Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

“I…wouldn’t recommend it.” The man replied dourly. “Julene might carry around that blade but she’s still no match for the beastmen…” he frowned, shaking his head. “Alright, follow me.” He’d glance a little worriedly towards Giselle but wouldn’t press the issue as he’d lead Dragan, Luna, and Aleksiya back towards his home.

Perhaps, thankfully to the vampire's sensibilities it was one of the well kept war era buildings that had maintained a good bit of its structure, even with the rough repairs made to it. A number of other people had also decided to use it as a shelter but upon entering he’d immediately move to barricade the door and any remaining windows that hadn’t been yet. A number of other people would help, pushing heavy metal boxes into place near the doors and tying them securely to the wall near the door. While the windows were covered with metal grates.

A number of other residents seemed startled at the sight of the three newcomers, but their pale faces didn’t linger on them. They seemed human enough, so they had other worries to think about right now.

“Alright…” The man sighed, turning to the newcomers. “Guess I should introduce myself properly, eh? Giles Fillaine At your service.” A man with short blond hair, a somewhat dirty vest but clearly he at least tried to make himself look presentable. “I suppose you could call me a bit of the leader here.” He’d turn to one of the people, ask briefly about how much food they had in the cellar before turning towards the Vampires. “Normally the beastmen will go away after awhile if they can’t find any food.”

Forest of Beasts
@Click This

The Gorebat chittered, still lightly pulling on Giselle’s head like it was pulling on a horse's bridle. She’d pass by a few ruined houses with people clamoring inside at the sounds of the bells, shutting the entrances tightly behind them and what could only be described as the sound of people frantically trying to cover and bar the doors.

As she’d come to the treeline, curiously she’d notice the last ‘row’ of houses or so were completely unoccupied, but she could smell what was clearly something burned coming from within. In fact, a number of the unoccupied houses seemed charred and like they had gone through a terrible fire. A number of barrels were seemingly strategically placed near the doorways or in exposed areas in the houses.

More interestingly though, was the beastmen in question. Unlike the sickly creatures of Alavaris, these weren’t little more than shambling corpses. In the darkness she could see them approaching the village, some moving at a more relaxed, languid pace. Others, seemingly eager to have potential prey.

Their appearance would immediately stand out to Giselle. They, for the most part looked some manner of human. Some had grown horns, elongated hands and claws. Some had grown leathery, wing like flaps on their arms and leathery skin. Some were crawling around on all fours, mouths contorted into a muzzle with antlers growing from atop their heads - were these the same creatures that had been slain near the pillar?

Regardless, from what Giselle could tell there were at least a pack of twenty of these creatures…and it was increasingly clear, these weren’t simple, mindless beastmen. Well, they were, but Giselle would know almost immediately from both their sight, and her experience with her vampiric brethren.

These beasts were the result of vampiric magic twisting humans into beasts and beasts into more human like forms. A bit like when a vampire skilled in summoning took aspects of various animals in order to fight…which meant, there was a good chance something vampire related laid in the forest.

The creatures hadn’t seen her yet, so she could retreat or get the drop on the animals.

Human Village, River

Before Akyasha could even approach, the woman had already unsheathed her blade and had almost taken off the vampires head in a swift, deadly strike.

“...Woman. I don’t know you. You’re not from the village.” The woman didn’t lower her blade as Akyasha explained both herself and the undead that were crawling out of the river. “You don’t think I don’t know about them? Why do you think I’m standing here? Because I like long walks by a corpse covered river?” She’d grumble, the rock Akyasha picked up sailing through the air, hitting one of the waterlogged undead square in the head, knocking it clean off.

“Damn it they’re-” It was about this time the villages bells were rung. Several melodic, but quick rings. Only a few. Enough to alert the people in the village and hopefully no one else. “The beastmen too!? Guh, well fine. Woman, I don’t know who you are but you best leave! I’ll deal with you after!”

She’d pull a mechanical contraption from her dress. A crossbow! With some sort of…sphere tied to the end of the bolt. She’d pull the trigger, the bolt, sailing through the air and slamming into one of the undead…and immediately exploding in what Akyasha could only figure was some sort of holy, explosive fury that put her on edge. Whatever caused that to explode would be dangerous for even the vampires.

“Don’t just stand there redhead, move outta the way!” She’d load another bolt into the weapon. “Or if you want to make yourself useful, there’s barrels filled with oil placed near the treeline in the abandoned houses! The beastmen loathe fire! I can handle these shambling corpses!”

Pirates End
@crimson Paladin

“Truthfully, we do not know.” The maid replied as Argus downed the blood. It tasted…odd. It was filling and certainly would return strength to him, but normally human blood would taste slightly sweet and a bit warm to a vampire and somewhat pungent. This maids though…cold, and slightly tangy. “But we do not care to find out, thus discretion is desired in this matter. It would not do to come into conflict with the Vampires, especially if one thinks this blade could be used to harm Ichor, for that is not our intent with it.”

The Maid gripped seemingly thin air, a spear of excellent quality popping into existence with a twirl. After giving it an experimental swing, she turned her head back towards Argus.

“For the duration of our relationship,” She’d say, nodding. “Cynthia. That is my name. Now, let us get to business Captain Fellborn.”

The path out of the creaking ship was simple enough. A small ledge that had gone mostly unnoticed on the right side of the ship. Cynthia led Argus down the winding, twisting, rocky path, the baleful wind and seawater battering the shore. It was a wonder with such a furious ocean roiling beneath them the graveyard of ships below had yet to sink. Yet, when they reached the bottom of the cliff Cynthia walked onto the rotten, waterlogged pieces of wood without a care.

“We’ll have to traverse this graveyard,” Cynthia began. “Not for long, mind you, and don’t wander off. The things that live further out into the ocean are beyond our current capabilities.” It was the tail end of her words, Argus could feel it. There was something here familiar to him, but he couldn’t quite place it. Out there, far in the ocean. Something would be calling to him.

“And captain? Stay Alert. Your old crew has taken care of itself while you’ve slept. It seems they’ve come to greet us.” Climbing out of the sea, onto the rotten planks of wood were skeletal remains, infested with seaweeds, debris and refuse from the wrecks around them, brandishing worn swords, axes, and even a few useless waterlogged pistols.

Cynthia was quick into combat, running towards the first of the skeletal creatures.

thanks for the help, hopefully the backstory and everything is good now~


“I’ve had worse, thanks to you.” Yuisa replied with a grunt, pulling her hand away from Vammy. “I’ll be fine as long as whatever this poison is doesn’t start doing anything…weird.” The rest of the place had fallen quiet, but Vammy could still tell…little demonic things running about below. The vines, whatever they were, were part of whatever demonic infection had taken over this place.

Heading up the stairs, the pair would soon find themselves at the top of what was some sort of lookout tower. It had a full three hundred sixty degree view over the singular piece of island land they found themselves on. In the room itself, was a skeletal human corpse holding a key, and a faded, old journal. Much of the text was illegible but there was some that she could read.

Well, it was nothing else important here save for the key. A bronze construct with lines chiseled on one side of it, though what it was for was up in the air.


The voices fell silent for a few long, tense seconds.

Followed by a pleading request

“Sister no!”

There was the sound of someone running, and Finnegan would have only a few seconds before a sharp blade of water snapped the spear he was using right in half. He’d have only a few seconds to process the sight of two valtem.

One looked much like what Finnegan had expected they would. Bipedal, black scales covering her body and brandishing a sword and shield and wearing rudimentary armor.

The second was surlier, and lacking any clothes but a harpoon gripped tightly in her hands.

“Kill us? You? You couldn’t kill a youngling if you tried.” The scale covered one replied with a hiss. “This is no place for you dry skin. leave. Now. The only reason you still stand is because my sister begged me not to.”

Soyala was nowhere to be seen. Seems she had stealthily made a move somewhere else.

“...Sella. Why do you always resort to violence. Maybe-” The spear wielding one said.

“And what? Give them the opportunity to hurt us again? Sister, stop with your nonsense. Valtem and land dwellers can not get along.” The Valtems blade was drenched in water. Finn could see it slowly rotating across the blades edge.

@Click This

The mark itself was difficult for the Raam to decipher. It seemed to be old Krysan writing, but it didn’t seem to mean anything she could discern immediately. Continuing on, though, she’d eventually see more of these markings carved into the trees. Soon enough though, she could hear telltale words of someone speaking - a small group of Krysa sitting around a small fire.

“We’ve been in this forest for days now.”

“Only a matter of time until we find her. We’re narrowing down the area - just keep markin the trees that are the wrong path.”

“Hmph, if only she cooperated, we could have been back home by now.”

“We should just burn this whole damn forest down.”

“I don’t imagine that’d help…”

Well, that was somewhat useful…but maybe she could get more information out of these rats?

@crimson Paladin

The fox wasn’t hard to locate, having taken up a position on a nearby tall dresser, chewing on some animal bones the yaga apparently was keeping up there for some reason. She was trying to jump and reach the fox, but she was dreadfully too short to be reaching up there without assistance.

Once Novak approached, Ayumi would hop off, land on the girls head earning a small squeal from her, before hopping onto a nearby table and yipping from the other end away from the two.

“They wouldn’t be the first to look for me.” The Yaga replied irritably, rubbing the top of her head. “They haven’t found me yet, and if they do, then they’ll get whats coming to them. They can’t compel me to do anything. If they try well…” She folded her arms across her chest. “I can still use magic for self defense. If that’s why you’re here, you’re wasting your time.”

@Raineh Daze

"Pfft, ahah." Well, she shouldn't laugh but she was just so cute! She could tease the elf, but on the other hand, that might make her die from embarrassment, and that would be something she would reserve for if they were alone. "And here I was thinking you'd be taking the lead from how confident you were." She'd start with, taking Lilia's hand and placing it on her own shoulder. "Don't worry, just try and follow my lead, yea?"

She hadn't danced formally at a ball in a long time, but it should be fine.

"So, Lilia. You seemed awfully eager to dance with me."

@Crimson Paladin@Psyker Landshark

Felix's smile grew more and more strained the more Renar spoke. He clutched the glass in his hand hard enough to turn his knuckles white. If he had been alone, not here in public, he probably would have just snapped already and drew his sword. This upstart little halfwit, thinking the Iron Roses were even half as good as the Crown knights! Infurating, and his sheer arrogance! He would have rebuffed him further, had he not been interrupted by someone he really was hoping hadn't overheard all of this.

"Ah, Sir Adeforth." Felix greeted him with a salute. "This man was dishonoring our order and I merely thought it was appropriate to reprimand him." He could have left this here. Now that Adeforth was present he shouldn't really run his mouth. But at the same time, now that he was here...perhaps he could take advantage of this. "However, if you are here and you would allow it. Brother. You and me. Duel. Now."
Ill get a CS up sometime in the next day or two when not dead from work
Hiyo itsa me
Ill have to work ona more solid idea later but am present because bad decisions
Nids End

The alcohol was…odd. Not bad, but it was certainly not like the alcohol served in albion. It had a strong floral and slightly…grainy taste to it as though there were little bits of something inside of it. Whatever it was made from was certainly strong and highly concentrated too. She could already feel herself getting a slight buzz from it.

“...I’m fine, Lady Luna. Something about this place just…is uneasy.”

“Ahaha, that’s some pretty strong stuff human. Made with stuff from the forest’s fairy gardens you know. Surprised you’re not just knocked out from smelling it.” The elf laughed. “Well, if you can hold your drink maybe this will be a fortuitous meeting after all.” He’d glance back over to the fight before waving over another elf who gladly poured another mug for Luna.

Lady Sarah had deflected the blow from the Fomorian, seeming none to bothered by her foes impressive strength as she’d unstrap the shield from her back, impaling its pointed end right into the Fomorian’s foot.

He howled in pain as his leg was now firmly locked to the ground, the hefty shield impaling him into the ground. The elf leaped to the top of the shield with impeccable balance, using it as a stepping stone to leap even higher. For a few seconds, Luna’s eyes would lose sight of the elf as the next few actions happened so fast she could not follow but the result was plainly visible. Long slashes were cut into the fomorians neck, though avoiding any fatal blows. The elf herself ended up with her feet on either side of his cyclopean eye, one hand holding onto the side of the creatures head, ripping a handful of flesh from its body as her blade was poised to strike him right in his eye.

“Yield! I Yield!”

“...heh.” The elf, hopping off her foe, landing next to the shield and with a crack, pulling it from the fomorians foot. “You fought well, though your large size is the only ability you have.” The elf would say, the fomorian falling to his knee and gingerly touching his foot.

“You…are not any elf I’ve seen.” The fomorian grunted in reply. “Bwahaha, that was a fun match! I shall keep my promise and tell you what I know of this land.”

“Thank you, stranger.” She’d toss the large man a few thick cloths and some bandages. “Patch yourself up. I’ve a guest.” She’d turn her head towards Luna, briefly eyeing Sucaria but otherwise saying nothing to the servant.

“Hmm…you know, you look somewhat like her. Long blond hair, an incredibly handsome and knightly disposition but your eye color is wrong and your not perpetually scowling.” She’d laugh. “You can call me Sarah.” She’d hold out a hand to Luna. “Just Sarah. Family name isn’t important.”

“That was a fine fight, Sarah! I’m still impressed by your foot work.”

“Aha, well, I had a good teacher.” She’d grin. “Must have been a strange sight seeing a bunch of elves from boats singing, drinking, and having a bit of a fight party by the shore eh?”

Hjrelskins Fall
@Crimson Paladin

“I was thinking the same.” Elnith nodded. “Have you ever fought Unseelie before, Ethelred? I don’t mean the little pixies that cause mischief either.” She’d ask, sighing as she’d adjust glance towards the forest, narrowing her eyes slightly. “I’ve only fought a few myself, I’m much better suited to fighting Fomorians.”

“I’ve fought one!” Lugh eagerly interjected, following after Elnith. “Sorcha took me hunting once and we ran into it. Big. Really big! It had disguised itself as a tree!”

“If we go into that forest, Ethelred…for all we know we could be surrounded the moment we step in there.” Elnith smiled. “Not that I intend to back down.” And with a firm nod, she’d start walking towards the forest.

The thick forest and canopy cast a long shadow over the ground and the travelers, the shade from the trees keeping the forest much cooler than one would expect for this region of Albion. For the first leg of their search, nothing much was to be found. A few fomorians lurking in the forest, but such things were nothing new. Lugh could easily pick them out from a fair distance away.

As the day dragged on, it looked as though it might be a fruitless search…up until the pair would hear it first. A shout for help. Should they choose to follow it, the trio would come upon quite a sight. Small, green skinned creatures that looked more plant than anything living. Their body was almost entirely smooth and green, small little goblin looking things with overly large hands and three fingers, entirely black eyes and flowers growing from their heads.

They almost could have been mistaken for a small cluster of plants if not for the fact that were busy tormenting an unfortunate traveler from the looks of things. They were muttering something about playing a game and calling the traveler no fun.

They wouldn’t have long to decide what to do here. These things would be pretty simple minded, but viscous from what the three would recall from having seen them around a bit. Something akin to a common Unseelie pest.

Airedale Forests

“Eh? Are you mocking me? Listen here you little-eeep!” The tentacle, was not amused by being attacked. The sword hurtled through the air, embedding itself into the mages creation with a dull thud, cutting deep and clean into it. In response, the tendril did not simply drop the mage. Instead, it would choose to do something else entirely.

It leaned back, and launched the girl right at Elias.

“-eeeep, catch me catch meeee!”

It would follow this action up by slamming its bulk down on the both of them.


“Will you!?” The goddess hopped rather close, shoving her face incredibly close to Fio’s. “Ahem…sorry…I’d ask you to stay and show me more dreams, but someone told me kidnapping people is bad and I shouldn’t do it any more.” She’d pout a little at that, shaking her head and turning a bit more serious.

“But okay. I can help! It’ll be an interesting dream to see, eheh. I always wondered what a fomorian dreamed about…” The goddess seemed excited at the prospect if nothing else. “Next time you’re in a dream then, just draw this summon sigil. Or just dream me into existence next to you. There might be two of me then! That'd be fun, ehehe.” An intricate pattern drew itself on the floor under Ithica. A simple straight line, rounded at the end. Under it, was a stylized version of a rabbit curling around it, and at the top, a more monstrous looking one seemingly biting into the rounded end. Strangely, two small, jagged prongs shot off near the top of the pillar almost as if something was missing from this.

“Oh, and remember! This is a dream! You can do whatever you want here. Dance! Sing! Get married to a queen! Slay dragons! Slay evil kings! Adventure! You just…have to ask and I can make you a lovely dream as long as you want. Oh right, the exit.” Ithica smiled. “I can always give you a spook to wake you up if you need it.”

She seemed a bit too eager for that suggestion.

“If you wanna be boring though, here.” Water swirled around her, it slowly solidifying into a grand archway made of white stone. “Just walk through there. Really though, I can’t keep you here at all…so just remember, if you really need to wake up just…will yourself too like any lucid dream.”
12.000 hours


“You…gweh…was I got? I was got wasn’t i…” The demon still struggled weakly as Leoniya held it down, impaled on the spike on her wrench as she’d try and grow more tendrils, only managing to make a somewhat grotesque looking mass from her tail that squirmed and wiggled lamely as Katherine began approaching. “Aww, guess I’ll be going to sleep now, huh? Hey hey, human that was fun! Maybe we could do it again sometime-ow! Hey I already surrendered what was the punch for-!”

The demons body began turning translucent, causing her to panic and angrily struggle more after being bonked right on the head.

“Hey!Hey! What are you-mwehp-!” A brief shout later, and the demons entire body vanished. The orb Katherine had been given lit up, arcane runes and symbols being engraved on its surface as it clicked and whirred somewhere inside of it. And just like that, the demon was done and sealed.

Leoniya got to her feet, hefting the wrench over her shoulder.

“Fuuu…That was tiring. What was a high demon doing here of all places?” Lenoya frowned, glancing over to Katherine. “Oh well, we can figure that out later! Otlichnaya rabota! You did well, Katherine!” Leonoya pulled the Firbolg into a hug, shoving the other maids face right against her chest and started patting her head. “I shall put in a good word for you with Myrilla, though I believe she’s still going to give you an earful for you butt slapping earlier. Seriously, what were you thinking! You’re lucky she didn’t behead you then and there, ahaha!” She’d turn to the other maids. “The rest of you secure the area! We’ll use this as a staging ground for the cleanup operation. Do we have any information on the other maids sent?”

@Click This@AzureKnight

“Uhm…they…they were fighting…by the old theater I think…” The girl seemed to try and press herself closer to Polina. “But…they were fighting this really scary looking horned, furry demon. I…heard screams…mom and I ran while they…” The girl shuddered, shaking her head and holding her head in her hands. “...mom…” A sniffle, followed by more sobbing.

The old theater. They saw it on their jump down. The place was still standing, surprisingly, but it had been crawling with demons. It wasn’t far from where they were. That just left the issue of the demons that were still glaring at them, judging what the maids' intentions were and the girl that Polina was carrying. They couldn’t very well leave her here, but they also couldn’t really carry her with them, could they? And the demons needed to be cleaned up, too.

Once they had made their decisions, it simply came time to decide how to approach the theater. As they approached, it became clear that this place had seen the worst of the fighting...fighting that was still going on, from the sounds of it. Numerous corpses of demons lay on the ground, some of those large gorilla like furnaces, some of those huntsmen and a number of hell hounds and a few parts and pieces of other things.

The theater itself hadn't fared much better. One side had collapsed entirely. The entrance was still intact, and from the inside they could hear the sounds of fierce resistance going on. heavy metal booms and the howls of demons along with only a singular voice shouting in defiance. A number of other demons were quickly swarming the place too, as if lured by something.

They may not have long to come up with a plan if they wanted to save whoever was left.

Finn approached the tunnel leading away, carefully listening for anything that was coming this way, and something was indeed coming. Before he could get too close, he could hear it. The sounds of two people talking, clearly female just out of sight, judging from the sound of it they were slowly coming this way, their voices echoing off the walls, clearly not expecting any human to have made it to this place.

“Haa…that’s another dead.”

“...what do we do, Sella?”

“...I don’t know, Melleph. As long as the Broodmother doesn’t leave, we can’t leave, but as long as we stay here…”

“...maybe we could ask the humans for help?”

“Stop with that idea already, Mell.” The one named Sella snapped. “They’ll kill us if they even make it here.”

“But what about our sisters? If we don’t bring them back, if we don’t…Sella, wait…!” They were quickly heading this way, and Soyala smirked, positioning herself on one side of the cavern and readying her spear. She’d look over to Finn.

“Well, this should make our job easier.” Soyala said with a smirk. “We’ll remove this problem. Permanently.”

@Click This

Jolca would give Lissa some rough directions to where she thought the Necromancer was, though also cautioned her that the person in question didn’t like visitors and set up magical wards around her home, preventing most people from getting into it without some know-how on their part. Jolca thus, handed her a small handcrafted charm that should as she said, repel any sort of illusions or at least make them more perceptible to the average human.

So Lissa would head into the same forest Novak would have walked into, not too terribly long before. Oddly, despite the Yaga’s words of warning about both the wardings and the Krysa patrol, she saw nothing immediately save for some old tracks that looked like a man and some small animal, but they were quickly being buried by the gently falling snow.

The only other thing of note, was a lone Krysa in the distance, seemingly marking a nearby tree with some simple carving before running off.

@Crusader Lord

“Hmph. Boringly quiet. Was hoping one of those rat bastards would look at me funny.” Jivka replied to the Mothraki. “Well, feel free to stay as long as ya want. I’m not going anywhere…well, maybe not unless one of those rats piss me off. Might do something and get dragged off to prison if I do…haaa… ”

Jivka walked over to the table, putting up her feet as she’d lazily look over to Nylah.

“If you’re lookin’ for something to do, we could go mug those rats. Jolca keeps trying to talk me down but we’re not gonna get anywhere just from sitting here.”

“...well, I’d rather not end up on the wrong end of a Krysan arrow.” Eirhild replied. “I know they didn’t give us the warmest welcome, but maybe we could learn their side of the story?”

“Heh, good luck getting them to talk.” Jivka laughed.

“Yeah? You just gonna sit on yer arse and do nothing then?”

“Yes, because I like being able to do that when I’m not hunting.”

“...well, Nylah, what do you wanna do?” EIrhild would turn and look towards the Mothraki.

@crimson Paladin

The inside of the cabin was silent for a few seconds after Novak had spoken, but it wouldn’t take long before he could hear movement from within. A quiet hum was heard briefly coming from the door before it would slowly creak open. A pair of bright green eyes stared at him from the small slit in the door, and a few locks of chestnut colored hair could be seen hanging from the persons head though it was difficult to tell too much else as they were intentionally hiding themselves behind the door.

“...how did you find this place? I had wards setup to confuse people.” Ayumi yipped happily, seemingly pleased with herself about something as the person continued. “...I want nothing. You should leave before you lead them to me. I want no part of this conflict.” Finished saying her piece the woman would quickly and quietly pull the door too…but not before Ayumi managed to scamper her way inside.

“H-hey! You…whatever you are, get out of here!”

The door would be left open as the person would head back inside, attempting to find the little fox that had scurried inside. At least now he’d get a good look at the person in question. A yaga of somewhat difficult to tell age, sporting long hair and vibrant green eyes. She was dressed in a fairly simple attire, though it seemed a bit foreign to the area and what Yaga would usually be seen wearing.

“You come get your pet rat!”

@Cu Chulainn

Raelzeth looked up at Gideon, tilting her head to the side before realizing something, then shaking her head.

“...cant…speak…urgh-well…” She pointed towards her throat as a strained voice came out. She’d shake her head again. “I was just…thinking how I’d gloat about it to him.” She’d manage to get out despite her weakened vocal cords and obviously now hoarse voice.

“Ah? What’s all this then? Raelzeth? Ah, Gideon you’re back and…what in the sages wisdom is this?” He’d say upon seeing the beast, eyes widening just slightly as he’d eagerly walk over, laying a hand on the creatures hide. “Ain’t never seen something like this…it was alive? This is some of the highest quality iron I’ve seen!” He glanced over to Raelzeth and Gideon. “What do you want for it? I can’t just let you hand this over empty handed.”

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