Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Flora, was her name then hm?

"Flora...a quite a pretty name." Alasayana would idly comment, ignoring the protests of the man being tortured as well as Ashte being...Ashte. "Very well. Your punishment for waking me from a nap. I command thee to be my new servant, specifically my tail-" Before she could finish giving her judgement however, they were quite readily interrupted...by some sort of ghastly thing. Some demon or something was possessing a corpse! How absurd! Another trick of these impertinent fools? She had though they at least honorable, but this...!

"Are they employing even demons or some sort of undead?" Alasayana would respond with a growl. She would tolerate no demon or creature of evil in her presence. Alasayana would ready her tails for another fight, narrowing her eyes at Mori, not recognizing her.

I suppose if no one else will

I'll have floof exorcise the demon that is obviously possessing this corpse tomorrow.
The Builder


It was a valiant effort on Donovan's part. Focusing the power of the diety that had granted him boons into his legs, he'd charge forward. Somewhat more familiar this time than the last time he had done so, a more controlled charge that wouldn't end with him face planting or tripping this time - he'd charge straight for Soyala, but the huntress was uncannily quick in her movements. As he'd start his sprint, a small smirk. Seemed she was at least, ready for this.

"You. You are with the travelers." The Kyrnith would say. Gone was the airy, thoughtful tone that it had spoken with previously. The words were more focused. More direct, harsh and roaring like that of a typhoon or tornado.

"Donovan...!" Akando seemed equally stunned by Donovan's quick appearance, but it didn't seem like he was opposed to it. "...It seems you have been speaking the truth. Funny, how the Illuminator would try to hide that." He'd idly comment. "Beast of Old, Beast of the Earth...I cannot apologize on behalf of my kinsmen...but I can do what I can to help."

The deer would seemingly ignore Akando, turning its gaze to Donovan.

"Does a tornado change its path upon the whim of one?" The large deer would take steps towards the hunters. "No. These hunters must taught a lesson."

Wind would start whistling through the deer's antlers. It seemed if Donovan wanted a peaceful resolution, he'd need to do something else to calm the Kyrnith down!

"...prepare to retreat. We've done what we accomplished!" She'd shout. "To the village!"

Skill Seeker

@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

Novak would deflect the blow fairly easily, similarly to how he had done before. The blade would cut into the wooden handle of the spear, and though it wouldn’t cut entirely through in one swing, it did give Novak some sort of leverage over the weapon itself. He could have easily used this to his advantage if he was swift enough - but thankfully he didn’t have too.

Nobuanga’s arrow would strike true. The projectile pierced the mans flesh, just barely missing his heart and tearing into his lung. The hunter’s eyes widened, grimacing with pain as strength left his arms. It would be little matter for Novak to dispatch the man, now. Even if he didn’t he was likely going to die fairly soon regardless.

So the fight was over. Enli was safe, for now. That just left the matter of where the Kyrnith had gone off too.

“Ha...” There was a groan as Enli would get to his feet, clutching his side with a mild grimace. “You two, have my thanks.” He’d say. An arrow had embedded itself into his robes, but the older man seemed none the worse for wear, aside from being spooked by the fact he had come very close to death. “I had Bolcha sew some padded fur into my robes last night. I apologize for not telling you. I had gotten word that they may be trying something like this from another traveler.”

Would the pair go after the Elder Beast? Perhaps it’d be best to make sure there weren’t any more hunters laying in wait, or escort Enli back to the village. Enli would likely just have a rather nasty bruise from the impact, since the arrow didn’t manage to penetrate the skin.


Water was easy enough to find. Aside from being near the ocean, finding a freshwater stream was only a matter of asking around if she didn’t want to look for it herself. The deer wouldn’t move far from Lazhiras house as Misaki would go about her business, though it would look as though it would want to follow her into the village, getting restless whenever she was away for long, though it would make sure to as it was told.

The rest of the distillation process was well, easy enough in theory. Just two containers - one for purified water, and one impure with a flame to boil it underneath. Using more bamboo was easy enough, and it’d be a trifle to collect more if she had run out. So really, all she’d need was time.

“So...erm, what are you doing anyways?” Lazhira’s quiet voice would meet Misaki’s ears whenever she’d return to her house.

A Traveler

The hooded young man within was quickly pulled away from the windows, while a few voices exchanged hushed words from within. Soon, they could hear walking. Careful footfalls against a wooden floor before they’d make their way to the door. There was a quiet pause, a brief flash of light as an invisible barrier over the door was deactivated.

It would creak open.

A man, with long blond hair and red eyes would greet them. He was dressed in a fairly obvious priestly manner. His robe carried some unknown insignia upon it, seemingly a flower of some sort? Or was it a skull? It was difficult to really tell. Perhaps it was supposed to be both. An amethyst necklace would hang from his neck.

“Inside. Quickly. We do not want to have the barrier down after nightfall.”

Seeing no reason to refuse, Elisette would follow him inside.

“Apologies for the cold reception, understandably we’ve had it a bit hard here.” Inside the church was a number of people all dressed in old rags, frayed clothing and some looked like they hadn’t had a proper bath or rest in a number of days. Dark bags under their eyes perhaps told of restless nights.

As they moved into the church, they would then, also notice, another figure who looked completely out of place. A woman in a maid uniform. At least, something resembling one. Seemed like whoever designed it took a few liberties with its design. A dark blue in color with white frills, and a large white bow holding it tied together at the back. Her hair was tied into twintails, long and flowing.

And a blindfold which covered her eyes that didn’t stop her head from slowly following the group as they’d enter the church. Was...was she specifically following Nicholas? Perhaps he’d recall his dream showed something about a maid dress...

“Viorel. Just a traveling scholar who happened to stumble upon this village in its hour of need. Cynthia over there is my traveling companion.” Viorel would frown, shaking his head. “I thank the apostles for coming this far. I doubt I can do much more than keep the barrier over the door up. The people here need food and a warm bed, but...well, we’re all out of those.” He’d sigh. “Unfortunately we can’t leave either. Those undead out there...whoever is commanding them is quite the character. They won’t follow into the city - they just stop people from leaving, and anyone from wandering in.”

“Woah woah, hold up, you’re telling me someone is commanding those undead?” Elisette would say with a perplexed expression.

“That’s right. The people say its a witch that lives in those nearby woods, but I’m just a scholar.
“So...we just gotta smash this witch and the undead will be gone, then, huh? Seems simple enough. Probably some underworld cult or something huh...Uh, what are you gonna do Nick? I don’t mind if you tag along but well, erm...”

The Roma Mob

Anything Leuca might have said regarding Octavia was indeed, drowned out by a look of incredulity, bemusement, and then surprise.

“P-Princess!? B-but you’re not even of any sort of royal blood! A-and why would they want a Sirithen…?” It seemed the smaller elf didn’t really understand why or how this was even being arranged. “T-that means you’d be...erm, related to me? Y-you’re not...oh I don’t understand this at all...you don’t even possess the Ancestral protections...”

Leuca would shake her head.

“E-erm...h-how did this happen, Augusta?”


Dagger met sword. An excited grin on Sorcha’s visage as Isidore would push himself closer to her. Yet, as metal touched metal, Isidore would find his dagger being yanked from his hand. The metal dagger seemingly had somehow managed to glue the dagger to her sword...or rather, magnetize it, it seemed. With a swift motion she’d twist the blade with enough force to nearly break his wrist if he did not release it. Her free hand would grab Isidore’s wrist, gripping hard enough to cause his ability to manifest in an attempt to defend himself from trauma.

He’d be pulled intimately close, her blade now pressed firmly against his neck. A trickle of blood before his ability would seal the wound. It had been an overall short, brief encounter. Her movements were far too fast, and she was much stronger physically than her slight frame would suggest.

“I believe this is your loss?” She’d say. For a moment Isidore might have noticed a small flash of confusion across her face before vanishing. “And since I won, you can treat me to dinner.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“Who can say.” Bolcha would respond with a shrug. “Trying to understand an Elder Beast would be like trying to talk to a rock.” The craftsman would say. “You can see what it does, how it behaves if carved, but you can’t really say how its made, can you? The Kyrnith is powerful - its the embodiment of the skies and Forest.” He’d shake his head. “And most...don’t think too much about it? The hunters likely worshipped him because he could teach how to hunt, make traps, learn about the forest. That sort of thing. I don’t get it myself, i’d much rather learn on my own. That’s why I’m the best craftsman in the village, ya see. Most, aside from Lazhira don’t really care too much.”

Nomura/Malphas could keep speaking with Bolcha as much as he’d wish, though it would not be long before he’d hear the clanking of some armor and blades as the face of Haruno would step inside the longhouse.

“Excuse me...Lady Mie asked me to come here to inquire about some sort of work?” The Oni would ask the two present. He could stick around if he wished and talk more.
Aluvera - City Streets

"Yep yep, that's exactly how I got here." She'd reply, holding tightly to her mount as it'd swiftly move down the streets. What it lacked in speed, it made up for in great endurance. "No idea, but its great isn't it!" The Shenke would laugh. "No more nine to five life! I can do whatever the hell I want and no one tells me otherwise, ahah~!" Perhaps she should be taking this more...calmly? But really, how could she just not enjoy this? The wind as she ran through the street, the scents, the feeling of her spear having impaled that one harpy...ah.

It felt so good to just...feel so alive.


Kokoma barely noticed the fact she had almost run into another person with her mount, causing them to swerve a bit to the left and likely causing Sefira to smoosh against her back as they'd skid to a halt just outside of the city walls. While there were certainly less monsters here, there definitely were some - and unfortunate guards and other overly eager adventurers...players? lurking about.

"Geheh, sorry. Was thinking about something super soft and cute." She'd grin, leaving that up to Sefira's interpretation. "Alright! Take the rear and blast 'em while I distract them, kay? I'll be countin' on ya to cover my cute tail"

Indiscriminate murder is counterproductive, so instead I chose to sleep on fluff.

Ah yes, if there was one thing Ilren disliked about the two sisters...their ability to nudge people into certain emotional states. They couldn't really help it, considering their nature and what little she knew of them. A brief thought of wondering what sort of tests she could run on them, but quickly moved the thought aside. No sense in letting a stray thought get her on her current benefactors bad side.

"Was I? I thought I heard my sister talking, but she's still sleeping herself." Ilren would say with a small smile. "So maybe I just heard Momoki talking in her sleep." She'd say, returning an impish giggle. "Dreaming of me then? Hehe, you know if you want to do something like that, you just have to ask ya know." Before they could pursue that topic further though, Ilren would hop off the large, fluffy bed that she had been sleeping on, stretching lazily. "Maybe later. I'm getting a bit restless. I should probably find something else to entertain myself with."
Alasayana probably visited on occasion, as long as she was bribed with an extremely comfortable bed, desert fruit, and maybe a hunting of some evil spirit or two. Especially so if there was someone who thought death could save them from justice after she'd decided to deliver it.

But for the most part she probably wouldn't stay too long. Underworld probably was too cold for her. Not enough sun and trees.
@Click This

Charak dropped some days ago iirc. Hasn't been on the guild in like, two weeks almost

The justice bringer would spend the next few minutes in the interim of the zealous man blowing himself up and the other gods starting their interrogation by showing a bit of care towards her own tails. Talk of what was going on could come after she was presentable again. So the goddess would take a moment to wrap themselves around her small frame, grumbling lightly as she'd pat their fur, brushing her hands through them in an effort to straighten and at least make the singed and frayed ends look a little more presentable. Interrogation may be a good idea, discerning lies from truth to judge the guilty with her sword of arbitration used to be a trifle, but she doubted they'd really learn anything important from them. She no longer had the power to force one to be truthful before the divine.

It was only when she had heard the 'priestess' from earlier rouse from her slumber did the Huntress decide she was presentable enough. She would pass Aureia and O'Menus, glancing at the imprisoned soldier with a measure of respectful silence. All had fought well. So long as O'Menus did not bring undue suffering then there was no need for her to intervene.

"You're smothering the priestess." Alasayana would say with a minor amount of irritation as she'd approach the War goddess and Ocean God. "The girl is still weak and needs rest. We should find a cool spring or bed of the finest furs for her to recover in before asking questions or smothering her in affection." One of her tails would seemingly perk up a bit at that suggestion, perhaps wanting to be the bed itself. "I am Alasayana, Goddess of Judgement and of Hunts. State your name, priestess. Worry not...I shall only ask for minor recompense for the sin of waking me from a nap."
Speaking of me!

My internet is back up and running, so expect a post within the next two days~


Was eager to get back to it, so have a post already.
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