Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Airedale keep -> Nids End

“Truthfully, I don’t know of any elf that would willingly go to Nids End.” Vyrell shook his head, pocketing the emblem. “The elves of Lymensari are fairly isolationist. They would only consider leaving the forest unless they had no other alternative. And Nids End of all places? Its so close to the Laughing wood, I can’t imagine any elf would willingly even go there. Most elves would rather flee than engage with a human, too, so you may have problems tracking one down, but if they’re actively showing themselves…” Vyrell thoughtfully hummed. “Well, best I can tell you, Lady Luna, be careful. Something about this doesn’t quite add up from what I know.”

With that, he’d leave Luna to prepare for the trip. It’d likely take a few days journey there and back, so getting some food and potentially asking if someone wanted to come with her was apt. Though with Elnith and Lugh seemingly intent on helping Ethelred with their fairy problem, that left Reinhardt and Niall. The former seemed to have already left on his own, while Niall seemed to have excused himself from the hall entirely.

That just left her and her ever faithful maid, Sucaria. The two would leave as soon as they had packed everything, Sucaria being Luna’s only companion for most of the trip which the maid was, perhaps, a bit too happy about. The travel to Nids End though, was fairly uneventful. A few days of travel along the coast, taking care of a few Fomorians that crossed the roads, and eventually the pair would reach their destination. The craggy, rocky, coast of Nids End. Covered in short grasses and eternally cloudy skies and a cold, gray gloom over the land as the coastal waters crashed against the coast.

“Lady Luna…” Sucaria’s usually impassive, slightly teasing gaze turned slightly sour, her lips turning down ever so slightly as they neared the coast, no path or road having carried them here. “...this place is…it makes me uneasy.”

That wasn’t odd, really. Nids End was one of the most dangerous places in Albion, known for teeming with Fomorians and Unseelie alike, not to mention a rumors and sightings of an Elder Beast which seem to somehow command the two creatures and telling them to attack any who got near.

Why a bunch of elves would be here was certainly curious.

Luna, would thankfully, not have to search long.

She’d hear it first. The sound of a jovial tune of a flute playing. A few raucous bits of laughter that would sound more at home in a bar than anything else, and a stark contrast to the general atmosphere here. There was also the faint sound of fighting. Perhaps it was an Unseelie trap?

If she did indeed, decide to investigate, It was perhaps, a rather odd sight. A rather petite looking elf who couldn’t be much younger than Luna with short, messy white hair and eyes the color of rubies. Her most striking feature was that strapped to her back was a shield nearly as big as she was, though she didn’t seem to have much trouble maneuvering with it. In one hand, was a rather ornate one-handed sword, gilded in golds, greens, and reds.

She was currently engaged in combat with what seemed to be a large fomorian. Built like a human, but with large, reddish colored skin and a single eye - a fomorian of a cyclopean build towered over her, but she didn’t seem bothered at all.

Not far away, in a small semi-circle around her and a large fire sitting on what was possibly the best place to land a ship for miles, were a group of elves dressed in dark green and red colored armors, and behind them beached on the coast were two ships. Each elf was armed, and on the sails of the ship, was the crest of a stylized red colored leaf.

None of the elves seemed particularly concerned about this. In fact some were taking bets or seeming amused by this whole situation, passing around what was presumably alcoholic drinks.

Sucaria seemed for once in her life, somewhat baffled by what she was witnessing.

Airedale keep -> Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“Hehe, thank you for the vote of confidence,” Elnith smiled softly. “But next time, I won’t let such a beast best me.” Lugh’s expression immediately lit up hearing that Ethelred would allow him to come. He didn’t say anything, merely eagerly jumping once, then immediately running off, presumably to get his equipment ready for the journey. “Well, Lugh seems eager to work with both of us, so I see no reason to decline.” Elnith continued, watching Lugh run off. “Allow me to get my things. I may be a bit tired still, but I’ll do my best.”

It would take a bit longer for the two of them to get ready, and by the time the trio would leave, it’d almost be nightfall for the day. Thankfully, the lake was only a day away at most and they’d reach there by evening the next day. Upon enquiring in a nearby village the trio would be directed to another village only another days travel away along the north western edge of the sizable lake quite close to where the waterfall that fed into the lake from the northern mountains and glaciers flowed.

Fey were nothing new in the area, in fact it was the main reason most people didn’t choose to come to the otherwise peaceful lake. There was always a chance of running into an Unseelie here. Normally, though, they didn’t cause much trouble - the moment they had gotten into the next village mentioned, however, something clearly was amiss.

The entire place, though it had people here, actively avoided the knights as they arrived. Many would run inside at the sight of the trio, specifically it seemed Ethelred had put them on edge, a few shouting that the unseelie had returned and swiftly fled indoors.

“Something…certainly has them scared.” Elnith idly commented, dismounting her steed and lugh soon following suit. A few villagers remained in the main pathway through the central part of the village, but all avoided looking directly at Ethelred, Elnith, or Lugh, hurrying along and going about their business for fear of drawing their ire.


The endless blackness beckoned, and so Fio went. She had already gained a good deal of information she could use to try and pry more answers out of the Fomorian. Her name, her relationship with that three armed fomorian, whatever she was doing with the bandits as well as whoever was employing her.

Deeper had to have more memories, and more information?

Of course.


If this dream realm was part of Cethlann’s memories, then why was there just an endless expanse of nothing here? As Fio moved deeper into the cave, through the door, she’d find herself in a vast expanse, the instant she stepped out of the cave, the camp, cavern, everything disappeared behind her in a near instant.

She was simply just alone now. Alone, in this endless expanse of dark, glassy ground. It was hard to tell how much time she’d pass here. Whether she’d walk or stay put, it would all amount to more or less the same. Soon large, broken, rectangular objects began slowly growing from the ground, stubby looking branches and appendages reaching for the alien stars above the sky - except now there hung a large, white sphere, illuminating the dream world she found herself in.

And then…a crack formed in the sphere.

Rather than a crack, though it was more like a single, horizontal line.

And it opened, revealing within, was a large, single eyeball. Red and swollen, black, cursed goo leaked from under its eyelids and fell to the ground, the ground quickly shaking and seemingly becoming less solid under Fios feet as she’d start to sink into the ground.

The air became dry. Her lungs felt heavy as breathing became difficult.

The warding sigils on her skin began burning.

The rectangular structures seemed to be burning, melting, and slowly merging into the blackness below her.

This was bad. Whatever this was, it wasn’t just a simple curse that was trying to claim her. This malice, this hatred, this sheer fury she would feel began screaming in her head, demanding something from her.

And yet, even as above the stars dimmed, in the distant murkiness, she could see something shining faintly. From it, came a wave of calmness, and a gentle tugging. The light seemed to lessen the effects of whatever was happening in this quickly collapsing dream but she’d have to hurry lest she be swallowed.
12.000 hours


Katherine's bullet slammed into the side of the demons large body, a few hitting impacting the creatures uninjured tendril, ripping holes right through it and searing the fleshy insides of the beast. While most dolls managed to avoid the blow not all were swift enough as they were clipped and launched backwards, a few breaking from the impact as another volley pierced the demons flesh. The one targeting Senya managed to finish charging, another torrent of acid being launched towards her! If she didn't dodge or do something, she was going to get drenched and there was no telling how powerful that acid was or how much her dress would protect her.

The demon itself, was still wrestling with the tanks cannon, making use of its impressive strength to pry the barrel away, and keep it pointed away from itself while its smaller main body repeatedly punched and pulled at the metal, managing to even put a few dents in it.

"Ahaha, what's the matter! Quit hiding and come-"

"Soyti!" The tanks lid suddenly popped open, and slamming into the demons face, was a large, mechanical wrench. "You wanted me out! Then here I am, demon!"

The demon said nothing, only responded by leaping towards Leoniya, who managed to barely avoid the lunge by side stepping, In one sift motion, she'd slam the large wrench back into the creatures head, but the uninjured maw was coming up behind the rat woman, aiming to make short work of her.

@Click This@AzureKnight

Polina acted swiftly, blades shining in the sunlight impaled themselves in the demons flesh. So focused on the girl and potentially tormenting her, they did not immediately hear the approach of the maids. One blade sunk itself inside one close to the girl, crying out in guttural pain as its flesh was pierced, its tough leathery hide bleeding fire as it would swiftly turn around in a somewhat unnatural manner, its long, gangly limbs twisting and turning towards the maid that attacked it.

At Polina's questions, the girl barely turned her head towards the maid, lifeless eyes simply gazing towards the ground, gripping a torn piece of the older womans dress in her hands. She at least, seemed fine physically, but she didn't seem like she was going to be going anywhere on her own at the moment.

Which proved to be a problem.

Lucrecia was correct - the demons had immediately set upon the two maids the instant they had made their presence known. While there were only five of the humanoid demons, now that they were in the thick of it, at least eleven hellhounds, barking and snarling aggressively.

The one that had been impaled earlier, made a harsh whistling noise three of the hounds immediately leaping towards Polina and the girl, fangs snarling and poised to rip and tear while the humanoid stamped its foot on the ground, lowered its upper body, and made to charge Polina. Another two snapped their fingers, a thin trail of fire appearing on the tips of their crooked fingers, which would turn into a thin beam of fire that fired towards Lucrecia, while a number of hellhounds charged her.

The one that had been gorging itself on bodies, managed to get back to its feet, firey blood dripping from its body as it snarled at the maids, seemingly angry that two of the hellhounds had been killed in their ambush while fifth laughed jovially, making a high pitched, shouting noise before seeming a bit confused that there were no hellhounds that seemed to be responding to it...

@Raineh Daze

Well, that wasn't quite the reply she was expecting. For the most part, Cecil paid no mind to the elf boring holes in her body. Such gazes were not something she wasn't unused too, back in the old nobility circles she ran in really. A gaze of judgement and deciding someones worth and whether or not they'd be an easy target for...hm, messing with, as one might say. All she spared was a quick glance towards the elf, but she had already gone back to another conversation and focused back on the spider lady.


Hmm, curious. She wasn't from around here, then? She had seen a lot of oddities during her time as a mercenary but this was still a bit unfamiliar to her.

"The Iron Roses?" She turned her head towards the androgynous elf with a chuckle. "Weeeelll, I could tell you how I valiantly helped put down the bandit king, saved our knight captain with a well placed arrow and took down a rampaging beast of great size," Some embellishments were fine. "They only accept the best of the best in the order, after all, and it's hard to pick where to begin." She'd offer the elf a cheeky grin. "Though, I could tell you what it lacks currently - a beautiful woman like the one in front of me."


"So Miss Spider," She'd turn her attention back towards the Arachne with a friendly smile."Am I going to have to ask you for a dance later without knowing your name or will I have the privilege?"

"Cecil I think that elf is one of the ones we've seen in those old paintings or whatever!"

Cecil quietly glanced back over to the elf.

"What was her name? Lil something...Lily? Lillian? Lila-"

"Lilette?" Well, she hadn't intended on saying that aloud, but here she was.
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

“O-oh uhm, well,” Fra fidgeted with her dress. “Someone should look after the cathedral…it would be a shame for it to be empty, even for only a little while…” The thrall couldn’t meet her mistress gaze as she’d reply. It was hard for Luna to get a read on her, but it didn’t seem like she was being dishonest, just timid. “Uhm, as for defenses…its not a big place. I’d say roughly a few dozen people or so live there. An old stone wall runs along the south and eastern sides of the village, but the northern gate was destroyed at some point the west has a river next to it. They don’t have many people capable of fighting…mostly, if something attacks they usually just try and hide, waiting it out…”

She shook her head.

“Uhm…there is this one woman though. I-I think she’s a blacksmith or something? She tries to hunt things near the village where she can to help keep it safe. She’s uhm…well she doesn’t like me, aha…” Fra rubbed her arm nervously. “They usually light the village with silver lamps. I don’t know how they work, but they seem to be able to keep most small creatures away from the village. I apologize I can’t be of more help, Mistress…”

Akyasha’s gorebats alighted on her shoulder, chirping pleasantly, but seemingly restless. Might be best to keep them around for now, or send them out scouting ahead in case they ran into anything on their way to this supposed village.

For now at least, it seemed as though nothing else needed to be done in the city. They could consider rebuilding and strengthening the city itself once they had the manpower, thralls, and other lords revived and willing to help.

With the still oddly fresh and bloody heart safely secured, once everyone had made their preparations and were ready, Fra would point them in the proper direction. Out the nearby city gate, down the old, dusty path that once would have allowed traders and people through, around the old, gnarled forest, towards what would have at one point been a riverside town. From the way she described the journey, it would likely take a few hours and be an overnight trip or two…for an average mortal, at least. They didn’t have as much need for rest, now did they?

Regardless, Fra would not wish to come unless she’d be forced to by the lords. The trip would be blessedly uneventful, the darkness of the world around them hiding little from their vampiric sight. Where humans would hear noises and creatures scampering, howling in the distance, the vampires only saw ragged beasts, who in turn, saw them, and cautiously stalked their presumed prey for some time.

Of course, they themselves soon became the prey.
And soon, the village would finally come into view. Lamps lit two ruined pillars, giving off the only source of light for miles. A number of corpses of four legged creatures that looked like some amalgamation of deer and wolf, with antlers sprouting from their head but possessing a body structure more like a wolf with an elongated muzzle and far too long limbs littered the area near the pillar.

Beyond the stone pillar, they could see a number of shoddily built and old dwellings. Some looked like they had existed since the Ophidiel Era with quick repairs and patchworks to keep them mostly livable, while others seemed completely hastily constructed. The tallest of the buildings they could see had a lamp atop it, illuminating someone standing up there.

They could hear some people jovially talking not too far away, though they were just out of sight in a nearby building.
Nyoko and Kaeru

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth

Boy it was crowded in here, huh? Well, not that Kaeru or Nyoko minded, especially when they got to meet the newcomers. They might get some flak for doing whatever it was they both wanted as usual, but neither particularly cared too much in the long term. Oh, was he being addressed now? Kaeru looked towards Mika as Nyoko laid her head on his shoulder, having managed to squeeze herself on the other side of him.

"Ah? Ehe, you're goddamn right I'm cute." Kaeru responded playfully to Mika with a cheeky grin, pointing to himself. "Kaeru, this is Nyoko." The Nekomata nodded in agreement with Kaeru, it seemed. "Nice to meet ya both. No need to be all formal with us either, Kaeru and Nyoko is fine." Another nod from Nyoko who was looking rather intently at Kyozan. "...Although I think Nyoko is still sore about you not covering for her, ahaha."

"Am not."

"You totally are."

"...maybe a little..."

It was about the time they'd finish their conversation they'd find themselves at the park, Nyoko leaping out of the van and stretching her legs, having not really cared too much for the cramped space. Kaeru would follow shortly after watching the people fleeing the scene and the succubus setting to work acting to guide the people away from the grudges. He was a little disappointed he couldn't engage completely, but at the same time, well, it was likely they wanted to see what the newcomers were capable of and gauge their abilities.

"Ehe, sorry Sato." Kaeru chuckled. "Nyoko was interested in these guys and well, we both wanted to meet 'em a bit." He'd respond with a chuckle. "Don't worry, we won't get in the way." He glanced over to Kyozan. "...try not to cut loose too much though, big guy. Nyoko, wanna get ready?" The Nekomata nodded, giving a thumbs up and running off towards the park. "Ah, just a thing - if you two see any undead it'll be fiiiine. They're not the bad guys. Toodles!" With those parting words, Kaeru took off after his partner.

There was a non-zero chance the two were probably going to attempt some sort of shenanigans with the new comers.

Strangely, the demon was silent.

For once in her life, the demon wasn’t speaking or talking, giving her derisive jabs, calling her a dumbass, or anything. Just silence. The only thing she could hear was this things ‘breathing’ and Yuisa walking over. She had put on the mask she had worn when they had fought in the forest, but she seemed mostly fine.

“...definitely a demon - ” Yuisa replied.

The moment Yuisa spoke, the demon turned to look at her, and immediately leaped towards the human. Yuisa hissed, pulling a knife from her belt as the creature ripped into her clothes, blood spilling from a fresh cut in her stomach as a black, inky tar was left behind in the wound. She shrieked, plunging the knife into the creature and trying to throw it off of her.

@Click This

“Yes, actually. Your palm…is so dainty, but so strong.” Jolca continued to run her hands through Lissas, until both of hers had clasped themselves entirely over the other womans while she made her offer to Ambros. She still seemed entirely unfazed by the prodding on her shoulder, too.

“Its not the Yaga that are looking for trouble.” Ambros replied. “We welcome outsiders openly. The only reason we helped the Krysa to start with is because we are not in a position to have an open conflict with them without good cause.” He shook his head. “The losses we took in the initial assault and when those Oni broke through the line gave us a good enough excuse to pull back, for now at least.” The yagan male shook his head. “I’ll do what I can to convince the Tsarita’s women, but once they’ve made up their mind on something they are unlikely to change it easily.”

“Hmm…Ambros, maybe tell her about the witch? If she can get to her before the Krysa can, perhaps we can help more?”

“That one isn’t likely to help us, you know that.”

“Well, she certainly doesn’t like the Krysa!” Jolca released Lissa’s hand, stepping close enough her ears could tickle Lissa’s nose. “Hm, in the forest! There’s a lone Yaga. We don’t know her name, only that in the past she really, really, made enemies with the Death Goddess. Something about necromancy and what not. She could help us, with a little convincing, I’m sure of it.”

“Relying on her help is dangerous, Jolca.”

“Yes yes, taboos and all whatnot.”

“Hmph, regardless, Lissa. If you want to help the merchants we’ll need to both do something about the Krysa. Jolca’s insights are usually spot on, but even so…I’d say look about geting more information from the rats themselves. Ambushing and getting information and written orders from one of their patrols likely won’t be difficult or noticed.”

@crimson Paladin@Crusader Lord

“Well, suit yourself stranger.” Eirhild shrugged as Novak made to leave. “What’d you want to do then, Nylah? It’s probably best if we stick together at least.” Just as Novak turned to leave, he’d pass by Jivka. The other Yaga was just now returning, glancing at the newcomer with a mild suspicious glance before looking at her two guests again.

“Made yourselves right at home, eh? Figure out what you’re gonna do?”

“We’re, uh, workin on it. We got some new information at least.” Eirhild replied.

As Novak left, he’d be given friendly greetings by the local Yagas. The Krysa mostly ignored him, though whether that was from indifference or Marushka had said something to them, it was hard to tell. Ayumi scampered off somewhere, not wanting to be seen just in case some Krysa had gotten some bright idea about a potential connection.

Soon, Novak would find himself near the edge of the village. There hadn’t been to many things of note. The Krysa had been busy doing their usual routines of patrolling and running. The only thing that really stood out though, was where they seemed to be patrolling.

A wooded area, not far outside the city. He’d have watched a number of Krysa soldiers both enter, as well as leave.

@Raineh Daze

A ball, huh.

Well, it wasn't her first one, though she had thought she'd seen her last years ago. She had first thought she was still drunk when she got word of it, but the aggressive hangover she had certainly meant she was awake. Cecil remained mostly quiet as they approached the castle. She didn't mind balls like this, though she didn't quite like the stuffiness or the games the nobles played. It was a good thing at least, that she was looking forward to whatever it was Lein was up to.

She glanced over towards the Hundi, stifling a chuckle at his dress as they entered the main hallway. The lady that was the previous owner of that dress hopefully wouldn't show up and accuse him of theft. Well, actually, maybe she was hoping she would if only because she'd get a kick out of it.

Pulling her gaze away from the sight of Lein approaching the knight captain, Cecil adjusted her own jacket, having opted for a suit rather than a dress. A black and dark green suit jacket, with long pants and stylish boots. Simple, but stylish. Nothing to stand out, but acceptable enough to not earn any derision either. The only complaint, it was tighter in the chest area then she remembered it being.

"Might as well enjoy ourselves." Cecil said quietly.

"Try not to get us thrown out, hm? I do so like parties like this. Oh, do they have any fancy cheeses? Perhaps some exotic fish to choose from?" Fancy cheeses and fish, huh? Well, she wasn't a fan of cheese but Fish? Well, she did enjoy a good, savory cooked one, though she doubted there would be any such thing here. She'd scan the food tables, eyes soon falling on two elves and a-

"Hmm...well, I dunno about fancy cheeses or fish, but..."

"...Cecil? Hey Cecil! I agree she's pretty but-come on! The...food..." Well, Shael wasn't wrong. She probably should just behave herself, but something about one of these elves was...funny. Like, they were familiar or something. Almost as if she had seen one of them before. More than just a passing sense of Dejavu, too. Well, her curiosity had thoroughly been peaked at least. Grabbing a nearby glass of wine, Cecil approached the two elves and the spider woman with a friendly smile.

"Well, its not easy to be more eye-catching then the entire ball or the knights in attendance," Cecil offered the glass of wine to the spider lady along with a dashing, roguish smile. "Cecilia, if you didn't hear the Herald, though I think they should have announced your name instead."
12.000 hours


The demon, focused on its targets initially paid Senya no heed. As its charged up attack grew to full capacity, the three heads in unison roared, a torrent of green liquid being expelled from the three. Just as one launched the acidic liquid, Senya’s bullets slammed into the side of one. The sound of heavy fire, bullets leaving the barrel of her gun and exploding upon its soft flesh and knocking the trajectory completely off, instead sending the blast of liquid slamming into the side of a nearby building thankfully saving Astreya.

Using so much magic was starting to get a bit draining, but she’d probably be fine for a little more.

Katherine’s dolls, swarmed a second, the one that was aiming at Katherine. The Dolls, small and swift, first launched a volley of bullets. Blood poured from its wounds, but it barely seemed fazed by the wounds as the dolls closed in with sword and steel, cutting deep wounds into its flesh but doing nothing to stop the trajectory of the acidic liquid -


Another explosion, this time, much larger and propelled by something of a much larger force. A shell from Leoniya’s tank, ripping right through one of the tendrils and sending a second stream of acid off center, barely grazing Katherine’s body and just barely singing her body.

The third though, was completely unhindered. Leoniya’s tank took the full brunt of the impact, the sound of burning, sizzling metal.

“Gah, ow ow that hurt!” The demon hissed, one of her tendrils having almost been severed by the dolls while a second, one could see visible bone as Senya’s bullets completely ripped its flesh. “I’ll get rid of the metal annoyance first!”

The demon leaped towards the tank, its uninjured maw grabbing the tanks main cannon, wrestling control of it away. The two injured ones would lash out towards Senya and Katherine, one taking a swipe towards the Pupeteer’s dolls, and the one targeting Senya preparing to send another torrent of acid towards it.

The demon's main body climbed on top of the tank, seemingly attempting to pry off the entry hatch.

@Click This@AzureKnight

Finding lesser demons to clean up was easy enough. Some hellhounds here and there. Some smaller versions of those lumbering furnaces. A number of some…bat things that exploded when struck, but for the most part, nothing above a demon beast level that was fairly easily dispatched.

Finding the remains of a guard station wasn’t hard. What was hard, was finding one that was still intact. The first they’d run into, was destroyed. The second had completely fallen into a fiery hole in the ground. The third? Overrun with demons. Even the armory wasn’t safe. The only commonality between them was something seemingly having completely destroyed or broken and smashed through one of the walls.

It wasn’t until, they would hear the faint sound of crying that they would be altered to any possible survivor. Following the sound, and the sound of high pitched giggling from some demons, the maid pair would find a rather disturbing sight in what was once an old storefront.

Hunched over humanoids, with long, bestial, leathery maws, slender, tarry skin with beady eyes. Three toes on their feet, ending in sharp claws, with long, far too slender and lanky arms that almost reached towards the ground. A number of hellhounds stood beside them, barking aggressively.

More Demon beasts, and what were they crowded around?

A girl, in tattered clothes. A bright red dress and blond hair. She was crying, but didn’t seem to be resisting at the moment. Nearby, a number of bodies lay, half eaten by the hounds and one of the hunched over demons was currently partaking of them. A similar red dress was being worn by one of the adult bodies.
Location: Airedale keep
@Crimson Paladin@Pyromania99

“...Thank you for the concern, Lady Luna, but please, its really not needed.” Elnith replied with a quiet chuckle. She would not resist, though, merely quietly offer Luna a gentle smile as she worked her magic. Still, even if she could heal…Elniths wounds wouldn’t be so easily dealt with. She could make the lesser burns better, but anything more severe? It would require multiple days to heal.

It was likely only a small comfort that Elnith was of a superhuman constitution.

Vyrell, meanwhile, took the token gently from Luna, staring intently at it. Whatever he was thinking was difficult to tell over his usual unreadable face.

“...Hm.” Vyrell handled the crest, turning it over a few times before looking back towards Luna. “As you are aware, I’ve spent time with the elves of Lymensari, the Fomorian and Unseelie of the Laughing Wood. I am aware of history and stories not common to most humans.” Vyrell glanced back at the crest. “If you’ll let me have it, I shall dig up some information from some of my sources. My intuition is telling me that whatever is going on with this sigil it could affect her Majesty.”

“Well, if you’re done with me, Luna…” Elnith smiled, pulling away from the knight. “Someone is staring at me rather intently, so I should probably go say hi. Thanks again, Luna.” She’d reach up, pat Luna on the head, and headed back over to Ethelred.

“If you keep staring at me, people might get the wrong idea, Sir Ethelred.” She greeted him. “Thank you again for coming to my rescue. I realize I should have been able to handle that much myself, but…I guess I’m still not good enough…” She shook her head, banishing the negative thoughts. “Do you require my assistance for something?”

Hearing that Ethelred may be going to hunt the Unseelie, Lugh would quietly, move over, though he didn’t immediately say anything as he’d just stare up at Ethelred with the biggest, pleading eyes he could muster.

Location: Airedale Forests

Reinhardt would head out of the city, past the city gates, and into the nearby forests. They were mostly safe, thanks to the routine patrols and most things seemingly just having a natural tendency to stay away from the city for whatever reason. He might run into a hunter or two, a farmer out for a walk, or some children playing outside the walls, but for the most part, it was just him…and the sound of nature.

But out here, one could only remain alone for so long even then. Instead of a child, some farmer, or some other such person…he’d find a fairly unfamiliar woman, drawing something into the dirt with a wooden staff.

Short brown hair, pale blue eyes and a white dress on an overall petite frame.

“Interrupt my spellcasting, and I’ll turn you into a frog.” She’d say in his direction.

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Focus. Like a lucid dream. She focused on the bandit leader and the fomorian, easily found by her distinctive, messy blond hair. A distant as she was though, it wasn’t easy to make out their words. The Fomorian herself was seemingly lounging about on the ground, lazily stuffing her mouth with some sort of dark colored fruit. Annagan’s face for whatever reason, was completely blank, like someone had scribbled over a drawing. Perhaps the fomorian hadn’t bothered to remember his face.

“What’s the matter, musclehead? I thought you’d be attacking those dumb lightswords already. Or has your blood run cold?”

“Has anyone ever told you your incessant chatter is worse than the laughing fey?”

“Pfft, I’ll take that as a compliment….” The conversation grew dim for a few moments as Fio began moving towards the basement, words heard, but drowned as though they were spoken through water. “...have you given up? Given up your pursuit of strength?”

“Of course not.”

“Pathetic. Then why do you keep rejecting my…experiments?”

“Simple - I want to crush them with my own strength.”

“...Hypocrite. I’ve already given your men strength.”

“They made that choice themselves-”

“...Heh. We’ll see how long you say that for…”

That was all she could hear of the conversation, their voices fading into the distance. The basement under the large wooden construction was easy enough to find. The rest of the base was fragmented, murky, as though the fomorian couldn’t be bothered to remember it all. As she’d step down the path and into the cellar of the place she’d find something quite…unexpected.

Instead of the cells of the forts basement, she was now standing in some sort of man made cave it seemed. Patches of the ground were smooth, inky black, as though the floor of this dreamscape was melding with the ground in certain places, or simply weren’t being remembered well. At the end of a long hallway, she could hear two voices speaking but they were only accompanied by vague shadows.

“...how long do you intend to keep up this farce?”

“Farce, C—--?” A voice she’d recognize as the fomorian prisoners and a masculine voice she felt was familiar, but couldn’t quite immediately place. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ll break them, and those damnable lightswords. I just need to…convince him.”

“...we both know you’re here for something else, Cethlenn. Luckily for you I don’t care for your schemes for they’re nothing to Lord —-.”

Obscured names. Was the fomorian trying to resist? She had a name for the fomorian now at least it seemed. Cethlenn.

“Whatever do you mean? I’m just a harmless little scientist looking for greater power and understanding. These funny little humans will be excellent sources of information.”

“...suit yourself. I’ve been instructed to help. I shall take some men, and harass the Lightswords for some time. Do hurry up. We are getting impatient with your lack of results in this matter.” Wait…that was the voice of the fomorian that attacked the Lightsword Outpost! If nothing else, this confirmed they new each other, but it was hard to say much else about what was happening, or what all this information currently meant without more context.

The shadows would disperse, and the long stone hallway she was in would rumble slightly, and the wall behind them sinking into the ground and allowing further passage within.

Behind she could hear the sound of what sounded like more shouting, back outside in the fort the way she came. Ahead, it seemed…the cave let out into the large expanse of blackness that extended outside of the camp.

For a brief moment, she almost thought she heard something whisper for her to head that way…but there was nothing that way except an endless expanse of nothingness.

“...must be something demonic related if you don’t find this revoltingly sweet.” Yuisa held a hand to her nose, trying not to breathe too deeply as Vammy teased her. “What, can I stay here? Then I will.” That was probably a bad thing to suggest really. It wasn’t like Yuisa would be willingly following Vammy anytime soon.

What was also likely not a super smart thing, was chasing after some scurrying shadow disappearing into the depths of this place, and it’d soon become apparent that one indeed, should not simply run head first into this place. The moment Vammy got to the end of the hallway, she’d almost run right into some sort of…humanoid, plant thing. Pale, taught skin pulled around its bones. In the place of its head was a blood red flower, inky black nectar slowly leaking from its head. Its arms, had been replaced by sharp, bladed plants.

It tilted its head curiously at vammy, a low gurgle coming from somewhere in its body as it’d regard her curiously.

This thing, whatever it was, definitely was demonic, and it didn’t immediately seem hostile. Somewhat curious, perhaps.

@Click This

“Ambroś, traveler.” The man greeted Lissa with a sigh. “I can’t tell you much, aside from what Marushka has told me. Someone broke into the home of a high ranking member of their court. Some…shaman or wiseman of theirs, with intent to kill. It just so happened that it was the same time that the caravan of that one merchant - Mie - was passing through. They say they have proof, but they aren’t showing it.” He’d shake his head, leaning forward slightly and resting his arms on the throne. “A mess, is what this is. We were initially more than happy to help, but we’ve reason to think the Krysa have some other agenda here since they’re cracking down on any merchant or trader that isn’t affiliated with them in some manner.”

“Yes, yes, Envoy. The rats are being little rats, as one might say!” Jolca swiftly walked over, casually grabbing Lissa’s outstretched hand with a smile. “Not like you, hm? Is this a customary greeting where you hail from?”

“Jolca, what do you think?”

“About her? Hm...the travelers were quite interesting. I may not have your foresight, but I wouldn't have intervened if I didn't think they could help! She even came here like I thought she would.” She had yet to let go of Lissa’s hand, and was now running her thumbs over the disguised raam’s open palm as if feeling for something.

As Jolca did whatever it was she was doing though, Ambros got up from the throne, his towering frame walking towards Lissa and stopping a few feet in front of her.

"Alright, then you'll help us." He'd say in a very matter of fact manner, as though this was a foregone conclusion.

@crimson Paladin@Crusader Lord

“Woah, lass, someone ever tell ya ye talk too much?” Eirhild responded before Novak could. The dwarf simply took a seat on the table as the two of them conversed, likely in some attempt to be on the same height level as the two of them. Ayumi joined her, sitting next to the dwarf and watching the back and forth curiously. “If I could get a word in, I’d say its fine if we stick together. The Yaga already seem t’think we’re some sorta envoy from the underworld or whatever, might as well stick to that story eh? A bunch’a strangers arriving in town at the same time’s gonna cause a ruckus. Might as well say he was someone we’re lookin for and we got word that he was here.”

She’d turn to Novak with a friendly smile.

“Dunno much else about Dawn though, I’m just a hired sword that was passin’ through. Lissa promised me coin so here I am.”

@Cu Chulainn

The spear went in.

And Gideon’s arm did the same.

There was the sound of ripping, like some sort of mechanical contraption being jammed as the spear did as Gideon intended it too. The beast made a noise like grinding of rocks and earth as it tried to regain its footing after quite literally being moved against its will and the interior of its mouth grinding to a halt as the spear effectively jammed its mouth open.

This didn’t save his arm entirely, though. Sharp teeth ripped through his flesh and clothing, but as it stood it was nothing a Raam couldn’t just walk off after a bit of rest. Glass shattered, and with one swift movement, the jagged edge was shoved right into the beasts eye.

It made a sound like the earth itself was howling as Gideon yanked the spear back out, the beast fell over onto its side, thrashing and squirming as its eye was bleeding out. It wasn’t dead yet, but it’d be a simple matter to shove the mostly intact spear into its eye, and right through its more fleshy interior.

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