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6 mos ago
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Watch out.

The gap in the door... it's a separate reality.
The only me is me.
Are you sure the only you is you?


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<Snipped quote by Hound55>

"Hey now listen here ya *unintelligible, impassioned Scottish rant for ten minutes*"

I'm a simple man with a goal.

Trying to get the OOC to 500 posts before Hillan drops the cast list.

Edit: I thought that dog joke was gonna land a lot better than it did
How I feel every time I look back at this interest check and see 5 entirely new pages of responses

Lmao y'all killing me here

It's perfect because I'm the dog: conscious there is activity in the area, fundamentally unable to engage with it on an intellectual level, but aware that if I hang around, someone might drop a hotdog on the ground and I'll get to eat it.

@Roman Would you be interested in discussing relationships between Oliver?
Also, here's an alias: The Jelly Jelly Man
or simply
Reality Jelly

I’d rather wait for the definitive roster before I start exploring character dynamics.
@Roman I thoroughly enjoyed this sheet and feel like it's my second favourite after The Platypus.

Pipped to the post once more. And by a semi-aquatic, egg-laying mammal no less!

I could use an alias if anyone has any good ideas.
Insectoid physiology (See: Hornet)

Animal control

Hyper-survivability (See: Jenny Venom)

Self-cloning (See: Double-Down)

Auto-biokinesis (See: Penny Dreadful)

Perfect aim (eg Deadshot, Bullseye; any target with any item, around corners, through obstacles, however grand or minute)

Resurrective immortality (ie no healing factor, pain tolerance, or extra durability, but 100% heal and revive with no lasting injury or brain damage upon - and ONLY upon - complete and lasting bodily death)

Technopathy - upgrade
Technopathy - create (See: Lock & Load for these)

Ferrokinesis (ie the abnormally production of Iron within the blood, that is then manipulated within the body to form sub-dermal armour, skin-thorns, weaponry in-hand, throwable darts, etc)

Hyper-prediction (ie using minuscule contextual information to extrapolate extreme predictions to a high degree of accuracy; near-perfect reading of body language; accurate (but not perfect) prediction of future events)

Possession (by a spirit or magical being)

Intangibility (kitty pryde)

Psionic suppression/oppression (the blocking or confusing of senses eg numbness, blind spots, deafness; the application of false senses, eg pain, fear response, phantom touches, heat/cold receptors, aural/visual hallucinations)

Monster creation/control (see: Minnie Ripper)

Perception manipulation (altering how oneself is perceived, eg seen in a different form, unable to be seen as a threat, unable to be noticed)

Barrier generation (walls and force fields, immovable and unbreakable - a maintained wall cannot move, but cannot break)

Space distortion (bending, shortening, lengthening - no organic matter - pick two points and distort the space between them, or distort the path of an object in motion. Weird teleportation, throw things around corners, etc)

Gravity manipulation (alter personal gravity field to jump high, fall slow, walk up walls or on ceilings, even levitate. Increase it to be dense and immovable, decrease it to move faster. Decrease the gravity on an object to lift it, increase it to create an immovable obstacle. Suck things in. Push things away.)

Astral projection (project a ghost of yourself that interacts with the world. Jump your body to where the ghost is.)

Timeline creation/collapse (create parallel timelines and make different actions in each; collapse the ones that go wrong and keep the one with the best outcome)

Gas/Liquid generation + expulsion (harmlessly generate all manner of gases and liquids, nice and nasty, within your body, then expel them at high or low pressure. Acid, sleeping gas, scalding water, smokescreen, poison)

Environment manipulation/terraforming/terrakinesis (fairly self explanatory)

Innate mastery (innately but temporarily master any skill or task you put yourself to - on a cooldown per task/skill, or globally)

Blade manipulation (create blades, control blades, make existing blades so sharp they can cut to the molecular level)
@Roman I was actually hoping to go for the exact same angle. So I guess your question is relevant to me as well.

@Hillan how monster-y can we get? I’m looking at an alien fish-out-of-water, still learning Human culture kind of angle. But you know me, I’m a degenerate for monster girls.
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