Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Southern Giants Rest
Lightsword base -> Bandit camp, early morning.

“I see.” Sorcha smiled ever so slightly. “Well, if you are all in agreement then I shall take my leave. A simple bandit like him should not prove too troublesome to you all. As these are your soldiers, then, Luna, I shall hand over the operation of this assault to you. Now if you’ll excuse me,” She turned to leave, motioning for Gabriel to follow. “Prisoner. Now.”

“U-uh right.” Eager to get away from Luna, Gabriel followed behind the queen. This now just left the three of them to gather their soldiers, put their plan into motion, and then assault the base. It would probably be a bad idea for Luna to take more than a handful of soldiers with her, there was no telling if those bandits would come back or not. Still, it was up to her how many men to take and whether or not to leave many at the base.

The Queen was there, after all. There wasn’t much of a chance something could go wrong, right?

"Oh, and, one more thing," The queen stopped just short of leaving the door as she'd turn briefly back to her knights. "Remember. We also are looking for evidence as to who these bandits and fomorians are both. I don't care how you do it, but bring me some useful information."

As Luna, Fio, and Niall approached the base they would have enough distance for any scouts to see that the bandits had indeed fortified the smashed gate in the time they had. Not enough to completely close it, but enough to set a few wooden walls and other defensive structures to curtail the efforts of a large scale potential assault, likely they were expecting the full might of the Lightsword forces soon.

A number of bandits were scurrying around outside, hefting and constructing more structures, trying to build the wall in as little amount of time as possible in a vain attempt to finish before they were assaulted. Needless to say lookouts were also present, keeping watch for any immediate signs of the Lightsword or any other army coming to deal with them.

No sign of the fomorian or the one named Annagan either. No telling where they were at, though they were likely hiding in the structure somewhere, waiting for things to start or overseeing their little base here.

Otherwise, the base was exactly the same as Niall had left it last night. Bandits stood upon the palisades, armed and ready. It was just a matter now of starting the assault and executing the queens orders.

No survivors.

Not a single one.

Sorry for taking awhile to respond, was dealing with a mild headache today~

But if Vita has no more problems I see nothing else that I think requires addressing.

Hi-hi, friendly neighborhood depravity loving GM here~

Aside from whatever else that Vita mentions when she makes a post here I'd just want to mention a few things myself.

First, lemme say the sheet as a whole isn't bad. Powers and personality seem to fit the setting well enough. What doesn't though, is the backstory you've mentioned.

Yeah, the city Leannan probably wouldn't exist in Thaln. How would a classless city would necessarily come around in a kingdom that is heavily feudal based in the first place? I feel personally its a bit of a contradiction to say its classless and then immediately say that they have a ruling party, though this nitpicking is kind of a small thing on my part. The biggest issue is that the city just likely wouldn't exist in Thaln in the first place.

Secondly...there's...some information missing I'd like explained. Summoning is fine...but what malicious and bad things has his parents done? It seems like you mentioned it in a single sentence and then never again. Feels like a missed opportunity and should really be explained further since well, it could really mess with both the backstory itself as well as the family ICly.

Thirdly - yeah and this is my opinion and not sure what Vita thinks of it - I don't think being the reincarnation of the moon goddess would probably be a thing people talked about. Pretty sure the Goddess herself may take offense to it since she still exists.

As Akyasha stepped off the path and into the alleyway, perhaps, she might have briefly reconsidered her steps. The path soon narrowed only a few steps away from the mainroad, little rats scurrying past her into the maze like path in front of her, the old stones of Alavaris beneath her as the groans and wails of the undead faded into quiet nothingness until the only sound was her own footsteps, breathing, and the squeaking of the rats.

Eventually, she would reach the end of the alleyway. Slumped over against a wall was what seemed to be some sort of freshly killed body. The black rats were nibbling and tearing at its flesh, biting through its long black robes, surgical looking gloves and the pointed mask it wore. She may recognize it briefly as a sort of style of clothing Lord Estimé used to use as well as the thralls he had used to deliver his…cures, to the populace.

Why was it here? And why did it look so…fresh? Well, she wouldn’t really get a moment to ask.

The moment she’d step into the small dead end alleyway, she’d feel something grab her body. It squeezed her body hard enough to cause her bones to creak as she’d soon feel herself being lifted off the ground. It was as if something was gripping her hard, squeezing her body as she’d be lifted to be level with the roof of the surrounding buildings.

And there, she’d see…a rat.

No, it wasn’t a rat. The longer she looked at the large beast the more it hurt her head and seemed entirely alien. A long arm covered in black flesh with patches of coarse fur. Red claws for gripping. Three more arms for reaching other things. Eight eyes, across four different faces, but that was all the brief glimpse she could imagine was as she’d feel and see reality warping around her as her vision briefly flickered into unconsciousness.

“Wake up! Stand up. There you go. You were dreaming.” A voice would slowly bring Akyasha back to the realm of the living…well, unliving, perhaps. As her vision returned, Akyasha would find herself in a place that seemed…a strange, but familiar place. She had apparently been laying in what was some sort of cathedral, but one completely foreign to her. There were no imagery of Ichor at all, so this couldn’t be the one from Alavaris. “Now what’s the name of an little servant of Ichor doing allll the way out here sleeping so soundly not even a storm could wake you?”

The speaker in question was a woman, wearing similar clothes to the corpse she had seen before. In fact, this lady and the corpse she had seen seemed incredibly similar but she was much less, well, dead. Pale skin, crimson colored eyes and long, disheveled off white colored hair. A mask hung at her side and a top hat rested atop her head. A few large rats rest at her feet, and a few others scurried about the cathedral.

The woman had helped Akyasha to her feet, and seemed to know what she was and who Ichor was.

“Come on, don’t be shy. Perhaps I should introduce myself first? I am Est. Just a humble traveler that has been lost here for quite some time.” It was hard to tell what was outside the cathedral, save for the bright light from the windows. The only hints she might have to who it was dedicated too were the rat motifs across the entire thing, and a statue similar to what she had vaguely remembered seeing before bring brought here. “Well come on, do answer. I’m not known to be the overly patient sort.”

Location: Alavaris
@VitaVitaAR@Click This

It was easy enough for Giselle to find a weapon to reinforce with her blood, the scythe easily and cleanly cutting the undead’s head off sending it rolling onto the floor as the rest of the shambling dead would slowly trickle down the stairs and into the room. At least the screaming had stopped, and it seemed as though no more undead would immediately be drawn to them. The number of dead would fall easily, all things considered. They might be fleshy zombies and some might possess old armor and weapons, but they were not inherently more dangerous than the skeletons fought earlier.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

Luna’s spell worked, at least somewhat. Enough that it would give the beast just a temporary bit of hesitation in its lunge. Just enough time for Dragan to be able to avoid getting cleaved in two from its jaws. As the warrior would leap onto the beasts back, the creature would raise itself into the air, shaking its serpentine neck irritably. Yet, as he would attempt to channel his necrotic magics into whatever ‘barrier’ was in front of him it was hard for Dragan to get a decent grasp of it. In fact, he felt almost no magic whatsoever from this barrier at all and attempting to decay it wasn’t proving to be quite so easy either.

But perhaps, Illena was on somewhat of a right track with her thought.

A shadowy foot slammed into the creatures jaw, sending the creature reeling back from the impact.

…the smell of fresh blood immediately met all three vampire’s noses as the creature shrieked. It was not a large wound. No, it was really more of a scrape more than anything but Luna and Illena would at least see the result of it and perhaps, give them some better understanding of what they were dealing with.

Blood, fresh blood, just a few drops fell from the wound. The area around the wound seemed to contort and bend slightly as if something wasn’t quite right, but they’d only have a few seconds to observe this before the creature went absolutely ballistic as it thrashed and slammed its head into the ground and walls around it.

Dragan would not be able to avoid the creature smashing the back of its own neck into the mountain next to them, crushing Dragan between it and the rockwall and making the vampire lose his grip, more than likely crushing a few bones too as he’d fall to the ground.

Immediately the serpentine creature would pull its head back away from the group, retreating some distance away as the ground around the bridge began to rumble. Slowly, part of the mountainside would start to crumble and give way, rocks and rubble falling into the gorge below as well as onto the road blocking any possibility of them heading back the way they came - but also conveniently knocking chunks of the mountain away to create a wide enough path for them to flee towards their destination - the Cathedral.

As the dust and debris began to settle, the creature’s head would slowly appear from the dust and debris that had been knocked loose, the serpentine skull glaring at them with impunity as more of the creature's body proper was slowly revealed. A massive beast with a seemingly extremely retractable and flexible neck that seemed to be nearly twice as long as its towering, almost feline looking body.

Its skeleton shimmered briefly, and for a few brief moments the vampires would see actual flesh. The blue serpentine eyes, the feline ears atop its head, its leathery skin marked with patches of scales. This beast, was very much alive, whatever it was, and it seemed as though it possessed some sort of ability to camouflage its skin while leaving its bones completely visible.

It roared, its posture becoming immediately aggressive as it seemed to wait for the vampires to make their next move.
Alright, here we go. four hours until work and I managed to get everything written and mostly to where I feel comfortable with it. I think I got the timeline generally right, but otherwise do tell if there are problems. I'll see about fixing them when I can get a minute.

If it wasn't quite clear, the intent is that she made a name for herself during the rebellion if that's acceptable.

Wind based magic archer shall be up...hopefully on friday.
Co-co-gm signing on~!

Don't mind me, I'll be mostly here doing stuff for the rules and whatnot. Thanks for having meee~

“Enough with the ropes demon! Just stop!” The woman in question shouted, but it was unlikely that Vammy would. Soon, the woman would be tied up back in the storage room that she had been in earlier. It seemed like she had managed to escape by scooting out and cutting the ropes on her hands on some implement, likely the same knives she was using. Perhaps Vammy would end up tying her up in some other method.

Regardless, when she was about halfway done tying the woman up, Lazhira would walk through the door, excited, at least until she saw what Vammy was doing with the prisoner.

“...vammy I know your a demon but I don’t think that kind of torture is very…good.” Lazhira said with a frown, obviously misunderstanding something here. “But if that’s what you wanna do, I’ll make sure to take very extensive…notes.” She’d nod, excitedly.

@Crusader Lord

If Sorcha had any further thoughts on Nylah’s parentage she didn’t voice them, falling quiet and letting the Mothraki prepare the bed and room for them. She’d end up leaning against a wall, arms folded across her chest, doing her best job of trying to kill the Mothraki with a gaze alone. Leuca elected to remain quiet, too, for the most part though the silence was clearly making the small elf comfortable.

“...Uhm, Sorcha?”


“...how long are we going to stay here?”

“Until I believe it safe to travel back to Tamaln and inform his majesty of the shadow elves betrayal personally.”

“I…I see…” Leuca glanced towards the floor, frowning lightly. “So…it might be awhile before I can see uncle?”


“...why would the Shadow Elves…do this? There were even Apostles there…”

“...Leuca.” Sorcha turned her attention from Nylah, instead turning towards the Elf child, expression noticeably softening for the first time they had been here. She placed a hand on Leuca’s head, gently ruffling her hair. “You know I won’t let anything happen to you, right?”

“I-I know, I just…Do you think Queen Vasserassa really would do this?”

“Leuca…” Sorcha glanced to the side as she’d respond, unable to meet the young elfs gaze. “...that’s just how they are. That’s how most people are. I know I taught you to try and keep an open mind, but…”

“I know, you’ve told me before. But do they have a reason to?”

“...did the Fey and Elves have a reason to curse that god in that story I used to tell you?”

“...w-well, no…I mean, maybe to them they did but…”

“Leuca.” Sorcha pulled her into a hug. “Shush. Get some rest, okay? We’ve had a long day you should be your usual smiley self, not this. That’s my job.” Sorcha gave her an affectionate kiss on the forehead just as Nylah had finished the preparations for the fire and food. “Thank you for the consideration, but I’ll prepare our meals myself.” Sorcha said, pulling away from Leuca. “If there will be nothing else then, we’ve had a long day and I would very much appreciate some rest.”

Assuming there was nothing else nylah wanted to do, it seemed her guests were fine taking care of themselves.

@Click This

“Aye, well, uh, can’t say I know too much about em myself. I ain’t never left Azurumnal before now so I only know what the Scholars say about ‘em. The Krysa have some sorta knowledge to make living metal or something and control steam. The Yaga are a bunch of folk who live under ‘em. Not sure what that means, though, but they’re generally a pretty peaceful bunch. Their religion is pretty peaceful and they’re fairly open to outsiders usually.” Eirhild responded thoughtfully, mulling something over in her head before responding further.

“Uh, the Krysa though. They got this Elder Beast they sorta…worship? Its apparently got the temperament of a ravenous Crystal Eater and the wits of a dwarven high scholar though.” The dwarf frowned. “Not sure how accurate that is but probably don’t wanna mess with ‘em.” Eirhild glanced around, frowning a bit at the people in the cathedral. She had figured something had been going on here, but to hear that it had been that dire.

Well, honestly…wasn’t really much of her problem, all things considered.

“Alright lass, if ye need me I’ll probably be here. See if I can’t find a place to get a good rest.”


The zombie assaulting Finn would finally, finally cease its movements as it’d fall to life atop him, but not before giving Finnegan a few good claw and bite marks over his neck and the hands he was attacking with. It’d be easy to shove off as he’d bash the second one with the pommel and loosening its grip just enough so he could get away from the undead, now reduced to just two.

“Oh goodness, you actually-” The woman had moved behind him again, making certain she wasn’t in the immediate line of fire as the two remaining zombies responded to the two of them with guttural, pained howls. Thankfully for Finn now that he had a proper weapon, as ill suited for being one as it was, the zombies would prove much less of a threat. “Haaa, dear Goddess my poor little heart can’t take this much excitement. I’m not a spider meant for fighting…first that meanie Raam and now the consequences of my own actions haaa…”

Finnegan could hear the woman going through more objects behind him, though it wasn’t quite clear what she’d be doing from sound alone, but once he dispatched the other two zombies he’d find that well…she was definitely not human, but definitely not a normal chiralta either.

And this would be the scene Atzi finds herself stumbling on. After getting a key for the crypts from Akala, Atzi would find herself standing in the main hallway of the crypts. Following the sounds was a simple thing to do, and she'd open the door and find the two zombies assaulting Finn and Achel.

"Ah? Atzi! Shouldn't you be resting!" Achel shouted to her as she'd enter the room.

Southern Giants Rest
Lightsword base, early morning

“I see…” Sorcha responded to Niall’s summary of events. “Niall, I believe you should know that Tuatha is almost certainly the same one that attacked Airedale only a few days ago.” The Queen leaned over the table, staring at the map as she’d study the map that Niall had provided for her. “Not so fast, Luna. They may be related - but it seems like the red-haired Tuatha and these bandits here are enemies. We can safely assume then, that what Vyrell and myself at least feared somewhat, is that the outlaws of Albion are still hardly united.” Sorcha inhaled, thinking a few moments. “And perhaps we could use the red haired Tuatha to our advantage. But that is neither here nor there for the moment. It will be something I discuss with Vyrell once we are back in Airedale. For now I agree with Luna. We crush,” Sorcha slammed her fist onto the table, the force of it causing the wood under the map to splinter from the impact just slightly. “These creatures.”

Sorcha straightened her posture and looked at the three gathered knights, a fiery determination evident.

“We can discover and figure out what they are up to once you three raid the base and we have more information.” She’d dust off the side of her hand that had hit the table. “I’ll leave the planning up to you three since I shall not be accompanying you. I will be staying here in case something…unexpected happens in your absence. The only thing I want out of this is that you three ensure that there are no survivors at all. Do I make myself clear? My mercy only goes so far and if they are colluding with Fomorians then they shall receive none.” Sorcha folded her arms across her chest. “Truthfully, Niall causing a scene may be more of a boon than a hindrance. One of their gates has been destroyed and I doubt they have had time to reconstruct it.”

Sorcha would fall silent, letting Luna, Fio, and Niall lead the discussion from here and only having input if she was directly asked by the three. It shouldn't be that hard for them to come up with a plan. The main building built into the side of a large boulder that overlooked the rest of the camp. A destroyed gate. Sure an ambush was unlikely to work, but since when did proper knights rely on such underhanded tactics?

A walk in the Meadows of Asphodel...

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