Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

As the activities and drink flowed through the tavern, Liora would slowly find herself growing more and more bored. A subtle agitation, a sense of desiring of movement. A desire to get off her ass and do something other than entertain herself with food and drink. No matter how pleasurable and lovely such things were, variety made for the best shows...and this show, was slowly starting to get stale. Even her fellow Envoys could only entertain her for so long.

Thus, when Rean vocalized a desire to leave and split off, Liora was not far behind.

"I think I'll take Rean's cue and leave." Liora would stand, sliding the coat she was holding onto over her shoulders. "As fun as that mission sounds, I think my talents are best suited for looking around the city." She'd pop a piece of hard candy into her mouth as she'd thusly make her way out of the tavern leaving the rest of the group with a playful wave and a grin as she'd step back out into the midday air of the city. She wasn't quite sure where she herself was heading, but eventually her steps would lead her to seemingly follow right along behind Rean who had elected to sit on a fountain not far away from the library.

Quietly, Liora would slide herself right next to Rean, throwing an arm around her shoulder and snuggling up to her.

"Why the long face? Miss me that much already?" She'd take a bite out of a rather juicy looking apple she had...pilfered on the way over here. "Or you thinking about something fun?"
Before anything else, let me say all characters here were well done and I think all could have easily fit in the world in some fashion...but alas, I could not accept everyone. It wasn't easy deciding, but I think I've finally reached a decision that I will be happy with.

Alright, judgement day has come and Ichor has chosen those who shall carry out her will.

@Pyromania99's Akyasha
"Ahh...you. I remember. Ichor remembers. Faithful. You will serve well..."

@VitaVitaAR's Aleksiya
"A lost child of the living given unto death. Such pain. Your cries reach to me even among the cries of the undead..."

@Asuras' Luna Emeraltide
"How fleeting, such is this 'love'. Even you, of the undead, are not immune to such things. Perhaps, you will find them again..."

@Psyker Landshark's Dragan Meszaros
"Valiant. Brave. Yes, you. I remember you. One of the first felled...Ichor calls to you again, child of death. Bring order to this darkened world..."

@Click This's Giselle de Farry
"...I am wary of you, child. Peace. Alliances...can they truly...would they? I do not know, for humans are unknown to I."

@ERode's Ilena
"Yes, you. A zealous, bloody child. Ah, yes...you shall serve well. Fret not...for there are still those who would call us foes in this slumbering world..."

Please, move your Cs's to the CHAR tab at your earliest convenience~

And here is a discord link for people who aren't currently in my server. It'll expire after a day so get in as soon as your able if you want in. Its not needed, but it makes keeping up with certain things easier.

As for the rest of you -

@Zombehs@Dead Cruiser@Cu Chulainn@Princess Peril

I want to thank you all for taking time and interest in this project of mine. I really would like to have explored many concepts here, but as it stands I think the above is both the most fair as well as the most variety in terms of abilities/powers. Don't fret, and keep your Cs's around. An extra or a fill if I lose a player is always something that could happen. I'll keep everyone that still has interest on a wait list, should it please you.
Shimizu Kaori

Alas, their time in the clubroom had come to an end...and so did her time with the Mujina. As much as she'd like to keep the small shapeshifting spirit with her, it would likely be nothing more than a distraction during their investigation. As such, Kaori would instead opt to leave her in the clubroom. Grabbing her own umbrella, Kaori would follow the rest out of the clubroom, and out into the rainy day that had been given to them.

A playground was their destination, hm?

"My my, an excellent display as always Tomo-chan." Kaori would agree with Hina, lightly clapping as Tomoko made her totally necessary and accurate summoning. And what a cute ghost that was summoned too! She had to wonder what such a cute ghost was doing here, but she couldn't really complain that the end result was meeting another cute ghost. "And what a cute little ghost, Ehehe. I'm Kaori, just a little spider employed by Tomoko-chan. As Hina has said, we're looking into a child that disappeared around here." The spider would give a brief description of Makishima Taro as well as the general time of day that the disappearance had occurred. "It would be of great help if you could assist us."

Border forest

@Cu Chulainn@Guy0fV4lor@Crimson Paladin

Elias couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle in response to the young boy’s shocked exclamations as the group began their journey into the woods. "I’d honestly thought them dead myself, and were it not for your sister’s descriptions I’d still think as such…"

The knight’s voice trailed off for a moment as his eyes performed a perimeter sweep, continuing to talk once he’d confirmed there weren’t any threats lurking nearby. "As for killing Dragons? There's a number of ways to deal with them, their success usually depending on how intelligent or crafty any given dragon might be. Sigurd the Dragonslayer; my great, great, great, great Grandfather– discovered and employed a great many methods on his hunts. He’d use anything from siege weapons, to traps, even poison… But what he found to be the most effective strategy; particularly on wyverns, was breaking their wings."

Elias raised his right hand, a single finger held skyward, "Because, in the words of Sigurd– even with scales like steel, teeth like razors, and any number more of a dragon’s terrible boons… A Dragon suddenly deprived of something it’s instinctually used its entire life; no matter how wise, or cruel, or crafty it may be…"

Reinhardt tapped his extended finger against the side of his temple, "Quickly loses sight of this, and becomes little more than just another beast to be slain."

Though the knight was keen to share some of the stories his father had given unto him with the children, the distant clamor of voices and the telltale clinking of armored figures moving about the path ahead. Raising a fist, Reinhardt silently gave his companions the signal to stop; taking a moment to glean as much as he could from the distant voices.

From the sound of it, Elnith had clashed once more with the Wyvern, and had been left in rough enough shape for the Harzel knights to apprehend her without resistance. The knight grimaced beneath his helm. It seemed that he would need to play diplomat; much to his own dismay, if the mission was to return to Airedale in success.

Elias craned his head over his right shoulder, speaking in harsh whisper, "Ethelred, form up tightly on my right side. Do your best to look menacing, but not like you're trying to threaten them. Should the situation turn violent, I'd ask you do your best to avoid freezing anyone unless absolutely necessary."

Turning his head to the other side, intent on asking their Elven tag along to hold his tongue as best he could for the time being– Elias would find the Elf to have suddenly vanished; seemingly having already taken the initiative to conceal himself nearby.

Gently clearing his throat, Reinhardt nodded to Ethelred as he eased his steed into a slow trot; puffing his chest out authoritatively as he would interject upon the conversation ahead in a stern monotone, "It isn't a Fomorian. What you're dealing with is a Dragon."

Elias slowly brought his horse to stop once more once he was at what one might consider a polite distance from the Harzel Knights, placing a fist diagonally across his chest as he'd give a short bow from atop his steed, "Greetings Knights of Harzel. I am Sir Elias of House Reinhardt; Blood of the Venerable Dragonslayer, and Son of the Lord Johann von Reinhardt. On my right is Sir Ethelred, my faithful comrade and fellow Knight."

Reinhardt locked eyes with the individual seeming to lead the small troupe; his calm gaze firmly affixed as he would posit their leadership with a question, "Are you too, hunting the beast that has burnt six entire villages to the ground in only a month's time?"

The knights and their small entourage would pause immediately upon hearing Reinhardt’s greetings. The one named Gráinne seemed like she was going to say something, but Lonan raised a hand, silencing his seeming subordinate as he’d coolly stare at the two in front of him. Curiously, he didn’t seem to pay Ethelred too much mind as he’d focus more on the one speaking to him.

“That is a name that carries a long line of respect and tradition.” The black clad knight greeted Reinhardt. “And it is quite a claim to make, too.”

“An absurd one. Dragons were killed ages ago-bweh-” She was given another smack on the back of her head by Lonan.

“Apologies, my squire doesn’t know when to keep her mouth shut. We have indeed been asked by King Harzelslack to look into this matter and bring back the beasts head. I don’t suppose you have any proof of this claim…or proof you are who you claim to be?”

“...hey, aren’t those the kids that went missing?” The squire interjected, the two kids behind Reinhardt failing in their attempts to make themselves invisible behind the larger man.

"Indeed." Reinhardt responded flatly, shifting his gaze to Gráinne for a moment before returning his attention to Lonan. "We found them while investigating what remained of their original Village. It was through examination of what was left from the attack as well as the girl's description of the creature that leads me to believe we're dealing with a Dragon, rather than a Fomorian. Now as for proof of who I am… A moment please. It's a bit troublesome to flex the crest through this much armor when outside of combat. "

Elias closed his eyes, taking several slow, deep breaths– then letting out a small grunt of exertion.

At first there was seemingly nothing. But as the knight continued to push...

A fearsome glow erupted proudly from deep within his chest; its molten color gleaming forth like a star in the night, its undulating glow mirroring the rhythm of an unyielding heart!

The knight’s eyes opened; his hands gripping tightly to the reins to prevent his horse from bucking, "Rings, heraldry, and documents of pedigree can be easily forged or stolen… But this– the very legacy of Sigurd that lay within my every heartbeat is proof of who I am!"

Reinhardt allowed his body to relax; the glow slowly subsiding into near nothingness as he would set his attention firmly on Lonan again, "Does that suffice as proof enough? Or shall I remove my chestplate for you to see it more clearly?"

“...No, that is quite alright.” Lonan mouth slowly pursed downwards into a frown. It was a crest and emblem anyone even slightly familiar with the great houses of Albion would know at a mere glance.

“Eeh…guess he’s not lying, but something about them still seem fishy. Especially that icicle over there.” Gráinne rested her sheathed blade on her shoulders, tapping it lightly against her own pauldron.

“Unlike you two, these guys actually kill fomorians!” The voice of the young girl piped up, causing her brother's eyes to nearly bulge out of his head.

“Oi, brat what’d you say?!” Gráinne shouted in response. “You should be thankful King Harzelslack even sees fit to guard your pathetic little villages-”

“That’s enough Gráinne. If you’re going to let the words of a child rile you up then I’ll have you sent back to clean the stables for a fortnight.”

“I am sorry, please forgive me Sir Lonan.”

“That outburst aside…” The darkly armored man folded his arms across his chest, observing the duo in front of them. “I still find it difficult to believe there’s a dragon involved, even taking the word of house Reinhardt into account.” He’d move a hand to his chin, rubbing it thoughtfully. “...if I may be so bold to assume that you are here to slay this supposed dragon, then allow me to join you. I’ll have Gráinne here and the other soldiers escort the children back to the village.”

"Wait, there's another matter we need to discuss." Ethelred finally spoke up. "The black knight you mentioned, why have you arrested her? She was seeking to slay this beast, same as you and I. How has she trespassed Harzelslack's laws?"

Marduk watched the knights converse from the treetops of the forest, taking solace on a rather beefy branch of one of the more modestly-sized trees. Moving across the woodlands swiftly and silently was something that only came natural to one raised among the Elves, especially with the enchantments given to him by his boots and cloak. It was almost as if he disappeared entirely from sight.

The Elf, however, only sat and watched, chuckling a bit after hearing the knights of this rival kingdom are ruled by some guy named “King Hardlysack.” Humans from this part of the world had the funniest names. To be honest, he was having his own battle… that is, against drifting off to sleep. After all, he had spent a notable time of the day in the midst of combat. It didn’t help that the knights he traveled with had decided to do the ‘boring’ way of finding answers.

“Ha? What relationship do you guys have with that beast?”

“That…I have to ask why you’re asking such a question. I would not have expected the Noble house Reinhardt to collaborate with such people.” Lonan responded. “I’m sure you know of the rumors surrounding her. Shows up conveniently around the time Fomorians attack villages, the conflicts she’s had with the Harzel knights in the past.” Well, it was no secret that Elnith wasn’t quite well liked. The rumors of her being some sort of barbaric warrior that would kill you just as quick as ignore you with imperity wasn’t exactly something they wouldn’t know. “King Harzelslack has put a bounty on her head, alive, or dead. She is to be tried within the borders for various crimes.”

“Doesn’t matter if she was here to slay it or not. We’re bringing her in and she’ll probably be executed.”

"Executed?" Ethelred asked, clearly agitated, straining to avoid lowering the temperature around him. "She–"

"That’s enough Ethelred." Reinhard interjected harshly; punctuating his statement with a piercing glare directed toward the Ice-Bound knight.

"Forgive my companion– despite his appearance, he is of kind heart and tends to assume the best of people's intentions. He likely believes the woman in question to be horribly misunderstood, especially since the two children claim she saved their lives and drove off the dragon at one point.

Reinhardt looked between Gráinne and Lonan for a moment before continuing on, "And as I would like to prevent you from getting the wrong idea, the Black Knight is not affiliated with House Reinhardt."

Elias paused, allowing the message to sink in; attempting to allow any tension built up by Ethelred's outburst to dissipate before going any further, "That said… I would like to interrogate her. From what we overheard, she has faced the creature more than one time, and I surmise she may have even managed to track it back to its nesting grounds… If such is the case, it would be equal measures foolish and wasteful to not find out what she may know before continuing on our hunt."

"Would you be willing to afford me a chance to speak with her?"

“Good luck.” Gráinne harrumphed. “That bitch has refused to tell us anything and we even took the time to waste resources on her to patch her up.”

“Under Harzel law, such bandits and rogues are not typically allowed any visitors.” Lonan coolly replied. It didn’t seem he entirely brought Elias’ story, but he didn’t seem intent on pursuing it further now. “Especially one as presumably violent and dangerous as she is. While you claim no affiliation I find it curious you even asked about her in the first place, and now you wish to interrogate her? I see no reason to grant such a request.”

In the distance, there was a roar. Deep, guttural, but distant.

“That said…gathering information is part of my job. If you will allow me to be present during this interrogation, I suppose I could allow you.”

The roaring from beyond served as a proper alarm for the Elf, his instincts heightened at the sense of danger. Quickly, he climbed the tree he was in, looking to obtain a better vantage point for the skies above. In particular, he looked for any indication of where this roar came from…

… and how far away whatever this thing was.

Ethelred complied with Elias' rebuke and remained silent. Beneath his crystalline helmet, he looked over each of the Harzel knights, silently assessing the threat that they might pose. The reasonable thing to do would be to play nice, join up with the Harzel knights to slay the dragon, and only then press for Elnith's release. However, between the loss of Od still weighing upon him and the more recent irritation of being called an "icicle", Ethelred was not in a good state of mind. The most he could do was keep his mouth shut and let his more level-headed, more human companion handle matters. Still, could a peaceful compromise be reached? As reasonable as the Harzel knights' leader was, could he really be persuaded to release someone whom he deemed a criminal?

Elias’ head snapped toward the direction of the distant roar; determining that it was North of their current position.

"I agree to your terms." he calmly responded to Lonan; his eyes still locked on the Northern horizon, "But it seems the interrogation may have to be postponed for the moment… I believe another attack is imminent."

The knight guided his horse closer to the Harzel Knights, angling that the entourage could assist the two children with dismounting.

"I'll be leaving these two in your care Gráinne. As for you Sir Lonan, you're welcome to take their place since you don't seem to have a horse of your own at the ready… Much as I dislike being underprepared as we are at the moment, I'll be damned before I let that beast burn another village. Not while I'm around to do something about it."

“I’m glad to see the Reinhardt family is as reasonable as I had hoped.” Lonan nodded, glancing towards the direction the roar had come from as well as Elias positioned to help the children dismount. It was clear that the black armored knight didn’t trust Elias or the group, no doubt still being suspicious of them.

“Eh, but we don’t wanna go with her.” The brother huffed.

“Watch your mouth brat. You should be lucky you’re even still alive after running off.” Gráinne, in her attempts to help the children dismount would instead end up having the younger sister wiggle out of her arms before she touched the ground, who would then proceed to run around to the otherside of the horse, causing Gráinne to run after her.

“I appreciate the offer, but that will be unnecessary, Sir Reinhardt. We have a patrol to finish. I’ll send Gráinne back to the village with the children-” The skies roared again, closer this time, loud enough to interrupt their conversation.

By the time Marduk had managed to climb to the trees to get a good vantage point on what exactly had made that noise, he’d be the first to see the black winged death that had decimated the villages - and it was speeding right towards them! It was hurtling from what seemed to be northern Albion, from the Mountains towards them at a nearly impossible speed! Elias would be the second to sense it, aside from the obvious roaring. A familiar, somewhat nostalgic smell…but this one, causing his entire body to seemingly enter a fight or flight response.

Marduk had mere seconds to get down from the trees and warn everyone, should he wished.

In the next instant, the sky above the group darkened, a shadow passing above them as the creature would fly overhead, another roar which shook the heavens bellowed from its throat as it would start to descend, circling back towards the knights.

The moment that acrid smell; the stench of a sickly ash and all-consuming flame, reached his nose– Reinhardt's every hair stood on end. His every insinct screamed that this beast– no, this dragon was his enemy! A familiar heat began to build in his chest as he watched the shadow pass over the group of knights as his thoughts raced through his head. If he could smell the dragon… "Dammit– I think it smells me!"

Reinhardt glanced toward the now mostly panicking knights, "Get the children to safety, I'll lead it away from you!"

The knight whipped his head toward Ethelred, cracking his reigns fiercely as his mount would break into a sprint– "Ethelred on me! Don't follow too closely, try to stay out of it's sight until I give the signal!"

Ethelred nodded and spurred his horse into motion, following some distance behind Reinhardt. This was it, they had to put this monster down before it could cause any more destruction. He didn’t have the natural aptitude for dragons like Reinhardt did, but his cursed, frozen state should provide some protection against the dragon’s fire. At least, he hoped it would.

Leaping from treetop to treetop, Marduk had also moved away from the rest, aiming to split up in order to avoid being bathed by its fiery breath. As he did, he would whistle a tune of a certain songbird native only to the Lylmesari Forest. It was a tune the two knights should know well, as it is one Marduk was quite fond of repeating during lulls in their travels. He whistled just loudly enough for Reinhardt and Ethelred to have an idea of where he may be moving.

Of course, to those who have extensive knowledge of the avians of Albion, such a bird call would sound quite off. While Marduk didn’t expect the wyvern to be an ornithologist of any skill, perhaps the Harzel Knights may surprise the Elf with their own unique skills…

Needless to say, the Harzelslack knights had not expected to have something like this suddenly jump them. The normal soldiers shouted as the beast flew overhead, one of them falling onto his ass from the sheer sight of it. Gráinne gave a shout of surprise as she’d finally catch the young girl and pull her away from the horse.

“Gráinne, take the children back to the village!” Lonan shouted. “Use Stelbas, get there and rally the detachment to be on standby!”

“C-can I?” Lonan would bring his hand to his mouth to his hand, a sharp whistle shortly ringing out. Perhaps, to the surprise of Ethelred and Elias, from just behind Lonan a spectral steed shimmered into existence, reality rippling around it as its hooves left puddles in its steps. Its speckled blue and white fur similarly seemed slightly damp, but otherwise it appeared as a normal steed. Without another word between the two, the steed would quickly walk over to Gráinne, the children, at least understanding the situation would quickly let the redhead.

“The rest of you, on foot, move, move! Do not engage that beast!” Spurred on by their leaders words, the knights collected themselves, bolting from the area while Lonan himself would remain, running, at least, on foot after Ethelred and Reinhardt.

The massive draconic creature had slowly finished its long, arching turn back towards the group now. It was flying low enough now that its claws clipped the tops of the trees, the speed and size of the creature completely shearing them from their trunks. Lower it would fly, trees and plants from the forest being completely uprooted, the cracking and splintering of wood as it would soon slam into the earth, not far in front of Reinhardt. It slid across the ground, across the path and into the trees on the other side from the speed it was going.

The first thing he’d feel, was the sheer heat from the creature as his horse reared back, startled from the creature in front of its sudden appearance. Even from simply existing, they could see the trees and plants withering, charring, dying from the sheer heat this dragon gave off. The next, was its size - towering above the forest, larger than even the ramparts on a tower as it straightened its posture, imperiously glaring at the group before it.

It’s scales were completely black, the beasts eyes a burning, angry red. Along its neck were holes, red, dripping with what seemed to be liquid magma that fell to the ground, burning and scarring the land with its heat. These holes continued down its entire body, its back, all the way to its tail. Two larger holes adorned its body near its hind legs, along with two more on its underside in just the same position. Its ‘arms’ were much as the two children described, more wings than arms, covered in tough, hard scales. Its head seemed almost scarred, too, lacking any lips around its teeth, giving it a horrific looking, macabre grin as more liquid magma leaked from between its teeth.

Notably though, on its chest…was exactly as the girl had described. One third of the Reinhardt family crest was emblazoned on its scales, dripping with hot searing magma like the rest of its body seemed to be.

And impaled in that crest, was the very familiar sword of Elnith’s.

The beast reared its head, an air shaking, earth shattering roar echoing through the forest.

Southern Giants Rest
Early Night


As the night dragged on, the lively trio drowned themselves further and further in their mugs. Sorcha would jovially engage in both talking and various amounts of camaraderie with both Luna and Fio either by giving the smaller girl a bone-crushing hug or challenging Luna to an arm wrestling contest too, which would typically end in a draw. Eventually, though, Sorcha and Luna both would have to admit, they had been backstabbed, bamboozled, and quite possibly betrayed by the resident witch. Leo had excused himself earlier, having wanting to go check on their prisoner and perhaps, do some interrogating before Luna could remember what she was going to do to her brothers.

As soon as the Witch made her sly victory apparent, Sorcha

“Lunaaaaa…” Sorcha slumped over the table, arms drunkenly stretched out towards Luna. “Fio cheateeeeed….” She’d whine, face puffed out in a pout as the Queen fumbled with an empty mug. “MMmnnngh…Fiiiine!” Sorcha would stand, slamming her hands on the table and nodding. “Sinsh…she won…her priiiize….is me!” The Queen, would then, somehow in a show of drunken dexterity would manage to grab Fio, picking the smaller girl up over her shoulder and start carrying her off to her bedroom…well, as best as she could. She was stumbling over her feet a bit.


The Fomorian, indeed was far too caught up in her own little experiment to pay Niall much attention. The sound of flesh being cut, calipers and scalpels squelching as the body was prepared for whatever horrid thing she had done to it. Once he had sneaked his way to the axe, lifting it would only be a small matter. It was certainly heavy, much heavier than even his lance or armor, but still able to be carried without too much trouble.

Upon seeing the armored owl knight with his Axe, the red-haired Tuatha’s mouth lit up in a grin, seemingly eager to get out of the bindings.

“Put it in my hands. Hurry up!”

Supposing Niall would do as requested, the instant the axe was in the Tuatha’s grip, there was an instant surge of magical energy from both the axe and its wielder.

“Ahahaha! Time to cause some havoc!” The Tuatha’s muscles visibly bulged, becoming more defined, sturdier, as with a swift yank of his wrists the shackles would snap in two, he’d rip the ropes off his midsection and immediately break the restraints on his ankles too, giving the axe a firm swing in front of him. “Thanks friend! Now I can do what I came here for!”

“Now, what’s this?” Of course, this ruckus wouldn’t go unheard by the Fomorian. “A little rat…bird? Curious cat? Whatever you are, you’ve decided you have a death wish coming here, huh? Or did you want me to give you a few enhancements?”

“Shut it bitch, no one wants your creepy fingers poking them!” The Tuatha would swing the axe overhead, slamming it into the ground. Niall would feel another surge of power as fiery cracks appeared alongside the ground, surging towards the Fomorian.

“Tch-” In a show of some decent acrobatic ability, she’d pirouette to the side as an eruption of flame surged from the cracks seconds later. “That wasn’t a request.” her mouth turned into a wide grin. “Do you really think I didn’t have any guards?”

Immediately Niall and the Tuatha would become aware of some groaning sounds and shuffling noises. From the room behind the Fomorian, the corpse she had been experimenting on had jolted to life. Its body was crossed with stitches and wounds, and from its beheaded neck, two black arms extended from its neck.

“He’s not done yet, but I think he’s more than enough to handle you.”

“I’m not scared of a creepy undead puppets.” The Tuatha grunted.

“Stuuuupid, you’re surrounded.” She wasn’t wrong, from the entry hall, there was the sound of more shuffling and growling as more of her experiments seemingly woke up, all sporting grotesque, usually arm like appendages to their body. “But if you insist on fighting…I’ll be able to collect more battle data, so by all means, ahah!”
@Dark Cloud@ERode@Asuras@Guy0fV4lor

With it being two days until I make final judgements...

If you four could give me a ETA or just an update on your CS's that'd be great, please.
~The Vampire Lords of Alavaris~

I. Akyasha
II. Aleksiya
III. Luna Emeraltide
IV. Dragan Meszaros
V. Giselle de Farry
VI. Captain Fellborn

The city of the Undead, Alavaris


I see nothing wrong with the changes here, as discussed.

I've put some more thought into it, and seeing as there's so many folks raring to go with more thought in their ideas already than I have in mine, I'll just go ahead and bow out; Liked the concept, just not chugging how I thought I would mentally when I put myself time to think. Godspeed everyone!

Unfortunate, but understandable. Good luck in future endeavors, friend.

As for everyone else, I think I'm waiting on about potentially 4 more CS's before I can make final judgements.
Keeper of the Arcana


"I can't deny your logic but it still feels like I'm getting scammed or something..." Kokoha grumbled in response. Well, at least things looked like they were over with. She'd dismiss the hermit, briefly drawing the High Priestess to confirm that she wasn't in immediate danger of getting jumped by anything other than a fox that would have probably been the CEO of a ruthless black company. Right, might as well introduce herself too, right? She needed to not be so uh, well she had to be a proper magical girl, right? Yes.

"Oh, uh, right-er, ahem-" Kokoha would plaster a totally cute smile. "Magical girl Magi-gal at your service~! A totally cute and amazing magical girl at your service!~" She'd stumble slightly from the pose she was attempting to hold once she finished introducing herself properly. "Ahem, guess we haven't huh...well anyways if there's no other shades around I should probably get going. Staying up any later is gonna be bad for my beauty sleep."

She mostly didn't want to hang around this fox that she was pretty sure was gonna mess with her.
Fish? Fishing.

“Wah~” Sionna responded to Seelay’s jab with a fake pout. “I was charming enough to get you to drag me along with you, hehe. Or did you just think I’m that much fun to hang around? Seelay, we can always play more if you wanna instead of you wearing that grumpy look all the time!”

“Equipment, huh…alright, sure, follow me.” The fisherman replied. “We keep a lot of our gear in a building near the shore, near the storehouse for fresh stuff too.” He’d say, starting to lead Seelay away from the frozen shore and towards a building sitting a bit further away from the main village upon the beach. Forcing the iced over door open, he’d lead the elf inside, lighting a lamp and letting light wash over the interior.

“We’ve got more equipment then we probably have people to use them properly right now, honestly.” He’d say with a shake of his head. Indeed, the storeroom for equipment seemed pretty well stocked, at least. Plenty of harpoons that with a little cleaning could certainly be usable. Large fishing nets hung on the walls and were stored neatly away in crates. Lengths of rope neatly bundled on the walls and stored on shelves. Weir baskets for use in more shallow waters.

“...you know, thinking about it, maybe we could use the Wier baskets to create some sort of large bait hook? Hmm…no, there’s not a man here that could pull it in…”

The Missing huntress

The spear indeed, flew straight as Atzi threw it, careening through the air amidst the blackened tentacles and towards its target. There was the crunching noise of spear impacting flesh, tearing straight through the man in front of her, ripping a hole right through its chest not even bothered having to defend himself.

“...Violence. Beasts. Foolish.” His droning, disjointed voice rang out, completely unfazed by the spear now sticking from his chest. The tendrils that he had commanded suddenly retracted, seemingly content with having killed all by the one that Vammy had run off with as it would instead, turn its entire attention to Atzi. Thankfully for her, the other cultists had…vanished? Disappeared? It was hard to say what happened, but they weren’t there any more. “Very well. Die in ignorance.”

Atzi would watch, as the man would pull the spear from his chest with a wet squelch, the hole left behind showing no internal organs, just a hole that would slowly start near immediately mending itself with blackened goo. Slowly, the being would walk towards Atzi as this faceless being would summon more tendrils from his face, dozens lashing out towards Atzi.

One wrapped around her wrist as he’d walk slowly towards her in an effort to seemingly subdue the woman.

Vammy, meanwhile, was making a quick exit. The ‘anti-magic’ field seemed to be less of an anti-magic in general, and more something akin to a ‘silence’ area of sorts that stopped spells from being active in the area. As she’d pass through the range, she’d find her demon-given magical abilities return once more as the tendril of black goo rushed towards her.

Lances of fire shot out, slamming into the tendril and piercing its body…though not cutting it. Thankfully for her though, it seemed whatever Atzi was doing had drawn its entire attention towards her, leaving Vammy free to do as she wished. Well, wished as far as struggling with the captor on her shoulder.

“Let me go smelly demon! Who would want to study any of your kind closely? You’re about as interested as the refuse from that stupid mutt!”

Tallen, needless to say, was quite a heavy pup being nearly the size of a man but Vammy had only minor trouble from the struggling cultist as she’d speed away from the scene of the fighting, making her way towards the village.

An eight legged herbalist
@Click This@Crusader Lord

The hunters running to assist would indeed, make way, barely avoiding getting run over by the Mothraki and her charge as they’d join Lissa in facing down this beast. The one delegated to getting more help would run off after a brief acknowledgement as Lissa would position herself between the hunters and the beast itself just for the monster in question to recover from its attack, shaking its head in a seeming bit of a daze as it’d focus its eyes on the group of people before it.

“Goddess, what’s one of these things doing all the way out here?” One of the hunters shouted.

“Less questions, more shooting!” The second retorted, grabbing arrows from his quiver and quickly knocking one, loosing it towards the beast.

“Its not fully grown! We can handle it!” The third shouted, grabbing his spear, joining Lissa on the frontline between the other two hunters and the beast. The arrow loosed towards it would sink into the flesh near its head, but it was completely unfazed as it would start charging the group - the moment it would get a few feet from them it halted its speed, sliding forward along the ground just slightly as it would instead spew a stream of the same acidic liquid towards Lissa and the hunters.

Nylah made a mad dash for Enli’s hut, unimpeded by any villagers save for perhaps one overly unobservant dog that nearly got run over, and it wasn’t long before she made her way there. Shouting for Calra, the Chiralta would at first, lazily come walking outside, her lower half covered in a thick, warm looking fur blanket. Upon immediately seeing Haruno and Nylah however though, her smile disappeared as she’d start spinning a stretcher of her own.

“I’ll take it from here Nylah. Put the herbs on the table inside.” She’d order her apprentice, taking a quick stock of Haruno’s injuries. The injured Oni had stopped moving, her face pale and breathing raggedly shallow. “...if she was anything other than an Oni…” Quickly having spun a small stretcher from her silk, she’d take Haruno and carry her inside, stringing up the stretcher a bit above ground.

“Haa, I don’t get paid enough for this overwork…Nylah, make some healing salves while I undress and prepare to bandage her wounds, please.” Seemed Calra expected her to help with the first aid instead of helping Lissa. Considering the spider only had so many hands, having an assistant would probably make the healing process smoother.


Yeah, that sounds fine. Go for it.
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