Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Things were going well enough. Not a single Varjan would pass by her, and any who tried would be instead drawn into her mass...what did she do with them? Well, that was perhaps better left unsaid. Cake was plentiful and perhaps, sending them back into town after having a taste would be quite humorous...ah? A subtle feeling of magic not belonging to Lunatea or her companions made itself known.

A warlock?

Nyla pursed her lips.

magic caster. Likely knew fire spells. She'd need to be careful.

"Tsk tsk, why do men always like their wars and battling?" She'd sigh, condensing her mass a bit in order to have more ready to defend herself from. The Shoggoth would lash out with a few tendrils, testing the waters to see if she could hinder this warlocks movements. "Why don't you just take a nice comfy seat on me like the last one of you did?"

Out of all the things Alasayana expected to run into in the forest, it was not some sort of forest spirit. One of the goddess' tails twitched with curiosity as she'd attempt to pinpoint the exact location of the voice, if any, though she doubted it'd work. There was a decent chance this spirit had no physical form for the moment and was merely observing them as curious, perhaps dangerous intruders upon their territory.

"...A lowly spirit?" The Huntress hummed lightly. "No need to be sassy, Aureia. I know not of this name, but...Nakri, we have not come to desire violence or bloodshed, merely sustenance like any hunter may." The Huntress was not overly worried, assuming this spirit might be worried about over hunting, or violent gods seeking needless slaughter. "We have no intention of disturbing you or this forest I presume to be your domain. We simply seek passage so that I can properly reprimand this human from waking me from a nap." Of course, she wasn't going to not be on guard or wary of this spirit. No telling what it was capable of.

The tails behind her shifted slightly, glancing in multiple directions for any signs of ambush or movement.

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

“The Kyrnith…” Akando would begin. “A beast of wind and forest. Its been here since the village of Dawn has been here. Probably before. I don’t know its power compared to the Rimebeast that caused this blizzard, I’ve seen its power first hand many times. It can command the winds as easily as it breathes, powerful gusts that can cut even rock in two, but…” He’d pause, a gentle cold wind blowing past as he’d glance to the now nearby treeline. “I’ve only seen the full extent of its power once, when I was a child. I have no doubt if it wanted to, it could raze the entire village in the blink of an eye.” He’d start walking again, heading for a nearby building at the edge of the village. A small storage house the hunters used to keep tools, weapons, and a few other things used in hunting.

“As for the wildlife…Wolves.” He’d say, grabbing a few healing salves and a few bandages from the stash and stuffing them into his belt. “Lot of wolves. Big, too. Normally they don’t give us too much trouble. Riplings, Small flightless birds, too. Nasty pack creatures that like to ambush people from the treetops. Quick and vicious. Watch the tree tops when we go in. Occasionally some Swordbills will find their way here from the shore - watch out for those. Their beaks are as sharp as a blade and make for good daggers. Timid though, usually flees if you manage to kill one of their own. Just watch out for their call. It can temporarily deafen someone.” He’d grab a spear from a rack, along with a bow and arrows and stuff them into a quiver. “Deer, too. Do not hunt any deer with blue fur - those are the Kyrnith’s Kin, and it will know if one is killed. The only other thing to watch out for are the Pandillos. Large creatures about twice the size of a man, but their entire body is covered in tough scales and armor. Herbivores, but extremely territorial. If one charges you, you’re gonna break something. Their underside is weak and fleshy, but its not exactly easy getting to it.”

Seemingly done preparing, he’d turn towards the two again.

“I wouldn’t recommend going past the river deeper into it. Things that live there - they’re not good things. Typically we hunt deer, wolves and the Riplings. Pandillos are too dangerous, usually…but if we can get one…well, it’d feed a lot of people.” Assuming there was nothing else to ask the young hunter, he’d lead the two away from the village and towards the forest. For the most part, Sionna was content to listen and use Seelay’s head as her personal throne, though she was definitely decided how best to mess with the Raam.

It was only a short walk to the forest from the supply shed. Tall evergreen trees rose high into the air, blocking the sun and most of the cold wind from bothering the trio. Not even a few seconds after the village would fade from sight, they could hear the howl of a wolf in the distance. Few large billed birds with silver beaks sitting upon some branches nearby where they had entered. Animal tracks were easily seen against the snowy ground.

“Wolves and deer.” He’d say, kneeling next to the ground. “Swordbills on the tree up there if we wanted to chance it with them. Don’t see any Ripling or Pandillo tracks, but we might have to go further in for those.”

Gideon would be aware that hunting the Swordbills would probably be low risk, low reward. Wolves and Deer would likely yield good results, with only a bit of risk involved. Riplings were a bit of an unknown. They were small, but if they could hunt a lot of them then maybe they wouldn’t be too difficult? Pandillos were the biggest though, if what Akando said was accurate. Probably the most dangerous, too.

If he wanted to, the thought of splitting up could be viable. Much more reward, for more risk, too if they all succeeded.

“...hm...” Akando glanced out into the forest. “If you three are as skilled as you say, then we could hunt for a Pandillo.”

“Eeeh, isn’t that the thing you said was super aggressive?” Sionna would say from atop her elvish throne. “I’m not putting my or Seelay’s cute butt on the line. I wouldn’t have anything to sleep on, then!”

The Missing huntress

Atzi would run off, collecting some warm bread without too much of an issue and leaving Vammy and Achel here in the church. In the meantime, the spider would converse quietly with Enli and Akala. For as much work as she was doing, she didn’t act tired despite what she was saying. The Chiralta would take a moment to visit everyone, too. Offering both condolences to surviving family members, as well as asking about burials - once the sea thawed enough, she was certainly going to give those she could a burial at sea like they desired.

The only perhaps, truly odd thing was Achels gaze lingering on Vammy for more than a few seconds as she spoke with Lissa and Nylah. A subtle twitch of one of her fingers. The demon, at least nothing else, could feel quite an intoxicating flurry of emotions coming from the gravekeeper. Something intoxicating to every single demon such as her.


Atzi returned swiftly, pressing a warm loaf of bred into her hands.

“Ah. Atzi, always so kind, to a little spider, eheheh.” Achel responded with a grin. “I should get back to work, though…and Atzi. You may be young and healthy, but overwork can kill the strongest of physiques.” The spider, would in turn give Atzi a brief hug before she’d run off back to the catacombs beneath the church.

“Hmm…someone really doesn’t like us? Is it that dumb little arachnid? Maybe we should show her just how fun being a demon could be?” A demonic voice inside of Vammy’s head would drone on, though it would quickly fall silent after she made her reply.

Once they had set off from the church, it wasn’t hard locating Maira’s cabin. A short walk into the forest, close to Icewind river. The path was mostly snowed over, with a few animal tracks going back and forth across the path. It was odd that she had not even said anything in the week since the blizzard ended. She might have always been a bit spacey and distant, but she had never once let others worry about her.

Approaching the wooden cabin all seemed normal. Snow was piled high against its walls, submerging it deep within the snow. The windows were tightly bound shut to prevent snow from falling inside, but there was no light from within that one could see. No sign of her from outside, nor her companion, Tallen.

…the door to the cabin was ajar. It seemed at some point someone had dug out enough snow to make a small slope to allow one to have a somewhat easy time to allow mostly easy entry and exit.

Heading inside if they immediately looked, would find a simple three room cabin. The main living area had a table as its centerpiece with three chairs - for Maira and two guests, likely. A fur carpet made of deer pelts under it, while a few hunting trophies hung on the wall. A counter against the wall opposite the door full of what seemed to be craftsman tools. Nothing fancy, just things one could use to make arrows and maintain weaponry. A fireplace was against the wall to their right. It doesn’t seem to have been used recently.

A door to the room to the left led to her bedroom. A door to the back led to what seemed to be a kitchen…with a window that looked to be smashed open? Almost as if someone had hurriedly broken it open. Snow had piled up under it, indicating it had likely been there for a while, but the dim lighting made it a bit difficult to see into the room from here.

It was also noticeably colder in here than it even was outside.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

Akala watched the groups of people leave, and the rest of the villagers slowly dispersing from the chapel. A tired yawn, and she would soon find herself back in the backroom where most of the still living patients were being treated as best as she could.

The trip through the village was…well, it would have been peaceful had it not been such unusually dire circumstances that brought them all here. Many of the workers under Bolcha had already cleared the streets as best they could from the snow, piling it up on the sides by the houses. They’d melt, once the warmer months came around, or a windstorm came and blew everything away.

A few of the workers would give Nylah and Lyssa a friendly greeting. One would pass Nylah a small bag of freshly made bread - probably for both her and her mother. It wasn’t a secret much, but the moth girl was relatively popular among the locales for a number of reasons. Soon though, they would find themselves at the northern side of the village at Enlis’ longhouse where Calra was taking care of some patients with more alchemical and more magical means.

The inside of the large abode was warm, kept comfortable by the large fire pit in the center of it that served as both a heating source, and a bit of a common room that Enli allowed most other villagers to come in and warm themselves usually…though now the tables had been removed from the room, and on the ground were makeshift cots of those injured by the Rimebeasts kin, as well as those suffering from severe frostbite.

Calra, was at the opposite end where Enli’s desk was, looking over what seemed to be a few books and materials.

“Kyr Reed…Wind-leaf…haaa…already out, ugh.” She’d quickly move her hands over some glass vials and jars, grabbing a mortar and pestle, starting to mix some herbs together slowly. “Maybe I could use…no, that would cause…hhnnng…gaaah! I’m too cute to have to work this haaaard!” She’d fall into her stomach, rolling a bit comically back and forth…at least, until she noticed Nylah and Lissa.

“...Oh, ahem, hello~!” She’d give a friendly, cheery greeting as she’d get back to her feet. “Nylah! I’m glad you’re okay…” Her head would turn towards Lissa. “Hmm? A traveler? I don’t recognize you. Welcome, I’m Calra. Just a little spider that helps out around here occasionally. Did Akala send you, Nylah? I’m grateful for the help if she did.” Her cheery demeanor fell slightly, as she’d continue. “...I’m about out of everything. I have enough to make simple things, and I think mostly everyone here is stable, but…” She’d shake her head. “I think Wind Leaf, Shallow-water sea-slug mucus, coral moss, and Kyr reed would be the most important. You can find Kyr Reed and Wind Leaf easily in the forest…the Slug Mucus and Coral moss, not so easily with the sea frozen over like this.”

These were all materials Nylah would be familiar with. Kyr Reed acted as a sort of coagulant as well as sedative. Made people calmer…not particularly useful for treating frostbite on its own, but it was useful for staunching bleeding or injuries. Could be crushed into a paste with a variety of other things to achieve various effects. Wind-Leaf acted as more of a stimulant. When properly mixed with Kyr Reed it made salves and healing poultices good for bolstering the immune system and promoting natural healing. Coral Moss and Slug mucus were a bit harder to find, since the slugs only could be found in shallow water during the day, with Coral Moss being found in damp sea caves off the coast near the Goddess Spear. Slug Mucus was good for making topical salves for alleviating pain, while Coral Moss, when exposed to certain other substances actually heated itself to temperatures good for gentle rewarming of frost-bitten areas.

Lissa would have heard of the Coral Moss and Slug mucus, though the plants were much more local.

Redwater Point

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

The guard, could barely process what was happening. One moment, he had been making fun of this knight. The next, his fellow guardsman had been brutally murdered! And then this knight somehow, had managed to slay the next five within mere seconds of another! The guard could only watch in stunned silence as the monstrosities known as Fomorians were dealt with like they were nothing.

Realizing that being out here in the open like this, the guard would flee into the manor, likely to inform the mayor of what was happening.

Thankfully for Elias, they were well and truly dead. Each had been dispatched swiftly and brutally - and as the shouts and howls from the fomorians led him away from the manor and towards the village market, it seemed him and Ethelred had made short work of the Fomorians. The one he had punted would sail right through the air, about as graceful as any fomorian would fly, and would likely every fly - and slammed right into Marduk

With the five that had attacked him, the four that had attacked Ethelred…and the four that another stranger had dealt with, it seemed most of the creatures had been dealt with, but something wasn’t right. Murdock could feel it, sensing it before he could see it. Something big was nearby…being in the same direction as a majority of the people had fled.

It was a man. At least, it looked something like a man - but it was far too large to be a normal human. Standing nearly ten feet tall, it towered above the humans. A single eye was positioned in the middle of its forehead, wearing what seemed to be tough armor made of steel across its legs and chest, and in its hands was a massive spiked club - and promptly slammed it into a woman who had been attempting to escape down a nearby alleyway.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

The knight's retaliation was swift. Leo and Gabriel could only look on in mild awe at what they were witnessing. Luna, charging in head first to route the bandits and taking the pressure off them. The beams of light struck the individual bandits hard enough to disorient, giving her brothers enough room to finish them off as she approached. Swords rained from above, impaling the bandits from behind as Fio cast her spell, the phantom blades mowing down the bandits without care. From behind them, Niall’s speed and lance would ambush the bandits…

And the Queen, leaping from her steed, would brandish her blade as she landed on a nearby bandit, the large blade sinking deep into the bandits back as he’d crumple to the ground. Swiftly as a flash of lightning, Sorcha would engage a second, the Queens blade tearing through a second bandits torso before grabbing him by the armor, dragging and tossing him into a small group of others.

She’d raise her blade, lightning arcing across its surface.

“ENOUGH!” A crackle of thunder followed, a flash of lightning. From the heavens, a bolt of thunder would fall upon the group of bandits in front of her. Shouts of pain, smell of burned flesh as it was quickly followed by another bolt, then another, and a fourth final bolt of lightning as the queen would lower her blade. By now, no doubt she had their attention. “Any who wish to stay here, will be slaughtered mercilessly,” She’d raise her sword just slightly, her voice loud and commanding. “Any who wish to flee…will live. Make your choice.”

The bandits that remained would immediately disengage, pulling away from the knights and the conflict. A quiet silence, and a lull would fall over the battlefield.

“They’re the ones the boss told us about, aren’t they!?”

“Damn it! Retreat! He told us not to fight them! We’re not winning this!” The majority would indeed heed the queen's word and immediately start fleeing, deeming their lives not worth this. Even with their numbers, it seemed like their boss had told them not to engage - only a few would be left behind to cover their retreat, blocking the knights from following the majority of their force as they’d begin to scatter.

“...so that’s the Queen, huh?” Leo watched, lightning bolts falling from the sky, bringing judgment upon the bandits.

“She’s…sure is something.” Gabriel would whistle as the bandits would start scattering.

“Mind out of the gutter, brother. I Doubt a queen would take kindly to that kind of talk.”

“Says you….wait! Leo!”


Leo swiftly positioned himself between Luna and the rest of the bandits. Something clanged against his blade - another blade clanging against the ground in front of him, it barely having been deflected from a distance.

“Retreat? Heh, that was the order he gave to us if the Queen of Airedale showed up. I was skeptical, but it seems his fears were founded.” Among the group of bandits, was a tall, lanky looking man covered in a large brown cloak that obscured most of his features. As he’d approach the group, the cloak would shift aside just slightly on the right - revealing not one, or two…but three arms, lithe but with visible muscle and a blade in two while sparks of fire danced between the fingers of the third. He would slowly remove his hood, revealing blackened skin with white, long, frazzled hair.

“...the heck is this guy?”

“On guard, Gabriel.”

“Gabriel, Leo, stay out of this.” Sorcha narrowed her eyes at the man. “Why is a fomorian helping bandits?”

“A fair question, that I have no intention of answering.” He’d brandish the large blade in the hand, a wave of air rushing passing by the gathered knights. “But that’s neither here nor there, O noble Queen. I won’t be allowing you to pursue my comrades…as well…I’m curious as to the strength of these knights of yours. Perhaps, indulge me for a moment and I won’t simply cut my way through this outpost of yours.”

“...Niall, I know this isn’t what we discussed, but I think he means you, too!” Sorcha commanded the knight that had joined the field. “Fio, Luna, prepare yourselves! This might get dangerous! Gabriel, Leo! Go capture one of those bandits before they escape!”


Of course, Nyla could tell he was staring at her. At all of them really. Not that she minded. If anything, being looked at made her little squishy heart shudder with a mild bit of delight. Of course, she couldn't keep her eyes off him either. As per Kyouko-sama's request, she had to treat him as she would her. It was no different from her previous occupation, really. She remained as attentive as she could.



Nyla, for the most part remained silent for the trip. A silent caretaker and ensuring that if someone was hungry, they were fed. If someone was tired, they had a place to rest, up until the point where they had reached their destination. She had hoped it wouldn't involve nearly as much fighting as the beach front had, but alas. It seemed like that was too much to hope for. She almost felt like complaining to Kyouko-sama about sending her to fight people when she was much better suited towards more...stealthy missions.

"...hmm..." She'd quietly observe Takeshi enter the fray alone. If it had been anyone else, she'd have probably called them a fool for doing so by themselves, but if she were to do that, she'd have to be called Lady Kyouko-sama a fool too then. Well, might as play up to her strengths just ever so slightly, then. Instead of immediately directly confronting the camp, Nyla would instead disengage and make an attempt to circle around to another side of the encampment while they were distracted with the others.

And the moment she would find an opening...well, they'd have nowhere to run. Caught between three aggressors and a wall of fleshy, gooey mass that would ensnare and entrap the moment they came close.
Keeper of the Arcana

@Rin@RolePlayerRoxas@The Irish Tree

"...Haaa..." Briefly, a frown would overcome Kokoha's visage. Seems like they didn't exactly need her help at all. This...fox woman? Somehow, she just didn't like her. Just as well, seemed like she really wasn't needed here. By the time she managed to arrive, not only had someone else beat her here, but seconds later a third magical girl showed up. Starlighter, Magifox. Oh great, she came all the way here to vent frustration and instead she found some sorta sword otaku, an old fox lady, and someone that looked like she could copy homework from.

Keep it together, Kokoha you adorable JK. Just a minor annoyance.

"A-ahem, sorry I don't think we've met!" MagiGal said with the totally friendliest smile anyone had ever seen. "A little sad I missed the action it looks like, but glad to see you're all safe!" Well, no she didn't really care honestly. She was hoping to bash something herself with some of her own admittedly meager repertoire. "MagiGal at your service!~" Kokoha would finish with a rather stereotypical magical-girly pose she had seen in an anime once that she totally hadn't completely watched on purpose. "If you need support, I'm your totally adorable gal!"

She'd quickly clear her throat, ugh, man that was embarrassing.

"A-anyways! Are we...clear here?"

Redwater Point

It was, by all means, an average day. The sun was doing its slow climb into the sky, warming the cold land from its chilly night and the monsters that haunted it. People moving about. As the group split to their respective tasks, they may have noticed a particularly large humanoid, dressed in a thick white coat made of some form of leather with similarly colored boots upon their feet…yet oddly, the flesh on their hands seemed to be of a thick, red color. Even more so, the entire upper body of their face was covered by a hood, with thick bandages seemingly covering most of the rest.

“Oh, good morning my lord.” A shopkeep would greet this gargantuan man. “Rare to see you out so early!”

“Ah, well, sometimes one just wishes to take a walk among the sun.” His raspy, deep voice would rumble in response. “That and, well, I heard my grandson became a squire! Thought I might get him a present for when I see him again!”

“Oh, you have a grandson? You don’t seem old enough too, aha!”

“I assure you, age is something I’m very familiar with even if my body is quite stout.” He’d laugh, turning his head towards a young woman passing by. The scent of the old fey met his nose. Intoxicating. Pure. Was it her? His escaped subject!? How was…how did - no it didn’t matter. It didn’t…matter at all. “Hmm…but if you’ll excuse me, I just remembered something I have to do…”

“No trouble at all! I’ll stay open later just for you if I have too!”

“Ah, well thank you.” He would be gone before any of the knights could question him.

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

Reinhardt approached the Mayor’s house, stopped by two of the guards that were patrolling. They bore no crest, aside from the city emblem of Redwater - a red fish emblazoned upon a shield of water. Local, then, and not affiliated with any higher lord. Only the Mayor here, likely. Upon hearing his question though, the two men narrowed their eyes at him.

“Oh yeah? And what’s that matter to us?” The older looking one among them asked.

“An awful long way from your mothers house.” The younger one said with a grunt. “Go run back home to your so-called queen's bosom. She’ll be better suited to that sorta thing I bet.” Clearly, these men had both no intention of letting him pass, let alone no love - or respect - for that matter for Sorcha. It was, perhaps no surprise really. Sorcha wasn’t likely the only one to have proclaimed themselves as some sort of queen or ruler…not that it would excuse their behavior.

Ethelred would have a bit of an easier time of it. The he was obviously startled by Ethelred’s appearance, after a bit of talking and realizing he wasn’t some fomorian monster about to murder him, he was much more jovial and friendly. He’d be stopped by a patrol of guards on the way out, but the situation would be quickly diffused after a bit of talking and explanation. The merchants were a bit more friendly - they’d gasp and talk about his appearance but if he was there to spend it didn’t seem like many had much of a fuss beyond an initial gasp.

And, they would have some very interesting things to say about their current lord and happenings. The current lord was Bernard Alistain, cooped up in his castle near Harzelslack. Apparently he was in talks to officially swear fealty to lord Harzelslack, though they hadn’t completely gone through yet. The villagers were also pretty scared of the so Fomorian attacks. They had come very close, and even if Redwater was a fairly well defended place…it likely wouldn’t be good if it did come here. There was also the matter of the smaller fomorians like they had run into on the way here - the increase in attacks lately had them all on edge.

Lastly, and perhaps most interestingly…Lord Alistan had in fact, sent someone to help protect the town. A tall, burly man who simply went by the name of ’Beimnech’. Apparently someone who was an expert on Fomorians. He was staying with the Mayor. The moment Ethelred would turn to leave…

A scream.


A goblin sized fomorian with black skin, pointed ears and wearing rudimentary armor burst furth from an alleyway. It was soon accompanied by several others. More of those grotesque dog things that they had saw the other day. Dozens of mouths gnashing open and close, curse-ridden saliva oozing from their mouths as dozens of eyes frantically looked around. Ensued by chaos, the civilians began screaming and running.

Whenever Reinhardt would make his reply to the guards, supposing he had one - faster than he could react, there was a shout, a black object whizzed by, slamming into his torso. A gurgled cry for help as a vaguely human sized creature began ripping and tearing every inch of flesh and bone from the mans face, laughing maniacally before using its powerful muscles to sling the man to the side, before leaping towards the other man.

Reinhardt would find fivel more gunning for him! Not only that, a number of small goblins and cursed mutts like they had seen earlier were making havoc in the streets!

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

“I see, I see.” Sorcha would respond to Luna. It was hard to tell what she was thinking, but from the small frown on her lips it was either something she was thinking hard about herself, or perhaps some manner of displeased by. “I’m curious as to why an Elder Beast would choose to help humans without gain on its own. Granted they all can be rather fickle and one beast never thinks the same as others…” She’d sigh, dropping the subject as Fio would pose her own question.


“Oh? Curious about me, are we Fio? I’m surprised, aside from Vyrell none have asked me.” She’d smile…though it’d quickly fade into a thoughtful hum. No doubt she was briefly pondering messing with Fio and quickly decided against it. “I don’t have some artifact, or some lineage like others might. In fact I have nothing I can give anyone for proof.” She’d soon reply. “Except…memories. I remember them. All of them. Well, sort of. Its a little difficult to explain, but…I have his memories. Well, my memories I guess.” The queen would glance away from the two, off towards the setting sun, the horse she was riding slowly coming to a halt.

Her hands tightened on the reigns. Briefly it seemed like she was going to continue speaking, but there was a sound of clashing steel. Shouts of men. They were near the fort and Lightsword territory.

“...Luna! Fio! I think they’ve got a welcome party for us!” The queen laughed, spurring the steed onwards, towards the sounds of battle. “I’ll have to thank your brothers for the warm welcome!”

The fort was but a simple thing. Several stories high, the base primarily made of tough stone with the upper floors being made of wood. Honestly, it was barely big enough to really be called a fort. It was more of an outpost than anything, used by soldiers and the family when traveling through the area, and sometimes a staging ground for larger operations. Still, it was important in keeping peace in the land.

Currently, it was under assault.

“On your left, Gabriel!” A knight, dressed in the finest of silver and gold armor, a flowing blue cloak behind and wielding a sword passed down through the lightsword family.

“Worry about yourself, Leo!”


The bandits sword was deflected by a much more mundanely dressed human of similar build. Dressed in warm leather and fur, a head full of messy blond hair and a simple steel sword.

They, were the two oldest sons of the Lightsword family - Luna’s older brothers.

“Where did these guys even come from! We don’t patrol for one day and suddenly they’re everywhere!” Leo drove his sword into the chest of a nearby bandit, expertly dispatching him with a practiced hand. A handful of other soldiers were out with him. They hadn’t planning on encountering a bandit force as big as this! In fact, this was the largest concentration of bandits they had seen in a long while!

“Humph! No idea, lets just hope this Queen of Luna’s gets here soon!” Gabriel, grinning from ear to ear replied as he’d grab another bandit by the neck…and then promptly behead him. The body would roll down the sloped ground, into a small tree. And this would be the sight Fio, Luna, Sorcha, and a certain Owl Knight would find when they arrived. A small group of Lightsword family soldiers, fending off what seemed to be a small army of bandits.

A hunting we go
@Cu Chulainn@VitaVitaAR

“...Ah. Gideon, was it?” Enli would walk down from the podium and greet the Sage of Steel with a warm smile. He was followed shortly by Akala, the priestess giving Gideon a sleepy smile in return. “Akala here told me she found you outside not long before the blizzard started. You have my thanks for staying and helping. I can’t give you anything in return for now, but rest assured your kindness will not go unrewarded.”

“You’re a…Raam, correct?” Akala questioned, sounding a bit tired...though who currently didn’t seem somewhat tired? “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of your people here, but if you’re willing to help with the hunting and food shortage then I’m sure everyone will welcome you with open arms.” It seemed at least, the people of Dawn were as stout as ever. Aside from already having a somewhat clear set of goals to push forward, several people and villagers seemed ready to put in their fair share of work. It was, perhaps, somewhat inspiring and a show of determination.

“Hey! Don’t forget about us!” A voice, perhaps, unwelcome to Seelay would make itself known. Seemingly materializing out of thin air, right on top of Seelay’s head would appear a small fairy, only a few inches tall, white hair, pointed ears and wearing a simple single piece dress. “The Great Fairy Sionna and her servant Seelay!”

“An Elf and Fairy, huh.” Akando, ending a brief conversation with Atzi walked over. “I’ll handle it from here Enli. I know the forest better than anyone. If they want to help while the other hunters are busy, I’ll show them around the forest.”

“Right then. I should go make sure the others are fine. I’ll make Achel get some rest, if I have too.”

“Mhm, if any of you get hurt…please, come back as soon as you can. I can heal you…”

“Sorry you have to come to the village in such a dire time.” Akando would continue as the other two left. “I’m Akando. The others consider me the…leader of the hunters, I guess. With so few of us left I guess I am now.” He didn’t seem thrilled about that fact, though who would under these circumstances? If anything his fist at his side was clenched hard enough to make his knuckles white. “If you’re certain you want to help, anyways. The forest is home to an Elder beast known as Kyrnith - its hurt a lot of hunters in our time, so if your still sure…best to get started.”

“Hehe, not to worry! Seelay here is one of the best hunters in all of Tamaln! Some snooty Elder Beast isn’t a problem for us!”

“Really? I’d be interested in seeing how I compare…” He’d sigh. “...nows not the time for games, though. Have you two ever heard of the Kyrnith before?” The young man asked as he’d lead the two out of the old cathedral and out into the village proper. “And if you need weapons or gear we can stop by Bolcha’s place. He won’t mind if we take what we need s’long as we return it.”

The Missing huntress

“Stay safe, Atzi.” Akando would say, turning his attention to the newcomer elf and Raam. “I don’t want to have to come pulling you and Maira both from the forest.”

Thankfully for Atzi, it seemed Achel would finally be coming to her. One of the doors in the back of the old church would open. The familiar sight of the pale skinned, oddly jointed Chiralta would come walking out. A slight unevenness in her step. Tiredness? Hard to tell - Achel had a reputation as a bit of an oddball in whatever it was she was doing, her appearance notwithstanding. It was an open secret that she was, well, not quite what she let on but she had been here for quite a long time, and always denied being anything other than a Chiralta.

“Achel!” Enli swiftly moved over. “You look terrible.” Her dress had certainly seen better days. The frills and black cloth had gained a layer of dirt from her constantly working, burying, embalming, laying to rest…what seemed to be tear stains…though it could have very well just been she spilled some preparation fluid on her dress.

“Oh, Enli. You seem worked up?” She replied with a smile, quickly moving past the chief. “Not as terrible as little Atzi! Thank you for the help these past few days. My poor little threads hurt so much from being used! Ah, I can’t wait for a bath…” The Gravekeeper moved over to Atzi. “Thank you for the help! You should go find Maira, though, and worry less about me! I’m safe in my little home, unlike you all.”

Cryptic. Though knowing Chiralta could give solid advice and direction…maybe it was a good idea to get going sooner rather than later.

“Still…if you have some warm bread or something, my little eight-legged heart would be very grateful!”

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord@Pyromania99

“Weh~?!” Vammy would be rewarded with a quiet squeal from Lazhira as she was accosted by the demon elf. The village girl turned to face her, frowning and giving her a decidedly unthreatening glare, puffing her cheeks out a bit. “Vammy! I told you next time you do that you’ll be sleeping outside!”

Not that Vammy would get a moment to reply. Only a few seconds later did Nylah’s hammer of light crashed down on the elves head.

“...Oh hey Nylah. I’m so glad your alright…how’s your mom doing?” Lazhira ran, over giving the moth girl a friendly hug.

“She’s currently in a private room in the chapel. Stable, as always…” Akala interrupted. “Sorry you had to see our resident imps…antics.” She’d say, looking over towards Lissa. “I’m Akala. That’s Nyla, Lazhira, and Vamessa…Yes, she’s a demon.”

“...mhm, if you two are going to be busy, I’ve got some stuff to take care of myself…” Lazhira would say. “So i’ll leave you guys to it. I’d probably only get in the way anyways…” A light chuckle followed. “Stay safe! I mean it! If any of you get hurt, you’ll regret it!” Assuming no one stopped her, Lazhira would head out the door.

“Stay safe, Lazhira.” Akala turned her attention back to the Mothraki and Lissa. “We have a resident healer and alchemist by the name of Calra. A Chiralta who moved here some years ago. She’s taking care of patients in Enli’s longhouse. I’ve done what I can here with my divine arts, but…” She’d yawn. “Nnhn, tiring…I don’t know exactly what she needs, but Nylah, you can take Lissa there. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to have the assistance.”

Keeper of the Arcana


"Aaah, I really should get my nails done by a professional more often..." She sighed, lazily stepping out of the beauty salon.
Shinjuku. Not an unpleasant place for her, and not somewhere she wasn't unused to spending a lot of time. Fashion, leisure activities. For a totally adorable and cute highschool student like herself, it was one of the places to be. Well, usually. Kokoha would glance down at her phone. "...I should have gotten them done earlier, too...ugh..."

Even late in the day, though for vastly different reasons.

[MagiGal]: If you have time to ask for help, do you really need saving?
[MagiGal]: Whatves, I'll be there in a moment. Need to blow off some steam.

Kokoha would sass back in response on the message, accompanying it with chibi sticker of her own. Seriously, that fairy really was pulling a long con on this dumb joke. Ugh, well, whatever. Well, ever since she had become one, dealing with shades had just become second nature...even if she, well, as some might say, desire a bit more aggression towards them then she wanted to admit. From her purse, she'd pull her favorite deck of Tarot cards...an heirloom from her father.

As always, she'd reach in, pulling a card.

'The fool' as always.

Seriously, the fairy had to have been pranking her hard.

"Tsk, I ever see that fairy again I'm gonna show it who the real 'fool' is." She'd hold the card in front of her, magical energy causing it to spin in her hand.

"Be I fool, be I wise
Be I devil, be I savior
A journey begins with nothing-"

She hated reciting this dumb line. What was she, some lame anime protagonist for some dumb teenage girl? A flash of white, followed by a swirl of blue, starry magic would surround her until she was left wearing something right out of some cosplay shop. Immediately, she'd focus, drawing two more cards. The death card - wanting to be able to react properly if there was an ambush, followed by quickly drawing the 'Justice' card. A simple blade would form in her hand. Thin, but its edge sharp as any with a hilt of gold and blue, engraved with scales upon its hilt. And thus, the girl dressed like a somewhat stereotypical witch would run off down the road, towards where the sighting had been spotted.

"Hi hi!~" She'd shout, a bit loudly upon approaching the spot where Naoko and Himeko were. "Someone called for backup? Magi-gal is here to save the day!"

I can only think of a Dragoon when I see owl knight. I think his skills will be of immense boon to the queen and other knights. I can't see anything wrong with the CS, so that is to say, accepted.

@Cu Chulainn

Someone should put more points into Vig

That is to say, I can't find anything wrong here. As discussed, things look good and there's good potential for later growth too. Accepted.
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