Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

New Recruits:

Veteran Operatives:

Administration Personnel:

The Fiore Family:

Links -

The Bestiary

Okay, after doing a read over, I see nothing wrong or suggestions needing to be made with these sheets. Both seem good.

I'll be doing a formal acceptance on Friday when I'm not working.
@Princess Peril@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99@Click This@Cu Chulainn


Here we are! A proper OOC. I'll be slowly adding more information as the day goes on, but if you want more info about something, by all means.
~The Handbook of Demon hunting~

Notable relevant World History

:Gods and Religion:

Hello hello, OOC here! Just some standard stuff copied from the Int Check I’ll be putting some more world info and stuff for the players below and also in the Char tab to help facilitate character creation and set up the world a bit more.

Now, for some pretty standard rules from myself:

And here are some rules to abide by:

1. I have very few, and really, most are guidelines, but If nothing else, read this one. It is likely the most important rule here. In regards to combat - PvE should be simple enough. Against lesser mobs I'll likely let you go ham as you need to and feel free to describe what you do yourself. Against bigger threats though, you do not get to decide whether or not you hit an enemy - or if your attempt at something was successful or not. I do. If you're unsure, just ask. In the case of PvP...which isn’t going to happen often, figure it out yourselves or I’ll arbitrate the results and no one will be happy.

2. I will be attempting to post twice a week for those that have posted. This is not exactly a hard and fast rule, as I won't be keeping any strict deadlines here. Only real rule I have - is post at your earliest convenience. At most I will be willing to wait a week. After that, I'll continue posting as usual whether you post or not. Go long enough, and well, I'll probably start checking for a replacement.

3. Once I make a final decision on something, that's it. I will try to be as fair in things as possible, but if you're not happy with it well...too bad, I guess. If you're unhappy enough to give me grief or constantly question my decision after then either leave yourself or I will eventually eject you from the RP and banish your character to the shadow realm.

That's it really! Anything else just ask!

I’ll be expanding on other concepts in the Codex over the week but if there’s any info you need to make a CS ask and I’ll provide.

The World:
Welcome to Alavaris! The city of steam and capital of the Our’ous religion and the Oros Empire. A city with a long, storied history of both religion and mans rise to power in the region. It and the Maison d’Violette shall be the base of operations for our little maidenly demon hunters. The surrounding countryside and city itself shall be where your hunts take place, at least initially. Who knows, maybe you’ll have to travel to Naraheim itself, eventually…

The world itself isn’t quite high fantasy, rather, its more of a steampunk flavored inspiration with steam trains, airships, and clockwork. I’d say, something like Bioshock and other similar settings would be a good idea to look for in terms of themes and settings.

The City and Empire itself has recently had a bit of a shock. After losing a holy war against the northern territories of the Krysa, not only did their armies become shattered, one of the prominent nobles and philanthropists that had garnered a great deal of public and support among the common men, was found to be consorting with demons and feeding false information to the church about the Krysa, leading to her execution.

With the increase in rising demon activity, the church was made an offer by one of their few sanctioned and acknowledged legal sorcerers - she’d create a group specifically designed to hunt demons.

You, are a new recruit in this organization.

Violet Garden
An organization of officially sanctioned demon hunters. In the five years since their creation, they have become well known both publicly and in private circles for fighting demons wearing their iconic maid uniforms while also being a force to be reckoned with. It was created by Livia Fiore, the youngest of the Fiore family after bringing to light her mothers treachery and her own dealings with demons.

New recruits are given training in etiquette, cleaning, cooking, and domestic chores…and as well as one can expect, demon hunting. Any maid that goes here for training is required to engage in such activities for five years barring expulsion or other dischargement. They are trained in a variety of weapons, though most generally use a combination of rifles and sabers.

As demon hunters, their weapons also often contain catalysts of either gems or some other material of some inherently magical being in order to aid with magic casting and sealing.

The Demons:
Your foes. The terrible antithesis to humanity that exists buried in the roots of the great tree. Normally, demons are unkillable by normal, mortal means. Certainly, you can cut and slice their physical bodies but without magic or holy power they will merely find themselves resurrecting in Naraheim or in places particularly suited towards their Clan such as a particular bloody battlefield or other similar place depending on their clan.

This makes them particularly difficult foes to deal with, as either exorcising them and returning them to the cycle of reincarnation or permanently sealing them somewhere via magical means is often the easiest way of dealing with them. Though, really, all one needs to do is in some fashion shackle or destroy a demon's Soul to permanently remove them from existence.

There are five clans of demons, and each demon clan has a particular affinity for certain abilities and behavior. Violet Garden has further divided them into other classifications of ease of reference and to determine ones danger level. Typically, the maids only care about sealing or permanently killing ones of 'High Demon' level or above due to resources and time required to do so. All maids are roughly trained the art of binding and killing as well.

Binding and sealing a demon within an object or in some place requires four things:

  • A place or object to actually contain the seal
  • The Clan, and preferably, the name of the demon in question though the name is not needed
  • Sufficient magical energy to either overpower or weaken the demon before attempting the seal
  • An incantation or magical bindings to actually bind it.

Humans, make a primary majority in the Empire along with a handful of other non-human races such as the Elves, Firbolg, and the Krysa. Truthfully, there are many other races out there within the realms left behind by the endless cycles of Our'ous, but they are separated by endless gulfs of space and typically require magic of some sort to travel through and not all races will be friendly to humans, or to the gods, for that matter.

Check the Char Tab and informational posts there for anything else of note, such as some other world history things and some information regarding demons~

"Lazhy's dad!?" Vammy said excitedly twisting to look at the man before noticing his emblem and thinking for a second. "Hey, uhh, he's not gonna kill me, right. Demon besties with a divine's daughter? And… other things… of the like."

“Only if you annoy him, which uh, is easier than you think…” Lazhira frowned, glancing to the old man in the room. There was no doubt about it, for her. He was the illuminator, Iva’Krorh, though what he was doing here, well, she could guess. “What do you want?”

“Oh, how cold to your dear old dad, eh?” He’d laugh, making himself right at home. “Enough to make a man cry. We haven’t seen each other in, oh, how many years has it been? Since you helped those adventures with my little scheme all those years ago?”

“Tch, shut up. You didn’t come here without a purpose.”

“Daughter?! L-Lord illuminator?! You have a daughter?” Yuisa, who had been silent for a bit was now completely confused as she’d look at the old man, then to Lazhira.

“Oh, there’s a little dull witted lass here too…I didn’t take you for the kind to keep such boring company.”

“You know Lazhy, I was hoping I was just seeing things wrong when I saw that emblem. But he really is that one…” Vammy said, swallowing a bit before looking the man up and down. She wasn’t sure… If she should introduce herself. “He’s not going to kill me for grabbing your butt, right?” Vammy whispered to Lazhira, concerned.

“Nah, you’re safe. He doesn’t care about me a bit.” Lazhira huffed. “What do you want, Dad?” Lazhira asked with a frown.

“What indeed!” He laughed. “Nothing important, just a little offer! You see, this village of mine is quite in a bad way is’t it? And I don’t just mean bad like a bad case of unwilling laughter.”

“This village isn’t yours any more is it?” Lazhira replied curtly. “You should leave.”

Vammy stood there, unsure what she should add here. She wanted to support Lazhira, but she was pretty sure she would lose her head if she spoke up… But.. “Lazhy’s right though. Last I heard, all of your followers aren’t in the village anymore. Honestly, I’m slightly surprised they don’t just go up the coast a bit and make another village and make a giant temple.”

“Ahaha, that’d be the most dumb thing they could possibly do, though!” The old man replied, tone quickly switching from a more jovial and friendly one to that of a rougher, irritated one. “And let me tell you, I do not like fools that make stupid decisions.” He’d walk further into the abode, making himself right at home as he’d sit on a nearby chair.

“Just out with it already.” Lazhira demanded. “I don’t have the patience to deal with you.”

“Well, little Lazzhy.” He’d begin. “Auntie Delpithi has made quite the prediction - that beast friend of yours. Old beastie of ice cubes out there is going to be coming back sometime in the next few months!”

“Coming back?” Vammy put her hand to her head. “I’m not even sure if this village could survive a second round of that thing.” She wanted to say something bad about the god’s cultists but really, she didn’t have the option to even think about that at all. “Talk about a massive headache.” As of the moment, she didn’t have any reason to really think the god was lying… Though, she considered that was a possibility. Lazhy would be the one that would call him out on it if he was though.

“Don't’ believe me? Just ask that priestess of yours.” He’d chuckle. “Annnyways, I’m here to make ye an offer! Mum dearest left something of hers behind in an old workshop the village might like to have.”

“...and what, want us to go get it or something?” Lazhira replied. “Not interested.”

“Ah? No? Well that’s not surprising from you,” He’d turn his attention to Vammy. “But what about you, eh?”

Vammy was slightly surprised when the god asked her. “What about me?” The demon gave a small shrug. “I’m not as well versed in the stuff of legends as I used to be, but… It could be something useful, though I’m not exactly sure what it is. That said, I’m not exactly sure where this workshop could possibly be… And what you’d want for your part of this ‘deal’. I guess you could say I’m cautiously intrigued.”

“Me? What? Can’t just have a soft spot for this village of mine?” He replied with a chuckle.

“No, you can’t. You’re always scheming something.” The demi-goddess replied with a hostile glare.

“So angry! Angry like a bear, huh? Maybe I should turn you into one, Lazzhy, work off some of that aggression.”

“Do it and I’ll rip your eyes out first.”

“Eh, they don’t taste too good in that sense take it from me dear.” He’d stand up. “Regardless of what I’m planning, little demon, if you want this village to survive another encounter with that beastie you’ll need that device. From what I know its some sort of mechanical contraption similar to what those funny eared rat people up north have. Pains in the toes that they are. Always having to make sure they don’t reach too far.”

“Oh? Those rats? They’re fun when you convince one to…” The demon said before she cut her words off. There’s always a time a place, right. Now probably wasn’t that. “Anyhow… Lazhy, you don’t seem impressed with this idea then.” Well, less to say the idea and more anything to do with her father it would seem. Vammy had to hold back any inclination of laughter when she considered that Lazhira seemed to have some real daddy issues.

“I have my reasons.” Lazhira sternly replied. “I won’t stop or try and convince you not to, but I don’t want anything to do with that bastard.”

“Grudges are gonna make you grow old and wrinkly Lazhy! Like me!” He’d chuckle. “Or my other half, who by the way, is still missing.”

“Yeah well maybe she finally grew a brain and got tired of you too.”

“That’s not how that works you know!” he’d turn to Vammy. “Anyways, if you decide to look out for it! Go to that old Obelisk out there at night! Don’t miss it! Only chance you’ll get! Also maybe don’t go alone you might find something particularly ornery living there.”

“Old Obelisk at night… Don’t go alone… I don’t even know who would listen to me in the village besides you Lazhy. Especially not after that arm losing incident with that woman.” The demon said, sighing a little bit. She’d probably be run out of town if it wasn’t for her bestie. “I wanna say it’s worth checking out at least.” She knew it wouldn’t be the answer Lazhira wanted to hear, but… Vammy for her part, had no where else to go. Perhaps she could go back to Gloomhaven. Perhaps she could talk to her fellow elves… But that seemed highly improbable.

“Well do it, or not. Not my problem either way!” He’d chuckle. “Help the village…or not, and help it burn! Well, freeze in this case! I’m sure Lazhira would choose not to help either way.” He’d begin leaving, walking out the door. “Well I’ve given you information. What ye do with it is your business. Ta-ta now! I left some cheese over a fire and I don’t want it to melt.”

Vammy wasn’t sure what to say. “Uhh, yea. Goodbye Mr… Vammy’s Dad…? God of Knowledge?” What was the correct way to wave a god goodbye when he mentions leaving cheese over a fire…?

“...I’m gonna go for a bit.” Lazhira simply replied, not really bothering to comment much more on the situation as she’d proceed to leave, too.

“Ahh…” Vammy wasn’t sure… But… She wondered if she should leave Lazhira to her own devices or to try and get her mind off that situation for now. “Where are you going Lazhy?”

“Somewhere.” She shouted back in reply. “I’ll be back…whenever.”

“H-hey! Lazhy! Are you going to the same place you always disappear to…?” Vammy asked, wondering if she’d even get a reply out of her on that one. Lazhira always came back, safe and sound but it didn’t mean Vammy didn’t worry about it.

Lazhira, didn’t deign to answer, quickly running out the door and leaving Vammy alone, though it wouldn’t be hard to potentially follow.

And follow the demon did. “O-oi! Lazhy!” Vammy ran out the door after her friend ordering her new servant to stay in the building, worried about her best friend. “Grrrr…. Lazhy! That favor! Take me with you!” The demon said, mustering up all the concern she could from the remnants of her mortal being.


Lifting the woman was easy, considering her short stature and light build and was dragged easily onto the stones. Thankfully for Finn, too, she was breathing and in fact, she’d seem completely fine.

“Mhm…?” In fact, it’d be just as he’d check if she was breathing, that she’d lazily open her eyes and stare up at the stranger above her. “...I don’t recognize you.” She’d lazily, somewhat sleepily respond. “Wait, no…you’re that one Maira brought during the start of the blizzard…hm, so you’re awake? That’s good.” Her words and lazy demeanor were at odds with each other as she’d not bother to make any effort to get up. “Sorry for startling you, I was hoping to commune with the Goddess. I thought I had locked all the doors…”

The priestess glanced towards the door Finn had come out of.

“Hm…perhaps…did the Goddess send you here for a reason…? Maybe you can help me with something.” She’d inquire. "We have a fish problem...well, Valtem? I think they're called..."


“Mhm,” Maira had already grabbed her bow and an arrow from her quiver. “I’ll get into position in case something happens.” The Huntress quickly moved away from the immediate vicinity, slinking through the underbrush and foliage closer towards the waters edge some distance away and quietly vanishing from sight, but no doubt still nearby, watching.

The bear was sound asleep, unmoving as Atzi would approach. The bear itself was at least twice her size, the sound of its snoring and blue speckled fur moving quietly as it slept, a gentle breeze coming from its maw, one of its paws moving across the ground sleepily in some dream that was soon to be interrupted conveniently for Atzi, its neck was exposed in an almost perfect manner.

With a heavy swing, she’d bring her weapon down right on it.

The beast woke near instantly, attempting to roar but finding its neck having been violently assaulted. Before Atzi could make a second swing and hopefully kill the beast in one swift motion it lunged forwards towards Atzi, trying to grab her with a claw while pushing itself forward with its hind legs.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“A merchant, eh?” The apparent one leading the small squad responded. The others suspiciously peered at the Raam and her entourage from beneath their helmets. “We have no room for outsiders in the village. We’re dealing with a situation of great importance for our Tsarita here. The last merchant that came through here was harboring criminals and was involved in a conspiracy to harm our great city.”

“Hey, they could be with her!” One of the other rat men spoke up.

“I don’t remember any humans being among her camp…just those foreign demons.”

“Maybe Marushka will know what to do with them?”

“Lady Marushka is off investigating the snowfields and records the Tsarita sent. We can handle this rabble ourselves.” The Patrol of rat men started fanning out slightly, as if to try and appear some sort of intimidating despite the fact they only came up to Lissa’s stomach in terms of heights.

“We humbly request you follow us to be…interviewed by General Gershel so we can confirm your intentions.”

“That seems a little unfair, don’t ye think?” Eirhild piped up. “We just traveled a fair ways away and all we get is interrogated, eh?” The Yaga woman was clearly shaking her head no, in sight of Lissa to ensure the Raam in disguise could see. Of course, declining would likely lead to some manner of violence but that was up for the party to decide on.

@crimson Paladin

“Now, don’t talk like that!” Mie smiled. “I won’t be sending you totally alone, anyways. Ayumi?” The fox yipped brightly. “I’ll have Ayumi follow along not far behind you, and she’ll meet up with you later.” Not a particularly odd request Mie would make of Novak, as she’d often have Ayumi do some odd scouting jobs or otherwise let her run off on her own. The fox was sometimes uncannily intelligent in such regards.

The fox in question gave a complaining yip but would hop off the table and put herself by Novak.

“I’m not going to ask you to be back any time soon,” Mie leaned back, taking a long breath on the pipe in her hands before exhaling. “Just come back in one piece. Don’t worry about me and my Oni. We’ve gotten out of worse than this.”

She’d leave Novak to it then, allowing him to take whatever he needed for preparation. It wasn’t hard to find Chohei, either. He was training with a number of other Oni, sword clashing against sword, some other Oni wrestling barely clothed even in this cold weather. Well, whatever helped them keep their spirits up and ready to go and he’d eagerly agree to spar again. First to land a clearly incapacitating blow would win.

Despite the Oni’s impressive strength and size, Novak was able to hold his own and in the end he’d be able to use his smaller stature and more agile fighting style to be able to give the Oni one decisive blow…and once changed into his old attire, one of the Oni would pass Novak a flask of Sake for good luck and a small package of rice before showing him to a small pass in the back of the camp. No doubt the Krysa were watching from everywhere, but at least, it seemed like for the moment he’d slip out of the encampment unseen as he’d make his way away from the encampment and set a long, somewhat roundabout course to the village. If all went well, he’d be there by sunset.

Of course, nothing ever goes well. As he’d make his way towards his destination, he’d be walking by a small copse of trees out in the snowfields.

a Krysa woman wearing a warm looking dress, carrying a basket, and satchel full of what seemed to be important looking documents was traveling with a small retinue of soldiers, dressed from head to toe in armor near a treeline.

He had only a few seconds before they’d notice him, since they were traveling towards each other.

@Cu Chulainn

“I’m an elf.” Raelzeth replied with an offended scoff. “With a dwarf for a dad, sure, but, still an elf. Of course I wouldn’t mine.” She fell silent again, seeming to wrestle with some internal debate or question before finally seeming to swallow her pride.

“Hey you said you’re smart right?” The small elf asserted again. “So…you know Stone-singing is supposed to let us like, shape and feel the earth right? Dad wanted me to practice and see if I can find any ore deposits around that could help.” A frown, the small elf kneeling, placing a hand on the ground. “Well, I found one. And then I sorta…lost it.”

A long sigh with a troubled, confused expression as she’d slowly run her hand across the earth.

“As in, it moved. The ore deposit moved. Dad thinks I’m just slacking off again and just don’t remember where it was. The hunters don’t believe me either and Lazhira said she thinks its some sort of animal, but…” She looked somewhat expectantly up at Gideon, hoping that he might have an answer for this.

Well, that was a curious question to ask. Ore deposits just simply didn’t move, now did they?

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

“Leave it to us, sir!” The soldiers shouted, quickly joining Luna on the walls. No more arrows were firing down upon them, but they could still hear the shouts of the bandits, quickly getting back into line…but that was not Lunas concern for now. Something was happening over where Niall was, that much was clear. From where he was fighting, she could see wisps, blackish red wisps of energy rising into the air. “We won't let a single one escape!”

She’d run, to where sir Niall and the fighting had occurred, sprinting to the scene…

“Ah…ahahahah!” The behemoth of a man was getting back to his feet now, the previous weariness and fatigue of battle wearing off as the wounds he had sustained were slowly regenerating - no, his entire body was visibly mutating, muscles and flesh as cracks of black and red energy formed on his skin, a hand reaching for his hammer as his free hand seemingly mutated into a bestial claw, covered in corase, black fur while the other hand became less of a hand as it fused with the hammer it was grasping.

His face under the cowl proceeded to mutate, the antlers growing exponentially as his face contorted, his entire body growing in size as bones snapped and flesh contorted, armor snapping and ripping as he’d contort to his new form, spines and antlers growing along his back.

As the changes died down, a heavy, bestial foot stomped onto the earth, cracking the earth with a single step. The hammer fused with his left arm hit the ground, a heavy, thunderous impact that caused the earth to rupture beneath his foot. He looked less like man now, and more like some sort of mutated, large bear with antlers, hunched over and walking on all fours.

And in the center of his head?

A single, pulsing, open and piercing red eye that frantically observed its surroundings.
“Gaaaah…hahah…I’ll…crush you all, even if I have to become a cursed being…”

The beast reared up onto his hind legs, bellowing with enough force to snap the twigs of nearby trees.

Still focused on Niall, the gartanguan beast man leaped forwards with a flurry of claw and hammer, swinging the large blunt object across the ground, kicking up stone and earth as he’d attempt to swipe Niall with it.

This was not something that’d go unnoticed by Fio…

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

The blob of curses whizzed past Fio, landing somewhere on the ground below. The fact it immediately killed and twisted whatever was left into some horrendous cursed version of itself was telling enough that she really did not want to get hit with whatever that was.

Her counterattack was swift, the blade sailing through the air towards the one that had lobbed the gunk at her, impaling its slower body swiftly before blackened blood and flesh ripped from its body as the blade exploded outwards. The abomination gurgled and shrieked in pain, its body tensing up and attempting to pull itself off but soon falling to the ground as its body fell to the ground, slumping and quickly starting to decompose.

“What can I say? A new experiment is bound to run into bumps here and there.” She’d smirk, glancing down to the battlefield below. “Unlike some…heh.” A mass of malevolent curses. Energy released from below as cursed energy began growing dense enough to saturate the air, billowing up from the man once known as Annagan. “Seems he used it after all. What a dummy. Well, not my problem. Now then, lets see…what should I do? Fighting isn’t my forte, hmm…”

The remaining abominations jerked oddly.

“I should at least keep you here until that one dies or he kills the others…hmm…Oh, I know.” A sleeve pointed towards the abominations. “Devour.” The abominations that were left, immediately ran to the one that had been killed earlier, and quickly began consuming its corpse.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

Climbing up the stairs to the ramparts required running past some of the rank and file soldiers that were fleeing, no doubt to assist in the battle below. Roars and shouts grew louder and louder as he’d climb the forts walls, until finally, he’d see his target. Grainne had been backed into a corner, clearly injured from the unsteady way she was standing, but standing nonetheless. The Wyvern too, looked to have taken a few decent blows from the redhead too, deep gouges in both its neck and legs from likely attempts to deflect its talons, but it was clear she was no match for the beast.

“If-guh, you think I’m gonna die from this you’re wrong, assface!” She’d hiss. Indeed, Ethelred was correct in assuming one thing. It was entirely focused on Grainne as she’d avoid its snapping jaws, barely landing a shallow blow onto its neck. Which meant, Ethelred had plenty of unrestricted access to the beast.

He climbed atop the battlements, leaping into the air high enough to get the redheads attention.

“I’m not gonna-ah? Icicle!?”

His lance was the first to hit, impaling its ice covered body deep into the beasts back, right between its wings. It roared, hissing and flapped its wings in a panicked manner as it was ambushed, unable to even see what was attacking it. All it knew, is that it had been gravely wounded from a single blow and whatever it was, was clinging to it and slowly starting to freeze itself to it.

The frozen knight had only a few moments to enjoy the victory as the beast attempted to take to the skies, only to find its wings and muscles failing from the blow, instead barely getting any air as it would plunge over the castle wall, towards the ground below.
Glad to see some interest at least~

I'll be aiming to get the OOC up next week, and I'll be accepting CS's then and there.

So feel free to start working on CS's now and ask questions if you need them.


Go time, huh.

Cecil exhaled, calming the own beating of her heart as she'd quietly listen to the captain finish her speaking. She was only a little disappointed she didn't get to cut down on their numbers a bit before the main army hit. She could have harassed them for a few minutes before the main army arrived, throwing their ranks into a bit of chaos...and perhaps, trying to deal with whatever that caged beast was before it became a problem. But alas, time was not on their side and she had to report the locations of the men and prisoners back to the others so they could plan their attack more accurately.

Fanilly's order to charge came loud and clear.

Cecilia threw herself into the battle, taking a position further in the rear as was safest, allowing for a larger view of the battlefield as well as being easier to manage not getting an arrow to the knee. Lein managed to react to Serenity's request faster, but it didn't seem that was enough. Heh, well, far be it from her to deny a lady's request.

"No light, but I've got something better! Shael!" Cecil pulled an arrow from her quiver.

Yes yes, I'm on it.

"Venerable spirit," The arrow was pulled into the bow, a course of quick moving air current forming at the tip of it, slowly wrapping itself around the arrowhead, tightly wrapping in on itself as magical force compressed the air around it more and more. A verdant glow lit up the bowstring. "Of gale and yearning - Shatter!"

Did you just call me old?


The sound of another bowstring.

A fast moving arrow whizzed right by Lein's head, and whizzed by the bandits nearest him. A solid, meaty thunk was heard as it'd impale itself into the head of a bandit a few feet behind them, and upon impact, the magic compressing the air on the arrowhead released. A pained cry as the poor fool whose head it had been impaled in, quite literally, exploded as the compressed air burst outwards, not only potentially deafening the bandits temporarily from the noise, but also throwing their footing and ranks off, giving Lein and Serenity a moment to swoop in for easy kills.

"I'll cover you, get to that cage!"
@Cu Chulainn

If there is enough demand, I suppose I could let a butler or two but I'm also once more aiming for a smaller grouping of around 5-6 players.

So we'll see if there's need for one to fill out the ranks.
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