Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Seeking Applications!

In the wake of becoming the inheritor to the Fiore Estate following the imprisonment and subsequent execution of Lady Reine Fiore, lady Livia Fiore is seeking to employ maids for one of the vacation homes within the family, the Maison d’Violette. No experience necessary! Head Maid Nynette will provide all the training necessary for the job required. Hours will vary, but expect to work long hours but you will be provided food, lodging, and a minor pay for services rendered! If interested, please turn the page and fill out the application, answer the questions, and mail this application to the Fiore Estate!

Do you have prior experience as a maid?

Do you have cooking, cleaning, or other domestic skills? Please list below.

Are you literate, and can you both read and write?

Do you have any occult and magic related skills?

Are you good with accounting, money, and handling important documents?

Are you familiar with landscaping, gardening, or other lawn keeping tasks?

Are you familiar with demonology?

Are you familiar with Mythology and Religion?

Are you a criminal, or have been convicted of crime in the past regardless of the charges were true or false?

Have you attended any scholarly institution? If so, which one?

Are you trained with any weapons, martial arts, or gun usage?

If you can answer all of these affirmatively or negatively, don’t worry! They won’t actively hamper or give you better chances. Lady Fiore is one of the foremost occultists and mages officially recognized by the church of Our’ous, and she is very open to working with maids and those who understand the importance of various artifacts throughout the estate. Likewise, being able to make informed purchases on her behalf will sometimes be required!

Do not be concerned about the viscous rumors of our lady murdering her own mother on the night of her execution, nor the ones of her being a demon or some sort of otherworldly being. These are false lies and should you mention them in her presence, you will be reprimanded. We expect loyalty above all else.

We all look forward to you becoming part of the Manor.

If your application is accepted, you will be required to both actively undergo military style training as part of an official demon hunting organization by the name of ‘Violet Garden’ sanctioned by the Church of Our’ous and this is a legally and magically binding contract. Upon signing and acceptance from lady Fiore, you must work for a minimum of five years before you will be allowed to leave barring being fired or exceptional circumstance.

Hello hello! What is this? A fourth RP? FOURTH? Am I crazy? Yes, maybe just a bit but when I have an idea I have to make an attempt at least. Something something zero self control. I have no excuses really. Only a desire for maids, demon hunting Doom style, and steampunk and bioshock inspired settings. Without further ado, to explain the setting a slight bit more…

Players will be playing Maids. Fighting demons. Demon fighting maids that use guns, melee weapons, and potentially even magic to slay demons that are encroaching upon the world as the void between realms slowly, ever so slowly, weakens due to some unknown means. You’ll be working for an organization sanctioned by the church known as ‘Violet Garden’ based in the Maison d’Violette.

Now, for some pretty standard rules from myself:

And here are some rules to abide by:

1. I have very few, and really, most are guidelines, but If nothing else, read this one. It is likely the most important rule here. In regards to combat - PvE should be simple enough. Against lesser mobs I'll likely let you go ham as you need to and feel free to describe what you do yourself. Against bigger threats though, you do not get to decide whether or not you hit an enemy - or if your attempt at something was successful or not. I do. If you're unsure, just ask. In the case of PvP...which isn’t going to happen often, figure it out yourselves or I’ll arbitrate the results and no one will be happy.

2. I will be attempting to post twice a week for those that have posted. This is not exactly a hard and fast rule, as I won't be keeping any strict deadlines here. Only real rule I have - is post at your earliest convenience. At most I will be willing to wait a week. After that, I'll continue posting as usual whether you post or not. Go long enough, and well, I'll probably start checking for a replacement.

3. Once I make a final decision on something, that's it. I will try to be as fair in things as possible, but if you're not happy with it well...too bad, I guess. If you're unhappy enough to give me grief or constantly question my decision after then either leave yourself or I will eventually eject you from the RP and banish your character to the shadow realm.

That's it really! Anything else just ask!

The World:
Welcome to Alavaris! The city of steam and capital of the Our’ous religion and the Oros Empire. A city with a long, storied history of both religion and mans rise to power in the region. It and the Maison d’Violette shall be the base of operations for our little maidenly demon hunters. The surrounding countryside and city itself shall be where your hunts take place, at least initially. Who knows, maybe you’ll have to travel to Naraheim itself, eventually…

The world itself isn’t quite high fantasy, rather, its more of a steampunk flavored inspiration with steam trains, airships, and clockwork. I’d say, something like Bioshock and other similar settings would be a good idea to look for in terms of themes and settings.

The City and Empire itself has recently had a bit of a shock. After losing a holy war against the northern territories of the Krysa, not only did their armies become shattered, one of the prominent nobles and philanthropists that had garnered a great deal of public and support among the common men, was found to be consorting with demons and feeding false information to the church about the Krysa, leading to her execution.

With the increase in rising demon activity, the church was made an offer by one of their few sanctioned and acknowledged legal sorcerers - she’d create a group specifically designed to hunt demons.

You, are a new recruit in this organization.

The Demons:
Your foes. The terrible antithesis to humanity that exists buried in the roots of the great tree. Normally, demons are unkillable by normal, mortal means. Certainly, you can cut and slice their physical bodies but without magic or holy power they will merely find themselves resurrecting in Naraheim. This makes them particularly difficult foes to deal with, as either exorcising them and returning them to the cycle of reincarnation or permanently sealing them somewhere via magical means is often the easiest ways of dealing with them. Though, really, all one needs to do is in some fashion shackle or destroy a demons Soul to permanently remove them from existence.

More will be explained in the OOC, but roughly, there are five clans of demons, and each demon clan has a particular affinity for certain abilities and behavior. If you want more information for a character concept, I will be happy to provide. The organization has further divided them into other classifications of ease of reference and to determine ones danger level. Typically, the maids only care about sealing or permanently killing ones of 'High Demon' level or above due to resources and time required to do so. All maids are roughly trained the art of binding and killing as well.

The main religion of the Oros Empire, is the Worship of Our’ous, the eternal serpent. A God that represents both ending and beginnings. Other deities exist, but he and his wife, Kyshellas, the goddess of Purity, Cleansing, and Eternity are the ones chiefly expressed to be the patrons of humans. Religion, however, is not going to be overly important to the plot for now. Just keep things in mind. I’ll explain a good deal more later but if you have questions, by all means. Other deities shall be listed in the OOC.

As with the others, I’ll explain more in depth in the OOC, but Magic is not an everyday occurrence in the world. Humans and most mortal races, being inherently mundane and creatures lacking a natural talent for magic can not use magic without some sort of catalyst or usage of chants or gestures in order to draw magic in from the surrounding Cosmos and use it to shape reality around them and give the magical energy direct form. Many mages these days choose to engrave weapons such as swords, guns, articles of clothing and other things with esoteric crests, or use gems as focal points. Over time, the more one uses magic, the more affinity for it one gains.

Be warned, however, that magic can draw the gaze of darker things…|

As well, certain teachings of magic are outright illegal. Necromancy, the art of manipulating the Souls of the Dead and Living, is chiefly among them for souls are the domains of the gods.

Humans, make a primary majority in the Empire along with a handful of other non-human races such as the Elves, Firbolg, and the Krysa. Truthfully, there are many other races out there within the realms left behind by the endless cycles of Our'ous, but they are separated by endless gulfs of space and typically require magic of some sort to travel through and not all races will be friendly to humans, or to the gods, for that matter.

Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

The thrall, did not initially respond as Luna’s lips met hers. Sanguineous blood blessed by Ichor flowed from Luna’s tears into the Thrall’s mouth. After a few seconds, the thrall’s body convulsed, shuddering involuntarily as new power life, and more importantly…a new mistress flowed through her veins. As Luna left to heed Ichors words, the Thrall managed to barely lift herself from the ground, seeming both still exhausted and in somewhat of a daze.

As the others would converse among themselves after Akyasha explained themselves, the Vampiric Cleric would move away slightly. Performing a summoning was a simple task, depending on if one wanted it to be permanent or a temporary service, such as in the midst of combat. All one needed in such a case, was typically, a sacrifice of the vampires own blood and a brief chant to call forth the creature one wanted in question.

As it stood, Akyasha would have little trouble summoning something as simple as a Blood Elemental or Gorebat, two of the lowest beings in Ichors servants. As Akyasha cut herself for her own blood to be offered, she’d chant something simple as the blood fell to the floor, and from it, however briefly, a rift between Ichor and Alavaris formed. And from that rift…the smell of copper and purest blood as from it, the blood formed into what was ostensibly something uncharacteristically ‘cute’ for the creatures of Ichor’s realm.

It was something like a tiny, humanoid, bat. They were not physically strong, nor were they extremely effective in combat, but their diminutive size, swift speed, and the fact a single one could drain a human male ntirety of blood in thirty seconds along with being able to use low tier support magics such as minor healing and if needed, could be used as a quick and dirty source of blood themselves both for feeding and blood magic made them invaluable tools.

Swarms of these thing in the past, were quite a dangerous thing, but Akyasha for now, managed to summon two which would hopefully be more than enough. The small bat creatures would light on either of Akyasha’s shoulders, awaiting for her to give them a command. The one on her right seemingly affectionately nuzzled the cleric. No doubt they were hungry, but alas, she had no blood to give them right now.

“Nngh…” By now, the Thrall had managed to lift herself to her feet, weekly holding onto the Altar to support herself. “M-my lords…your…mercy knows no bounds…” She’d weakly squeak out. “There is a dangerous skeletal beast…I think…its one of the old paladins. It possesses a blade made of silver…its old and corroded but it still will be dangerous. Please, if you go that way, be careful…”


The Thrall managed to get to her feet properly, though she seemed exhausted it was nothing a bit of rest and food likely could not fix.

“I am sorry I can not be of more help in my state…but if it pleases you, Lady Luna, I will give my body to ensure your safety if I must.” Well, hopefully that wouldn’t be needed.

Whenever the six decided to leave the Cathedral and head back out into the city, they would be met with the same silence as they moved from the Cathedral yard towards the gate that had barred Aleksiya’s and companies path earlier. The wailing of that large undead creature could be heard further down, but it was distant. The shuffling of the undead on the other side of the gate, though, could be seen and heard clearly by the vampires.

Location: Alavaris
Squalid Ruins, the old Orphanage


The familiar crept along the ground, having avoided most of the putrid, beastly threats that called the place home. Perhaps, if it were able to independently think, it’d think that cleaning this place up would need to be a high priority if the vampires wished to clean Alavaris from the filth that currently infested it.

But alas, it was incapable of such thoughts.

It skittered along the muddy ground, through the halls of the old orphanage, down an old, creaky set of stairs leading into the earth until two voices reached its ears.

“Where have you been?”

“Chasing Vermin, what else?”

“A fools errand after it fled…is what I’d normally say, but that look of yours says you found something.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Did you find our secondary objective?”

“Unfortunately, yes…”

The creature skittered after the voices, moving within the shadows of the ruin, behind old walls, out of sight, for it did not wish to be seen. The voices became muffled for a few moments as it struggled to keep up. Did they move faster? Or had they some other method of movement? The hall lit up, revealing the body of some large, serpentine creature.

“...I see what you mean.” It could not see what they saw beyond the corpse, for fear of exposing itself but it could still listen. “This does not bode well indeed with what I encountered. Whoever did this…is quite the vicious beast themselves.”

“Spit it out, Rikard. We don’t have time for your games.”

“Hmm…” The one apparently named Rikard seemed to move towards the other one. “First, Rhea, I believe we should get rid of our eavesdropper.” Immediately, the familiar pankicked. It moved but it was too late. Sun and fire seared its flesh, turning its weak body to nothing but ash.

“Damn it. Was that what I think it was?”

“We’ll head back to Society for now. We must inform them of events here.”

With its dying breath, all it could manage to send to its mistress was the names of the two voices, and something about a ‘Society’ before its life failed it completely.





As Finn began speaking, the ticking began. A clock, far away. The passage of time, beginning to slow, each tick further away than the last…until it pause for what seemed like an eternity, and then, would begin again, but it was as if he was hearing it in reverse. The heat in his hand grew worse.The gear ticking and seemingly turning within his flesh. Burning. Searing. Agonizingly twisting the flesh around his hand.

His legs weakened, his body heaved. His breath left his lungs.

His vision, clouded behind exertion and darkness as overexertion took him.

He’d stumbled backwards through the door, falling over onto the floor in the room beyond. It was hard to tell whether the prayer worked. If he looked back at the body it did not seem to different, but…perhaps the child's breathing seemed a little more even.

More importantly though, was the room he found himself in now.

It seemed to be a large reflecting pool, windows being the only illumination in the chamber. It smelled of salt and fresh water. Against the wall was a statue of Delpithi, water flowing from her cistern into the pool below.

And in the pool?

A woman, laying face down in the water. She was fully clothed, though unmoving.


“...I suppose. It was just convenient at the time.” Maira responded with a small smile at Atzi exciteableness. “I’ve been there a few times. Its a pretty place. Sometimes I end up falling asleep there on Tallen.” More small talk as the two traveled, the forest growing more dense and difficult to traverse for the unprepared as they did so. True to her nature though, Maira spared no effort in overly helping Atzi unless it was clear she couldn’t do something with her handicap.

As the day wore on, though, and they neared their destination they were lucky to only run into wolves and a few number of mostly easily dispatched creatures…at least until the lake finally came into view.

“...Shh.” Maira would abruptly stop, and the two women could hear the loud, guttural snoring of some beast close by. It was faint, but just close enough to cause concern. “...Careful. Quiet. I think it sounds like a Grove Bear. You know what those are?”

A type of bear that lived deep in the forest, though none were quite sure where they came from. Big, angry, powerful, and could roar loud enough make the wind bend to their wills. Perhaps, a connection to the Kyrnith. Either way…

“We’ll need to quietly take it out. We won’t be able to get the key if its attacking us.” It wasn’t hard to find. Apparently it had fallen asleep close to the lakes edge.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

So, with three companions, Lissa would decide to simply go boldly where only a few Raam had gone before. Protests from Nylah aside, Eirhild seemed fine with this arrangement, walking along behind the Raam with a quick step.

“Aye, we shall lass. More of a chance for us to make it out in case something happens, aye?” Eirhild responded to Nylah as she’d run after the two of them. Thankfully, they’d not be interrupted terribly much on their way inside the village. A few patrol of Krysa marksmen spotted them, but they didn’t seem too interested in a Human, Mothraki, and a dwarf, at least until they actually got into the village.

“Halt.” A patrol of Krysa approached the three, flagging them down. If the six rat men weren’t so short, perhaps, they’d be intimidating clad in tough looking winter armor of metal and fur and bows and daggers. “What business do you have here?” They’d question the newcomers. “You do not appear to be part of that conniving foxes entourage.”

A particularly rough looking Yaga with many scars on her body wearing a simple white dress was watching them in a seeming half interested manner from some distance away. She seemed particularly fixated on Lissa, amber eyes staring at her curiously.

@crimson Paladin

“Suit yourself.” Choehi replied with a dismissive tone, leaving Novak to his devices, walking towards where the perimeter was. It was dangerous to be a look out here - there was no telling where a Krysa archer might be. It wasn’t unusual for one to take potshots in their directions with deadly accuracy.

Thankfully for Novak, he was heading to the interior. Ayumi trotted along behind him, yipping playfully at his heels as he’d travel through the interior of the old ruins, easily finding Mie inside a small command center she had set up out of the remains of her own rather luxurious wagon. She was smoking her usual pipe, a bowl of alcohol sitting not far away and on a table a small map of the surrounding area along with a box of coin and some half eaten fruit.

“Ah, Novak, you’re here.” She’d look up from counting some coins, the familiar face of the Merchant greeting him with her usual carefree expression as she’d place the kiseru on a tray. “I was worried I was going to have to come look for you. Good to see you're still as reliable as ever.” She’d sit at the low table, reaching for a teapot and pouring a drink for the both of them. Ayumi would soon hop onto the table, curling up next to Mie.

“Have a seat.” Mie ordered, placing the cup at his end of the table. “I won’t waste time, nor will I sugarcoat anything. I’m going to be asking you to do something a bit unreasonable. I’m going to need you to somehow get to the nearby village. By yourself. We need to at least somehow find out if Haruno’s message made it to Dawn and whether or not we have potential help coming. If not…if you can get out, I need you to travel all the way back to Chagawa and bring the rest of the Oni here.”

@Cu Chulainn

“Neat.” Raelzeth brightly replied, following along behind Gideon with a mischievous grin. “Now I can’t get in trouble for not helping dad!” Thankfully, it seemed like her sticky fingers were being kept to herself for now, in no small part thanks to Gideon keeping himself at arms length from her. Surveying the land would prove simple enough for the Sage. The vials didn’t show anything out of the ordinary for a coastal town. Sandy earth near the beaches, soil with oddly high salt deposits but otherwise it was mostly unremarkable.

“So, what do you know about demons? The five clans? Anything about the Primarchs? You ever see a demon before?” Raelzeth was peppering him with questions, though, which was probably just a bit irritating and she was doing very little in regards to Naraheim. The mental map though, was coming easier.

The village, at one point, had been much larger that was certain. Many of the buildings had seemingly been buried under snow, destroyed, and he could see a few waterlogged ruins that had fallen into the sea from the blizzard. It roughly extended along the coast to the old black obelisk that jutted out of the cliff some distance towards the south, to the Icewind river to the north. Enli’s longhouse was roughly on the northern edge of the village, with the church being a central fixture. A hunters lodge was near the eastern edge of the village, near the forest, with a number of workshops and fishery related buildings dotting the area near the sea.

“...you ever mine stuff before?” Raelzeth ended up asking after a few other questions. She seemed nervous.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.


Luna focused on the battle in front of her, the voice in her head growing weaker as she’d ignore it, shoving it out of her mind. Slowly, the edges of her vision returned, the white light fading and the voice becoming a distant echo…perhaps, something she’d even forget about once the fight was over with.

Her men, would comply as much as they could. They were able to cut down several bandits, fending off the rogues with a manner of skill to match their own brutality. As a third volley of arrows were loosed towards them, all mostly managing to do as Luna instructed. Bodies, absorbing the arrows though some were still caught in the line of fire, taking a shot through the arm or perhaps, leg.

The rest?

As the arrows rained down, Luna held her hand high. A sword of pure light forming in her grip.

She dashed forward, in front of her men towards the bandit reinforcements.

A brilliant, dazzling and almost disorienting light flashed as the luminous blade struck forth.

The bandits shouted, unprepared for it as Luna’s blade cut down most of the force in a single, decisive blow.

As the light faded, Luna would find her chest heaving, her body tired as fatigue ran through her body. Using that blade certainly tired her, enough to send her momentarily to her knees if she didn’t catch herself as the remaining five or so bandits halted right in their tracks. The remaining soldiers tossed the bodies at them, catching them off guard and quickly rushing in as Luna recovered from the attack, dispatching them now with relative ease.

This just left the archers, who were know quickly readying another volley, but she likely didn’t have enough energy to do another spectacle like that or another shield.

And this was on top of just what was keeping Fio or what was Niall facing right now?


This, is certainly not something Annagan had expected from Niall, but he didn’t seem to particularly care. What he did see, though, was the glint of the blade in the Owls hand. Even if their momentum was too fast to change course, the large man was grinning all the same. Niall felt the dagger hit flesh. He felt blood, a paint grunt from the bandit.

But he did not travel past as he had hoped.

He’d feel Annagans hand grab the back of his neck.

“Gggh….ahah…” A pained cough. Blood pouring out of the wound on his neck. Enough to have made any mortal enough man have already died, but Annagan remained standing as he’d proceed to slam Niall into the ground with his remaining strength as he weakly lifted his hammer over his head…and it fell from his grasp, the weighty weapon nearly crushing Niall as it fell onto the ground next to him.

“Ah…haa…ahahah…” A pained chuckle. “I didn’t want to rely on that witches tricks…” With his remaining strength, the bandit hefted a stone sphere, just large enough to fit in the palm of ones hand. “But I’m not…gghk, dying here!”

The stone sphere began to crack, the stone falling away in flakes…and under it? A single, pulsing, blinking eye. Annagan raised his hand above his head, and dropped it in his mouth.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

“Ruuuude! I put lots of work into my little toys.” She’d pout, seemingly genuinely hurt by Fio calling the abominations ugly. “Well, whatever. I’ll just have to make you appreciate them! Alright then!” The woman laughed. “Lucky for you at least…I’m just here to make sure my experiment reaches completion. I’m not interested in killing a test subject, so I’ll have to restrain myself a little.” The woman raised a hand pointing towards fio with a haughty smirk and a smug grin.


The five abominations all shrieked. A frenzied roar as they all headed for Fio. It was a good thing she had decided to fight from the air. The five creatures looked like they were primarily built for melee combat as they approached with swift, but jerking, sudden movements. She had at least, made a correct assumption.

They did not care about pain, nor did they care for getting impaled by an ethereal blade.

Similarly, though, as each of the five blades met their mark the abominations did not seem to even care or register that they had been injured.

But they however, were not without offensive options. Of the five, one had a massive hole gouged in its stomach, from which sprouted several arms as though they had pried the hole open from within. Lacking any sort of option for melee, it’d pull something from its insides, a mass of curses and black magic energy, lobbing it at Fio, though it was rather clumsy if she didn’t evade she’d certainly get hit, and getting hit by that, was certainly not going to be good for her health.

“Hmm…note to self, add more ranged capabilities…”

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

The beasts claws raked against Ethelreds armor, chipping some of the frozen armor off of the knight. Consequently, as it beat its wings to keep itself aloft and to put a bit of distance between itself and the knight, Ethelred felt the impact, heard its roar of annoyance as the lance pierced scale, its blood and wound quickly freezing over as it’d fall to its legs, momentarily surprised but not long enough allow Ethelred to avoid the beasts maw-

“Has…anyone ever told you you’re too kind, Ethelred?” Blood. Another pained hiss from the beast as the blood red blade struck forth, easily slicing through the beasts neck with a second, clean slice as the beast was summarily beheaded by the Fomorian made blade Elnith possessed. The beasts body lurched forwards, soon falling lifeless to the ground.

“...I’ll leave you…this.” Elnith finished, with a soft smile, passing him her blade. “I won’t be long, I promise.” The cursed knight, would then make to leave, disappearing into the crowd of knights scrambling to form some sort of defensive line. Perhaps she had some idea where her armor already was being stored, perhaps not.

Either way, that left two more for Ethelred to take out.

The one above was still harassing the Ballista, having already destroyed one in the surprise attack and the second was trying in vain to load and ready itself. He could hear Grainne shouting from up there, a number of curses and profanities as she likely tried to fend it off.

The second was on the ground, having already slaughtered a good number of the harzel soldiers, barely injured at all as it grabbed a man in its maw, tossing it into the air and catching it again, clamping its jaws upon its prey, swallowing the man whole.

~~Back at the Fort~~

This was concerning. That meant the bandits at the fort weren't actually bandits, but rather fomorians disguised as humans. That would explain why these bandits seemed unusually tough, but more importantly...Sorcha inhaled as she'd stand atop the highest tower in the fort, overlooking the area beneath her. Her eyes narrowed slightly, a displeased, unheard by anyone growl as she'd grip the stone tightly in her hand.

He was moving, was he?

How annoying.

It was too soon, too soon indeed.

"Queen Sorcha!"

"...What is it Leo?"

"Bandits! They're attacking the fort!"

"...I see no reason why you're troubling me about this. Luna left plenty of men here to handle it." Sorcha responded, watching the rabble of bandits approach from above. "Unless you mean to tell me that sword of yours is as flimsy as your brothers?"

"Not at all, I just thought you'd want to take part..."

"There is no reason for me too involve myself in such a fight unless something unexpected happens. Handle it yourself. I'm not in the best of moods."


Sorcha didn't even turn to face him as he spoke, quickly focusing on her own thoughts once more...
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

“...ร๏ Ŧคг…ร๏ ร๓คɭɭ…”

The red light gently caressed the undead that presented themselves. Not even the titans, entrapped by the storms could make them feel threatened in their weakened state. The commanding voice they had initially heard faded into a quiet caress.

“...๓ץ ς๏๓๓คภ๔…เร รเ๓קɭє.”

Though the crimson star was worlds and realms away, her voice was still clear despite the quiet echo they could all hear.

“...รєשєภ…รєשєภ ๓๏гє…ยรє Շђє ђєคгՇ. ๒гเภﻮ Շђє๓…Շ๏ Շђє ợยєєภ…”

The queen? Seven more? Perhaps it would have been more cryptic to others, but for any of the vampires with an inkling of how things were before the end of the last era, there was no doubt who the seven were.

“…ฬєรՇ…รՇคгՇ Շђєгє…ђย๓คภร…”

Slowly, the crimson light faded. The swirling storms far in the distance slowly spiraled out of view, the darkness that had become familiar to the six upon their resurrection. They had a direction from their goddess, at last. West. Humans. Were it not for the giant undead blocking the main gate in that direction, this would be a simple task.

But it seemed, the only way they were to go on their journey is by through it. If nothing else, the few vials of blood left that the Thrall was carrying, now would serve their purpose. It would not grant them major strength, but if nothing else, they would certainly be able to take this shrieking undead with little difficulty.

Supposing Giselles’ group informed the other three of it.

Or perhaps the six had other ideas. Their goddess certainly gave them a heading, but then what of Rikard? Or this mysterious partner of his? Or the odd serpentine creature Ilena’s group ran into? So long as they ultimately completed their goal, it likely mattered not to the goddess.


Traversing a forest was easy enough. She had plenty of experience both using one to flee a battle that went poorly as well as from the law after perhaps, pilfering one too many sweetrolls from a tavern or not paying her tab. It was also, fairly easy to find the encampment. Torchlight was a dead giveaway in the darkness of the quickly fading light. She'd motion Hope to slow, quietly approaching the clearing that the camp was situated in.

"Hope, you stay away from the treeline." She'd say to hope, quietly moving. "Unless you have experience moving quietly and quickly, its best if you have your spirits do the work." Cecil stated, eyes falling on the particularly large creature in the cage.

"Any idea what that is, Shael?"

"You know my senses are limited in this bow. Best I can tell its some sort of large beast perhaps. Certainly not human unless its a large one. A hungry bear, maybe?" The empty throne was somewhat concerning too. It was likely for Jeremiah, but that left the question...where was he? Until she got eyes on him, she wasn't going to be satisfied in the success of this mission. Perhaps she was worrying too much about the ambush earlier, though.

"I'll circle around quietly." She quietly nodded to Hope, offering him a friendly smirk and a wink. "See if I can't see anything else. If anything happens just...shout,or something. Make a scene. I'll save that pretty face of yours."

“Hehe, don’t mind her too much. She’s more like a big cuddly bear and over protective big sister to all of us.” Achel said to Finnegan, pulling him along through the hallways, only stopping her incessant guidance when he asked his question.

“Hm?” Achel paused her shoving. They hadn’t quite made it to the main sermon hall where everyone typically gathered. A small hallway that at its end led to it, and was flanked on either side by two separate rooms, both filled with those sick from frostbite and other maladies that could not be so easily healed. “Really? You want to? Hmm…well, alright! I’m sure Akala wouldn’t mind someone making her work easier, hehe!”

Opening one of the doors to the room, Fin would be allowed to see the frostbitten and those that were at least, by Akala standards completely unhealable by her magic and waiting medical treatment by someone else.

“Do be a bit quiet, though.” Achel said, as she’d walk into the room behind him. “Some in a few rooms over…well, we don’t want to disturb them…” Achel shook her head, frowning though it didn’t last. “If you want, I’ll go get Enli and bring him here. Behave though! You never know when a little spider might be watching!~”

This…would just leave Finnegan in the room by himself and just the eight or so patients that had been made comfortable enough in what appeared to have once been a small storage room. The main culprit seemed to be frostbite, severe, enough that some of the patients arms were nothing but blackened, blistered lumps of flesh that certainly would need amputating. It was clear that they had spared no small expense in trying normal and more conventional methods of preventing this, judging from the countless alchemy implements laying about, bandages, half used herbs…

It seemed someone had set a small statuette of the death goddess at some point in the far corner of the room, along with a small lamp burning with a blue flame.

The only other curiosity was a door in the back of the room, cracked and half open where he could hear gentle splashing and ripples of water.


The arm would be somewhat difficult to move, lacking the fine motor control her previous appendage had, but this would suffice for more basic movements, surely. Perhaps, there was a question as to why Achel had something like this on her so readily available, but that would also be a question for another time. After leaving the crypts, finding Maira would be easy enough. She’d be waiting by her cabin, having seemingly taken time to straighten the place a bit while she was waiting.

She’d meet Maira outside of her hut.

“Atzi,” She’d faintly smile as she’d see the larger woman, glancing at the odd prosthesis she now had, though she didn’t seem too surprised. “You’re here. Alright. Lets not waste time. This is going to take awhile.” Assuming there was nothing Atzi wished to speak about here, Maira would start walking towards the forest.

“I hid the orb pretty far deep inside the forest. It was the place that’d be the easiest to hide from them since its…dangerous and also easy to get lost if you don’t know where you’re going. Near the Sages Lake.” Walking and talking to their destination was easy to say, but getting their was another matter entirely. Sages Lake was deep in the forest, where a bunch of nasty critters liked to live. Like fully grown versions of the chameleon monster that attacked Nylah and the that traveling trader the other day.

As they walked through the forest, they would eventually reach it. A place where the forest and trees almost started to feel like they were twisted in on themselves, creating a cold, shadowy canopy that obscured light from the forest floor as the light from the distant sun did not reach here.

"Have you ever been to the lake before, Atzi?" Maira asked her friend. Most people didn't go so far into the forest.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Well, it seems you’ve made up your mind.” Sorcha said, finally finishing eating. “No need to worry about the house. We’ll take care of it since you so graciously offered us to stay here while you’re gone.” She’d smile heartily, apparently deciding that this home, was in fact, now hers in some fashion. Perhaps she was just eager that she’d not have to deal with prying eyes since it was clear despite the friendliness she still likely didn’t trust anyone here.

It was unlikely Akando or Soyala would want to help and leave the village since they had so few hunters to spare as it was. Enli was far too old to do such things, and there weren’t really any other good candidates among the notable residents…so after collecting a few supplies and food from Akala and Calra, getting a bit more of a solid heading from Haruno, the trio of Dwarf, a totally normal Human, and Mothraki would set off from the village.

The heading given? North east. She had told them there was a village of Yaga not too terribly far away from where they were defending. It would take a few days travel, across the snowfields, fending off a few Snow Wraiths, some sort of troll like creature that thought the Mothraki was apparently pretty, but otherwise the travel would be fairly uneventful.

At least, until they neared the village in question.

A camp, it looked like. Krysa had set up a camp with the help of the Yaga around the city. They could count the number of Krysa currently here on their hands, but if this was just a command center the main bulk of their forces were likely out there keeping an eye on Mie’s camp.

That just left the question on how to approach the village.

@crimson Paladin

It had been a hard few weeks for the caravan. Ambushed inside of a tight pass as they were coming up from the northern territories by Krysa archers and Yaga soldiers, it was a miracle they had managed to save most of their cargo and equipment. If it wasn’t for Mie’s planning and the tenacity and ferocity of the Oni, there had been no question - they’d all have been killed here.

After fleeing the ambush and managing to evade the main bulk of the foes forces for awhile, Mie led the caravan to what she claimed to be was an old ‘safehouse’ of hearse that she had used in the early days of her mercantile endeavors for rest and respite in the region, for people hadn’t always been so accepting or welcoming of her.

It wasn’t anything special. An old, ancient living house of the Krysa apparently where their ancestors lived that had long since been abandoned as the rat folk settled into their current place of living high on their city. Old ancient rusty pipes built into the side of a mountain that led into a series of tunnels of metal pipes and surprisingly cozy, albeit a bit small for the Oni living spaces. Mie and some of the Oni had managed to even get some of the old things here running, allowing steam to run through the ancient pipes again meaning they didn’t have to worry about heating so long as they had a steady supply of wood to burn when they needed it.

Since they had to break down a number of their wagons in an effort to make defensive structures at the entrance of the cavern, they for now at least, had plenty.

It was less of a secret now, but it had something they needed. Long term defensibility so long as they had supplies, and supplies, were starting to quickly run out. It also wasn’t terribly large, and much of the caravan had to be left outside in order to form a defensive line, enough room only for Mie, a handful of the Oni and supply storage that they didn’t want the Yaga or Krysa harming during their occasional raids. Food was being rationed and the cheapest of materials were being used to assist in making things comfortable, but unless they had someway to break the siege soon, things were going to get dire.

And this is the reality, that Novak would awaken too after a somewhat odd dream. Or was it the feeling of fuzzy little paws pressing against his eyelids? Perhaps it was just that. As he’d stir to wakefulness, the familiar black muzzle of Ayumi, Mie’s resident vulpine pet was pressing her paws against his eyes and yipping lightly in an effort to rouse him.

“That’s enough, fox. I think he’s awake.” A voice, one familiar to Novak that he’d immediately be able to pin as Chohei, one of the rougher Oni in the caravan. “Novak, Lady Mie wants to see you…though there might be a time for a spar if you’re up for it. Need to keep the body sharp in case of a raid.”

Despite the wear and tear the Oni faced, and his own bandaged arms he seemed no worse for wear or temperament.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp, early morning.

Another shield to block the arrows. Even if friendly fire might have been an issue, the bandits didn’t seem concerned as arrows would pierce their flesh as they continued their frenzied assault without a care for their own wellbeing, but Luna too, continued her own assault. Another fell to her blade, as the rage-fueled knight slammed her shield into one of the small groups, just in time to prevent one of her men from being beheaded and knocking back their numbers as her blade pierced the flesh of a second bandit.

A momentary lull in the fight ensued as the three remaining lightsword knights regrouped around Luna.

Shouts from the east.

Luna watched as some of Fio’s blades rained down upon the land there - awfully close to her own men and position. Seconds later, two of the knights she had sent with Niall burst from the treeline, followed shortly after by a small group of bandits themselves numbering about eleven.

“Lady Luna!” One of them shouted. “T-heir main force was at the other gate-” The man was quickly cut off, an arrow through his throat. The men with her hesitated just slightly, gripping their swords with a questionable amount of determination as the bandits went from six, to at least seventeen in number now, and with Fio’s support seemed to be focused elsewhere…they were clearly outnumbered.

Something, odd would happen as the battle would begin again, whenever Luna decided to tear into the bandits once more. The edges of her vision started to go white. The beating of her own heart resounding in her head like a drum of battle or war. Adrenaline surged through her body, her muscles aching to be moved and used.

A single word would surface to the front of her mind.


…of course, she could resist whatever influence this was. It would be easy right, just take a moment to recover her breath. Assess the battlefield…but the shouts and cries of the bandits and battle made it difficult to focus on anything other than the battle.


“Gahaha, we’ll see!” Annagan replied with a laugh, seemingly none too concerned about the darkness enveloping him as he’d remain fairly still as Niall would begin his assault. At first, his familiar seemed to have the intended effect - Annagan would make an attempt to strike at the owl, only to hit nothing, followed by another swing to nothing, allowing Niall to land a fairly heavy blow…but such tricks could only work for so long. Nialls lance would hit the mans hammer, Annagan managing to deflect the blow as he’d start to learn the owls tactics. He showed no signs of slowing down or getting tired, either.

“What’s the matter! You’re barely making me bleed!” A ferocious bellow as his hammer caught Nialls’ lance, the impact sending the knight clean out of the cloud of darkness that he had trapped Annagan in, the large man barreling out after him and aiming to bring the hammer down on Niall’s body.

Southern Giants Rest
Bandit camp Overlook, early morning

More ephemeral blades appeared in the sky, a crown of swords adorning the air above fio. Seconds later, a second barrage fell, the blades launching themselves at the bandits. Now that they were aware of a threat from above though, the bandits were able to dodge, avoid, and dive out of the way of the large blades. Ravenously following after the two soldiers who were barely managing to keep them at bay.

Still, any of their numbers that lessened would make things much easier for Luna below. The Sixteen bandits were cut down to twelve, but that was all she’d have time for as long as she wanted to focus on Annagan next.

Magical energy surged from her body and blade. A single, massive blade, gargantuan in size began to manifest over the girl, the ephemeral blade shining brightly above the battlefield. If the bandit below seemed concerned, he didn’t show it though it was difficult to really tell thanks to the shadow Niall had cast over it…though with the sheer size of the blade, accuracy wasn’t much of a problem.

It seemed, as though, her spell would be completed without issue-

Fio would be alerted to a very strong, very curse ridden magical energy quite suddenly, nearly instantly appearing behind her. Cursed energy began welling up from the ground under her, forming into a point behind her as it began to coalesce into a more solid form, the magical energy solidifying into a slightly more familiar form. If she didn’t change targets or end her spell casting, she was certainly going to get jumped by whatever this thing was!

“Hey, hey, hey!” A large, toothy grin in the shadowy mass as it began to properly take shape and form. It was…a fomorian? A rather mundane looking one, if one were to judge by looks but Fio…well, Fio could tell she really shouldn’t judge this woman by looks. “I was gonna play with that lightsword kid, but I found something muuuuch more interesting! You can’t just throw around that much magical energy and not get me all excited about it! You even made me do something I wasn’t gonna show anyone yet.” A toothy, excitable grin. “That’s a pretty cool sword you’ve got there too. How about…you let me take a swing with it? No? I’m not actually asking. Hand it over and I'll be nice when I'm using your body for experiments.”

More figures began emerging from the ground under her, the cursed energy taking shapes of grotesque bodies, perhaps, experiments of this particular fomorian as they in no way should be living in the traditional sense. Extra arms and limbs sprouted from their necks and in other places, some even had extra torsos or even heads.

About five in total, but something told Fio these were not going to go down easily.

Harzel Border Fort
@Crimson Paladin

“I see…Ethelred,” Elnith began, voice pleasant and even. “I might get carried away. If I do…please don’t let me hurt anyone, okay?” As she’d lift her blade, the frozen knight could see blackened veins creeping along the woman's body, starting from her extremities. It might be a good idea to find Elnith’s armor sooner, rather than later…but regardless, the assault would begin. The Wyvern roared as Ethelred’s lance impaled the creatures eye once more, the beast thrashing in pain as the frozen knight made an effort to yank its neck to expose it.

The beast though, had other plans as it’d lunge forward with its talons in the same instant, trying to pull Ethelred towards it and grab him with its talons…though this, proved less than effective.

Elnith quickly leaped on the opportunity, blood red blade lashing out to cut the Wyvern’s neck. The magical blade easily cut the scales.

“Tch…shallow.” Elnith hissed as the Wyvern would break itself free from the Ice Knights lance, beating its wings as it righted itself, roaring furiously as the entire right side of the beasts face was now covered in ice and frozen blood. It lunge towards Ethelred with its talons, making another attempt to grab the knight.
Location: Alavaris
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

Rikard didn’t seem too impressed with Akyasha’s response. Really, how tiring this all was. He knew that she had a run in with what he was hunting. She likely knew it as well, even after having just shown up. There really was no reason to refrain from telling him when they could instead, be friends. Unless of course, this particular one decided she was friends with the vermin itself after an encounter with it…hm, perhaps…

“...then it seems I won’t be giving these up after all.” Rikard replied in his usual tired seeming manner. “It’s unfortunate, I would have much rather had a…working relationship, of sorts. Shame really.” The human would reach into his coat, slowly pulling out an object. A globe, consisting of multiple rings within rings and inlaid with blue gems, and in the center was a small glass globe of water.

For those in the know, it seemed like it was an Armillary sphere, though the usage of one in such a blackened sky seemed difficult to determine.

“Now then, if there will be nothing else I should take my leave. I’ve overstayed my welcome.” A faint, blue colored light could be see shining from within the glass sphere within as the rings slowly started to shift and move. “But a word of warning, vampire.” He narrowed his eyes as he turned to leave. “The Vermin we hunt is not your friend.” Assuming the other two had nothing else to say, soon, Rikard would have disappeared into the shadows of the city.

At least, if nothing else, getting to the cathedral proper would be a simple matter for the three. Across the hallowed ground of Ichor, the stagnant quiet as they’d travel across the cathedral’s front lawn and gardens, an unseen wind blowing through the trees withered branches as they’d walk up the front steps.

The door creaked open, and they would find themselves inside the cathedral, bathed in the blessed red light of Ichor…

Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

“A-ah…please do not…concern yourself with me…” The Thrall choked out, her hand losing strength as Luna held her. “My former…master stripped me of my name for incompetence and cowardice…” She’d turn her head briefly towards the altar and statue. “I…have only lived by Ichor’s will…so that I may use my pitiful life to set in motion your revival…” She turned her head towards the red light upon the upper floors. “...she…wishes to speak with you all…when the other three arrive…soon, very…soon…”

The Thrall fell quiet, the womans weakened form falling limp in Luna’s care. If she wanted to claim this thrall as her own, it would really be a simple task. All she had to do was in some manner, mark the thrall as her own, take her for herself either through a blood ritual or even something simpler, though she likely did not have terribly much time on her hands to do so, nor would it seem she would immediately be able to.

As Dragan leaped up to the balcony above, extending a hand towards the door the crimson glow grew more and more intense as he reached towards it. The warm, familiar light was something any vampire should be familiar with as it embraced him.

The comforting warmth of Ichor herself.

The doors creaked open, revealing a landscape beyond that was the city they were familiar with, but…off. The balcony itself seemed far too high, and the ground below seemed far away as the cathedral loomed over the city. In the red sky beyond, he could see giant creatures, trapped within swirling red storms that reached to the heavens. Monolithic stones inscribed with alien, ancient letterings dotted the city. In the sky, high above, a single bright star far, far away, the color of crimson which seemed to color this entire world in its light.

ς๏๓є ๓ץ ςђเɭ๔гєภ. Շђє ๒คɭς๏ภץ. קгєรєภՇ Շђץรєɭשєร ๒єŦ๏гє ๓є.

And this, would be what Akyasha, Giselle, and Aleksiya eventually would stumble on once they had arrived at the cathedral. Hey, perhaps, had a few moments to speak with their allies they had not seen in ages, but they likely should not keep Ichor waiting too long...

@Aeolian@VitaVitaAR - interacting
@Saiyan - briefly spoke too

"Whew..." Cecilia allowed herself to relax as the fighting died down, the bandits either dead, incapacitated, or surrendered. The archer took a brief stock of her allies. Lein was helping Sir Hope, Lucas was getting scolded and saved by Flueri, that cute mage girl was busy turning bandits into a fried delicacy, Shanil was...well, maybe she should be glad Shanil decided not to seem to have heard her comment during the fight. Thankfully, captain Fanilly seemed just fine too. A little shaken, but otherwise she was in pretty good health from the looks of things.

Ease the suffering of the dying though, eh?

"Ahaha, captain's pretty merciless." Cecil glanced at some incapacitated bandits, frowning as she'd nervously finger Shael's bowstring. She had no problems fighting when it came to protecting herself or others, but...maybe it would be a mercy to end their suffering, but she didn't exactly like doing it. She'd leave that to the healers or others to take care of. She had been told her previous orders still stood, anyways.

"Aye, captain!" Cecilla shouted back to their leader. A quick glance at Lucas who was now gawking at Morianne caused her to chuckle lightly. Well, he had good taste in appearance at least. Maybe she would tease him about it later, but for now she had her orders. Finding Sir Hope was easy enough. It was hard to miss the guy for multiple reasons. Namely because Shael seemed to be incredibly confused by him.

"Hope...heh, hope you don't mind working together." Cecilia chuckled as she'd wave the pretty boy over, approaching where he was standing. "I'd suggest having your spirits scout from above while I cover the ground. You can alert me to anything they see and I can hopefully take 'em out quietly if I have to." She'd turn towards Fanilly, offering the captain her usual grin and a two fingered salute. "Don't worry about a thing, captain. We'll be back soon even if I have to drag the pretty boy back." Truthfully though, she was somewhat concerned despite her flippant attitude. They knew they were here. What other traps did they have laid, if any? Or had they just gotten unlucky and this ambush was meant for someone or something else?

Well, no use in worrying about it. She had her orders and she wasn't one to question them really.

"And Lucas, just staring won't get ya anywhere!" She'd shout playfully to the young knight before heading off down the road a little ways before disappearing in the underbrush hopefully followed by her fellow knight.
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