Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Maison d’Violette


This was one of the most emotive scale demons she had ever seen. Perhaps that wasn’t too unsurprising, considering the circumstances that they had met.

“Patience, Eliz.” Livia frowned, resting her chin on her hand as the vehicle drove up to the front of the maison. “If my intel is right, and it always is, you’ll get to have your bloodbath sooner rather than later. I must stress though,” Livia would push open the door to the vehicle as it pulled to a stop, getting out ahead of the demon. “You will behave yourself or I will terminate our contract. I do not tolerate any disobedience and I can not have a liability.” She’d say, holding out a hand to the demon to help her out of the vehicle.

“Even potential liabilities as charming as you.”

Once the demon had disembarked from the vehicle, Livia would walk the short distance up to the front of the Maison, the lush, well kept grass a shade of vibrant, healthy green while several trees lined the area in front of the building, perfectly pruned and well kept by the maids excellent hands. She’d push open the door and walk inside…

@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight@VitaVitaAR

The Maison was still a flurry of activity even as they spotted Lady Fiore’s vehicle rolling up in front of the Maison. Several maids had been selected to greet her, standing on either side of the plush, long carpet that led to the main staircase, but a few were scrambling to get everything prepared. Mari, pocket watch in hand grumbled lightly as she’d glance between the maids, a few of her notes on their new demon friend and the door. Rosanna simply stood quietly, glancing in Lucrecia’s direction.

“...I do believe you’ve spilled the proverbial herbs all over the table.”

“Well, they’ll be finding out in roughly two minutes anyways.” Mariarca responded with a sigh. “Has Nynette prepared the meeting room and refreshments?”

“A little late to be asking about that, isn’t it? But as far as I am aware, yes.”

“I would expect nothing less from the first Maid. Then everything should be in order then-oh, Akantha.”

“Ah-Oh goodness sorry, pardon me…! I was a bit lost.” Akantha had been given a room with the rest of the trainee maids for now and was allowed to stay until they figured out what to do with her. They weren’t her legal guardians, after all, and Mari was already looking into her family. Viatrix had observed her sense she had returned from Cogsfell, but the little girl seemed mostly fine, aside from insomnia and nightmares and she refused to sleep alone.

“Polina is over there, if you’re looking for her.” Mari pointed her in the direction of the farisian maid. “But keep it down, the Maison’s Patron and owner Lady Fiore shall be arriving-”

The door to the Maison opened, the black haired woman took a moment to allow the demon following her entryway before closing the door behind the two of them.


Akantha froze as the lines of Maids stood at attention, before quietly bowing to Lady Fiore as she entered. Akantha froze in place nearly in the middle of the carpet before scurrying off near Polina, holding her leg with some uncertainty. Livia walked down the aisle, saying not a word, merely observing the maids present with a cool glare as she made her way to the staircase at the other end of the rug. Mariarca handed her the folder of papers as Rosanna merely offered a nod of acknowledgement before walking off.

Livia would take a moment to go through the folder before sighing.

“First of all…I am glad to see everyone of you in good health.” She’d greet the maids. “I heard there was some trouble in cogsfell. For those of you who took part in the operation, you have my gratitude.” Quite a practiced speech, it seemed. “I sadly do not have time to hang around nor do I wish to involve myself too much in your day to day functions. Mariarca and the administration does that well enough…however.” She turned her attention to Elizstrazia. “As you have likely noticed, we have ourselves a new resident and a new member of our organization. She might be a demon, but you will treat her no different as any other maid. And you, Elizstrazia, will give them the respect they deserve as your senior members. I do hope, I have made myself clear on that.” With a mildly disinterested huff, Livia would fold the papers under her arm as she turned to Mariarca.

“Mariarca, I shall be in the eastern sitting room. I expect those who took part in the Cogsfell forward operation to meet me there in an hour. Our new demon friend as well.” She turned back to the demon. “Until then…hm…actually.” She glanced towards Polina. A small smile seemed to form on her lips. “Maid Polina. Maid Lucrecia. Show this one around the Maison would you? Introduce her to Myrilla and Viatrix.”

“Of course, my lady. I shall make preparations. Is there anything specific you need?” Mariarca replied.

“I see one of our maids assigned to the greeting duty is not present..." Livia frowned. "Do give her a good reprimanding for me. Otherwise, I’ll have Nynette see to it if I need anything else. Focus on your usual duties for the moment.”

“Very well. I will inform miss Katherine that she is to be punished for her absence. The rest of you, get back to work. Polina and Lucrecia I expect you to handle this demon flawlessly. Give her a full tour of the Maison and make sure she does not cause trouble. I'll be preparing her work unfiform. I'll send word once its finished.”


In another part of the manor, a workshop reserved for more practically inclined maids and one specifically designed to help a certain Firbolg with her doll creation, sat the firbolg in question. She had been working the night away, seeing to repair her adorable little dolls. This meant…well, she was currently sleeping away the morning hours and completely missing the greeting and meeting of Lady Fiore in the entryway.

This, of course, was not something the maids would tolerate.

Upon not seeing the Firbolg there, Mariarca hastily tasked a certain pink haired maid with finding her and bringing her to the foyer for reprimand.

Lyssa pushed open the door to the room, quietly observing the plethora of dolls frantically working to repair the other dolls…and Katherine herself? Face first on a desk, snoozing away.

Grinning impishly, Lyssa quietly approached.


The hardest smack the maid could deliver was slammed right on Katherine’s ass.

“Kitty needs to wake up before Mariarca fries you, ahah!” She’d giggle, giving Katherine’s butt another playful smack for good measure.

@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze


Could she learn curses? She'd curse this bird.

Or maybe she should learn some divine magic so it laid golden eggs.

This was turning out to be rather annoying.

"I would much rather sell this thing." Mella replied with a sigh, admitting defeat at the hands of this avian. "Its a rare specimen lord Reginald...though I haven't a clue as to why it seems so attached to me." She'd turn her eyes up towards the bird in question. "Perhaps it'd taste good roasted? Perhaps fried. I think it looks similar enough to a duck to be quite delicious of prepared correctly and I would not have to purchase food for the evening if we did."

Mella walked over towards Reginald and Elastasia, bowing politely.

"I shall remember to bill you for extra curricular work." She nodded towards Reginald. "My lord, if there is nothing else then I must continue my shopping and prepare a meal for the evening." A glance back up at the bird. "Unless we truly shall be finding out what this one tastes like roasted in garlic."
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“Rikard and Rhea, I believe those two names were.” Giles replied. “I am unsure of that Alchemist's name. She remained in the building at all times, though we were grateful she helped show us how to make decent fertilizers and healing elixirs.” He glanced towards the underground fields nearby, the pale light of a silver lantern shimmering. “...for what good it does down here.” Giles brushed a strand of loose, scraggly hair from his field of vision as Aleksia spoke.

“You’ll forgive me if I’m once more skeptical.” He glanced in her direction. “But I have no reason to stop you from trying. If its that city you want information on, well…” He hesitated, glancing towards the massive, deceased beast not too far away. “All I can tell you is stories I’ve heard from my parents, and they, by their parents.”

He fixed both the vampires with a studious gaze.

“A cursed city…the place the undead scourge first took claim on their path of conquest. We’ve been told to stay away from it no matter what. Hordes of beasts, mutated and savagely mutated from curses and the fell power of the undead roam its streets while undead will seek to make you another number in their horde. A massive skeletal creature watches over the gate, keeping any from coming in.” He hesitated slightly before continuing. “My mom used to tell me that the Paladins left something there, buried far underground when they fled during the vampiric takeover. A source of divine power, they say. I wish I could tell you more for your help, but anything else would be mere legend, rumor, or speculation.”

He’d clear his throat.

“That aside…please, before doing anything else let me extend some hospitality as thanks. I’m sure you travelers are exhausted from the road. We do not have much in the way of food but I will personally see to it you and your friends are given accommodations as best as we can handle.”

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras

“You serious?! A vampire? Beasts in the tunnels? Is everyone alright!?” Julene shouted, upon hearing Luna’s account of what happened in the tunnels. She almost looked as though she was about to run off and help, but upon seeing some people tentatively leave their homes, she’d sigh tiredly, looking towards Akyasha.

“Tch...I should go help with repairs...but, I reckon if you’re here and the people are leavin’ its been taken care of.” She’d fold her arms across her chest. “Julene. Just…Julene. Only soul here who has any backbone.” She’d huff, glancing down the street towards the rest of the houses and people. “...not that I can blame ‘em. People here are too scared. What can a man do against a beast that can rip metal in half and all that.” She turned her head towards Giselle. “I try. Someone has to. Its not perfect, but with a lack of materials or skilled help its about all I can really do on my own.” She’d smirk, seemingly a bit proud of what she had created. “I think its good though. Lets me see anywhere in the village. With some properly aimed shots I can hit some barrels i’ve stashed across the tree line. Blows any beastie up before it even gets a chance to get here, heh. Only reason I wasn’t there now…well…I was out by the river tryin’ to figure out where our Undead problem’s coming from now.” She’d take her blade back from Giselle. “Thanks…uh, you all want something to eat or something. Ain’t got much but I got some vegetables and…well, some people here balk at it but the beast meat ain’t bad if ya cook it right.”

The Gorebat Akyasha sent of returned, alighting on her shoulder.

"Cold. Underground with steel man. Heading forest. Unsure. Found something below."

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

“Oh that old place?” The witch replied. “Hmm…now that I look at you, you look as though you crawled right out of that weathered sea yourself.” She frowned, studying Argus quietly. “I’m curious as to why you want to know about it. That is no place for men…but I guess you are no normal man, are you?” Faster than Argus could react to, the witch struck out with her hand, the sharp point on her ring piercing his hand, covering the end of the bone in the sweet, ichorious blood that ran through his veins.

“Hmm, yes yes, I see,” She’d say, licking the ring, not seeming to mind or even register that she had just possibly done something to offend him. “Vampire, aren’t you? That is the third one I’ve had the misfortune of meeting. A vial of your blood will suffice as payment and I’ll tell you everything that I know about it. I believe that is an acceptable term. Vampire blood could be an excellent reagent for some more…esoteric potions.”
Nids End

“Hah…this lot? Not a bit.” The Cyclops responded with a derisive chuckle. “Not that they care, they seem more bloodthirsty then the elves I know. They’d probably welcome the challenge. Odd, for Lymensari elves.”

“...nhn?” Sucaria only responded briefly, head still locked towards the enchanting, golden flames of the beast below as she was swept off her feet. It wasn’t until Luna had turned away did she seemingly come back to a bit of her senses. “...Lady Luna…have you seen my heart? I think someone might have taken it…”

The cyclopes let out a loud laugh at that before stifling himself.

“...thank you. That thing was…saying something. I couldn’t stop listening…” Sucaria frowned. “...Mistress can I sleep with you the rest of the night?”

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

“T…tomatoes?” Lugh questioned, wondering why he would need to eat such a yucky vegetable…fruit? For getting the skunk smell out.

Elnith remained mostly silent, looking across the now dead, hollow fallen trunk that had served as the Unseelies body. A brief melancholic prayer was offered, but she’d soon turn her attention back toward her companions and the newcomer.

“I do believe its a remedy for that smell of yours.” Elnith replied. “A pleasure to meet you. Elnith, though you may have heard of me. The boy here is Lugh.” She’d introduce herself and Lugh, giving the Tuatha a pat on the head, rubbing his ears. “The village we passed might have some tomatoes at the market or whatever general goods store they might have if any, but we shall see. It isn’t far.”

Suddenly, Lugh would perk his ears up, quietly glancing away from the group towards the forest. He’d frown, furrowing his brow briefly before shaking his head and turning back to the group.

“...does it have to be tomatoes…?” Lugh frowned. “”

Airedale Forests

Queens Quarters

“W-wa-wait I didn’t mean it!” The unseelie shouted as she realized what Fio was up to. Unfortunately, the small pixie lacked any sort of physical or magical strength in order to prevent herself from being tossed into fairy prison. While it was a question as to why the queen had these things in the first place (though it smelled faintly of some sort of fruit) it ultimately didn’t matter.

“Rudeness! Unforgivable!” She would immediately, however, start shouting about how this was the greatest sin in the world. “Do you have any idea what I’ll do to you! I’ll curse you so your hair is always messy! Or your eyebrows to fall off! I will I mean it!” She’d shout, pressing her hands against the glass cage she had been put in.

“And I’m a fairy! I go where I want! Its not like I’m here to observe this backwater village. I’m just here to ya know…do fairy things. Like cursing someone’s underwear to mysteriously be soiled or make someone's water taste like sand.” The Fairy glanced around the room, eyes falling on the bed and then on Fio.

“...hehe, hey, maybe you should let me go before Miss Queenie comes back and I tell her your...secrets!” What those secrets were, the fairy didn't seem keen on elaborating.

Demonic Bestiary

*First Circle - Blood Clan*

13.000 hours

“...I have defensive underwear for perverts like you.” Bernadette replied, quite aware of what had gotten Katherine thrown off the ship. The small engineer wouldn’t fight Katherine though, she wasn’t willing to put forth the effort so she’d let the cat cuddle up to her for the moment. “Thank you for the assistance…but I really need to get back to work unless you want the weapons to start misfiring at the most inopportune times.”

Bernadette would pull herself away from Katherine, straightening her dress and walking towards the ship's lower decks once more.

@Click This

“Excellent, I knew you were a comrade!” The rat laughed. “I was thinking about making some honey cakes for dessert, hm? That little pink haired firebrand will love them, I’m sure. You can start on those.” Between Leoniya, Polina, and the other maids in the kitchens the meals wouldn’t take terribly long to do. Lyssa would show up not long after either, strutting into the kitchen and rather childishly taking a bite out of the unfinished honey cakes, earning a swift reprimand from Leoniya.

The Galley would remain lively for the remainder of their trip home, back to the Maison.


“N-no…” Akantha replied quietly. “She took the scary one back there first…told me to wait out here.” The girl didn’t look up from her seat or towards Lucrecia as she continued. “Y-yes…I’m from the town…it was a nice…enough place, I guess. Mom was a secretary for one of the businessmen in town, and dad was a peacekeeper. Dad…dad….tried holding them off and mom took me and ran and…and…” She sniffled, rubbing her eyes, but no tears came. “The…the demons…they did such awful things to everyone…I-I thought I was next but that’s when…you all showed up…”

She’d fall silent as the door to the operating room opened, Lyssa bounding out with what seemed to be her normal levels of limitless energy.

“Lulu!” She’d grin, hopping towards Lucrecia. “Doc says I’m fine! Just a bit bruised but otherwise good to beat up some more demons.”

“How about we don’t do that for a bit, hm?” Viatrix would walk out shortly after, bopping Lyssa lightly on the head with a closed fist.


“Lucrecia, are you hurt? I can see both you and the little one, she might be a little more comfortable with you present…” Lyssa would wave bye to the both of them before heading off to the mess hall. Viatrix would ultimately lead the two of them towards the room, where she’d give the two a proper treatment and a full work over with her regeneration magic. Once done, they would be free to go, though Akantha seemed intent on sticking with either Lucrecia or Polina…

Maison d’Violette


“This will be your first time at the Maison.” Sitting across from the demon was a rather young looking woman, likely not much older than her mid twenties. Dressed in a full military uniform with short cut black hair and blue eyes. White gloves adorned her hands, pristine and well kept. “You’ve enjoyed relative comfort while you were recovering, but as per the deal we have struck, I will be putting you to work starting today.”

The vehicle they were in was something of an oddity, if only because they were still quite rare for anyone but the most well connected or the wealthiest. A sleek, black automotive, bearing the family crest of the Fiore family on its doors. The back of the car was excessively comfortable and posh, with two sets of velvet, violet colored seats that faced each other, a table that folded from the door…it was everything one might need to enjoy a long ride in luxury and in private.

“Just as well, Elizstrazia…you’re the only demon currently acknowledged to be employed by the Maison officially.” She’d continue matter of factly. “Try to behave yourself. I don’t need the other maids getting anxious. Not that they’ll disobey me…but let's not give them any reason to start trouble.”

The vehicle would pull up to the Maison’s gates, stopping briefly to let them open.

“Now with that out of the way…any last questions, well, now is the time. Once we’re inside and I assign you your squad, your training for both combat and maid duties will be handed over to Mariarca.”

@Pyromania99@Click This@AzureKnight

It had been a few days since the Cogsfell incident, and the Maison was abuzz with activity for one simple reason. Lady Fiore, was returning to the Maison after a long period abroad. The Clemantis was in the drydocks situated on the eastern end of the maison. As usual Bernadette was there tinkering away, and a good few dozen maid squads were being drilled in combat by both Myrilla and Leoniya out in the training battle fields.

A good many of the trainee maids and general personnel were scrambling around, cleaning, cooking, and making sure the Maison was spotless for the Lady. She wasn’t known for visiting often, even when she was in Alavaris so to say everyone was taking this seriously was an understatement.

“Are the Wards in proper order, Rosanna?”

“No, they’ve completely failed and I can’t do anything about it.” The witch maid would retort. “Of course they are, I wouldn’t be here if they weren’t.”

“Leave your sass at the door when Mistress Fiore arrives, would you?”

“I don’t intend to be present when she arrives unless I must, Mari. I’ve better things to do then sit around for a rookie squads debriefing.”

“As long as you’re present to greet her, there won’t be a problem.” Mari sighed, shuffling some papers in a folder she had briefly read over. A written missive from Mistress Fiore on a recent development a few months ago about them getting a new, potentially difficult operative.

"Its true, then? About us getting a demon for a maid?"

"...Yes." Mari replied, walking into the reception foyer. "I've yet to announce it as Lady Fiore has asked to make it herself...I can only imagine she'll find it mildly funny to drop it on most of the other maids." Rosanna didn't reply, merely frown and glance thoughtfully towards the door.


@PKMNB0Y@Raineh Daze

"I'll send you an invoice for saving your arm later." Mella confidently stated with her usual neutral expression. Now the only thing was to get away before the bird did anything like give any sign that she knew exactly what was going on or that the bird somehow decided to stay with her.

She felt a set of bird feet perch on her head.

"Shoo, bird." She'd say, making an attempt at waving the bird off. She had no desire to get caught up with any holy creature unless said holy creature was worth the entirety of the country in its net worth that she could sell or profit from. More importantly though, was the little kitten that had accepted its fate, it seemed. She'd relax her grip on it just slightly, adjusting so she could hold it a little better and more comfortably with it resting on her shoulder instead of being firmly pressed against her. "More importantly...for helping you catch these runaway animals, I believe fair compensation is in order, sir?"
Human Village
@Psyker Landshark@VitaVitaAR

“I beg your pardon, sir? Show me, immediately.” Giles demanded, frowning deeply at the statements Dragan was making. How could…why would someone do such a thing? He couldn’t fathom it, let alone someone among the villagers. Certainly some had thought that capturing and training or studying them was a good idea, but he had always refused. Too dangerous.

Had someone gone against his orders?

However, when he was taken to the scene, all he could do was sigh.

“...So that’s how it is.” He’d grumble. “This building was unoccupied, until very recently you see.” He’d hold a hand to his mouth, quietly stifling a gag as he’d observe the scene. “Quite a dreadful scene…ugh, anyways,” He’d glance towards Dragan. “Three travelers arrived some time ago. Asked if they could stay. We had no reason to refuse. A man and two women. Two dressed like they had come right out of the old world, and the third claimed to be a traveling scholar and alchemist, though her manner of dress was much more…shall we say, old.” He’d frown. “She made an effort to inform everyone she was just traveling with them for a mutual deal for now, but the other two claimed to be from something called the ‘Ithica Society’. They left for that damned city some days ago now. The alchemist left a few days before them, into the forest.”

Aleksiya’s own investigation however, would not go unfruitful. It was faint. Diluted. Horribly so. To call it the blood of a prestigious vampire lord was laughable…but she could feel it. Something familiar. Something ever so faintly familiar. A feeling of animalistic vigor…but also irritation and anger. An almost feral rage at…something.

There was no mistaking it. Kordelia…but what was she so angry at, and was she doing this on purpose if she was still alive?

Human Village, Riverside
@Pyromania99@Click This@Asuras

The gorebat chirped, a bit annoyed it couldn’t eat the human and was forbidden from snacks, but it did as it was told, swooping off into the darkness.

“Hmph, any gods that do exist aren’t ones I’d want to-Weh!?” Julene shouted, not expecting the woman to just pick her up so easily. She’d struggle only briefly. “Y-you put me down! This instant you hear me!” But alas, her pleas fell on deaf ears as Akyasha would refuse to do so. “Tch, fine. Whatever you fake nun, fine! Thata way.”
Julene’s directions would soon enough lead them towards a surprisingly well kept and reinforced home, from the looks of all the others. The walls had all been reinforced, remade, and several walls had obviously been replaced. The first floor had even been expanded quite a bit, to make room for an indoor forge as well as a general workshop it seemed. The second floor had well, been completely removed. One of the walls completely knocked out, a ladder leading up to the roof with several platforms along the way stocked with barrels and also what seemed to be toher supplies.

Intentionally done, perhaps?

“You can put me down now.” She’d huff, and if Akyasha didn’t drop her, she’d give the nun a whack on the top of her head until she did.

“Here. Workshop takes up most of the place…ah? Another one?” This was about the time Luna would walk up on the trio, earning an exasperated sigh from the Blacksmith. “...I ain’t even surprised anymore. Whatever.”

Forest of Beasts
@crimson Paladin

The woman, did not respond.

She’d keep writing into the small book she was writing in for a few long, awkward seconds after Argus responded. It was only after these few long seconds, that she'd turn around, and immediately set eyes on the pirate.

“Moons tears!” She’d shout, jumping back a few feet and bumping into the table and causing the glassware to rattle. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to sneak up on someone? They might turn you into a toad!” She’d close the journal she was carrying, stuffing it into her tattered robes. Now that he could get a good look at the woman in question, she was…well, she fit right in with these woods.

Short, shoulder length messy brown hair with yellow eyes with more baggage than an emotional nobleman from the old world. The clothes under them seemed to almost be falling apart at the seams, with just a cloth covering her chest and a small skirt covering her lower body. The cloak though, was the most curious thing. Well taken care of…but it certainly wasn’t something she could have made herself. It seemed older. Almost more regal.

A bone ring adorned her finger, made out of some sort of small bird skull.

“What do you want? I am a busy woman and have no time for idle chatter. If you’re heading towards that village in the distance, there’s a place you can cross the river not far down that way.” She’d huff. “If you’re looking for my services…I’m curious as to how you found me all the way out here, but stranger things happen. I don’t come cheap as a healer or scholar.”

"Ahaha, easy!" Cecil laughed heartily as her arrows found their marks. The creatures knees being severed, its arm ripped nearly in twain from the burst of wind. Fleshy undead were no more tough than men, really. All could be taken care of pretty easily...as long as well, they both stayed dead.

"Cecil! Stay alert something's not right!"

Was all the warning Cecil would have as the undead beast seemed to mutate. Tendrils of red exploding from the beasts body, coiling through the air and reaching outwards, immediately reaching towards the captain and those near it. Frowning, she'd quickly take a moment to assess the situation. Its weapon had been dealt with. Momentarily immobilized. Maybe if they took out its torso? She could do it, but it'd take a few arrows.

Which meant...its head.

"Don't have to tell me twice!"

An arrow, quickly knocked. An exhale. It wasn't often she pulled on the full extent of her magical abilities from Shael...but she might as well make the most of it, here.

"O Guidance of the wind, guide, strike true that which is impure - Shael, Windburst!"

Instead of a twang, there was a solid fwoosh as the arrow was loosed. A simple spell of both guidance from the wind, as well as the Windburst. Supposing it didn't move, it should hit. Should.

The man from Barukstaed
@Crimson Paladin@Conscripts@Creative Chaos

The axe swung, intending to strike Fleuri down. It might have met its target too, at least the blast damage might have...had it not been for Vier stepping into the Axe's path, despite it glowing with explosive, arcane might.

A metallic clang was briefly heard followed by a boom as the blades connected. A flash of light, dust and debris billowing from the area as Vier would find his vision suddenly jolted upwards as his feet left the ground, his sword arm straining from the impact as his blade took the full force of the axe's explosive might. He'd hit the ground, hard, rolling a few feet along the cold ground of the mausoleum and blade clanging to the ground next to him, his arm throbbing with pain.

He'd heft his axe once more, swiftly, intending a follow up strike on Flueri, but Steffen had other ideas. He couldn't stop Vier from taking the blow, but Vier had no doubt at least saved Flueri the misfortune from being on the receiving end of the explosive enchantment as Steffen rammed the man, hammering his shoulder into the warriors body, earning a grunt from him as he'd be forced briefly off balance, having to change his stance to prevent himself from being knocked over.

"Tch," He'd grumble, attempting to raise his axe only to find Steffen preventing him from doing so, grunting in mild pain Flueri would make a move to impale his neck on the knights blade. Unable to properly deflect or avoid, Flueri would find his blade barely sinking into the mans flesh, a shallow cut as he'd barely manage to move his head to the side.

He'd respond by simply raising his axe with one hand, arcane might glowing once more as he'd move his hand right up the haft to where the blade met, intending on bringing it down on Steffen's head at close range.

Of course, this was only a small feint. Even if Steffen moved, he'd immediately grab the end of the axe with his now freed hand, swing it around and slam it into Flueri.
Nids End

The Fomorian didn’t bother immediately responding, merely tilting his head up towards the hills as if she should hurry. Once at the top, she’d find Sucaria looking out over the craggy, rocky shoreline. The desolate, nighttime expanse extended far to the north, and along the shore in the distance she could see it.

A beast of some sort, walking along in the distance of the shoreline. It was too dark to make out, but where its head seemed to be were some sort of flickering, yellow fire burning into the skies. Pale and sickly, while various spots of its presumably extremely long body extended down the rocky cliffside and into the sea below. It was sitting fairly low to the ground, but she couldn’t make out much more besides what could probably be four legs, curled at its side.

More notably though, was the entire host of Fomorian’s that had gathered around it…in an almost worshiping like manner. It was difficult for her to make them out too much as well, but they were carrying torches of similar yellow fire.

Sucaria stood at the top of the hill, seemingly transfixed.

“We call it the Ollipheist.” The Fomorian replied. “Dangerous beast, even the brainless fools among our kind even avoid. The thing has the power to enthrall us…and only us. I don’t know what it is about that fire, but anyone with Fomorian blood aside from those of our particular lineage are affected by it.”

Hjrelskins Fall, Forest
@Crimson Paladin@BrokenPromise

The tree creaked in groaned, bark breaking and giving way under the strain of being assaulted. The creature, though was no longer singing. The Melody had silenced, though that sweet smell still lingered in the air as the crack widened and widened, as the thing began to shudder and -


The entire side of the tree facing Ethelred cracked apart. With a shriek, and a shudder, the trees entire fleshy bark began to shudder, its branches retreating back towards its body as an odd, green goo began leaking from the wound.

“NNgh…will I? Can I? Bloom? Bloom prettily?” For a moment, it seemed the tree may indeed have something else up its branches. From this green goo, at the very top of the tree between its branches where the crack was being pried apart what appeared to be a giant hand was reaching out…before it’d lose all cohesion and fall back in on itself.

“GGhhk…ah…no-no…to soon…too soon…” The voice lamented, the tree would fall over onto its side with a thud. “Ah, I’m sorry…sorry mother…sorry…I couldn’t…”

The Unseelie that had been surrounding Luana immediately froze, turning to see the felled tree. A few tense seconds of silence.

“...Ah, the bullies killed sister!”

“Meanies! Meanies!”

“Run away! Waaah, mommy!~”

The group would proceed to do just that, fleeing into the underbrush.

Airedale Forests

“I want to speak with this Queen’s Court Mage.” Rael responded with a humph. “I can not stay long, and anything we discuss is meant for them, not…extremely physically fit peasants like you.” Oddly enough, it didn’t seem like she was trying to say that as an insult as she’d head into Airedale proper. “You wouldn’t happen to know where the keep is, would you? I would erm, like to not get lost. N-not that I would, ahah.”

Queens Quarters

“Eeeep!” The Unseelie immediately knew she had, as one might say, royally messed up. From the moment her ‘curse’ if it could even be called that seemed completely ineffective, from the clearly outmatched magical power that this ‘child’ she had antagonized had begun to summon. The more Fio ranted, the more the fairy shrunk in demeanor and seemed to almost want to retreat into Fio’s hand for protection.

“Fio Fanny Fannise?” The fairy responded, tilting her head to the side, clearly not particularly feeling threatened despite Fio’s apparent rage or her deciding to hide. “Fia Fanna Fannise? Ahahaha, what a long silly name! Humans have really long silly names, ahahah. Fanny, pfft.” The fairy in question seemed to be quite amused by this. “Okay human you made me laugh so I’ll be so gracious as to not super curse you for this transgression of touching me. In fact, I’ll let you have the honor of doing a task for me!” The fairy would nod. “Your house is now mine! Don’t you feel honored, yes? A great and powerful unseelie like me giving you the boon of my presence! Hahah, you should thank me now!”
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