Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Border forest

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

The beast reared its head, an air shaking, earth shattering roar echoing through the forest.

Marduk had stopped his leaping between the trees, taking his time to bask in the beast’s might. This was quite literally like nothing he has ever seen, its height towering over the very trees of this forest. While it would be a mere child in the presence of the trees of the Lylmesari, the sheer size of this beast was not not something to be trifled with.

Fighting this thing alone was out of the question. Having an idea of the strength of his newfound allies, just fighting it as a trio might have also proven to be no easy fit. It was good that they had at least one more exceptional knight in their ranks, alongside a few more who are expectedly trained in battle. After all, this single life form seemed to potentially have the strength of an entire army, the magma oozing from its very being serving as a testament to its sheer slaughtering capabilities. A true engine of slaughter.

It was good that Marduk, in comparison, was an engine of war.

With its sudden appearance and the sheer amount of destruction this thing could do against himself and the knights below, Marduk knew he could not hesitate. If he wished to strike at all, he needed to make his strike count. The element of surprise would quickly be rendered naught as soon as he struck, so this strike needed to work, to properly set the tempo of this battle.

O beast, clad in midnight…” Marduk had begun his incantation, entrancing himself once again in the blood of heroes that flowed through his veins.

O beast, who takes flight on black wings spanning all of Albion’s skies in its inky darkness…

Golden light coalesced in his hand taking the shape of a keen spear, its edge howling a song of bloodlust. Unlike before, Marduk would pour his very power into this spear, to awaken more than a mere shroud of its true power.

... Come the Swordwind, Breaker of Curses, Bane of the Accursed, who will rend you from these very skies, who shall turn night into day!

Winding the spear back, Marduk took aim for a spot on the wyvern’s wings, a point of weakness, the gap in its obsidian plate. And with a quick, jerking motion…

Behold, Tyrant, as I take the blessings of the winds from your blasphemous existence! Fly true, Bringer of Dawn! Fly, and put a stop to this endless night!

… The Swordwind would release his spear, directly for the wyvern’s wing in order to tear it asunder, like a banner of darkness amidst the battlefield. No longer shall it hold tyranny over the skies. No longer shall it oppress the innocent from the light of the Sun itself.

Elias grit his teeth as his horse bucked; this Wyvern was far larger than anything he’d heard stories of– not to mention the fact that the beast was dripping with magma…

It was when he saw the crest upon the dragon’s breast that fury began to well within him.

This Dragon, this– abomination wasn’t something that should exist… It was made by something; just like the cyclops in Redwater, it had to be. And as for what was used in lieu of a true dragonheart…

It wasn’t hard for the knight to come to quick conclusions.

Releasing the reins, Elias dismounted his horse in a swift motion; the flame in his chest continuing to build to a fever pitch even as the sheer heat of the dragon’s presence threatened to cook him alive.

His fingers dug deep into the bark of a felled tree as he rushed the beast; intent on occupying it’s attention so his allies could land more crippling blows. With a mighty bellow– he hefted the tree in a powerful overhead swing!


Ethelred was in awe of the sight of this creature. He knew a bit about dragons and their ilk, but books and legends never compared to beholding the real thing. He certainly had not anticipated it being so…fiery. Lava dripped from what looked like sores, and its mere presence caused things to burn, and even at this distance, Ethelred could feel the increased heat through the faceplate of his helmet.

With Elias taking the beast head-on, Ethelred recognized an opportunity to flank it. He spurred his horse onward, his companion somewhat reluctantly and hesitantly responding. Avoiding the arc of Reinhardt’s tree strike, Ethelred galloped towards his foe’s lower leg. With all his willpower he channeled his freezing powers, and with all his might he thrust his lance at the back of the creature’s ankle, hoping that his ice would be able to resist the dragon’s heat just long enough to inflict injury upon it. He wasn’t even sure if his lance would penetrate the wyvern’s hide even with the momentum of charging, but until one of its more vulnerable spots, such as the strange holes in its body, was within reach, he was somewhat limited in his choice of targets.

Marduk began his chant, the power building as he channeled the power of his ancestor. Fury. Righteousness. Contempt and hatred all swirling together as he began drawing upon this power. It was a good thing the Wyvern was indeed, more focused on the man in front of it lest he be turned into deep fried elf.

As Reinhardt made his declaration, swinging the hefty, felled tree towards the draconic creature, the dragon would in turn, position its wing arm between its head and the tree catching the improvised weapon with its own body, deflecting Reinhardts attack as a low growl emanated from the beast.

It opened its maw, mouth aimed directly at Reinhardt as volcanic heat built, the crest on its chest growing hotter and hotter -

A pained, high pitched roar. A flash of light as a pale imitation of a true holy weapon ripped through the air. A gout of fire blazed past Reinhardt, just barely singing his skin as the beasts maw had been knocked out of its trajectory by Marduk’s spear that struck the dragons wing…but did not pierce. The heavy tree Reinhardt was holding slipped off its wing as the beast would now turn its imperious gaze towards Marduk and the Knight riding towards it on a steed of frost.

Ethelred’s lance struck the beast's leg, but alas, it seemed mostly to agitate the creature - though the ice that had formed from the blow was not immediately melting.

The beast slammed its foot onto the ground, shaking the earth with its weight, a stream of fire being pushed from the holes on the underside of its body as Ethelred sped past, scorching even his frigid armor as the beast reared its head back, turned its head towards the heavens.

“....FOOLISH.” It screeched. “We…are the Herald of His Return.” There was a mighty flap of its wings as it would rise to its hindlegs, the holes on its body glowing hotly before lunging forwards with its wings attempting to strike at Reinhardt in a series of brutal brutal blows with its wings before swiftly pivoting on its clawed feet, tail whipping outwards towards the treeline where Marduk had been hiding, a wall of flame shooting from its tail towards the forest, scorching them.

Ethelred felt the searing, painful heat of the flames even through his armor. It was not a sensation he had felt since he had been frozen, and while he normally welcomed old, lost sensations, this was not one he wanted to experience. It was as clear as ice that his armor's ability to protect him had its limits, and that he'd have to be more careful.

As the Frozen Knight desperately circled underneath the wyvern's tail as it swept overhead in an attempt to hit Marduk, Ethelred pondered his next move. With the beast's scorching aura of heat and vast power, this wasn't a fight they could win by playing defensively, but it stood so tall that all potential weak points were out of their reach. They needed to bring it down to wound it, but in order to bring it down, would they not have to wound it?

Perhaps there was another way to bring it down, Ethelred thought, harkening back to his fight with Cecilia. He approached the wyvern's other leg, still pivoting and repositioning in an attempt to strike Marduk.

Ethelred rode underneath the draconic monster, taking note of where its foot would land next. Then, careful as to avoid being stepped on, he thrust his lance into that patch of ground and channeled his freezing powers through the weapon in an attempt to freeze the spot beneath where its foot would land, with the intent of creating a slippery surface to unbalance his foe. This could be difficult to pull off in this scorching heat, but the ground should be cooler than the heated air above it, and the knight had noticed that the beast's foot was not hot enough to immediately melt the ice when he struck it prior.

As Ethelred did his best to sabotage the Dragon's footing; Reinhardt fought like hell to counter the beast's onslaught! Still wincing from the sheer heat of the blast that had only managed to graze him, and staggering back from the monster's parry of his opening strike– the knight let out a strained roar as he pivoted hard, only just managing to bring his improvised weapon to bear against the dragon’s opening swing!

The sound splintering wood echoed through the air; Reinhardt's footing failing to find purchase as the force of the blow would drive him back! The second blow came, and once again the knight brought his weapon to bear against the monster; continuing to lose ground as his weapon would splinter further. And though he managed to defend once more against the third– Elias would find himself flung violently back; what little was left of the log nearly exploding in his grasp!

Barely managing to catch himself from falling into a full-on tumble, Reinhardt wasted no time in acquiring a new weapon; violently kicking through the truck off a tree that had already had its limbs burnt off during the ongoing battle and quickly taking it into his hands.

The knight’s stance lowered into that of a Spearman as he pointed the crudely formed tip of his weapon toward the dragon. The Reinhardt crest surged with power as heat welled within Elias' breast, the Knight launching three quick thrusts– aimed at the dragon’s shoulders and throat!

"Some Herald you are! You aren't even announcing your master's name!

Ice formed beneath the massive wyvern’s feet as it pivoted, heat pulsing from its body as the two holes on its back began expelling fire from within the beasts body. The ice quickly was melting - but it would certainly do as Ethelred intended. As the wyvern’s weight came crashing down onto the icy earth below it, the ice cracked and splintered as the Wyvern’s claws were unable to grip the ground.

It fell, its right side careening towards the ground, barely managing to stop itself from falling entirely with its wings as Reinhardt made his assault. The first strike landed true, slamming into the Wyvern’s shoulder puncturing the creature's scales just enough for a trickle of boiling magma to spill from its body. The next would be deflected by the wyvern’s other wing, just enough to cause a grazing wound upon its neck while the third missed entirely.

“Uooooh…” The Wyvern’s rough, gravelly voice rang out as it would turn its attention back to Reinhardt. “HE needs…not be named.” The gargantuan beast replied to the dragonslayer. “For HE…He…is the king returned…Ooooh, our kiiiing….” The beast was quickly getting back to its feet, a stream of fire expelling from the beasts throat, right towards Reinhardt -

“I think not!” Just before the stream of fire would impact the dragonslayer, a suit of blackened armor would place itself between Reinhardt and the blast. “Allow me, Sir Reinhardt!” Lonan struck forward with his blade, an ethereal blue glow covering its body as the blast of fire was summarily split in two streams, burning only the ground and forest behind the two. “I can not offer much, but with Steblas’ blessing I can at least do something to douse these flames should they reach us!”

The beast was still somewhat on its side, the hole on its right side stomach just now within reach if one managed to get under the beast unscathed.

"Well met Sir Lonan! You couldn't have timed your arrival any better!"
Elias exclaimed as the knight of Harzel joined the ongoing fray, "If you could accompany me for the moment, I intend to get closer! Please continue your support!"

Bit by bit Elias pressed forward; his every breath beginning to cloud the air as the flame in his chest grew ever hotter. Alternating thrusts between the two wounds he'd already dealt the beast, the Knight seemed to almost hesitate slightly between each motion– as if waiting for something…

Marduk once again leapt from treetop to treetop, approaching the battle from a different flank. Avoiding the dragon’s blazing tail had forced him to disengage from the battle for a time, having scraped to the forest floor mere inches away from being smoked Elf brisket.

Instead, while his allies continued to face off against the beast, Marduk had chosen to watch and wait for a time. He faded into the shadows of the woodlands for the right time to strike, not wishing to betray his position again. After all, the more trees that would be scorched in the wyvern’s flames, the less angles of attack Marduk had.

Perhaps bows weren’t a cowardly weapon after all.

Ethelred and his mount barely managed to avoid being crushed when the wyvern slipped. His tactic had worked, and afforded them a brief window of opportunity to strike at the beast. Most notably, one of the holes in its body was now within reach of Ethelred's lance. With Elias busy attacking the dragon's front, it should be distracted enough to get this attack in. Steeling himself at the very real prospect of getting a face full of fire, he charged and thrust his lance into the hole, hoping that his cold powers and crystalline weapon would hold in the face of such immense heat.

“Understood! I’ll leave the offense to you! I’ll handle defense!” Lonan quickly retorted, the knights blade still glowing a light, watery blue as he positioned himself by Reinhardt’s side. The Dragonslayer continued his slow, but methodical assault but the Wyevern had grown wise to his methods, twisting its neck to avoid the injury on its side from being assaulted further. It could however, not prevent the wound on its shoulder from being gouged further as it would slowly rise to its feet. This left Ethelred only moments to take advantage of this opening, his steed bounding towards the underside of the great wyvern.

He plunged his lance into the hole.

The reaction was instant. The frozen knight channeled his icy powers to freeze the inside of the dragons body. Immense volcanic heat blasted Ethelred’s body, even his frozen body melting from the heat yet not enough to break through the entire layers. The beast roared, thrashing as Ethelred would watch with a manner of success as the hole began to freeze over slowly…but it was not fast enough.

“Ahh, futile, futile!” The beast managed to return to its feet, giving its mighty wings a powerful flap, jets of fire billowing from every hole on the beast. “MMmhm, very well! I herald…destruction. Perdition. You will burn…with the others, traitors…”

Ethelred would need to move quickly as the wind and heat from the beast's wing beats began stirring up a pillar of fire under and around the beast. Jets of flame ignited in the holes on the beasts underside, a terrible, loud screech from the sheer amount and speed at fire being ejected. With a single, mighty flap, the beast raised itself into the skies.

The only saving grace was, that there was noticeable difference in the hole that Ethelred had nearly frozen. The flame was much less strong, and a much duller color as if it had significantly cooled.

“I don’t know what its doing, but it can’t be anything good!” Lonan shouted.

Ethelred didn't need to think twice to realize he needed to get clear. His armor had taken a beating from the heat, and he wasn't sure how much more it could take. He spurred his horse to gallop away from the dragon as swiftly as possible, heading in the direction of some still-unburnt woods where the trees would hopefully provide some measure of concealment from the now airborne foe. He didn't want to give the beast a clear shot at him, or provide it a convenient target by heading in the direction of one of the other knights.

"Elias! Get clear!" he shouted as he fled, hoping his leader would hear him.

As he looked back, he noticed that his particularly taxing efforts had the results of weakening the fire erupting from that particular aperture, and its wounded shoulder, no doubt Reinhardt’s work, did not escape his notice. The dragon didn't seem like it was being slowed from its injuries but if the trio were able to continue hammering at the existing wounds, they might manage to bring this monster down.

As the beast took flight, Marduk’s eyes shone with killing intent once more. A golden glimmer in his hands, another spear shimmered in existence. Quickly, he had thrown his procured weapon at the wyvern’s wounded shoulder, hopefully to cripple its ability of flight further. Whether his attack struck true or not, the Elf was already on the move, producing a mere pebble from his pockets.

With a flick of his wrists and another tune of a songbird, the pebble flew, skipping past the branches of a few trees, ruffling their leaves ever so slightly. A trick of the Elves, a feigned sign of movement. Marduk, meanwhile, moved in an opposite direction, leaping closer to the ground before reaching his once-abandoned steed, the horse galloping alongside the likes of Reinhardt. He appeared at an instant, his legs poised atop his steed like he prepared to bound once more.

Its wings… we need to cripple its flight, before anything else!” Marduk called to the knight, before preparing to steer his horse away, a direction different from Ethelred’s. “The sword in its chest is important, yes?! I’ll work on loosening it!

"No Ethered! Group up with Lonan, and make the area cold as you can manage! I'll go for the sword– Sir Elf, be ready to grab it once I've knocked it free! Reinhardt barked in retort; breaking into a full sprint in pursuit of the dragon, a steady head of steam beginning to rise from the gaps of his armor yet again his crest flared to a fevered pitch–


A monumental grunt of effort accompanied the sound of wood straining and splintering as the crude tip of the Knight's makeshift spear dug into the earth and catapulted him into the air! Quickly detaching his harpoon from his belt, Reinhardt gave the head a swift spin before releasing it toward the wound Elnith's sword was buried in!

Ethelred heard Reinhardt's orders and quickly steered his horse in a new direction. Not wanting to risk getting closer to the dragon, he circled around it towards Lonan, keeping his shield raised and being ready to bolt if the dragon's terrible fire was to begin pushing outward. For all his distrust of these Harzel Knights, Lonan had proven himself a valorous companion and if it was Elias' will, Ethelred would do everything in his power to aid him.

A second shining spear hurtled through the air, Marduk’s assault aiming for the already injured part of the beasts scales. The Wyvern would thus fold its wings around it as though it was making a cloak out of its wings, the shimmering weapon nicking its wings and though it seemed to chip off a portion of the wings surface area, it otherwise didn’t even register the injury it seemed.

“...Sir Reinhardt! You fool what are you-” Lonan barely got a shout out as Reinhardt would in turn, also launch himself towards the scaled beast using the tree in his grip as a glorified pole to vault with.

“Nnnhmmn…Foolish!” The harpoon Reinhardt released was released from his grip, careening through the air. “Burn with…the other traitors…” In the same instant, a dense pressure formed at the dragon's maw, a sphere of roiling magma forming at the end of its muzzle.

“Sir Ethelred!” Lonan shouted. “I need you to trust me and put yourself between us and the dragon's attack! Elf, unless you want to fry, get over here!”

The harpoon, in the brief seconds this all was happening, would hit its mark. The tip of the weapon would dig right into the emblem emblazoned on the dragons chest, right above Elnith’s blade. The dragon still didn’t immediately respond, even as its fiery blood seeped from the wound.

Even as he stared into what he knew was about to be his end, Reinhardt faced his duty unflinching. Another surge of energy burst forth from the heart of his being; burning hotter and brighter than ever before! In a sudden jerk, the harpoon tore free– and a molten star ascended in it's place!

Reinhardt’s fingers wrapped the hilt in a vice-like grip around the hilt of Elnith's blade, delivering a violent stomp to the Dragon's chest as he would teat the blade free in an upward motion; cleaving through the beast's blackened flesh!

As the knight’s ascent at last began to stall– he released his grip on Elnith's weapon; the crimson blade hurtling free toward the earth below.

Reinhardt was left face to face with the beast, armed now with naught but his own cold stare.

He glanced over his shoulder once to his comrades; calling out once more before his gaze would return to the Dragon, "I leave the rest to you!"


Ethelred leapt off his horse, not wanting to risk its life, and ran up to Lonan's side. He saw the dragon's chest glowing and knew what was going to come next. And Reinhardt was right in front of it.

The Frozen Knight raised his shield, channeling his freezing powers through it, preparing to counter whatever terrible heat would soon come his way. A freezing fog began to form in front of him. His mount, sensing the imminent danger, retreated into the woods.

He hoped that his and Lonan's powers would be enough to turn aside the incoming attack. Unfortunately,they wouldn't be able to shield Reinhardt.

"Elias, you have to get out of there!" he shouted to his companion, desperately hoping that his companion would be able to disengage and get to safety.

The blood-red blade was pulled upwards. Flesh was cut, scales crushed under Reinhardt’s boot. The beast shrieked in pain, molten blood spilling from the wound. A gash had been cleaved right across the beasts chest, scarring the crest and creating a deep wound from the beasts chest all the way up to its shoulder.

The sword would soon start hurtling towards the ground.

Reinhardt would soon follow.

“Mmhm, if I am to fall…then…you…traitors…my kiiing, your herald will deliver them to perdition…!” The orb of fire had stalled in its growth, its power halted as its flight was thrown off, the beasts body flailing in the air barely able to keep aloft from the sudden assault, but not enough to fall from the skies right then. As boiling magma dripped from the sphere of fire and the beast itself, it craned its head downwards.

There was a flash of fiery light, as the dragon unleashed its attack. Thankfully for the people on the ground it had been thrown wildly off course…unfortunately the blast did not seem to be a mere breath of fire, and unfortunately, it would slam right into Reinhardt.


His body burned.

Every bit of Reinhardts’ flesh was being near instantly vaporized from his bones. Armor, melted. Weapon shattered.

His body would be naught but ash before the beam of roiling magma even hit the ground. As the pillar of fire slammed into the ground, the beast flailed, still unable to properly maintain flight causing the beam to wildly strike and race along the ground. In its wake, trees instantly vaporized. The under it became little more than blasted, cracked, land unsuitable for anything to grow at all.

The beam, would thus, then race towards the group of gathered knights. Ethelred stood stalwartly between it and both Marduk and Lonan. Could he really defend against this blast of hellish fire? Ethelred would vaguely see Lonan drawing his blade, running a hand alongside its length. An otherworldly blue glow shining upon its steel.

“Spirit of pure water, Steblas, grant this one your blessing of water and quench the fires of conflict!”

Almost immediately, Ethelred would feel the ice on his melted armor reinforce, in fact, grow almost thicker and more sturdy than it had been previously. He could feel the powers of Ice he possessed grow stronger…more controlled, as though he could reach out further with them than previously.

As the beam of fire rushed towards the group, it slammed into Ethelred’s shield…yet, he felt no heat from it whatsoever. His body would strain against the force of the impact, but the beam itself harmlessly split down the middle, being deflected from the shield as the blast of fire would instead completely vaporize the ground to their side.

With the force of its own attack seemingly being the only thing keeping the dragon aloft, the beast would wildly flap one of its wings. A jet of fire blasted from one of the holes in its back as the creature would thus use the force to carry itself away from the trio, careening towards the ground…in the direction of the village.

"Elias!" Ethelred shouted as the fire subsided and he saw the terrible sight of melted metal and ashes where his companion once stood.

Ethelred dashed over to where Reinhardt was vaporized. "No, no no. This wasn't supposed to happen, Elias. You were the dragonslayer, the direct heir of the king's greatest knight. You were the strongest of us. You were supposed to be invincible!"

There was no response. The notion that there could be any response from the melted slag that remained would be asinine to a more lucid man.

He wanted to shout. He wanted to berate and rant, asking why Elias didn't heed his warning to get clear. He wanted to ask what he could've done to make Elias take his words more seriously. He wanted to shout his lungs out at the remains.

First Od, now you...

However, he couldn't allow himself to do so. Unlike distant ancestors, he was not a barbarian, to roar in rage and passion until his voice gave out. He was a knight of Sorcha, and as long as he still lived, it was his duty to see this mission through, to avenge Elias, to end the threat to the villages, and to save Elnith from an unjust execution. He would have to mourn another time.

"We cannot let that dragon burn down that village," he finally spoke, resolute. "We have to put it down before it can recover from its wounds, or we might never kill it. Marduk, I need you to find Elnith's sword in this wreckage." The frozen Knight turned back to Lonan.

"Sir Lonan, I understand you are a faithful servant of Harzelslack and its laws, but you’ve seen what this wyvern is capable of. Until we slay it, it is a threat to every unfortified settlement in Albion. You have my word that if you hand Elnith over to me, she will aid us in taking this beast down, and then depart without making any further trouble. I know that she has wronged Harzelslack, but punishing past wrongs should not take precedence over preventing future ones. We cannot undo past tragedies, but we can prevent future ones."

Ethelred was trying his hardest to act as he thought Elias would. He owed it to him, to make the effort to be the responsible leader that Reinhardt was.

Marduk was speechless, at first. The Wyvern’s final attack, the devastation of their forces, and most severely, Reinhardt’s demise at the beast’s hands all have indeed made the severity of this situation clear. They needed to stop the Wyvern, but they also needed to fight it at their full strength. Anything less, and Reinhardt’s sacrifice would be for nothing. It was only with their abilities combined that this beast could be stopped, evident by the synergy between Lonan and Ethelred’s peculiar magic.

Even still, the hatred of Marduk’s ancestor rumbled deeply within his heart even under these circumstances. As the Frozen Knight commanded the Swordwind, Marduk could not help but glare daggers at him. Another confrontation was likely to occur… However, Marduk instead stepped off his horse and made his way towards the burning cinders where Elnith’s sword would have dropped. Where Reinhardt’s ashes were likely scattered.

I will continue to fight alongside you until the Wyvern's death, that much I have promised.” Marduk had stated, his voice strangely free of the haughtiness he had when conversing with the knights moments before. He was facing away from Ethelred, but the malice that exuded from the Elf was almost suffocating, “But I will not abide by being commanded by you, Cursed One. I stay my blade only out of respect for Sir Elias Reinhardt’s sacrifice, but I will not tolerate another slight. Know that I merely tolerate fighting alongside you, not under you.

It was strange. The way Marduk spoke was as if he was a different person entirely. After all, this was the first time he referred to Reinhardt by his full name. Whatever the case may be, the Elf did not wait for Ethelred’s response. Instead, he sifted through the ashes, sniffing out the blade through his enhanced senses for the cursed.

This sword was one that gorilla died for in order to retrieve it.” Marduk spoke, sounding much more like himself. “Why is it so important, aside from it belonging to this ‘Elnith?’

A heavy silence hung over the group, the forest around them had been burned to naught but ash along with Reinhardt. Little more than a blasted, charred landscape behind. Lonan himself, shook his head, fist clenched around his blade as he’d sheathe the weapon.

“...I am sorry, sir Ethelred. That is not within my power to do.” He responded quietly. “Only the king may pardon criminals. Under Harzel law, those deemed criminals and enemies of the crown lose any rights to citizenship until their trial or execution.” He’d turn to face away from the ice knight. “However…this battle is certain to be chaotic. No doubt that wyvern will not go down so easily. If, by chance, she somehow manages to escape from the outpost we have nearby the village during the fight, well…we’ll have our hands full protecting the people.”

He’d whistle, the ghostly steed Steblas once more appearing by his side.

“I’ll go on ahead. Grainne likely has evacuated the citizens. We’ll need to come up with a plan before this thing makes another move if it hasn’t already. You both are more than welcome to help.” He’d kick Steblas into motion. “For what its worth, you have my sincerest condolences.”

"Thank you, Sir Lonan," Ethelred replied, nodding at the man's clear implication. Once the knight of Harzel rode off, he turned back towards Marduk.

"Cursed one?! That's rich, coming from a…" Ethelred caught himself. He couldn't rise to Marduk's insults, not now. "Nevermind. If you must know, Elnith's sword is enchanted to always hit its mark. It can't be parried or blocked, and I don't think it can be dodged. The fact that it was embedded in the dragon is evidence that it's able to penetrate the beast's hide."

Evidently his attempts to take charge in the aftermath of Reinhardt's death weren't going well. Was he that bad with people compared to the other knights? Or were people simply not inclined to heed the words of a cursed monster?

Ethelred let out a whistle, and to his great relief, his horse appeared, apparently unscathed by the dragon's uncontrolled attack.

"I'm heading to rescue Elnith at this outpost while the Harzel forces are busy evacuating the village," Ethelred spoke to Marduk as he mounted up. "Whether you choose to come with me or not, I expect to see her sword returned to her."

Marduk merely nodded to Sir Lonan as he left. He had no strong opinion on the Harzel knight, though his lack of quips to the spectral horseman likely meant he didn’t have a negative opinion on the man at the very least. As for Ethelred, Marduk had an almost amused expression on his face as the Frozen Knight’s cold facade momentarily melted. He had hoped just for that moment the knight would follow through with his insult just so he would have an excuse to blow off some steam. It was a fleeting temptation, however, as the Elf knew his boreal curse would prove useful against the fight against the wyvern.

As for the sword, the nature of this blade piqued Marduk’s interest.

I’ve no care for a cursed sword in my collection, Icicle. I’ll catch up when I find it.” Marduk hollered back to Ethelred as he made his leave. As soon as he was out of earshot, The Elf sighed, allowing himself a moment of reprieve before he continued to search for the sword.

It was then that he noticed Sir Reinhardt’s steed meandering about, having somehow survived the Wyvern’s blast.

Ah, blasted Wasteland. Leaving me with shit to deal with even when you’re dead, huh, gorilla?

Seeing no use in letting it wander off, Marduk led the horse over to his own, tying the horse’s lead to his own. He would also take advantage of this new opportunity, removing some of the burdens of his own traveling gear from his horse and placing them all on Reinhardt’s. Quickly looking through the knight’s personal effects, Marduk procured one of Reinhardt’s unused swords. He wondered for a moment just why that gorilla didn’t use any of his other weapons.

At least it would serve as a proper memorial for the knight. Marduk lunged the blade within the ground of the newly made clearing, taking only the briefest of time to pay his respects before continuing with his work.

Now, to see about finding this sword…

The sword was easy enough to find in the blasted landscape, its red blade gleaming brightly even among the burned forest. Amidst the smoldering ground, Marduk would pull the blade out of the place it had embedded itself into. Immediately upon grabbing it, an unfamiliar magical energy could be felt from the blade - it was definitely a sword of fomorian make it seemed, this much was certain to the elf.

Yet, even if he didn’t particularly care for it, it almost seemed like as he held the sword, he could reach almost anything with it. All he had to do, was pick it up and give it a swing…

Well, perhaps he should get moving. Tearing himself away from that thought though, he’d head after Ethelred…

Lonan hadn’t exactly given directions to this outpost, likely for desiring some sort of plausible deniability. Yet, it wasn’t too difficult to find the location of this particular outpost. It might complicate matters a bit for Ethelred depending on how he wanted to handle this situation, but it seemed to be where the knights were helping the citizens of the village to evacuate too. He’d find a small procession of refugees being led by none other than Grainne who had retrieved a steed for herself. Notably, Ethelred and Marduk would see the two kids from earlier there too, riding along in a carriage. They were roughly traveling west, towards the harzel border and in the distance amidst a small copse the duo could see a fort, surrounded by what was an incredibly large encampment of knights. A number of civilians that had already been evacuated seemed to be present, too.

The fort itself was of a fairly standard size for something like this. Enough to house a relatively decent complement of soldiers to keep an eye on the border as it were. He could see two large ballistae on two separate towers, too. Maybe those would be useful later.

A forward operating base of sorts, just outside of the official harzel borders? Grainne and the small procession hadn’t seen the two yet at least. Perhaps it’d be better to try a more covert operation.

Southern Giants Rest
Late Night

The queen, perhaps oddly, didn't immediately respond. She’d raise a hand to her face, just so Fio couldn’t immediately see her. She’d proceed to stretch, presumably rubbing sleep from her eyes before quietly stretching her arms above her head and yawning.

“Ah? Fio, I thought you were enjoying the best sleep of your life. You certainly had a cute sleeping face.” She’d respond after a few moments, turning her head to look towards the sword witch with a tired almost strained seeming smile. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. I couldn’t sleep very well…” A few seconds of silence passed as the queen looked back towards the mountain tops in the distance.

“...do you want to hear a story, Fio?” She’d question. “Something I doubt is written down anywhere in the histories of the old king?”


Sucaria’s dusky skin was overcome with a dash of red from the princely kiss delivered to the back of her hand. The maid at least, outwardly didn’t seem entirely bothered by this…save for the perhaps, loud thumping coming from her chest and a sudden trickle of blood coming from her mouth which was quickly wiped away by a cloth.

“I heard you were coming here…” Sucaria replied, supporting Luna by throwing an arm around her shoulders. “Lord…Lightsword let me come here…I’ve been busy cleaning.” She’d huff, shaking her head. “So dusty…this place is unfit for you…” Dutifully, she’d guide Luna towards a bed…though certainly not towards the barracks. Instead Luna would be finding herself brought towards the servants quarters. Specifically, towards the room that Sucaria was making herself at home then.

“Mhm, first…we need to let you relax from your long journey and battle today. I’ve prepared a warm bath…” She’d then, proceed to start undressing Luna.


“Ah? Opening gates? Well, that’s one thing I excel at, ahah!” The Tuatha replied with a laugh, hefting his axe. “Alright friend, I’ll knock those gates down without a sweat!” NIall would immediately start cutting his way through the bandits, precision and artistry with his strikes. The bandits, though, were proving to be just a bit more difficult than common rabble. In fact, they were perhaps a bit unreasonably strong for just simple brigands.

His lance repeatedly found its mark, cutting holes in the bandits but it seemed taking them down for the count was a bit more difficult. Still, it was enough to at least make some progress. He’d deftly avoid their strikes, for all their durability they didn’t seem any more skilled at least. Still, this meant they had gotten towards the gate, but were immediately in no less danger.

“Alright! Lets Just hold them off for a moment, yeah?” The Tuatha grinned as they’d run to the entrance of the stronghold, the gates indeed having been slammed shut by someone or something in order to keep them inside.

The Tuatha didn’t seemed concerned as he’d climb onto a nearby tower, monkeying his way up its tower and throwing out the archer stationed there. He’d then, proceed to hang off the side of it, feet pressed against the wall and hand gripped tightly to its roof while the axe in his hand hung freely from the other one.


The shout, well, was almost more like a roar. Every single bird in the area immediately began to fly away, even the bandits seemed momentarily stunned by the noise as they’d regroup around Niall.

In the distance, there was a trumpeting of something seemingly returning the call.

About a dozen bandits had surrounded Niall, all lunging forward with swords, axes, spears, seemingly all having every standard weapon in the book. A few were even lobbing arrows at the two of them.
Location: Alavaris
Ancient Garden
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

The skeleton was indeed, thrown backwards from the force of Aleksiya’s backhand. The pile of bones crumbled near instantly, whatever magic holding it together falling apart as its body clattered to the street below. Giselle was not far behind, her bloody lance sweeping through the horde of skeletal remains before they even had a chance to react if they were even capable of it.

Akyasha’s less conventional weapon proved to be just as effective. The ornate stone lid was heavy to be certain, but it was merely a trifle for a vampire to lift with relative ease. The first few fell easily between her strokes, and launching it towards a remaining distant group was just as clean. The heavy stone lid hurtled through the air before slamming against the skeletons with a loud, rather cacophonous noise that echoed along the buildings of the street that they would find themselves in.

This had at one point, been one of the main roads to and from the city. It directly connected with the cathedral…all they’d have to do is follow it towards their objective.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though the noise from the fighting had alerted the entire undead in the immediate vicinity to their presence.

Several more skeletons would shamble from the alleyways, the doors to the buildings, even pulling themselves off the ground. A dozen? Two? Whatever fell magic was keeping these things going didn’t seem to be in short supply as they’d shamble towards the vampires. Thankfully the skeletons, while perhaps possessing supernatural strength, were not too quick. They were not armed very well, either. A handful were clutching rusty, old weapons - cleavers, sickles, pitchforks and some seemed to be clutching clubs that were slightly charred.

The horde would lunge towards the vampires in an uncoordinated mess, two leaping towards Aleksiya, a slow overhead swing with a cleaver while the second made a clumsy attempt to grab her. Three engaged Akyasha, one making a slow thrust with a pitchfork, the other making an attempt to club her over the head with a well, club. The third merely ran at her with surprising agility. Giselle would find herself being attacked by a skeleton trying to slice her with a sickle while a second approached from behind attempting to whack her over the head with its makeshift spear.

Another ghastly wail from down the street in the opposite direction they were heading. Perhaps it might not be a good idea to be out in the open like this for too terribly long with whatever that was skulking about.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

Dragan’s rapier found its mark on the unwitting dead. The shambling creature lowly gurgled as its heart was quite easily pierced by the bloody weapon…but it was not quite deceased. It grasped and grabbed at Dragan, the face of the once man contorted with fangs and patches of fur on its wound and filth covered body, its webbed fingers attempting to find purchase.

The other two began walking, Illena sacrificing a digit in order to form a small familiar to scout with. It took quite a bit out of her to do it, surprisingly. Had she really become that weak? Regardless, the creature did scurry off, skittering down the balcony and heading towards the even more squalid looking area below. It would take time to return, if it even did…but useful information could be gleaned either way.

The two would soon make their way to the end of the street, the entire place still as dark as ever…and it seemed just as treacherous. A group of the foul-smelling humanoids were shambling around the street accompanied by what seemed to be some sort of large…mosquito like insects that were dining on several deceased bodies. Their abdomen were swollen with the same putrid blood as the things they were feeding on…but at least they’d make for a slightly better meal than the beastly corpses themselves. The street continued down into the swampy, murky area below or continued towards the Cathedral.

Unfortunately, these things were standing in their way. One of the beastly men turned to face the women, a low gurgle coming from its throat.
Shimizu Kaori

Hmm...a spectral woman who conveniently showed up when a child went missing. Like Tomoko, she was far too old and had seen too many youkai activities to merely believe this was any sort of a coincidence. As she'd contemplate the ghosts words, Kaori quietly walked over to Hina and the ghost, wearing her usual friendly smile. Since she left the Mujina back at the clubroom, might as well mess with both of them.

"Ehe, There, there Hina-chan." The spider would attempt to pull the ghost into a hug. "You'll get your human baddie or Nurikabe soon, I believe in you." She'd turn to the ghost in front of them with her usual smile. "Hey, hey, adorable ghost-chan. I'll play Karuta with you! I'll even teach you a fun knew version of it we can play~" Said version perhaps involved losing articles of clothing, but details details.

Despite her jovial and friendly tone, Kaori was in fact, taking this seriously. Seemingly no connection with the kids themselves. The specter attacking at random times. No trace of the kids left behind. The nabbing happening in an instant...not even she could do that! Hmph, maybe she'd ask for tips from this youkai...wait, no. Tomoko would lock her in that horrible room again if she did that. If it was something like an Onryo then it'd be a simple matter of working back from the first disappearance to figure out what and where this particular youkai came from, but ultimately from evidence so far there wasn't anything connecting all the children together...

"Hmm, perhaps it followed one of the children out here from somewhere else and has been doing the most abhorrent act of nabbing children it likes since then? How terrible. I don't suppose we saw where this phantom woman went, hm? Did she say anything or do anything else that we could use to identify her perhaps? Clothing? Appearance?" She was grasping at straws here a bit, but they still didn't have quite a complete picture of what this thing even looked like. If they could get even a partial description it'd help immensely in narrowing down the culprits.

Dawn of a new day
Days after blizzard: 7->10
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Crusader Lord@ERode@Pyromania99@Cu Chulainn

And so three days would pass in Dawn. Following successful hunts and regulating how much the village hunted, they village for now, was well off enough as far as food goes. Still, though Seelay was guarding the storehouse and she would encounter no one trying to pilfer any fish in the interim, the creature itself continued to make itself known on the frozen shores of the ocean. It seemed like it was getting progressively more violent, too - one of the fishermen had been pulled under by it.

Hopefully though, she could pull off this plan of hers without a hitch.

Maira would bring Atzi back to the village, much to the relief of everyone to see Atzi alive. Maira made a point of not telling everyone she was alive, electing to find her way to Atzi’s home during the night at some point. She did exactly what she said she was going to do, too, cleaning up Atzi’s place whether she wanted to or not.

Also cooking.

And making sure Atzi wasn’t over exerting herself with her new lack of an arm. After a checkup from Calra and Akala though, they both said she was entirely fine and the wound was healing fine. Didn’t stop Maira from fussing over Atzi slightly, though. Achel was doubly concerned for her too, though in her usual ways of informing her to value her life more. She offered to make Atzi a new hand. Of the skeletal kind. She didn't sound like she was joking.

Haruno hadn’t woken for the few days, though after the day had passed the color had returned to her face and her breathing was far more regular. Calra made a point to find and thank Lissa for her assistance as well, and that the herbs the two of them gathered would certainly be worth the headache. The spider also made Nylah work much harder, and the Mothraki would find herself incredibly busy in the past few days. Collecting herbs, stocking up on salves.

Lazhira and Vammy would spend their time taking care of Tallen and also dealing with their new guest, who was proving to be quite resistant to interrogating and was doing her best impression of a rock. Lazhira had for now, prevented Vammy from doing anything to her, but it was becoming increasingly obvious they should probably think about something else, since she also had yet to tell anyone else about their…friend.

Gideon would for the most part find himself being watched by a certain little spider constantly, with Akando asking him for assistance with a hunt again over the few days. Also helping to help forage for edibles and supplies from the forest for later use - mostly consisting of berries and the occasional fruit bearing tree.

And so, another day would rise in Dawn, and as usual Enli would start the day by calling the villagers to the church.

“I want to thank everyone for their hard work these past few days.” He’d begin simply. “As it stands, we have plenty of food for the next few weeks and Bolcha has informed me that we have a decent amount of wood to be used for fire and construction. With any luck we’ll be using it to rebuild some of the houses damaged by the blizzard and the Rimebeast. That monster stealing our fish and hurting our fishermen is still out there, but I’ve been assured it will be taken care of today.”

“Aye, the little miss Elf helping us has come up with a pretty good plan.”

“Just be careful with the harpoons.” Asvar grunted from the side. “Still runnin’ short on iron and any I’ve got is going to help repairs. I’ve been having Raezleth look into that vein I mentioned with her Stone-singing but we’re having trouble findin’ it.” He’d glance around for a moment. “...speakin’ of, looks like she’s run off again. If anyone sees her, give her a good talkin’ too will you?”

“What about Mie? Any sign of her?”

“Nylah and Lissa found Haruno gravely wounded a few days ago.” Enli responded with a frown. “She’s been in a coma since then, but judging from her wounds-”

“I can speak for myself, Chief, thank you.” Opening the door to the cathedral and brusquely walking past some gathered residents, was a still injured Haruno. Her body was still covered in bandages and it looked like Calra had been in the middle of replacing them when she had got up and walked off.

The spider in question was not far behind her, a none to pleased expression on her face though she seemed fine with letting Haruno be up and about.

“Apologies for my rather sorry state, but you have my gratitude for looking after me.” Despite being a bit unsteady on her feet and breathing heavily the Oni seemed just as formal and polite as she ever was, bowing deeply to those present. “Mhm, I’ll get straight to the point since Miss Calra is exercising great restraint at the moment. We were attacked by the Yaga and Krysa - urk-cough-” The oni began, though was soon interrupted by a fit of coughing.

“Yes yes, sit sit. Let me finish bandaging you. Drink this.” Calra would pull Haruno onto one of the pews. “And let me do the talking.” She’d turn towards those gathered. “Mie was attacked by the Yaga and Krysa in the northern snowfields Haruno barely managed to break their siege out of Mie’s camp and was hoping to receive some assistance from us...”

“Apologies for imposing, it does not look like Dawn is in any shape to help…” The Oni lamented, leaning on Calra.

“You hush. Rest. I’ll let you lay on my abdomen if you be a good patient~”

“That is…not good.” Enli frowned. “Mie’s goods would be a great help now…though that still leaves the issue of not having too terribly much to trade with at the moment as well…I’ll talk with the hunters and other residents. I don’t know if we can help much without knowing more of the situation, though.” Haruno didn’t respond with anything other than a nod.

Well, that was certainly something.

“Oh…and before everyone starts their day, Achel informed me the crypts are currently off limits to everyone but Akala and myself.” There were a few questioning cries from those gathered. “I understand your concern, but Achel likely has her reasons. If there is nothing else, Akala and I shall be in the back. I have something to discuss with her personally.”

The priestess had been present the entire meeting and gave a friendly wave to those gathered.

Lazhira was currently standing off to the side, seemingly contemplating something herself.

Of course, you didn't have to be attending this meeting at all if you didn't wish to be. There are plenty of other things to do in Dawn, or to have already started on for the day if you already had something you wished to do...but you may miss out on certain information.

Maira of course, was nowhere to be seen. She was holed up in Atzi's house keeping a low profile, likely not to stay for more than another day or two if Atzi wanted to bring someone to speak with her.

Location: Alavaris
Ancient Garden
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

As Akyasha made the mistake of earning Aleksiya’s likely annoyance from a simple hug, the trio would be interrupted by a horrible, ghastly shriek from somewhere to the south, towards what was supposedly the city's main gate. It was loud enough to temporarily deafen, and immediately following it the other undead in the area would too, shriek, filling the air with the wails of the undead before they’d quietly fall off into the darkness.

Whatever it was, did not seem friendly from that alone.

It also seemed to rile up the undead in the area. Several skeletal piles of bones would shamble towards the entrance of the garden, though they didn’t seem to immediately concern themselves with the vampires, but they were likely hostile as uncontrolled undead, without a master or lord to give them purpose. Lacking intelligence or sapience too. It’d be a mercy to put their souls to rest, really.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

As the three recently resurrected vampires stood in the sorry excuse for a city street, the occasional howl of a beast or buzzing of insects would shortly be interrupted by a loud, somewhat familiar sound echoing across the ancient city walls. A sound that perhaps, was familiar to some of them more than others. A sound Illena would certainly found familiar, as her ‘father’ favored that sort of weapon.


A single shot, silencing the cries and buzzing briefly as the vampires, were they so inclined to look below they would notice that perhaps, they were not the only beings currently in the city. Far below, further within the slums that the balcony was overlooking, the three would see a fire light up within the darkness casting long, black shadows against the nearby buildings. They were too far away to really get a good look at the person in question, but they were moving at a fairly quick pace and the only identifiable feature was the torch they were carrying.

Judging from the way the direction hey were heading towards that Manor and soon they’d disappear into one of the half sunken buildings, perhaps, to take some cover from the sudden noise the gunfire brought.

A curious happening…but perhaps not too important right now. You had other places to be, after all. The still lit braziers of the cathedral called to you in the distance and it seemed that the gunfire had indeed alerted some of the cities current residents. Not far up the path, where the road opened up just a bit more the vampires could see what seemed to be a ragged looking humanoid, shuffling across the street. Wounds crossed its body, small bits of…fur? Growing out of them. It looked like some sort of…zombie, but smelled heavily of rotten blood, like what might happen to a vampire if they go too long without feeding or one that had been marked for death by Ichor.

Nothing more than a beast to be slaughtered, really.
Southern Giants Rest
Early Night


“MMhm, But she’s mine? I carry her how I want too.” Sorcha responded as Luna took Fio from her arms. The queen’s posture had slumped a bit as she’d watch Luno place a kiss on Fio’s hand and proceed to ask her about the ‘reward’ for beating the two of them in a drinking game. “Oh my how scandalous, Luna.” Sorcha laughed, not being self aware of her own actions at all as the sword witch proceeded to flee from the scene.

Well, attempt to flee.

Before she could even get five steps, the sword witch was falling, tripping over her own feet. Thankfully, something caught her fall before she hit the floor.

Unfortunately, that something was someone else she probably didn’t have the highest opinion of.

“Kya-” A shout of someone not trying at all to sound actually distressed by being run into, Fio found herself face planting into the bosom of the maid from earlier. The two tumbled to the ground, Sucaria landing on her back, seeming just a tiny bit dazed as she’d slowly bring her gaze towards Fio. “...ah? Miss…Hm, did you want my heart that badly after all?” As usual, her tone of voice was entirely serious and without a hint of any teasing or joking, and it looked as though she was making a move to in fact, pull out said heart again.

“Eeeh, Fio’s not even the drunk one, ahaha…” Sorcha walked over, pulling Fio to her feet again as Sucaria tilted her head to the side slightly, observing the situation.

“...ah...” Upon realizing the situation, there was the faintest bit of a mildly pitying look towards Fio before she’d turn her attention to Luna. “Lady Luna…you’re drunk.” The Maid walked over to the knight before she could bother the sword witch again. “Don’t bother your guests…”

Fio, meanwhile, would find Sorcha happily pulling her along again...right up the stairwell and towards the bedroom she had been given by the Lightsword family. Fio's fate, was sealed. Like a princess being snapped up by a dragon, she was being princess carried off to Sorcha's bedroom. When the pair finally arrived, Sorcha rather unceremoniously plopped Fio down onto the bed.

This, in and of itself might have proved some manner of concern.

The fact the queen started stripping a few seconds later, probably proved moreso.

Thankfully for Fio, she only managed to get her shoes and shirt off before the Queen would simply pass out on the bed next to the mage, though not before wrapping her in a bear hug and mumbling something about Erahith and Gerainth. Maybe Fio managed to actually get some rest. Maybe she'd stay up all night, unable to sleep any at all - though it'd probably be a bad idea to tell the Queen that.

Regardless It would be almost dawn when she'd realize the queen was no longer in the bed with her.

She'd see just a flash of light colored hair from a nearby balcony just off of the room. If Fio was so inclined to investigate, she'd find the Queen just sitting on the nearby roof, gazing off towards the Llobrokor Mountains. She didn't seem to notice Fio, so she could also chose to leave too, if she wished.


“You should listen to the bird.” The fomorian chided the both of them wearing her usual grin. “But I doubt you’ll let your brain do the thinking for once.”

“My ‘brain’ thinks all the time, and right now its thinking that a good whack is gonna make you shut up permanently!” However, seeing Niall instead of engaging and choosing to flee, the Tuatha seemed surprised. Whether it was because he didn’t seem intent on fighting now or that he thought Niall was a coward for fleeing was difficult to say. “Hey! We’re not gonna get another chance easily to end this creep!”

Still, if Niall was intent on his course of action, the Owl knight would bolt past the rest of the undead experiments blocking the entrance, choosing to flee instead of engage as he’d barely avoid their clumsy, but powerful strikes.

“You should choose your allies better, ya know.”

“Shut it-” He barely managed to block a blow from one of the experiments strikes, its two extra arms attempting to reach and grab for the Tuatha’s head. “-Only Cecillia gets to ‘headpat’ me!” He’d retort, shoving the creature back and glancing between the Fomorian and the retreating Niall before swiftly coming to a decision himself. “Damn it…fine!” With a powerful swing, he’d cleave his way through another undead that was creeping up on him, following Niall out of the storage area.

“I’ll get my revenge on you some other day, creep.”

“Oh my, so scary.”

“Everyone you’ve killed, I’ll make you pay ten fold!” He’d blast out of the underground, just shortly behind Niall…but now the entire camp seemed to have been alerted to their presence. As they’d make their way out into the open, they’d find they were already surrounded not very far away from the entrance.

“Hey, got any bright ideas?” The Tuatha asked Niall. Gabriel was nowhere to be immediately seen.
And the culprits are...?
@Cu Chulainn

Alavaris, city off the dead.

“Oh maiden of Blood…” A womans voice echoed through the streets. The wails of the undead briefly silenced from the soothing hymn as it echoed across the darkened city. From within the rundown buildings, claustrophobic alleyways one could almost hear a choir of people joining the voice in chant.

“You give us succor…” Footsteps amidst the darkness as a single flame was lit, guiding the singer through the cowering undead.

“We are forsaken…” The woman, continued her prayer, steps slowly descending from the street into the squalid excuse of a slum below. The insects and beasts driven to insanity by the maddening darkness bothered her not, the light from the torch causing them to flee as she continued on her way. A bloody sack trailed behind her as she walked. “Unheard by the serpent…”

“Oh, maiden of red…” The prayer continued, traveling from the grimy underside of the city towards the barely illuminated cathedral. The choir had become louder now, following in time and in line behind her as more of the undead joined the prayer.

“We give ourselves to thee…” Faster the steps traveled as the prayer continued, the chant only briefly interrupted by breaths of exertion as the woman started to run.

“Oh maiden of violet,” The doors to the cathedral were shoved open, the figure making it just inside as the choir of voices muffled, none daring to enter the darkened cathedral yet still, they sang.

“You give us purpose…”

“Rise, rise. Rise those given succor…” Before a statue of Ichor did she fall to her knees, hands clasped in prayer as the ghostly choir would join hers. “The serpent laments…” A knife was pulled from her robes as she’d lay it on the altar.

“Farewell, farewell…” She’d heft the sack onto the altar, hoisting it onto the surface with some difficulty as she’d pull the object within out. It beat slowly, rhythmically as she’d raise the knife over it. “The serpent bids farewell to thee, forsaken… ”

“Rise, those given succor…” As she reached the end of the chant, she would plunge the knife into the still-beating heart. “Rise from the blood of the Serpent…and be granted succor once more…”

And so, her body would fall limp over the altar, blood from the heart slowly dripping off the altar, seeping into the ground below…

Location: Alavaris
Ancient Garden
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

“Oh the forsaken undead…Rise from thy slumber. I command thee…the Lily of Blood, Akyasha. The Rime-winged Angel, Aleksiya…Giselle De Ferry! As I command, rise from thine slumber! The cathedral. Head to the cathedral. It calls to us…”

All at once, your existence came back into being.

Ripped from whatever afterlife that had awaited the undead in this cold, lightless world your senses would suddenly snap back into reality as though you had been in a long, deep slumber. Each of you were laying in a rather lovely sarcophagus it felt like. The interior was crafted of the finest materials and the stone which had made it expertly carved. It would be a simple matter for any of you to pry open the lid, rising from your slumber and observing the world around you.

You were in a garden. Well, what was once a garden. The plants had long since withered, the branches from the tree withered and decayed, only a scant few leaves upon the ancient leaves indicated any form of life from the plant. Old stone paths led out of the garden, towards what looked like a main road. The place you had woken from seemed to have once been a rather luxurious looking bed of violet flowers that were growing into and around the sarcophagus you had woken from.

The garden itself was entirely walled off, a number of buildings and other structures surrounding it and preventing normal exit by all but the main gate which seemed to lead into a main road of sorts.

In fact, this place seemed familiar. Following the skyline, at least what remained of it, up one could see a familiar sight - the Alavaris cathedral, looming over the city some distance to the north. One could easily see light from within the place, indicating some life of some sort there. Your memories were hazy, but you’d vaguely remember a sweet, lovely red voice telling you to go there. Even for those who had never heard it before it was an almost instinctual understanding of who that voice had belonged too.

Ichor, was telling you to go to the Cathedral.

You were also…so very, very hungry, yet not a single drink to be had from the looks of things. All you could hear was the occasional groaning from a nearby undead just outside of the garden. You weren’t alone either. In fact, there were two others here you’d instantly recognize.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

“Oh my lovely undead…Rise from thy slumber. I command thee…Dragan Meszaros, Knight of…Death…The ever radiant, Luna Emeraltide! Ahh, and the ambitious child of shadows…Illena…The cathedral. Head to the cathedral. You will…find us…”

All at once, your existence came back into being.

Ripped from whatever afterlife that had awaited the undead in this cold, lightless world your senses would suddenly snap back into reality as though you had been in a long, deep slumber. Each of you were laying in a rather lovely sarcophagus it felt like. The interior was crafted of the finest materials and the stone which had made it expertly carved. It would be a simple matter for any of you to pry open the lid, rising from your slumber and observing the world around you.

It was not a pleasant looking place.

Dirty, muddy water would welcome your feet as you hoisted yourself out of your sarcophagus. If not for the bed of violet flowers enreathing your tomb, this would be quite a pitiful looking place. You were at the end of a narrow street, old buildings to your right, and to your left a balcony that overlooked the rest of the squalid looking slums. It seemed much of the refuse and dirt had drained here at the end of the street.

Looking outwards down the balcony, you’d see ancient houses sunk slightly into the ground, as though they had simply become one with it leaving only the once second floor accessible. The only building that seemed entirely intact was at the far end of what was likely once a street, standing above every other pitiful building was a three story manor of some sort…but it was quite a long ways down, and something called for you to go elsewhere.

Looking to the west, though, one could see the familiar landmark of the Alavaris Cathedral. A place you were familiar with, and meant you were in the former city of the Undead. This at once, had been a poorer section of town, but it had certainly fallen quite a bit.

Your memories were otherwise hazy, but you’d vaguely remember a sweet, lovely red voice telling you to go there. Even for those who had never heard it before it was an almost instinctual understanding of who that voice had belonged too.

Ichor, was telling you to go to the Cathedral. To get to the cathedral though, was a simple enough matter. Follow the road as it’d curve upwards towards the Cathedral ward.

The buzzing of insects and the howls of creatures though, meant that might not be so simple in effect. At least you might have some blood to sate this thirst of yours for a time if one didn’t mind dining on a beast.
Fish? Fishing.

“Ah! I think I get it.” The fisherman replied with a look of realization. “I think if we have your help we can certainly pull it off…hm, maybe having some hunters help too would be good.” He’d start looking through the equipment present. “We’ll need a place where we can lure it…Ah. The shoreline near the old ruins should be good for that I think. Its got high, rocky cliffs around the ocean and has some strong rock we could anchor the ropes too. We could probably use the weirs and make enough bait for it, too…”

The fisherman would grab one of the Weirs.

“It’ll take a few days to set everything up, I think, but if Akando or Soyala help I think we can just pull this off.” He’d hoist some ropes over his shoulder and grab a Harpoon. “I’ll go tell Bolcha to send some men here to clean and repair the stuff. See if he’s got any more sturdy ropes we can have…maybe Calra could drug the bait or something too…hm, I’ll ask…”

“Thanks Miss Seelay!” He’d head out the door, in quite a good mood it seemed. “In the meantime, I’d like to ask you to guard the fish storage so we don’t lose anything else until we’re ready.”

“Hmph, I got ignored.” Sionna patted the top of the elfs head. “Seeelay, come ooon, lets go do something fun! Like tying that Raam’s shoestrings together when he’s not looking!”

The Missing huntress

“Futile.” The man approached, his slow, steady and purposeful gait carrying him across the snow covered ground. Atzi had been fully subdued by his estimation, completely and utterly rendered ineffectual as the tendrils tightened across her body. Crushing, binding, breaking. Her bones creaked, her flesh burned. Yet, even so she managed to struggle. The knife dropped to the ground, caught between her toes and plunged into the creatures neck.

Blackened blood spewed from the wound, the creature recoiling, but his grip never loosening as the knife would tear its way through his body.

“Grrrghhhk-” A gurgling noise as its head would fly off its body. A few seconds passed, its body remaining completely still. Perhaps, she had thought, she had managed to best it, but that thought would be quickly shattered.

“Ah, such barbarism...” Suddenly, Pain. More pain. Atzi’s entire body lit up with it. The tendrils released her, only to then reform, impaling her body in numerous areas on her front. “Is this. What you humans. Prefer?” The spikes would withdraw from Atzi’s body as the mans head would slowly start to reform on his body. “Still alive? Your endurance exceeds. Expectations. Shame. You would have made a good…subject.”

More pain. A tendril, lashing out.

Her right arm would find itself laying on the ground in front of her.

“I will…be taking this. Perhaps you’ll be of some use.”

And then, he’d release Atzi. Her body collapsed to the ground, unable to do anything but watch as he’d take her severed arm and proceed to slowly, slowly, disappear into the distance as she would slowly bleed out…vision fading…

The smell of cooked meat.

Her body aching, hurting.

But she was…alive. Somehow.

Opening her eyes would reveal a small cavern, lit just by the light of a fire.

And there, at the other end of the cave, was Maira.

“...You’re finally awake.” She’d say quietly. "Don't move too much...you...got hurt pretty bad."

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

The ball of acid thankfully, did not seem to travel very far. The area in front of it was liberally doused with the substance, burning away the snow from the ground and creating a wet, muddy slurry that would make it hard to walk in for likely both the creature itself and the hunters. Thankfully, her quick reaction pulled the hunter and herself out of the mainline of fire of it, only singing both of their armor just slightly.

The other hunter with the spear quickly did as suggested, maneuvering to the creatures side while the other two would remain at a distance, firing a few more shots at the creature, one impaling itself deep in its flank, another embedding itself in its front but neither delivering a fatal injury.

In retaliation as Lissa charged from head on, the creature would charge forward too, opening its mouth wide and lashing out with its tongue once more, the front of it sticking to Lissa’s body as it would attempt to pull her towards it.

“...Gwwwk?” A slightly confused sound as its tongue was now latched onto Lissa, but she didn’t find herself being pulled towards the creature. Instead just held in place as it ran towards her, slightly confused as to why it couldn’t pull her towards it, but still intent on swallowing her.

The hunter that had flanked from the side, had managed to dig a knife into its side, and was slowly climbing up onto the beast's back.


Calra quickly got to work, having the Oni undressed in mere seconds as she’d begin making attempts to stabilize Haruno. A wide gash on her chest and stomach. A blade? Looks like it had already started healing, though. An older wound, but it hadn’t been properly treated. Smaller incisions on her back, chest and shoulders. A few bloody arrowhead was left in her shoulder and back. She likely couldn’t remove them. Luckily no infection. A broken arm. Fractured leg. Wounds indicating some clawed animal did a number on her. A chunk of flesh had been ripped out of her side. Frostbite had started to set in, too.

She was obviously in some sort of battle with other people, and then with animals from the looks of it.

“Nylah, I’ll need to do surgery. She’s got arrowheads stuck inside her and some internal bleeding. Poor thing looks like she was in a battlefield before being attacked by a bear or something and crushed a number of bones I'll have to set. Make some anesthetics and prepare as many healing potions and salves as you can while I start.”

It’d be easy enough to prepare both of those things especially with the things she had on hand. Fresh water for a base, crush the ingredients, then boil it to a broth. Simple enough, they didn’t have time to refine it. The Salves could be made by taking the same ingredients and crushing them into a paste without the water. Better for topical use on flesh wounds.

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