Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Click This@Crusader Lord@Pyromania99

“Underground, above ground, eh. All the same to a dwarf.” Eirhild responded with a shrug. “Thanks lass.” The blond human though, seemed less than enthused by the company present, eyeing both the Mothraki and Lissa critically with a glare that could freeze the sun itself. “And don’t mind the blondie. She’s uh, she’s got a lot on her plate right now - huh? Guh, sage stones, a demon!?”

This, seemed to both put the human and dwarf both on the immediate defensive. The moment Vammy showed up but she was already making her way out just after leaving a roll of some sort in Leuca’s hands. The elf didn’t even bother holding onto it as Sorcha swiftly snatched it up. Leuca seemed to make a further effort to retreat behind Sorcha.

“...Hmph. This village harbors Mothraki and even demons. I’m surprised you’re not a den of degeneracy and evil yet.” The roll in the humans hands would suddenly start sparking with electricity as only seconds later it’d simply almost be vaporized in a show of sparks and crackling of energy. “Allow me to ask you one more thing. Are there Apostles of Rheanne in this village?”

“There’s a demon here of all things!” Eirhild huffed. “The apostles would burn this place to the ground if they found it!”

“I can’t be too careful, Eirhild. I am not putting Leuca at unnecessary risk, and if I have to I’ll be the one burning this village.” The woman then turned her attention back to Nylah. “Thank you for the offer, Mothraki, but I have no intention of housing Leuca on the same roof as one of your kind.”

“...uhm…S-sis? Sorcha?” The soft voice of the elf hiding behind the woman quietly was heard.

“What is it, Leuca?”

“I think…we can…trust her.”

“...You are aware what Mothraki can do, aren’t you?”

“W-well, yes, but…the others here don’t seem to mind her…I think its fine, Sorcha.”

“...hmph, well, alright then. Allow me to introduce myself. Sorcha. You don’t need to know who we are beyond just travelers. If you would be gracious enough to allow the both of us to stay in your home, then if Leuca is fine with it I have no reason to refuse. But let me be very clear - if any of you do anything to Leuca,” The woman's expression shifted to one of simple hostility to one of pure murderous intent. “I’ll turn this entire village into a crater.”

“...Sorcha, stop that.”

“You stop being so nice to people, Leuca.”

“You’re the one who taught me to be open minded!”

Eirhild simply was leaning on a pew, seemingly trying to distance herself from the two of them bickered. “So what’s this about a rescue operation? I got free time and I’m lookin’ for work lass.” She’d question Lissa.

“O-oh, uhm…there was another elf…I think her name was Seelay? She wanted to pass along that your fish problem is being caused by Valtem and one of their Leviathans…” Lecua chimed in to the both of them having properly quieted Sorcha. “I uhm…she went back to Tamaln, too…”


“...careful around that human, Vammy.” The demon said in her head as she’d leave the cathedral. “Something about her makes my little heart shudder in the ‘oh, I might actually die’ way.”

Heading back to Lazhiras, Vammy wouldn’t have much trouble aside from the demon making complaints and speaking incessantly about that blond haired woman and wanting Vammy to stay away from her for some reason. In fact, there was a small amount of -fear- from the demon, something that Vammy hadn’t felt from her in any other capacity since they’ve been together.

Regardless, as she pushed open the door to Lazhira’s house she’d be met with quite the unfortunate sight on the part of their little prisoner.

The woman had managed to free herself somehow. Her robes had been done away with now and whatever enchantment that was keeping her face from being indistinguishable from others had finally seemingly been done away with revealing a slightly darker skinned human with shorter hair and a bit angry looking amber colored eyes.

“Aha, you just had to come back now, huh?” The woman clicked her tongue, seeming none too pleased. “Ugh, and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to deal with something so boring.” She had managed to pilfer the knives Lazhira likely used for foraging and was holding them, ready to somehow defend herself and get out of here. “Well, whatever. I’ll at least take your corpse back and dissect it.”


Maira paused her cleaning and frowned. Atzi did have some logic to her words, after all, but still…if it was in the village then word would spread easier about where it was, and there was no telling what would happen then.

“Atzi you need to understand Iva’krorh is very…disconnected with his followers.” Enli responded to her question with a thoughtful hum. “He doesn’t help directly. Moreso give a sort of guidance to people who follow him and ask him things. He doesn’t stop them from doing things like this, but he rarely does he order mortals around.” Enli’s mouth slowly turned into a troubled frown, though as he’d continue. “Still…there is a possibility that he does have a more direct hand this time, and if he does…” Enli sighed, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “Well, then there’d be little we could do to stop him, even if we were protecting it.”

“...what do we know of the second key?” Maira questioned.

“Only that it looks nothing like the first and was tossed to the mortal realm by the god himself for ‘safekeeping’ apparently.” Enli replied. “Little more than that, I’m afraid.” He looked to Atzi and Maira. “Truthfully…I do not know the best way forward here. Maybe if we didn’t have to deal with the blizzard the village had already gone through and another one possibly in the near future this wouldn’t be so difficult…” Enli shook his head. “I’ll let you decide what to do. Otherwise I’ll speak with Akala about this and see what she thinks.”

@Cu Chulainn

Finding Asvar wasn’t hard. His forge while it had been silent since the blizzard ended, was located a bit towards the shoreline and towards the southern end of the village. While Bolcha and his men were general handyman that did a lot of the construction work and general day to day work, the dwarf from Azurumnal did work as one could expect of a blacksmith - working with iron, steel, and making all manner of higher quality weapons. Arrowheads, shaping harpoons, armor if he had enough, but generally he tended to forge things for much more domestic affairs and use.

As he neared the shop though, he’d finally run into one of the little gremlins known for causing mischief in Dawn. Asvar’s daughter, a Half-shadow elf by the name of Raelzeth. A short girl of dark skin that possessed both the magical talent of Shadow elves, and the stone-singing of her father.

“I’ve heard of you.” The young girl walked up to Gideon, walking alongside him. “The grown ups say you’re some sorta smart guy, huh? How smart. You ever been to Naraheim?” The land of demons, buried under Gloomhollow Gideon would know of it at least. He’d also know that from what he’s heard of Raelzeth from before, she was likely up to some small mischief.





He was in a white void, a clock ticking around him, echoing into the vast nothingness. He was awake, but he could not move, nor breath, nor blink. He was conscious, but suspended in this vast nothingness. Above him as he laid there, he could see into a vast infinity. What seemed to be a tapestry of worlds disintegrating and fading into a patch of clockwork and gears before they too, would vanish into nothing as they stretched on and on. Below he could not see for he could not move, but he was being watched.

But by what, he had no idea, and finally the clock would cease its ticking as he’d find himself falling, falling…

Within the now off limit crypts of Dawn, there was the sound of a clock slowly ticking away unheard by any but the man currently laying on a carved stone table. His flesh having recently turned black and starting to seemingly rot and bloat. He had been brought in shortly after the Blizzard had started, before things got bad by Maira who had found him washed up in the rivers edge in some sort of strange coma.

Achel had decided to keep him here since it’d be the easiest place to keep him in this unknown state.

Yet it seemed like whatever ailment had afflicted the young man, had finally run its course.

Something a certain gravekeeper was finally going to make advantage of.

“Okay okay, I can do this. Totally won’t go wrong a tenth time!” Using her threads to move the body into a slightly more manageable and easy to work with position, Achel began focusing on the magical energy in her objectively tiny body. “Ancient rites of death, the oath of the dead and bindings of the underworld, I ask thee for a soul to inhabit this body and to render aid!”

The ticking, would quite suddenly stop for Finn and as he fell into that white void below, he’d suddenly find himself waking upon the table. There was a ripping and tearing noise as the blackened flesh would tear itself from his body as he moved, much like a serpent shedding his skin Finn would shed the necrotic skin he had previously been in.

And he’d find himself face to face with about three zombies in front of him.

“Huh!?” Behind him, Achel stared wide eyed. “You weren’t dead!?”

Harzel fort

@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

Grainne simply shrugged as Ethelred left and went back to doing whatever she was doing before, though she didn’t get too far before Marduk showed back up.

“Ha?! Pipsqueak!? I’ll kick your ass, assfa-” She’d begin, her usual fiery temperament shining through and almost making her miss the following words…which immediately shut her up. “-ace?” Grainne immediately fell silent, though her glare and general agitated temperament didn’t change as Marduk made his case. It was clear that as much as she detested the idea, she really couldn’t find a logical reason to turn these people down. As Lonan’s squire, she was technically in charge here as she acted as Lonan’s sort of…second in command as far as things went.

“...tch, alright fine. But do anything funny, and I’ll have you in shackles and tossed into the prison!” She’d bark. “Also, I’m not showing you the prisons! I still don’t trust you lot but if you can beat that freaky scaly thing fine…” She glanced to the side, frowning a moment before her usual fiery visage returned. “Come on then! And keep that weird horse of yours outside!”

It seemed as though they had successfully convinced her for now, though it didn’t do much for her mood all things considered.

Southern Giants Rest
Late Night

“...heh. Why so nervous? You already slept with your queen, you shouldn’t be so reserved now.” Sorcha grinned, placing a hand on top of Fio’s head and ruffling her hair affectionately as she’d stand up, hair gently swaying in the breeze as the sun would just start to peek over the horizon, illuminating the world in a brilliant, dazzling orange glow of morning light.

“Thanks, fio. Sometimes…its hard…hard to just…live up to him, you know? I always have to ask myself if this is what he wanted, or what if I do something wrong? It doesn’t help with the…particularly vivid memories, especially ones regarding…” Sorcha visibly shuddered, exhaling and shaking her head as she’d extend a hand to pull Fio to her feet. “Mhm, no. That’s a story for another time. For now Niall and Gabriel should have returned and the others should be awake now. Lets get some breakfast and get to a strategy meeting, hm?”

Once either Fio accepted her hand or not, Sorcha would hop down onto the balcony with a smile.

“I wonder if there will be any rumors of a queen and a mage meeting for a drunken tryst~?”


“Hm? Mistreating?” Sucaria tilted her head to the side, seeming to think for a moment. “...hm if I say yes will you be upset?” Sucaria responded with a question of her own as she’d run the cleaning cloth across Luna’s skin, still careful to keep any drops of crimson both out of the water and off of Luna’s skin expression falling slightly as Luna mentioned being away for a significant amount of time.

“...mhm, Gabriel hits on me still occasionally.” Sucaria commented. “But other than that…no, not really?” The half fomorian would slowly use her hands to scrub Luna’s chest and apply some warm, soapy water to the rest of her shoulders and muscles, delicate but firm hands also giving her a massage for her fatigued muscles. “...just wondering…” She’d say, perhaps a bit forlorn sounding.


“Mmf-” Nialls foot met the large mans face and with enough force launched himself backwards and landed right onto a walkway built into the wooden palisade. “-ha…agile little vermin.” The bandit harrumphed, hefting his hammer over his shoulders. “Hm…lets see how you handle…this. You got that thing ready, Fomorian brat?”

“The false eye? Nah. It’ll be ready by morning, though.”


There was a trumpeting sound not far out from the gate.

“...Here she comes! Jump high, owl!” The tuatha shouted with a laugh. Niall had only seconds to react before he’d feel the air around him chill considerably, the thundering sounds of hoof falls heading towards their direction. Another trumpeting call as something would shortly crash right into the gate! The tuatha followed his own advice, leaping high as his enhanced strength could force him into the air while the gate itself was completely shattered into many large pieces as an absolutely mammoth of a…mammoth barreled right through the gate.

“Atta girl, Shabbi!” The Tuatha would land right on the Mammoth’s back in a saddle as the creature would ram its tusks right into Annagan. “Get on Owl!”

“What in the queens holy knickers…” Gabriel was peeking through the gate from the side as he watched the mammoth ram right through the gate.
Shimizu Kaori

"Hasshaku-sama...?" A name Kaori wasn't familiar with. Ugh, all these new modern youkai and spirits popping up making her feel like an old woman. What kind of Youkai was into specifically kidnapping little children anyways? Seemed rather like a nonsensical concept. At least the respectable members of the Jorogumo society had other motives...herself notwithstanding.

"Hmm? A randoseru? On Little Hina-chan?" She'd narrow her eyes at Shina. "You're backhanded compliments aside, I'm not sure I'd be a good judge. Hina-chan already looks perfectly cute and kidnappable~" She'd giggle as though she was proud of that fact, looking over to the ghost in question with a smile. "Hmm...but you do make an excellent suggestion." Immediately, Kaori walked over to Tomoko hands clasped together in front of her with an excitable grin.

"Tomo-chan, tomo-chan~! Let me take Hina-chan home~" She'd ask. "Ehehe, I can dress her up exactly like we need too! And I promise not to lay a fuzzy little leg on her. Please my ever so cute, adorable, smart club president and lovely Tomo-chan~ grant your little spider this request~?"


“Speak for yourself, pet. Physical torture is quite enthralling. Maybe I could teach you a few tricks?”

“...Tickling? How is tickling going to get someone to talk…?” Lazhira mumbled, frowning bemusedly at the idea of tickling someone as effective torture. “You know what, I’m not gonna ask.” She’d shake her head, a small cat-like cheshire grin forming on her lips as a seemingly wonderful idea popped into her head. “Hey hey. How about we have some fun with this? Whoever makes her talk first has to do something for the other one. I don’t mean to brag,” Lazhira chuckled. “Buuut…my old man left me a few tricks ya know.”

Whatever she meant by that was up in the air exactly, but Lazhira seemed confident that she could win this proposed challenge of hers.

“Be careful, dummy. This friend of yours is quite crafty. Not that we’d mind losing or winning this bet, heh.”

“If you accept, then I give you one hour to prepare anything you need!” Lazhira smiled. “I’ll meet you back at my place in an hour.” Lazhira would run by Nylah and give her a quick hug and a bye before running off out the doors to wherever it was she was going in order to ‘prepare’ whatever she needed for this little challenge leaving in such a hurry that she’d bump into three faces she hadn’t seen before in the village and not even bothering to say hello.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“It was not my place to ask.” Haruno responded to Lissa’s question. “I-if you’re going to help, here-” Haruno she’d pull the broken mask she normally wore from where it had been kept in one of her various bags, handing it to Lissa and Nylah. “Give that to her…or…any other Oni if you run into them out there they should be able to recognize it.” Well, that seemed as though all the information they were going to get from Haruno without asking anything else specific.

“If you two are done interrogating my patient, I’m bringing her back now.” Calra huffed. “No buts.” Lifting Haruno she’d grab the Oni and pull her to her feet as she’d help her head back to the Longhouse that was still being used as a shelter and medical center.

Which left them to do as they wished, though the pair would notice three more people of quite an varied group walk into the cathedral.

A woman with long blond hair, amber eyes that glared at every living being in the room, seemingly not to happy with the number of people in the cathedral currently. She was dressed in some fairly well maintained armor and travel gear.

Next to her, were two people of slightly smaller stature.

An elvish child, that was clinging to the woman quite closely as she curiously, and perhaps, a bit timidly observed the people around her. She was dressed in a simple, white dress.

trailing along behind them, was a dwarvish youth. A sturdily built woman with blue eyes and hair - a trait rare among dwarves and often considered a blessing from the sage they venerated.

“Whew, can’t tell ya how good it feels to get outta that cold.” The dwarf said with a friendly smile to her companions, taking a look back at them. “...who broke your pickaxes, huh?” She’d give them a mildly annoyed expression at their seeming lack of joviality.

The dwarf in question, would then notice Nylah and Lissa.

“Oi, lass, got a question if ya don’t mind a dwarf taken up some of yer time.” She’d wave them over. “Where in the sage-forsaken underground are we at?”

“And while you’re at it,” The human woman interrupted. She’d place a hand on Leuca’s head, pulling her a bit closer. “Who’s in charge here?”

@ERode@Cu Chulainn

As the group began talking, Maira would start cleaning Atzi’s place. Putting anything out of place up, getting rid of any dust or dirt that might be on tables or in the fireplace. Nothing unusual there, really.

“...aha,” Enli chuckled in a somewhat nervous manner. “I can certainly assure you, Gideon, the problem in the catacombs have nothing to do with the Cult.” He shook his head. “She tried to be…overly helpful and we have a small problem on our hands, that is all.”Still, Enli would not stop him from leaving should he so wish after that bit of information and would turn his attention back towards Maira and Atzi. “That is precisely one of the things Achel was trying to ascertain when we ran into a problem. It’s…somewhat difficult to explain so if you want to know, you have my permission to enter. I’m sure she would love to see you again.”

“...that seems like a bad idea, Atzi.” Maira quietly responded to her friend. “Its a magical thing, we don’t know what would happen if it breaks.”

“Well, we don’t know for certain. We may need to start seeing if we can find this second key. If we know where it is before they can get their hands on it, we could have leverage over them.”

Was gonna get something up today, but got called into work for an extra 4-hour shift

So I'll probably have a sheet up come monday.
Location: Alavaris
Cathedral Gate
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

The skeletal creatures fell easily beneath their assault. As they slowly thinned the hordes of undead, they’d soon break through and find themselves heading towards the Cathedral area. The skeletal creatures would thin as they traveled, slowly becoming less and less common until they seemed to mostly be entirely gone.

The only roadblock would appear…when they’d discover the gate to the Cathedral ward was shut tightly. The entire thing with its ornate gate, depicting serpents and clockwork imagery was completely closed, and there did not seem to be any immediate way to open it. The shrieks from the beast had gotten further and further away as they traveled, but it was clear that while they were faster than it was…it was slowly getting closer and closer to them putting the trio of vampires on a timer.

Which meant, how to get around this gate?

Perhaps they could destroy it if they pooled their might together? There was also any number of side streets to go down, alleyways and houses near the wall…perhaps there would be a way in through there? Alternatively, they could wait to face down this beast, whatever it was.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

The insects commanded by Illena only struggled briefly to resist becoming her playthings. The thralls quickly drained their victims of most blood, the large proboscis doing their function perhaps, too well. Too easy, perhaps? Regardless of thoughts on that, the large insects would then present themselves to Illena. An incision. Sweet blood oozed from their abdomens. It was far from the perfect meal the vampires had ever had, but it was enough. The blood from the mosquitos seemed to have the odd effect of concentrating and purifying the filthy, rotten blood of these shambling half dead corpses.

As Dragan turned his attention towards the corpse, it would shudder as a new soul from the world would find the body of its host, rising to its feet with a groan. Raising the dead would leave Dragan just as weakened as Illena had been from raising a single familiar. Indeed, their skills had deteriorated quite far. It seemed that even the basics of tasks seemed to escape them. Still…with enough blood and time, they would quickly regain their lost power.

That just left them to head towards the Cathedral. Easy, in theory. Perhaps not so much in practice…

The road the trio were on curved around the lower part of the city, eventually meeting up with the Cathedral from the northern end, going under the main gate bridge as well as going through most of the rest of the city in the process.

This would eventually lead the trio to a bridge. A quite large bridge…that was completely broken, making the road impossible to pass in its normal state. The entire body of the bridge seemed to have collapsed at some point.

There did not seem to be any immediate way across. There was a small path down some stairs, though, that seemed to lead into what was once one of the bridge’s support legs. Rubble laid strewn about too, and there was the skeleton of some large creature lying alongside the road, about a hundred meter’s long. A few what seemed to be half eaten corpses of the half dead creatures and insects seemed to be laying near its body, too.
Harzel fort

@Cu Chulainn@Crimson Paladin

Grainne had just finished leading some soldiers and men towards the encampment and dismounting her steed as Ethelred approached. She immediately did not seem too thrilled to see either him or Marduk.

“Oh, if it isn’t the Icicle. You want Lonan, he’s back in town I think? I haven’t seen him since we split up.” She’d click her tongue. “Knowing him, he wants to save as much of the village if he can since it’d be a real pain for the villagers if they lost it.” Her eyes turned towards Marduk but didn’t say anything immediately to him. “Just so ya know, this fort is considered Harzel territory. Do anything funny and you’ll find yourself on the wrong end of the law here, got it? I might just be Lonan’s squire, but I can definitely kick your ass if I need to, frosty, so unless you got other business here you should probably get going.”

Ethelred could see the two kids in the distance. They hadn’t noticed Ethelred yet, and they were with an older looking woman now.

Southern Giants Rest
Late Night

“Heh.” Sorcha smiled softly. “Be warned, it might not be what you expect.” The Queen exhaled, gaze once again becoming fixed on some far off point on the mountains as the moon dipped ever closer to disappearing under the horizon. “Hmm…how to start…its been awhile since I’ve told any of these stories…might as well start with this one since its been bothering me, huh…”

Clearing her throat, Sorcha would begin recounting a story from memory…

“And there you have it. Not quite a happy tale, is it?” Sorcha finished recounting the story. It seemed to be of a beast hunt shortly before the King decided to take down Varakel himself. It didn’t have anything too important or ground breaking, save perhaps that if what she was saying was true, the White Dragon seemed to take some more active roles in the kings life and had even been present during Varakel’s defeat.

Regardless, Sorcha seemed to be in a better mood at least.

“Thanks, for listening Fio. I’ve been having that dream a lot lately. Sometimes its hard to sleep...” She'd yawn.


“Luna…you will hurt yourself.” Sucaria responded with a huff, catching Luna before she fell. “Now get in the bath.” She’d finish undressing Luna and then pushing her into the bath that had already somehow, for some reason, been prepared ahead of time with pleasantly warm water. Once Luna was settled whether she wanted to be or not, Sucaria would proceed with helping to wash the dirt and grime from Luna’s body and days of travel.

She’d begin in silence, not speaking to Luna as she’d intently focus on the task at hand as the maid made every effort to keep Luna squeaky clean while also not getting her own cursed blood on the Knightess.

“...Lady Luna.” She’d say after a few minutes of silence. “How long will you be staying away from home?” She’d ask quietly.


“Hey, who turned the moon off-?”

“Who cares! Just go for them!”

Deflecting and focusing on defense would give Niall only a minor advantage, even in such low light conditions. While he managed to deflect most of the blows, not all of them could easily be pushed aside. As he’d deflect a spear, he’d feel a heavy blow be landed on the side of his head from one of the men wielding a large club, clanging against his metal helmet. After pushing him off, he’d feel a blade bounce off his chest armor.

“Just stand away from the gate, yeah?” The Tuatha shouted. “She’ll be here soon!”

It seemed as though, there may not be too much time left for the pair. Though the light in the area had been rendered near pitch dark, Niall could see someone walking towards him through the mist. A large man, wielding what seemed to be a makeshift weapon of some sort that seemed to be a large metal hammer of some sort decorated with a deer skull atop. The armor he was wearing was similarly makeshift. Strips of leather and the occasional plate of scale. The most eye catching feature though, was his face…or rather, how hidden it was. It was obscured by a thick hood of fur with antlers for decoration on top.

“Ho? We’ve got intruders.”

“I told ya, Annagan.” The familiar voice of the Fomorian scientist from earlier was heard too. Niall could see her standing just to the side, a bit further behind this large man, apparently named Annagan.

“You even let that Tuatha escape, huh. How pitiful.”

“What’cha want from me? You shouldn’t have left the gates wide open.” Not bothering to reply, this Annagan would run towards Niall, bringing his heavy hammer down onto the Tuatha.
Hi hi
Ill get to work on something when i feel a bit better tomorrow

"Hmm, well I don't have another one, but..." Liora would offer the apple she had already bitten to Rean, pressing the fruit to the other girls lips. "I don't mind sharing a bite or two with you." She'd glance over to the library. Her past life as a pirate and noble only gave so much information on those sorts of things. Often, it was brute force she used to really break and enter into places. Finesse wasn't really her forte, after all...and well, she was definitely certain as it stood out in broad daylight there was probably no chance of her getting inside with such a method.

"Library, huh? Can't say they're the most fun of places...except, maybe, when looking for maps or sea charts that might have clues to more hidden places." She'd idly comment, holding a hand to her chin. Heavily defended. She doubted she had enough coin in the world to bribe someone, too. Thus, the only thing left that seemed to make sense in terms of getting at least one of them in.

Was causing a scene.

Or causing a 'scene'.

"Hmm...lets see, alright. The only visible way in seems to only be trying to scale the walls from a nearby building." While she was pretty confident in her physical ability, she wasn't particularly agile. "Let me go distract the guards, hm? You try and sneak in if you want in that badly, yeah?" Standing up from her seat and giving Rean a pat on the head as she'd leave.

What could go wrong? Well, hopefully everything. Where was life without some excitement?

"Heeeey~!" She'd strut up to the guards with a confident demeanor a usual friendly, charming smile plastered on her lips. "Don't suppose you guards have a moment to spare hm?"


“Weh!” Lazhira responded with a small shout of surprise, not having felt or noticed Vammy approaching. She’d shoot the demon a glare, before shaking her head with a giggle. “Only thinking about how I’m gonna dunk you in holy water…though knowing you, you’d enjoy it.” She’d respond with a small huff, not saying anything once more as she noticed Nylah approaching again.

She couldn’t help but to laugh as the hammer was swiftly brought down on Vammy’s head.

“Hehe, thanks Nylah…its fine, just thinking about some things…but maybe we can talk later, sure.” She’d turn her attention back to Vammy. “So what are you up to aside from being a menace as usual?” She’d scoot a bit closer to speak lower. “...is our friend talking yet? I might…have ideas if she’s not, but I might have to uh, call in a favor from someone I’d really rather not speak to.” She rubbed the back of her right hand nervously.

“Ah? Does this welp not trust us? You should be more assertive on our prisoner friend, Vammy…or let me pilot this body for a bit and show you how to make a prisoner squeal like a bird.”

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“...you’re…Nylah? Calra’s apprentice right?” Haruno responded with a wince. “And I don’t believe we’ve met.” She’d offer Lissa a small smile.

“Keep it short you two.” Calra interjected a bit quickly. “She needs more rest.”

“It’s fine…If they’re helping I need to give them as much information as I-cough-ugh-can…” Haruno slumped slightly in the pew, breathing becoming a bit heavy as Calra would tap one of her feet irritably and make Haruno instead lay down on the seat she was on.

“We were following our usual route on our way to Dawn. You know how the northern fields just…end? A huge cliff that just drops off for a long ways? Well, we had just made our way up the pass that connects the base of the cliff with the top of it when we were ambushed by the Krysa and Yaga.” She took a few seconds to steady her breathing. “We managed to retreat a bit further up into a small valley, but its a dead end. We put up our defenses and dug ourselves in after an initial clash. They seem to be…ha…trying to starve us to death. Those…rat…cowards and filthy mongrels I’ll kill every single one of-ghhhk-ack-cough-ha…”

Calra forced the Oni to drink something from one of her vials.

“Oni…are tough, and we were well supplied. Casualties weren’t too severe, but…it took a small team of five of us to try and break through their siege…I was…the only one who made it. We’ve had a good relationship with them until now, so I…I don’t know why…I asked Lady Mie and she simply said that the Krysa were being unreasonable.”

@ERode@Cu Chulainn

“A-atzi? I really need to speak with Akala…!” Enli replied, a bit forcefully as he was dragged away from the much stronger youth. “It’s very important!”

“...Mhm, don’t worry about it, Enli.” Akala replied giving a sleepy wave. “We can talk later. I need to speak with Achel anyways…”

“R-right then…well…” Needless to say, he was questioning why Atzi needed him of all people to help move boxes and cleaning. He might have been the elder and oversaw the day to day and general direction of the village and gave orders, but when it came to craftsman stuff he was no expert.

He’d follow along Atzi quietly, giving a polite nod and a friendly greeting to Gideon.



“Oh thank the goddess you're alive!” Upon entering Atzi’s abode, he was greeted by the friendly sight of Maira’s face. The elder quickly ran over, making sure what he was seeing was in fact, real as Atzi went on to explain what had happened. He visibly paled as she spoke, the gentle hug he had been giving the younger woman losing its grip as he’d bring a hand to hold the middle of his forehead.

“Now of all times our past has to come back to haunt us.” Enli sighed, speaking in a hushed tone. “Maira, Atzi, I’m sure you’re aware in the past that Dawn was once a place where most of the inhabitants worshiped the Illuminator - Iva’Krorh, the God of Knowledge. It was during my grandfathers time, not to long ago really.” He’d begin, keeping his voice low and glancing towards any windows that Atzi might have had in her home. “...but Maira, tell me what happened first.”

“...Mhm.” With a simple nod, Maira would recount to Enli and Gideon the events of what happened during the tail end of the blizzard. The breaking and entering into her home, the cultists attempting to kidnap her. Her barely managing to escape, followed by being caught. Tallen getting separated, her being brought to some old ruin or church place and tossed in a cell. Her escaping said cell, stealing an orb and then hiding it somewhere followed by hiding out in the forest.

“Haaa, its just one thing after the other…Gideon,” He’d turn to the Raam. “Nothing we say leaves this room, understand? We can’t be certain who we can trust at the moment. Not Achel, Akala, Akando, Soyala - anyone.” Assuming there was a mutual understanding here, Enli would begin.

“I was just a boy barely old enough to walk at the time, but during my grandfathers time, the village worshiped the Illuminator primarily, alongside Delpithi and Rifelshka. That’s who that church was originally dedicated too, even. During my grandfather's tenure as chief, an…unfortunate event happened. The leader of the church went…too far, in his research and study of the Moonless Era. He stumbled upon something sealed here, beneath Dawn. He tried to use the influence of the church and the Illuminator to unseal it. Had it not been for the fortune of a group of travelers having aided us, he likely would have succeeded. After that anyone who continued to worship the Illuminator was thrown out of the village.” He sighed. “The stone you mentioned are likely one of the key’s to this seal. There are two in fact. It's one of the reasons that he didn’t succeed - he could never find the second one.”

He fell silent, feeling it was a good time for others to ask their questions and let the information sink in.

“I don’t know what this…thing is you mentioned, Atzi. But if it truly is something as you described then it is likely some sort of sick or twisted experiment made by this cult.”


While some had been sleeping in the village, preparing for the next day, the fishermen and Seelay had decided to wake early, getting an early start on their endeavor to hunt this beast that had been pilfering their food. No better time to get started, really. Soyala had elected to put herself on this mission too, wanting to assist for whatever reason. The place the fishermen had chosen was a small alcove some distance out into the sea. The water was fairly deep, and the cliffs created a half circle around the beach. A perfect place to ambush something.

The hunters had positioned themselves along the shoreline, hiding amidst the rocks and snow after dumping the bait near the shoreline where the water was shallow enough for one to walk in.

Now all they had to do was wait for the beast in question to show up.

It would take a few hours, but eventually they would see the water out at the shoreline ripple. Something was moving fast towards the shoreline! The hunters would immediately stand at alert, while one near Seelay would grip the harpoon in his hands tightly. He’d pass her one and prepare themselves to ambush it the moment it’d pull itself on land. A few lights could be seen under the water as the creature moved. As it approached the shoreline, the hunters would tense…and then nothing.

The hunters collectively held their breath, tension filling the frigid morning air.

And then then there was a cacophonous crashing noise, the tension breaking in a thunderous cracking of ice as a figure crashed through the surface of the ice.

It was…humanoid? Vaguely so, but standing nearly fourteen feet tall just from its ‘waist’ up. Seelay and the hunters were about as big as one of its arms, and there was no telling how big its lower body was too. Its body was covered in red, almost seaweed like follicles. It was hard to make out any other features in the dark, but the small blue bioluminescent lights that lit up spots on its back and chest at least gave it a somewhat feminine appearance.

As water dripped from its body, it reached for the bait. The hunters seemed to be waiting for Seelay to make the first move and follow her lead.

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