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"Third, fourth, ninth, or thirteenth," Kobe mumbled after Jin, trying hard to remember what each of those squads were designated for. He was disappointed by his poor memory, and chuckled at himself.

"You know I've always hated that they're listed by number. Why aren't they just, like, the scouts. The combat squad. The research division. Might as well just go with squad eleven because it's the only one I can remember at this point," Kobe crossed his arms in a semi comical, semi literal pout with a smile. "I assume you have your reasons for each?"

Kobe knew that he did. Kobe also knew Jin wouldn't tell him unless he asked. He wasn't so talkative, which was saying something coming from the taller Shinagami. Kobe was asking because he was interested in Jin's thoughts. He always had the more analytical of their two minds.

"Hell, I know you do. You probably read the subsection of the handbook for each squad, as well as the individual bios of every captain. Am I wrong?" As he spoke, Kobe spied a small sake stand all the way on the end of the street. The elderly brewer smiled sleepily, smoking a pipe of his own and sitting on a simple wooden stool. Kobe had heard of the old man, how he had been a brewmaster in life and quickly became content doing the same thing in death. His sake was inexpensive, and simple, but smooth and exceptionally rich.

The old man ran the shop alone, so his supply was small and he often sold out. It had become a household favorite in the middle districts, but unless you lived down there it was hard to get some. His reputation had apparently reached this far, because here he was with only a single bottle left not even halfway through the night. As he listened to Jin speak, Kobe walked over to the old brewer Genji Otama, a wonderful idea blossoming in his brain.
<Snipped quote by RoseKnightJason>

AGREED!!!! also james is cool and inspiring as hell

I never responded to this! I've never had a player describe one of my characters as inspiring, so this is an accomplishment in my book. Thankyou.

Likewise, since your in character posts I've been impressed by Iava's detailed personality. I've always felt I'm much better at writing in character than I am writing out a character bio/sheet. I feel we may be kindred spirits in that sense.

The line "not usually, no, but do as you will," was mint.
Damn it, now they're all doing it, cursed James as the swifter of the two adversaries recklessly let the bladed whip slash her arm. It paid off, because as she charged past him she sliced his pectoral muscle and into his shoulder. James was barely able to rotate his shoulder back to follow her direction, minimizing the damage so that it was (mostly) superficial. Though, that one stung.

James's expression as she cut him turned from still jovial, to rueful. His eyes darkened and his smile faded from his face. This quickly, three witches he'd never heard of had made him get serious. Every spec of blood on the ground was looking like a spring trap. His main opponent was pursuing him, like he was some lesser bounty to be hunted. While her support flanked around behind him so suddenly. Now he was feeling underestimated.

His eyes darted from Shiara to Iava, now closing in, with just as much contempt. He saw and predicted the arc of her sword, yet made no effort to move. Instead he raised his arms, and flipped his clubs so that the spike was face down. Just as the saber buried itself into the cartilage of his knee, and collided with his bones, he brought both spikes down to skewer Iava through her back from two angles. Both their strikes happened at the exact same time. As he reared back for his attack, a smile blood thirsty enough to rival Elizabeth's Curled across his face. His eyes went bloodshot from the pain in his leg, which caused his smile to twitch uncomfortably as well. However, it didn't leave.

While this happened, instead of further tormenting the possessed priestess, the tentacle retreated back into James's body. As it did so he redirected the matter towards the cut Shiara just caused. By the time she stopped her movement and James had attacked Iava, the wound was almost closed. This coincided with the Blood Mage's spinning blades attempting to chop the limb off. Because James gave the order for it to retreat, only one of them succeeded in dismembering about two feet of it before it disappeared. He hadn't gotten all of his organic material back from that creation, but a certain amount of it.
@Izurich I can definitely see pulling a limb off course to prevent/cause a stab or interfere with a block. Thankyou for being so understanding
@Izurich I'm really sorry to keep asking you to edit your character, but you brought up a very good point in your initial attack post. There's no limitations on Elizabeth's puppet ability. Meaning you can effectively just Darth Vader all my bosses to kill themselves lmao. Could we come up with a trigger for that spell as well? At first I thought of needing a sample of an opponent's blood, but that is also pretty unstoppable for a blood mage. One scratch and you're dead type of consequences there.

Again I'm really sorry to keep requesting edits and I hope you don't feel singled out!

As a kept bonus ( and to make your first scene canon as well) people with no mana of their own are completely susceptible to the power
Just so you know my point of view/powerscaling: without enhanced strength, James wouldn't be able to send Shiara flying. In terms of size he's an average man with pretty exceptional muscles. Ade is more the size that could send her flying. Just wanted to relay this to clarify the setting, not because you said or did anything wrong! @Shylarah
Fuck, thought James as his spike buried itself into Iava's leather armor. Some blood spurted out from the wound, but this advancement did not fill James with a sense of victory. It had taken the woman no time at all to become comfortable with the idea of dying and resurrecting. To so immediately use the effects of the arena spell to her advantage, confirmed that she was as crazy as James himself. Careful what you wish for.

He swiftly brought up his left baton to block her attempt to decapitate him outright. Then, he back stepped immediately out of her range. He may have gotten one point in, but staying that close would clearly be a mistake. Iava would just tank another non lethal hit and run him through to be sure. It had been some time since someone had stopped his pressuring so immediately.

Despite an unexpected development, James was still well aware of each aspect of the fight. His bladed whip protruding from his shoulder continued to use it's momentum unpredictably. It wiggled and slithered in the air, evading Shiara's knife attack. Likewise, the eyeball on his shoulder bent cartoonishly out of the way of her throwing knife. James, as he was backpedaling away from Iava, bent his head diagonally back as well to avoid being stabbed in the eye by her thrown knife.

Then, the bloody javelin decimated the thing entirely as it passed over James's shoulder. A small splatter of blood dispersed into the air as the weapon passed. James always designed his extra parts with as few nerve endings as possible. So that he could be aware of their movements, but receive as little pain as possible when damaged. This felt like a pinch, but an annoying one.

"Better not get too reckless, mercenary. If you pass out from blood loss you're no help to these two," taunted James. Of course internally he admitted it was a good move, strategically. He wondered, however, what Iava's reply or justification might be.

So now while traveling backwards, when he was a single step outside of Iava's melee range, he opened his mouth. The tip of his tongue formed a hole, and a line of clear liquid shot out like a water gun directly at Iava's eyes. This liquid was spitting cobra venom, which causes burning pain, and eventual blindness. At the same time his appendage, now only directed by James's actual eyes, snapped several times at Shiara. WHACK, WHACK, WHACK, went the sound of the whip each time it ripped through the air. Once to slash her face, the next her left arm, and finally her torso again.
@CollectorOfMyst looks like a great start!

As for minor effects like speeding up the boat with wind, rain clouds, you could probably sense pressure changes in the air to tell when a storm is coming, (we could probably bullshit some navigation abilities in there via sensing air currents, so he can take the navigator role on the ship!) and all of these would count as basic Effects. So you have that organized correctly!

Summoning a whole ass storm is going to be such a strategic choice I can't wait to see when we pull the trigger on that one lol

Edit: for balancing sake. The storm conjuring spell I'm seeing right now as an ultimate attack. So work backwards from there.
@CollectorOfMyst @AliceInRedHeels are both of you still planning on joining us? It won't take long at all to introduce the two of you in some way once your characters are accepted. You could easily walk in on this scene given the circumstances, or be found in the days before the ship leaves port. (Foreshadowing 😃)
I would just like to say I am incredibly impressed with everyone's writing and thrilled the roleplay is already starting off at this caliber.
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