Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

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Well, I'm going with the cake is basically her 'Slime Jelly' + other ingredients, so...

Can Shoggoths create slime jellies as well?

They can create slime jellies, but they don't let anyone eat them except their husbands. Just like when they create furniture out of themselves, it seems like they get off getting eaten by their husbands!
In case of unmarried Shoggoths, eating their jellies means you'll be a target for becoming a future husband.


Fun stuff.
You know
Cake memes and Ara-ara Sammy-kun aside, and while I definitely think she's going to mess with the guy without realizing it.

Hinami is probably in actual more 'danger' from the shoggo since she seems eager to eat the cakes.
@Dark Cloud@Dark Cloud


They mostly obey their master's commands, but if he should refuse their service, they would not have any of it. They also do not like for him to use any already existing items, and ultimately, they will even try to get their master to use such things as a bed or chair made from their own body.
MGE Wiki

That is to say

Cake will be eaten.

Smol edit:
Also I'll be posting after some dinner in two hours or so
I'll get a post up later this evening probably

As someone once said

Let them eat cake!

Airedale Fields

@A Lowly Wretch@VitaVitaAR@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99

"Another one!?" Luna would set her sights on the brigand infantry, earning few shouts of dismay from the bandits. Not that they were deterred, perhaps this one would be easier than the other monstrously strong knights that this village seemed to possess. A thought, that soon would prove fatal for three of them. A javelin of light sailed through the air, slamming into one of their shields. If nothing else, the group of remaining bandits were steadily holding their own, slowly starting to create a circle around Luna.

While Luna was holding of the majority of the Brigands, Elia and Od would set about stopping the mammoth beast that seemed intent on charging their walls. Lifting Od was like lifting a twig for Elias. Draconic strength easily allowing him to lift what would make other humans struggle. He'd lift her, Od crouching and with a hefty throw, would send Od sailing through the air towards the charging beast.

Something of course, the Tuatha man would take note of, coupled with the phantom blade hurtling towards him.

"...ahaha, you guys are crazy!" He'd stand up in his saddle, grabbing the hefty two-handed axe from the saddles scabbard. "Guess I am a bit of a target up here, huh! Not that it's gonna matter!" He'd give it a hefty swing, the sound of metal clanging against something as the head of the axe would slam into the blade. It was difficult for Fio to tell - but that axe of his was definitely not a simple mundane weapon made from wood, iron, and bone. It seemed to have some enchantment on it. Whoever this man was, was proving to be more and more than just a simple common brigand.

Either way, her spell would at least distract the man long enough that Od would meet her target - landing right on the Elder beasts forehead, just in front of the Tuatha man himself. Not that it was easy to keep her footing - the running beast swayed back and forth from its stride, its body rippling with powerful muscles as it would shake its head once in an attempt to knock Od off.

"Oi, get off. Shabbi don't like it when random people get on her." He'd say, bringing the axe in for another swing, not seeming at all bothered by the beasts movement as it stampeded towards the gate...and Elias. The man would brace himself, digging his feet into the ground and standing, legs apart, ready to intercept the beast. He'd hold out his hands, and grab the beast right by its tusks. The entire beast would lurch forwards, causing the mans axe to miss Od's neck by just a hairs breadth. Elias' body would strain against the impact, his feet sliding against the ground and leaving deep impressions in the cold earth below him.

His entire body was telling him to cease, but he had succeeded. Barely a few feet from the gate, he had managed to stop the mammoth in its tracks.

"S-shabbi!?" The Elder beast would shake its head, or at least, attempt to while Elias held tight to its tusks, wrestling with the knight for control over the situation. Od however, still wasn't safe. It would raise its trunk upwards, wrapping around the knights waist and attempting to throw her off before it could hurt its rider.

@Crimson Paladin

"...ahah, really? You'd really just let us leave? You guys dumb or just naive?"

"We really just gonna walk away?" One of the men would ask.

"You tell me. They killed most of the guys like they were nothin' didn't they? You wanna go fight them? I sure don't." The woman replied with a laugh. "Sides, Seshaeal is telling me I shouldn't be fighting this guy anyways." Her smile, though would quickly fade with a sigh. "...is what I'd like to do, but ugh, once my services get paid for I can't just run."

"How tough can this one guy be anyways!"

"We can take him!"

"You guys obviously are dumber than me and frost butt here combined." She'd reply to her seeming subordinates, almost looking to Ethelred to see if perhaps, he might have some form of pity for her. "But hey, ice boy, since you're such a nice guy...the names Cecilia," She'd raise her bow, hand tense and ready to pull another arrow from her quiver. That was a somewhat familiar name to Ethelred. There had been rumors and talk of a thief by that very same name circulating in the village recently, and some travelers from Harzel also mentioned something about it. "I'm gonna take this just seriously enough to do what I was paid for, yeah? Don't suppose you'd do the same courtesy for me, huh?"

Not that he'd have much time to answer. Three of the other four would run towards Ethelred, one with an axe and shield in hand would get in close, approaching him from the front trying to draw the knights attention. The one with the spear would attempt to flank, using the spear to keep distance while attempting to strike Ethelred from a distance.

Cecilia herself was obviously hanging back, readying another arrow, breathing in as she'd pull far back on the bowstring, air around the projectile starting to coalesce around it, being drawn into the arrowhead. The other would fire a few less accurately aimed shots towards Ethelred.

While the knights outside were fighting, the Queen, would finally walk out onto the streets, taking a deep breath of the cool, morning air. The shouts of battle from the North Gate easily reached her ears, a sound she was all too familiar with. Perhaps far too familiar. Still...she could never help but to get a little excited by such sounds. A small smile formed on the Queens lips as she'd walk to the ramparts.

Not that she should have to get involved, her Knights should have easily taken care of the problem by now...well, or at least mostly handled it. She doubted she'd need to get involved directly but seeing the face of whoever had the audacity to attack her city was something she needed to see.
<Snipped quote by Noblebandit>

Preferably contraceptives, but a strong lock on Sam's cabin door would do to keep maids out...Hopefully?

But sammy!

The maid is already in your room!

Nyla would also probably do some shenanigans with Hinami since she seemed interested in the cake.
@Dark Cloud

For dinner, Nyla made certain to make nothing but cake for him on the ship.

Still didn't eat it?

Room full of cake.

Still no?

Tsk tsk, well...ara-ara sammy, better make sure your bed isn't extra squishy tonight.

Nyla could probably do either role fairly well enough. Maybe not the best at either, but she could act as a fill. Considering she can do some bit of shapeshifting to appear entirely human on a skin-deep level thanks to her slime nature and ability to create any type of material with her body (don't think to hard about it) she might work best as warning the villagers, though.

But also having some eldritch monstrosity that can't be harmed by normal weapons just popping up in the battlefield would probably also scare the living cake out of the attackers.

So I'm cool to fill wherever is needed.

Also, if anyone wants to get up to shenanigans with the Shog on the boat ride feel free to ask.
@Dark Cloud

Yes, lol.

you also however, refused the cake

Shoggy will be making sure you ate it later. A shogcake a day keeps the sanity at bay.

Thankfully for little sammy she's too busy accosting Kyouko before she leaves for the journey to press the issue.

@Dark Cloud@AzureKnight@PaulHaynek

Nyla watched the apparent Wererabbit run down Sam, for whatever reason, flashing her panties at all present. Of course, she would say nothing as she didn't want to bring her embarrassment, but all the same she'd close her eyes, nod slowly and thank the demon lord for such a divine sight of cute rabbit butt.

"Oho, no trouble at all young master, I quite don't mind when someone, er, shall we say bumps me." She'd giggle, though that would slowly turn into a frown. Oh...he was...saying no to the cake? Oh that wouldn't do at all, now would it? Not one bit. "Oh perish the thought. There's plenty to go around. I made fresh gifts for all of you. There's one in every cabin." She'd say, shoving the cake into the young demons hands. "Go on, take a bite. It's made with all the love in the world by a humble maid. Its the tastiest thing in the world, I promise~" Before she could go about taking care of the two little cute things though, she was instead, approached by someone she had at least, made herself somewhat familiar with over the course of planning for his adventure.

"Ah, Master Kannazuki." She'd offer a warm smile, hands clasped at her waist. "Worry not, Nyla will do just fine. I understand my name is a little...out there." The Shoggoth giggled in response. "Everything is prepared and ready. I've cleaned the ship from top to bottom as well as left everyone a little welcome gift in their cabins. I'm certain everyone will love it, fufu...though from the way you were staring just a few seconds ago, maybe you need someone to take care of a...fever or something?" She'd slide a few inches closer to Shizuka as he'd finish whispering in Sam's ear. "Are you feeling unwell? Perhaps I could-"

Two more monster girls. Oh how wonderful. The place was starting to feel much more lively. Two cute little things too. A Jorogumo and a...hm, Jiangshi she thought they were called? How pretty they were. She'd offer the two of them a demure smile as she'd respond to the Jorogumo's question.

"Indeed, I am Nyla, a maid in service to Lady Kyouko-sama. She has left you in my capable hands. Worry not, I shall ensure that everyone is well taken care of on this voyage. I'll be in charge of cleaning, care taking, nursing you if you are wounded as well as most importantly, making sure everyone is taken care of in the cooking department." As she spoke one of her tendrils would morph into an appropriate implement for what she was describing from a broom, to a syringe, and too a frying pan. It wasn't exactly a lie, persay, but it wasn't entirely truthful either. Perhaps she should ask Kyouko-sama to give her permission to ensure that she could eliminate any threat to her there, too...

"Ah! Kyouko-sama!" Oh goodness, now that she looked at it, the fact there were this many people here meant they were likely getting ready to leave! Oh dear she hadn't said goodbye to her mistress yet! Oh what a bad little Shoggoth she'd be if she did! While she might have enjoyed being scolded just ever so slightly, that was not on the table for todays activity! "A-ahem terribly sorry miss, but there should be some in your cabin. If you want more later I can make it, but for now if you'll excuse me..."

Nyla would start running, away from the cabins.

"Kyouko-samaaaaaaa-!" Her voice would trail off as she'd make a beeline for the Inari.

-aaaaaaaa~!" The next thing, Kyouko and anyone else remaining out there with her would see, was a purple and white streaked blur almost tackle the Inari to the ground and latch itself onto her with all the force of a sticky, slimy, bundle of energy that was the Shoggoth known as Nyla.

"Oh goodness my Mistress I am so terribly sorry I'm late I was so terribly caught up in making the ship presentable!" She'd say, having smooshed her face against the Inari's. "Are you sure there's nothing else I can do for you? The other servants have been taught to make your favorite foods as I do? Clean the manor one last time? Make sure you don't have some ailment? I still have my nurse uniform. Wash clothes? Wash you? Warm your bed? I've made sure to leave enough cake to last a month if you desire to." She had barely taken a single breath the entire time she was speaking. Her hands had pulled Kyokou's head against her chest and was aggressively nuzzling her head now while her face was trapped in a gooey prison. "A-and if you change your mind I'll come right back the instant you want it!

At least since she was fawning over Kyouko, the angel near her was going mostly unnoticed.
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