Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


"Cleaning silly, what else?" Kokoma responded matter-of-factually. "We gotta make sure every single bit of you is squeaky clean~" The Shenke was definitely taking liberties to what it meant as 'clean' and where exactly she was even cleaning now. "Or...are you gonna tell me you know how to do it properly~? Come on, you got a cute new body you gotta take care of it~" Would this cause maximum embarrassment? Probably. Was she also wrong? Not at all. It would in all take a good ten minutes before the Shenke would finally deem Sefira clean enough. There was not a single body part on the elf that wasn't left unclean or untouched. Once she had been done, the Shenke had gotten undressed herself and decided to take a relaxing bath on her own.

"Haaa, you have no idea how good it is to not be in a dumb suit in some black company working my ass off all night fueled on coffee and sheer hatred." She'd say, washing both herself and some of Sefira's clothes. "Say, Seffy-chan. What'd you do before this whole thing happened?" Kokoma was a bit curious at least, about her companions. While she didn't care at all about leaving her old life behind really, she did want to get to actually know her companions a bit.

Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

"I suggest you lay down your weapon and run back to whatever hole you crawled out of." Sorcha would say to the red-haired Tuatha, low, rumbling tone. "Your force is already routed and your trump card has been dealt with. Any more fighting is just going to be humiliation for you. Or do you care that little for the lives of yourself and those who follow you?"

"Tch, what do you know, miss high-and-mighty? You look exactly like the sorta stuck-up bitch that doesn't know the meaning of what its like to survive out there." He would rush towards Sorcha, the hefty axe swinging through the air. The queen deftly avoiding it, only to strike with her own blade and have it barely parried by the young man.

"Heh, is that so? Looks can be deceiving, but fine...if you insist on continuing in futility, I shall grant you your request."

While the queen would continue to parry with the bandits leader, it left the others free to do their assigned tasks. While Luna's barrier would stop most of them, a few had been too quick and moved too far away for the barrier to reach. Those left behind and within though, would tentatively raise their weapons in a defensive stance as they'd listen to what she was saying...well, maybe listening but not really hearing. You know what they say about cornered animals, too.

About ten of the remaining bandits would charge Luna all at once, while only about four would quite literally, throw their weapons to the ground and deciding this fight wasn't worth it. Those attacking would swiftly close in, attacking with spears, axes, and swords, intent on either dying or earning their freedom.

The Mammoth, was not going down without a fight either. Od would tackle its legs, the armor falling easily beneath her unstoppable blade. The beast would struggle, the leg Od was attacking kicking backwards as it struggled to its knees - and thus would reveal one of its tricks. The foot would slam into the ground, a wave of force as shards of thick ice spikes would form around its leg, slamming into Od as they'd quickly grow and knock her clear of the Mammoth.

Had it not been for Fio's timely intervention, it'd have likely started a full on assault on the knights. Blades rained from the sky, ethereal but dull, designed for restraint rather than harm. They'd slam into the beasts back, and legs weighing the creature down with immense weight. The Mammoth trumpeted angrily in response, struggling to its feet, but getting to its feet all the same just as Elias would mount the creatures head, a thick length of sturdy rope around its neck.

It had been slowed, but it was still moving. A leg would stomp the ground, shaking the earth and causing a coating of slippery ice to form under it along with spikes of ice as thick, icy armor would form on its legs. Its bloody trunk reached for Elias as it would shake its head violently, the rope digging into its flesh as Elias attempted to choke-out the beast.

@Crimson Paladin

Believing the arrow had done some manner of damage to Ethelred, Cecillia landed on the ground readily, rolling across the ground and quickly jumping back to her feet in a show of agility that would have been hard to pull off for most people.

"Ahaha, alright score one for-gwuh!" Cecilia would attempt to move, only to let out a surprised cry as she'd fall right on her ass, sliding a bit across the frozen ground a few feet away from Ethelred. Before he could take advantage of it though, a shout from behind as the bandit he had turned his back to would charge Ethelred. Apparently, he had decided if his bow couldn't work against the icy armor, his own fists would do well enough. The bandit attempted to wrap his elbow around the knights neck, trying to use his weight to pin Ethelred to the ground.

"Yes, yes, good work on making a rudimentary weapon," Alasayana replied to Moridax's assertion of wanting to be praised. The sarcasm would likely be obvious for any. She'd cast her head upwards as the fire started, the plant belching out fire like some sort of small fire-breathing creature. This forest was proving quite interesting by the second. The huntress would take up a position sitting cross-legged at the base of a nearby tree. Those birds were still hanging about, huh?

"Keep an eye on those birds." She'd motion upwards for the others. "Scavengers, probably. Might be aggressive."
I'll try and do a posty tomorrow

"Umu? What is it?" Kokoma grinned. "You look embarrassed? You shouldn't be, you're awfully cute! Super totally mega adorably cute, ehehe!" The Shenke would grab Sefira from behind, holding her in a hug as the small elf was squirming where she stood. She'd press her own body, and consequently, her own chest against Sephira's back. "Oh, I get it!...you wanna undress me instead, huh? Fufu, well all you'd have to do is ask ya know!"

Leaving the poor elf squirming with that thought in her head would have been fun and all...but she also did want to help and not be a total creep. So it would be about five seconds later that Sephira would feel cold water splash the top of her head followed by a towel as she'd start scrubbing the girls front side.

"We'll get you all nice and squeaky clean first then you can undress me if ya wanna~"

...not that Sefira would be able to do much against the Shenke's scrubbing that were totally starting to wander to places.


"Haa, you foolish boys. You should have stayed at home with a nice squishy maid instead of being here." Nyla would sadly comment as one of her weapons would lash out at a nearby soldier that had thought to attempt engaging her. So long as she stood here, she would ensure not a single one would pass if she could help it. She was entirely ready to handle two more that were walking up, but it was then the dragon that had ran off earlier...Tomi, was her name? Would walk over seeming quite melancholic.

"Ah...Master Kannazuki is certainly...difficult. I think he doesn't like my cooking," She'd hold a hand to the side of her face. "What a thing to say to a maid who pours all her love and affection into a cake-ah! Tomi!" It happened fast, Her multitude of eyes saw him first, but before she could warn the dragon or put up much of a defenses herself he was already attempting to slash apart her body a normally futile effort - but the fiery blades in his hands would cause her to pause.

Shoggoths were not exactly good against fire.

"Nngh...I believe you mean the vagrant who reeks of hangover and manure." Nyla would say - whatever that perfume that was coming off of him was, it was something seemingly designed to mess with monsters. She would however, attempt to remain as composed as possible as what was expected of her. "Be careful, whatever that perfume is, its not good for us." Well, if she was being directly challenged it was probably a good idea to focus on the immediate threat. Slowly, she'd start circling her massive body around the area, creating something of an arena that would lock him in here with the three of them. "I'll slow him down. I'll trust the two of you to subdue him."

And so she would, tendrils of black slime made of her body would lash out, going for his legs first to immobilize.
Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

Od's blade pierced the mammoth creatures fur, sinking into its body...what she might not have expected though, was resistance. The blade barely got an inch deep before it would be stopped fast. Red, inky blood would spill from the wound...but she would also note, that it would quickly start freezing the moment it left the creatures body.

She had just enough time to react to the creatures grapple, drawing the blade from the shallow wound and cleaving through the trunk and air successfully preventing the creature from grabbing her, a pained bellow coming from the trunk as it recoiled.

"Tough talk for someone who's gonna be trampled." Od would however, not have time to react to the man's axe again. A large, hefty swing slamming right into Od's side and knocking her clean off the creature's side, sending her careening off its head in a daze of pain and probably a few broken bones to the ground below. "Man you guys are-Wa-hey!" Od had given Elias the leverage he needed to strain against the occupied creature, driving his strength and shoving the creatures tusks aside, the creature. It was soon followed by a rain of blades would fall upon the battlefield from Fio.

Before the Mammoth or its rider could mount any defense, Elias charged the creatures left leg, the superhuman strength from Elias pinning the creatures leg in place, and fortunately one of Fio's blades would strike the creature right in the knee, piercing the thick leather armor. Its knee would start buckling, once again giving Elias the leverage he needed - The beast started to fall.

"Shabbi!" The man shouted, the beast swaying, struggling to stay standing but gravity was now doing most of the work as it would fall. "Tch, fine, guess you guys are as good as the rumors say." Before he could be brought down with the beast, the man would leap into the air, holding the axe high over his head. "But you aren't gonna lay a single finger on her!"

Fio could sense something - magical power coming from the axe as the man reached the apex of his jump. Whatever was being built up huge. It was gonna be something they couldn't just ignore easily with the amount of power that had. He wasn't aiming for anyone in particular, but right for the ground near Elias it seemed...but it would never reach its target.

"I don't know where you got that axe, boy, but you'd do well not to raise it against your betters." Before the axe could hit the ground, a peal of thunder rippled through the field, a flash of lightning followed by the sound of a sword clanging against another weapon. The man hit the ground, his attack seemingly stopped full stop, his axe blade now locked with the Queens.

"Where did you-" He barely got the question out before the Queen, with a display of force would completely deflect the hefty axe, throwing him off balance. Another strike from the queen followed, the golden blade arcing a powerful horizontal swing. White hot lightning would follow the blade, striking the mans side and sending him flying from some unseen force away from the Mammoth.


"I suggest you surrender. That Axe of yours won't save you here." She'd say. "Elias, Od, Fio, focus your efforts on that beast! I want it subdued, not killed if possible! Be careful, it likely has some tricks up its sleeve!"

"Guess they really weren't joking, huh..." The man would get to his feet, wiping a bit of blood from his brow.

"I'll handle the leader. Luna you handle the rest."

The mammoth was down, but it was struggling to get back to its feet. Maybe if they acted fast enough they could finish this just as fast.

The combined efforts of Luna and Fio had completely broken the remaining bandits morale. When the blades started raining, they attempted to take cover, but it was so sudden a few blades got to a number of them before they could, and then they had to deal with a woman waving around light beams attacking them. Now they were down to barely just fifteen people remaining, and the were all starting to see that pursuing the remaining attack, was not worth their lives now that the Beast apparently had been toppled and were now attempting to flee. Luna could run them down easily enough, if she wished.

@Crimson Paladin

"Aha, not even gonna give me your name? Rude aren't ya?" The woman would jovially reply as the engagement started. The bandit impaled on Ethelred's lance was dispatched swiftly as he had engaged. The frigid lance would impale him easily, the man though would struggle in an attempt to gain some leverage but would quickly cease struggling entirely. The lance slung forward, the corpse launched across the ground.

"Eeeh, pretty smart aren't ya guy?" Cecilia didn't seem perturbed in the least, the corpse doing as Ethelred intended, though perhaps he was underestimating her a bit. The corpse, would briefly, very briefly obscure both of them from the other, breaking line of sight just long enough for Cecilia to do a little trick of her own - she had vanished from sight in the briefest of instants.

"Neat little trick, but I'm the best thief in Albion for a reason." The voice would come from above, just in time for Ethelred to maybe glance up, and see Cecilia having leaped high into the air. She was giving him a playful wink and sticking her tongue out at him as the arrow loosed from her bow - the arrow piercing Ethelred's shoulder with enough force to stun and a blast of air to shave off a an entire section of ice from his armor, but not enough to pierce or injure flesh.
Probably would be for the best since they don't look like they'll be coming back anytime soon...
And a small post.

Nyla decides to act as a shield to distract most of the attacking force if at all possible and block them from advancing.


The time spent on the voyage, was well, business as usual for the Shoggoth really. She spent the first few minutes at the railing, waving bye to Mistress Kyouko. Ah, her poor gelatinous heart...but really, for her, what was leaving one master, again? If perhaps, she treated it like she had done the many times before, well...the Shoggoth would exhale, nodding. Well, she'd be fine. She'd miss her, but it wouldn't be the first time she had to leave her master for extended periods...or...betrayed a particular 'master'.

She'd walk away from the railing, and head back down towards the cabins to make sure to greet everyone and at least get on a first name basis, making certain to let them know what she was here for. Aside from that, she spent most time in the kitchen making sure food was ready among other things. Rather annoyingly, none of the ones on board aside from the Jiangshi had interest in cake. How unfortunate...well, she was cute at least and she definitely wouldn't mind ah, feeding her more. The one angelic being did cause her to pause though - perhaps she held a small fear of them from her previous encounters with them. Even if he wasn't an angel of the Chief God, she couldn't help but to be a bit on edge in his presence. At least Master Kannazuki assured her he was harmless and their on lady Kyouko's orders. The rest of the ships crew gave her a wide berth though, and the rest of the voyage wold pass uneventfully.

"...ah, they're fighting." She'd idly comment when they'd arrive in their position not too far away from Sanjo port. It was quickly beset by Varjan's. How annoying. The humans in the city were probably unaware and needed to be evacuated. She'd have preferred helping there, though it seemed Master Kannazuki had other ideas. The Shoggoth's mouth would curl into a light frown, though she would not protest for that was not her place to do such a thing. As far as she cared, Kannazuki was Lady Kyouko's representative here, and his orders might as well be hers.

"On you, hm...? I don't think exhibitionism will placate the attacker-Ahem, right no that's not what you meant." She'd give a coy smile, glancing off to the side. Still, how was she supposed to fight an army...hm. "I suppose I'll take point. My body is not so easily harmed by non-magical means. Do cover me, Atsuha." No doubt her appearance too, would also terrify the attackers. A maid, if nothing else, should use every tool in their arsenal to ensure their orders were carried out.

So the Shoggoth would join the fray not far behind Gringor, expanding her body and creating a wall of innumerable mouths, tendrils and all manner of weapons to both defend herself and attack them with. Her goal was to if nothing else, become a distraction and target for the main bulk of the army, hold them down and occupy them as long as she could - and of course, take out those she could.

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