Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


Well, she had been wondering what kind of outfit Sefira had, and she certainly wasn't disappointed. The Shenke would take a moment to see everything that had been cooked, stopping a moment to give the Arachne a hug and being told slightly off that if she discovered she had made Sefira uncomfortable, the spider would make her uncomfortable...to which the Shenke merely chuckled nervously too and then promptly ran in the opposite direction.

"Mhm? Hey Eunie? You seen the kitten I had?" She'd ask the woman, after making sure to avoid suspicious glances from the Arachne. "His legs probably broken pretty bad so I wanna make sure he's not doing anything dangerous." She'd grab a fish, holding it over the fire as she'd wait for an answer.
Small post form me

Sorry if I didn't quite get to interact with everyone, there was a lot of replies and I had to make it relevant where I could

It was being fairly noisy, outside wasn't it? Nyla had made sure to make certain there was enough cooked food for others (The non eldritch kind) and she was also tending to Kasseros. She had him currently tied up, bound, and gagged in a tent off to the side to make certain he couldn't get away. She had only been feeding him Shogcakes up until now, certain they'd at least have some effect thanks to her hospitality. After all, how could someone actually want to hate such a dutiful maid as herself.

So she'd leave the tent, sliding over to the source of the commotion.

Ah, that nobleman had woken up had he?

Well might as well say hello.

Nyla would appear close to Kannazuki, having quietly squished over to the group.

"I'm...not quite sure what you mean, Miss Wyn. I have been attending to our prisoner." A questionably demure smile would spread across her dusky face as she'd respond. Well, she certainly had some idea what she might be referring to, but that was just a natural reaction after all. Her cakes were good, and it was clearly fine for others to desire them. "But If I may suggest, I could look after our guest here. I am trained for such activities after all...though that means someone would have to check on Kasseros. I suppose it would be whatever master Kannazuki wishes me to do. I could interrogate him instead easily..."

Muscle lady...mhm, a fairly basic set of skills for a resident of dawn, but powerful all the same. I like her. I see no glaring issues at the moment. Atzi looks good to me, so no comments from me yet. I'll be officially accepting people come either friday or when everyone gets their CS's in.

@Crusader Lord
Moth. As discussed, everything looks pretty legit. I see no immediate glaring issues for anything here. Radiance in training looks good. just don't go spreading dust everywhere or you might have some annoyed villagers~

@A Lowly Wretch
Hmm...I see no overly glaring issues with Mote, though he's definitely going to be someone a bit more...unusual for Mothraki. Not that its a bad thing, might be interesting to see where this goes. that is to say, yeha he's fine no issues I see.

Yep as discussed, everything about Vammy looks good. Nothing much else to say except she'll be fun to play...and so will the little demon on her shoulder heheh. I'll DM ya on discord to talk more about how she got more or less accepted as a resident of dawn without too much trouble. Best girl likes people, that is all.

@Cu Chulainn
I love everything about this. As discussed Gideon looks good as he is, and I see nothing that needs immediate change so good job and all working with everything I told ya in DMs.

So there we have it. Everyone looks good, I'll get to formally accepting everyone once Friday rolls around or everyone gets their CS's in.

That's how you felt.


A sapping coldness. A coldness that chilled you to the bone. A cold that took every breath you took. Winds howling past, mixed with the cacophonous calls of the Elder Beast Azral Suralng, the Restless Rimefrost as it trudged past on its eternal migration. The village had been prepared, at least, that is what you had thought. Chief Enli had ensured, or at least done his best to make sure everyone had plenty of food, sheltering as many as he could in both his longhouse, while the Priestess Akala let everyone who could fit inside the old temple, let them.

Still...it wasn't enough for everyone and even in such shelter some could still bear the brunt of the blizzard if your source of warmth went out.

The blizzard howled outside, and for a moment you'd think you'd hear a voice...a beautiful, voice...but it was getting hard to see, or stay awake. Why was it so hot now? Your body felt like it was on fire, did you accidentally burn yourself? Maybe it'd be best to take off your clothes...but that'd be dumb, it was freezing here? Why was it so hot -

Tired...tiredness would soon overcome you.

maybe if you slept, it'd be better in the morning...





"Oh dear, oh dear...well what have we here? Another poor, lost soul? Haaa, so many still dying..." Well, this was odd. You couldn't move, nor could you really recognize the voice presented to you. It was feminine, but your vision was dark, and she herself obscured by a veil of shadowy moonlight. The sound of water would gently caress your ears, almost as if you were floating.

"Ah, sorry about that...its a bit dark, isn't it? Here, let me just..."

The cold previously would melt away, as would the tiredness within your body. You still couldn't move, but you no longer felt like you were on the verge of embracing darkness or visiting the underworld. The darkness at the edge of your vision too, would fade, and standing before you was a woman wearing a robe of water. Surrounding her were innumerable celestial bodies overhead while underneath was an ocean of stars that would blend together as if it and her robe were one and the same. Far, Far below you could almost swear you could see a small sphere of mostly blue and ice-white below.

"There we are, that's better. Hehe, surprised to see me again? Hm? What we've never met before? Ah, sorry, sorry, I was thinking of something else. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Delpithi. The Lunar Goddess of Heroes, Trials, and Oceans." The woman would proclaim, and indeed, you would be unable to deny it however you desired too.

"Why have I called you here? Tsk tsk, so impatient. Not even a hello? Or ask me how my day was? I tell you dealing with other gods can be so utterly annoying. What, you don't care? Ow, my poor little goddess heart. Well, you're about to care a lot because currently you are juuuust on the precipice of dying."


So that's what it was.

You had been on the verge of freezing to death, was that it? Was that what the Goddess was implying?

"Hehe, don't give me that look. I've done this specifically to stop that from happening. The world has gotten rather stale, wouldn't you agree? So the other Gods and I have decided for more...direct intervention. We've chosen you~! Congratulations, hehe~!" The Goddess laughed. "Well, you and about five others. You'll get to know them fairly quickly, I'm certain. So here's what's going to happen. You are going to live. We've all agreed. And you...will survive."

A brief moment of silence where you could contemplate the rather...simple request.

"What? Expecting me to ask more? Please you could barely survive a blizzard. How could I ask you to do more at the moment?" She'd laugh. "You will survive. And you will build. You will unite, gather, and thrive. So I'll be giving you a little gift. Don't worry, its nothing big or special. Something to help...guide you since its much easier than direct intervention."

Your vision would slowly start getting dark again, the creeping feeling of coldness washing over you once more.

"Seems our time is up. You may only have a vague recollection of this conversation, but if nothing else you will remember this: Delpithi has Chosen you as a Hero and you will entertain me. Hehe...got it? Then I have no further reason to keep you."

You'd find yourself sinking into the starry waterlogged abyss below, dragged by some force...and soon, you'd waken in your room again. You could just barely remember what was said, but if nothing else you'd remember that final bit...but what gift was she speaking of?

Ah...the howling wind and snow had ceased. Outside, a bright, sunny clear day filtered down over the village of Dawn. It was a blizzard. Nothing unusual there, really. The lands of Lyreneth have been plagued by such frigid conditions ever since humans left the Tower and settled within the continent. What was unusual, though, was simply how severe it was...and the Elder Beast Azral Suralng, ever wandering deciding to make its migration path right through the village. Its kin not only spread soul-stealing frost, but attacked any villager they could get their hands on as it slowly passed by the village on that terrible day.

Honestly, its a miracle even a hundred of you survived.

Well, thank the goddess as they say...

Hello hello, welcome to the Reboot of the Epic of Beginnings! As you may have guessed, its a reboot of that particular RP that I ended last month for various reasons. Namely, to fix some inherent mechanical issues that became very apparent after two years.

This new version will be a bit smaller scale, instead of focusing on everyone building their own nations, it will entirely be focused on the characters working together to rebuild the currently ailing village of Dawn after it was ravaged by both an unusually harsh blizzard as well as the Elder Beast of Rime. Maybe you almost died, maybe you didn't. Either way, the Goddess would have contacted you in some fashion regardless. I won't get into too much here, since every here are probably the same folks from the previous iteration and we've already discussed a few things about how things will be run in discord, however there are a few points that weren't discussed that I'll be going over below and putting things there just for ease of access.

The main thing is the little bit of assistance the Goddess mentioned. Rather than giving everyone special abilities, she'll be giving everyone access to a sort of...hm, if I were to use game terms, a 'Quest Menu' and 'Inventory/Character Screen'.

It will be a bit more in-depth and likely a bit more fleshed out in the actual RP, but its mostly for helping people keep track of things that could be of potential interest during down-time between plot related events that are listed under current objectives. I'll be placing this at the bottom of every GM post, even if you are currently wrapped up in a plot. As well, people will have free access to it to view individual inventories, skills, and other things special and of individual note to their character. Consider it as sort of official gm direction for things that you could do if you're feeling unsure of what you can do.

What do I mean by skills? Well, Ideally people will be starting with a few noteworthy and usable skills related to both their history and racial perks they choose. A bit like D&D if you want to get technical. Ideally people will have 2 applicable perks from their background, and whichever one from their racial affinities...which I shall list below along with the races themselves.


Simple enough, I hope? I tried to give everyone mostly unique things that I felt weren't to terribly overpowered or could come in handy starting out, and to make the races at least all uniquely pleasant or attractive to be, and remember! They're just a base to work with. If you wanna play a Forest elf Mage, or a Mothraki berserker, as long as you can come up with a semi-plausible reason for it by all means. Of course, it'd be easier to run such ideas by me first!

A last bit of world info I'll put here for the moment, are the various Divinities. I'll be organizing them better along with important Elder Beasts later, but for now this is intended to give people and help with a starting point.


Divine Entities
When the Moonless Era ended, many of the gods of the Old World fell. Killed by the nightmares that plagued the era, and some, perhaps even by the hands of humans. Needless to say, much of their histories have been lost. No one is quite sure where Gods first came from, but as far as the populace is concerned, they have always been there. Whatever they believe though, their power is real, regardless of their origin. What is true - is that without them Humanity would likely not have survived and all tend to have some varying levels of benevolence towards humans.

Hopefully that suffices in case there's something you wanna do with them...so without further ado, some small rules before you get the CS. If you're still here, I assume you at least have some desire to earnestly play so -


1. I have very few, and really, most are guidelines, but If nothing else, read this one. It is likely the most important rule here. In regards to combat - PvE should be simple enough. Against lesser mobs I'll likely let you go ham as you need to and feel free to describe what you do yourself. Against bigger threats though, you do not get to decide whether or not you hit an enemy - or if your attempt at something was successful or not. I do. If you're unsure, just ask. In the case of PvP...which really shouldn't happen here, but on the off chance it does, work it our yourselves or I'll be arbitrator of what happens.

2. I will be attempting to post twice a week for those that have posted. This is not exactly a hard and fast rule, as I won't be keeping any strict deadlines here. Only real rule I have - is post at your earliest convenience. At most I will be willing to wait a week. After that, I'll continue posting as usual whether you post or not. Go long enough, and well, I'll probably start checking for a replacement.

3. Once I make a final decision on something, that's it. I will try to be as fair in things as possible, but if you're not happy with it well...too bad, I guess. If you're unhappy enough to give me grief or constantly question my decision after then either leave yourself or I will eventually eject you from the RP and banish your character to the shadow realm.

4. I know we had ten players in the original...but honestly, that is far too many for what I want for this. I will be accepting SIX players at most. I apologize in advance for this, but I simple can not handle ten people in a single game.

Supposing you're still here and ready to play, well, here's a CS!

I think that's it? Any questions or comments, do ask or tell. I shall try my best to respond and answer as promptly and as fully as possible either here or in discord.
Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

"...mhm, good. They suffered a crushing defeat here, Luna. They know our strength and will have time to rethink their spared life." The Queen responded to the knight, eyes studying her carefully though whatever was on her mind would quickly be turned to Fio as the young mage approached the scene of battle as the rest of the Knights dispersed to their various duties...

Reinhardt would be the first to arrive back in town, greeted by Vyrell as he'd pass by the gates. The slender youth would greet him with a usual friendly, if somewhat stern smile.

"Reinhardt. Good work out there. I'm continually impressed by your physical ability." He'd say with a chuckle, walking with the man back towards the keep. "If nothing else, I'm sure you could have fought that beast single handedly." Thankfully it seemed like most of the townspeople were quickly resuming their lives and routine as the sun had made its way over the sky, and many of the townsfolk were quick to thank the knights, and the Militia were quickly readying to start forming a few patrols around the town to make sure there weren't any stragglers.

"I don't suppose you've heard from Lady Elnith?" Vyrell asked as they'd reach the keep, stopping on the steps to the main door. "She's been out on a request from the Queen for over a fortnight now and we've not heard so much of a grumble out of her." That was...odd. It wasn't unusual for Elnith to disappear a few days at a time, but to be gone so long and to also not write or something was perhaps, a bit concerning.

@Crimson Paladin

"Ok. Got it. Ethelred can fight fifty bandits on his own." Lugh replied quickly, bouncing once before running off back to the city. As brief as the youth ever was, it seemed, and just as fanciful it seemed. There definitely hadn't been just fifty bandits but no doubt the boy was going to run off and tell them he had in fact, fought fifty bandits or the equivalent of it. He would be gone by the time Ethelred dealt the death blow to the bandit, thus ending his life. Cold, and terrified. Not an unusual fate, all things considered for those who braved the wilderness and such a rough life carelessly.

The man only struggled briefly, before dying. No doubt the queen would at least see to giving them some form of burial, or rite of passing as undeserving as they were.

On his way back to the town, he'd notice the Queen and Fio heading away from the village...right alongside a massive blue and white furred mammoth, with a trunk that seemed like it was missing a good chunk of it but also was seemingly starting to form a large sickle of ice on the end of it.

He'd just barely see Reinhardt and Vyrell heading back into the village proper, though what they were discussing was to hard to tell from this far out...what he did see though, was not something good at all. Nearby one of the villages walls, Ethelred would just barely make out a A small, diminutive humanoid with gold wings flit over it, near one of the watch towers. Didn't seem like anyone else had noticed it yet, though it didn't seem like it was honestly trying very hard to go unseen.Well...that couldn't have been anything good. A fairy? No doubt if it was here it was likely trying to get up to no good.


"Ah, Fio! Ahaha, good work restraining this beast." She'd offer the mage a smile and friendly chuckle as the mage walked over. "Kind of disappointed I didn't get to go toe-to-toe with it myself...but alas, I doubt this peaceable beast would ever seek fighting on its own." Her expression turned to a sigh as she'd reach out and place a hand on one of its tusks.

"Tch...can't believe that boy. Whoever raised him was far too lenient...Alright, on your feet big girl. I'm sure your not that out of it. Lift the restraints Fio." Sorcha would say to the beast. Assuming Fio's restraints would be lifted as asked, she would remove her hand from the beasts tusks, who would then proceed to slowly get to its feet. A few startled gasps and shouts came from the Militia that had started to filter out to secure the surrounding area, but the Queen paid them no heed.

"Coming along then?" She'd ask, starting to walk, grabbing one of 'Shabbis' tusks again and starting to walk. The beast, surprisingly seemed to follow without too much fuss on its part. "If you wanted some alone time you can always join me in my room at night." The queen said with a quiet, teasing laugh.



It was easy enough, enveloping the man in her mass after he had been knocked unconscious. Now just remained the act of actually making him talk, or at least permanently removing him as a threat to their endeavors. Whatever she was going to do though, was cut off swiftly by the sound of sparks overhead, a shout from Kannazuki and the sight of boulders flying overhead. Catapults? Really? They were being quite difficult, weren't they? Well, a good maid knew when to make a swift exit. With the fires extinguished, Nyla would re-absorb most of her mass, keeping just enough to keep Kasseros bound and shoving a cake down his throat whether he liked it or not.

"Thank you for putting out the fires." Nyla would comment idly as she'd make an attempt to flee with her companions. Dealing with fire was difficult for her, after all. Hopefully this meant they no longer needed to be on the front lines.

"Hobbies, huh." Kokoma would sink a bit into the water. "Having hobbies must have been nice..." A moment of silence followed as the Shenke just let herself be immersed in the water. University had been a pretty long time ago for her, and she had been playing Emerald Odyssey since day one, or close to it hadn't she? Jeez, so long. She'd start tilting her head back and forth as she thought, a small bit of frustration forming in her mind.

"Bwahaha, now I feel like an old woman complaining like this!" Before it grew to big though, the Shenke would hop up, getting to her feet. "Alright lets get dressed! We're probably clean enough and those guys are probably hopeless without us." She'd grab Sefira and pull her too her feet...where she would promptly resume normal behavior and 'help' the girl dress herself. Supposing Sefira didn't attempt blasting her with magic during the process, the two would hopefully be back at camp soon enough.

Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

"For all your talk you're doing everything you can just to defend aren't ya?"

"If that's what you think, then by all means." Sorcha responded to the young man, deflecting another blow from the heavy axe followed by swinging the blade back around, barely missing slicing the bandits neck clean off his head as he quickly back stepped, putting some distance between himself and her. "But I seriously think you should consider your situation again."

"Haha, if you think Shabbi could be put out by you guys - " A pained trumpet would come from the direction of Shabbi, the earth moving as the Mammoth would find Od's blade on its trunk, completely severing a good few feet from the massive beast and sending it kneeling to the earth below. Icy blood would soon clot the place that had been severed, but with Fio's spell weighing it down and Elias holding the noose around its neck...well, the beast would soon be pinned under the assault, the phantom blades holding it now in place since it had lost all of its momentum.

"You were saying?" Sorcha responded. "Leave, bandit. I have no desire to see further bloodshed."

"S-shabbi!" He would make a move to run over to the downed beast, but would be quickly intercepted by the Queen before he could get even a few feet.

"If anything, you should be ashamed of yourself for bringing a peaceable beast such as that on an endeavor like this." She sighed. "Think about it fool. You have my word on my honor and life that I will bring no further harm to the beast...so do yourself a favor and leave."

"...Tch-!" He pulled a horn from his belt, quickly blowing on it before turning tail to flee.

The men fighting Luna well...it was a bloodbath on both sides. The men would fall beneath her easily, but she wouldn't come out entirely unscathed. One of the bandits would get a good stab right in Luna's shoulder, slicing deep into her flesh before she could retaliate, and she'd find another slamming against her torso, her armor absorbing most of the blow but she would definitely feel something had been broken, and someone had managed to get a good cut on her neck.

When all was said and done, however, nine men lay dead, a tenth had been beaten into submission. Upon hearing the horn, and whenever Luna had dropped the barrier, the men who surrendered would make no secret they had no intention of sticking around...and promptly attempt to flee again.

"Let them go, Luna." Sorcha would say as she'd approach the Knight...though her serious demeanor would quickly fade as she'd give a long, drawn out yawn and stretch. "Ugh, who do they think they are, attacking this early in the morning. Don't they know some queens need their beauty sleep?" She'd complain to all of her knights present. "Well, good job everyone! Glad to see you all in one piece, especially you Od."

Now that everything was done, she'd address the knights in full.

"Alright, no time to rest! Get yourselves all cleaned up and meet me in the strategy room in an hour! I'll see to our beast friend here myself."

@Crimson Paladin

well, his plan was working as intended. The Bandit trying to grapple Ethelred would keep holding on, at least for the first few moments as the biting cold began spreading through the man. He'd grit his teeth, attempting to double down on the maneuver as Cecilia struggled to her feet, the slippery ground making it difficult for even an expert thief to find decent footing.

"Jeez...I'm surrounded by idiots with no self preservation..." She'd say, pulling another arrow from her quiver and aiming at Ethelred. The man holding the knight would now shout in pain, before promptly releasing him and looking at his now frost-bitten body. He grimaced and attempted to try quickly rubbing his arms and front to warm himself up, but it was mostly futile...and then the sound of a horn. Not one that Ethelred would know - but it would make Cecilia pause...and then leap up to a nearby tree branch.

"Well, Ice Knight who wasn't even polite enough to give me his name. Looks like we gotta go!" She'd say, giving him a friendly wave before leaping out of sight. "Hope to never see ya again! Not sure my heart could take it!"

And like the wind, she was gone. The bandit on the ground was glaring up at Ethelred, shivering and taking short breaths as frostbite ate away the majority of his body.

"Ethelred!" A familiar sound of Lughs voice would meet the Ice Knights ears. The young Tuatha would walk into view, sword at the ready to help...and seeming a tad bit disappointed he didn't get to help beating up any bandits. "Vyrell sent me. Was concerned. You seem fine. Battles over. Bandits fleeing. Sorcha says to meet her in the strategy hall in an hour. Need help?"


That fire hurt. It hurt a lot, really. She had minimal defenses against flames, it really slowed down her slime and her ability to regenerate. That said...it was fine. A little pain was fine, especially since if he was so busy focused on not getting grabbed by her, that left the others free to do as they wished...and left him open for attacks. The combined assault of Gringor and Tomi was more than enough to subdue him and his weapons...and launch him right towards her.

"Ah~" Oh no no, she wouldn't let him escape. Even if he wasn't her preferred sort of targets. The smelly, insufferable, crude man could still...be taught lessons in respect. "Struggle all you want, you brute. I'll teach you both some manners as well as give you a nice little present." The shoggoth giggled darkly. If any part of the tendrils managed to snag the man, they would immediately start pulling him towards her main body. She was going to thoroughly enjoy this rare opportunity to do as she wished.
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