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Are you sure the only you is you?


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Thanks again all for the interest expressed so far!

I will be taking sheet applications this week with a view to flesh out the roster by the weekend and launch the IC this weekend or early next week.
S A Ṃ S Ā R A :
A Divine Reckoning

P R E M I S E:

Belief is the most powerful force of the cosmos.

Belief starts with the self. I can do this. I can't face that. Forces exist that wish to do me harm; that exist to support my success. All and none are made true by mere conviction.

Belief continues with stories and legends, and the fantasy-lies told to children to keep their wonder alive. From simple, infantile stories like Santa Claus, to historic legends like Arthurian tales, to mythical sagas that become the foundations of entire cultures: all are made real in the minds of the audience by belief and dogman. So, as Man grew, it was only natural that their stories and their beliefs would grow beside them; and this is how Gods were born.

Gods, deities, mythical beings and beasts alike - all reified by doctrine. Quickly they assumed their pantheons and secured their positions, each myth and legend no less real than the next. Every God was true to their people and the stories that birthed them, but only those present were successful; to be absent was to be forgotten, and to be forgotten was to die. So Gods went among their people, walked with their pilgrims, prayed with their devoted - and, in doing so, fortified their own existence, carving new quiddities as recursive beings.

Man matured, and alongside them the Gods; keeping their own legends alive, they began to live new tales: mimetic, ritualistic, liturgical. They would spread, and form new links in the divine story, each a new chain forged anchoring itself to reality. As the world modernised and belief spread faster than ever, direct intervention was required less and less; Gods could rest, relax, their foundations concrete enough to protect them. Every other generation, select Gods would walk among the people once again, reinforcing their bonds to the universe, and deliver the people hope.

The newest generation would appear to be no different; the Gods have convened, chosen their incarnations, and begun their descent to the holistic shrine of Earth.

Unbeknownst to their cohorts, one God has not survived their arrival. Their death has somehow circumvented the carefully-crafted anchor of belief. This final demise threatens all; it is time for the Gods to believe in themselves.

C H A R A C T E R S H E E T E X A M P L E:


"Witty Quote #1"

I N C A R N A T I O N C O N C E P T:

This is where you outline your vision for the character, and the specific mythology you're drawing from. Ideally this can also include hints towards plot directions and potential arcs for your character.

D I V I N E N A T U R E:

This is where you should outline what special qualities and abilities your Incarnation is afforded by their divine origins. These should not be too broad or outlandish, and relate in a meaningful way to the sphere of domain your Incarnation holds within their pantheon.

N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.

C H A R A C T E R S H E E T C O D E:

[CENTER][h1][color=BA55D3][b]N A M E[/b][/color][/h1][h r][sup][color=E6E6FA]"Witty Quote #1"[/color]
[/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=9966CC]F U L L N A M E [color=FF00FF]♦[/color] G E N D E R [color=FF00FF]♦[/color] P A N T H E O N [color=FF00FF]♦[/color] D I V I N E S P H E R E[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img]
[COLOR=BA55D3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]I N C A R N A T I O N C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]This is where you outline your vision for the character, and the specific mythology you're drawing from. Ideally this can also include hints towards plot directions and potential arcs for your character.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=BA55D3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]D I V I N E N A T U R E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]This is where you should outline what special qualities and abilities your Incarnation is afforded by their divine origins. These should not be too broad or outlandish, and relate in a meaningful way to the sphere of domain your Incarnation holds within their pantheon.[/i][/indent][/indent]
[COLOR=BA55D3][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.[/i][/indent][/indent]
S A Ṃ S Ā R A :
A Divine Reckoning

R O S T E R:


R U L E S :

[1.1] - All Character Sheets must be submitted using the provided skeleton. Character Sheets which do not use the provided skeleton will be rejected and asked to comply with the set standard. This code can be found provided in the characters tab.

[1.2] - Incomplete or in progress sheets should not be posted in the OOC nor should they be posted in the character tab. Completed sheets ready for review are the only character sheets which should be posted in the OOC.

[1.3] - Completed sheets are to be posted in the Out of Character Thread for review until approved. Once approved you may move your sheet into the Character Thread for storage.

[2.1] - Sheets will be reviewed and accepted/denied within 24 hours of a posted completed sheet. Please try to understand that in the event of numerous character sheets being submitted in the same day or due to obligations outside of the guild, there may be minor delays.

[2.2] - In the event of a reasonable delay, any displays of impatience towards the GMs will result in an immediate dismissal of the application. Just like the players, the GM has a life and obligations outside of the roleplay and may not always be able to respond in a rapid manner. Please have patience and a positive attitude and you will receive a response in a timely manner.

[3.1] - Respect the Game Master. The GM's word is to be adhered to; don't argue or disregard it unnecessarily. If the GM asks you to stop doing something please stop. Likewise if a GM asks you to change something in your post please do. Failure to adhere to any GM or Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game.

[3.2] - Respect the other players. Constructive criticism is fine, but flaming or trying to run players off just because you don't like the way they do things is not okay. Remember, it's the GM's job, not yours, to point out if there's a problem. If you feel that there is a problem, then contact the GM directly.

[3.3] - Likewise any quarrels will be dealt with by the GM. Don't take them out in the OOC, arguments should be dealt with between the two parties through private messaging. If the involved parties truly can't solve their issues the GM can act as an arbiter upon request.

[4.1] - Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon.

[5.1] - If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of the GM.

[6.1] - No God-Modding or metagaming. This refers to controlling or manipulating another player's character in way that is completely self-beneficial and not pre-approved by the other player. This also includes being untouchable against NPC characters as well as being all knowing. The basis of the plot is newfound mortality of previously-thought immortal beings; the threat is very real.

[7.1] - This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GM will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however I do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

[8.1.] - Player Character's are not to be killed without permission nor that player's supporting cast members. It is fine to kill nameless NPC's, but PC's or important NPC's will require authorization by their creator except in the event of a GM event.
S A Ṃ S Ā R A :
A Divine Reckoning

P R E M I S E:

Belief is the most powerful force of the cosmos.

Belief starts with the self. I can do this. I can't face that. Forces exist that wish to do me harm; that exist to support my success. All and none are made true by mere conviction.

Belief continues with stories and legends, and the fantasy-lies told to children to keep their wonder alive. From simple, infantile stories like Santa Claus, to historic legends like Arthurian tales, to mythical sagas that become the foundations of entire cultures: all are made real in the minds of the audience by belief and dogman. So, as Man grew, it was only natural that their stories and their beliefs would grow beside them; and this is how Gods were born.

Gods, deities, mythical beings and beasts alike - all reified by doctrine. Quickly they assumed their pantheons and secured their positions, each myth and legend no less real than the next. Every God was true to their people and the stories that birthed them, but only those present were successful; to be absent was to be forgotten, and to be forgotten was to die. So Gods went among their people, walked with their pilgrims, prayed with their devoted - and, in doing so, fortified their own existence, carving new quiddities as recursive beings.

Man matured, and alongside them the Gods; keeping their own legends alive, they began to live new tales: mimetic, ritualistic, liturgical. They would spread, and form new links in the divine story, each a new chain forged anchoring itself to reality. As the world modernised and belief spread faster than ever, direct intervention was required less and less; Gods could rest, relax, their foundations concrete enough to protect them. Every other generation, select Gods would walk among the people once again, reinforcing their bonds to the universe, and deliver the people hope.

The newest generation would appear to be no different; the Gods have convened, chosen their incarnations, and begun their descent to the holistic shrine of Earth.

Unbeknownst to their cohorts, one God has not survived their arrival. Their death has somehow circumvented the carefully-crafted anchor of belief. This final demise threatens all; it is time for the Gods to believe in themselves.

Welcome to Saṃsāra: A Divine Reckoning, a game about belief, Gods, mortality, and the value of a life lived without end. In it, you will play Incarnations: Gods and deities, descending from their heavenly homes every other generation, to take mortal form and live among their faithful, reinforcing the belief that is so intrinsic to their very existence.

Rules are below, and applications are currently OPEN! Please find the character sheet code in the Characters tab!

"Witty Quote #1"
M Ó R - R Í O G H A I N F E M A L E C E L T I C F A T E & W A R

I N C A R N A T I O N C O N C E P T:

This is where you outline your vision for the character, and the specific mythology you're drawing from. Ideally this can also include hints towards plot directions and potential arcs for your character.

D I V I N E N A T U R E:

This is where you should outline what special qualities and abilities your Incarnation is afforded by their divine origins. These should not be too broad or outlandish, and relate in a meaningful way to the sphere of domain your Incarnation holds within their pantheon.

N O T E S:

Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.
That’s a great start!

I’m currently working on both my own sheet and the opening IC post, but I’ll give it another day to field potential players before launching a thread. Thank you so far for the curiosity!
S A Ṃ S Ā R A :
A Divine Reckoning

Belief is the most powerful force of the cosmos.

Belief starts with the self. I can do this. I can't face that. Forces exist that wish to do me harm; that exist to support my success. All and none are made true by mere conviction.

Belief continues with stories and legends, and the fantasy-lies told to children to keep their wonder alive. From simple, infantile stories like Santa Claus, to historic legends like Arthurian tales, to mythical sagas that become the foundations of entire cultures: all are made real in the minds of the audience by belief and dogman.

So, as Man grew, it was only natural that their stories and their beliefs would grow beside them; and this is how Gods were born.

And so are laid out the fundamental rules of the cosmos in Saṃsāra: A Divine Reckoning.

Saṃsāra is a Modern Urban Fantasy RP, styled after American Gods and Wicked & Divine, where conviction and belief shape reality in myriad conscious and unconscious ways.

Players will take on the roles of Incarnations - Gods who have assumed Human form and descended from the realm of the divine to live among their worshippers and spread their stories, thereby revitalising their existences within the cosmos. These Incarnations spend a generation upon Earth before returning to their heavenly homes.

All deities of all pantheons are on the table to be played, but they must all take human or humanlike forms. Yes, you can play an Incarnation of Ganesha, or Sobek, or Fenrir, but no, your Incarnation will not be an Elephant, Crocodile, or Wolf respectively.

I'm looking for a reasonable group for a casual-level game, with players each posting roughly every fortnight at least. There will be a plot to pursue, but a lot of self-governed character interaction as well, with a secondary focus on how your Gods deal with their followers, and the general pitfalls of being a divine being living a mortal life.

If we gather good steam here, I can launch OOC this weekend. Feel free to shoot me questions!
I'm going to move things on for the Precint people first.

Myself, Wraith and Roman are all yet to reply too the bank scene which I'll let happen before I move it on.

I have a plan in the works with Stormflyx and Hillan; after Eilidh's next post I'll follow up with Vincent, and then Hillan with Julian.
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