Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


The dark skinned woman growled in defiant annoyance at the demons 'interrogation’ methods. If lazhira had any misgivings about it she didn’t seem particularly interested in sharing them. The village girl instead watched with some mild interest as Vammy played with the other woman in a number of particularly obscene ways. Still, the dark skinned woman didn’t seem interested in talking.

”Hmph, she’s a tough one. Physical torture of some sort isn’t likely to work. If you want information you’ll likely have to get creative.” The familiar voice of the demon interrupted Vammy’s thoughts. “I can help…if you just let me…teach you a little something, though the woman is likely not going to like it, fufu. I don’t know what training she’s gone through but you’ll have to get creative if you don’t want my direct help. Maybe…give her a little carrot? Mortals love bargaining but you’d need something that would be tempting to her and she doesn’t seem interested in us.”

“I don’t need taken care of.” The woman hissed. “And I have nothing to say to your primitive and useless interrogation methods.”

@Click This@Crusader Lord

The two spoke among themselves, Sorcha keeping quiet, aside from voraciously eating the prepared food. Since Nylah seemed to have offered, the woman seemed to take the Mothraki up on her offer of dinner eagerly and had already somehow managed to completely down a bowl of the stew in a mere few minutes inhaling the food moreso than eating it as Lissa finished her suggestion. She’d quickly be filling a second bowl without care for whether the other two wanted more or not, settling back down at the table as soon as Nylah finished her piece.

“Find a nearby village and ask around.” Sorcha responded simply. “Easiest way to gather information is from the people themselves. They’d have no reason to be hostile to either of you three initially.” She proceeded to start eating as swiftly as she was before.

“We waste time with that though, this Mie lass might be caught between a cave wall and a crystal eater nest.” Eirhild grunted. “Could be best to just go straight there. We know what we gotta do so we don’t need to know much more, do we? Dunno what’s going on here, but we don’t even know if that blizzard even reached the Yaga or Krysa that much, do we?”

It was true though, there didn’t seem to be much information to go on beyond what Haruno had told them and it seemed this attack was unprovoked and unwarranted if she was to be believed.


“Ah! A skeleton arm? Atzi, but you’re not a skeleton.” The Chiralta responded with a smile, stepping away from Finnegan. “Ah, but I might have just the thing! Give me a minute. I won’t desecrate the dead, buuuut I’ve got an old arm laying around here, lets see where did I put it…” Achel scurried over to some old shelves and cabinets and began milling through them. “If you want to see the village chief, I can take you. I think he’s busy talking about something with Akala regarding something written in that book of hers…but he’d love to meet you, I’m sure.”

It would only take a few seconds of searching for Achel to come back over to Atzi, presenting to her…well, an arm. It wasn’t exactly a skeletal arm, well it looked like one but it was quite obviously made of inorganic materials of some sort. Something that resembled bone but the joints looked more like they belonged on a doll or other construct.

“Here you go! Well, its probably not gonna fit but I don’t think I have enough time to modify it.” She’d hand it to Atzi for her to inspect. It was old, but still in fairly good condition. Strong threads of Chiralta silk seemed to run along the joints, mimicking muscles and tendons in a rough, albeit clever fashion though Atzi likely couldn’t make use of it. “Closest thing to a skeleton arm I got.” She’d hop over to Finnegan, ending up behind him and giving him a push from behind.

“And I’ll take you to Enli!” Another playful shove. “Hurry your bones up I’m sure Akala would be glad to see you alive too!”

Border Village


“But there was not even ash left!” Lonan retorted harshly as Reinhardt simply brushed past him and the few soldiers Lonan had brought with him ripping a halberd from the hands of one of the soldiers as well as picking up a chain off the ground, wrapping it around his torso like some sort of makeshift armor. “At least put some clothes or armor on - argh, fine! Let him through!”

With Lonan’s words the gathered soldiers would let Reinhardt approach the smoldering crater that the dragon had fallen into as it fell from the sky. Blacked, charred earth. The air thick with smoke and ash, molten fire having dripped enough from the wound and the dragons body to create a small pooled around it making it hard for most men to approach.

The dragon itself was laying on its side, the wound Reinhardt inflicted jagged and bleeding molten fire as its neck was resting on its good wing. No doubt it wouldn’t be flying any time soon, but even so with the beasts gargantuan size and sturdiness - could the two of them manage to defeat it?

“I believe they went to check on the fort where the cursed knight is being held-” Lonan would reply, gazing down at the dragon’s immobile form as Reinhardt would march down the slope of the crater. “...I would ask any other knight if they’re crazy, but I will reserve judgment until I see results. I’ll defer to the dragon slayer on this. To positions men! DO not engage the dragon! I repeat, do not engage the dragon in Melee unless you want to end up as a burning pile of ash!”

Lonan shouted, mounting Steblas and riding alongside the edge of the crater, barking orders at the gathered militia.

So Reinhardt jumped into the crater.

Halberd raised overhead, the knight slammed the weapon down onto the oozing gash upon the Wyvern’s shoulder.

Immediately the beast shrieked, loud enough to cause deafness and burst eardrums as it thrashed to wakefulness as the halberd wrenched scale from flesh and flesh from bone. Reinhardt felt the beasts maw wrap around his sides, teeth digging into his flesh as he was tossed away from the creature, slamming into the ground with a fair bit of force as it managed to crawl to its feet.

“Uooooh…You…Live?” Its raspy, aged voice spoke. “Ahhhhh…Confusion. I do not know how you avoided judgment of perdition.” It hissed. “MMmhm, Veeeery well, though. I will slay you as many times as I must for our kiiiing.”

It raised its head, roaring again Its left wing hung limply, uselessly at its side. Its chest bleeding but it seemed unbothered as it lashed out at Elias, it released a torrent of fire towards the dragon slayer which was followed up by a brutal lunge forwards, attempting to crush the human with its remaining good claw.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

A shield of light formed, big enough to encompass the air above her and her men, the arrows harmlessly bouncing off of the construct of light. Luna, at least, effortlessly dispatched the men that were attacking her, their bodies falling to the ground from their wounds. The others that had engaged her men were faring much better, however. Something about these bandits was odd. Though she had effortlessly slain them, even Luna could tell their physical prowess and ability was beyond what was normal for most people.

Unable to assist quite in time, two bandits managed to get the better of one of her soldiers, breaking his guard and impaling his chest on a blade before another beheaded him with a brutal blow of an axe. Another of her men managed to fend off one, using a blade of his own to deflect a blow into a swift stab to a bandits side, before getting clocked in the head with a mace. The other two were fairing similar.

Another hail of arrows was launched towards them, too. It seemed as though these bandits had enough bite to back up their barking. At least now it was four to eight.

The two remaining knights quickly nodded, informing Niall they’d go tell lady Lightsword what was happening and support her as Niall began his own assault. The owl knight swift as wind, deadly as the night. Graceful as a bird, the Owl knight poised himself on the lance, effortlessly rending the bandits asunder before they could even react as he made his proclamation.

Annagan, merely laughed under his cowl, offering no reply as the knight rushed towards him. The hammer missed its first blow - Annagan was certainly strong, but he was by no means swifter than Niall. That was likely the only advantage the owl knight had in this situation. As he made attempts to grab Niall, Annagan whiffed time and time again, grabbing nothing but air as more and more small cuts and gashes were delivered to the mans body until Niall was ready for his finishing blow.

The lance thrust towards Annagan’s heart.

Blood spilled from the wound.

Annagan laughed.

“Ahahahah, you’re that whelp from last night!” He, if nothing else seemed amused with this turn of events. “Come back to be crushed have ye? Don’t run like a coward when I crush your insides, this time!” Niall would watch as the bandits chief wrapped a hand around Niall’s lance and proceeded to lift him from the ground with his own weapon. “Lets see how far you fly, bird-!” A howl of pain as Niall was blessedly saved by Fio’s magic, the hammer that was aiming to knock Niall clean into the air barely grazed him, sending him instead stumbling to the ground and merely giving him a few bruises and maybe a small fracture as he’d roll onto the ground a fe feet away.

More blades fell upon the bandits, all shouting in surprise and mild anger as their lives were summarily cut short.

“....Gahaha.” Annagan supported himself with his hammer, blood liberally coursing across his body now. “Annoying, but it’ll take more than just these flesh wounds!” Even wounded as he was, it did not seem the bandits leader was going to go down anytime soon be it from pure physical power or something else entirely. He’d rush forwards, intending to slam the hammer onto Niall. “Leave this whelp to me, men. Go play with that lightsword brat!”

The about sixteen or so men left quickly acquiesced, leaving Niall and Annagan to duel while they made their way to Luna’s flank.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

Ethelred tied his horse to the nearest tree and followed Grainne to the fort on foot, his lance hefted over his shoulder. He said nothing, silently focusing on observing anything he could regarding the fort and its garrison. This was something that would require improvising and quick thinking, and the more he assessed his surroundings, the better chance of success he had if things went south.. Fortunately, with his eyes hidden beneath his helmet, it’d be difficult for anyone to see exactly what he was eyeing at any moment.

He didn’t think that Grainne would be too difficult to distract when the time came- she seemed to have a bit of a temper on her and probably a bit of insecurity behind it. Ethelred figured it’d be easy enough to set her off with a few well placed words disparaging her stature or her squirehood, but another option was to be more subtle or passive-aggressive in occupying her attention. For now however, he’d follow behind and endure her unpleasant words with silence.

Marduk, in the meanwhile, would use his unhindered sight and enhanced Elven senses to his advantage, taking note of any potential vantage points, as well as the number of guards in any given area. It’s likely that this Fomorian woman Ethelred wished to free is in an area where more guards would be posted than usual. As much as memorizing guard patrols on his own would go, however, Marduk knew he needed to work with more than just his sight if they really wanted to help Elnith out.

... Say, Ethelred. Aren’t those the children you saved, from that village attacked by the dragon?” Marduk noted, looking to the direction of where the brats may be settled into. “Didn’t they drop something of theirs? I think I have it.” Rummaging through Reinhardt’s stuff, Marduk would grab any random object a kid would likely have, handing it over to Ethelred. Before he could protest, Marduk would lean into his ear, or at least where he thought his ear would be.

Could be good to ask them about the place. I’ll keep the runt knight busy.

With a pat of a shoulder and a salute to his chest, Marduk would step away from Ethelred, giving him a knowing wink. He did his best to hide his disgust at being close to such a cursed being.

Think they’d like you better than me! You know how bad I am with kids!” Marduk would jest, before catching up to Grainne before she could properly respond.

Say, are there any stables for the rest of these horses? Would be annoying if we had to lug them around for the rest of our tour. And how about those ballistas, huh? Could you show me how they work after?

Marduk would continue to pepper the runt with questions as he did his best to lead the squire away from the icy knight.

Grainne frowned, though didn’t say much to the two, obviously at least in some aspect respecting the sacrifice that Reinhardt had made. At least until Marduk had opened his mouth to respond to her.

“Stables. For yours, sure. Just over there. That creepy ice…creature stays out here.” She’d say, not even bothering to point and merely gesture her head briefly in the general direction of some stables. “I’ll take you to them, but no touching.” She’d only briefly turn her attention to Ethelred. “Don’t wander off too much. Don’t want to be picking ice off the fort, got it?” Assuming the ice knight had nothing else to say to the redhead, she’d proceed to lead Marduk into the stables.

Marduk’s sight would notice there was quite a force of troops here. At least fifty in total. As for the greatest concentration of them…there was what seemed to be a tent setup nearby the entrance to the fort where the soldiers were using as a sort of outside work area, but there was no sign of someone being restrained or otherwise imprisoned on the outside. It was likely the prison was inside the fort itself somewhere…though he’d take note of a small building on the backside that was hidden behind a few large trees and seemingly purposefully made to be somewhat inconspicuous.

With the elf keeping the squire busy, Ethelred walked towards the nearest Harzel soldiers. He needed information, and he needed to occupy their attention. He couldn't introduce himself as a knight of Sorcha, however, nor could he hope to appear inconspicuous. He wasn’t a skilled deceiver, and his armor made it very difficult to be charismatic and persuasive to people. With some thinking, he opted to approach them using an angle that would not require deceit or honeyed words, instead he would address them from the perspective of something that he rarely got a chance to be- as his old self.

"Hail, warriors," he boisterously greeted them. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Etheling Ethelred Edmundson, lord of Ceolread Castle. I have come here to lend my resources to assist in felling that vile wyvern before it can harm anyone else. Might one of you direct me to the lord of this castle, that I may more closely cooperate with Harzelslack's warriors to end this threat to Albion?"

Despite everything he said being technically true, Ethelred was quite aware of how ridiculous and implausible he must sound to these guards.

The soldiers, understandably as Ethelred assumed, did not take him seriously at all. The group he had spoken too was a small group of about six or seven that were currently near the tent near the entrance of the castle. They were dressed in pretty standard soldier gear, simple but effective armor and weapons.

“You what?” One of them began. “Sorry, never heard of that house. Or castle.”

“Ain't that the name of some ruins or something out by Redwater?”

“Doesn’t this guy look like some sorta weird fomorian?”

“If Grainne let this guy in then he’s probably legitimate right?”

“Since we does that kid know anything?”

“Stop talking you louts and get back to work.” A slightly higher ranking knight, dressed in plate, walked over. “Sorry about them. If you’re looking for the Lord of this Castle, you’ll have to find Sir Lonan.” The armored knight replied, a curt, professional nod to Ethelred. “He’s the one responsible for patrolling the border and he took this castle as a base to operate from. I believe he’s at the nearby village. Said something about wanting to stop the beast before it could destroy the village.”

Ethelred was a bit taken aback that somebody was being reasonable with him. It would be a welcome surprise if it didn't make it harder to keep the garrison distracted. He had to adapt to the changing situation, however. If his presence wasn't enough of a big deal to keep everyone distracted, it'd nonetheless be quite convenient if he was able to move around the fort freely.

"Yes, I've met Sir Lonan. From what I've seen, he's a model knight, honorable and capable," he replied. "Since he's not here, however, is there anything that you would have me do to lend my aid here and lessen your load? If my own castle was in better condition I'd offer to shelter some of these refugees, but alas, it has fallen into disrepair."

“I can’t just give an outsider the run of the place. I’m sure you understand.” The armored knight frowned under his helmet. “But perhaps...Well, Lady Grainne has asked us not to mention it, but…apparently we have a prisoner that Lonan wants information from. Given the situation its been tossed a bit to the side.” He spoke quietly, constantly glancing in Grainne’s direction. Was he not aware of what Grainne had ordered, or did he simply not care for the squire and her attitude? “I was told this prisoner is exceptionally dangerous and the cause of quite a few tragedies over - the infamous Cursed Knight Elnith. How they managed to capture her I have no idea.”

"I can answer that for you," Ethelred replied, encouraged at the mention of Elnith. "When I first bumped into Lonan and Grainne, they happened to be discussing that exact matter. It appears that Elnith attempted to fight the dragon by herself. When Lonan found her, she was badly wounded and had lost her sword- which we later found out was still embedded in the dragon."

There wasn't much use in trying to convince the knight that Elnith was trying to help. Ethelred was still a bit irritated that Elias had not asked the children to give their account of Elnith's heroism to Lonan when they first encountered the Harzel knights.

"Perhaps, under your supervision, you might allow me to question her," he propositioned. "If she's fought the dragon and lived, she might some information on its abilities, weaknesses, possibly its motivations- anything that might that might improve Lonan's chances against it. Given her current situation, she might be more forthcoming to an outsider like myself."

The knight took a few quiet moments to process what Ethelred had told him, before nodding quietly.

“Alright. If she has fought the dragon and lived then she’ll have useful information. Probably what Sir Lonan wanted.” The knight began walking, motioning for Ethelred to follow. Assuming Ethelred did and had nothing much else to ask the plated Harzel knight, he’d be led towards the fort towards the side building that had been partially hidden in the shade of the fort proper. No doubt then, this was the prison of the fort. Stepping inside, Ethelred would find himself in a small guardpost it seemed. A single guard was stationed here, and after a small exchange with the knight he’d proceed to unlock the heavy metal door that led to the prison proper.

Inside was…well, a prison. What did one expect of such a place? Down a small set of stairs, Ethelred’s feet met dirt floors and cold stone walls. The only light coming in was from the small iron barred windows and a handful of glass lanterns hanging on the walls. The Knight led Ethelred into the room. The place wasn’t big, only enough room for five cells. Four smaller ones near the door and a single larger one near the back, which was conveniently where Elnith seemed to be.

As light from the lantern the knight picked up off the wall filtered into the cell, Ethelred would see the Knight, and considering everything Ethelred had heard up until now…well, it was no surprise he could almost feel the malignant curse in the air hanging around her. It wasn’t anything he could see, but he could feel it. A thick, stagnant smell that threatened to choke.

Upon hearing them enter, she’d turn her heads towards them, the usual soft voice that Ethelred had grown familiar with replaced with a harsher, more demanding and deliberate tone.

“What is it now?” She’d ask, clear hostility present, expression softening just slightly upon seeing Ethelred. “Now’s not a good time, aha…” She’d bring her left arm up to her mouth, biting on one of her knuckles.

Her physical state, well, at least that could be worse. She was wearing some pretty threadbare clothing, standard prisoner attire. Half of her face was covered in medical cloth and bandages covering one of her eyes. Her right arm was tightly secured to her chest to prevent it from moving, leaving only her left arm free. The worst part was, though, were perhaps the burns covering her body. In the places that weren’t bandaged, severe burns covered her flesh no doubt if she had been a normal human she’d have died from such burns.

“Get started on your questioning then.” The knight stopped a few feet away from the cell. “I’d rather not be here longer than I have to.”

The sight of Elnith was disheartening. Sorcha's powerful berserker knight, wrapped in bandages and rags, locked up in a cell. Equally disturbing was that Ethelred could almost swear he could feel Elnith's curse. Yet despite the dread that gripped the accompanying Harzel Knight, Ethelred's only concern remained Elnith's well-being and what could be done for her.

With just the two knights in the room and only one guard outside to deal with, Ethelred shouldn't have trouble subduing them and springing Elnith out, but there'd still be the matter of what do do with her. She wasn't exactly in a condition to fight the wyvern, and Sorcha would be most displeased if they withdrew without putting it down. Even if he broke her out and stole a horse for her to flee, Ethelred didn't want her to make the journey back to Airedale alone, especially after what happened to Od.

Ethelred walked right up to the cell. "It looks like you fought the wyvern, Elnith. We saw your handiwork when we fought it." He tried not to let slip that they were working together.

"Unfortunately, it proved a challenge for us too. We fought it with the aid of Sir Lonan, the local Harzelslack commander, but it managed to escape. But Elias..." Ethelred paused, trying to compose himself, "Elias tried to pull your sword from its chest. It let loose this beam of burning light. Lonan and I were able to withstand it it, but Elias wasn't so lucky. There...there wasn't anything left of him but melted slag."

Ethelred turned to the knight. Perhaps it was just condensation from the damp dungeon, but there were beads of water dripping down his helmet.

"What if we were able to use her against the wyvern? She jumped into combat with this thing, and she actually wounded it. Even in her current state, she might be willing to still fight it. I know you want to punish her, but whatever tragedies the inflicted cannot be undone, but we might be able to prevent a tragedy if we make use of her. Besides, we should be able to handle her in her weakened state, and even if she tries to run, there's nowhere to go. We have Harzelslack to the west, frigid snowfields to the north, wastes to the northwest, and Fomorian-infested woods to the east."

He turned to Elnith. "What do you think? If they allowed it, might you be willing to have a rematch with the dragon?"

It was a stretch, but Ethelred desired to exhaust all other options before resorting to force or trickery.

“...Oh.” She would quietly reply. It was followed by a quiet, hollow chuckle. “I see…if I was stronger then, maybe-” She’d cut herself off, shaking her head. “No. No, nothing I could have…nnngh…” The warrior got to her feet, wrapping her hands around the bars of the cell as Ethelred turned to the knight that was overseeing the ‘interrogation’.

“...Hm.” The armored knight frowned under his own helmet. “She’s dangerous, and the things she’s been accused of…hm…” The Harzel knight folded his arms, thinking over the offer. “I…suppose if Sir Lonan was here he’d say it’d be be better to die nobly atoning for one's actions instead of merely awaiting execution.” Before he could give an affirmation of the plan, however, there was the sound of shouting from outside. Warning bells rang out. The sound of men running.

“What the-” The knight didn’t finish his thought, instead turning away from Ethelred and the prison, leaving the room…and also Ethelred and Elnith alone in the cell as he went to see what was happening outside.

This was the opportunity he was waiting for. As reasonable as the knight had been, as much as Ethelred had hoped he still had a chance to convince him to let Elnith out, he couldn't pass this chance up. As reasonable and cordial as the knight had been, as close as he had been to possibly letting Elnith out, Lonan had been quite clear about what was in store for Elnith, and Ethelred wasn’t going to leave this to chance.

"Now that he's gone," he began, briefly looking back at the exit before turning back to Elnith, "Sorcha sent me, Elias, and Od to find you and, if necessary, stop the beast. She hadn't learned that it was a wyvern," He paused for a moment.

”Of the three, I’m the only one left. Od was abducted by Fomorians in Redwater. Elias, while fighting the wyvern, was struck and vaporized by a beam while freeing your sword from its chest. There wasn't anything left of him but his sword and some melted armor." He then raised his lance, grabbing it in both hands.

"I've lost two companions to this mission, but we won't lose you, too!" he announced, before beginning to strike at the cell door's hinges with his lance. His resolve to free her was more than just a knight coming to his fellow’s aid. Elnith, like himself, was cursed by the Unseelie, thus the Frozen Knight thus felt a sort of kinship with her and sympathy for the challenges that her curse posed, and he was not going to let Harzelslack unjustly execute a fellow maledicted soul.

“I…see.” Elnith stepped away from the bars, fingernails digging into the skin of one of her arms as Ethelred bashed away at the hinges with his lance. The low quality iron mixed with the quickly freezing temperatures of the lance would make most of the work easy. If Elnith had thoughts on the loss of Od and Reinhardt, though, her tired somewhat unfocused gaze didn’t show as such.

“I will do what I can.” Elnith replied quietly, averting her gaze from Ethelred, teeth grinding together. Perhaps some anger, but it was at least clear she was trying to keep herself from feeling too emotional, perhaps for fear of losing what little control she seemed to still have about herself.


The metal hinges creaked, the first shattering into icy bits and the door swinging easily open a few seconds later.

“Do you have a blade?”

"We brought your sword here, it's being held onto by an elf warrior who joined us in Redwater," Ethelred answered. "Last I saw him, he was skulking outside near the stables. Once we’re out of here, we’ll meet up with him and get you your sword back."

The Frozen Knight turned around and began making his way out of the castle's dungeon. He didn't know what was happening outside, but judging from the commotion, it sounded like the fort was under attack.

“I see…we better hurry.” Elnith replied, her voice just a tad bit strained as she’d step out of the cell. “Ha…hahah, I’m feeling a little…difficult, Ethelred…and their screams are getting quite annoying…”

Elnith would follow behind Ethelred as the two left, stepping out of the prison and back onto the forts courtyard. Men were scrambling, the knight from earlier was shouting orders, his hefty blade drawn as he’d notice both Ethelred and Elnith. If he thought anything about Elnith being out of her cell he didn’t say.

“If you want to help, Sir Ethelred nows the time! We’ve got-”
A beast, similar to the one that had killed Elias slammed down behind the knight. Its scales were ashen in color and it bore no crest like that on the other one. It was far smaller as well, about the size of an average sized cabin and lacking a clearly distinct, fierce look.

“-Wyverns!” The knight barely managed to avoid having his head bitten clean off, the wyverns fangs sinking into his shoulder as he’d gouge the creature's eye with his sword. The two knights watched as he was lifted from the ground and then slammed into the side of the fort with enough force to crack the armor.

The knight wasn’t moving.

Above, Ethelred could hear shouting, two more wyverns were assaulting the ballistae on the fort. It was difficult to clearly make out, but he could faintly see Marduk leap from the tallest point from the fort, a weapon of light aimed downwards to strike at the wyverns head, impaling its neck, but it wasn’t enough to bring the creature down entirely as Marduk would be grabbed by the second, and seemingly quite literally, tossed a fair distance away.

A shining red blade fell from his grip though, impaling itself into the ground in front of Elnith and Elias.

“...seems we’re unusually lucky today, Ethelred.” she picked up the blade, a dangerous glint appearing in the cursed knights eyes as she’d pull it from the ground. “Say, Ethelred…can you eat Wyvern? They didn’t feed me much in the prison.”

Location: Alavaris
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

“Humph.” The man smiled faintly at Giselle's reply, seeming if nothing else amused by her ssass as she’d parrot his own words. “Rikard, if you must have a name to call me by. As for our quarry…well, your offer is appreciated but I fear the vermin has already slipped from our grasp and has fled the city to elsewhere like the coward it is.” He’d stuff his hands into the pockets of his coat, frowning perhaps, over their request of the vials.

“So unfortunately, I do not believe there is a deal to be made here.” He’d say, glancing towards the direction the two vampires had come from. “Unless there is perhaps some other information you can spare for me…say like where the vermin may have escaped too?”

And this, would be where Akyasha would find herself stumbling onto the small group of vampires and a human, catching just the tail end of the conversation of Rikard asking about where a ‘vermin’ escaped too. His eyes landed on the Cleric of Ichor with a mild disinterested stare, at least, until he saw the rats she was carrying.

“...and it seems as though you might have some information indeed.”

Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

Rest at last.

As the vampires took to making themselves at home in the cathedral, the fresh blood from the vials were as sweet as any candy from the old era. Dragan would find his wounds mending from the boost in power, even if it was simply a small amount as flesh knit together and wounds closed. Illena would find her spent power returning and Luna would feel her own powers strengthen.

The heart before Illena was a mystery. It smelled not of beast, man, nor otherwise. In fact, there was a faint divine scent coming from it. Curious. The dagger itself too, was equally as mysterious. Curved multiple times, the blade was reminiscent of waves but colored a sickly green. The hilt was otherwise plain, save for an inscription in some language Illena was not familiar with. It too, had some sort of latent power but it was either too spent or faint for her to gauge beyond the fact it was not Ichor’s power.

Luna cradled the thrall in her arms, and once doing so they could finally get a decent look at the weakened thrall. Long, black hair and a cloak that covered most of her body. Her dress was otherwise a simple, if somewhat form fitting suit with pristine white gloves. As the vampire did so, she’d feel the woman’s body shudder just slightly, eyes opening weakly as she’d gazed up at Luna.

“Ah…it worked…” Her voice was raspy, tired. “Oh, thank Ichor…ah…at least this…cowardly, masterless Thrall…could be of some use…” A coughing fit. That was unusual. Usually the moment a thrall’s master died they too, would shortly follow unless picked up by another vampire. Either that, or turn into simple, mindless ghouls unless they could find some manner of otherwise sustaining themselves. A gentle hand reached up, touching Luna’s cheek. “Please…the heart…Ichor has…use for it…it belonged to a great serpent…find the other lords…use its blood…bring them here…”

This also meant that no, without some other intervention this Thrall was likely to die very shortly. It was a wonder she was still alive in the first place. It would be a trifle for one of the three to take her in.

But perhaps neither wanted too.

Dragan knelt and prayed as this was happening, and it seemed Ichor would deem fit to reciprocate communication, at least in a small way. Above the sermon hall they found themselves in, above was a second floor with a balcony that overlooked this one. Opposite of the statue, above the door that led out of the cathedral and onto the main road, a red light would blink into existence, filtering into the sermon hall from between the cracks in the door just right to illuminate the Ichor’s visage.

He would remember that it was a balcony that overlooked the main Cathedral Yard, though the fact there was a light coming from there would be odd, considering their situation.

“W-what do you think you’re doing…!” The woman shouted, though she’d be quickly silenced by a fit of laughter as her foot was tickled by the demon. She’d struggle and wiggle in her bonds. “Guh, if you think this treatment is gonna make me talk, demon-wha!” A sharp shout as her butt was subsequently smacked by the demon. Despite being this ticklish though, the woman didn’t seem entirely easy to break in quite this way.

“I-if this is your worst, demon-snrk-ahaha-guh I-I went through worse during-nngh -initiation!” Well, if she kept this up she might be able to get some information from the prisoner if she actually started some interrogation. Lazhira was idly watching nearby, though she didn’t seem to be impressed with this.

Neither did the demon, all things considered.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Thank ye lass, don’t mind if I do.” Eirhild would do exactly as Nylah suggested, taking the offered chair even if it was a bit short for her. “Haven’t had a warm meal in days. Traveling over that mountain was tiring.” Once the food had been served, Eirhild would quickly grab a bowl and a mouthful of food, eagerly downing the warm meal as the Mothraki spoke.

“People would not attack a merchant caravan unless they wished to make an enemy of all merchants in the area or they were confident or perhaps, desperate enough to do so.” Hearing Sorcha’s voice as she’d abruptly interrupted the conversation was perhaps something of a surprise. She was standing against the wall, arms folded and eyes closed though it was clear she was listening intently to her surroundings despite it. “I do not know of the civilizations north of the mountains, but it sounds like they aren’t mere independent villages seeking opportunity. I’d say your fears would be correct, Mothraki, for what its worth.”

“Ah, don’t be ashamed of expecting a reward for work lass.” Eirhild chimed in after. “People hardly do good work for free. I’m sure this Mie would think the same, but we’ll need some sorta plan if we want to mount a rescue.”


“Allow me to explain.” Achel started with a hum, initially replying to Atzi as Finnegan warily asked her to make a promise to her goddess. She made no sudden movements as she spoke, keeping herself a good distance from Finnegan just in case. “Just as the blizzard started, Maira found him passed out on the river's edge. She brought him to the church in hopes of having Akala heal him, but...” Achel frowned, grabbing the ceremonial candle snuffer from the ground and placing it back onto its proper place. “Well, she couldn’t. He was in some sort of coma and with it having an unknown cause and him otherwise being fine, she asked me to look after him here. I didn’t say anything yesterday because well, I truly did think he died. I couldn’t even detect any hint of life in him.”

The Chiralta shook her head, scooting over to Atzi as she’d briefly run her hands over the stronger womans body as if inspecting her for any sign of injury before seemingly satisfied and answering Finnegans second request.

“Hehe, but if all it takes as a little promise from this little spider, then-” She’d hop over to Finnegan, extend a hand and offer him a fanged, though friendly seeming smile. “I, Achel the Gravekeeper, swear to the Goddess Rifelshka that I mean no harm to the one named Finnegan. If you don’t mind I’d…well,” She’d place her other hand on her mouth, blinking in surprise. “Well, I’d say that I’d take a look at that injury of yours but it seems you healed it yourself…”

"Hahah, alright want to bet? How about we up the stakes a bit? I'm sure Shael would love to talk to you." Cecilia gave Lein a rough slap on the back in response as Serenity, cool as ever, moved out of their grasp."One arrow each to-"She was about to raise the takes, but it seemed Fanilly was finally issuing them some orders. Scouting was definitely in her repertoire thanks to Shael and the overall orders were nothing fancy and fairly standard fare for orders. Fine by her, she wasn't particularly eager to carry out some difficult special orders and was perfectly fine just doing the bare minimum.

Which, is why, she was quite despondent to see the crashed cart and injured man in need of medical aid.

Cecillia grabbed her bow, an arrow swiftly knocked as the others vocalized their concerns.

Any mercenary worth their salt would easily recognize such a trap. That only left them to figure out where they'd be coming from. Behind? No, she hadn't seen anything and her eyes were far from terrible. Ahead? It was quite an uneven path so perhaps, but then it'd make a poor ambush. It seemed her and Serenity had quickly come to the same conclusion. The trees were the most likely avenue for ambush. And it seemed, they would be proven correct. Not only from above, but from the sides of the road and deep in the forest too, more shadows of men made themselves known.

Perhaps another archer might have side stepped or avoided the one falling on them.

Cecil, though, had other plans that Shael wasn't going to like.



The bandits blade met Shaeal's bow, striking against it as the archer smirked at her assailant.

"Do I look like a SHIELD?! if there's a SINGLE dent or nick I'm going to THROW you off the nearest cliff!"

"Love you too~"

The bandit, understandably confused by this sudden confession in the middle of combat, would suddenly find Cecil's boot slamming right into his gut. He stumbled backwards from the force of the kick as she'd spin on her heels. In a swift motion the bowstring was pulled, the whistle of wind as the arrow sailed through the air giving a bandit that had been coming up behind her a new forehead decoration as he'd immediately slump to the ground.

"I dunno about you guys, but tea parties aren't anything special!" Cecillia shouted in response to her comrades levity, a third rogue getting far too close for comfort and far too close to use Shaeal as a defensive instrument as the heavy axe struck downwards, a moment of bewilderment as it hit nothing but air as Cecil maneuvered herself behind him, three arrows quickly knocked in succession, the twang of a bowstring as three arrows perforated the bandits chest cleanly puncturing his heart and other vitals.

"Maybe if Serenity or Shanil invited me to a private one, though!" A swift heel turn and another arrow would meet the forehead of the bandit she had kicked, sending him to the ground mere seconds after he had managed to recover. "How are you faring, Captain Fanilly?!" She'd shout, perhaps just a bit concerned for the well being of their inexperienced captain.

Border Village


Indeed, there still was a dragon to slay.

So the now clothless dragonslayer would travel across the blasted, burned, twisted and ash forest towards where a plume of smoke was slowly rising into the air in the direction the dragon had crash landed into the earth below. It was something of a long trek on foot, with no horse and it’d be quite some time before he’d reach the edge of green that had been spared from the dragon's scorching fire.

Before he could reach the crater proper though, it seemed as though a somewhat familiar face would be seen first. Lonan and some Harzel troops had formed a perimeter some distance away from the crate where the dragon had fallen, they being the only thing that stood between the dragon and the village behind.

Lonan was busy shouting orders and having his men construct defensive barriers for what little they’d do against a Wyvern. More men in the town seemed to be trying to hastily construct siege weapons.

Of course, the knights would soon notice completely naked men moving towards the crater…and as one could expect, would be immediately suspicious. A group about five shouted towards him, getting Lonan’s attention. Upon seeing Reinhardt he’d narrow his eyes, petting Steblas’ mane as he’d cautiously ride towards him.

“...Identify yourself, creature that takes the form of a deceased knight before I end you for sullying a mans name with your illusion.”

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

Luna had taken ten men with her. Said ten men, had come with her to cover the gates. She had positioned them five per gate with herself at the helm of the one that had been destroyed. True, some of the men had been through Luna on that terrible day that they had met the Queen, and their skill could not be questioned. So the five with Luna would position themselves around her, three on her right and two on her left.

Immediately as she made her proclamation, there was no words to be said by the bandits. A hail of arrows immediately shaded the sunlight from Luna as the bandits made themselves known. About a dozen bandits would run down the slope from where Luna had stationed herself, quickly moving towards the Knight and her five men who stood at the ready to intercept.

The bandits would quickly meet the Lightswords, the five shouting in fervor as they’d block the blows of the bandits they met as metal clashed against metal and bandit against knight, but against over twice their number they were going to be quickly overwhelmed by numbers not to mention the arrows that were bearing down on them. Three would find their focus on Luna herself, striking at the knight with swords and axes.

-The second gate-

“...this is all they brought?”

“Well that lightsword brat is confident…what’s with these pathetic men? They’re not even fit to be fed to dogs. Looks like this will be twice as easy as I thought.”

“Hah. Pathetic. I could crush her with a single arm…like I’m going to crush this pathetic attack force of hers.”

“I’ll look forward to it, muscle brain, but don’t underestimate that brat. Got the backup plan ready?”

“Hmph, I doubt I’ll need it but if I do I have it.”

“Good! I'll distract the lightswords at the front gate while you flank ‘em. Leave a few bodies for me to play with.”

The soldiers stationed at the second gate had been given similar instruction as Luna had. Take no prisoners and ensure none escape. As soon as the second gate to the stronghold opened, they were immediately beset by no less than thirty bandits - lead by their leader, Annagan.

There were no words exchanged as the large man hefted the hammer, the deer pelt covering his head obscuring his own face as he’d proceed to engage the five men before they could even realize that they were going to be fighting the bandits main force and that they weren’t going to be fighting a defensive battle. They were going to be going on the offensive and seemed to have expected a far larger number of troops to fight.

Annagan’s hammer came down on one of the men as he’d try to block the blow only to be completely crushed by the mans seemingly inhuman strength. He wasted no time in swinging the hammer around, smashing it into another knight and promptly grabbing a third in his grip and slamming him onto the ground with a heavy swing and crushing his skull beneath his boot.

“Weak!” Annagan shouted. “I expected more from the Lightswords!”

Alas, his shouting and this battle was on the other side of the stronghold and Luna could not hear what was going on.

~Back at the Fort~

“So what is it you wanted to show me?” Sorcha, led by Gabriel outside of the strategy room and towards where the prison in the fort was. Most of the knights were grumbling about not getting to join Luna on the raid, but for the most part Leo had silenced them enough to keep their training and keep them at the ready just in case.

“...well, uh, better you see for yourself.” Gabriel replied with a sigh as he’d open the door to the prison. He’d quickly order the guards stationed there out, and the ones standing over the cell next to their prisoner to move away as he’d open the door, it creaking open with its aged hinges.

Sorcha didn’t seemed to concerned with what was going on here first, but as she’d step inside the cell and see what was in front of her…the blackened, twisted body of what appeared to be something elivsh in nature. Pointed ears, long fangs for teeth and a lanky, emancipated appearance.

“...What is a fomorian doing here, Gabriel? Did they get in and kill the prisoner?”

“Aha, so little faith in our security, eh?”

“Explain. NOW. Or are you telling me-”

“Basically...the man we captured from the bandits turned into that thing after I started questioning him and attacked me.”
“...Not a word of this leaves this room for now Gabriel. Understand?”
Shimizu Kaori

Kaori had swiftly run from the playground back to where her house was. Somewhere along the line the spider thought it'd be a good idea to web Hina's mouth shut in order to draw less attention to herself as she ran happily down the street and towards a somewhat more rural area of the city where Hina would find the spiders house, tucked quietly away from the noise and buzz of the city...and away from more nosy neighbors that could potentially, hear a little ghost child calling for help.

While the exterior of the house was somewhat more traditional looking, the interior was anything but. While not hyper modern, the inside of the place was certainly not lacking for modern luxuries, but Hina wouldn't get very long to gawk or otherwise study the interior as the spider would quickly carry the ghost up stairs and dump her in one of the many rooms.

Once she was certain Hina was nice and safe inside, she'd close the door behind them.

"Now, Hina-chan, be a good girl and play with big sis spider for a bit okay~?"


And thus the door locked, and Hina had nowhere to escape immediately too.

Kaori turned on her heels towards Hina, hands clasped together, resting against her face with a fanged smile.

"I'll give you as many cookies as you want later if you do!"

Regardless of what Hina wanted to, though, the spider would do exactly as Tomo had let her do. Various outfits were tried on. Bunny. Kimono. Some stuff involving ropes and silk threads that were probably too extreme to really mention. Magical girl cosplay from a popular anime and a fox from the same series. A military uniform for some reason and a blond wig. Swimsuit. In all, there were about twenty different outfits the spider forced Hina to put on until finally, the ghost girl would be given some relief as the spider finally actually, put her in a proper outfit.

"Ehehe, I think this does it." Proud of her handiwork, Kaori would take one last picture of Hina for...posterity. She was dressed in a typical grade schooler outfit that was colored blue along with a randoseru upon her back and a yellow cap. An absolutely pristine example of a small, vulnerable school girl. "Thank you for the candy-ahem-cooperation Hina-chan~"

Location: Alavaris
@VitaVitaAR@Click This

Undead fell beneath their assault, though it would leave the pair feeling quite drained themselves. The undead may not have been individually strong, but slowly, and surely, their numbers were starting to weigh on the two as they spent their already weakened strength to fight off the creatures…but fall the undead would regardless, until all around the pair was quiet again.

If they so happened to poke their head up the stairs, they’d find themselves standing atop the wall a short climb later, and it, seemed to at least, be blessedly free of any mindless undead not tethered to Ichor and in the distance, across the road and various buildings they could easily see the cathedral in the distance, imposing, high above the rest of the city as though looking down upon the both of them and the city itself.

But of course, they would not dare to leave one of their own behind. Besides, the most important thing it seemed…was that the defensive wall, was not unoccupied. The two vampires could immediately tell - there was a human here, and he was making no effort to hide himself.

“...I was wondering what the undead were wailing about, but instead of a monster I find two who appear to be hapless girls that have stumbled into this wretched place.” A masculine voice made itself known to Giselle and Aleksiya. He was standing not far from them, at just the edge of the wall facing the Cathedral. “Yet you are neither hapless nor simple girls, are you? You’d already be dead if you were.” The man was dressed in a long coat, and seemed quite tired. Vials of fresh, red blood seemingly hung from his coat alongside what was a very bright, very obvious lantern that illuminated the area around him. “Ah, sorry. Lucky you ran into me instead of my partner. Unlike her, I’m much more open to negotiating. Don’t mind me, I’m simply looking for a vermin that escaped our trap.”

Well, it seemed at least if nothing else, humans still survived. He might make for a somewhat easy meal, too. He didn’t seem all that strong…but then again, to be up here and seemingly be completely unharmed walking among the undead that had been here, or perhaps, unnoticed meant he likely had some tricks up his sleeve.

Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode

Taking a blow to ones pride was always a brutal moment. Even more so for such creatures as vampires. The beast before them was as of now, still beyond their capabilities, whatever this creature even was. Perhaps there would be some way to incapacitate the creature, but for now…perhaps this was the smartest choice.

The trio fled, using the path the creature created when it shook both its body free and smashed Dragan into the wall. Not wanting to let its prey go, however, the beast shrieked and would initially give chase, pouncing along the stony road and reaching for the vampires with its long neck, attempting to swallow Dragan, the slowest of the bunch to flee in its massive maw only to just barely, barely, fall short as it hissed and shrieked, its lunch managing to just barely escape from it. Why it didn’t follow into the cathedral ward and the city proper was perhaps, something to be found out shortly.

The trip to the cathedral was, thankfully, much easier once they had gotten away from the rotten mess of the lower slums and once they had passed the wall that separated the Cathedral from the rest of the city things became…much quieter. Howls of the animals below quieted, almost as if something was blocking the sound. Not a single creature could be seen be it insect, beast, or undead. The three vampires would quickly know the reason, too. It was faint, but they could definitely feel it.

Ichor’s power seeped from the Cathedral still. Faint, weakened, but still it beat and this place, was thus, sanctified ground for those undead of her brood and her children.

A safe haven.

Dragan, Luna, and Illena would not be entering through the front gate. Rather they would be entering through a side hall that was used in the past by those of clergymen to enter into the building unseen. Up the stairs, through a few large backrooms of libraries and study halls and soon, out into the main cathedral hall which thankfully seemed just as grand as it had in the past.

The worship hall was as large. Grandiosely built to satisfy someone's hubris. Against the far back wall, was the carved image of the Goddess Ichor. It stretched all the way from the floor to the ceiling high above, her stony visage looking down upon all in the hall. Long, flowing hair carved into the stone as her arms wrapped tightly around a depiction of the Violet witch and the Vampire Queen. The witch knelt next to the Vampire Queen, cradling her head in one arm and in the other held a bowl, the liquid pouring into the mouth of a depiction of the Vampire Queen as the Goddess embraced the two tightly. Under the Vampire Queen skeletal hands and figures began crawling their way out from under the bed upon which she lay.

In front of the statue was an altar at its base, and on the altar…was a still mostly fresh body.


No, they were still alive. Barely, if you count being ‘undead’ as alive in some fashion. No, this wasn’t just a normal person. It was a thrall and she seemed to be passed out, slumped over the altar.

On the altar was what seemed to be an oversized heart with a dagger plunged into it. A satchel with several vials of fresh, human blood were within just enough to satiate and definitely help with regaining their lost power.

A thrall, here, of all things? And she didn’t seem to be doing to well. Did this mean a vampire still lived and this was their servant?

“Big talk for someone who's gonna lose!” Lazhira grinned. “I have the utmost confidence in my abilities to get someone to talk. You better be prepared to do what I say for a bit, hehe!” Lazhira Tallen would remove himself from the scene, earning a small frown from Lazhira as she’d shoo the animal outside again as Vammy finished tying up their prisoner.

“Cut it out, demon.” The prisoner hissed. “You think either of you ignorant fools can get me to talk? You’d have a better chance of forming a sentient pile of rocks.” Still, she was talking pretty tough and didn’t seem to think this was much of a threat as she was tied up, merely glaring at both Vammy and Lazhira both.

“But you go first. Well do it like this. Who makes her spill information, and how good that information is.” lazhira grinned. “So come on, miss demon. Show me what you can do. I am waiting~”

“...I feel like this is a game we shouldn’t play, Vammy. Something is wrong here.” The demon growled. “On the other hand this whelp is making light of us and I am furious.”

@Crusader Lord

Sorcha quietly listened to the Mothraki speak everything she was saying, taking the healing poultice gently and seeming to briefly inspect it as she spoke. She ultimately would end up not saying much, raising an eyebrow at Nylah as she’d tell them of the trap door and spoke some quite cynical words.

“...you have my thanks, but I will not be hiding either of us if something happens.” Sorcha responded curtly as Nylah would turn to leave. It wasn’t hard to guess what the woman meant, judging from her earlier words. As Nylah left, she’d see Sorcha putting the potion bottle in a belt pouch, before quietly starting to converse with Leuca again as she’d start to make some food for the both of them, though it was too far away for Nylah to hear what they were talking about.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Ah ye think? Well, don’t mind if I do then lass.” Eirhild replied. “Offer me a fair price and a bit ‘o adventure and I’d be more than happy ta’ help ye out a bit.” The dwarf eagerly hopped along beside Lissa, eager at the thought of a hot meal. Conveniently, the two would return at just about the same time Enli did.

“Ah…Lissa and…oh, a Dwarf from the mountains? What brings you to our humble village?” Enli curiously asked the Raam and the Dwarf. “Ah, no, sorry, I don’t have time for pleasantries. I really need to speak with Akala. Pardon me -” Quietly brushing past the two, is when Nylah would find herself back inside the Cathedral, just standing at its doors and greeting Lissa and Eirhild.

“Old fella’s in an awful hurry…” Eirhild grunted before turning to the Mothraki. “Well, seems like you and Lissa here had the same thought. We were just about to come visit ya.” Assuming the two were in agreement still, Eirhild would happily follow along behind the two taller girls as Nylah would bring them back to her place.

Sorcha was as stern and unapproachable as ever, standing just outside the door to the guest room where a sleeping Leuca had been tucked into bed. The blond didn’t say anything, merely gave Eirhild a nod of acknowledgement before focusing her attention on Lissa and their host again.


“No you don’t!” Finnegan would not get very far before he’d feel a thread of silk yank on his ankle, nearly sending him falling face first onto the ground of the crypt. A second thread found its way around his torso and immediately yanked him away from the door and back towards Achel. Finn, would find himself instead of running, being pulled right back towards the woman he was trying to run from, and promptly shoved right into the womans chest.

“No running, you stay here with Achel.” She’d laugh, looking over to Atzi. “Mhm, sorry you had to see this Atzi…I…I may have…messed up some parting rituals and a few of them became grudges.” Achel shook her head, a forlorn expression as her body visibly drooped. “Urgh, this is why I never made the cut to be a proper priestess of hers, I suppose…”

As she’d speak, she’d tie up the struggling zombies, wrapping them in webbing as a spider might their prey to ensure that they couldn’t simply struggle free. The ones that had been severely beaten into redeath would be dealt with soon enough.

“You, erm, I don’t know your name but I am Achel. A humble gravekeeper. I’m terribly sorry we seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m not anyone scary, I promise.”

This was it.

Her first real 'test' as a member of the Iron Roses, if you will.

Amidst the company of knights, Cecilia had decided to remain near the back of the procession for both practical and other personal reasons. Mostly, to gather her own thoughts. It was rare she wasn't chatting up one of the other knights, trying to talk their ears off or getting up to some small mischief, but as the sun would slowly start dipping over the horizon, long shadows creating familiar tones of twilight a feeling of slight melancholy would fall over the typically amicable archers features. She still couldn't quite believe she was here, among some of the best knights in the kingdom. It was a good thing then, the only one who knew anything about her past was herself.

Anyone else well...they hadn't a clue to her whereabouts and the rest of her family was likely deceased anyways.

"When I asked you to stop being so cavalier all the time, I didn't mean for you to suddenly start wearing a scowl uglier than that elf lady."

"Sorry your majesty. I'll try to be depressed a little quieter."

"Oh will you? Well, good. I'm trying to sleep before I have to save your lazy butt from whatever these bandits are and its awfully noisy. I don't need you being loud enough for me to hear either." Cecil sighed as Seshaeal fell quiet, though she couldn't help but to smile faintly as she'd turned her eyes back towards the knights in front of her. Harsh words aside, the wind spirit meant well, at least, in the what...eight years they had been together she had a pretty good grasp of how the impertinent and slightly whimsical wind spirit worked.

At least she felt good enough to focus a bit more on the mission at hand.

Bandit King Jeremiah. A traitor, just like her parents. It made her just a bit agitated, all things considered though not for reasons most would likely realize, and here she was riding with a company of prestigious knights to put him to rest. It was surreal really, that she'd ever have a chance to do something like this after her life of what she'd consider constantly fucking up as they say. It was a chance she couldn't squander, and one she intended to at least put in as much effort that she could into.

"It won't be much longer that we will need to proceed on-foot,"

The voice of knight captain Fanilly pulled her from her thoughts. Almost time to get serious, then. Cecilia slowed her mount as the roads became much less smooth, underbrush and hard to traverse wild land became their foot path. Just as well for her. She was never a fan of horses and even in battle she much preferred the wind spirits blessing and her own agility then riding some beast of burden. She'd dismount with expected agility others likely came to expect of her, hitting the ground with barely a noise as she'd take a moment to make sure her companion was strapped firmly to her side. Arrows. Backup dagger. More arrows. A spare apple or two to snack on mid battle because a quick pick me up did wonders for the spirit at times.

Katerina's boisterous voice was the first to speak as they dismounted. Perhaps it was her own noble upbringing, but even during her mercenary days she could never quite grasp that accent or any similar to it. Serenity and Renar caught her attention next, talking about trophies and bragging rights for whoever would be taking Jeremiah's head. Well, now that wouldn't do at all. They were forgetting the one clearly with the best chance here to effortlessly take out the bandit king.

"Heeeey, don't you guys forget little ol' me!" Cecilia laughed as she'd run up, making a valiant effort to put a friendly arm around Serenity's shoulders. "If anyones gonna be taking that bandit guys head, its gonna be me! I got ten arrows with his name on 'em and they're gonna turn his skull into a pin cushion."
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