Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Probably will be posting tomorrow.
A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“Hm, alright. You know the way there already?” Enli would ask. “I’ll have Bolcha and some others come to take these three somewhere.” He’d say. “If you’ll follow me back to the longhouse, I’ll have him get you want, too.”

They wouldn’t spend long getting ready. The longer they took, certainly the more the trail would grow cold. If they had realized their plans were starting to fall apart, then well, they were more likely to do something drastic. A pair of pine torches, covered in burnable resin both given to Novak. One for now, one for later if they had need of it.

All they had to do now, was make their way to the supposed location of the seal.

A trek one of them had done before, and one that when all was said and done, wouldn’t be too difficult initially. The animals they’d pass would prove fairly impeding. The gliding bird-like creatures easily dispatched, and wolves so long as they were aware of them wouldn’t prove difficult. Thankfully, they hadn’t ran into another one of those armored beasts.

The villagers were right, though - the fog had definitely started to spread. Much further, it seemed. Lighting the torch would cause it to dissipate, creating a small bubble of safety from it. Heading to where the old temple was, with presumably novak leading the way. It seemed though - the hunters were prepared for anyone coming their way.

An arrow would whizz out of the fog, barely grazing Novak.

“Damn fog! I missed!”

“Doesn’t matter. We’ll make sure no one disturbs the seal!” Four hunters would emerge from the the fog, all carrying a small stone on their person. One with a bow, two with spears, and one with a rather hefty looking axe.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Hmm…okay, I think it should be fine! We can totally handle this…probably.” Lazhira would Nod. “Okay…alright. I’m gonna distract them. I’ll sneak out and see what that box is and what’s in it. It’s probably some…nngh, I can’t tell what it is? Doesn’t seem to have much intelligence, it feels…mushy.” She’d shake her head. “Anyways! Uhm…I’ll leave sneak attacks to you two? Probably will want to take out anyone with a bow first…” She seemed like she would have liked a bit more input from Narkissa and Misaki on what they were doing, but assuming they didn’t have any revolutionary plan themselves, or something to say or would stop her, she’d give a nod and then summon a small little ball of light, and set off from their hiding place.

Curiously, once both of them would blink, they’d lose sight of her. After a few seconds they’d think they’d see her again, before promptly losing sight of her. It was like despite knowing she was there, and where she should be, their minds refused to process that she actually existed where she should - and it seemed like the hunters hadn’t noticed her yet. Perhaps they didn’t notice her at all, since they weren’t aware of her presence to start with.

Lazhira would stealthily approach the box, the contents of which were still growling, angrily thumping and attempting to break out of the box. Looking around, and pausing briefly as to how she could open it, before finding a large latch on one side.

“Okay…here goes…”

The young girl would open the crate.

Immediately a black tendril would lash out, striking her right in the chest and sending her flying.


The black, slimy creature would pull itself from the box - it was another one of those black slime things that had been in the temple. It would slowly pull itself from its prison, though would quickly coalesce into a form perhaps more familiar - a large, almost somewhat spherical blob, but it didn’t seem to stop growing as it would start taking a more solid form. A large, oily tail would extend from its ‘back’, covered in dangerous looking bony spikes, while a spot at the top of it would start to almost resemble that of a humanoid, a large skull serving as its head…if any remembered, it was the same skull that had been on that smaller one that had been hiding from them. More bones and other things served as parts of armor, protecting its gelatinous insides. Numerous oily tendrils would wildly lash out, striking some of the hunters in the process and catching them off guard.

“What the-!” She had successfully gotten their attention, at least.

“...Calm yourselves!” Soyala would shout. “Our prey has come to us, it seems. No one let her get away, and we’ll put this thing back in its place.”

The creature would respond with an almost mournful shriek, lashing out again.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

The fans were, after his initial few tests, seemed perfectly balanced. Strong, too. Maybe not strong enough to go toe to toe with heavier weapons, but with they certainly seemed suited to deflection and less conventional ways of fighting. The oni that had been lounging around the makeshift arena would give Nomura a decidedly unfriendly glare as he’d approach, obviously not thinking to terribly much of the guy.

“Who wants to fight the princess?” One of them would grunt.

“Gahahah, I bet he doesn’t even know how to use those toothpicks.”

“How much you think before he cries?”

They were definitely both underestimating and also not thinking too highly of him at the same time…save, for perhaps one of the more rougher looking Oni.

A scarred shirtless body, sharp horns protruding from his head. Standing easily over six feet, a scar running the length from his shoulder to his midsection. More easily crossed his body, in fact it seemed rarer that there wasn’t a scarred patch of skin somewhere. A necklace made from rope and a magatama hanging from it, as well as two more serving as earrings.

Curiously, he wasn’t wearing a mask like the others were.

Wordlessly, he’d ignore the words of his compatriots.

“I’ll be the first.” He’d say gruffly, the other Oni falling silent as he’d step into the arena proper. The katana he’d draw from his side, was as large as he was, the handle twice as large as a normal one, with the blade itself nearly being as long as he was tall and five inches in width.

And take the first move he would.

Despite the obvious heft and weight of the blade, he’d move without any trouble, the blade arcing downwards in a simple slash - likely nothing more than a test.

The Roma Mob

Isidore would stride into the pool, the cold water stinging his wounds as the steps carried him down waist deep into the bath. Deeper than it looked, perhaps, and cold, too. There was an odd feeling of…comfort, being in the pool though from the source one couldn’t say. Maybe it was to do with the assumed holy nature of it. Thankfully if the crimson lightning he had absorbed earlier didn’t seem bothered by it.

“Folzerrie.” She responded with a huff. “Alright, lets get this over with. Stay outta the water mutt, I’m not purifying this pool again.” Octavia gave a mildly annoyed growl but would wait obediently away from it. Seemed she was a bit put off by the water itself. The shadow elf priest would walk to the edge of the pool, in a bit of impatience it seemed.

“Alright, lets see…what was it again?” She’d walk start walking around the edge of the pool. “O’ goddess of stories, writer of fate and the trial of heroes,” Her feet would carry her around the pool, eventually ending up at the opposite end she had started on, where she’d begin walking into the pool herself. “Let not this story end, let it continue yet, mend flesh and bone, letting vigor leave the body not,” Slowly, she’d start moving her staff, letting the end of it stir the water.

The water now, was seemingly starting to move a bit on its own. Lazily circling Isidore as some unseen current would slowly carry it, taking all the blood and dirt from his body. Folzerrie would approach, slowly walking and muttering a few more what seemed to be holy prayers until she’d be standing behind Isidore. Something would start crawling up his body - the cold water slowly ascending and moving up his injured and wounded flesh, draining any fatigue and tiredness away from his body in a seemingly miraculous manner as it would travel all the way up, a thin layer of water enveloping him.

“Lay down.” She’d interrupt the prayer quickly, not giving Isidore much time to respond before the priestess would quite roughly grab him by the neck and pull him backwards into the water where he’d be briefly submerged entirely while he’d feel her hands slowly move across his body, as if guiding the water and where it should go in order to heal his body.

It certainly seemed to be working, at least. The fatigue and tiredness already left his body, and his body would be soothed and pain assuaged, a brief look at his hands would show the burns gone, and flesh replaced, the cold water renewing his body and ridding himself of wounds.

“Alright, you’re good.” The priestess would say, pulling him up out of the water. In all, the process had only taken about five minutes, all things considered. The priestess would get out of the pool fairly quickly, walking over to the podium. “Mhm, your welcome. Don’t come back. Honestly the fact you were still standing is amazing.”

…was it a trick of the somewhat low lighting in the area, or was there noticeable tiredness in the elfs visage? Her eyes seemed a bit strained, and quite like she was a going to fall asleep, and she was leaning a bit heavily on her staff moreso than she had been.

“Oh, and a bonus.” She’d say, picking up a jar of some sort. Silver in color, but earthy in feel - a clay jar, perhaps? Folzerrie would hand it to Isidore. “Water blessed by the goddess. Holy water. Helps heal minor wounds and whatever.” Supposing he took it, then there was probably nothing else for him unless he wanted to talk with the elf herself about something or another.

Supposing he accepted -


The plants would initially continue to resist. Unlike fire or electricity, the plants seemed…significantly more rigid in their nature. More physical. Harder to move, harder to cooperate, almost as if they actively were going to resist any attempts at altering the way they were growing or the way they were moving.

Hm, how did Leuca manage to do it then? Perhaps she could have asked.

Well, she would find her own solution. If they wouldn’t willingly do it - then force.

The plants, would seemingly shudder lightly at Augusta’s touch, but the more rigid resistance would soon give way to malleability. The green foliage would start to move away from Augusta, the vines curling away and starting to cling to the walls, as though they were a bit frightened of the elf before them. The flowers too, would close their petals, wilting under Augusta’s watch as they’d change their growth. One by one the tangled mess of plants would start start clinging to the wall and floor, and soon would appear less of a tangled mess as it they would start to wilt into a thorny sphere of vines, as if it was trying to protect itself from whatever else was in the room.

“...Hm, I see, congratulations. You can be a quick learner when you want to be.” Rullphana replied.

Leuca, for the most part seemed silent, looking towards the now balled up thorny plant with a bit of sadness, though she said nothing and soon the scene was interrupted by a familiar voice as they would enter the tower.

“I see everyone is working hard.”

“Ah! Sorcha!” Leuca would run over, greeting the woman as excitedly as ever. “I-I did it! Proper magic! Oh, the druids would be so impressed!”

“Ahahah, is that right? Oh, is that why you’re covered in dirt?”

“Impressed!? The entire side of that room was covered in a forest!” Raelzeth would chime in with a mild bit of impressed annoyance. “Is that even normal for a Sirithen!?”

“Heh, who knows.” Sorcha responded, picking up Leuca into a hug. “Well, we’ll need to get you cleaned up.” The warriors eyes would fall on Augusta. “Hm…done with Augusta, Rullphana?”

“Mhm, for now, yes. Feel free to drag her back to your torture routine.”

“Well then, Augusta, if you don’t mind, I’d like to talk to you about something.”
A skill Seeker and Warlord
@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“We saw some heading towards the Obelisk! There was an odd light over there earlier…” The same villager who had spoke with Nobunaga about it earlier would reply to Novak and Enli.

“The Obelisk…? That old ruin…? What could they be wanting there?” Enli frowned, rubbing his weathered, now stern face. “Haa, so much trouble for us. If what I’ve been told is correct, then someone is trying to break a seal on some…old goddess or something…then…maybe…hm.” Enli would turn his head towards Kippoushi. “We need to figure out where this seal is and what exactly is going on. We can assume its in that pit that was under the temple…In that case, we should send someone to study it and figure out what we’re doing.” Enli would smile lightly. “Hm, and the girl I know that has best knowledge and understanding about that…Lazhira.”

“I think I saw her heading out to the Obelisk with a few of the other travelers.” One of the other villagers would chime in.

“What of the hunters? Have you seen them anywhere else?”

“Soyala headed to the Obelisk, but I’m not sure about the others. I think we saw a few heading into the forest, but that wasn’t anything unusual until just now.”

If nothing else, it seemed like they had a small choice to make. Head to the obelisk to see what was going on there - or head to the supposed Location of the seal and seeing if there were any hunters or people snooping about. Though, that left them with some way of needing to get past the fog.

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“A counter ambush?” Lazhira would echo. “Well, we could! I uhm, well, do know some small magical tricks at least! Though I’m not sure I’m…good at the whole fighting thing and Misaki looks too fluffy to know how to fight.” It was true that they could do an ambush, but exactly how that would be handled remained to be seen.

The hunters would now be bringing something and setting it on the ground nearby. A large…crate of some sort. Large enough that it needed two people to carry safely, and seemed fairly heavy too. It was oozing black slime like the kind Narkissa and Lazhira had seen back in their little dungeon dive earlier. Also seemed a bit agitated and violent, the box violently shaking and thumping, causing the hunters to drop it before reaching its destination, but it didn’t seem like it could get out, whatever was inside.
“Maybe…hm, I could…well…maybe mess with their heads a little?” Lazhira would offer. “Make them sort of…not notice us, at least, until we get to where we’re gonna position ourselves? And attract their attention after that.” She’d look over to Misaki. “...maybe we should go back and find someone? What about um, Kippoushi? And Novak? Though…we might be too late if we don’t go ahead and do something…”

A Traveler

“...L…A?” The figure would shake her head, seeming a bit confused by the whole response Nicholas gave, but otherwise didn’t question some of his more odd words as she’d linger by the cabin’s door. She seemed like she wanted to keep a bit of distance between the two of them. “Uhm…well…I don’t know about that but…the undead shouldn’t bother you here…”

She’d move away from the door now, slowly walking to the table, not taking her eyes off Nicholas.

“I’ve…not seen you here before…” She’d state, giving Nicholas a mildly curious glance. “...are you with…Liven? Or…are you just a traveler?” She didn’t seem like she wanted to get too much closer to Nicholas, her soft voice inquiring about who he was in a fairly timid manner.

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“I can speak from experience to the sound.” She’d respond with a smile. “It does indeed, sound as lovely as any flute or other instrument.” She would though, frown slightly as he made his concerns apparent. “Well, you don’t actually have to know how to play even if you do carry it, though your concerns are valid…a war fan, though…? If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are a mountain spirit.” She’d chuckle lightly. “You are In luck, though, yes I do. Not something I have that often in my inventory, but it just so happens that I currently do.”

Mie would leave Malphas for a few moments, though like last time it wouldn’t be long before she returned with a war fan - a set of them, in fact. The two were simple in construction of iron and subtly decorated. Unassuming when closed, but when folded open one would be black in color with a small embossing of what seemed to be a white-colored fox on one side of the folds. The other was the inverse of that one. White with the embossing of a black fox on the other.

They were fairly heavy, all things considered. Could easily be used as a club. The iron spokes on the outer sides of it also were sharpened to a point, and just longer than the fan itself.

“Does this suit your tastes?~” She’d ask.

“If you are, then get in there. The Oni are tired of waiting around.” She’d chuckle. Indeed, the Oni that had been waiting around seemed to be a bit restless from all the waiting. "I'd suggest also at least, becoming acquainted with the blade too, though that's your decision."

The Roma Mob

“...What in the name of the goddess’ ocean happened to you?” The elvish woman would respond after a long, few seconds. She seemed genuinely impressed he was still standing, let alone able to even talk or speak in his condition. Still, her eyes would slowly fall to his side and the coin pouch at it. “Hm…lets see, considering the suddenness of it, the amount of work its going to take to stop you bleeding all over everything, a fee for any unforeseen complications, a fee for cleaning the carpets, something for dinner…” She’d seem to make a few more calculations silently in her head. “50 silver. If you can afford that, off with your clothes and into the pool - well, what remains of them anyways. It’s not going to take too terribly long.”

He could indeed, afford it, but something seemed a bit off with a few of the things she’d said he’d need to pay for. Octavia tilted her head quizzically, almost seeming a bit suspicious of the woman too.


The plants had certainly rampantly grown. Nearly the entire side of the workshop that Leuca had been working in had been taken up. Vines, flowers, all manner of plants had just grown in a fairly chaotic manner. The elf herself seemed to be suspended mid-air, bound tightly in her planty prison. Thankfully for Augusta, it’d be easy enough to cut her out if she had something to well, cut with.

Focusing like she had earlier, Augusta would attempt forming a blade of fire. It was a tiny bit harder than she’d anticipate to do - giving fire itself a more solid form that lasted more than a few seconds would be a bit harder than she’d have done previously. It’d form, but with each strike the blade would dissipate in her hand, causing her to need to re-form it. And it was less of a blade at this point, and more of a simple mass of fire with some weight to it. Still, it was a fairly effective tool for cutting plants, taking a bit of force to slice through them and leaving them burnt, unable to grow back and soon Leuca would be free. Perhaps a bit more practice and she could do something proper with it.

“Oof…that was terrible…” The elf would say, once free, moving closer to Rullphana and Raelzeth. The small elf was covered in small cuts from some thorns, as well as a heaping of plant sap and some dirt and soil from the pots the plants had been planted in.

“This is what happens when you lack control.” Rullphana would tell the Sirithen, huffing lightly. “It will control you instead, so to speak. A similar principle to your ancestral abilities, in practice.”


As Augusta would focus on the rest of the plants, Rullphana would lecture Leuca on a few particulars an extreme beginner would need to know. Apparently, those without the inherent ability like Augusta had, had to spend years usually to be able to even make a small fireball…but that was neither here nor there.

Augusta would lay a hand on the plants that had chaotically taken over the place. They were grown with magic, and as such it did stand to reason they could be…controlled with magic. Extending her reach from her body through the plants, she could easily ‘feel’ them and how they were grown, though getting them to do exactly as she’d want was a different matter entirely. It was slow at first, and it was hard for her to wrap her mind around the object, but she was able to follow the ‘flow’ of mana in the plants towards what seemed to be their source.

A ball of magical energy deep within the plant life. Yet, when she tried moving it, it resisted. She’d tell it to move, it wouldn’t budge. It didn’t seem like they wanted to cooperate though. Maybe she needed to do something else…?

Oh thank the goddess.

Neffy would pull her blade from the goblins corpse, glad that it had worked. Really, she was glad she hadn't ended up a Nem-kebab or something. Thankfully it all went well. She had already been thinking of all the ways it could have gone wrong. She would turn to face the others with her, breathing a bit heavily but otherwise, outwardly fairly calm looking despite her thoughts traveling faster than Trina ran after stealing a cake.

"...I-is that all of them?" She'd quietly ask aloud, taking a quick look around, prepared to do her job more if she had too. Ugh, direct confrontations like this wasn't what she liked doing.
Righto I'll do a thing tomorrow

Well, she supposed she should have expected that response, with the other gods being what they were. Hmph. Not like she could say they were wrong either. They should avoid confrontation, getting Flora into trouble was probably a bad idea and she didn't want to put the poor girl through anything else...now of course, whether or not she could refrain from her more predatory instincts remained to be seen. She was a bit disappointed in the God of the oceans though. She wasn't expecting him to turn away from a decent hunt...but she really didn't know much about the oceans or the god himself, really.

Not that she didn't get to question this.

Moridax had the audacity to actually ask for her protection. Well, she didn't have a problem with it really. Protecting people was something that at least loosely fell under her domain. She might have readily agreed too, had the moment she asked something didn't cross their path.

Some sort of...odd grey creatures. About a dozen of them, four long legs. Slender legs and taller than any present. Compact bodies, with round heads and large orange eyes. She had never seen such creatures before - and seeing them immediately made her ears and tails all stand on end. An unknown creature? Right in front of her? Well, how could she say no?

"Hmm, what were you saying Moridax? Sorry, I was busy observing those creatures. I suddenly find myself hungry, so..." Pulling away from the Goddess of the Dead, the Huntress wouldn't wait for someone to tell her no before she'd crouch low to the ground, pushing off the ground towards the four legged creatures using her tails to pounce upon the one closest to her.
I shall probably go a-hunting tomorrow.

Supposing no one stops Alasayana from having fun.
A skill Seeker
@Crimson Paladin

“I…I see…” Enli would frown, taking Novaks words in stride. “I knew that they were after me since last night, but for such a reason…” In the old mans normally passive, more friendly expression there would be a sudden flash of anger in his tone as he’d let Novak finish saying his piece.

“I know not what they speak. Not really, but if the Illuminator said that, then its likely at least in part true…but then why go to such lengths? If it was possible, would it not be better to seek help? Maybe there was some reason he couldn’t…though I suppose there would be no helping to understand a divinities thought process.” Enli would shake his head, sighing in an exasperated manner. “Well, whatever it is,” He’d reach out, placing a hand on Novak’s shoulder. “Thank you. All of you travelers have helped greatly.”

It was then, Bolcha would walk into the longhouse, a look of concern.

“That kippoushi girl just walked back into the village with a few hunters. The people are…”

“I see. Thank you, Bolcha.” Enli would say with a nod. “If you’ll excuse me, Novak, I need to go do my job for these people.” He’d say, leaving the longhouse. Novak could probably follow if he wished. What Bolcha had described seemed to be true enough. The villagers were all still mostly crowded around the trio of hunters, loudly accusing them of not only attempting to harm their Leader, Kadisht Enli as well as conspiring to hurt the rest of them - not to mention the problems with hunting.

“What the traveler here speaks is true.” Enli’s voice would ring out over the immediate area, interrupting both the villagers as well as whatever it was Nobunaga would be doing. Considering his usual soft spoken nature, the volume with which he could speak was perhaps a bit surprising.

“The hunters of the village, have both jeopardized our relationship with the Kyrnith by actively conspiring with the Illuminator, as well as actively tried to have me killed!” He would slowly walk towards the group, each step purposeful and determined. Some of the villagers seemed surprised that Enli was speaking in such a manner. “...Honestly, I can understand why they would go to such lengths. Somewhat. I have not been a very good leader. Too passive. Trying to simply hold onto the status quo so no one is hurt, and that we can survive just a little longer.” The older man would admit with a tired, but determined expression.

“But I can no longer sit idly by and watch our village wither. In the coming days I will see to it that we will do more than survive! I have spoken with the Kyrnith itself, thanks to these travelers.” He would proclaim, breathing in. “And we have earned not only its respect and trust, for now, it has agreed to help. As for these hunters - though their actions may have been motivated by good intentions, it is not good intentions that can justify actions.” He would walk to the hunters, stopping in front of each - and looking at them right in the eye as he would make his next proclamation.

“I should have them killed, as they tried to have me killed. Exiled at best…but I can not allow myself to stoop to such levels. If we are to build a better future for ourselves, then we need to do so together. For now - I want them imprisoned until we have a better handle on what the others are doing. Can I trust you and your companions with that for now, Kippoushi?“

Misaki and Narkissa

@Click This@PKMNB0Y

“Mhm, no they aren’t.” Lazhira would respond with a frown. “Something odd happened with the Obelisk earlier. A lot of light and I thought I saw a door? I’m not sure, but I thought I saw some people here earlier…” She’d shake her head, not entirely sure what to say or do. “I was just curious about what was going on with the Obelisk and when we got here…” She’d look over to the hunters that were quickly setting up a number of traps, as well as ambush points around the Obelisk. Seemed like Soyala was starting to get a bit impatient, too.

“I think they’re planning to ambush something, but I don’t know…?”

A Traveler

The bushes weren’t anything alien. Probably similar to kinds he’d have run into on earth, if he had ever spent any length of time outside. Green leaves, gently covered in snow with dozens of berries on each. Roughly oval shaped, with a tough red looking skin and about the size of a grape. Considering their purposeful positioning here, they were likely safe to eat and were used for food.

It was then, as he was observing the bushes, he’d hear the light creak of wood, the door opening ajar just slightly. Since it opened in the direction of the bushes were, he could just make out who this little red riding hood was. Long locks of snow white hair fell from her head, and under the cloak itself it looked like she was wearing a coat with fur trimming. Her face was hidden by the fur trimmed hood, allowing him to only make out two light colored eyes.

“...If its just a rest…okay then.” She’d say, scrunching her nose. Her words were soft, but firm and certain. Curiously, it seemed like there were two small protrusions from the top of her head hidden by the hood. She’d open the door just slightly, letting Nicholas inside.

Assuming he’d do as he’d asked, the inside of the apparently single room cabin was well, cozy if nothing else. Warm from the fire crackling away in the fireplace, his body would probably be grateful for the warmth. A closet made of wood, a table for eating and other things. A bed, made of a wooden frame and animal furs. Over the admittedly rather large fireplace was a large cauldron, bubbling away at something. A rug made of animal fur covered the area near the bed, though part of the corner of it was folded over.

“...uhm, take a seat…if you need to rest. I was making some food.”

Send Feet Pics
@Cu Chulainn

“A concealed weapon, hmm?” Mie would hum thoughtfully. “Well, you’re in luck. I happen to have quite a number of weapons that are a bit more…discreet.” She’d smirk, holding a hand to her chin as she’d consider the weapon choices she’d have available. “In fact…I think I know juuuust the thing, if you don’t mind a little…well, flamboyance. Stay here for a moment.” She’d run off somewhere, leaving Nomura in the small arena for a few seconds by himself, though it would not be long before she’d return with a…flute?

“Here we go,” She’d hand it to Nomura. “Not a cane, but I think this works nicely. A seemingly normal flute. Its made of a sturdy plant, at least, that’s what it initially looks like. Go on, give it a little try.” She’d say, and if he did he’d certainly be met with a sound of something that sounded exactly as one would expect a flute too. The only problem was, that it was fairly heavy for being made of a plant and it didn’t exactly feel much like a plant, either. More manufactured - something attempting to imitate something. There was also what was a small thing that seemed to be a button near the mouthpiece.

“And see that little button? Go on, press it. But watch your hands.” Supposing he did, there was the sound of something metal being released, and out from the end where the air was released on the opposite end, about a foot long metal blade would shoot out from the end of it.It was thin, sharp, and pointy. A bit like a rapier, perhaps though with its edges sharp and made specifically for stabbing. “A little something I made myself for more…discreet dealings.” She’d chuckle. “Works best if you actually know how to play though. Still, its reinforced with ore from the mines and surprisingly sturdy. Probably won’t do much against armor, but if you’re fighting armored opponents then you’ve already messed up heh. Its easy enough to put away, too. After its extended, there’s a little lip on the underside of it that is normally disguised as part of the mouthpiece you just pull until you hear a little click.”

The Roma Mob

Getting back to Gloomhollow wasn’t all that hard, compared to fighting an apparent Arch-demon at least. His body was still aching, and he was starting to feel a bit light headed from all the blood he was losing. At least, maybe, it was starting to get a bit more bearable by the time he’d make his way from the hot depths of the world towards the cooler caverns of Gloomhollow.

Understandably, his appearance would cause quite the commotion as he’d approach the gate. The Shadow elves were quite perturbed by both him, thinking he was some sort of demon at his appearance at first, and then extremely worried about by what in the name of the Goddess could hurt him in such a fashion and in such precision.

Regardless of his answers to their queries, he’d eventually be pointed towards the location of the Temple, if he didn’t want to go to Rullphana for treatment. Not many Shadow Elves actively worshipped the moon or revered the sage as the dwarves warrior poets did, but it was still customary for the Temple to handle such affairs.

Supposing he’d take them up on that offer, Octavia would trod along happily next to Isidore, seemingly satisfied with her various meals in Naraheim for the moment and it wouldn’t be long before he’d find his destination. A bit far from the palace, towards the underground lake was a fairly ornate looking stone building carved into the earth. A garden of various plants and fungi surrounded it.

The interior was as one would expect of a church or religious place of worship. There weren’t any pews to sit upon, and the only source of light in the place was a chandelier over a reflecting pool that served as the centerpiece of the room. A small altar sat beyond, flanked by a few shelves. He wouldn’t get very long to be able to observe though, as he would soon be confronted by another elf.

Her skin was of a paler shade compared to the usual more grey tone the others had. She was wearing a rather elaborate piece of clothing, sporting white and black colorations, a dark blue shawl draped across her shoulders. A staff that was crowned with an almost closed circle with points on the inside edge of it was held in her hands.

“...a demon? What is a demon doing here?” Seemed his appearance might have given her the wrong idea. “Well, I don’t care why you’re here, but if you could stop bleeding on the carpet, that’d be lovely.”


Making her way back to the main floor of the mushroom tower, Augusta would soon hear a small shout of surprise.

“Eeep! Raezel!”

“A-ah! Hold on, I’ll uh, get something to cut it with!”

After making her way back to it, she’d see Leuca apparently having a bit too much success with the plant growth, it seemed. The entire side of the room she was on, was now covered in plant foliage of various kinds and the young Sirithen was now entangled in a mess of vines, plants, and flowers. Raezeleth was doing her best to pull the other girl out.

“...I did not expect such quick progress. Tsk, you certainly have a lot of power hidden in that body of yours.” Rullphana would comment, following Augusta down. “Well, this is good of another lesson as any. You fix this, Augusta using your own magical abilities.”


"Ho jeez, you're hurt pretty bad aren't you." Kokoma's tone was fairly exasperated, seeing the cub hurt in such a fashion. One of its legs was clearly broken. For once, Kokoma was now for a loss of words or actions as she'd nervously regard the creature in front of her. Right, this wasn't a game any more...or at least, probably wasn't. She had skills and stuff sure, but...how did one fix a broken bone? Aside from maybe a splint or something similar, she hadn't a clue.

"Hmm...alright, don't you worry! Kokoma's gonna help." Now that it didn't seem like the cub was going to be hostile, Kokoma would inch slowly closer to it, so she could see exactly where it was pinned at. If it would let her, she'd start finally getting to unpinning it as best she could with her hands, hoping she'd not need to cut any branches or anything. Didn't want a weapon to spook the cub again. "Just stay still, I'll get you out and fix that leg of yours."

Sorry for the long delay on that I got a bit distracted by other things. Hopefully I didn't have Neffy do too much there but I shall adjust as needed if I have to change anything.
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