Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Keeper of the Arcana


"Aha, success!" Kokoha responded with a very brief cry of victory as her sword cleanly cut through the frogs tongue. Ugh, she'd have hated it if she had ended up like some dumb anime gag in that one anime...she forgot the name of. Whatever. "Huhu, of course I'd do well-" She didn't get long to gloat about her small victory before the frog in question leaped off the building into the air, starting to hurtle towards the group of magical girls to crush them with its impressive weight.

"Giant frogs are not the things I like being crushed by!" Kokoha shouted as she'd immediately start making a beeline away from the massive shade amphibian. Okay, strength was good and all but if it was just gonna crush her to death...hm...maybe she could just whack it with Judgement? No no, that'd leave her vulnerable and completely exhausted. Ugh, why did it take so damn long to swap cards!? Okay, breathe Kokoha, breathe...slowly, she'd banish the Strength card, feeling her physical might leaving as she'd draw another card - the Hermit. If she could draw it just before the impact from the frog, then hopefully she could maneuver to strike it where it could hurt the most.

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

The beast would remain silent as they replied, seconds stretching into what felt like minutes as it would quietly gauge their response before it would finally deign to reply to the hunters.

“Such is the cycle of life. The wolves, too, have been starved by the frost of the Beast of Rime.” It would flick its head towards the south, a brief, cold wind passing through the area. “...all of the forest hurts. Wolves starved. The birds which run along the ground found no shelter from the beasts. The armored behemoths starved, unable to find enough food themselves.” It would turn its head back towards the gathered hunters. “The beasts of the deeper forest seek sustenance elsewhere too.”

“...does anyone understand what this gangly deer is saying?” Sionna would point to the Kyrnith, completely oblivious. “He’s speaking in riddles and riddle games are for the kid fairies.”

“...you would do well to keep such comments as ‘gangly deer’ to yourself, child of the Otherworld.”

“Do…do you mean the beasts which leave in the deeper forest are hunting here?” Akando asked hastily, a frown forming on his features. The Kyrnith did not deem it important to reply, instead, turning to walk, long legs slowly gliding across the snowy ground, each step clearing away the snow beneath him with a small gust of air.

“Take your spoils, but be warned. Do not take more than the forest can sustain. I will uphold the principles bestowed upon me upon my creation…”

“We should…head back. Get what we can. I’m…concerned about what the Kyrnith has said.” Akando would finally relax with a sigh. “If the beasts of the deeper forest are here then…ngh, we can deal with that later. We should get back before it gets too late.” They were free to gather their spoils and head back towards the village, it seemed.

The Missing huntress

A curious thing.

The cabin abandoned as though someone had made a hasty retreat, a dead corpse, and rime beasts. Scavengers or the reason for fleeing? Surely if they were, Maira could have handled two herself…it was hard to really say what had occurred here. The only one who did, was Maira herself.

So across the river the two would travel - deep into the Kyr forest. It was a fairly easy journey. A small bridge had been constructed some time ago, though the path quickly faded once they had come to the opposite treeline and another problem would soon present itself. Atzi was a skilled craftsman to be sure…but could she track? She had heard a wolf in this direction, Tallen or not, but how would she go about locating them? Calling again would result in a similar response - though this one would be cut short, like it had been interrupted mid-howl, but it would give Atzi and Vammy both another heading.

It would take a fairly long hike through the woods, but eventually the pair would find what they’d seek. At the bottom of a small decline surrounded on two sides by fairly tall earthen walls, was a rather disheartening site. It was definitely Tallen, but the poor beast was tied to a massive boulder. Thick, sturdy ropes had been tied around the beast's neck and ankles, preventing the animal from moving at all - worse was the source of what cut it off mid howl. A wound from some sort of weapon had gouged out the beasts neck. Rather concerningly, the beast looks thinner then the last time Atzi had seen it…

Upon seeing Atzi, the large wolf gave a pitiful whine, raising its head just slightly to acknowledge her presence. Whoever had done this to the beast didn't seem to be nearby from an initial glance...

“Aw, what a pitiful beast. I bet its fur would make a good carpet…” Of course, the little demon on her shoulder had something to say about it…

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Nngh. I’m not in…any condition to resist.” She’d respond as she’d fall onto Nylah, allowing herself to be treated by the apprentice healer. Really - her injuries seems to be more than just something a little rest and first aid could do. Aside from her arm being awkwardly twisted, a solid chunk of skin had been taken out of her abdomen and what seemed to be relatively old puncture wounds of some sort on her back and shoulders. Thankfully those were bleeding less than the fresh seeming cuts and gashes on her arms, but they hadn’t been properly treated or had time to heal.

“Ggh…glad that Dawn…is…alright…” She’d tiredly speak out through a few pained grunts as Lissa would apply the tourniquet to her shoulder. “We tried to…break through the storm but the Yaga ambushed us-” A fit of coughing interrupted the Oni, after which she’d fall silent, pained, labored breathing following.

The Reed was easy enough to prepare - crushing it, mixing it with a bit of hastily melted water from the snow was the best that the Mothraki could likely achieve right now, and then wrapping the most severe bleeding with the resulting paste would serve to stop most of the bleeding on her arms, and a few strips over the large tear in her stomach would likely be enough to stop most of the bleeding.

“If you could…help me to the village-” She’d attempt to stand, though would quickly find herself unable to do so as she’d both likely be chastised by Nylah and her weakened body. She was probably as stable as the two were going to get her out here - so long as they didn’t run into anything else it would probably be fine -

Of course, it wasn’t going to be quite that easy.

From just out of the brush came low growls, a hungry looking wolf slinking from under the foliage, no doubt attracted by the smell of blood…and no doubt there was another wolf or two nearby.

Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

The commotion finally settling down, the people who had managed to escape would slowly come drifting to see the remains of the fight that had just occurred. It was not long however, before the local guard would come running, shooing off the people and forming a perimeter around the market. Thankfully, the three knights didn’t seem to be something they’d concern themselves with, focusing more on making sure there weren’t any more fomorians skulking about.

Just as Reinhardt turned to leave, however, he would be stopped by an older man, dressed in a simple black robe with short, somewhat haggard looking hair and an overall tired looking appearance with sharp, blue eyes.

“If you’ll allow me a moment of your time before you leave. Allow me to thank you. I am Conand, Mayor of Redwater. I oversee things in place of Lord Alistan. I understand you are in a hurry, but you must allow me to provide you a small reward for your assistance.” Something about this...Conand's presence was odd. Not wrong, or unsettling just...odd. Perhaps it was simply the neutral, inexpressive tone he spoke with, a slight dissonance with what he was saying and what his facial expression was doing.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

“He was not your average Fomorian, that much is obvious.” Sorcha replied to Luna and Fio as Leo and Gabriel began escorting their new prisoner to the forts’ prison. They seemed a bit concerned about whatever it was that Luna wanted to talk to them about, but they’d focus on their task at hand. “We’ll have to follow up on this information once we are back in Airedale.” The queen continued, leading the trio into the fort. “We need to focus on our task at hand for the moment.”

The fort itself was well, exactly what one would expect of a small out of the way fort on the edge of one's territory. It wasn’t lavish or expansive, providing enough shelter for a dozen or so guards to be stationed in, one of which would lead the Queen and her knights through the narrow corridors to a small strategy room.

“Which is figuring out the source of our bandit problems. First, let me introduce you to Niall.” Sorcha would motion to the armored Owl Knight. “I’m sure you’ve heard rumors of a Knight recently that has been dealing with bandits and keeping the peace. I sent another letter along with the one I sent to the Lightsword family, telling him to meet us here.” She would offer the owl knight a warm smile. “Allow me to thank you for the assistance just now. Your help dealing with these bandits will be invaluable.”

“I as well,” Leo would say stepping into the room not long after them. “Without all of yours timely intervention I doubt we could have handled whoever that formorian was on our own.”

“Leo. I trust our prisoner is being seen to?”
“I left Gabriel with him. We’ll get information out of him one way or another.”

“I see, good. Now…what of these bandits?”

“Not much information to report, Queen Sorcha. We’ve sent scouts out but we’ve come back mostly empty.”

“But not completely?”

“We don’t know exactly where their main base is located or just how they’ve gotten their numbers without us or someone seeing something.” Leo frowned. “But…we’ve found what seems to be a well fortified encampment towards the east, in the foothills. The scout we sent said it was definitely home to some unsavory types, but beyond that we don’t know anything or if they’re even affiliated with these bandits.”

“...hm. Alright. We’ll have to scout it ourselves, then.” She’d glance at her knights. “...that said it is getting a bit late. I’ll leave this to you then, my knights. You three can scout it out tonight or we can wait until tomorrow too. No doubt slipping in under the cover of darkness will make the approach easier, but after the battle just now it may do us well to rest for a bit.”

“We’ve had lodgings arranged for all of you, of course…well, you three will have to stay in the barracks. We’ve prepared a private room for Lady Sorcha.”

“Thank you for the consideration, though I am fine with the barracks.” The Queen paused for a moment, frowning in a slightly embarrassed seeming manner before continuing. “More importantly…I don’t suppose you have dinner ready already…?”

“...I’ll go tell the servants to get started.”

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

The wolf that had been rock blasted responded with a pained yelp, its calf sliced cleanly, sending it limping back to wherever the wolves den was as Gideon set off after the other two. The thrown spear whistled through the air, sailing at a near perfect angle as it would impale itself right in the second wolves body, ending its life near instantly. The leaping, went just a bit worse though. He sailed through the air about as well as a metal ingot, unable to land completely on it his hand would just barely grasp the wolves ankle.

The wolf, startled, would immediately howl and twist itself to face Gideon, its sharp teeth digging right into the Raam's neck - or at least it would have, had another Arrow not penetrated its skull mere inches from Gideons own face.

“...whew.” Akando let out a breath. “That was a stunt. If you weren’t a Raam, you’d probably have had your neck ripped out.” He’d say with a small bit of levity as he’d watch their Elvish companion do her thing.

Akando had let Seelay take care of the Deer, deeming himself being more of a detriment if he had tried to help. Expert precision would be loosed from her bow. The arrow sailed through the air, and seconds later, it was followed by the call of a deer, a pained call as their target would thus, fall to the ground.

“Ahaha, see! We’re the best!” It was of course, about time for a certain fey to show back up. “And some human doubted us!” She’d say, standing on top of Seelay’s head with a confident smirk and a laugh.

“I would never doubt one of the forest people.” Akando replied with a chuckle, helping Gideon get back to his feet. “Alright, we should get the deer and the two wolves and bring them back. Pelts could be-” Akando would cut himself off mid sentence.

A silence fell over the area.

A stillness.

The feeling of being watched from almost all directions.

From within the treeline, Seelay’s eyes would see it first, while Gideon’s foresight would indeed tell him…the Kyrnith was here.

“What’s the matter, huh? Fairy tongue-tie you?”

It was a deer, a large, tall one that was slowly approaching from deeper within the forest. Lanky legs with a slender body that when standing still together one could easily mistake for a tree or small shrub if one wasn’t looking closely. Its antlers easily as tall as the branches of the trees as it moved, though it seemed to have no problems moving.

It looked to the deer that had been killed, then to the hunters.

Akando visibly tensed, hands tightening on his weapon. Seemed he was preparing for the worst.

“...what is your business in the forest, children of Dawn?” An airy, distant voice, and as it spoke the wind too, did move slowly from it.

The Missing huntress

“Its when you beat something until they enjoy it.” The demon laughed in a taunting tone. “I can show you if you want, just lemme take a crack at these little beasties. Oh, and that thick slab of sexy woman in front of you, too. I’m sure we’d both like that. Come ooon, you don’t let me have any fun at all these days~”
The beast attacking Atzi hissed, growling shrilly as its throat was grabbed. Sharp claws dug into the muscular woman's arms, tearing her flesh. A small mercy was that no blood poured from the wounds, though that was merely because the wounds would freeze near-instantly, leaving a dull freezing ache upon Atzi’s skin as her blood would start freezing in the affected area.

But she would at least, be able to finish the beast off. The ethereal beast would be slammed to the floor with a crunch, its translucent flesh cracking like glass. It struggled more, though its dazed struggles barely amounted to much as the womans club would then come down upon its neck.

There was no blood, only the beast falling limp, its flesh cracked along where it had been cut, head severed.

Vammy would in turn seem to do as the demon had suggested and get ‘deliciously physical’ with the second Rimebeast. Hands alight with crimson flame, she’d deflect the shards of ice, breaking them into inconsequential shards as they’d miss their targets. As she ripped the beast from the counter she didn’t know it, but a smile would be plastered on her face as her hands would rip into the beast. Crimson flame bled from the beasts, the fire taking the form of claws at the ends of her fingertips as she tore into the beast that was now whimpering under her until it ceased, its chest cavity having been completely tore open, ribs and all burned and still bleeding fire just slightly.

Vammy might not have wanted to admit it, but she would feel some creeping sense of enjoyment from absolutely beating the shit out of this beast…well, perhaps she wasn’t, but considering her body was being shared, they might as well be her own at this point.

“See? Now wasn’t that fun. Come on, admit it, ripping out its guts was so veeeery, veeeery, enjoyable.” The demon chuckled in Vammy’s head as the bleeding flames would slowly dwindle, leaving only a burned corpse behind.

They had dealt with the beasts, and the area was probably safe now. Just left them to figure out what they were doing next. Atzi’s arm was properly bloodied, and it was definitely going to get frostbitten unless she could have a certain demon warm her up, but even then she’d likely need to bandage it.

From the kitchen’s doorway, a small trail of blood could be seen coming from what was Maira’s room…it seemed dried. It was probably nothing. The longer they took here, the longer Maira could potentially be in danger.

Poking her head into the room, Atzi would be greeted with both a disheartening and grizzly sight. Against the far wall next to a bed, was a frozen corpse. Much of its chest cavity had been eaten out - the Rimebeasts had apparently just been lazily snacking on it since they had gotten here it seemed...yet they were obviously not the cause of death. No, that was saved for an Arrow that had been shoved in the corpse skull.

The only blessing perhaps, is that it wasn't Maira. No, a quick look would show whoever it was, was male, and they were wearing clothing traditionally worn by the village hunters. The face was too frostbitten and the rest of the body was too mangled to make a clear identification, though.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

As the two came to the conclusion that should it be a predator, it wasn’t worth their life, the deer’s cries would be abruptly cut short. The wind in the area would similarly die down, a somber and somewhat eerie quiet falling over the river area, only the wind leaves above catching any hint of the cold wind.

After collecting the Wind Leaf, the two would begin the trek back to the village. Thankfully it would be just as an uneventful trip back as it had been there, at least for the initial trek. Once the pair had gotten some distance back towards the village, just on the treeline they would find something that was equally as welcoming as it was concerning.

A horned woman was bracing herself against a tree, dressed in foreign clothing. Unsteady on her feet, and one of her arms looked painfully twisted in an unnatural way, no doubt broken. There were several old wounds on her body that looked like they had both been bandaged and then re-bandaged later after reopening them.

It was a face, at least familiar to Nylah.

Haruno - an Oni that was Mie’s personal guard. The black, demonic mask would turn towards them.

“...You…are Nylah?” Haruno made an attempt to step towards them, but her feet failed her. Judging from the amount of blood on her own clothing and the small trail that was behind her, she had lost quite a bit, and it was clear she was not doing well. In fact, if she didn’t receive some form of immediate medical attention she might not even live long enough to make it back to the village.

Keeper of the Arcana


"Wah, a frog!" Kokoha jumped slightly at the appearance of the new Shade, being mostly unprepared for the sudden appearance of something else. With its tongue lashing out towards her, thank goodness she already had Justices' sword out. Instead of avoiding the appendage altogether, Kokoha would instead use the opportunity to counter. Immediately, she'd use Deaths card to change fate, swapping to the 'Strength' card, immediately feeling her physical strength increasing. It was immediately followed with a vertical slash upwards, with the intent to sever the frogs tongue.

"This is for ruining my evening!" She'd shout, hoping to make quick work of this shade.
Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

“Grraaah, human mocking me!” The Fomorian bellowed, frustrated that a human was seemingly matching him in strength somewhat. “If you won’t come to me, I come to you!” Unfortunately the large fomorian seemed to have a different idea than what Reinhardt envisioned. Instead of pulling more, he’d instead choose to make an attempt to close the distance between the two of them.

This in turn, made the uppercut somewhat less effective as the creature wouldn’t be stumbling back as he had hoped. Still, if Reinhardt continued to do as he planned the strike would land true, slamming right into the creature's jaw.

“Gah-!” The cyclopean humanoid responded with a grunt of pain, something cracking in his jaw. “Dumb-human-why so strong-!?” He would attempt to move his free though injured arm only to find that any attempts to move it were met with pain. A bellow of pain and rage as Ethelreds lance would pierce the creatures flesh, blood freezing instantly as the weapon hit its mark. It made an attempt to grab Reinhardt with its impaled arm -


A pained, muffled growl as Marduk’s spear would instead find its mark first, piercing the fomorian’s skull from behind, positioned just right so the blade would come right out of the things eye on the other side.


The fomorian’s entire body tensed, not immediately falling to the ground. Marduk would be the first to tell, something wasn’t right. A mass of magical energy was being focused on its pierced eye. Whatever it was doing, wasn’t going to be pretty - likely enough to blast away whatever it was immediately in their vicinity.


Whatever he was shouting he didn’t get to finish. The entire upper body of the fomorian began twisting and warping, blackening in a sickening manner as it began bulging and growing outwards like some sort of tumor rapidly growing…until it would reach critical mass, exploding outwards.

The fomorian would fall to the ground, its mutated body looking far less humanoid now, its head missing entirely. Where its head had been attached to its shoulders, there fell no blood, only what seemed to be…dozens of hands that was now encircling its neck, hanging limply from what seemed to be a deep black crevasse within the giants body. A small stone sphere, cracked and hot to the touch rolled a few feet away from the body before promptly turning to ash, disappearing into the wind.

Well, it was at least, now, it was over.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

Niall’s spear clanged against the Fomorians, metal clashing against metal as it would the force would drive the spear downwards, just barely grazing Luna’s leg as the fomorians Katana bashed against the Knightess’ shield. Her own sword would arc upwards, planning on disarming the fomorian - his free hand however, would aim to deflect the blow, grabbing Luna by the wrist, superhuman strength tossing her blow to the side as though he was merely pulling a small animal along on a leash - but before he made a move to finish the job, he’d pause, glancing upwards.


A small chuckle.

Thankfully for the sword witch, she had plenty of time and foresight to dodge the attacks towards her, the enchanted daggers harmlessly falling into the ground some distance beneath and behind her. The fomorian didn’t have the time to move, having to use the time to engage with both Niall and Luna. The blades would form above him…and come crashing down with righteous fury.

“Very well. Maybe I’ll get a little bit serious.” A statement as he would inhale, the blades coming crashing down upon him. Something under his cloak moved, pushing past the ragged looking fabric and causing it to billow outwards briefly, just long enough for both Niall and Luna to see. Instead of possessing three arms on his left arm, all he possessed was a single large arm.

He immediately pivoted, turning to face the large blade that was hurtling towards the ground behind him. With a mass of magical energy being gathered in his arm, his veins would light a bright, fiery orange as he’d meet the projectile head on. Light from the blade mixed with a fiery blast would shatter, briefly blinding the people present.
When the dust settled, the fomorian had recloaked himself, standing some distance away from the group.

“Hm…Ambitions knights that seek Albion’s throne. I must commend you for your teamwork.” He would say, bowing lightly, a horse neighing catching his attention as Leo would come running back towards the fort. “But with my allies having mostly fled…there is no reason for us to continue fighting.” Assuming none of the knights would stop him, he would turn to leave leaving them with a simple final, somewhat cryptic warning. “Do not allow your paths to falter…or the Wings of Dark shall usurp your throne.”

“Luna, Queen Sorcha, I’ve returned.” Leo would greet the knights, watching as the Fomorian left. A bandit had been hogtied and was currently laying across the back of Leo’s saddle. “...are we going to let him leave?”

“If you want to go after him, be my guest. We have more important matters to attend to at the moment.” Sorcha replied with a glance towards her Knights. “Good work, you three. Leo, Gabriel, move him to some place where we can interrogate him. Luna, Niall, Fio, if you’ll follow me we can get caught up on the situation here and introduce ourselves to our new guest.”

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

“Huh…you're far more observant than I thought.” Though, of course from this distance human eyes would have trouble seeing the telltale signs of blue within the coats of the deer. Akando shook his head, no doubt imagining what would have happened if he had been by himself and decided to track all the deer. “Alright. I’ll take the third. We’ll fire at the same time. Give less chance of them getting spooked…”

As Seelay set up, Akando would do much the same, grabbing an arrow from his bow and knocking it. Crouching low, near some bushes just to make sure he’d not be so easily seen as he’d pull back on the string, inhaling a breath to steady his hand. Assuming Seelay was ready not long after, with a nod the two would loose their arrows, sailing through the air.

Gideon meanwhile, would choose to engage the wolves that had been slowly slinking their way towards the deer. It wasn’t hard to find them, the beasts being mere meters from their prey, almost ready to pounce themselves…until a barrage of rocks would careen through the air, one of the wolves responded with a loud, whiny howl.

This of course, had a negative effect on the deer that were being hunted. The sudden loud howl of a wolf would cause all five to stand at attention, only to have two of the three arrows hit true, fatally injuring two while the third would respond with a startled leap just in time for the arrow to embed itself in its hind leg, stumbling just slightly as it would land and attempt to flee.

“Cruses…!” Akando shouted under his breath. “Follow it!”

The two deer belonging to the Kyrnith, responded much the same, bolting from the scene.

The wolves Gideon had intercepted numbered no more than three. The one that had become familiar with geology had fallen back, whining as it’d tuck its tail under its legs, cowering before Gideon while the other two would growl in return, backing off as the Raam made his best impression of a very, very, angry bear.

The wolves would then look between him, and the fleeing deer. The two uninjured would bolt away from them…and seemingly after the same direction the Kyrnith’s deer had run.

The Missing huntress

The sound of wood impacting ice. A harsh, cracking like the surface of a frozen lake as Atzi’s club found its mark, the Rimebeasts not having noticed her approach. The beast was knocked clean out of the air by the strong womans blow, sending it careening into the far wall with a similarly sounding crunch where it would fall onto the ground, just a bit dazed momentarily.

The blast of fire from Vammy though, seemed completely ineffective. The blast of frost tinged air ripped through the cabin’s interior, passing through the fireball as though it was a mere annoyance, the flames seemingly fizzingly out in mere seconds as most of it would slam into Atzi, chilling her entire body to the bone as a thin layer of frost would coat her skin, unnatural fatigue washing over her as the beast would follow it up with a leap of its own, aiming for Atzi seeming to believe she had been weakened enough.

The beast that had been flung across the room was struggling to stand. A few cracks had appeared in its spectral visage, a limp in one of its legs before howling again and leaping on one of the nearby counters, shards of ice forming from its mouth as it would lob sharp spikes of ice towards the pair.

”Annoying little creatures! They suck up any form of magic and feast on it. You’ll have to get deliciously physical to do any real damage!”

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

A simple enough solution. The deer were rather peaceable most of the time, content to keep to themselves. Lissa approached, the deer paying her no mind aside from a curious glance as she’d head to gather the Kyr Reed. She’d end up with less than she’d have if they’d scared the deer off, but honestly, it could have gone a lot worse all things considered. Perhaps it was for the best not to potentially antagonize the deer.

As Lissa and Nylah would go around gathering the reeds, the Mothraki would notice something…odd, within the snow near where she was collecting them. A large footprint of some sort had been pressed into the snow - large enough for her to stand in, and about three inches deep. It seemed to be tipped with five claws. The tracks, led into the forest. That was odd. She couldn’t recall any animal that large or with that footprint ever being in the village - not that she’d be an expert…perhaps she should ask Akando when they returned.

Towards the end of their harvesting though, the deer would lift their heads, looking towards the forest…and promptly bolted away from the area. They would leave nothing behind but an eerie silence as the Raam and Mothraki were left alone. The cry of a deer from within the forest was heard. A panicked, frightened sound.

…it was probably nothing. They got what they came for.

Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

The Cyclopean fomorian narrowed his eye towards Ethelred…before letting out a bellowing, deep laugh, earthy and rocky debris from the club slamming into nearby houses, leaving a deep trench behind it as he’d finish the motion.

“Gahaha! Knight ambush me! Funny!” He would flex his injured arm, showing that while injured he could still move it well enough to fight with. “Dumb elf gave me a burn. You cold. Maybe I’ll use your bones to cool down! Now get off that dumb animal!” He however, did not seem to take Ethelreds bait. Instead he’d raise his foot, slamming it into the ground with enough force to cause the entire earth beneath him to shudder, a shockwave of dirt, air, and rocks slamming into Ethelred and his horse.

The next instant he’d raise the club, hoping to swat the knight out of whatever evasive maneuver he used to avoid it - thankfully for him, though, Reinhardt was already maneuvering. Hefting the harpoon, in the instant the fomorian made to attack Ethelred, the Harpoon would hurtle towards the fomorian’s good arm, embedding itself right in the creatures flesh.

“Graaah?! Dumb human I ain’t no fish!” He’d growl, the attack he was making on Ethelred stopped as he’d turn his attention towards Reinhardt...he'd grab the rope with his free hand, and pull on it, attempting to pull Reinhardt towards him...even with his arm injured, Reinhardt would likely need to brace himself or put all his strength into it just not to be pulled towards the fomorian.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

The fomorians spear slammed into Niall, the hefty blade slamming against the Owl Knights lance as he would deflect it, the impact straining his muscles from the sheer weight of it. No doubt, this fomorian may have been lithe, but his strength likely rivaled either that of Reinhardts or was even greater, Luna’s blades of light being deflected by swift motions from the Katana. Thankfully for Niall, however, before he could bring it down for another strike and break the Owl Knights guard entirely Luna’s javelin hurtled towards its abdomen.

The fomorian immediately pivoted on his feet, towards the javelin of light. His empty hand lit up with a fiery grip…a grunt of pain as the tip of the javelin just barely pierced his stomach, inky black blood spilling from the wound as he caught the spear of light. Growling with annoyance, the fomorian would then leap to the side, the light javelin still in hand as he’d narrowly avoid the first blade, the rest starting to descend quickly into the ground from above.

If nothing else, Fio had managed to make him move as she had wished but he wasn’t going to make it easy for her to take advantage of that. The Javelin of light would fade as he’d toss it to the side, the flames in his free hand would burst to life, three daggers being swiftly retrieved from his cloak. He’d leap, spinning in the air as three daggers would leave his free hand, a trail of fire behind them, hurtling again towards Fio. There was some enchantment on them, she could tell. A bundle of magical energy that seemed ready to combust upon impact. As he’d land, his swordspear would thrust forwards, aiming for Luna’s abdomen while his Katana would make a wide, slashing motion just a bit higher, aiming to take her neck.

Throughout the battle, the Queen merely watched. Arms folded against her chest, eyes observing every action in the battle.

“Heh, you know…when Luna told me about serving a Queen, I didn’t imagine she’d be quite so…beautifully commanding.”

“...are you hitting on me in the middle of a battlefield?”

“Is something wrong taking the time to enjoy the most beautiful sight in the middle of a battle-torn field?”

“...pfft, ahahah.” Sorcha laughed. “Luna was right about you. I admire your straightforwardness.” She would then raise her hand, and promptly smack the boy in the back of the head. “But there’s a time and place for everything. Hit on me all you want once we’re done with this and maybe I'll return the favor.”

“Yes ma’am.”

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

Akando listened to each of their words carefully. The hunter glanced into the distance, nodding slowly until Seelay and Gideon finished speaking.

“Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from an Elf of Tamaln.” He’d reply, sounding a bit impressed. “Then we’ll go for the deer. If we happen to find a Pandillo along the way that’ll be a bonus.” He’d say, standing up from the tracks. “With some luck from the goddess…maybe we won’t have to deal with anything else.”

The trio would thus, head deeper into the forest. For expert trackers like Akando and Seelay, it was easy enough to find tracks and identify them. Foxes. Wolves. An occasional bird feather or track. It would be some time though, and they would be well and truly deep within the forest now. The trees blocked out a good bit of the sunlight, creating a somewhat cold, lonely and perhaps, somewhat eerie atmosphere that made it feel like they were being watched by something, somewhere.

Perhaps they were.

“Deer!” Akando would stop at the top of a hill that would slowly decline into a small clearing, kneeling to the ground with a quiet shout. At the bottom, one could see a grouping of about five deer gathered, grazing on the shrubs and grasses of the forest floor. “If we could each get one - that’ll feed us for about a week.”

It was difficult to tell from the distance, but Seelay’s elven eyes would be able to see two of the deer…had just the faintest streaks of blue in their fur.

“How do you two want to handle this? Me and Seelay have a bow…Gideon?” It didn’t seem like Akando had noticed either, but not far away from their position were more tracks - Wolves. Chances were, they were heading towards the same deer they were currently tracking.

Thankfully Sionna seemed to have returned to wherever it was she normally hid in Seelay’s pockets.

The Missing huntress

Vammy’s fireball would ignite the remaining ashes in the fireplace, coating the room in an immediate dull glow - though it oddly didn’t seem to immediately make the place any warmer. Vammy moved quietly into the kitchen, a thin layer of frost not even her flames could remove covered everything - but at least it did light the place up enough for her to see.

A table, a few countertops to prepare food. Some small wooden boxes that had been used to store berries and things from the forest had been completely frozen, only about half gone and mostly inedible. A few slabs of dried meat hunt on hooks, and what seemed to have been meat had been left on the counter. A knife was left embedded in it, as if whoever had been preparing it had left in a hurry. Her eyes would eventually be drawn towards the window, one of the wooden shutters hanging loosely while the other had been entirely ripped off, laying uselessly on the ground within the cabin. Had someone pulled them off from inside?

A small piece of cloth could be seen laying on the ground just outside. It was stained a dark red color. It was hard to tell exactly how long it had been laying there, but it looked like half of it had been buried under snow.

As for the Huntress, though…Atzi called for her atop her perch, but there was only the response of the cold wind. The snow covered roof held no secrets it seemed. A still few seconds passed as she’d stand atop -


In the distance, to the north east, she could barely make it out. The loud howl of a wolf - coming from the northeast, deep within the forest. Could it be Tallen? But what was he doing so far out there? No doubt he was with Maira if they were safe, but it was odd for them to be so far out, especially that far and deep within the forest.

She’d hear a commotion from within Maira’s cabin.

”Behind us you dumbass!”

As Vammy had been investigating the kitchen area, the area cooled even further frost and ice covering the ground, a low growl coming from the living area. Out from Maira’s bedroom walked a creature - an almost ethereal, and blue ghostly creature that looked vaguely like a cat that was the size of a wolf. The top of its head was flat, covered in ridges near the edges, going down either side of its body until it reached its rear, where it would form into a single line down a long, sinuous looking tail with a sharp spike at the end.

It turned its eyeless gaze towards Vammy, the spines on its back growing taller as it hissed at her.

One of Azral Suralng Rimebeasts! A second one would slowly slink out of Maira’s bedroom, immediately making Vammy their target. The first would leap at her, ghostly claws aimed for her neck! The second inhaled, letting out a high pitched roar and sending a wave of frigid, frozen air towards Vammy.

”Tch, careful. Getting hit with any part of their attacks isn’t going to be good for us!”

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Aw, thank you Nylah.” Calra giggled. “I’ll put these to good use…soon as I take a break. Ugh. I’ve been working my tarsus’ off…” As the two left, they’d see a group of hunters carrying in another person. Skin bitten with frost, but alive led by Soyala who would give them a curt nod as she’d head inside.

“Working hard, spider?”

“...ugh another one? Haa, put them on an empty bed…”

The exchange trailed off as the two would make their way towards the forest. While Kyr Reed was common along the Icewind river, Wind-Leaf tended to grow mostly in the southern regions of the forest, and Kyr Reed could be found along any small river usually as long as there was a current. Thankfully Nyla knew exactly where a small river was, a small branch of the Icewind not far into the forest where she could find a good bit of both.

With the sun finally rising well into the sky, the duo would finally make their way to a small brook, the water gently flowing from the mountains towards the river. The edges of it had frozen over, but thankfully the Reed was still growing - and a small collection of Wind-Leaf could be seen growing tall over the trees.

The only problem was, they were definitely not alone here.

Blue furred deer were eating the Reed.

Nylah would know at least, the Kyrnith’s deer seemed to enjoy eating the Reed. Running them off though, might prove difficult, especially if the Kyrnith took it as an act of aggression…but if she didn’t do something, they were going to eat all of it before she could get any.

Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

Reinhardt surged towards the creature, a rock hurtling through the air and slamming right into the creature's soft, fleshy eye.


A pained, guttural bellow as the creature stumbled backwards from the sudden impact. The knights surprise attack had worked, for the moment! It would shook its head, using a hand to cover its sensitive eye as Reinhardt would land behind it. Instead of turning to face the source however, it gripped its weighty club in a single hand and started to flail the club wildly, slamming into the fomorian that Marduk had thrown and knocking it clear across the city.

Marduk, however, had not gone unnoticed. The club would graze by his head, a hairs width away from knocking him clean across the city as the creature flailed wildly. He sailed over the beast, momentarily lock eyes with it, the singular eye red and swollen - but still fully functional as Marduk summoned his sword, falling downwards and slicing into the arm the large humanoid was using to wield its club.

Black, inky blood poured from the wound as the humanoid responded with a pained howl, the entire arm going limp as the smell of rotten, burned flesh would meet Marduk’s nostrils - and also something gripping him, his entire body suddenly yanked from the creature like an insect from a human as the cyclopes hand crushed his entire chest, likely cracking a few ribs as it flung him overhead, aiming to slam him into the ground -

But the ground never met Marduk.

Ethelred’s lance would be his savior, the large humanoid howling in rage as it would pivot slightly to avoid its eye being injured again, the lance grazing the fomorians neck as it spun, falling onto its hands and knees as it lost balance and its grip on Marduk, sending him flying some distance away as ice began to grow on the creatures neck.

Its single, red, swollen eye glared at Reinhardt as it swiftly returned to its feet, the club being shifted to its good, right arm.

They had lost the element of surprise - no doubt any further assault was going to be more difficult. The creature roared, instead of focusing on Reinhardt it would spin back towards Ethelred, its club dragging along the ground and aiming to slam into the ice knight. Each step it took caused the earth to shake, the club flinging up earth and rocks as it raked the ground under it.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

Leo frowned, but didn’t argue. He’d grab the reins, immediately mounting the steed and galloping off after the rest of the bandits. Thankfully for him, the Fomorian in front of them seemed far more interested in the knights than Leo.

And so the battle would commence.

“You are undeterred. Then allow me to see if these ambitions of yours mark you as the heirs…”

Luna was the first to move, shield forward, a blade of light hurtling towards the Fomorian in front of her. Lanky, muscular legs quickly sidestepped the projectile, soon followed by the sound of a blade clashing against a blade as his Katana met Luna’s sword completely deflecting her attack with, a purposeful and deliberate, powerful swing of his own blade.

“...Or as mere pretenders.”

Fios blades would follow next. A rain of daggers fell, and the Fomorian reacted just as quickly, quickly stepping backwards just as the first wave of daggers would fall near, causing the majority of them to sink into the ground, with two embedding themselves into the fomorians cloak, sinking into the flesh of his shoulder and back, though he seemed completely unfazed by the blades as Niall’s lunge would clang against the Fomorians own sword-spear and katana as he’d catch the lance on them. He responded by giving Niall a shove, driving the Owl Knights spear upwards and away just as the rain of blades would reach him - a fire would light themselves under his feet, a small explosion propelling him backwards at a high speed as the blades would embed themselves harmlessly into the ground.

“Hm…not bad…” A smile would form on the fomorians thin lips. “But first...this annoyance.” Almost faster than one could see, his free hand reached into his cloak, the dexterous appendage launching two throwing daggers towards Fio! At the same time, his feet would once more light themselves with fire as he would propel himself forwards, lunging towards Niall, swinging his heavy swordspear in a downwards motion. His Katana was at the ready to either defend or lash out at Luna if she came close.

The queen had yet to make a move, watching the battle unfolding in front of her with a measure of hesitation.
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