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P E N E L O P E B O Y L E O C T O B E R 2 0 0 1 ( 1 7 ) F E M A L E H E T E R O S E X U A L

"Go away. No, I'm not being funny. Please leave. Look, I even said please. Go. Away."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"No, I didn't fall from heaven, these are Earth Pants not Space Pants, and I don't take Chem 101. This is embarrassing."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'2"

◼ WEIGHT| 110lbs

◼ ETHNICITY| Caucasian

◼ EYES | Dark brown

◼ HAIR | Bright orange, but dyed to be subdued

Penelope is pretty; undeniably so. She matured earlier than a lot of her peers and has comfortably become an attractive woman in a few short years - but she refuses to show it off, wearing baggy, form-hiding clothes to hide her hourglass shape. She is cold and intentionally distant, physically closing herself off to those around her with a furious glare and defensive body language.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Don't give people the chance to hurt you. Nothing dreadful about protecting yourself."
To say Penelope's upbringing was conservative would be a fair estimation. Her mother struggled to conceive a child, and when they did, Penelope was a pale, sickly child, and her birth almost cost her mother her life - the family's doctors sternly advised against conceiving any more - so Penelope's parents took every precaution to cherish the only child they had; 'cherish' being a subjective term. Penelope's father was religious, and made sure his wife and daughter were penitent as well. With her mother not working, her father making a meager salary, and Penelope herself ill, or worried about becoming ill, she spent little time socialising, her parents often forcing her to take 'sick days' from school out of fear, and opting to hometeach her instead. Eventually she was pulled out of Elementary entirely in favour of her mother and father's tutelage, and she lost what few friends she had managed to acquaint herself with.

By the time Penelope aged out of elementary education, she had also aged out of positive relationships with her parents; her father was a strict, authoritarian figurehead to her rather than a dad, and her mother was a meek, unsure mouse of a woman who was more an extension of her husband's will than an individual person of free thinking and ambitions. Out of sheer frustration on her father's part, Penelope was enrolled to Mather's Memorial High just to ease the consistently-tense atmosphere of the house for eight hours a day, and thus she was forced to re-enter public education, and face her peers. They were not kind.

Already in possession of a dubious reputation for her disappearance from Elementary, and the general disdain that her parents publicly held for a lot of their neighbours, Penelope's entrance into High School was not well-received. When she started growing and maturing earlier and fuller than her peers, the jealousy and insecurity of her classmates mixed with whispered rumours and She was the victim of locker pranks, gum on her notes, snapped pens and pencils, lipstick-written warnings, hair pulled, projectile food in the cafeteria. Penelope was bullied, to put it simply, and she took this stress home with her, only worsening her relationship with her mother and father, who often grounded, isolated and berated her further. With no support network, Penelope dealt with her struggles through the only avenues left to her; a mix of volatile retaliation and a hard, structured shell. She constantly crossed between a short-fused and unpredictable hellion-child and a sullen, icy, and near-mute stone wall of a woman. Her newfound defensive mechanisms put a quick end to the more ostentatious bullying, but it earned her a new nickname that she was almost exclusively referred to by: 'Penny Dreadful'.

Penelope accepted the nickname, the snide comments, and the behind-the-back whispers gracefully, all things considered; to her, it was clear that she was not destined to be a sociable girl regardless, so public opinion of her didn't matter. She occasionally picked up attention from boys who didn't know better - which could not be helped given her attractive features - but they soon learnt, either from classmates, or from Penny herself, that she was neither worth the effort nor recipient of the advances. Penelope was terse, aloof, and stand-offish, and she was well-known among her academic year, although certainly not for the 'right' reasons. Everyone knew Penny Dreadful, and if you didn't, you'd see her coming soon enough, with a stare to freeze steel and a fierce temperament to back up her words.

Perhaps the only boon Penelope gathered from her tumultuous high school years was the ability to study un-distracted by the usual smattering of social gatherings and activities that her classmates were often partaking in. With no party invites, no mall hangouts, no summer barbecues, Penelope's free-time was used academically, and academically only. Her grades, previously suffering from the stress of her victimization, now began to soar. It was a small reward for an ultimately far greater cost - but Penelope was thankful for the rare positives she could cling to. A bright and intelligent girl, if socially stunted, Penelope looks towards leaving Mathers Memorial, and all of Crestwood, far behind her. Perhaps then she will make some true friends - if she learns to break down her walls.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"My bite is far worse than my bark. Back off."
◼ AUTOBIOKINESIS | Penelope possesses the ability to freely warp her own genetic makeup on-the-fly to make immediate and drastic changes to her body's physiology. She is able to turn her hand into a brutal appendage of spiked or bladed bone, split her mouth to her ears and open a mouth full of fangs, sprout new eyes, push barbs through her skin and become thorned head-to-toe, re-route her stomach acid through her saliva glands...with full mastery, she will be a warping monster of flesh and bone, adapting quickly to incoming threats and turning herself into a flurry of teeth and bone.

◼ ACADEMICAL ACHIEVEMENT | Quite simply, with nothing else to do with her time, Penelope has managed to accomplish quite the academical record, with high and consistent GPA, extra-curricular activities, and excellent coursework and exam results.

◼ STONE-WALL AND ACID TONGUE | With her history of bullying, Penelope is quite blase about any attempts to 'get her goat' as it were, able to let insults, rumours, snappy asides, and all kinds of verbal unpleasantness slide right off her back, and reply quickly in an equally vicious manner.

◼ SOCIAL INABILITY | With the only friends she's ever had far, far behind her, Penelope has never had the real, proper opportunity to learn how to make and keep friends, and with her past, what she has learnt is how to manage quite the opposite effect. She's not great in a social situation, and would rather avoid it altogether.

◼ BAD REPUTATION | Everyone knows about 'Penny Dreadful', and how she earned the moniker; there are few willing or capable of interacting with Penelope for fear of damaging their own social standing.

◼ CONSERVATION OF MASS | With the laws of physics in play, Penelope cannot materialize bio-matter to manipulate - she must change or transfer what is already there. A leg can change shape or form, but she cannot sprout an extra pair out of the blue.

◼ INSECURITIES | With her early-developed body a frequent target for mockery and slander in her early Mathers Memorial years, Penelope has developed a fear of her own body, believing her impressive figure freakish and undesirable. She is sensitive about her appearance, and has debilitating body-image issues that she cannot face.

◼ MONSTROUS, NOT MUSCULAR | Penelope can sprout teeth, talons, thorns, eyes, mouths - all manner of assorted horrors straight from eldritch tomes - but she cannot make herself hardier, faster, tougher than she already is. Skin and bone is only as strong as skin and bone can be, regardless of where that skin and bone may find itself. She cannot command her muscles to withstand more damage than muscle can be reasonably expected to withstand; she must rely on agility and quick wits to avoid punishment while delivering her own.

▼ N O T E S:

DANIEL BOYLE | Penelope's father, a terse and faithful man, with a strained relationship with his daughter. He maintains a paternal bond with Penelope, but their personal relationship is frayed and fraught with tense and heated arguments about her manner, belief, future, responsibilities...both Penelope and her father imagine it would be easier to list what they don't argue about, as opposed to what they do.

MATHILDA BOYLE | Penelope's mother, a pale, meek woman, rarely speaking and often too quiet to be heard when she does offer some words of advice. Struggling since Penelope's birth with physical weakness, and then struggling mentally with the stress of Penelope's upbringing and personal troubles, she seems firmly sequestered within her own self, walled away to an even greater degree that what her daughter has learnt to do.

NONE | Yet, Penelope hopes, but she isn't helping her own cause.

PENELOPE'S PEERS | Penelope's reputation and past haunt and cling to her to this day, and she rarely walks down a hallway these days without some verbal jab speared in her direction. Physical altercations have long since ceased, but the icy air that surrounds her is still waiting to clear.

◼ MATHER'S MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL | Where Penelope spends the majority of her time, often even on weekends. She studies in class, eats alone at lunch, remains after school in any number of extra-curricular activities - ranging from elective study hall to assistant administration work - and then returns home to eat, sleep, avoid her parents, and return to Mathers Memorial the following day.
Popping in to say work is kicking my ass this week as I've just had one of my members of management taken from me due to internal politics at another site and I'm also having to panic prep for my half-year review which was dropped on me at the weekend. Also got a close friend's birthday tomorrow and seeing IT: Chapter One and Two double bill Thursday night. Those aren't work obligations but they are 'keep me sane' obligations.

Girlfriend is away all weekend from Friday morning so if I can get past Thursday and my review I don't have anything in my way and I can get Matt up and hopefully John issue 2.

I don't anticipate work to get easier for at least 4-5 weeks, depending on what some of my peers can offer me for support due to this political situation, so I'm STILL IN but I may need to really use all of the 2 weeks between posts. Sorry wraith and the general public too.

Season One: All The Rest Of Us
Issue One: Departure

John Constantine’s room is a shithole.

Wall-to-wall, the floor is visible only in scraps, littered with garbage that feels like aggressive white noise in its hostile repetitiveness. Beer can, discarded food packet, dirty laundry, beer can, discarded food packet, dirty laundry, beer can, scrap of carpet. Foil sheet, emptied of pills. Beer can. Empty plastic bottle of six bob voddy. Beer can. Laundry. Beer can. Beer can. Beer ca-

John wakes up. His neck hurts, and he knows this is because he has no pillow, but he is inwardly angry anyway, resenting his body for being damaged by his own poor caretaking. He rolls over onto his stomach, and the physical exertion makes him feel nauseous, and he reaches for a plastic carrier bag to vomit into. Nothing comes up, but John tastes bile in the back of his throat and spits thick saliva into the bag. He throws the bag away, another movement he immediately regrets, and while it lands atop one of the scarce few bits of carpet left, John tears rapidly through the closest pile of rubbish and fag-butts to find at least one smokeable cigarette. He comes up empty, and now his hangover, a fetid miasma of migraine, nausea and muscle ache, begins to crash in waves against him, and his scorched throat begs for further lashings.

Ignoring both, or at least ignoring the ever-increasing urge to vomit, John sits up on his mattress. His duvet, thin with no sheets, falls off his torso quietly, the change in temperature barely noticeable. He splays his legs out in front of him, kicking aside empty cans and paper wrappers with his heels as he waits for the dizziness to subside. John rubs his eyes. He stands, legs cold and shaking, and then makes a quick trip to the bathroom across the hall, where the nausea overcomes him and he empties his stomach and his bladder in quick succession.

It is while John washes his hands, mouth, and face under the cold tap in the sink that he thinks of his stash. He finishes off, patting himself dry on a stained, ragged old towel that he scoops from the floor and then returns there, and crosses the hall again back to his room. His stash is hidden behind his chest of drawers, and he has to move a pile of laundry before he can move it, but when he does he can see the cracks in the wall almost instantly. He can't remember the last time he used his stash, but to his nicotine starved mind, behind that small section of pull-away wall hides John's earthly salvation: a small white box, adorned with a simple purple square.

John feverishly works his finger into the small hole carved into the wall and pulls at the section. It is stiff but comes loose without much effort, and John quickly pushes his free hand into the compartment. His fingers find no box, but instead touch glossy paper. John seizes the object and pulls it out for inspection.

He barely glances at the old photograph before he drops it reflexively and casts his gaze away, his whole body flinching before going rigid. He is dumbfounded, all thought function seizing up and clattering to a halt. His vision swims and his heart-rate and breathing speed up involuntarily, as his surroundings seem to swell against him and push upon his skin. He places a hand on the chest of drawers to steady himself, and screws his eyes shut tight enough to hurt. His blood pounds in his ears, drowning out all other sound, and though John breaths he is asphyxiating, his chest feeling like a clockwork spring with its key being wound; tighter and tighter, twisting his innards into a tense ball that grows smaller withe very turn, every gasp for air a new threat that it would burst and punch a hole clean through John's torso, killing him and letting loose every demon and insecurity, every bad though he'd ever had, for everyone to see and point and judge and laugh and ostracize and -

And then it's over. The coil unwinds, slowly but gently, and John's breath and vision come back to him. He lets go of the drawers, his knuckles brilliant white and his hand aching, and carefully, slowly, picks up the two pill boxes that stand alone atop the unit, pulling a foil rack from each and pop-pop releasing the pills from their containers. John reads the words 'citalopram' and 'clozapine' with glazed-over eyes as he swallows the tablets dry, and then takes some deep, steady breaths as he bends down to retrieve the photograph, holding it with both hands as he stands back up.

The photo is of a young girl, center frame, water behind her and the light of the sun reflected off of it to illuminate the girl from behind, giving her an ethereal golden outline. John is almost moved to tears just looking at the picture.

Instead, he tears his eyes away from the smiling face of the girl and sets the photo down next to his pills. He looks around his room, allowing the true scope and meaning of the filth to sink in, and then dresses himself in the least-smelly pair of jeans and top with the fewest stains. He pockets his pills, and then carefully folds and pockets the photo as well.

Downstairs, John pads quietly from the hallway to the kitchen in search of water and food. He drinks from the tap and takes a half-empty packet of digestives from the cupboard, and then makes his way to the front door. Behind him, through the hallway into the living room, he can see Thomas Constantine - a father to the letter of the law and no further - sound asleep on his worn and rotted old armchair. A can of lager has fallen from his hand and spilled across his lap and the floor. From here John can smell piss as well. He nervously eyes the small mound of empty cans beside Thomas, and can't help but picture the cans on his bedroom floor upstairs.

John turns around. Thomas' jacket is hung beside the door and John does not hesitate to pilfer the wallet from the inside pocket and empty it of the cash within. He turns, putting a hand on the handle of the door, and hesitates only long enough for his other hand to touch a finger to the photograph of his sister in his pocket - and then he leaves.


John was ten, Cheryl fourteen. Summer in Liverpool, as much as Liverpool could allow, and the sky was covered by a pallid shroud of grey clouds. They were collecting change - running through the streets, spotting shrapnel on the floor, on abandoned tables, in phoneboxes and ticket machines. John's pockets rattled melodically with coins as he joked, jostled, teased and cracked wise. Cheryl downplayed her amusement but could not stifle a chuckle here and there.

At a dockside cafe, Cheryl distracted the owner with meandering, protracted questions about the menu, while John took the opportunity to dip his hand into the tip jar and came up with a few more silvers than he had gone in with. Cheryl had ordered cola and sandwiches and the pair ate outside; when the owner turned to serve another customer, the pair had ran, laughing at themselves and each other as the frustrated shouts grew quieter and quieter behind them.

Back on the high street they ducked into a Boots and found a disposable camera; John emptying his pockets into Cheryl's outstretched hands so that she could count out their collection. They had only scrap left after their purchase, but they left the coins and the plastic wrapping of the camera on the counter behind them as they left with their prize. They filled the camera roll in only a few short hours, and then returned to Boots to develop the film. The lady behind the counter huffed and puffed as they turned out their pockets to pay the fee, and eventually, just waived it entirely as their performance grew too tedious to deal with any longer.

John and Cheryl sat on a street bench in the fading sunlight, thumbing eagerly through their envelope of photographs. Many were unfortunately marred by poor lighting, lens glare, or even intrusions from John's clumsy fingers as he had played with the camera. But one picture stood out: Cheryl, standing center frame with the Royal Albert Docks behind her, smiling and laughing at the John behind the camera. The clouds had opened up in a moment of serendipity to stream sunlight down onto the water, and it bounced off the surface of the docks to light up the photo from behind. To John, the photo was remarkable, perhaps the greatest accomplishment of his young life so far; it held a paradoxically fleeting and infinite moment of serenity, and seemed to capture an angelic quality about Cheryl. The photo was a gleaming representation of John's sister through John's eyes; he loved it, and her, and they spent the rest of the evening delaying their return home any way they knew how.


John sits on his arse on the kerb outside of Leicester central station, staring at the creased photo of Cheryl he holds out in front of him. The cash in his father's wallet got him from Liverpool to Nottingham, and dodging the ticket man had gotten him from Nottingham to Leicester, and here he had been caught and summarily ejected when he was found unable to pay the fine.

The sun he sits in is suddenly blocked by an approaching figure, who casts a large shadow across John as he stands watching. John looks up, squinting against the sun that shines behind the man.
"What do you want." John demands, his back bristling on habit alone. Liverpool didn't teach him to be friendly.
"You look lost."
"What's it to you, geez? Shove off."
The man chuckles, and this both irritates and disarms John.
"Thought you might need a hand."

John pauses, hesitant. This stranger's forward nature unsettles him. He is not used to kindness.
"I'm fine. Shove off." The man does not move. This annoys John. "You bored?"
"What's that photo?"
John stands up, and pockets the photo. The man is taller than John, and wider, and John is cold and hungry, but John has anger and a wild, nervous energy building inside him. John thinks he could take the man if he had to.
"None of your business." He responds, looking the stranger directly in the eyes and locking his jaw. He waits.

The man steps back, and without the sun behind his head John can see him clearly. He has a friendly face, and in his eyes is a look of genuine concern and empathy. The man holds both his hands up before putting them back in his jacket.
"Fair enough. Bad start.” He steps forward, only slightly, and extends a hand to shake. John does not take it. “Francis Chandler.”
John does not offer his name. Instead, he sits back down. Francis stays standing. After a long pause, John explains.
“I’ve come from Liverpool. Trying to get to London to visit an old friend. Cash ran out at Nottingham. Narcs caught me here. Now I’m stuck.”

Francis rubs the messy stubble of his chin and sits down next to John, taking off his flat cap.
“Well, that’s a fair bit of luck to get from Nottingham to here.” He days after a moment of deliberation. John murmurs an unenthusiastic agreement. “And I reckon you got chucked just in time too.”
John frowns and looks at Francis. He smiles, a wry little smirk that forces John to like him a little. “I’m leaving back to London today. Just escaped a visit to my ogre of a ma. Car’s parked at the station. Saw you first, though. Lucky bugger, don’t you think?”

John stares at Francis, his face conveying all manner of emotion: incredulity; confusion; distrust; disbelief; hope. He doesn’t know how to respond, or whether he should. Most of him thinks Francis is playing a cruel joke.
“If you get your jollies being a cunt I reckon you’re done for the day with this one.” He finally says, and Francis laughs. John waits for a response, but Francis doesn’t reply. “Why?”

Francis shrugs.
“You look like you could use some help.”
“I could be about to take you for all you’re worth.”
Francis laughs again. “You’re welcome to, got fuck all anyway. I’d let you drive away with me in the boot if it got me away from my mother.”
“Why do you want to help me so bad?”

Francis stands up, John does the same. Francis stands across from John, regarding his skinny frame in the sunlight.
“I’ve got a nose for good hearts. Good people. You got an aura about you. I can tell. You just need a break.”
John could cry. Francis has compassion he hasn’t felt since...that he hasn’t felt in a long time. He clears his throat.
“I think you’re full of shit.” He pauses as Francis chuckles. “But I could do with a break.”
John extends his hand to shake. Francis takes it firmly.
“John Constantine. Nice to meet ya, Francis.”
Who even IS 'Luke'?!

Either I’m Not funny or I’m wasted on you people and on god I’m not admitting to the former
No sub-tweeting please.
As I mentioned to Wraith privately I’m currently AFK and out of the country tomorrow until Friday. I have my notebook however and mobile access to my google docs so working on stuff in my downtime. Hopefully have something up this weekend.
Finally got my S2 updated Daredevil sheet finished, Jesus I put that off so much.


M A T T H E W M U R D O C K V I G I L A N T E H E L L ' S K I T C H E N
C O N T I N U I N G C O N C E P T:

"I am what I do in the dark now."

Matthew has crossed into uncharted territory, edging closer to his inner demons than he ever has done before. He killed Wilson Fisk in cold blood, pushed beyond limits he didn't even know he had by his archnemesis. His identity is out and making waves both locally and world-wide, and he has become a polarizing figure to his personal friends and the wider public, and even to himself. He is shaken by this new, vicious side to himself, but determined not to let it rule him. He is more careful than ever to become the trusted, heroic protector of Hell's Kitchen, but knows that the Devil steps with heavier treads than ever before.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Matthew Murdock is a fugitive and a murderer, who killed Fisk in a brutal moment of cold blood. Public opinion flits back and forth - no one misses Fisk, but many fear what will succeed him. DareDevil is all Matt has left; his civilian identity has been ruined, another disastrous consequence of his recklessness. Matt is ashamed and in fear of his soul, seeking recompense and redemption. And now, with Fisk's dam shattered, a multitude of threats invade the city, threatening to pose a danger to Matt's city far more destructive than Kingpin.

Matt's going to be busy.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Matthew's allies include Franklin 'Foggy' Nelson and Karen Page - both seeking shelter from Fisk's crumbling empire out-of-state - and Stick and his organisation known as The Chaste, although Stick has insisted that DareDevil's refusal to join their clan has cut him off from their support. Katherine Spencer, New York's District Attorney and Matthew's ex-colleague, has also disavowed herself from Matthew after his public reveal as DareDevil.

Wilson Fisk, AKA Kingpin, DareDevil's archnemesis, is dead, but a new organisation known as The Hand seems to be capitalizing on the power vacuum left in his wake, and there are free agents and mercs pouring in now that Fisk is gone and no longer able to keep them out.

S E A S O N O N E S Y N O P S I S:

Murdock's one-man assault on Fisk's kingdom ended in bittersweet, perhaps even pyrrhic, victory against the Kingpin. Elektra, Matthew's lover, had been an agent of The Hand, and had sold Matthew's civilian identity to Fisk, who used it to frame Murdock, then Assistant District Attorney, for bribery and drug trafficking. Murdock was forced to resign, as well as send his only friends and allies - Franklin 'Foggy' Nelson and Karen Page - out of the state to escape Fisk. Murdock launched a rampage on Fisk's operations until he was lured into a trap, beaten and poisoned by Elektra, and then kidnapped to Times Square by Fisk for a public showdown and execution - but DareDevil turned the tables, and killed Kingpin - but not before his true identity was revealed to the world, changing Matthew's life forever. He blacked out, thinking this was the end, but was somehow rescued by Stick and the Chaste. Stick attempted to recruit Matthew into the Chaste - but DareDevil refused, choosing instead to walk the path he had carved out for himself.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

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