarl. Her mouth opened to speak and instead of her usual slight accent and innocently happy voice, came out a grotesque gurgle and hisses of sounds in Abyssal that boiled down to ‘ BURN’. Forcing a mass of crimson flames to erupt at Cavendish.

The red in her eyes faded just as it appeared, Kosara fighting for breaths, struggling as she did, hand pressed into one of the terrible wounds, feeling herself at the Death’s Door. She focused, just as her grandpa taught her. Golden energies flashed at her wounds as they began shrinking as if melting away, healing at visible rapid pace until everything was gone, leaving just her damaged clothing and blood that was on it. A grievous wound gone just like that in an instant. Still shaken and affected by the brush with death and the overwhelming amount of phantom pain still lingering, she didn’t even quip just stumbled away as quick as she could over to V’s side.

@Sigil posted

Tiefling, Warlock (Celestial), Level 03
HP: 21/ 21 Armor Class: 12(15 Mage Armor) Conditions: N/A
Location: Town’s Square (G9->F8)
Action: Celestial(Eldrich) Blast on Cavendish( Att total of: 18 - dmg: 8 Force)
Bonus Action: N/a
Reaction: N/a


There was something to be said of firepower and big strong muscles that can toss monsters about. Though THAT said, Berry’s lightning schenanigans left a lot to be desired in THIS specific situation. In a rather unfortunate twist of fate, the rat monster things didn’t seem too phased about the whole thing, though it didn’t seem to be the same situation for Cavendish if Kosara was to judge… Possibly. She was still struggling with a good view of the bastard, especially with the second rat monster being tossed into the barrels, scattering burning pitch about the place. That certainly lit the place up… punt totally intended and Kosara was not apologetic at all for even thinking it!

Her amusement lasted for about as long as the first rat monster abomination thing that was hitting at it’s boss, finally falling down. Cavendish’s orders and their rather evil and mean nature gave way to Kosara’s realization… ‘He left himself open!’ She thought in a jolt as now he was no longer hidden partially behind a big rat monster’s body. Granted the bad visibility still gave him some degree of separation, but Kosara had enough to go ahead and fire at him directly!” Ohh yeah!?” She shouted at to him about the order he had given. Granted burnt Kathryn would require healing, but the tiefling wasn’t that kind of evil hearted to will injury to somebody just so she could feel their muscles. Mind you, she’d make use of such case if it presented it, but she wouldn’t orchestrate it willingly!” Finish this, you...” Kosara momentary stalled, trying to figure out what her next grand verbal attack would be, it lasted but a moment before she continued with the first thing that came to mind.” worse than a Coffin Goblin Evil Bastard Wanabe!”

“CELESTIAL BLAST!” She roared, golden energy arching and gathering at her horns before firing the golden beam of crackling energy at Cavendish. At first the energy seemed to crackle off the target, but remembering V’s praise that made her feel oddly encouraged.”AAAAaaaaaaaaA...AH!” She screamed, head snapping to the side to track right onto Cavendish, since it was beam originating from her horns, the thing moved slightly to the side just enough for the golden energy to snap into him after all." Not so fun to be the one receiving injuries, is it!?"

@Sigil There we go!
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