Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Location: Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR@Click This

“...I don’t trust them. What kinda people even travel these days? Maybe if there was another village close by, but we haven’t heard anything from the other places in what feels like months.” One of the men rebuffed the group, the appearance of Akyasha and Dragan making them feel just a bit uncomfortable from the looks of things.

“Beastmen? Are you certain?” The one that seemed to be more receptive to them silenced the other man with a glare. “They’ve been attacking so frequently lately, barely five lantern-lightings ago did they attack last.”

“Do we sound the alarm?”

“If we do and they aren’t attacking anything nearby will definitely hear it.”

“We’ve no reason to trust you, but you’ve also no reason to lie.” He’d say, shaking his head. “We live in strange times, since the last age and the sun fell. I won’t question it. If you’ve got your reasons then we won’t get in your way.” He’d reach for the bell, pulling on it loudly and cleanly, a resonant, melodic clang echoing through the village. The other men quickly gathered their things, running deeper into the village.

“You’re welcome to stay at my place to wait them out.” The man said, just as the sound of several more bells rang through the small village. The gorebat tha Akyasha had left behind, landed on Giselle’s head, uncaring for the humans' rather startled reaction upon seeing it.

It seemed to be trying to pull Giselle towards the direction of the forest.

Location: Human Village

Akyasha swiftly left the group, heading towards where her gorebat was leading her much to the startled humans who seemed to be growing more wary that this group of travelers were all both well dressed as well as somewhat large in number than what they were used to seeing. Still, she’d run down what served as the main street, running past some startled villagers who had as of yet been alerted to the newcomers as well as past the old buildings that served as the peoples homes.

As Akyasha approached, she couldn’t yet hear the sound of fighting, but she could see both the water as well as the human in question.

A strong, somewhat severe looking woman was going around dressed in a thick dress, apron, and gauntlets with long, slightly messy blond hair and a well maintained chestplate. She was walking calmly not far from the river, a silver lantern hanging from her hip that seemed to cast light much further than one would think from the small amount of light it contained.

Akyasha would find this light uncomfortable as she approached.

Had her gorebats gotten things wrong? There was definitely a woman here, a ways off from the village near the water but there were no undead just yet. Thankfully, she had more than her eyes to see here. She was no necromancer, but as a cleric of Ichor she could definitely feel the familiar sense that every undead gave off for a vampire…and it was coming from the river.

Beyond what the human could likely see immediately, Akyasha could see drowned corpses slowly climbing onto the shore, not quite having made it all the way out of the water yet.

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

“Says the one who hardly paid her any mind during your first unlife.” The maid replied curtly, the ship creaking as a rough sea breeze battered its frame. “But you’re in luck. The Violet Witch has no desire to go against Ichor. If anything, you should be on your knees groveling your pathetic thank yous for her infinite mercy.” Despite the maids harsh words, she’d pull a vial of sanguine colored fluid from her dress, tossing it in Argus' direction.

A vial of blood.

“A vial. My own, if you're curious. It should get you back on your feet, for now.” The maid walked past, away from the desk and out towards the black skies, towards the battered coast below. “You can see for yourself, or are your eyes worse than mine? Everyone lost in that war. Vampires. The Paladins. The earth, gods, devils…all fell, and all we can do is just…survive.” Her mouth curled into a frown, hands balling into a fist, speaking just low enough that Argus could not hear her entirely above the wind and creaking of the ship.

She turned her gaze towards Argus.

“What we want from you is simple. We would like you to…claim an artifact that has recently come into possession of your vampiric brethren and acquire it for us. I can not say much other than it is a blade of great power. Its blade mimics the waves of the oceans and if used correctly can be used to both take life from a divine being…and return it to one. It has lost most of its power, but it still has its uses. I could take it myself…but my lady has instructed discretion and hopes that we could have a…continued relationship, Captain Fellborn. Should you accept, we will support you in what ways that we can, and as a show of good faith I will assist you in escorting you to a village not terribly far from here where you will no doubt meet your brethren.”
Nyoko and Kaeru

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth

"Jeez, someone's overly excited." Kaeru giggled, watching Kyozan rip and tear like some sort of bloodthirsty demon...which well, was pretty much exactly what he was, wasn't he? Might as well help them out a bit. They could handle this without much trouble, and there was a pretty good chance the grudges here weren't anything special. They ultimately decided not to go too far into the park just yet, just far enough ahead of the other two to slow the stem of grudges a bit further on while Mika and Kyozan cleaned up the ones nearest to the parks exit.

"Alright, Nyoko. Start time?"

A brief nod form the Nekomata, and Nyoko started her usual dance. A slow, methodical dance to open with. Step to the left, step to the right, raise a hand, draw a sigil in the air as mystical fire slowly danced around her as she too danced. A step backwards, a slow spin and raise her hands and an elegant hop. Spectral hands rose from the ground, grabbing the nearby grudges from below and slowing movements as they tried to pass making them far easier targets for Kyozan.

Amidst the chaos, Kyozan would find a pair of spectral, skeletal hands briefly, just ever so briefly, grab his ankles while he was moving. A totally innocent cat was finishing her first dance as the grudges would briefly be slowed and held to make them easier targets.

@Raineh Daze

"No? Hmm...then at least let me keep you company later?" Rather disappointing she was turned down, and she was growing a bit concerned that the Elf, Lilia had grown silent, her expression changing from excited to one that was very even. Did she offend her in some way? She may need to make a tactical exit with her own special pocket sand, but it was soon proven, that she had no need to.

"Eh?" Cecil couldn't help but to let out a little chuckle at the blush slowly overcoming Lilia's cheeks. Well then. Seems someone here was an inexperienced elf. Cecillia placed the wineglass she had on a nearby tray, flashing Lilia the most charming smile she could. "Well then, my fair lady Lilia," Cecil held a hand out for Lilia to take. "If you will let me have the honor of this dance, then shall we get started?" Before the elf could protest, Cecil took her hand, the charming smile fading and replaced with her usual roguish demeanor as she'd pull the elf onto the floor.

@Crimson Paladin@Psyker Landshark

"Ah yes, of course, I would never leave the posting assigned to me." Felix rebutted, making a dismissive motion as he spoke. "Where else would I have done it? In the middle of the duties assigned to me in the protection of said royals." Felix's mouth turned upwards into an uneasy smile as he'd recognize Renar's smarmy, shit eating grin from anywhere. "It happened not too long ago. A small incident when one of the royal family was traveling. A troll just so happened to cross our path. I'm not surprised you didn't hear about it, I asked father to keep it discreet at behest of said royal." Felix smirked.

"Or what, do you not believe me, brother? I have no reason to lie, and accusing a crown knight such as myself of lying and spouting false stories is quite an accusation."

12.000 hours


Katherine’s doll appeared behind Rat, immediately swinging forth with its halberd, catching the demons maw mid swing and stopping it mostly in its tracks long enough for Leoniya to grab something from her belt. Spinning on her feet, she’d toss it into the air, a oblong, roughly oval shaped object. She immediately swung her wrench at it, catching it on the flat end of it as she’d slam both the object and the wrench into the creatures maw.

Grabbing the doll, Leoniya followed through by slamming her foot into the demons head, sending her stumbling off the tank and to the ground, followed by the rat woman, leaping down on top of the demon and impaling her with the spike on the end of her wrench.

“Katherine! Now!”

The demon tried clawing at the weapon that was holding her down, growling ferally at the rat woman as she’d struggle to wiggle out from under her. The last uninjured tendril would swing around, making to knock Leoniya off…only for an explosion from something embedded in the creatures soft flesh to immediately explode, blasting the thing completely apart and giving Katherine enough time to seal the demon.

@Click This@AzureKnight

The girl didn’t struggle, or do anything really. Didn’t make any attempts at moving, speaking, or even acknowledging what was happening around her. The fact it made carrying her easier, was barely even a small blessing.

Polina’s bullets ripped through the demons flesh, impacting their relatively weak and not very well put together joints, ripping off chunks of flesh and briefly stopping its movements as it’d stumble to the ground, spilling its blood as it’d try and get back to its feet, its body shuddering and painfully snapping as its flesh and sinew would try and return to form.

The bullets Lucrecia loosed towards the hellhounds struck true. Thankfully, if the Hellhounds themselves did not have such regenerative abilities and with the well placed shots the demons fell to the ground, lifeless as their humanoid handlers would hiss angrily in a manner that seemed to suggest they didn’t quite like the hounds dying. They would back off from the maids lightly, seemingly considering the fact that the maids clearly were more formidable foes then they thought.

“...ah…” It was in this brief lull that the little girl would make a quiet sound somewhere between a sob and a shout. “Are…you with the other maids?” She’d squeak out.
Nids End

“...mhm, I am.” Sucaria replied plainly. Something about this place just made her…heart feel heavy. Feel ill. It had nothing to do with the elves, moreso the land itself it felt like.

“No? We hardly leave the forest, so that’s to be expected! Anyways, come on, take a seat, have a drink.” The elf would shove a mug into Luna’s hand. “Aye, this is more of a sport. The big guy over there challenged us to a duel. Said if we win he’d show us around a bit and tell us about this sorry piece of land we find ourselves in.”

Lady Sarah and the Cyclopeon fomorian continued their battle in the background. As her blade struck through his knee armor and flesh, he’d let out a grunt of pain, but would soon retaliate with a strike of his own. Before the blade could sever bone and tendon, he’d lash out with his leg, kicking up sandy beach and dirt towards the elf.

She’d respond in turn, leaping just far enough away to avoid getting kicked as the fomorian followed it up with a second kick, from his other leg, this strike catching the elf squarely in the body, barely having time to deflect or avoid the blow.

“Lady Sarah could probably tell you more than I could.” He’d continue. “But she’s lookin for someone. An old friend. Can’t tell you her name, you’d best ask her about it, but we know she’s here somewhere, just dunno where.”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” The girl replied with a cheeky giggle. “Uhm…Sorcha, though? Isn’t she that lady they’re saying is just usurping power from Harzel? If you’re here to help though, uhm…” She quickly glanced around the street, and there was the sound of someone running inside the house and muffled shouts. “Uhm! Night! Forest! People are going missing due to a singing-”

“Get away from the window girl!”


Before she could say anything else, the man that Ethelred had first been speaking too pulled the woman away from the window, slamming the shutters shut behind the two as they would disappear back into the house. Still, he was able to get some information about what was happening here. Singing, night, and people going missing.

It wouldn’t be much longer before Lugh and Elnith returned.

“Ethelred, Ethelred.” Lugh approached. “They didn’t tell much. They said something about unseelie luring people into the forest.”

“Mhm, it seems as though something is at least.” Elnith responded. “How do you want to handle this? We could wait and see if something shows up tonight, but…if its unseelie enchanting people we may not be entirely immune to its effects either…”

Airedale Forests

“Eh? You understood that?” The revelation that the man in front of him was not just a simple musclehead, caused the human to interrupt her own chanting and spell, immediately losing control of it as she’d let out a small shout as the area over the circle and the small area around it began to shimmer and shift as reality bent.

And shimmering into existence.

Was what could be described as a giant, squid like tentacle.

“Gweh why is it always a sea creature!” The mage shouted, before said tentacle would whip around, grabbing the mage and holding her upside down. It didn’t immediately seem threatening otherwise, just holding her there as she dropped her staff and struggled to get the thing to drop her. Seemed like this might not be anything new.

“...hey. Hey. Hey listen. Sword guy? Help? I don’t fancy hanging here. Just…cut it. Might get violent if you do though, but you look big, strong, and totally intelligent so you can definitely handle it if it does. I got money if it also motivates you.”

As if to emphasize this, the tentacle shook her slightly, a few gold coins falling from her pockets.


“Goddess…?” The woman tilted her head. “...its been a long…time…since someone’s called me that…” She shook her head, smiling sleepily as she’d stand up as Fio made an assertion about her not being able to sing. She then, proceeded to well, making large, leaping steps over to Fio, ears atop her head flopping lightly each little bounce she made until she was standing fairly close to the mage.

“This is a dream, you know.” She began, emphasizing her next words by two starry furred bunnies popping into existence at her feet. “You can do anything you want here. Sing. Dance. Create. Make.” She glanced towards the ground, ears drooping rather animatedly. “...its been a long time since…I’ve seen any…” Just as quickly as they drooped though, they would quickly perk back up as the goddess looked at Fio. “You’re not stupid though, just adventurous. Otherwise…we wouldn’t have met, right? And uhm...sorry for calling out to you...I was just...lonely...”

She blinked.

“Oh…right, my name. I’m…Ithica. I was…a goddess once, I think. My memory isn’t so good these days…Oh, and uhm…if you want to leave…I can…sister told me I’m supposed to always tell people how to leave first. But uhm…if you want, I can…maybe show you more of that ones dream, later…”
Location: Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

With Fra being allowed to stay, the thrall would bid them all farewell and to safely return.

Akyasha’s gorebats chittered in response, swiftly leaving the cleric and setting out to scout they town, likely to return shortly as they disappeared beyond one of the buildings. So Giselle would be the first to encounter the humans of this darkened, new world they found themselves in. The humans in question?

A group of about five men wearing worn and old vests over black shirts and comfortable looking trousers, though it was clean and well kept if some were frayed and old. Most were sporting disheveled, unkempt hair and a few hadn’t shaved in awhile. A few were carrying silver lanterns on their hips, while one was carrying a torch and a few scraggly looking vegetables. Upon hearing the voice of someone unfamiliar all five immediately jumped in fright, quickly scrambling a few feet away from the source of the voice.

They were standing around what seemed to be a small storage, or perhaps, what functioned as some sort of forward lookout post. It was nothing more than a shack with a desk, a chair, and what seemed to be a large bell on top of its doorway with a string that could easily let it ring. The area was about as well illuminated as one could hope for, enough for everyone to see Giselle and each other, but not much beyond the lantern hanging on the ruined wall which meant Dragan and Akyasha were as of yet not seen immediately by them.

“Gods Lass don’t scare a man like that.” One would gruffly reply.

“Traveler? Are you mad? How’d you survive out there?”

“And with a kid…have you lost your senses?”

“...but doesn’t something seem a bit off about them?”

The mood turned a bit tense, as the five men stared down Giselle, one glancing over towards Luna.

“...what’s your name Lass. What are you doing here? Where you from?”

“You don’t think they’re…demons…do you?” One whispered.

“I don’t think a demon would wait before killing us.” Another replied, glancing to Aleksiya. “...was your…village destroyed? We don’t have much here, but as long as you don’t cause trouble no one will mind you bein’ here. Save Julene, maybe. Poor lass works herself to death trying to keep us safe…”

One of Akyasha’s Gorebats returned at the end of the conversation, chittering quietly in reply.

“Woman. Near river. Undead. Sea.”

The second would return moments later.

“Beast-men. Forest. Smells like one of us…this way…”

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

How foolish, choosing to die rather than to live. I suppose, you could keep sleeping, but on the other hand…your crew is being awfully…insensitive right now. On your feet, captain. I command thee as your benefactor, wake…up.

All at once, your existence came back into being.

Ripped from whatever afterlife that had awaited the undead in this cold, lightless world your senses would suddenly snap back into reality as though you had been in a long, deep slumber. Instead of some bed or ornate bed, however, Captain Fellborn found himself dangling over the precipice of a chasm, where below angry waves crashed along the shoreline, his head and right arm, reaching for it while the rest of his body was precariously inches from rolling off into the stormy sea below. He could see a veritable ship graveyard. Wooden planks, old masts and parts of old ships extending out into the roiling sea below creating a traversable, if precarious maze of ships.

As he’d right himself, he’d realize he was in the corpse of a ship. The stern of some old, weathered ship precariously having been perched on a rocky cliffside, the bow long since fallen into the rocky, watery grave below. Though in the old days, much trade was conducted with airships and machines of flight, ocean frigates such as these never had gone completely away for multiple reasons. Piracy, money, or a whole plethora of reasons.

The inside of the ship was rotten and weary, severe water damage having eaten away many of the planks, the salty sea air tainting and deteriorating the wood even further as he’d get to his feet, the wooden carcass creaking in a strong breeze. Whatever had once furnished this place, was long since looted and taken aside from old chests, chairs, and a desk that was cut in half.

The only notable presence was that of another person.

A blind folded woman in a maids uniform. Long violet hair tied in twintails hung from her shoulder as she’d be leaning idly against the desk, arms folded, gazing at Captain Fellborn from under the blindfold with some manner of seeming derision.

“On your feet. And careful. I don’t fancy fishing your corpse out of the ocean a second time. Those paladins really didn’t want anyone finding you, putting your corpse in a metal coffin and tossing you to the bottom of the oceans…” A neutral, but serious tone of voice came from the woman as she’d tap one of her fingers lightly against her arm.

“Captain Fellborn, do you know why you are once more among the mostly living? My mistress demands it.” She’d answer before he would have a moment to. “Make no mistake, this isn’t a charity we have a request to make of you, and in return, we shall see to it that you are compensated accordingly.”

Defiance. The voices raged, swirling around her in a tempest of malice and hatred. It wanted her to stay. It wanted her. It wouldn’t accept any other outcome. The ground beneath Fio began to waver, the ground finally collapsing and something grabbing her leg, trying to pull her down, to keep her here.

Yet -

It was not to be, not today at least.

Something would grab her wrist, pulling her from the other direction. Briefly, she’d be dangling above the sea of hate and malice, as it roiled and bubbled beneath her until she was quickly pulled upwards, a calming, peaceful presence washing away the malice, and just in time as the warding sigils covering her body had nearly, almost, completely burned away.

As she was pulled away from here, however, Fio would briefly get a look at something behind her. Dozens of arms was trying to pull themselves out of the muck and grime, but before she could see completely, she was finally pulled completely away from this realm.

And she’d find herself falling once more. A shorter fall, thankfully, as she’d soon find herself being surprisingly gently landing on a pool of water.

Getting to her feet, she was in some…odd realm again.

Where was she? The malice was gone, Cethlann’s memories were nowhere to be seen. She was in an endless expanse of shallow, ankle deep water. The stars and various planets twinkled above, and in the distance she could see a structure of some sort reaching high into the sky.

More immediately, though, Fio could a swirling vortex of water, gently, lazily, rhythmically spinning. In the middle of the swirling water, she could see a single entity.

A girl dressed in a long, dark blue robe flecked with specks of white, ethereal looking rabbit ears protruding from her head. with short cut black hair and deep, dark blue eyes. She couldn’t be very old, and wasn’t much taller than Fio was.

Looking at her made Fio sleepy for some reason.

“Oh, good…you lived...” The voice that had been guiding her so far was this girls it seemed. It reverberated through the entire area, almost sounding as it was coming from everywhere at once. Somehow though, Fio got the distinct feeling the girl was somewhat disappointed.

“What a terrible dream…but how exciting…maybe I’ll write it down to tell a story later…” The vortex of water slowled, eventually until it completely dissipated. The young woman would gaze at Fio with sleepy eyes from a distance, not deciding to approach. “Are you here to tell me more stories? Make more dreams for me? Maybe sing a lullaby?”

The fireball slammed into the floral demon, resulting in shrieks and hisses from the creature as it’d roll off Yuisa, rolling on the ground and trying in vain to put out the flames as it burned to cinders from the demons jet of fire.

“Nngh, probably some sort of poison.” Yuisa mentioned with a grimace. “Its odd the wound isn’t bleeding as much as it is otherwise…” The human grunted, getting to her feet. “Well, good to know those things are hostile to just me, huh.” She narrowed her eyes at the demon. “Looks like you’ll have to babysit me, doesn’t it?”

Whatever the cultist was thinking, it was hard to tell, but she didn’t seem like she was glad about this particular situation.

From somewhere below, something rumbled, and the two could hear something chittering in the darkness of the hallway beyond. The hallway from here split off into several rooms of little importance, and a long hallway that seemed to lead to a sublevel that seemed full of what was likely prison cells. A few odd broken glass tubes could be seen, too, whatever was inside of them long since broken out. The only other way was a set of stairs leading up into some tower like structure and a door that seemed to lead outwards into a snowy courtyard.

@Click This

“Hmhm, It is true, the Death Goddess is not one we would ourselves openly involve ourselves with…but what do you know of the Death Goddess, Lissa? As an envoy surely you should know as such.” She’d flash the Raam a teasing smile. “That witch is in penance, I’m sure of it. The Death Goddess would never let an enemy of hers live unless they are paying some price or service to her. In such cases, they are likely forbidden from using any magics. No doubt she has the death goddess watching her every move for any moment she behaves out of line.”

“Do you have another suggestion?” The Yaga elder replied gruffly. “They’re not likely to just give it to you either way.”

@crimson Paladin

A decent enough plan. Between the patrols, Novak would slip into the forest. Ayumi wouldn’t be too far behind, soon joining Novak with a yip and trotting along behind him. The forest wasn’t too hard to navigate, though the gentle snowfall was quickly making any footprints that were left behind disappear into white.

Aside from having to hide from a few unexpected Krysa popping up in the forest though, Novak wouldn’t have much of an issue as he’d trek through the forest until Ayumi perked her nose up into the air, taking a brief look around before running off away from the main area the guards seemed to be patrolling, stopping only once, turning around, and yipping at Novak to follow.

Soon, he’d find himself coming across a snowy cabin in the woods. Smoke, gently rising from a chimney. A few logs stacked by the door, and animal and bone charms hung in a nearby window, while on the door of the cabin itself seemed to be engraved with some sort of magical sigil. Ayumi had run up to it, but hadn’t touched the door itself yet, seemingly considering whether or not she should.

Didn’t seem like anyone else was here, though.

@Cu Chulainn

As he asked his question, Raelzeth’s eyes widened, quickly glancing to the side and letting out a sigh of relief as he’d say the request was a joke.

“Pfft, of course I could work with steel. I’m the best stonesinger in all of the dwarven tunnels and Gloomhaven!” She’d chuckle smugly. “But wow, you took down that thing like it was nothing!” She’d walk over to the now deceased beast. “I’m not sure how much ore we could get from it, but this thing was pretty dense, I think? And very pure as far as Iron goes from what I felt.”

Dragging it back to the village though, was something of a feat in and of itself. To say the beast was heavy, was an understatement. Even if they stopped for a few moments and made a makeshift sled from some tree branches and rope, moving the beast was a superhuman effort, with Raelzeth helping every now and then with her stone singing to help make it lighter and a bit easier if she could.

Ultimately though, it would eventually be nightfall by the time the pair returned, dragging the beast right in front of Asvar’s shop. Strangely Raelzeth had been pretty quiet for the remainder of the trip, not bothering to speak much.

Upon returning, Raelzeth wouldn’t immediately go in, seemingly thinking about something.

@Raineh Daze

"Ahem, apologies, your mom just has an unforgettable face." Cecillia glanced towards the Lillette with her usual roguish smile, consequences be dammed. "A pleasure to meet the both of you, Lilia, Ithainne." She'd turn her attention back towards the spider lady. "To small huh? Try me, miss. I'm sure we could figure something out? I've been told I'm fairly good with my footwork."

"Are you just going to ignore one of the original knights standing right in front of us!?"


"You do realize she could probably kill you with that glare of hers alone?"

"Yeeeees? Your point?"

"I don't imagine anyone here would be so flippant as you...haa, just don't do anything dumb-"

"A-ahem, anyways," Cecil offered the both of them a smile. "Or maybe I could take the both of you for a dance or some such?"

-the heroic knight is here!-

@Crimson Paladin@Psyker Landshark

And the day had been going so well for him, too. He was here at the ball, like expected. No way he wouldn't have been, obviously. This was only a ball for the best knights in the realm, after all which he just so happened to be an esteemed member of. In all, it was a fairly good day, and nothing at all could possibly ruin it - Mood crashed almost instantly upon his eyes falling on someone he absolutely did not wish to see. Why on earth was Renar here? As his younger brother shuffled past, breathing an irritable greeting under his breath he couldn't help but to respond in kind.

"Indeed, it was little brother." He'd quietly snap back, watching Renar walk away towards another member of the Iron roses. There was no need to get worked up about this, was there? None at all -

He visibly felt one of his eyebrows twitch as Renar and Sir Fleuri speaking.

"Ah yes, I suppose congratulations are in order. The Iron Roses certainly did do well cleaning up that whole mess. Sir Renar was taking them out like weeds, eh? Quite the feat, though I must say it rather pales in comparison to singlehandly slaying a troll. It was quite a difficult fight, but nothing I couldn't handle."
Nids End

As Luna approached, the fight commenced. The elf spared not a glance towards Luna, entirely focused on the behemoth of an enemy in front of her. She brandished her blade, holding it in front of her with a surprising amount of grace as she’d stare down the single eyed fomorian. The creature bellowed out a laugh, obviously enjoying this little show as much as the elves seemed to be.

He would strike first, using his impressive size and weight as a weapon to engage with the elf with his bare hands, striking downwards with his fist. The elf, in response, danced to the side, swift as the wind and causing the strike to miss completely, slamming into the ground and kicking up some sand.

The elf followed the attack with one of her own, slicing into the flesh of the cyclopean mans knees, the blade easily cutting through the thick flesh and rudimentary armor he was wearing.

“Oi, its a human!”

“So it is! I’ve never seen one before.”

The rest of the elves immediately acknowledged her presence though, a few getting up from where they were sitting, though the one playing the flute gave her a friendly wave and kept playing an energetic tune.

“Oh, oh, maybe she can help us?”

“You think? We are strangers here, and Lady Sarah would probably welcome it.” Finally, after a bit more discussion one would wave Luna over with a friendly smile.

“Hail, friend. I can’t say we’re from across the sea, but well met nonetheless.” He’d glance over towards the fight that was happening. “Take a seat by the fire if you want. Lady Sarah - the lass fighting there - would probably like speaking with you once she’s done with that.” Sucaria remained quiet, though Luna could tell she was still uneasy. “Don’t worry about them, by the way, just a bit of fun before dinner.”

Airedale keep -> Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“Got it. Will make them talk.” Lugh nodded, before scampering off towards the center of the village.

“That boy could learn to take it slow sometimes.” Elnith chuckled, turning briefly towards Ethelred as she’d leave. “Be careful…fear makes people behave rashly, Ethelred.” She’d say no more as she’d follow after Lugh who was already trying his boyish charm on some of the locales who were more flustered than anything, it seemed.

So Ethelred would walk up to a nearby house, pounding on its door loudly like an unwelcome winter air. Immediately from within, there was a shout, followed by the sound of something behind dragged.

“Go away you fiend! You won’t take me or anyone in this house!” From the houses second floor though, Ethelred could see a rather plain young woman at him from a small window on the second floor, her amber eyes peering at him curiously.

“...you’re not an unseelie.” She’d state, rather flatly. “What are you, some sort of ice man from the north or something?”

Airedale Forests

“I could tell you, but it’d probably go over your head.” The mage replied in a curt, smug manner with a catlike grin, still scribbling into the soft earth more. “But if you insist - i’m simply using a field of magical energy collected from this forest and earth in order to create a barrier that blurs reality and separates one's physical senses from it in a localized, designated area, thus creating imaginary things that have real and actual effects on the area within it.”

She seemed rather proud of that explanation as she’d finish drawing, nodding excitedly as she’d hold her wooden staff.

“But since I doubt you’d understand the intricacies of it, I’ll save you from a headache.” She’d move away from the circle. “Now, unless you want to experience it for yourself, I’d suggest you leave. I was alone out here for a reason, since these spells can be rather dangerous.” She’d hold her arms out, drawing a sigil in the air with the staff.

“Spirits of the deep, the roiling oceans, the rumbling earth, separate ones dreams from falsity,” Whatever she was doing, reinhardt could definitely feel a surge of magical energy from the sigil she had drawn, though what it was going to do was up in the air unless he understood what the heck she had even been talking about earlier.


A cry of defiance.

The angry shouting, whispers, voices roiling in her head demanding hatred only intensified as she’d double down on her efforts to leave. Whatever this was, she instinctively knew, that if this thing caught her, she wouldn’t get away with her mind or body intact.

She ran, the ground beneath her feet wobbling and becoming a bottomless pit of malice mere seconds after she’d pass. Blackened tar splashed against her skin, the realm turning a burning, dry red as the rectangular pillars burned and fell around her. The eye burning holes into her very soul as it watched her flee, demanding she stay, demanding, shouting, yelling unintelligibly at this point, all of the voices mixing into a cacophonous slurry of hatred.

And in front of her, the only pinprick of calming light in this realm.

It was hard to say how long she’d run for. Her lungs burned, body ached, the sigils were a tattered mess, but she was almost there. The light seemed as though it hadn’t gotten closer at all, and this place was crumbling faster and faster, the giant eye was now taking up most of the sky, suffocating nearly everything in this realm.

“Hurry…my power…is not strong…remember…this is a dream…”
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