Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

She was slightly hoping the shopkeep would refuse and take the bird away.

Life could never be so easy, could it?

The maid remained quiet, though, keeping the kitten comfortably laying in her arms and the bird perched on her head, doing her best to simply ignore it. Well, at least the cat was...somewhat cute, she supposed. She'd pat its head, giving it a few ear scritches and pets while she'd wait for lord Afah to complete his business. She still needed to do the shopping. Was it still possible to get back and do all the cooking before evening?


More importantly, though...

"...How does one take care of this bird?" Mella queried the shopkeeper. "As It is likely my responsibility I have never seen it before, and as such would much appreciate any insight into peculiarities, sir Shopkeeper."

Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

“I apologize, I meant no offense, I was merely…” The elf paused, as if realizing what she was about to say may not be quite helpful to the situation and instead would cough lightly, clearing her throat. “...well, I shall accompany you to Myrilla. Shall we?” Seig bowed, offering a small smile to the group before leading them on their way.

Whatever she was originally going to say, she wasn’t going to say even if Eliz pestered her.

The maid would lead the rest of the group through the well known halls of the Maison, from the entrance hall and grand staircase to the well traveled hall through the western wing of the mansion towards the training fields and the wing where a good portion of the training was held for new maids. Contrasted to the Eastern wing, where much of the operational and intelligence operatives were housed.

Soon they’d exit through a large set of double doors, heading outside down a large, stone path that followed the Maison around its Western wing towards the training fields. The only noticeable thing was Lyssa carrying a very annoyed looking kat over her shoulder. Seemed she made certain to take the long way towards the sitting room by effectively running a lap around the outside of the mansion, just to annoy Kat. She paused briefly to wave at them, and give a friendly grin towards Eliz but ultimately didn’t stop to say hi.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Eliz,” Sieg would inquire as they walked. “Why has a demon decided to help the Maison?”

Eliz, though, would not get very long to reply. There was the sound of a gunshot from the training fields, from atop a tall watchtower the familiar pink hair of Myrilla could be seen, a long rifle in her hands. A bullet grazed the demon's cheek, plinking off her pristine skin, leaving a smudge mark behind.

Myrilla slid down the ladder to the tower, and was making a beeline towards the group, drawing her sword from its scabbard.


“Eeep! Kat why you teaching these things to behave like that?” Lyssa chided the other maid, standing up and dusting her dress off as she’d stick her tongue out at the retreating doll. “Ehehe, well, I guess I don’t mind too much but they gonna get in trouuuuble~” She’d walk over to kat, giving her a bright grin as she was asked to be carried.

“Eh? Carry you, but I dont wanna. You look heavy.” Lyssa huffed, frowning a bit as she’d mull it over. “...hmm, but fine! Sure! Okay!” After waffling for a few moments, Kat would find Lyssa lifting her off the ground, the pink haired maid laughing brightly as she’d sweep the Firbolg off her feet. For a moment it looked like she was going to get a princess carry…but then was promptly slung right over Lyssa’s shoulder, upper body hanging off of Lyssa's back.

And Lyssa’s hand conveniently holding Kat right by the butt.

“Ehehe onwards!~”

And with that, Lyssa ran out of the workshop and headed towards the sitting room.

The long way, towards the Sitting room. That involved running a lap around the outside of the mansion, passing briefly by the rest of her squad on the way, but Lyssa moved too fast for her to ask for help.
Human Village, Riverside, Julene’s cabin - >Forest of beasts
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“...I remember those three.” Juelene replied with a frown, nodding a simple greeting to Dragan. “The Alchemist…Charlotte, I think. She looked more like a charlatan and a harlot more than any medicine woman, but she did make me some pretty good healing salves. Showed me how to make them, too. Those other two kept to themselves, but helped us with the beasts while they were here. Seemed like decent enough folk. That Rhea lady…” She paused. “...well, if I wasn’t looking at a bunch of weirdos in front of me I’d say she was the oddest thing I’ve seen all my life. Reminded me of stories of divine servants my parents used to tell me about.” She’d idly comment, turning her head to Giselle.

“...Frenwhat now?” She’d frown. “If you’re asking about the lamps, its neither. They’re Silver Light Lamps. I don’t know where we first got them, but the villages around here started makin’ ‘em shortly after the sun fell. They contain remnants of divine power. It's why the beasts are scared of ‘em just a bit. Not enough to drive a frenzied or hungry one off, but the light discourages ‘em just a bit. Helps plants grow even underground, too.” Julene moved away from where she was leaning on the wall, heading over to what was ostensibly the kitchen and open up a storage barrel. Some scraggly looking green vegetables were plucked out and laid on the counter top.

“I think the redhead wants to rest a bit more, lass.” Julene said to Giselle, using a thumb to point towards Akyasha. “You all wanna go to the forest, be my guest. I can’t leave…something might happen to the village in the meantime.” She’d say, pulling some preserved meat from a beast carcass off a nearby drying rack. “I’ll have you guys whipped up a nice good meal by the time ya get back though. Least I can do for your help.”

Assuming there was nothing else they wanted from Julene, though, getting to the forest would prove not too difficult, and whoever was willing to go would find themselves standing at the treeline, not too far from the river. From here, they could smell what Luna had earlier. Blood. Faint, but if it was this strong, it was no small amount of it from wherever it was coming from upstream.

So they’d cross the river at a shallow portion where the water wasn’t terribly deep a bit further down. The beasts they could see growled and gnashed their teeth, but ultimately didn’t otherwise engage, they were far too weak, scared of the vampires intruding on their territory. It wasn’t until they were well into the forest, past the foliage of the dead trees that the scent of blood grew stronger. What exactly it was and where it was coming from was unclear, but it had to be nearby.

As the group entered into a small copse near a tributary of the river, however…

They could hear it before they saw it. Something swooped overhead, a strong gust blowing past them and shaking the dead, old branches of the forest. The group had moments to react before a creature slammed into the ground in front of them, a large beak the size of a train lashing out with a gust of powerful moving wind, ripping the ground to shreds in its path with a baleful shriek.

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Good, good, eheh. Then, as a show of good faith I shall depart at once to try and learn more about this ship.” The Witch chuckled. “Ah, how rude of me. My name - Charlotte. Charlotte LaChance, if you must have a name! No need for honorifics or anything. Charlotte will do. Madam Charlotte, if you’re feeling particularly respectful.” A little cackle as the witch would close the journal, stuffing it back in her robes.

“Until then! Good luck in your endeavors and all that. Don’t dawdle around here, nothing to see. Except me, and if you stay I might start thinking you’ve fallen for my charms, eheheh.” Charlotte would offer Argus a toothy grin before turning back to her table, taking the vial of freshly taken blood and placing it in a protective case. “Valuable, Valuable. Can’t let those fools have it, isn’t that right…eheheh…”

Seemed Charlotte was no longer willing to engage and was muttering to herself as her fingers moved between various other things on the table…before stopping, perking up her ears and glancing towards the Pirate.

“...Say, Mister Pirate.” Charlotte said. “You any good at fighting?” She’d ask. “You may wish to draw that fancy blade of yours. A beastie is nearby and I do believe its spotted the beautiful flower that is myself!”

It wasn’t long before Argus could hear it, a low, bestial growl of some incredibly large beast, the ground thudding as it walked and came clearly into view.

It…looked like a bear. Sort of. It had a vaguely bear shape, walking on four leg, but also had the features of a boar. Its teeth had grown into long, deadly tusks that curled up from its lower jaw and curled down from its upper jaw. Its rear claws seemed to have deformed into deadly, strong looking hooves. Its fur was dirty, mangy and matted, and it stood at nearly teen feet tall on all fours - it could have easily crushed a full grown man with its muscle mass.

“...Ooh, that things pelt is quite warm. I could make a lovely blanket out of it.”

@Raineh Daze@ERode@VitaVitaAR@HereComesTheSnow@PigeonOfAstora

"This bitch!"

Shael shouted.

"I'm no low ranking divine spirit! Cecil! kick her smug face in so I can use her ass as a throne!"

"Keep it down!"Cecil retorted, watching her arrows harmlessly being deflected. Well, she couldn't say it wasn't expected that the mage would do so, but it also gave her a good idea of what she was dealing with. "And what's with that barrier?"

"Tch. As far as I can tell its a basic, low class barrier only weaklings would take pride in." The wind spirit replied, calming down slightly. "Chalk on the ground likely is its generation, or at least helping it, but without getting inside some way it would be hard to disrupt it."

"...Hm." Then, would they simply have to destroy the ground under them in its entirety? Maybe she could break it with a full power burst shot? "...Eh? Serenity?" Cecil watched, as Serenity attempted to leap over the undead monstrosity, only to be shoved back as the large blade cut through the rock above.

Right, she had to focus on the mage lady.

"Just so you know, she doesn't appreciate being called low class." Cecil grinned, a friendly smile as she'd knock another series of arrows, firing one quick, one fired a bit slower behind the other, followed by another immediately following it. That lightning was dangerous, she'd have to stay quick on her feet and figure out a good way to get around her.

Though she had ideas.

Playing fair wasn't exactly her strong suit in actual fights. The only issue was the distinct lack of space she had to work with.

The man from Barukstaed
@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@Creative Chaos

The man, for one of the very few times in his life...felt fear. He grappled with Steffen trying to move the large Ingvarr from him. Flueri's charge. His axe hand was ensnared by Steffen. Movement completely locked down. Unable to avoid...then all he could do was take the blow. Flueri's blade found its mark. The sound of steel ripping flesh, the smell of blood as the Barukstaedian gurgled in pain, neck pierced by the blade.

His grip weakened on Steffen, he'd find himself being slung off his opponent, unable to remain standing as strength slowly left his body.

"Gah-!" A pain shout as he was slammed into the nearby wall.

...a few seconds of silence followed as the dust cleared.


A loud, boisterous laugh broken by a pained grunt.

He collapsed onto a knee, barely held up by his axe. Another hand clutching his neck.

"Iron Roses...gahaha...to think I, would have the honor of dying by their hands." Another laugh, though quieter this time. "Alfrid Stormcaller congratulates you and thanks you for the glorious battle. Tell me, who do I have the honor of dying at the hands of?"
Airedale Keep, Meeting Room
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

“Reinhardt, good to see you.” Vyrell greeted. “I was just about to send a search party.”

“Luana, good to see you again.” Elnith offered the Druid a friendly smile as Lugh grimaced.

“...but tomatoes.” Lugh merely complained again.

“Hehe, don’t mind him. He’s a good kid.” Elnith gave him another pat on the head. “Her majesty should be arriving soon to speak with you, I think. I’m not sure whether you’ll be sent hunting any time soon or not, but Queen Sorcha is always looking for talented persons to call to her banner.”

“The fact that you’ve caught her eye should say volumes about her opinion of you, Lady Luana.” Vyrell briefly interjected, turning his head to Luna. “Lady Luna. I understand you met Elves out at Nids end? I’m somewhat hesitant to believe your report.”

Sucaria moved quietly, not speaking except for bowing to others present.

“There is no reason to question Luna’s report, Vyrell.” The Queen’s voice interrupted the conversation as the golden haired woman walked into the meeting hall, a serious, though thoughtful expression worn as her eyes briefly glanced over to Fio. Coincidentally, she’d quickly look away from the mage, a small bit of red coloring her cheeks as she moved towards Luna. “We’ll conduct this meeting in a moment. I’ve been a bit busy since then, but Luna there’s something I wish to confirm before we get started. These elves…one’s name was Sarah and they were in boats, carrying a crest of a Tree?”

“Reinhardt, before we begin,” Vyrell would speak to the other Knight. “To briefly fill you in. Ethelred, Elnith, and Lugh stopped some rogue Unseelie from interfering in a small village near Hjrelskins fall. Luna found some elves in Nids End, along with a sighting of the Ophiliest. I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but apparently its got a large following of Fomor.” He frowned. “That will be troubling to deal with when we have to. Oh, right,” He nodded towards Luana. “That’s Luana. Apparently the queen wishes to knight her. Helped Ethelred and Elnith with that Unseelie problem.”
Maison d’Violette

@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

“Lucrecia.” Livia responded coolly. “I can understand your hesitancy and concern, but I have a contract with this one. Demons, especially scale ones…while it is hard to get them to agree to anything often will at least keep to the letter of the deal.” Livia glanced at the rest of the maids, handing the folder back to Mariarca. “I expect you to treat her as nothing more than another maid in training despite her nature. Any problems with her, you report to me first, unless she is directly harming another human. Do I make myself clear? Now all of you, get back to work. I’ve little time for idle hands.” She would then, leave, heading for the sitting room where she’d presumably be until they had finished their tour.

Akantha was quiet.

She hung tightly to Polina’s leg, eyes hyper focused on Eliz, little hands trembling.

“...Ah? Akantha…why don’t you come with me and help me get a dress ready.” Mariarca’s voice seemed to get Akantha’s attention, looking swiftly between Polina, the demon, and the head maid. Hesitantly, she’d let go of Polina, wordlessly running over, making sure to keep a wide berth around Eliz before ending up behind Mariarca, using her as cover from the demon. Mariarca offered the girl a small head pat before ordering her to come along. She glanced one more time back at the demon, but shook her head, running off after Mariarca.

That just left the rest of the maids to bow as Livia left, before going back to their duties. A few glanced at Eliz, but none said anything. If they were to treat her like any other trainee…well, Lady Fiore was not one to lightly punish maids that went against her orders. As they left, however, one familiar pair of pointed ears and red-hair would move towards them. A pair of bright green, elvish eyes studying Eliz with a hint of curiosity.

“So…this is our newest member.” The elf in question was named Siegine. Another of the veteran maids that had been with the Maison for a while. “Strange, she’s much smaller than I imagined a scale demon would be.” The elf studied the demon in front of her a bit longer. “Hm…I very much would like to fight you, but alas, I’m here on business. Myrilla is in the training fields if you are looking for her. I was heading that way too, and thought I could accompany you all.”

Well, Myrilla wouldn’t be hard to find at least. Viatrix was likely in the medical ward, too.

“Waow, what a hypocrite. Smacked my butt and you don’t want yours smacked? I thought you’d liked it.” Lyssa giggled, taking a few steps away from the firbolg as she’d take a look around the workshop. “Oh, no reason though. Not like Lady Fiore has returned or anything! I believe she said something like ‘Someone tell that dumb cat maid I’ll put her in the basement as punishment for not being here!’” Lyssa said with a grin, completely being an instigator as she’d pick up a doll and grin. “Mariarca asked me to drag you there.”

Lyssa proceeded to pet the dolls head, giving it a few flicks on the forehead with her finger.

“Hey can I keep one? These things are cute.”
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“...I will keep your words in mind, but if she continues to help with healing I may not be able to take that decision lightly.” Giles replied with a frown. “But if you intend to head out, I’ll have a room prepared for the three of you. If you’re looking for your companions, I’d suggest Julene’s. Her home is…well, it stands out. Close to the waterfront. Looks heavily fortified.”

Giles wouldn’t stop the two of them from leaving, shaking his head with a bit of exasperation. An eventful day he’d need to mull over. For now, though, he’d see about preparing a room for the three of the guests.

Julene’s place wasn’t terribly difficult to find. Near the waterfront, and heavily fortified. The stories that rose above the others were stacked with barrels and what obviously were sniper nests, and from within they could already and easily hear the voices of their companions…

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“Make yourself at home. I already told ye ya could.” Julene shrugged, taking her blade into her abode shortly following behind Akyasha. “Other settlements? Mhm, there’s a few…though we’re definitely the largest.” She’d respond to Giselle as she’d lean her blade against the forge, motioning for the rest of them to come inside and finish talking. “Don’t have a quick and easy way to contact them, though. We often use runners to run messages, lamp signals. light carries really well out here. Only for emergencies though, some beasts are…smart.”

The human leaned against the wall, folding her arms across her chest.

“The beasts have been rearin’ their ugly faces since before I was born, but the vampire is news to me. If it is the source of these beasts, well…guess there’s nothing I can do. I’m good to fight if I hafta, but I’m not a reckless dumbass that’s gonna jump against something that can kill me with a flick of their pinky.” She’d grunt. “Undead are new though. In the past…mhm, thirty lamp lightnings. Dunno where they’re comin’ from, likely the ocean. Ain’t too far, but that place ain’t no place for people. Undead crawling all over it and there’s something there that sleeps in the water.” Julene shrugged. “Not much else to say. I doubt you wanna hear about the food problems…ah?” Julene turned her head towards the entryway.

“...More of you? At this point I’m startin’ to think people are just’ dropping from the heavens.” She’d sigh. “...or crawlin up outta the demon pits. Come in, make yourself at home. Those three already have. Julene.”

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Eheheh, aren’t you a most agreeable vampire. Excellent, excellent.” The witch would produce an admittedly large flask and handing it to him. “Fill it in whatever way you want. Now lets see…” The witch would pull her journal from her pocket once more. Now that Argus could get a good look at it…it was far too ornately decorated and well made for someone like the witch to possess naturally.

“Hmhm…what can you tell me about the ocean, little book…? Go on, wake up! I’ve not all of this long night, ehehe!” With a drop of the vampire's blood from her ring onto the pages, the book would slowly start turning its pages by itself, the seemingly blank pages filling with text. Briefly, he could see the words ‘Good tidings, Lady Charlotte’ at the top before she’d manually flip through some more.

“‘Thiefs End’ or ‘Graveyard of Refugees.’ I’ve come to the conclusion that in the old days people tried to flee across the seas only to be destroyed by a demon…a god? Or something from beyond the stars. Apparently a vampire was put to rest there, too! Too long ago to say but they say the dead there were cursed with grudges and hate…hm, no no not that. Further on. What is the ship?” The book would flip through another few pages. “The ship…and the force that commands them. I can’t say what beast lurks in the depths, but that ship is…mhm, it’s been floating out there ever since the death of the world. I believe some creatures have taken up residence in it. They worship whatever that thing below the waters are.” She’d conclude, swiping the now filled flask of blood before he could do anything else. “Can’t say much more than that. Eheheeh, I hope you’re not too disappointed?”

The witch, apparently named Charlotte, turned to Argus with a smile.

“That said…I’ve a particular interest in that ship as well. Specifically something those cultists have. Its the entire reason I’m out here, you see. Perhaps, if you intend to go at some point, Mr. Vampire…remember little old me out here. I could and would be more than happy to assist. In the meantime…I could perhaps try gathering more information about it if I get something in return for such work, too.”

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

Mella remained quiet. On one hand, making a fuss would probably only draw more attention. That and she really didn't have much of a say about what sir Reginald ultimately ever ended up doing. As it stood there wasn't really a way to so easily turn down the bird. She'd just have to...discreetly get rid of it at some point, then. She wondered if she put it in a box and shipped it across the seas would it be done with?

"There will be no need for that, Sir Afah." She'd ultimately respond with a mild frown. "I am quite fine with having this...thing accompany if you wish to keep it. Though since it is a gift I reserve the right to do whatever with it." She'd affirm, loosening the grip of the kitten in her arms as she'd move it so she was cradling it like a baby, paws up towards her and its head resting in the crook of her elbow. "I suppose though, my hands are rather full...miss Elastasia, was it? If you don't mind me making a small request to handle this kitten so we can go finish our shopping...unless you'd wish to accompany me as well?"

The dust settled, their arrows struck true...and the undead monstrosity fell, torso ripped to shreds by Lein's arrows and its head now painting the walls of the crypt. Cecil exhaled, having quickly already knocked another arrow, ready to engage the last remaining opponent.

"...ha?" Cecilia frowned, watching what happened with a manner of both curiosity and mild disbelief. Well, they were gone for now. That much was certain, but she didn't let her guard down as Gerard tended to the captain. It didn't make sense. The tone of voice was unfitting for the frame, and she was quite sure she had seen horns sprout from the top of his head. It was hard to fool her eyes, and she was almost certain that happened.

Giving Lein a friendly salute as he'd head back up for serenity, Cecil would take position where Fanilly had ordered.

"Tell me if ya see or notice anything else, Shael." A quiet confirmation from the spirit was the only affirmation she needed as she'd follow Fanilly and Gerard deeper into the crypt and it was soon clear that they'd very quickly find what was likely the conspirators. A voice. Female. A second voice. Male. Cecil frowned as she'd quiet her steps. If only she could poke her head in stealthily and take them by surprise, but that seemed like it wasn't going to happen.

"You know, garbage typically collects more garbage around it!" Cecil shouted to the witch, a few quick arrows loosed towards her. "Shael! Know anything about that barrier!?

The man from Barukstaed
@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@Creative Chaos

The axe swung wide, barely missing Fleuri as the knight stepped back, the blade in his hand raking against the armor. A miss for the both of them, it seemed, as the Barukstaedian grunted in mild annoyance, making a move to raise the axe once more and make a charging tackle towards Fleuri -

"Guh-?!" A grunt of another annoyance as Steffen tacked him from behind, preventing him from being able to properly wield the axe. He'd reach behind him, a strong hand grabbing a hold of Steffen's helmet, roughly attempting to just pry the Ingvaar off as the knife would meet similar resistance that Fleuri's blade had. What the man hadn't accounted for though, was Vier. He attempted to use the axe to deflect the blow, trying to keep the other man away but a miss - the blade struck true. There was the sound of metal breaking, creaking as Vier's blade pierced the armor under his helmet. The man growled fiercely as he continued to try and grapple with Steffen before he could put that dagger to proper use.
Nids End

“...so it is…” Sucaria replied quietly, seeming almost a bit sad though her neutral tone hid it well as she’d lay herself down on Luna’s bed.

“Mine? Not needed, human.” He grunted. “We’ll likely meet on the battlefield and kill each other sooner or later. I only helped out of respect for the elves and you as a fellow warrior. Nothing more, nothing less.” A pause. “But if you must…you can call me Irgoll. Feel free to rest. I’ll take the rest of the night watch.”

Unless there was anything else Luna wanted to ask, Irgoll would fall silent, sitting against one of the large, craggy walls and throwing a bit more wood onto the large bonfire. There were still a few hours left until sunrise, and the rest of the elves seemed content with sleeping for a bit longer.

When morning finally came Sarah greeted the two of them with a friendly grin, cooked up some breakfast for them and offered them several bits of rations for their travel back to Airedale. She said she’d like to see them again, and said perhaps they’d run into her again before they left. They eagerly saw them off, though Irgoll was doing some fishing out in the ocean, not bothering himself.

The trip back to Airedale, would be relatively uneventful thankfully.

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

With the Unseelie driven off, it seemed as though things for the village was going to go back to normal very soon. The small little imps had been driven off, and the problematic cursed tree had been felled. Luana would grow a small gourd, fashioning it briefly into a container and scooping up some of the remains of the Unseelie's innards before it completely dissolved. Whatever it was seemed dangerous...perhaps it might have some alchemical properties or something but in its current state Luana might find a hard use for it.

The village though, seemed relieved to hear that their trouble was over, though some were more than a little skeptical.

There was only one snag.

The house that held the girl they had spoken to, was apparently, completely abandoned. Apparently the man that lived there had disappeared into the forest some years ago and his daughter was later kidnapped by Unseelie after heading into the forest looking for him. Which…left some odd questions about who exactly they saw there.

But there was no one there now, and there didn’t seem to be anyway to confirm what they actually had seen.

The rest of the trip back would mostly be uneventful with little of note happening.

Queens Quarters

“...Y-you don’t believe me!?” The fairy pouted. “I-I’m a strong fairy. Let me out and I’ll prove it!” She’d shout, placing her hands against the glass walls of the jar, giving Fio the most innocent look she could muster despite her somewhat alien appearance. “I-I can tell you lots! And I can do lots, too! Lemme prove it, c’mon you coward human!”


“Mmngh, that was a nice stroll. I should do that more often.”

Before either could say anything else through there was the sound of something on the balcony. Or rather, someone. That someone being the Queen’s voice. Fio had about ten seconds before the Queen would finish a small stretch, pushing open the balcony doors and walk into her room proper.


It was definitely the queen, at least, but she wasn’t wearing her usual white and gold dress or her armor. Instead, she was wearing what was an exquisite red and gold trimmed suit a noble might wear at some fancy ball. Her long, flowing blond hair had been tied up in several braids, almost creating a little crown of hair along the top of her head while the rest had been tied back making it seem much shorter than it actually was. It would have been rather easy to mistake her for a rather beautiful man like this, considering the suit seemed to obscure her chest rather well.

She locked eyes with Fio.

A few awkward seconds of silence followed as the queen's face shifted from an embarrassing shade of red briefly before the color started draining from her face.

Before Fio could react, she’d find the queen scooping her up in her arms, shoving her out of her room and slamming the door behind her. A few seconds later the queen opened the door again.

“Tell anyone what you saw and I will deny everything and also remove you from this castle.” The door shut again, leaving Fio outside of the room, not having been able to get a word in edgewise and having the mischievous fairy still in her arms.

Airedale Keep
@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise@Pyromania99@Guy0fV4lor

It had been about a week since everyone left to deal with respective problems around the region. Cethlann had been mostly tight lipped, without say too much else to Fio, and since her first mental dive, the Fomorian seemed to have set up some mental wards to make it much harder for Fio to interfere in such things. She had also received a letter from a ‘Great Witch Morgan’ - one of the premier witches in the region requesting an audience with both her and Sorcha both, delivered by her apprentice.

She was free to decline, but she’d need to write a response at some point. The only issue was…well, the ‘Great Witch Morgan’ was the royal mage of Harzelslack.

Lugh spent the time training as usual, and Vyrell would spend the time interrogating Cethlann more through less than human means, though he’d make only a little progress regarding their plans. She was a particularly tough fomorian to crack, it seemed.

It would be early morning when the Queen sent the order - the knights needed to meet in the strategy room, and Luana would also be invited to come.

“Ugh, I still smell like tomatoes…”

“Hehe, but you don’t smell like skunk at least.” Elnith responded to a still somewhat indignant Lugh, who was polishing his blade as he sat on a pile of boxes stacked against a wall.

“Luana mean…” he’d pout.

“Don’t say that. She helped us quite a lot, you know.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like her…” Lugh rebutted, grumbling quietly earning another little chuckle from Elnith.

“Has anyone seen Reinhardt? Her majesty requested his presence specifically early and quickly.” Vyrell cut in, leaving the question hanging in the air.
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