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@Majoras End - admittedly I've been away and busy, but, I'll take this under my list of things to do.
. . . . . .

With fingers poised absently in delicate ministrations, Evelina was hardly known to the other occupants permeating the room within spiritual quantities of their own. Emotional disturbances bled abundantly within hues of glimmering carmine and hued down violets, queerly meshing betwixt brilliant qualities of colour and bidding roseate eyes from the arachnid curiously still aside its' master. She had risen to full stature, overlapping gestures at her front and regarded the man with his voice and candor gushing with pure emote the hue of infernos and sweltering flame. His baritone was coated with bite and bleeding, scarlet tinged on those teeth and hosted a ruthless and brutish beauty that stirred a swelling of warrior intrigue through her scrutiny. Such vocalizations were lost upon her upbringing, sired upon cooling words and delicate dalliances of the voice of prayer and faith. Eveline admired the barbarism of his very intrigue, he was a blemish upon the world, rose coloured and jagged; almost blasphemous and damning.

"Hmm..." Canting her head to the conversation at hand, and effectively dismissing her consensus with a flicker of blonde tresses, Evelina's gaze bloomed to mauve undertones whilst she cast her stare onto another. Did they not know? Those present were a considerable balm to the weeping reds of the other Guardian - she deduced such upon the sheer amount of power within the foyer - and was entirely grateful for the momentary reprieve from admirable rage. Here there existed a wealth of brooding sapphires, punctuated by violets and cupped delicately by hues of moss and emerald, wed to an irony of turbulent peace. Mysterious as the myriad of sea creatures clustered about his crown, she mused and found a kindred swelling stirring within her breast, and almost beamed. However, a brow lifted, minute and briefly, and her expression was toned pale in complexity.

"Consent? You didn't come of your own accord?" Such a revelation was vexing, as Evelina had been waiting upon the docks in Insomnia for nearly a day and a half before the U.D.F had come to collect. She had known their arrival would come, and awaited as the regal creature she was, or had been, she amended swiftly.

"I've come at my own desire," Evelina admitted, proffering her full profile. "Such was just simply meant to be, as you are now here, and thus have also been meant for this. As we all are."

"And lo', I looked into that darkness the Gods had cast me unto to, and loathe my heart might've been, yonder such was a light, beautiful and knowing, and knew I did, that I had been chosen."


There was a particular odor that came with tainted blood and matter, something that boiled black and phosphorescent green within the pitch of darkness and coiled thicky through scraps of fur and warped hide. Vix's expression fixated into a scowl whilst hunched over the dying mutt beneath her and barked out a cough that covered the gag choking her throat in a vice. One never got used to the smell of radiated things, and even her experiences working with drug-addled dogs and snarling beasts did nothing to filter the stench now permeating her knives sunk hilt deep into ribs and flank. She shucked both out with a sickening slick sound of wrenching alloy and bone and promptly used the already stained grass to wipe her blades free of gunk, and shined them swiftly against the dusted leather of her trousers. An easy victory, Vix thought with a furrowed brow, almost a little too easy. She recalled old strategy that saw to initial waves being meager pawns and fodder to adrenalize their enemies before the bigger guns, in a sense, came tearing down the opposition. That sphere of dread was still bundled at the base of her spin and sent slivers of dread tracking up her back. When Sylvia cast her light upon Rocket suspended above their crowns, weapon clutched and looking, well, unscathed for the most part, Vix twirled one knife through her dexterous gesture and pointed.

"Well hey Princess, how the hell did you manage that?" She inquired none too gently, pointedly motioning her blade to the rope looped around her ankle. "I'll cut you down, but don't expect me to catch you." Vix was ultimately prepared to do just that, when, with a ping somewhere behind her glaring lobe, she thought; where the fuck is the guy who would catch her? As per his duty and regulated sense of occupation, the ex-Raider panned her eye around the clearing, searching for the still absent Soldier.

"Actually, what the fuck happened. And where is-" Again, her instincts swelled full into overdrive, for dogs were one thing and easily dispatched, but the warped bears of pink and diseased flesh capped barely by tufts of oozing black that reeked of carrion and taint was founded into another category altogether.

Ah, crap.

Vix was not one for the initiative in the circumstances of taking charge against a Yao Guai, she had seen them shred barriers and comrades apart like mere cloth and wet paper sobbed in blood. There was little to stop the charge of a raging bear, and warped creatures like Yao Guai bore an aggression streak miles wider than her own, and that was saying something. She was entirely grateful with Sylvia taking the initial assault, with Felix following behind in attempt to disable its movements, and - he still made her cringe because why he couldn't he just be some human - followed by the report of a shotgun, Vix did what she did best. She hoisted her arms back, muscles bunched and taut and flung out her knives, aiming for the massive head swinging around with frothing jowls pried open in a vicious roar of fury.
Got a day off tomorrow [ i.e technically later today ] and got a schedule to get my character out of the concept stage. Luckily it's piling together nicely. Till then.
Got another day off tomorrow [ i.e technically later today ] and have a schedule to get an Eve post out in the evening. Till then!
paramorlian histories museum.


𝚠 𝚘 𝚛 𝚜 𝚑 𝚒 𝚙 𝚗 𝚘 𝚝 𝚝 𝚑 𝚎 𝚟 𝚎 𝚗 𝚐 𝚎 𝚏 𝚞 𝚕


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Under the unyielding ownership of the United Mythos, the historian foundation fecundated by generous donations from prominent families, and curiously enough, severe taxation and property from the Cathedral, the museum has been a literal jewel of the Badlands for a mere twenty years. Located up within the Northern districts, on the cusp of the Central and Eastern territories, thus connecting nearly every district aside from the Western expanse and the Southern ghettos, and a prominent source of revenue and attention to many would-be patrons and initial figures city wide. What started as a simplistic and minimalist building founded just down the block to house relics of bronze and whimsical dates within threadbare pages of Badland histories and founders, blossomed into the massive structure that is reminiscent of church spires and angels delicately woven into the masonry not unlike the face of the Paramorlian Cathedral that pales drastically in comparison.

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@Roman //
I know you've got sheets to review and a lot more world expansion details, i.e factions and all. but, do me a favour and expand on the Mountain-Brave with me? Mostly in regards to the particular trials you briefly mentioned. I have some simplified ideas, terribly spartan and medieval really, but I'd like to get some generalized feed back about them.

My concept is loosely relative to the mountains and Mornfell, so.
I've finally settled on a concept after some odd hours of brain stewing, picture searches and such.
can't guarantee a potential time frame, but I'm drafting as we speak. //
@Arya10108909 - no worries dear, I had fallen behind due to work, so I only had a little bit started. sorry to hear about the role play closing down though.
. . . . . .

There had been a storm that day. With waves crashing against the docks, tides whipped into a maelstrom whilst she boarded with all the regalia of an Oracle slowly disengaged from her veneer, all pearls and jewels suspended upon lithesome gestures and into the coffers of her former vassals bidden to her upon her voyage. Upon the gales of the sea a terrifying roar rent the whorls unto suspenseful wails of defiance, power and spades of tell tale wrath coiling the air to grey and black. Swollen skies threatened to split and yawn open with a torrent of refusal and denial to what she knew as the performance of her Mistress undone by her own emotive methods of rage.

Well, former Mistress.

That thread of detachment remained frayed and delicate whilst they embarked from Insomnia's port and across the sea to Dunwall before a U.D.F transit had taken her to Oak Ridge within a sleek model serialized as a military transport of the latest design. Curiously, through the entire journey, she had remained quiet and seemingly contemplative. More so interested within the dark clouds banked on the Northern shores that had finally ceased mid-way across the ocean, and to the glimmering rays of sun that broke beyond the wall of Levithan's might tinged in glimmers of scarlet tread liken to a gaping maw threatening to swallow the sky whole. Fingers threaded over her breast wherein beads of sapphire were polished and a silent prayer poured from silken lips, her head then bowed. She had remained in such a way for the remainder of the excursion until a queerly silent escort had roused her from her vigil none too gently with a shake to her shoulder.

She seemed almost appalled, and said: "You are the first to touch me outside my vassals. Incredible."

That statement alone conjored at least five feet of space given to her ambiance whilst she left the carrier and gazed heavenward at the facility looming before her, and gaped.

Evelina was no stranger to grand fixtures of stone and steel, harsh metal glinting in the allowed weather that sired high above her crown, but the U.D.F was nothing if not impressive within such high-tech quality. Her delicate gestures passed over idle furnishings, carrying herself with a subtle tenor of regal bearings and queenly poise that was difficult to shed even crossing into military functions. She procured her card with ease, without having been probed and wreathed a smile of both delicacy and serenity.

"Evelina Fleurane," she greeted, head canted for just a second whilst the receptionist merely blinked, after having witnessed quite a phalanx of potential allies coming in through the foyer - some flight driven and distracted and others seething with rage - it was alarmingly peculiar to witness one within her bearings and grace. She was nothing, however, if not professional and typed in her arrival with a soft exhale.

"Uhm, yes. You're - oh wow, Your Grace, I mean!" She collected herself admirably, rising from behind the counter. "Please just follow these gentlemen here. Uh, please enjoy your time with the U.D.F"

She beamed, sallow cheek punctuated with her simper whilst her escorts led her down a myriad of halls and turns, familiar to the vast estate she was often used to and the altar that led to a series of incredible pathways and depresses within the stone to reach the peak. Still maintaining their wide berth, they led her through an elevator, again a luxury she was well accustomed to, and with her hands primly folded at her front and aligned with her waist, Evelina approached the waiting room as if knowing where to go.

Her interchanging eyes of roseate glimmered with the prospect lying beyond the doors, her chest rising with an inhale that hissed through her teeth, a peculiar surge of energy rising to meet her veneer suddenly aglow in wonder.

"My, what power."

Her escorts exchanged a glance over her slight crown, uneasy.

"Thank you gentlemen," Evelina breathed and stepped into the waiting room almost too eagerly.

The facility was well furnished and beautiful, natural and yet not, a well mesh of two concepts that was pleasing to the eye and a balm to the nerves when faced with such critical advancement. Though donned in simplistic threads, all black on black, her sweater loose, her trousers tight and heeled boots laced to her ankles. Evelina was purposely done down, with her pale and translucent hair parting just so into her eyes when she regarded the occupants with her, and the spirits manifested between. Her smile was entranced, her gaze following each apparition as they coiled and glided on unforeseen strings of fate and power. She fluttered her fingers idly, as if bidden each to her gesture whilst she followed them to their rightful homes. A playful breeze pulled upon her tresses as she approached one of them, fixated and apparently lacking the social graces to acknowledge everyone in the room as she came close to the brunette reclined onto one of the couches.

"May I?" Eveline inquired, gesturing to one of the purple hued spiders curiously crawling amidst the tendrils of a jelly fish lurking above.
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