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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
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Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Airedale Keep

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

“You have my utmost confidence in your abilities, Reinhardt.” Sorcha replied to her appointed proxy as she’d turn her head towards Ethelred. “I sent her to a village that was most recently sacked. As far as I am aware, no more have been razed since then but it could simply be resting or laying low since it has brought attention to itself.” She’d point to a post on the table. “I’ll be sending you to that village first. See if there’s some clue of her there since that is where she was seen last. Any other information…I am not sure I have. And Od,” She’d look up from the table towards the other knight. “To be clear, Reinhardt is your superior officer in this endeavor. Treat his words as you would mine.”

Taking one last look around the room, she’d give them all an affirmative nod.

“That will be all. I have faith that you three will be able to bring Elnith back…or give her a proper sendoff if that is what is needed. Now then,” She’d turn to Luna and Fio. “Grab anything you two need. We’ll be leaving the once we send a courier to house Lightsword.”

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

Redwater Point

And so the trio of knights set off. Ethelred, Od, and Reinhardt. They would head west - heading between Hrelskins’ Fall and the Southern Sea. It wouldn’t be long until they would be out of the cold temperatures of Airedale and into the much more comfortable of southern Albion. Thankfully the first leg of their journey was done without any interruptions or trouble. They would reach a comfortable spot to camp on the edge of the lake…only a few fairies attempting to bother them.

The second was a bit more eventful. The start would be easy enough, but as the day dragged on and noon would turn into evening, they would find themselves attacked by a small band of Fomorians. Small, goblin like creatures and a few odd many-headed hunting dogs with scraggly, black fur that vomited plague. Dispatched with ease, but…they had come from the direction of Redwater Point.

Overall, It would take the trio of knights two and a half days to reach their first destination of Redwater point. They would be greeted by the sight of a lively village from their vantage of approaching from the eastern end.

Wooden walls had been constructed around the village, nothing unusual. Most villages had some manner of walls, though Airedales were one of the few that were actually fully fortified. As they’d approach the gate, a guard would halt them - concerned with Ethelred’s appearance it seemed, but after a brief discussion they’d be let into the town proper.

“Make no trouble,” One of the guards would say. “By the way, Fomorian attacks have increased around here recently. I’m sure the Mayor would pay well for their heads if your lookin’ for some work.” A guard would off-handedly mention as they’d pass into the city. “And stay away from those ruins if you know what’s good for you. Place is full of bad stuff. And if your lookin’ for a place to keep your steeds,” He’d motion to a Tavern and Inn near the gate. “The soggy pumpkin can probably take you…” He’d look at Ethelred’s horse. “...might want to keep that uh, steed of yours out of sight though. I don’t want to have to deal with spooked civilians any more than I have too.”

The town otherwise seemed fairly normal. They could see the place ‘soggy pumpkin’ he had mentioned just off the road. The central market was lively, people selling fish, jewelry, and it seemed like one could probably find a number of things here. A large stone building set on a slightly elevated piece of near the western end of the town. Likely the mayors place.

Well, they were free now. Maybe they could find some rumors or information on Elnith or maybe even Harzelslack if possible.

Southern Giants Rest
Late afternoon

The Queens’ entourage would have a far less eventful journey. No fey or Fomorian would cross their path. The first leg of their journey would see them traveling North West, between Mt. Sliabh and Hrelskin’s Fall. They would first make camp in the foothills of the mountain where the Queen would tell a few stories around the campfire to the both of them after drinking quite a bit - namely about the old king and about a particular battle he had with a very angry rabbit. It was hard to tell if that was fact or fiction from how much she had been drinking though.

The next day would take them west around the Mountain, where they’d pass a few Tuatha hunters. The two would flee at the sight of the humans, but otherwise was uneventful. Soon, trees and rolling hills would give way to a warmer land…or at least, it should have. A subtle chill still hun in the air. Rising above the trees one could see monolithic stones, thrust into the ground like spears in the distance. A mist hung over the air. They had made it to the southern edge of Giants rest…and as evening would fall upon Albion they would near their destination. Sorcha had let Luna lead the way since she was more familiar with the land than she was.

“So tell me, Luna, what is your family like?” Sorcha asked the knight as they’d slowly travel along the path. “I hear they are fairly honorable people and brave warriors and that I have them to thank for taking care of many of the bandits in the region.” She’d look to the knight. “I’m curious about this Elder Beast that supposedly blessed your family, too.”
Post edited cuz I am dumb and paul reminded me of something

Ah, she needed that. Tomi was quite entertaining to speak with, and honestly being so far away from Kyouko-sama was starting to wear on her just a bit. Shizuka was well, nice enough all things considered...the other males, though? The...what were they? Goblin and Orc? Crude and lacking any sort of class. Honestly she wondered if they were useful at all, but well, no matter. Nyla would listen quietly to the proceedings and thoughts of the others. She had half a mind to go with Tomi since she was going with one of them, but...well, she'd decide her talents would be better suited elsewhere.

Hm, come to think of it, wasn't there something Lady Kyouko wanted her to do?

Ah-wait a minute!

Something about the Oja clan, right!?

Oh goodness, and didn't the young man here introduce himself as being from it? Oh dear oh dear how was she so distracted? She supposed she must still be feeling rather despondent from being away from Kyouko-sama for so long.

Right, well, she'd have to be tactful about this...

"I could continue watching after our prisoner, if need be." Nyla responded. "If it is uneeded though, then I will accompany Lord Oja." She'd smile at the young man, a certain 'I will be going rather you like it or not' sort of smile. "I do hope that isn't a problem? while I dislike fighting if nothing else, if something goes awry my body is fairly durable..."
Hey friendo. Thanks for giving me another bulli target~!
Airedale Keep


“What’s the matter?” The queen would start to respond, a smile forming. “Stunned by my beauty, hm? Or were you thinking about - gwuh~” The sword came swinging downwards, smacking the queen right in the head. Not that it hurt, or even phased her at all, really. Most other rulers might find such an action the peak of insolence…but well, she didn’t think rulers that thought like that were true rulers.

So, instead, Fio would be treated to laughter as the Queen would start to leave, following behind Fio as they headed back towards Airedale.


“...Okay! Please take care, Lady Luna!” The crowd, would slowly start to disperse. Even if they wanted to pester Luna more or talk with her more, they at least understood that getting in her way would probably be a bad idea. Lugh would give a small frown at being pat on the head, shaking his head a bit to protest as he and Luna would start to leave.

“But you fought a lot-mweh.” The young Tuatha recoiled slightly from the poke on the forehead, and proceeded to pout just ever so slightly. “Luna mean…” The two would have no more problems back on their way to the meeting room.

@Crimson Paladin

“A-ah!? H-hey you just gonna leave?” The fairy blinked, seeming a bit surprised. “Hah…well alright! Guess I’ll just hang around then! See ya ice-butt!” The small fairy would laugh as Ethelred left…well, it would probably be fine. This fairy didn’t seem overly dangerous to start with, now did it? Still, maybe that’s what it wanted Ethelred to think. Regardless, the Ice Knight would soon find himself heading back to the keep to meet with the Queen.

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99@Crimson Paladin@VitaVitaAR

As Od made her curt reply, Vyrell’s face, normally bereft of any emotion other than a friendly smile, would falter ever so slightly as his lips would turn downwards just slightly. It was barely noticeable, but it happened nonetheless. He’d look away from Od, turning his attention back towards the map he was looking over as Luna and Lugh would filter into the room.

“Lets say the Queen tasked you with putting out a fire, Od.” He’d begin as he’d start making a few more marks on the map, making a line marking the extend of Harzel’s easten territory. “But when you did, that fire kept returning the next day. Would you merely keep putting it out daily, or look for the cause of it?” Not that he assumed that Od would catch the meaning of his words so he’d continue, the telltale cold that Ethelred brought with him signaling the other knights arrival. “Similarly, say, for instance, you arrive on scene but Elnith is nowhere to be found? Only dead Harzel knights. Or you do find Elnith, yet the Fomorian she’s fighting is impervious to her unavoidable blade?” He’d look up from the table. “Learning the cause-”

“That’s enough, Vyrell,” Before he could finish his statements, however - a voice, commanding and heavy in its presence fell upon the room. “You can finish lecturing Od later. We have more important matters now.” Heavy footfalls soon followed, the Queen calmly walking into the room. Her gold armor somehow, seeming to shine even in the interior as she’d pass by Reinhardt’s seat, moving to place herself at the front of the table. It was a stark contrast, Fio would note from her casualness earlier. The laughter had stopped by the time they had returned to Airedale, and had instead been replaced with what could only be described with a firm, commanding presence...though it was slightly hampered by a small mark on her forehead where Fio's blade had bonked her, but it was probably best not to ask.

“Apologies…I have set everything up, but you can probably explain better.”

“Very well.” Sorcha would say, turning to face and greet her Knights.
“Everyone is here…so we shall begin. About, mhm, two months ago, there was an attack on a village near Harzelslack’s eastern border. Nothing unusual about that, even if…it was particularly devastating.” She’d point to the northernmost village that had been marked by Vyrell. “Merely a day later, a second village was sacked, razed to the ground similarly as the first. For the next three days it seemed whatever it was, had left or decided its had its fill. However, three days later…a village on the very southern edge of Albion was razed in a similar fashion. Two days later, another village a bit further north had been razed. Silence for another four days, then another village had been razed, then only two days later another village in the south met the same fate. I sent a few scouts to gather information after the fourth village had been razed. The territory there may not be under my express domain as of yet…but they are people of Albion regardless, and I can not turn a blind eye to such blatant attacks and disrespect.” Sorcha would state calmly, making sure each and every one of her words carried as much weight and as much clarity as the last, ensuring that every knight here understood.

“As soon as they returned. They informed me of what they had gathered from the villagers that had managed to escape. A terribly powerful fomorian is apparently the culprit who possesses the ability to command fire and feasts on humans with a skin as black as night. Needless to say, I immediately dispatched Elnith to deal with this threat. That was two weeks ago.” She would pause, letting the information sink in for a few seconds. “I’m sure you are all aware of Elnith’s condition. I do not believe it has consumed her…at least not fully. But we do not know what has happened and she has yet to send word of what has. As such, I will be sending three of you int investigate that matter. I was originally going to go myself, but the attack on Airedale this morning has disrupted the plans.”

“Speaking of the bandits,” Vyrell interrupted. “I’ll send a courier to the Lightsword family for information on their operations in the area around the Giants graveyard and and Ithica lake.”

“Ethelred, Reinhardt, Od. I will be sending you to find out what happened with Elnith. As its so close to Harzel border, I don’t need to tell you to be careful. I do not seek conflict with them as of now, at least. Reinhardt, I am putting you in charge for that endeavor. I myself will be taking Luna and Fio to see if we can’t find out something about these bandits.”

“Me and Lugh will stay behind to ensure Airedale’s safety.” Vyrell continued. “And you three looking for Elnith…be careful. Whatever this thing is, its highly dangerous and potentially incredibly fast as well, seeing how far it is able to travel in barely a few days.”

“Unless there is anything you need, my Knights, then we should move sooner than later. No doubt if Elnith has run into trouble with Harzel knights, they would not care if she is in the service of myself. Nay, if anything, they would see it as an easy excuse to disparage me.”
A girl dressed in white, wearing fairly little considering the temperature, would quietly hurry past a few men only stopping when they’d shout. Strong looking men shoveled snow out from around the doorway of a completely buried house, just enough for someone to slip inside….a body had been found…

A quiet statement followed.

The men collectively fell silent.

Another one for Achel, then.

The man inside would climb back out, shaking his head, taking their shovels and moving to the next unchecked house. Even after a week not everyone had been fully recovered. If they were lucky, they’d find someone just on the verge of death…unlucky? Not even a body would have remained. The beasts kin, nasty little spirits that couldn’t be seen in the blizzard having run away with their fair share of residents.

The village girl would shake her head, run over, and give all the men a big hug before quickly continuing on her way. The chief had asked everyone to come to the old temple…and well, normally she herself might have shirked some sort of lesson or work…well, now wasn’t really the time for that, was it? She’d slowly shove open the large doors to the old stone hewn cathedral.

Oh good, she wasn’t late…

She’d pass the crowd of people…two, ten…thirty…fifty…sixty? Not counting those that were doing recovery…she didn’t want to think about it. She’d give friendly hellos but she’d move quickly into the back rooms…

“...chief?” She’d knock lightly on the door, slowly pushing it open…

He rubbed his weathered fingers against the bridge of his nose. A tired strain, cold weariness creeping into his bones. In all forty odd years he had been in charge of Dawn after inheriting it from his own grandfather, this was…well, it was unprecedented. The cold was nothing new. Dawn, sitting upon the shores of the Towren Coast, had survived such conditions before. A blizzard, had it been just a blizzard…would have survived.


He leaned back in his chair, shoulders slumping as the voice went unheard. Poor Achel hadn’t slept in days, it feels like, even with Atzi’s help. Calra had been doing her best to heal those she could with magic and keep those that had survived fed and healthy with what little they had. Bolcha and his boys had been working tirelessly to clear out snow and find others that had hopefully survived. The fifteen odd hunters left had quickly checked food stores, only to find that much had been taken by the Elder Beast and its kin. Akala had been using her divine arts to heal those that she could and to keep spirits up, but…


“Ah! O-oh. Lazhira…it’s you.” The young girl responded with a bright grin, who would release the old man from a tight hug.

“Ehe, sorry you weren’t responding and you were starting to look like you were gonna start spiraling.”

“Spiraling…?” He’d echo with a frown. “Oh, is it time already? Is everyone here?”

“Uhm, I think so. Bolcha, Akando…Achel is still in the catacombs, I think…I might bring her something later. Akala-”

“Right here.” The voice of the priestess would say, quietly entering the room. “Enli…I think its time we start. The people are getting a bit anxious.”

“Mhm. Lets get this over with then.” Enli would say, rising from his chair. “The sooner we do the sooner we can start rebuilding.”

“Mhm, okay…and hey…make sure you get some rest, okay?”

“When I can, Lazhira.” Lazhira would respond with a small pout, but would say nothing in return, leaving the room and heading back out into the main hall with them, Enli and Akala trailing behind as he’d make his way to the front reception hall. It was fitting, he supposed, a place most in the village had never given the time of day would be the safe haven during a disaster such as this.

As Enli approached the back of the hall, near a small podium the quiet murmurs of the gathered crowd would slowly die down, all turning their heads towards Enli.

“...Truthfully, I don’t know how to even start speaking.” He would say, a long, drawn out sigh. “Describing what has happened…trying to even talk about it feels like I couldn’t grasp the full scope of this tragedy. A week ago…Dawn was thriving. Nearly half a thousand people…and today there’s barely a hundred of us left.” Enli leaned on the Podium, shaking his head. “Our food stores are low. The sea, frozen over, making fishing difficult. Homes, shattered and buried under meters of snow. The kin of Elder Beast Azral Suralng took much. Our friends…family…I would not blame you for being angry, and for desiring revenge on such a beast…” He’d exhale, casting his eyes down towards the ground. “But I, I can only blame myself. I know, no one could have predicted this, but as the leader of Dawn, all of you…this land, this village…is my responsibility. And this tragedy happened on my watch.” He’d turn his head back towards the gathered crowd. A few silent murmurs. “As it stands…Dawn is hurting. We hardly have the manpower to feed ourselves, now, let alone defend ourselves if the Kyrnith or some other threat makes itself known…” He’d inhale sharply. “But…this, this is not the end for us. Legend says that Dawn was founded at the end of the Moonless Era, by humans, surviving the Goddess Wrath for our transgressions built it here. We survived the machinations of a plot by the God of Knowledge that would have led to our ruin. We survived the Kyrnith constantly at our doorstep. And we…those of us left…have survived still. And this, I promise…Dawn will continue to survive, no matter what. For that is what humans do - we will survive, and we will rebuild this village to even better than what it was before.”

It was really, a simple speech…but it seemed to work, if nothing else. The small crowd would give a determined affirmation, shouting in agreement.

“But…we will need to work together. We will need to put all of our efforts into ensuring that we do. Everyone, will need to do their part. I do not care how small it is or what…Akando, what is the status of the hunters?”

“Fifteen of us left…maybe fourteen.” The leader of the hunters would step forward, having been listening quietly from the side, arms folded against his chest. “We Haven’t seen Maira all week, and she lives by herself out in the forest.” He’d inform Enli, stoic as ever. “Hunting is good, though…as long as we don’t run into the Kyrnith and are careful not to antagonize it we should be fine.”

“Hm…we’ll need someone to check on Maira, then. Bolcha? Whats the villages resources look like?”

“Wood’s all frozen.” A gruff man would respond. He’d shake his head. “My boys are out in the village helping with diggin’ and clearin’ the main village out of snow. From what we can tell most peoples houses are good, but we’ll need more sturdy wood for construction.”

“I’ve got plenty of Iron, for now.” A short man…a dwarf? Would speak up. “My forge is as hot and ready to be used as ever.” He’d continue. “Little Rael’s takin’ stock of everything we’ve got now. Say the word chief - or anyone - and we’ll make whatever ye need to get things done.”

“Thank you, Asvar.” Enli would nod. “We’ll need to know how much we have to use.”

“We’ll probably need to buy more from Mie if she shows up,” Asvar would grunt. “Though…I guess we could always head to Sky’s Reach and barter with the Dwarves there if we have enough that interests them. I might know where there could be a good place to mine in the forest thanks to my stone-singin, but…that’ll be dangerous if the Kyrnith shows up.”

“...we’ll probably need to barter a lot from Mie supposing she does come. We’ll need proper money and goods to barter with her, with.” Enli held his hand to his chin, frowning deeply. “Have we made any headway with the ice on the sea, either?”

“A bit.” Bolcha would say. “Odd though - something’s been stealin’ our fish. Not much, mind ye. Just a few catches every day go missin…not bitin’ as much either, as if somethin’s getting them before we are.”

“If I may, Enli.” Akala would chime in. “While I’m able to heal many with my divine healing, Calra has mentioned that she’s running low on herbs to heal others with. I can only do so much myself.”

It seemed the meeting was mostly going off without a hitch. Enli was taking stock of resources, seeing what people needed and attempting to plan things accordingly, and likely more discussion about problems that were occurring were happening, and what could be done to solve them. Perhaps it was time for those chosen by the Moon to make an appearance?


Okaaaay, here we are! A more supporty type mage with some more explosive one-time attacks for most of her offense. I got a bit wordy when describing the Arcana, but I think it got my point across well enough, I think? Feel free to tell me if I got anything wrong or if something is a bit much.

Airedale Keep

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor

“Hmm…not exactly. The Queen asked her to look into a fomorian causing trouble near the Harzelslack border, and she has yet to return even after a fortnight.” Vyrell would respond, leaning over the table, observing the map below as he spoke, reaching for a few pieces of carved wood and slowly placing them on the map. “I’m sure you are aware, that is unusual for her at least not to write or otherwise send word. If not to the Queen, then to me.” He’d look up from his position, fixing Od with a narrow gaze. “Thoughts, on the situation, Od? Do you believe her curse to have taken hold or would you surmise she has been having some other difficulty?”

Reinhardt and Od, if they cared to look, would see that Vyrell had placed markers on several villages. Had they been the ones Elnith had been dispatched too? Perhaps, though they almost covered a wide range of area from Southern Albion all the way to its north while a lot of villages near the central regions weren’t marked.


The crowd didn’t seem entirely impressed by Luna’s talk of the other knights. Shouts of her just being modest, shouts of her clearly doing better than the other knights, as well as generally just saying it was nonsense that she didn’t deserve the praise. Lugh wasn’t helping either, though the boy seemed to be doing it entirely unintentionally.

“O-oh…” The girl Luna’s hand had taken, blushed…and the entire crowd fell a bit silent. “...are you single?” That was promptly followed by a torrent of other questions, entirely unrelated to the queen and entirely related to Lunas relationship status, questions of how she remained so pretty despite being so good with a blade, if it was true she killed a giant with her bare hands, and other general somewhat, nonsensical questions.

Ah…she had been completely surrounded by a crowd now.

“Luna.” Lugh would bounce in place. “Castle. Meeting the Queen!” Making sure she wasn’t going to forget.

@Crimson Paladin

“S-sir Ethelred! Are you sure that’s safe?” Ethelred would reach down towards the friendly feline, who’d meow a bit in complaint as it would be shooed away from the fairy. It would make a valiant attempt to bat at Ethelred’s hand, only to realize that was a bad idea, for Ethelred was very cold. It’d run off some distance, out of the shade and watching the fey from a distance as she’d get up.

“Guh.” The fey in question would stand to her feet, barely a few inches tall and stretch her back and give her wings a test flutter. After making sure everything was in working order, she’d turn to Ethelred…and then promptly start laughing. “Pfft, ahaha, what kinda dumb human are you helping a Fairy?” She’d flutter up to Ethelred’s eye level. “I’d give ya fun present, but looks like you already got one. Boy whoever did that on you was a nasty little bug, huh?”

“It’s talking…”

“Don’t listen! It might charm you!”

The fey’s eyes would slowly turn towards the two Militia.

“...Boo!” She’d shout, while sticking out her hands. The two militia promptly screamed and ran off shouting something about a fairy. “Ahaha, man you humans are dumb…still…” Her gaze would fix back on Ethelred, studying him for a second. “...hmm…you know, I’m feeling generous. Here.” She’d pass Ethelred a small, silver colored token about the size of a button. “Lose it and I’ll turn you into a proper icicle.”

It was…definitely magical of some sort, and Ethelred would be aware that refusing such a gift would probably be seen as both a sign of rudeness and likely give the fey some easy motive for doing something. The small silver button itself seemed somewhat unremarkable, save for a simple engraving on it of some sort of small plant like sigil. It didn’t seem…outwardly malicious. Might be a good idea to have someone look at it though, just to make sure.

“What’s it for? I have no idea!” She’d continue with a laugh before he could ask. “Dunno, just something I found in the Laughing Wood! Your problem now though, frosty butt.”


“Hm…” The queen would raise an eyebrow. A small smile as she’d lead the three of them through the forest, hand still gently resting on the beasts tusk. “A far more measured take than most others would have, you know. I suppose I shouldn’t have expected less.” She’d respond with a light chuckle. “Personally…I’m rather fond of the beasts…I know most can never truly exist with humans, but…”
They had arrived and a small grove, not far within the forest. A gentle falling of snow that the sun had yet to melt, hidden under some shade. She’d release her grip on the Beasts tusk - its trunk was already starting to regenerate and was mostly healed by now.

“...hm, no, its nothing.” She’d turn to ‘Shabbi’. “And you, I know can understand me…so go on, get out of here before someone else sees you. Or stay here, if you want. Just don’t cause trouble or I’ll have to be the one to give a beating next time, got it?” The beast would trumpet in response, looking back for a moment before taking a more deliberate, route with its slow, careful steps north.

“...mhm? Oh is it just the two of us now, Fio?” She’d smile at the smaller mage. “Well now that I have you alone, maybe you’d want to ask me a question? Its only fair. Yes, I am free tonight if that’s what you were going to ask.”
Stating my presence

I have an idea but I'll probably be DMing vita because I need all the help I can get lol
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