Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“As Luna says, Fio. The mountains central to Albion are the home of the giants. Luna’s family has ties to the giants, so her judgment should be sound when dealing with them.” Sorcha replied to her court mage.

“As for myself, Luna, Fio.” Elnith smiled. “This armor was forged by them. They’re quite the generous people, if reclusive.” Her gaze turned to Fio a little, before smirking and seeming to stifle a laugh before shaking her head. “I’m sure they’ll welcome us with open arms.”

“The heart?” Sorcha continued, addressing Reinhardt’s concern. “...Hm, I did not think it terribly important myself. Such a cursed thing can only bring more curses, but…” A moment of silence as she pondered her knights question. “...If its a request, I can speak with the Harzel knights upon meeting them. Otherwise, it would have been theirs as per the agreement. Now then, Fio, Luna, Elnith.” She turned to the three of them. “You are dismissed. Feel free to leave soon as you are prepared. Luana…if you truly do have a desire to serve me, then join me in the throne room. Ethelred, Reinhardt, you have sometime to prepare, or join me as well if you wish.”

“Lugh and I will remain here to oversee Airedale.” Vyrell smiled, turning his head towards Sorcha as she left the room. “Ah, and my Lady, when you return we can discuss certain events where an important person was absent without telling anyone.”

“...A-ahem, yes, very well Vyrell.” Sorcha responded, swiftly leaving the room and heading out into the throne room, expecting Luana to follow.
I've been thoroughly bamboozled into joining and being the new hire.

I take full responsibility
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

The older woman said nothing as Eliz made to retaliate. Blade drawn, she’d hold steady, not wavering as she would soon be in Eliz’s strike range. Myrilla simply smirked in response, her blade gleaming in the sunlight as she’d catch Eliz’s claws with it, a resounding sound of claw and scale raking against the metal of the sword.

“That’s a good attitude, demon,” She’d respond with a sharp coldness. “Lets see how arrogant you stay after I shatter your limbs like your fragile ego.” Eliz would hear it first. Gunfire as Myrilla’s other hand would draw the pistol at her side faster than the demon could register. The next thing she’d know, was pain. Right in her head, under her chin as a bullet plinked off her face. The blade was pulled from her claw, a swift motion followed as the blade went for Eliz’s neck.

Something told her it’d be dangerous if she let the blade connect


“Nyeheh, why am I cute? Cuz my mama made me~!” That was Lyssa’s response to katherine’s query of why she was the way that she was.The pink haired maid paid no heed to Katherine’s protesting, carrying her swiftly into the manor, making sure to have a firm grip on the Firbolg’s posterior as she’d run up the stairs towards the opposite wing. Past a few other maids, a very confused looking Rosanna before finally finding their way to the sitting room.

“We’re heeeeere!” Lyssa barreled into the room, cat still slung over her shoulder.

“...You could have chosen a more delicate way to enter.” Sitting on one of the luxurious looking couches was one Livia Fiore, teacup in hand, bringing it to her lips to sip from the beverage.

“Ahaha, pfft, that’d be boring though~” Lyssa walked over, and proceeded to grab Katherine by the waist, and sit her down on the opposite couch. “Well, my job’s done, ta-ta, i’m gonna go raid the kitchen for pancakes!”

“...lively, that one.” Livia curtly responded with a small smile. “Unlike you. Maid Katherine Lindall, was it?” Standing behind Lady Fiore was another maid. Long, violet colored hair, a small pin on her uniform of a nightshade flower. “Perhaps I should have Nynnette here personally correct your lack of manners on greeting your employer.” The maid, Nynette merely smiled demurely but said nothing.

Doink, here she iiis~

Welp, here we are, the totally expected outcome for me lol~
Edited a few things since the last time I used her, but overall it should mostly be the same general concept.


Also interested in former enemy slot.
Julene’s cabin

“Eh? Family?” Julene cut up some beast meat, grabbing a few things and shoving them into a oven to warm them up. “Used to have a mum and dad, but…well, beasts got ‘em when I was little. Gilles and I basically raised each other.” A shrug as she’d walk out of a door in the back, taking a jug with her before quickly coming back with a full jug of water. “He’s older than me if ye believe it. By nearly ten years.” She’d set the water jug onto the desk, frowning lightly. “And what about you, miss redhead? You got family?”

Forest of beasts

@Click This@Asuras@VitaVitaAR

The razor wind rippled past, ripping at the ground and tearing chunks of earth out from around the vampire’s frozen barrier. The retaliation was instant, the spear lashing out towards the things beak. A solid thunk, as the ice met the hardened maw of the beast. It recoiled backwards from the impact, its larger body staggering a few steps away from them as Luna lunged towards its limbs towards immobilization. The blade sunk into the nearest limb, earning a shriek from the enraged avian as mystical chains appeared in an attempt to bind it.

Giselle was not close behind, her blade sinking into its neck, but the avian was quick to recover from the icy impact, bringing its beak down onto Giselle's head before attempting to flap its wings to put a bit of distance between it and the vampires, only to find its wing completely chained to the ground from Luna's spell.

It likely had been a majestic creature once, but now where there was majesty there was only decay. The feathers on its head had completely fallen off, revealing an emaciated frame around its eyes, dull sockets having no eyes, only voids where they should have been. Its beak, as long as a tree trunk and just as thick had holes in it, but was just as sturdy as ever and still multi colored. Its wings, mottled with decay.

It didn’t seem too threatening, aside from getting the jump on the vampires as it’d get low to the ground, its bound wing straining against the bonds and likely to break free soon.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The beast stared for a few moments, before its massive frame would begin to rise off its two front claws, standing on its back hooves as it would pull itself up onto two of its legs, easily now dwarfing Argus in height…and coincidentally, rather oddly, Argus would notice a sort of…seam on the things chest, running down from the bottom of its muzzle to its abdomen, almost looking like a…zipper, almost. An interlocking series of small horns.

A few moments to register this before the beast roared, dropping back down into all fours and charging Argus at surprising speed, its front claws swiping savagely at the vampire.

@Raineh Daze@ERode@VitaVitaAR@HereComesTheSnow@PigeonOfAstora

"Ahaha, she thinks rather highly of herself." Cecil smiled nonchalantly, ignoring Shaels protesting about being much stronger then a lesser spirit. She had to keep moving, though, as the arrows were drawn off course in that moment of brief banter Cecil quickly pivoted, ducking low and rolling along the ground and quickly getting back to a knee. Interesting, okay. She could likely draw her arrows in with that magic of hers. She'd have to enchant them to even have a chance at hitting this lady.

It was a shame she had such little mobility here, on top of that the flow of wind down here was terrible.

"Whew, almost thought I'd have to be a little faster." She'd question, talking fast and thinking even faster. "But that's fine, I don't particularly wanna take this whole dirty business seriously either." Two arrows knocked, but instead of a straight shot, Cecil arced the bow to the side as she'd fire. One arrow, carried by a fast moving wind in a long arc towards the woman from her right, while a second did a similar to her left in a pincer.
Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“You must be Luana.” Sorcha would respond to the hermit, unfazed by her excitement. “If you wish to talk about elves, I would be willing to at length. I lived among them myself for quite a while until a few years ago.” Sorcha offered Luana a smile. “I could tell you at length about their civilization and nature.” The Queen’s eyes slowly fell to Luana’s spear, and though she said nothing it was clear her sight lingered on it for a few longer seconds then likely was necessary before turning back to Luna.

“I see, Sarah…hm…well, no one I know at least. Perhaps she’ll make her way towards Airedale, we’ll be sure to give them quite a warm welcome then.” She’d turn away from Luna, walking by Luana. “A pleasure to meet you, we can talk a bit after this meeting. I would very much be interested in and if you would be willing - be knighted into my service.” She’d give Luana a friendly, if somewhat strong pat on the back that would cause the hermit to stumble as she’d laugh, and move towards the table next to Vyrell.

“OKAY! Good, you’re all here!” She’d shout, loud enough to be heard outside of the room just to get everyone’s attention. “I want to thank you all for your assistance and endeavors these past few weeks. Especially you, Sir Ethelred, Sir Reinhardt, and Dame Elnith.” She inhaled. “To think that a Wyvern Lord of all things would be the cause of that destruction.” She shook her head. “Dragons have not been seen in Albion since the time of the Old King and the fall of Varakel. To say this is…troubling is quite the understatement. The fact you could even slay such a beast is merely a fortunate coincidence that Reinhardt happened to be present.” A pause as she’d let the knights take in the words before moving on.

“On that topic as well, Vyrell and I have been corresponding with Harzelslack and a knight by the name of Sir Lonan. We have come to an agreement regarding said Wyvern. We will share half the spoils from it. We shall get the scales…and they shall have its bones. Its meat shall be split between us. In return, we shall also make a joint operation to clean up some Wyverns near the Llothbrokr mountains. Since we killed it, more Wyverns have only shown up and have been terrorizing the surrounding areas. To handle it, I will personally take Sir Ethelred, Sir Reinhardt, and Lady Luana, if she would be willing, on a cleanup mission along with Sir Lonan, his Squire, and another of the Harzel Knights. As for Fio, Luna, and Elnith, I have something more personal in mind for the three of you considering Luna and Elnith’s relationship with the Giants of the mountains.” Sorcha turned her head towards Luna. “Find us a Giant smith. One that can work Dragon Scale in a forge into weapons and armor. We shall have need of it.”

She seemed awfully certain of that.

“Fio, I’ll put you in charge of that operation. See to complete it however you see fit as long as we get ourselves a Giant Smith.”
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