Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

yes, let me in another RP
I can definitely handle it
I don't have a problem

I'll see about getting something up in the next day or two
Alright, after some deliberation, the judgements have been made

@ERode's Atzi

@Crusader Lord's Nylah

@VitaVitaAR's Seelay

@Click This's Lissa

@Cu Chulainn's Gideon

@Pyromania99's Vammessa

Are the characters I'll be accepting. Feel free to move them all over to the Character tab at your earliest convenience. Honestly, this really wasn't easy. I considered adding a seventh but I have to tell myself no repeatedly.

@Crimson Paladin@PaulHaynek@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor
Sadly this means you four won't be joining us. I really would have liked to see shenanigans with Finnegan or the Moonpriest and Akala, or how a lazy noble or outcast Valtem might have brought and I have to thank everyone for being so eager to make a CS and work on getting a character right, but as it stands I think this would be the most fair.

I'll be seeing Crimson and Guy in the storm cycle...where I fully expect Guys 5headness to come into play sooner or rather than later.



No response from Sir Kannazuki. Too busy attending to their new friend, most likely. Well, that was just fine too. She had other things to attend to herself. She also was quite aware that her appearance was likely more than a little...off putting. Far be it from her to make someone uncomfortable especially in such a situation even if she would have liked attending to him. Really, maybe she should just anyways...she knew how to handle such things and anyone else would simply mess it up. She was the best caretaker and also the only one who could -


She'd breathe in, remembering some words from Kyouko-sama.

Sometimes, there was such a thing as being overly helpful.

Well, no matter.

She could finish cooking.

Sliding away from the hubbub of the fire and camp, Nyla would head into her lodgings...only to find it already occupied by Tomi. Eating one of her cakes, no less. Well she had no qualms with that, but...

"Ah. Tomi. I wasn't aware you had a habit of sneaking into peoples rooms without their permission..." She'd say, noticing the book in her hands."If you need advice on human relationships I would be happy to give. I happen to be something of a expert, you know." She'd say, sliding over to the dragon and giving her a friendly smile.

The cake would have been...nearly indescribable. The moment she'd have taken a bite out of it, it would have likely briefly, revealed the entire secrets of the universe to the dragon. It was almost like tasting every single flavor at once. It was sweet but it was hard to describe why or how sweet exactly. Just that it was, but it couldn't be described...oh, and she'd have probably find her eyes drawn to Nyla as for whatever reason, images of the Shoggoth in various...compromising positions briefly appear in her head.

"Or was there something...else you wanted?" She'd respond with a giggle.
...and thus the judgement shall commence.

Come tomorrow morning, I will lay down my final acceptances.
Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor

Vyrell would merely respond with a quiet chuckle in response to Reinhardt’s request, not seeming intent on saying otherwise. Made things simpler between them, at least if nothing else. Besides, there was a far more important matter at hand.

“Possible,” Vyrell responded as he’d walk into the keep. The silver haired youth’s expression didn’t change from one of quiet thoughtfulness as he’d respond, a sliver of a smile on his mouth. “But I doubt it from what I’ve observed. Something tells me that if the curse had, we’d have…felt something by now.” The inside of the keep had been mostly cleaned out by the militia of the civilians that were being safeguarded there by now, the large central gathering hall now empty save for the few soldiers standing guard.

“As for if she’s in danger…well, that could be likely. The Queen tasked her to look into a Fomorian that has been pillaging villages,” He’d pause a moment only to hand a written message off to a nearby soldier with instructions to deliver it to a blacksmith in town as he’d turn to finish speaking to Reinhardt. “Near the Harzelslack border. A simple fomorian wouldn’t pose a threat to her, but if some of Harzels knights found her, considering her reputation…” His voice would trail off, walking into the strategy room. The implication could easily be understood without needing to be said. Considering Elnith’s reputation in the wider world of Albion…

“Ah, Od, you are here too.” Vyrell would greet Od, who would walk in not shortly after they would. The strategy room was fairly simple - a large map of Albion spread out over a circular table, chairs around it. Just enough for the Knights, Lugh, Fio, and the Queen. A few bookshelves lined the walls against the far wall, though aside from Vyrell and perhaps Fio, they typically remained where they were. A chandelier hung overhead, lighting the room as well as it could. “Good to see you in one piece as always. Question for you, Od. You’ve not seen or heard from lady Elnith, have you?”


The town had quickly returned to its normal lively state, the people having started their day to day routine. The hammering of the blacksmith away at the forge. The gentle murmur of everyday conversation, children now out playing in the streets…the sound of Luna being followed by a curious group of onlookers and fans. It was no secret at least, that most of the knights were fairly popular…with Luna and Vyrell, perhaps, being the most of the group for their more affable seeming natures.

“Lady Luna!” A village girl would shout. “Are you hurt? I know some herbal remedies!”

“Lady Luna! Don’t listen to her, my herbal remedies are much better!”

“You dimwits! A Knight like her can’t be healed with just average medicines…I…I know some exotic Tuatha healing techniques!” Honestly it was probably nothing new for Luna having to deal with a small fan club of admirers in the village. There was someone just a bit more familiar there this time, though.

“Luna.” Lugh’s familiar voice would catch her ears. “Good work. Saw everything. You killed a hundred-bandits singlehandedly.”

“A-a Hundred! Goodness there were that many, Lugh?”

“Mhm. Luna fought all of them. By herself.” The young Tuatha responded, looking up at the knight with admiration. She was starting to be surrounded slightly by a group of onlookers. Probably best if she ditched them somewhere before she got completely surrounded.

@Crimson Paladin

Tracking a small fairy was well, not exactly easy. The only trail Ethelred had to follow, was a faint trail of gold light that it seemed to leave behind as it would move from place to place, seemingly sticking near the edge of the village wall, not having made any obvious moves to cause trouble…yet. Everything seemed mostly peaceful as far as he could tell.

“Heeeeeelp!” A sudden shout for help from nearby, shouting for help. Supposing Ethelred would go and see who was shouting, he would be perhaps, surprised to find two militia men watching a cat…bat around the fairy he was tracking like some sort of toy. “This dumb cat again-I’m not-chew toy! Lemme goooo~!”

“...I’m not touching it. I’ll get cursed!” One of the militia men would say.

“Well I’m not! I’m not gonna let myself get charmed or something!”

“Well what do we do? We can’t just leave it here!”

“...well…I mean the cat looks like its having fun-Ah! Sir Ethelred!” The two would turn to salute the knight. “We uh, have bravely cornered this fey here with our expertly trained attack cat, sir!”

“Hey! Hey! Icicle pants! Help me and I’ll give ya something-gwuh!” The cat proceeded to pounce on the fairy, shoving her face first into the ground and then decided she’d make a comfortable seat.


“Hm? Was I insinuating something?” Sorcha replied, a slight smirk forming on her lips as she’d walk. “I was simply thinking we could spend some time over drink or something when we’re not busy, and I could tell you a bit about the Old King. I certainly wouldn’t mind the excuse to push some administrative work onto Vyrell.” A laugh, that she seemed a bit too happy about pushing more work onto Vyrell.

The Queen walked as she spoke and as Fio would make whatever reply it was she was going to make. The beast, Shabbi seemed perfectly happy not to bother them, letting herself be led away from the town and towards the forest on the western side of it. Considering the danger Elder Beasts posed, perhaps it was a bit odd that one would let itself be led by humans so easily.

“What do you think about Elder Beasts?” The Queen would ask suddenly, as the two of them would find themselves just inside the edge of the treeline. Shabbi was having some difficulty moving between the trees, but was docile all the same. If anything she was behaving in a friendly manner, her severed trunk gently resting on the Queens hand as hers rested on its tusk. “You’ve seen them yourself on occasion, and I'm sure you know of that one that lives out in the northern fields, feeding and collecting the souls of the dead, or the one worshiped on the coast?”
They are a strict para-military religious cult

So yes, they're not very fun lol

Nah that's cool. A week is fine. Plenty of time to get acquainted and get himself safe enough to survive.

Ey, don't worry about it. Not everyone needs some super amazing backstory. Interesting. Former apostle who basically deserted. Well, bet they're not too happy about that. I see nothing wrong here, though if you could tell me how long he's been in dawn that'd be lovely.

@Click This
As discussed, she looks good. No glaring issues on my end that I see that need to be addressed. I'll be interested to see how the two raam potentially interact. Regardless, i'm assuming she's only arrived in dawn shortly after the blizzard ended? Seems a lot of people are doing that, huhu. Not that its a problem.

@A Lowly Wretch

Would have been nice if you had asked me about some of the stuff in the bio, but overall its not too bad. Being a 'simple hunter' is a high honor among the Valtem. Means your probably capable of killing most hostile sea life by yourself or with a small group. Basically she'd have been a small bit of a celebrity and probably wouldn't have been talked down to no matter what she looked like.

Not all Valtem are some siren/mermaid-esque creature, either. While I used Zora as an example for how they generally should look on average, special cases are there and often seen as blessed in some manner by Lavetha. Not that it changes much, but that means she's being sort of disingenuous with her motivations and 'being made fun of' since that wouldn't have been a thing. Her frightening visage might have very well been considered a blessing, especially if it makes others absolutely terrified of her in a very predatory way.

As long as your cool with the above, then, I see no reason to make an changes.

Excellent profile as always. I've got nothing to say or no major issues here, friendo. I'll be going with you were tasked by the King himself to do this and I'll send ya the details of how that'd go once everything gets going...and since I'm playing Navi the fairy, I'll get up a small CS for her soon once that happens as well.
@Dark Cloud

Aha, sorry about that friendo. I'd have mentioned you, but this was mostly a reboot for those that were in the previous one and since I'm taking less players...I felt like it'd only be right if I gave those in the previous one a chance first.
-Other NPCs-



Lady Mie:


Death Goddess:

Other Important Info:

Flora/Fauna in Kyr Forest

Character Roster

Residents of Dawn

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