Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Alavaris
Ancient Garden
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

The ball of ice formed, slamming into the undead’s head with force enough to crack its skull open, making a large gash across the top of its head but not enough to put it down. Giselle followed up with her lance, the point of the weapon aiming for the wretched undead’s ‘heart’. Impact. The lance struck its target. The creature wailed, but there was no heart or blood beating in the creature's chest for her to eviscerate.

It writhed on the end of her lance, screeching once again.

And from the stairs beyond, they could hear a few shallow groans and raspy gurgles of more undead as some more fleshy zombies wearing what seemed to be old armor and weapons made their way down the stairs.

Had this screeching one alerted them? They’d have only a few moments to gather more weapons here should it suit them. Giselle would find a nice selection once she had completely ended the one on her lance. Old, but still serviceable enough swords of varying lengths, spears, even a few war hammers.

Akyasha would have a somewhat easier time. The ghost that had been attempting to choke the vampire out would soon find the tables being easily turned on it. Making a simple pair of blood-knuckles to smack something with was easy enough, the warm crimson liquid covering the entirety of her hand as she reached out, twisting the ghosts hand from her neck.

It hissed a ghostly wail as she’d pull it closer, promptly slamming another fist right into its spectral face without pausing so much to get even a good look at it before it’d shortly dissipate into an ethereal dust. No doubt it’d be back soon enough without a proper sending off of some sort, but for now the ghost had lost its physical form.

As she’d leave the building she’d be pleased to find the skeletal monstrosity had dragged itself back down the road. Most of the undead too, had fallen silent and had either gone into some sort of slumber or disappeared back into the houses or back with the skeletal creature.

As she’d head down the road back towards the gate however, she’d notice something odd.

Where an alleyway presumably existed on the opposite side of the street, Akyasha would notice something perhaps a little intriguing. A swarm of rats, scurrying down the alleyway. Large, over sized things with beady red eyes and fur as black as night almost as if they were shadows themselves. They disappeared shortly afterwards, down the alleyway.

Well...it was probably nothing at all, but they certainly might help alleviate some blood thirst if you could get some...

If not, then she’d easily arrive back at Aleksiya and Giselle soon just as the other undead began making their way down the stairs.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

The beasts head slammed into the ground with a mighty thud, kicking up dust and debris as it seemed entirely unfazed by the fact it just headbutted the ancient stone bridge. As he dodged one way, the beast would slide its head and long neck across the bridge, trying to seemingly shove Dragan off of it, only for the vampire to successfully leap out of the way. The armored vampire would thus lash out with his rapier…

And miss entirely.

Well, sort of.

The blade of the weapon seemed to bounce off something that was unseen, directing the blade from its eye socket down the side of its serpentine skill across what felt almost like some sort of smooth armor or perhaps hide. It seemed there was some sort of invisible barrier protecting the things bones.

A low growl followed as the beast was suddenly assaulted from a second source. Illena’s claws would fare just as well as Dragan’s rapier had. Her claws never reached the bones, instead seemingly gripped what felt like some sort of smooth, hardened armor or carapace. The creature reared its head back, contracting its meter’s long neck as it pulled itself away from Illena and her shadowy claws.

Another roar that shook the air as it raised its long neck once more, not giving Illena or Dragan much time to strategize as it darted forward nimbly, mouth agape as it attempted to bite Dragan in two and it was too quick for him to merely dodge out of the way.
Shimizu Kaori

"Aha!" Upon hearing from Tomoko-chan that she could indeed, carry off the Zasshiki-Warashi and keep-ahem-dress her up, the spiders mouth turned into a wide, excitable grin. She'd reward Tomoko by giving her a brief, if extremely tight and cuddly hug before pouncing right on the ghost in question, grabbing Hina by the waist and pulling her off the ground. "Ehehe, don't you worry little Hina-chan, I'll take veeeeerry good care of you~!" The spider giggled, holding the ghost tight against her body. In order to make sure she could not escape, the ghost would have the misfortune to find the spider had tied a thread of silk around her arms as she was lifted into a princess carry.

"Byyye tomo-chaaan~!" She'd shout, waving bye to the group as she'd proceed to run away at high speed. "Stop by my place later and I'll show you all how cute Hina iiiiis~!"

“Please, of course I do. Blood demons know when they’re clearly outmatched.” The demon harrumphed at Vammy’s assertion. It was true she had a tendency to bite off more than she could chew at times, but well, she wouldn’t be a demon if she didn’t. Blood demons only got stronger in such scenarios, really - its what made them so dangerous, but when matched against something they clearly stood no chance against? Well, they weren’t fools.

Unlike this human attempting to flee.

“Ha, like I’m gonna fall for some stupid-” The woman initially responded, only to have her eyes widen in mild fear when she heard a loud growl from behind her. Lazhira left the window open, and Tallen happened to have made a little bed right outside it. She didn’t want the dog in her house, so she said. “-bluff!”

The mutt in question leapt through the window, tackling the woman and proceeding to knock her right over and then decided to do what vammy had wanted, using her as a seat.

“Getoff you smelly animal!”

@Crusader Lord

“Hmph.” Sorcha barely even acknowledged Lissa’s words as she’d give Leuca a gentle push to follow Nylah. “Brave words for someone that’d be nothing but slag.” She’d only briefly pause next to Eirhild, passing her what seemed to be a few gemstones. The dwarfs eyes lit up upon seeing them, eagerly and happily accepting them as seeming payment. “You have my thanks for protecting Leuca. If you find yourself in Tamaln just give my name and no one will bother you, Eirhild.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it!” The dwarf smiled as she’d pocket the gems, turning her own attention back to Lissa as Sorcha and Leuca followed after Nylah.

Sorcha for the most part said nothing as they trekked through Dawn, aside from a few comments about the rather in her opinion, poor state of the village. Leuca was too busy looking and taking in everything, speaking briefly to Sorcha about having never been so close to the sea before and seeming generally a little excited to be here.

Nylah’s home was of a fairly humble construction. Tyua had given Bolcha some pretty specific instructions when he had built it when she came to this village all those years ago, a baby Nylah barely old enough to flutter her wings. Situated just on the beach and made of wood and stone, the outside didn’t seem too different from similarly built houses here but the interior was constructed with specifically spacious rooms in mind, the floor a step or two lower into the ground giving it a rather tall and roomy ceiling. Windows situated in time to allow the morning sun and afternoon sun to filter light into the home. Thick carpets were placed over the flooring while various trinkets and weapons hung on the walls of the living room area along with a few wooden chairs, a larger fire pit and some things she brought with her from her homeland. A few handmade clay vases and jars she made, too inscribed with various symbols of Kythet.

“...ho.” Upon entering and observing for a few moment, Sorcha gave a curious hum. “I am surprised to see a Mothraki living in a house with holy symbols and icons of the Bastelians. I take it this ‘mother’ you spoke of is a Bastelian, then?”

@Click This

Eirhild gave each of the gems given to her a good look over as Lissa told her what was happening. Two well cut, shiny emeralds. A blue, tear-shaped gem of some sort. And a ruby of an unnaturally deep red color. Satisfied that they were real, the dwarf would finally respond to Lissa.

“Krysa and Yaga are acting up eh?” Eirhild frowned. “That’s weird. They live close to each other but the two don’t usually interact. If they’re teamin’ up like this, this Mie lass must’ve sanded their stones ‘em somethin’ fierce.” The dwarf leaned on a pew, mulling over the offer in her head before coming to a conclusion.

“Well lass, as I said name’s Eirhild. You pay me a fair bit and treat me fair I’ll help ya. Dunno much about the Yaga or Krysa beyond what I already said but my sword arm’s good and my shields as sturdy as a rock.” She’d put out a hand for Lissa to take. “Since I finished with those two might as well go ahead and take another job, aye? Got any idea about this rescue operation yerself?”

@Cu Chulainn

“Ah? Tch, I don’t need help.” Raelzeth clicked her tongue. “Why would I wanna do work when I'm avoiding it?” She’d stop near Gideon, frowning and seeming to look over the Raam quickly. “Which is why I’m bothering you! If I’m with you, it looks like I’m doing something important so no one bugs me about work.” She seemed awfully proud of this plan, scooting a bit closer to Gideon with a smug, cheeky grin as though this was the perfect way to get out of work. “Sooo, I’ma hang out with you, smart guy. I could tell ya some stuff about Naraheim if ya let me.” Whatever this little gremlin was up to she didn’t seem deterred by the fact Gideon had stopped just outside of Asvar’s smithy. If anything, she seemed a little more bold now. Didn’t he hear people talking about how she liked to pilfer things from people's pockets if given the opportunity?

Whatever the case, didn’t seem like she was going to take no for an answer.


Finn’s boot met the zombie’s forehead, an audible crunch as its skull would be visibly caved in slightly form the impact. It fell backwards, its uncoordinated movements sending it onto the ground from the impact though it would not stay down for long. The other two shuffled closer, unconcerned about the knife the young man was swinging wildly around.

The closest lunged towards him, a long, fleshy rotten arm reaching for his neck. His knife would find itself getting stuck in the creatures flesh just as the second undead would make a lunge for his thankfully armored sides, but he was going to get weighed down at this rate.

“Ah-ah, uhm, oh dear uhm.” Achel, meanwhile, behind Finnegan had move a bit further away, and Finnegan could hear her shuffling through some items. Metal clanking against metal, something being dragged across the floor. “Ugh-heavy! Here! Its not supposed to be used as a weapon but it should help!”

Finnegan would thankfully find what seemed to be the head of a black colored flail of some sort slam itself into the head of the undead tackling him from the side before it could get a good hold on him. Intricately carved with imagery relating to the Death Goddess. Rose thorns engraved into the hilt with a flower opening to show a set of scales along the blade. The ‘Flail’ portion of the weapon seemed to in fact be some sort of hollow bell shaped object.

…it was in fact no flail at all, but seemed to just be a large candle snuffer of some sort.

“Use it! O-or not. Er, whatever you wanna. I can handle it, probably, I’m a clever little spider, hehe!”

Southern Giants Rest
Late Night

“Ice ‘em, Shabbi!” At the tuatha’s command, the Mammoth raised its legs just as ‘Annagan’ wrestled with the creatures tusks, having been shoved back quite some distance from the creatures sheer force.

“I don’t know what this beast is capable of, but-” Shabbi raised her trunk, a wall of frigid arctic wind blew from the creatures nostrils, flash freezing not only the air but the ground under the Bandit as his legs became trapped in ice. “-you pathetic creature-!”

“Now Trample!” As this was happening, Niall had found a safe place right beside the Tuatha who would also bring Gabriel along the mammoth’s back right as Shabbit would wrestle her tusks out from Annagan’s grip. With a trumpeting call, the Mammoth raised its legs and slammed them into the ground.

Immediately similar to how his own axe had done before, the ground under the mammoth erupted in a cold shower of earth and ice, crystalline structures of frigid ice slamming upwards from the ground and rushing towards Annagan.

“Too easy.” The bandits leader hefted his hammer - and slammed it right down onto the oncoming crystalline, striking it head on…and immediately creating a thick, snowy fog by which for Niall and the others to escape under. “...ah. Smarter than they look.”

“Oh dear, you let them get away, muscle brain.”

“Shut it, I didn’t see you helping.”

“Eh? And waste my precious experiments fighting that Beast Kin? Nah. Not worth it. Just wait until tomorrow though, I’ll have finished what you want , heh.”

And so Niall would head back to the Fortress under the cover of dark, reaching it at some point in the early morning. Try as he might, he could not convince the Tuatha to return to the castle with them, mentioning something about needing to head back home and make sure his family was safe or something or the other. Also checking in with some Cecillia person who apparently went to the mountains to look for something.

Regardless, Gabriel and Niall would arrive back and have about six hours for some rest before they needed to meet Sorcha in the meeting room.


“Mhm, okay…I’ll help getting dressed again.” Sucaria would then proceed to help luna dress in some comfy, rather high quality night gown and Luna was unable to get a word in edge wise as her maid proceeded to once again, possibly manhandle her into getting dressed and all washed and clean. Once done, instead of guiding Luna into her own bed in the barracks, Sucaria instead pulled the knight into her bed in the servants quarters.

The next morning, Luna would wake, head pressed firmly against Sucaria’s chest as the maid was sleeping soundly…it’d be cute, if not for the trickle of blood running out of the corner of her mouth in typical fashion.

Regardless, she should probably head to the meeting room to meet Sorcha and the others for a strategy meeting.


And Sorcha’s response to being bonked again was merely to laugh all the way down to the strategy hall.

It was early morning, the sun just rising over the hill. The morning sounds of the garrison and soldiers stationed here going through their training drills and guard routines. Leo’s voice was one of the loudest as he personally instructed the drills for the men while Gabriel shuffled into the room looking quite bedraggled and tired as though he didn’t spend the time after getting home actually sleeping.

Sorcha stood at the table of the same strategy room the knights had met at only yesterday evening. She had called Niall in early to help draw out a map of the area in relation to the bandits stronghold and the rest of the area, as well as hopefully give an accurate enough description of the bandit base itself.

“Good, you’re all here. Then we’ll start.” Sorcha wasted no time in getting started. No pleasantries. No formalities. There was only a slightly oppressive, authoritarian feeling hanging over the room. Sorcha herself stood straight, eyes burning with forceful determination. “Our objective and goal here is simple. The complete and utter annihilation of these brigands that dare to threaten the peace of the Lightsword territory and by extension…my, territory. Gabriel…what did you get out of our prisoner?”

“Uh, about that…” Gabriel replied with a frown. “...we didn’t get much. The bastard didn’t talk much, but I have something I’d like to talk with you about in private after this is over with.”

“...I see, well what did you get?”

“Only that they seem to be allied with some fomorians, but that’s nothing new.”

“That is about as useful as you flirting with me on the battlefield yesterday.”

“Ahaha Queen Sorcha I would never-” He’d glance to the side, making a point of avoiding Luna’s gaze.

“But fine. I’ll see you after we finish this. Now then, Niall…your report? You briefed me somewhat already, but I want to confirm this for everyone - you rescued a red-haired Tuatha that rode a mammoth from the bandits last night?”

"Oh, no worries. I'd rather be out here with you strapping gentlemen anyways." Liora responded with a smile as she'd move up close to the two seemingly forgetting what 'personal space' meant. How to approach this? Ignorant tourist? Lady looking for some company? It seemed like only one of the two would be easily distracted and she wasn't particularly wanting to put effort into this.

"Ahem, but let me start with Introductions. Orial." She'd offer the two of them a flirty smile and a wink, making careful note of seeing if Rean was making good progress without being too terribly obvious about it. "I'm just a humble traveler looking for information and maybe a bit of a good time. Does this library have Sea or Star charts? Of a more historical recording, that is. Something not as up to date." An innocent question, didn't matter if they answered or not as long as she kept their attention on her for now.

Location: Alavaris
Ancient Garden
@Pyromania99@VitaVitaAR@Click This

Giselle and Aleksiya easily found their way down a small street near the wall. An alleyway wedged between it and a row of buildings. Even if they couldn’t find a way through the closed gate, there was little room for whatever was following them to pursue them down this road. As luck would have it, however, they would find a side door that led into the walls interior. Slipping inside would show what was once likely a guard station.

The room wasn’t too big. Just enough room for a desk, a bookshelf, and a set of stairs on the opposite end of the room that led up and out of the room that seemed to lead up onto the wall. Weapons and armor laid old, rusted, forgotten inside their racks or armor stands. There was just one small, little problem.

Between them and the stairs, was one of the undead that seemed to inhabit this place.

It was hunched over, its body stiff and rigid as it struggled to move or stand. Decissicated flesh clung to its bones, giving it an old, leathery appearance. Its head twitched in an unsettling manner as it slowly turned to face the two that had entered the room. The moment that it laid eyes on the two vampires it responded with a high pitched, disorienting screech, loud enough to temporarily deafen the two vampires as it would slowly walk towards them.

Akyasha would dash into a nearby building. Not perhaps, the smartest move all things considered. It offered shelter from whatever was hunting them, but she’d be lucky if the building was uninhabited entirely. At least, if nothing else an immediate scan of the surroundings seemed to reveal nothing aside from the fact that this seemed to have once been some sort of residential building.

Outside, if she waited only a few moments she’d see the creature that had been slowly chasing them, or at least part of it.

A skeletal hand wrapped itself around the front of the building, the tips of its bony fingers reaching in through the window and gripping the edges of the building as it seemed to drag itself along the ground towards the gate, stopping itself at the same house Akyasha had taken shelter in. Its ragged, ghostly breathing filled the streets as the skeletal creature’s head swiveled from side to side, seemingly looking for something.

Finding neither living nor the vampires, it shrieked and rose from the ground, using its hand to drag itself back down the street.

She couldn’t get a good look at it from here, but she at least could tell it was some sort of massive skeletal creature.
Not that she’d get long to ponder it. The air around her noticeably chilled, a cold hand wrapping around her neck as a ghostly figure attempted to grab her from behind.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

The skittering insects complied with the whims of the one they were enthralled by. Carrying the two women would prove a somewhat trivial task for the two insects. As Illena accepted Luna’s hand to be ferried across the bridge, however, Dragan would become increasingly aware he was not alone. Perhaps he should have paid better attention to the corpses that laid by the skeletal creature that laid upon the road.

Its bones shifted, the sound of earth and rock grinding against its body as it dragged itself to wakefulness while Illena and Luna attempted to cross the bridge. Its skeletal head passed right by Dragan as it lifted its long, serpentine body into the air. Scraggly, matted fur hung from its skull while its eyeless sockets and bestial skull stared down the vampire.

It opened its jaws…and howled.

Something was off about this skeletal creature, that much was certain as far as Dragan could tell. Even as weakened as he was, this creature in front of him was difficult to get a grasp on with his necromancy almost as if it wasn’t quite dead.

It would then attempt to slam its head right into Dragan.

here we go

really sorry for the delay I'll be better about posting in the future, promise.

Had a difficult time deciding if I wanted to go fisticuffs or GUN route, but I figure a bodyguard should be better prepared for close range engagements.

Just chiming in here

Work killed me with a sixteen hour shift yesterday and has been a bit rough in general adjusting to the new job but I know what I wanna do for the CS

Just need to

Find some time and sit down and write it up. Will probably get to it tomorrow.
@Queen Arya

Hey, thanks for the interest!

Yeah we're full but I'll make sure to add ya to a list just in case I get some openings~
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